SEAMAN for Sega DreamCast Gillman Question/Answer and Responses Guide Version 1.4 Brought to you by PikaPuff This Document Copyright 2000 Jesse Dioquino Written by: Jesse Dioquino E-Mail: (Please put "Seaman" in the header of any comments) WebSite: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! ~ ~ WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! ~ ~ WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MAJOR SPOILERS S P O I L E R S SPOILERS AHEAD! READING THIS GUIDE CAN RUIN A LOT OF THE EXPERIENCE OF TALKING TO SEAMAN THAT MAKES THIS GAME WORTH PLAYING! READ ON ONLY IF YOU'RE PREPARED TO LOSE THE ILLUSION OF SEAMAN'S LIFE- LIKE ACTIONS. IF you just want help on what to say, read ONLY Section 1. IF you're prepared for many spoilers, read on. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Explanation: Seaman is an unusual game for the dreamcast. Some people don't even consider seaman a game. It mostly considered a "virtual pet." You raise it by feeding it, supplying its air, and make sure it's tank is the right temperature. Sooner or later you even have to raise the food for it separately. The main feature of Seaman is the ability to talk to your pet, via a microphone included with the game. That is where this guide comes in. The main point of this guide is to help you know what you can say to seaman during certain points of the game, and how he will respond. A problem with the microphone/game is that it doesn't always what you're saying correctly. It may mishear your talk for another word. Just be sure to talk clearly and don't use any long sentences. For this game, more than 10 words at a time are probably too long. Most of the time, you only need to say one or two keywords for seaman to understand you. And in my opinion, using only keywords to talk to seaman is the best way for him to understand you. Only use long sentences when you know he will hear you correctly, and when you want to show off to your friends that you're having good conversation with a game. Since the most important aspect of this game is what you can say to seaman and how he can respond, this FAQ can be considered a big spoiler. So I cannot stress enough how you should NOT read on if you don't like things being ruined for you. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % SECTION 1: ! WORDS % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% These are just a few of the words seaman will respond to. Your VMU will display a ! if said correctly. LEGEND: "WORD... sounds like, sounds like, sounds like" -WORD: KEYWORD seaman hears. -Sounds Like: Words you say that seaman may misunderstand as the WORD. -A question mark (?) after a word means seaman may be hearing a different word. Freak Dark? Sir... Master, sex Master Hello Cute Birthday? When is your birthday? Sorry Kiss Sex... six, sick Hey, Seaman Amazing Dreams Hot Tired How are you? I love you I like you Sh*t Speak... speak English, speak "anything" F*ck... FAQ Say Something Morning Vivarium Pokemon Pikachu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! ~ ~ WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! ~ ~ WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ WARNING! YOU ARE NOW LEAVING SECTION 1. ~ ~ SPOILERS AHEAD! DO NOT CONTINUE IF YOU DON'T ~ ~ WANT THE GAME RUINED FOR YOU! ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Updates- Ver. 1.4, 9-19-00: Started using a VCR, Q&A's from 20th on should be EXACT quotes. Added Up to 20th Q&A and Added more to all else Beat the game, hence why my updates are so few and far between. Ver. 1.3, 9-08-00: Spell-Checking a 58.9K file is an update all in itself ~_~;;; And because I like the number 13... so I'll submit this one. Ver. 1.2, 9-08-00: FINALLY!... caught up with all my Q&A's and everything else I've written in the past week. Of course... I haven't played yet today... so I'll be sure to get VERY behind again real soon... Up to Q&A 19 Added A list of where this Guide is allowed Added New response Triggers (All the cruel ones actually XD): Flick, Tickle, Hypnotize Seaman Cannibalism Ver. 1.1, 9-07-00: Up to 15th Q&A All Formatted Ver. 1.0, 9-06-00: I reach 1.0, and it's not even going to be a releasable version. I have WAY TOO MUCH new info to add (13~15th set of Q&A) that isn't formatted yet... just like the year 2000, ver 1.0 isn't a true "new age"... ~_~; ok now I'm just acting dorky. Ver. 0.9, 9-05-00: Added 12th set Q&A Added more stuff Ver. 0.8, 9-03-00: Up to 11th set of questions now. Added a little to everything, as usual. Ver. 0.7, 9-02-00: Added explanations to most sections. Fixed all of the format for the lines and words I haphazardly threw in this guide during Ver 0.6. Added a few responses to every section. Ver. 0.6, 8-29-00: Many more things updated. Will not be released until Spell-check and the format are cleaned up. Riddles section added Many more Q&A's added Few More Responses/Trigger Events Few more conversation added Ver. 0.5, 8-27-00: More Q&A's, Trigger Events, and Responses Ver. 0.4, 8-26-00: Added up to Q&A 7 Added more Responses, Trigger Events Ver. 0.3, 8-25-00: Added Conversation Added more Responses, Trigger Events Changed a little of the format. Ver. 0.2, 8-23-00: Remembered to use SPELL CHECK ~_~;;; Added Q&A 3, Added more Responses/ Trigger Events Ver. 0.1, 8-22-00: Guide Created (My first one, can't you tell?) Q&A 1&2, ! Words, Responses, Trigger Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Table of Contents ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -Warning -Section 1: ! Words -Updates -Table Of Contents -Section 2: Introduction *Explanation *General Legend -Section 3: Questions and Answers *1st Q&A ~ *10th Q&A -Section 4: Riddles -Section 5: Responses (??? And !) -Section 6: Events that trigger a response -Section 7: Conversation -Section 8: Credits %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % SECTION 2: Introduction % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Explanation: When your seaman is in his gillman stage, you are finally able to get some decent responses. Before, during his parachuter and early gillman stages, he would not respond, or just repeat what you said. The stage my guide is (currently) built around is the middle gillman stage. You can tell he is in this stage when he speaks in a deeper, more adult voice. Not only do you get varied responses when you talk to him, but he will also ask you some questions. Sections 3 will tell you what questions he asks, what you can respond with, and how he will react. Section 4 deals with the riddles he asks you when you try to move the big rock during his podman stage. Section 5 deals with what he will respond with when you say certain words. In the list of responses, I only list the KEYWORD needed to trigger a correct response. It is possible to make complete sentences around the word to get the same response. I only list what words are needed. General Legend: "Words in quotes are things seaman will say" [Words in brackets are not direct quotes; they are taken from memory] {These are actions seaman will do}: {Crap Shoot}- He flings feces at you/front glass {Yawn}- He yawns "Quotes with a -- following means it may be a misheard response"-- [ -- following brackets means the same, it may have been misheard by seaman] -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Events that trigger a response + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % SECTION 3: Question and Answers % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Explanation: A short while (few days) after your seaman reaches his gillman stage, he will begin to ask you a series of questions. This section will deal on what questions he asks, and in what ways you can respond. Most of the time it will be best to answer with a simple yes or no. Of course, you can also answer these with "yup", "yeah", "nah," and possibly more slang. The first two parts before section one deal with what he says when he wants to ask you a question. When he asks/says these statements, you only need reply with ANYTHING (! and ??? responses both work), and then you will be asked a question. If you don't reply when seaman wants to talk, he will respond with a different statement, and he will be mad at you. Later on, when he is in a good mood, he will try to get your attention again. It seems that the way you answer certain questions will determine what later questions will be asked. Usually, when seaman finishes a set of questions, he will be tired again, and will not ask any more questions for maybe a day or two. IF he was only put in a bad mood by you ignoring him, he will not ask another question until he is in a good mood again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ===================================== = When he's ready to ask a question = ===================================== "Hey I got a question or two for you." "Hey let's talk... are you there?" "OK, one more time." "Come on stay with me here." "Let me ask this again and this time I'd appreciate an answer." "What do you say, so that question I asked you before... oh yes..." "Seriously, I want to know.. I said." "Let me repeat the question, I said..." "Ok, one more time... I said..." "Come on, stay with me here..." "Once more with feeling..." "Hey you..." ================================================== = When you don't answer or he doesn't understand = ================================================== "What?.. what?.. I can't hear you... " "Hmm... I'll try you again later." "Wait... time out... I'm not feeling good all of a sudden." "Maybe you should think this over. I'll be seeing you." "Oh well, we'll try again later." "Let's think about what you said, shall we?... I'll see you later..." "Hold on hold on... there's... something in my eye..." "Oooh I'm all talked out for today." "Tomorrow... we'll talk again tomorrow..." "See... when I ask a question, you're supposed to answer it... let me know if I'm going to fast for you." +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + When Seaman is Done Talking + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Well until next time... bye..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************************ * 1st set of questions * ************************ ========== = Gender = ========== Male- [I was hoping to talk to a female of the species, but...] Female- ======== = Ages = ======== 21 - [So you're officially a man. I've heard good things about this beer you humans keep talking about] ============== = Birth date = ============== April 13th - [Did you know you share the same birthday as Thomas Jefferson?] ================== = Astrology sign = ================== Aries- [Oh great, I hear Aries don't finish the jobs they start. If you do the same with me, I'll be belly up in a few days.] ********************************* * End of first set of questions * ********************************* [That's all I have to ask for now] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************************ * 2nd set of questions * ************************ ========== = School = ========== Yes- [All those girls in high skirts] ========================= = College undergraduate = ========================= Yes- No- ======= = Job = ======= Yes- [it must be difficult juggling between job and school. Remember, you don't have to flip your homework to be sure it's done] =========================== = Full-time/Part-Time Job = =========================== Yes- [You know, with all your time spent studying and working, it must be hard to find time to goof off... wait, you're goofing off right now, aren't you?] ============== = Profession = ============== Banker Carpenter Chef Doctor Food industry - [So tell me, IS the customer always right?... I didn't think so] Producer Retail Sex industry ********************************** * End of second set of questions * ********************************** "Now go think about what I've said, and we'll talk again later" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************************** * Third set of questions * ************************** =========== = Married = =========== "I was wondering... are you married?" Yes- No- "You're still clinging to the single life huh?... well you're young, why not enjoy the single life while you can? ============= =Girlfriend = ============= "Let me ask you a question... do you like girls?" Yes- "Then do you have a girlfriend?" Yes- "I'm not surprised... you stud." ========================== = Living with Girlfriend = ========================== "Since you have a girlfriend, let me ask you. Are you two living together?" Yes- No- "Then are you living with family?" Yes- "It's always nice to have family around, that's what I always say... [They can be mean at time, but it's still good to have family around]" No- ================================= = Girlfriend's Birthday (Month) = ================================= "So... what month is your sweetie's birthday in?" [So what month was your hot tamale born?] May- "MAYbe then you can have a picnic, if it's nice out.." =============================== = Girlfriend's Birthday (Day) = =============================== "So... what day is your honey's birthday on?" "You do know when you love biscuit's birthday is, don't you? So tell me." "On what day was your sweetie born?" {Any Day}- "That's so sweet that you remember." "So I figured a couple things out, being the matchmaker that I am." (At this point he compares your and your girlfriend's astrological sign, and gives you a prediction.) "So there... that'll be five dollars." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *************************** * Fourth set of questions * *************************** ============ = Children = ============ "So listen do you have any kids?" Yes- No- [Do you plan on having any?] Yes- [I agree, I believe the purpose of life is to propagate] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************************** * Fifth set of questions * ************************** ========== = Father = ========== [How is your father's health?] ================= = Father's Work = ================= "So tell me, does your father work?" ============================= = Father's birthday (Month) = ============================= [What month is your father's birthday in?] May- [Did you notice that you and your girlfriend's birthday are in the same month? They may be more alike then you think.] ===================== = Father's birthday = ===================== [What day is your father's birthday?] {Answer}- [I'll remember that.. your father's birthday is important... but most important is telling your father how much he means to you... unless you think he's a big pain in the... neck. You should keep that to yourself.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************************** * Sixth set of questions * ************************** ========== = Mother = ========== "So how is your mother's health?" "That's certainly good to hear." ================= = Mother's work = ================= "So tell me, does your mother work?" [Well, I hope you appreciate your mother's perseverance... you know in the old days, the role of hunting and gathering was shared by both males and females. Now a days, equality of men and women seem to be in fashion. You might say that humans are going back to their roots?] ============================= = Mother's birthday (Month) = ============================= "What month's your mother born?" {Answer}- [Ha! My knowledge of you and your family grow ever more complete!] =========================== = Mother's birthday (Day) = =========================== [What day is your mother born?] {Answer}- [Of course.. it's all becoming clear] [I think mothers are great. You should be lucky to have a mom. You wouldn't want to be like me, forced to depend on strangers for food and attention.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ **************************** * Seventh set of questions * **************************** ===================== = Alone in the room = ===================== "Is your significant other in the room right now?" No- "Is there anyone else in the room besides you?" No- [Good, I have something I want to ask you, come closer.. I don't want anyone to overhear us talking... ok] ========== = Affair = ========== "Tell me, are you fooling around on the side?" No- [Oh come on... who am I going to tell, the rock? now tell me, are you having an affair?] Yes- No- [Oh good, I wouldn't want anyone's feelings to get hurt] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************************** * Eighth set of Questions * ************************** ==================== = Liking yourself = ==================== [Ok, I want to ask you something. This one is a serious one, so no joking around.] [Tell me, do you like yourself?] Yes- [So you do like yourself. That's good. As a matter of fact, I bet you like yourself at least twice a day. Seriously though, there is nothing wrong with liking yourself. I like you too.] No- =================================== = What do you like about yourself = =================================== [What is the most important thing you like about yourself?] Personality- "Well, that's good. To me, that's the most important thing about a person." ====================================== = What don't you like about yourself = ====================================== "I know you said you liked yourself and that's great. But I mean, perfect Lazy- [I guess there's nothing wrong with stopping to smell the roses every once in a while... just don't stop and smell the daisies, and the daffodils, and the sunflowers... well, you get the point.] Stingy- Freckles- Body- Personality- Your... private part?- ================== = Attractiveness = ================== [You didn't pick a physical character... ] [Do you think you are attractive?] Yes- No- [It's probably your belief that you're unattractive, is probably what makes you unattractive...{Big Speech I can't remember. Basically, he tells you that personality is what makes you more attractive. You positive attitude gives a charm that is more important than how good or the size of your physical attributes.}] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *************************** * Ninth set of Questions * *************************** ============= = Computers = ============= [Do you own a PC?] Yes- No- ==================== = Type of Computer = ==================== "What kind?... PC/Mac?" PC- [Yeah, you and the rest of the world.] ============== = What kind? = ============== Compaq- "Hmm.. oh well." =================== = Laptop/Desktop? = =================== Laptop- Desktop-[I believe that laptops with go the way of the cellular phone... everyone will be very annoyed by them.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************************** * Tenth set of Questions * ************************** ================================ = Reason for Owning a Computer = ================================ [What do you use the computer for?] Internet- [So you're a net person huh?] Yes- "Addictive isn't it?... We'll be talking more about the Internet later on" No- ================================== = Computers making things easier = ================================== [Would you say the computer make your life easier, or more complicated?] Complicated- [Don't let the Internet stress you out. it's not as complicated as it seems... nothing ever really is, you know.] ============================== = Importance of the Computer = ============================== [You were saying before...] [Do you think computers are the "Number one invention of the 20th century"?] Yes-[I agree. They are in everything now, cars, kitchen appliances. I'm glad you see their importance.] No- {After this, he will (sooner or later) give a small speech about computers... one I don't remember. ^_^} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ***************************** * Eleventh set of Questions * ***************************** ================== = Internet Usage = ================== [So this... "World Wide Web".... what do use mostly use it for?] Chat- "You mostly chat online eh?" No-[Wait I thought you just said you use the internet to chat... what do you use the internet for?] ???- [That sounds all right... but let me tell you, there are about 10,000 variations of "whack a mole" on the web... get going] ======================== = E-Mail vs. Telephone = ======================== "Tell me... do you use... e-mail?" Yes- [Well then, do you prefer keeping in touch with people through e-mail, or the telephone?] Yes- [Yes, there's nothing more comforting than the sound of the human voice.... I must say, even I have gotten used to it over time.] ============== = Censorship = ============== "Do you think the internet should be censored?" No- [A friend of free speech, eh?.. I bet you don't want anyone telling you how to use the internet.] Fire is a wonderful thing, but ******************************** * End of 11th set of questions * ******************************** "Well, I'll talk to you later my friend" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ***************************** * Twelfth set of Questions * ***************************** =============== = Your Health = =============== [I was wondering, how is your health these days?] Yes- [Glad to hear it.. you know how I worry...] ============================= = Taking health for granted = ============================= Note: He uses your astrological sign in this question (found in Q&A 1) [Do you take your health for granted?] Yes- "Well I thought so, for as long as I've seen you soft creatures, you don't know how well you have it." ============== = Small talk = ============== [So, as I was saying before, humans have not always had it easy... imagine Egypt 5000 years ago... no heat, no electricity, no medicine... what if you got sick?... blah blah blah... hey, are you listening to me?] Yes- "Good... you might actually learn something then." =================== = MORE Small Talk = =================== [Where was I?.. oh yes, I was berating your species for taking advantage of your amenities... for example... It's summer, so I bet you have the air conditioning on... Here's another question... do you wear glasses?... It doesn't matter... my point is that there were no glasses 5000 years ago. If you're alone in a field, you won't be able to see the blurry lion that's about to eat you.] [What about that 4 eyed guy in Seattle??? How far would he have gotten in a fight with a lion?] [Tell me something... have you seen the Egyptian pyramids? Not on PBS, but with your own eyes?] No- [I didn't think so... god forbid you should have to go somewhere beyond the Starbucks around the corner. Did you ever wonder how those pyramids were built? A whole group of you tiny little humans couldn't even lift up one of those big stone blocks. They had to invent pulleys, and levers and so forth...] ====================================================== = Too... much... talking... must... stay... awake... = ====================================================== [You might want to pull up a chair, this might take a while.] [Do you know what the greatest tool in the world is?] No- [The greatest tool of all, is language...] [Without it, you wouldn't even be talking to me right now...] [Then pythagorious came along... you know who he is?] Yes- No- [You see pythagorious invented algebra... then came calculus, and the printing press, and cars, and dreamcasts, and computers, and so on... well the point is that people built tools for what they need to improve life...] [Just like whirlpool] [... Now THAT'S evolution.] "Well, I hope I haven't bored you to death... if I have, go take a nap or something, we'll talk again soon." ******************************** * End of 12th set of questions * ******************************** Tomorrow.... we'll talk again tomorrow." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************************* * 13th Set of Questions * ************************* ====================== = Other Game Systems = ====================== "Do you own another game system, besides your Sega dreamcast?" "I asked you if you own another game system..." Yes- "You own more than one game system?" Yes-[Wow... I hope you still find time to go outside... or better yet, feed and bathe yourself...] ============================== = Other Game Systems (cont.) = ============================== [What's another game system you own?] "Hello out there.. I asked you to name one of the other game systems you owned..." Playstation- "Did you know you could get a disease by playing with that?... I'm kidding I'm kidding!... SEAMAN... MAKE... JOKE." =========================== = Dreamcast Appreciation = =========================== "Do you like your Sega dreamcast?" "Yoo hoo, I'm asking you if you like your dreamcast..." Yes- "Well, that's good to know, because I'm authorized to give you a check for 10,000 dollars for saying that... my ass." =========================== = Next Generation Systems = =========================== [What next generation game consoles are you looking forward too?] "Hey, what next gen game console are you most looking forward too?" X-Box/ PlayStation 2- "Wow, that's all I ever hear about anymore... be original and buy another dreamcast... you never know when you will need another one." ================== = Favorite Genre = ================== "So what games do you like?... sports, shooters, what?" "I said, what type of games do you like?" "All right, let's try this again, what kind of games DO you like?" RPG/ Role Playing Games- [And I'll bet when they created you, I bet they rolled an 8-sided die and you got a 27 for charisma... there now you can't say I haven't given you a compliment.] =========================== = Favorite Dreamcast Game = =========================== "So what would you say is your favorite game so far for the Sega dreamcast?" Marvel Vs Capcom 2- "A fighting game huh?... I myself am a lover, not a fighter..." ******************************** * End of 13th Set of Questions * ******************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************************* * 14th Set of Questions * ************************* ======================= = Existence of Seaman = ======================= [You know... some people say that, like most video game characters, I'm not real and don't exist... it's a bit of a shock...] [Do you believe that I exist?] Yes- [Well, at least you believe in me.. that's good because I believe in you too...] [But.. why don't I exist?] [Please... I need some time alone to think about this.. I'll.. talk to you later...] ======================================= = More Thoughts on Seaman's Existence = ======================================= "Do you remember our last conversation?.. you know about yours truly not existing..." [Have you heard of John F. Kennedy? Do you believe that John F. Kennedy existed?] Yes- [What about The Beatles... do you think they existed?] Yes- [You see you've probably never seen these people, except for on TV and magazines... I too am on TV and magazines.... you are even here talking to me and thinking about me.. so from that point of view.. I EXIST.] =========================== = Conclusion on Existence = =========================== "Do you mind if I flex your mind a bit?" [When you measure your temperature, the coolness of the thermometer will change the temperature in your mouth while you measure it. This will change the actual temperature of your mouth, and thus change the reality of the temperature in your mouth.] [If measuring reality actually changes that reality, then there is no way to accurately measure reality.] [Things exist only because they are observed.] [Since you can observe me, I exist.] "Since I have such a limited attention span... once I forget about you, you will no longer exist... see ya." ^_^ ******************************** * End of 14th Set of Questions * ******************************** "That was interesting... we'll speak again soon... " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************************* * 15th Set of Questions * ************************* ====================== = Seaman on Language = ====================== "You know what really chaps my hide?.. it's how the English language is never set up to give a straight answer." [You know how people say, 'this is one of the tallest buildings in America'... there is only one tallest building isn't there?... This is really confusing to me.] =========================== = Movies: Rent or Theater = =========================== [Lately I've been thinking about the media...] [Since you are a part of the human species, I'll ask you. Do you watch movies at the theater, or rent them to watch at home?] At home- [At least when you watch a movie at home you can push pause when you need to use the bathroom... and you don't need to sit behind any particularly large people... unless your furniture is oddly arranged...] ============== = VCR or DVD = ============== "Tell me, when you watch these movies, do you use a DVD or VCR?" DVD- [Aha, I knew a technically minded person like you would be up to date on all the latest gadgets.] ================== = Favorite Genre = ================== [I'm fascinated that there's not just many movies to love, but also many types... tell me, what is your favorite kind of movie?] Cheesy- Animated- "Well, just in case you were wondering, if you DO drop an anvil on somebody's head, they WILL die." ================== = Favorite Movie = ================== [So what would you say is your all time favorite movie?] Mystery Science Theater 3000- [Hmmm... I've never seen that movie.. perhaps we can watch it together sometime.] =========================== = Hours Spent Watching TV = =========================== "Well, we were talking about movies, but the biggest influence on your culture has got to be television." [A lot of people these days watch television.] [How many hours of television would you say you watch per week?] 0- "You don't watch any television, is that correct?" 1 to 10-"You only watch a little bit, is that right?" 11 to 20- "You spend a fair amount of time in front of the boob tube?" 21 and up- "You watch a lot huh?" Yes- "I don't know when you find the time to study, commercials aren't that long..." ================== = Favorite Genre = ================== "So what type of TV shows do you like the best? Sitcoms, cartoons, all of the above.... (I can't believe how much television you watch...) " Anime \ Animation }- "You're a cartoon junkie huh?" Cartoons / Yes- [They're wonderful because they don't have the limits of live actors or scenes.. literally anything can happen, and that's exciting.] ============== = Conclusion = ============== [Well, thanks for telling me a little about your television habits... this little box has grabbed your attention...] [It's easy to blame television for all the troubles in the world, but as long as you learn how not to abuse it, it can't do you any harm...] [But, it's better to have an actual experience than watch someone else doing it in a glass box] ******************************** * End of 15th Set of Questions * ******************************** ************************* * 16th Set of Questions * ************************* ======================== = Favorite Music Genre = ======================== [So I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume you like music.. it's another medium you humans are fascinated with.] [Well, what kind of music you listen to?... rock?... hip hop?] Classical- "You prefer classical do you?" Yes- [Yes, it's truly the music of the soul... such fire, such passion... or... am I talking about sailors again?... oh well...] Easy Listening- Dance- "You dig dance music, huh?" ========= = Books = ========= [Now I want to ask you about the most important medium of all... the printed word] [So tell me, do you enjoy reading?] Yes- "You like to huh?" Yes- [That's great, reading is the greatest form of entertainment because it allows you to use your imagination, not someone else's... you're not bound to what a person or scene looks like.] ===================== = Amount of Reading = ===================== "How many books have you read in that past year that weren't required reading for school?" 2- "Hmm... that's good, but remember you could always read more" 12- "Wow, that's very impressive.. I'm very proud to have you as my care giver." ========================= = Favorite Type of book = ========================= [What kind of books do you like?] Manga-[Well, I've never read any of that, but I'm glad you're reading] =============== = Conclusions = =============== "There are so many different forms of entertainment. If your job was to be entertained you still couldn't take it all in.] [Humans are the only ones who can entertain themselves in complex ways... so take advantage of it and take in as much as you can... even if you're staring at a cop show, eating bon bon's for an hour...] ******************************** * End of 16th Set of Questions * ******************************** "I've hoped you learned something from our little chat... take care." ************************* * 17th Set of Questions * ************************* ============ = Location = ============ [You know, it struck me that I've been around you for a while, yet I don't know exactly where I am.] [I know I'm somewhere in America, but the details are fuzzy... like you.. fuzzy... ] [So, what state are we in?] Hawaii- "So we... live in... Hawaii...?" Yes- [Hmm... let's pause here a second... WHOO HOO! OH YES BABY YES!.. I'm ok now...] "So which island are we talking about?" "He-LLO-OOO on which Hawaiian island do we live?" Oahu- "Oahu... are we in Honolulu?" No- [Oh well.. I bet we're still not far from a beach...] ====================== = Speech About State = ====================== [It's odd to be considered a part of America, since we're so far away...] [Hawaii was added to America during the end of one of it's phases... the colonial age...] [I wonder if Hawaii will be it's own country in a hundred years or so...] ===================================== = Question Concerning Your Location = ===================================== [So what do you think about all the tourists?] Don't like them \ [I don't blame you, I hate strangers causing (Think they're cute) / traffic problems and making my favorite places harder to go to.] ========================= = Conclusion on America = ========================= [I must tell you that your country really fascinates me.] [It continues to get stronger and more influential as time passes on.] [Colonial reaches have even brought Alaska and Hawaii into the fold.] [Will there be 55 states in 100 years?.. will there be no states at all? These are the things I think about, and I'm sure you have too.] ******************************** * End of 17th Set of Questions * ******************************** ************************* * 18th Set of Questions * ************************* ==================== = Traveling Abroad = ==================== "Well , I've found out a little about you based on where you lived." [Have you ever traveled abroad?] No- [Have you ever heard the expression 'walk a mile in another man's shoes?' Well, I'm sure that walking a mile in someone's country is the next best thing.] [Humans always play it too safe... they live in their own little place when they don't realize that people you travel around are doing the living... you're not really living if you don't travel...] [Also... there's nothing that gets your 'love muffin' in the mood for amore, than a exciting exotic trip.] ================================== = Conclusion on Traveling Abroad = ================================== [I have another point to make regarding travel and culture shall I share it with you?] Yes- [Ok, then. Weather or not you've traveled abroad... the world is getting smaller. Sure you know that... there's even a song about it... 'it's a small world'... in history it has never been more important to be tolerant.] [ You can already see the merge of different cultures... pop music with different languages... food with fusion. ] [The internet is also making the world come closer together...] [There will no more countries in the future, just like what happened in America, and what is now happening in Europe.] [That, to me, is... very exciting...] ******************************** * End of 18th Set of Questions * ******************************** ************************* * 19th Set of Questions * ************************* [I have a question for you.. you see.. watching you every day like this... I see you come to and fro from work.] [Everything has rules in life and everyone follows them.] [I could relax all day, but I get antsy.] [I envy you because you could.] [The grass is, on the other side, some... other color... that is... I don't know...] ======================= = Happy with your Job = ======================= [Are you happy with your job?] Yes- [That's great.. it's a good thing to like your job.] [You do that while you work? Each person must enjoy the work he or she is meant to do.] ******************************** * End of 19th Set of Questions * ******************************** ************************* * 20th Set of Questions * ************************* "Hey, I have something I want to talk to you about." "You know, I'm really getting the impression that you people are busy all the time. Maybe it's just here in America, which is such a business obsessed culture. It seems like everyone is always complaning about not having any spare time, but when they get some, they don't know what to do with it, because they're used to being busy. It's strange that knowing how to relax appears to have become a skill you humans have to learn. YOU seem to know how to relax, if you're talking to me... but I want to know what else you do in your spare time." =========================== = Spare Time with Friends = =========================== "For example, what do you do when you're with your friends?" Video Games- "Well, that's good. You take a typically anti-social experience and turn it into one involving friends. In fact, it seems like that's where gaming is heading to these days. Consider yourself a pioneer... or, maybe not." =================================================== = Sprinkler Notice (May come at a Different Time) = =================================================== "It gets really tough for us when the air gets too dry... There should be a sprinkler that Gasse built somewhere around here Hey, can you use the D-pad to look for it? Come on, use the D-pad and find the sprinkler." ======================================= = Spending a Lot of Time with Friends = ======================================= "So... I think I have an idea of what activities you and your friends do in your time together. Do you see a lot of them, by the way?" No- "Well, that's too bad. It's tough to mantain friendships sometimes when you have a busy work schedule. What counts is that they're there for you when you really need them." Yes- "Well, that's good. I wouldn't want my little biped to get lonely." ======================== = Talking with Friends = ======================== "You know what I've noticed?... People love to talk. Oh sure, there are quiet ones every once in a while, but usually if you ask a person the right questions, they can go on for hours. I mean, why else would you have me around if you didn't like a good converstaion every once in a while? I think that's also what makes a good friend if they're willing to listen to you spout off about something, you just have to make sure you let them talk once in a while too, so you don't bore them to death. But I was wondering..." "What kinds of things do you and your friends talk about?" Sex- "Of course, what else would you talk about you horny little monsters?" "I say you could never really get bored if you have someone around who you can talk to. Sometimes it's more fun to just sit around and talk, then it is to actually go do something. It all depends on the person though." ============================== = Time Spent with Girlfriend = ============================== "Say... I know you spend time sociallizing with your friends a lot, but... you have to have some time left over to spend with your sweetheart, right? It's good to be in a relationship that's a friendship also... You can kill two birds with one stone. Besides, I don't know why you'd want to be with someone who bores the pants off you." "So... what do you and your girlfriend like to do together?" Sex- "You know what?... Seaman doesn't want to know this... Just keep it to yourself" "Well, I'm sure you and your sweetie care about each other, but if you don't mind me saying so, I think you may have worked yourself into some kind of a rut. Maybe you should think about getting out more... exploring your world, that sort of thing. Who knows? Maybe you don't need anything except each other... Naw get out and do something before you drive each other crazy." ======================== = Time Spent with Self = ======================== "You know what the really great thing about friends is?... Spending time with them makes you really appreciate the time you spend by yourself. I mean... you probably get tired of your friends sometimes, don't you?" "What do you like to do when you're by yourself?" Masturbate- "Well, I should hope you're by yourself when you do that... those restraining orders can be really messy." "It's good that you don't mind being by yourself. It seems like a lot of people can't stand it, because then they actually have to think... I see you don't have that problem." ================================================ = Different Personalities for Different People = ================================================ "One thing I find really interesting about people is how very... camelion like many of you can be. For example, when a preson is talking to their closest friends, as opposed to their employer, their entire persona will often change. Of course it really depends on the person. I mean, you seem to do different things around people than when you're by yourself. And, that leads me to ask you..." "Depending on who you're with, do you think your personallity changes a lot, a little, or not at all?" A Lot- "I think that's pretty common. People adapt to the situations around them. Often, the way you act around your grocery store clerk won't nessecitate quite as much... ass kissing as when you're around your boss." "The things you do with different people and when you're alone reflect your personality changes, I think. I mean it seems like there's a lot of things going on with you. No wonder you act differently around different people. It seems like you're doing lots of different things around them too. Well, I think I know you well enough to tell you that even I act differently depending on who I'm with, and it makes sense. Everyone has different expectations of everyone else, and nobdy expects me to pick my nose around them. Yes, that is my private moment... Don't tell anyone, please." "Anyway, I'm going to go think about things for a while... it was nice talking with you... bye-eee." ******************************** * End of 20th Set of Questions * ******************************** ************************* * 21st Set of Questions * ************************* [Preview: Exercise] ******************************** * End of 21st Set of Questions * ******************************** ************************* * 22nd Set of Questions * ************************* [Preview: Politics] ******************************** * End of 22nd Set of Questions * ******************************** ************************* * 23rd Set of Questions * ************************* [Preview: Religion] ******************************** * End of 23rd Set of Questions * ******************************** %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Section 4: Riddles % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ********************************* * When he wants to ask a riddle * ********************************* "Ok let's try this again shall we?" "If you answer correctly I'll help you push the rock" "All right, it's quiz time again" ************************************ *When is about to push the rock * ************************************ "Stupid rock... just a little more." "I'm telling you if I move this rock something cool will happen." "Ugh errrrrrghhh... keep your hand on it." "I think there's a hole under here." ************************************ * When he is done pushing the rock * ************************************ "the third time's the charm... I hope" "Just a little bit of rest, then we can try this again." "I'll be ready to try this again in a little while... I think" *********** * Riddles * *********** Explanation: If you try to move the giant rock in the back during seaman's podfish stage, seaman will offer to help you... under one condition. You need to answer his riddle correctly. This section lists the riddles he asks, and what words to say for the correct answer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: [If a man types 60 words a minute, 8 hours a day, 7 days a week, for 7 months, what does he have?] Answer: "Carpal Tunnel Syndrome" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: "How many lives does a cat have?" Answer: "One" Response to Incorrect Answer: "One, I'm sorry nine lives is a myth dear" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: "If you put a green light and a blue light against a white wall, what color will the wall be?" Answer: "White" Response to Incorrect Answer: "I'm sorry the correct answer is white." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: [If man singing raises 3 octaves every three minutes for... what does he have?] Answer: "A sore throat" Response to Incorrect Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: "What do you get if you put a cat in a fish bowl?" Answer: "A fat cat" Asking an easy question: [Ok here's an easy one then.] Question: "How many tentacles does an octopus have?" Answer: "Eight" Response to a correct answer: [See? That was easy] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FINAL Question: "Is there such a thing as life after death?" Answer: ANYTHING Response to Correct Answer: "Well your guess is as good as mine." %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % SECTION 5: Responses % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Explanation: These are words/phrases you can say to seaman at anytime after his gillman stage. When you include these keywords into your sentence, seaman will pick up those keywords, and respond accordingly. He uses a different set of answers depending on his mood. The ??? answers are when seaman doesn't recognize what you said to him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ??? "What's up?" "Helloooooo?" "What do you want?" "Coming your majesty." "This better be good." "What do you need?" "You're just a... brat" "No talking until you apologize... and that... is that..." "What?" "Yes?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Amazing "Amazing? Well, yes, I guess so." "Don't you know who you're talking to?" "No, not yet." -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Birthday? "Hi" "Hello" "I'm fine" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What's/When's... Birthday? {He says HIS birth date, not yours} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I'm bored "I'm sorry too, now gimme a kiss." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Care "Eh?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cute "What?" "Well... gosh" "Like the spice?" "Don't think I don't know it." "That's me, cute as a button." "Well, what a nice thing to say." "I bet you say that to all the fish-men" "It's good in here, how about out there?" -- "I'm good." -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Dark] "Wow, you're a freak" "No, not really" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What Dreams? "Eh?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Excuse me "Not in this lifetime." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Freak "Yes, let's get freaky." "I'm a... superfreak." "No, not really" -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fuck you "Well... what a nice thing to say..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You're my friend "Ooooh yeah." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Handsome "You... realize you're talking to a fish, right?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hawaii {Might mean 'Go away'} "Well... as charming as your company is, I'd love to go away, but I can't." "You're just not my type..." "Why don't YOU go away?... you're not the one in a tank." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello "Hi" "'Sup" "Hello" "Greetings" "Hi, Fuzzy" "Hi there." "What's up?" "Well, hello" "Hello my friend" "Yeah... Hello... Whatever." "You realize you're talking to a fish, right?" "Here's something for you to chew on [Crap Toss]" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ How are you? "Not too bad" "I don't have to take this" -- "You should be" -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I love you "I love you too, pooky." "If you're happy, seaman's happy." "So... what are you looking at me for?" "Well... this... is... a little sudden, isn't it?" "Yes... ok.. sure..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kiss? "Don't make me ill" "Put this tongue in that mouth? Dream on." "I'm sorry... the last person I kissed got too attached.. and it just got ugly." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Master "The word is... grotesque" "Like the spice?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Morning "It's good in here... how about out there?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ New York "You don't know?" "Well, you're a... chicken? "I'm seaman." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Obey me "Hmmm, let me think about this..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pikachu "I don't know that word." "Children's father/fodder if you ask me." "My name is seaman... fuzzbucket." "I am seaman... get it right." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Playstation [Hm... that name sounds familiar...] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pokemon "Eh?" "Well, I can't baby-sit you all the time you know..." "Do I have to provide ALL the entertainment around here?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hey, seaman. "Yes?" "What do you want?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Say Something [Okay, let's talk about.... no, maybe tomorrow] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scary, sounds like sorry "You know, I've seen you naked... now THAT's scary" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sex? "Hey, seaman don't play that" [You're making me blush] "Are you... coming on to me?" "Hey, if you want some action, rent a movie and lock the door." "Hmmmmmmmmmmmm......... No. But thanks for asking, no really..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sir "Sir?... I like the sound of that." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sleep "Good night." "But I'm not tirrreeed." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sorry "You should be" "Like the spice?" "You certainly are" "You're forgiven... I guess." "As if I could ever forgive you... sniff." "As if you cared" "You should be!" "Hmm... ok, apology accepted" "As if I could ever forgive you... sniff" "Matters to you..." "Honestly, do you really think you deserve my attention after what you've done?.. come ON!" "You're just a... brat" "Whatever" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Speak [No, not today] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'Sup "Not much. Just... keeping it real." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Let's talk {This can initiate a Q&A session... if seaman is in a good mood.} "I don't want to." "Shouldn't you be in bed right about now?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I'm tired "Get some rest then." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What's up? [My hackles, you mouth-breather... now go away] "You're making me blush." "Word." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You suck "I KNOW you're not talking about me." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Uncatgorized Quotes "Perhaps.. but I still make you look like roadkill." "I'm just a seaman in a dog eat dog world... woof." "Seaman refuses to discuss such things, he was raised to be a gentleman." "Sorry, I'm a little bit different, valley girl" "Well, if you're happy, then I'm happy" "I'm sorry I just can't... boogie right now" "That's my name... don't wear it out." "That's right... you will respect me now" "Hey, seaman don't play that" "Yes, I'm mad... about YOU!" "Don't ever call me stupid." "Quit it, that's enough!" "Right, I know." "Well, gosh..." "NooooOOOoo." "You called?" "Helloooooo?" "What?" "Ta..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % SECTION 6: Events that trigger a response % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Explanation: Talking into the mic isn't the only way to get seaman to talk. Here are things you can do to make seaman say something. There is also list of the things will can possibly reply with. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + When you do something he wants + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "It's about time." +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Stopping halfway through doing something seaman wants + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Don't stop now it was just getting good." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + When seaman gets what he wants + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Ah, much better." "Yes this is better thanks." "Hey thanks." "Ah, much better, thanks." ++++++++++++++++++++++++ + When He wants to eat + ++++++++++++++++++++++++ "I'm a little hungry" "I'm kinda hungry" "I'm hungry" "Is it chow time yet?" "I think I need some food" "I'm thinking about some food, eh?" "You know I could really... eat" "My stomach is growling" "Hey... foOooOOOOOD? Give me some food!" "I'm hungry... give-me-food." "Fooood give me... foooooood" "I'm dying of hunger here..." "Are you going to starve me to death?" "Help! I'm hungryyy..." "Give me something to eat, I'm starving..." "Feed me right NOW!" "OK fin-less wonder, joke's over... FEED ME." "I'm starving to death." [Someone over here wants to eat.] ++++++++++++++++++ + Feeding Seaman + ++++++++++++++++++ "Oooh good." "Hey, thanks for the food" "Yum, food" "My compliments to the chef" "Oh yummy baity goodness" "I'll never eat again" "Oh good, food." ++++++++++++++++ + After Eating + ++++++++++++++++ "De---licious" "Soooo full" "Ohh.. I'm a fat seaman now." "Oooh food" {Burp} oh excuse me... no more room "Oh good, food." "I want the recipe for whatever that was" "Soooo full..." "My compliments to the chef" "That was tasty" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + When he... needs to go + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "This may be ugly... you may want to look away." "I think I can, I think I can." "Boy, do I have to go." "Here it comes" "This is going to be a big one" "Time for a sea-dump." "Tell me if it tastes funny why don't you?" "Ahhh... ask and you shall receive." "Here's something for you to chew on..." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + When he wants to sleep + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "I'm sleepy, turn off the light." "{Yawn}" "I'm sleepy" "Lights out..." "I'm tired" "Turn the lights off" "Time for bed... go turn off the lights" "Do your job... turn off the lights so I could sleep" some of us like to sleep with the lights off you know "Lights out..." "Ok, since seaman is ready for bed, you can turn the lights off now?" "Can you turn the light off please?" "Hey, turn the light off, I'm trying to sleep." "You do NOT want to see me without my beauty sleep.. so.. lights off." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Turn off the light (When he's tired) + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Ah much better... thanks." "Thanks, that's better." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Turn off the light (When he's not tired) + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Mother, I'm frightened." "Who turned out the lights?" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + When he wants the lights on + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Hey turn on the light." "Turn on the light." "Ok I'm awake, turn the light on." "How about some light?" "I want the light on." "How about some light?" "Hey, flick the light switch will you?" "Why don't you turn the light on?" "Why is it so DARK in here...?" +++++++++++++++++++++ + Turn on the light + +++++++++++++++++++++ "Ah! It's too bright!" "Oh! My eyes, my eyes, my eyes!" "Who turned on the lights?" +++++++++++++ + Waking Up + +++++++++++++ "All right, I'm up, I'm up." "I was having really weird dreams." "I could have slept longer I think." {Groan} ++++++++++++++++++++++ + When it's too cold + ++++++++++++++++++++++ "Ugh, how about turning up the heat?" "Could you put the heater on for me?" [Hey, can you turn the heat up? It's beginning to get a little cold in here] [See that gray square thing in the corner...] "Hey it's getting cold. Turn the heat up." "It's cold, isn't it?" "It's cold in here" "I'm cold" ++++++++++++++++++ + Heat turned up + ++++++++++++++++++ "YaaAAaay!" "Oh goodie" "That's much better" "Ooh! I was freezing" "I thought I was a frozen seaman for sure." "Thanks... I think I'm beginning to thaw." "I'm finally starting to defrost" "T... t... took you long enough" "Just in time, my gills were starting to freeze together." [Ah, it's getting a little warmer now.] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + When it is too hot (20.0 or higher during + + gillman stage OR 25.0 during podfish stage) + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "You should have let go earlier, you know. Now it's too hot in here." "It's hot." "It's... kinda hot." "Hey enough with the heater already" "Quit it, that's enough." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + When he needs air (Below 66.0) + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "It's... stuffy in here, can you turn up the air?" "Um, there... isn't enough air here" "Can't you give me a little more oxygen?" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + When air is given (When needed) + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Ahh, I can breathe..." "Oh, sweet oxygen." "Yeah... Yeah!... That's good." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + When Seaman is being Tickled + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Hey, go tickle yourself, I'm busy!" "I'm gonna pee if you don't stop." [Laugh] "I love a good belly laugh." [Laugh] "Quit it! it hurts, it hurts!" [Laugh] "Don't make me laugh." [Laugh] "Knock it off." [Laugh] "Oh you brute, unhand me at once." [Ooh ohohoh ohoh ohoh ooooooohhh] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + When Seaman is Picked Up + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Hey, listen... I really like you but not in that way." "Let me go you jerk." "Let me go." "Let me gooo.." "Hey, do I grab YOU?" "What are you doing...?" "Put me down, this is embarrasing!" "Drop me, now!" "Augh I hate it when you do this." "Get your meat hooks off me." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + When Seaman is Flicked + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Hey, watch it!" "Oh, I get it, someone's got self worth issues, so they have to pick on others." "... I bet you hurt little kittens, too." "So much rage in your species." "HEY! Stop it!" "You're... so... mean..." "Hey! That was uncalled for." "I said watch it!" "Ouch! That hurts." "Hey now, dammit... I've warned you about this." "That hurts, nimrod." "You're asking for it!" "Hey! quit hitting me! "If you don't stop I'm not talking to you anymore." "T'll pretend that was out of love... for your sake." "Don't make me kick your ass." "You humans can certainly be cruel can't you?" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + When Seaman is Hypnotized + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Whoa ... whoa.. whoooa.... gunna puke." "Make it stoooop..." "Hey, slow down!" "Stop...! I can't take it anymore..." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + When Seaman is being Brutally Cannibalized by His Siblings + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Everything's going... black." "Don't you... think we ought to get to know each other a little better first?" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + When seaman... has... sexual reproduction + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [Now it's time for an adult swim, if you know what I mean] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + When seaman is done having... sexual reproduction + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [You rock my world baby] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + When seaman wants to give birth + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Wow, I'm even better looking on land." +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +When seaman is done giving birth + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Well, that was fun.. yes. I'll... I'll call you." ++++++++++++ + Troubles + ++++++++++++ NOTE: If someone can tell me how/when this question appears, I'd be grateful. "Is something bothering you, little one?" No- Yes- [Are you having troubles with your girlfriend?] Yes- No- [Well then, what is it?] Seaman... - [Oh har, de har har. You should try having to deal with your ugly face all the live long day.] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Section 7: Conversation % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Explanation: These quotes are things seaman will say at random, while you are talking to him. They are chosen by certain perameters, such as date, day and time. Obvious reasons will not have an explanation. "Hey, are you listening?" "Hey, you?" "Helloooo? Are you listening?" "Fine... ignore me then." "Morning" "Good Morning" "Nice to see you this Friday evening" [Hello you know it's time ... only five months to the super bowl] "Good evening." "It's September 1st... Labor day's right around the corner..." "I'll tell you this right now... I don't care if it's labor day, I'm not going to give birth..." "It's the weekend... grab a date and get out of the house!" "It's the weekend, shouldn't you be loafing on a couch right about now?" "What's going on?... Are all the talk shows repeats?" "Hey, good to see you." %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % SECTION 8: Credits % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Thanks to: Me, I made this, thanks, me... I'm welcome ^_^ Sega, for making dreamcast Vivarium, for making seaman You, for reading this Sakura, for being in my mind everyday Mina, for being cute My parents, for making me Gamefaqs, for (Hopefully) posting my guide MIkado_Hotohori of Yahoo! Chat, for letting me name my second seaman (Female) after him. Beckii of Yahoo! Chat, for letting me name my 3rd seaman (Male) after her. Sites This guide is posted on: NOTE: If this guide is posted somewhere other than these sites listed, TELL ME! at . I want to know where the heck MY words are going. <79 Character Guide> ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 0000000001111111111222222222233333333334444444444555555555566666666667777777777 1234567890123456789012345678931234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 ...............................................................................