_ __ ____ ______ _____ ______ __ ______ | | / // __ \ / ____// ___//_ __// / / ____/ | | /| / // /_/ // __/ \__ \ / / / / / __/ | |/ |/ // _, _// /___ ___/ / / / / /___ / /___ |__/|__//_/ |_|/_____/ /____/ /_/ /_____//_____/ _ __ ___ ____ _____| | / // | / __ \ _____ /____/| | /| / // /| | / /_/ //____/ /____/ | |/ |/ // ___ | / _, _//____/ |__/|__//_/ |_|/_/ |_| ___________________________________________________________ FAQ by: Fire_Pro_Fan ___________________________________________________________ Originally released in Arcades in 1989, Sega's Wrestle War was eventually ported to the Sega Mega Drive system exclusively to Japan, Europe and Australia in 1991. For it's time, Wrestle War on the Mega Drive wowed gamers with large, colorful sprites; faithful recreations of several Wrestling greats (all under fake names) and a decent variety of Wrestling holds to choose from. Unfortunately, Wrestle War would never be ported to the Sega Genesis in North America (some speculate that Sega feared a lawsuit from the WWE who had already released Super Wrestlemania on the Sega Genesis and WCW's "WrestleWar" Pay-Per-View event that same year). As such, the Australian and European Sega Mega Drive ports of Wrestle War featured different cover art than the Japanese version which altered the appearance of Titan Morgan (based on Hulk Hogan) by removing the character's bandanna in exchange for a full head of pitch, black hair. Nine years after it's original release, Wrestle War would finally receive a North American console port in 2001 on the Sega Dreamcast's "Sega Smash Pack" ======================================================== ******STORY****** ======================================================== The player plays the role of Bruce Blade, a rookie Wrestler who dreams of becoming the World Heavyweight Champion. To reach his goal, Bruce must travel across the United States to face each territory's greatest Wrestler and acquire two coveted championship title belts: the Sega Wrestling Federationand Sega Wrestling Alliance belts. Does Bruce stand a chance against the World's strongest Wrestlers? ======================================================== ******CONTROLS****** ======================================================== =============== While standing: =============== A - Punch B - Kick C - Lockup It is also possible to lockup automatically by hitting an opponent with punches and kicks while the opponent still has a considerable amount of health remaining. ================= While locking up: ================= A - Irish Whip B - Grapple Down + B (additional grapples) Down + B - Finisher (varies from Wrestler to Wrestler) It should be noted that not every Wrestler has a finisher or a finisher that can be activated from a front locking up from the front. ===================================== While grappling opponent from behind: ===================================== Back grapples can only be initiated when a Wrestler is in a dazed state after being struck with another Wrestler's punches and kicks. Once the Wrestler is left standing in a dazed state, lock up with the Wrestler using the C button to initiate a back grapple. A/B/C - Irish Whip/Grapple =================================== While opponent attempts to grapple: =================================== A/B/C - Grapple =============================================== While opponent attempts to grapple from behind: =============================================== A/B/C - Reverse opponent's grapple attempt =========================== While laying on the ground: =========================== A/B/C - Escape pinfall/Get up ================================ While opponent is on the ground: ================================ A - Pick up opponent B - Stomp C - Pin Certain Wrestlers have more than one stomp attack; a standard and special stomp attack (ex: Morgan's Leg Drop). A strong stomp can only be performed once each time the opponent gets thrown to the ground. ============== While running: ============== It is only possible to run after the player has performed an Irish Whip. A - Running attack B - Strong running attack Button Mash A/B/C - stop running (after being Irish Whipped by opponent) ========================== While opponent is running: ========================== A - Counter attack B - --- Tap Up/Down/C - Run ========= Ringside: ========= Down + Left/Right + A - Exit the ring Up - Enter the ring Pick up weapon - Approach weapon outside ring Use weapon - A/B ======================================================== ******GAMEPLAY****** ======================================================== =========== Health Bar: =========== The amount of health a Wrestler has. A Wrestler's health is depleted by taking damage from the Opponent's various attacks. Likewise, a Wrestler's health is also gradually Replenished when the Wrestler avoids taking damage from the opponent. The more damage a Wrestler has taken, the harder it is for a Wrestler to kick out of an opponent's pinfall attempt. ========== Power Bar: ========== An energy meter displayed when both Wrestlers enter a lockup. While the Power Bar is displayed, both Wrestlers must quickly mash the A and B buttons (while locking up from the front or A, B, C buttons while locking up behind an opponent) to perform a grapple. _______ | | | POWER | |_______| A player's progress is displayed in the Power Bar by the Player's color (blue for Player 1 and red for player 2). ============== Pinfall Meter: ============== An energy meter used to allow a Wrestler the chance to kick out of an opponent's pinfall attempt by mashing the A, B and C buttons as quickly as possible. _________________ | | |_________________| The more damage a Wrestler has taken, the harder it is for the Wrestler to kick out of an opponent's pinfall attempt and fill up the Pinfall Meter. When a Pin count of three is called out by the announcer, the match will end under a pinfall where the Wrestler placed in the pin will lose the match. ========= Finisher: ========= Powerful match-ending grapples available to certain Wrestlers. A finisher can only be used once and is accessed against an opponent with 0% health remaining. Not every Wrestler has a finisher available. ======== TIME UP: ======== When the time limit of the match is finished. The match will end in a Time Up under grounds of a draw. In 1 Player mode, a draw results as an automatic loss forcing the player to restart the match. ========= RING OUT: ========= When a Wrestler remains outside the ring for the duration of twenty seconds, the Wrestler will be counted out with a Ring Out and lose the match. ======================================================== ******THE MODES****** ======================================================== 1 PLAY START - Take on the entire roster to become the World Heavyweight Champion. 2 PLAY START - Verse a friend while fighting against one of the eight enemy Wrestlers. OPTIONS - Customize match settings and listen to the game's various sound/music tracks. ======================================================== ******1 PLAY START****** ======================================================== Compete against the entire roster of Wrestlers to win the Sega WrestlinG Federation (S.W.F.) and Sega Wrestling Alliance (S.W.A.) title belts. There are a total of six wrestlers and two additional boss characters that the player must defeat to become World Heavyweight Champion. By default, the time limit of each match is set to three minutes; resulting in an automatic loss if the player cannot pin the opponent before the time limit expires. A match can also be lost if the player is thrown out of the ring for the duration of twenty seconds resulting in a RING OUT. After the first enemy "MohawK Kid" has been defeated, the player is then brought to a Wrestler selection screen where the player can choose their next opponent. Each enemy represents a different Wrestling territory scattered throughout the United States; two of which contain the S.W.A. and S.W.F. title belts: =========== MINNEAPOLIS =========== MR. J. ============= ======== SAN FRANCISCO NEW YORK ============= ======== SLEDGE HAMMER DON DAMBUSTER S.W.F. Title ====== ===== DALLAS MIAMI ====== ===== TITAN MORGAN NIM ROD FALCON S.W.F. Title When an enemy with a title belt is defeated, enemies previously listed as "non-title" matches become " Title Defense" matches where the player must defend their newly acquired title belt(s) against the opponent. After the sixth opponent has been defeated, two hidden boss characters will then appear in the form of two additional Title Defense matches. When both boss characters have been defeated, the following message is shown: "YOU'RE THE NEW WRESTLE WAR CHAMP!" ======================================================== ******2 PLAY START****** ======================================================== Fight a friend in a 1-on-1 versus match. Only player 2 can choose from the eight selectable Wrestlers: =========== BRUCE BLADE =========== VS ========== MOHAWK KID ========== ========== ============= GRAND KONG SLEDGE HAMMER ========== ============= =============== ===== BUCKSKIN ROGERS MR.J. =============== ===== ============ ============= TITAN MORGAN DON DAMBUSTER ============ ============= ============== NIM ROD FALCON ============== When a match is finished, the following question is presented: "Not a bad match... Wanna try again?" [YES - default] [NO] Selecting YES will restart the match using the same Wrestlers while NO will reset to the title screen. ======================================================== ******OPTIONS****** ======================================================== ====== LEVEL: - adjust the game's difficulty setting. ====== * EASY * NORMAL (default) * HARD ===== TIME: - adjust the time limit of the match. ===== * 3 MIN (default) * 5 MIN * NONE =========== SOUND TEST: =========== Listen to Wrestle War's various sound and music tracks: * 00 - --- * 01 - Rounds 1, 4, 7 theme * 02 - Rounds 3, 5 & end credits theme * 03 - Rounds 2, 6, 8 theme * 04 - Match result theme * 05 - Challenge theme * 06 - Wrestler select theme * 07 - Bell Ring sound effect * 08 - Knee/Leg Drop sound effect * 09 - Unused * 10 - Groan 2 sound effect * 11 - Error input sound effect * 12 - Stomp sound effect * 13 - Hit the floor sound effect * 14 - Ring count sound effect * 15 - Name input sound effect * 16 - "One" pin count sound effect * 17 - "Two" pin count sound effect * 18 - "Three" pin count sound effect * 19 - Wrestler groan sound effect * 20 - "ALRIGHT!" crowd reaction sound effect * 21 - "welcome to Wrestle War" announcer sound effect * 22 - Crowd applause sound effect ======== CONTROL: - adjust button configuration. ======== (default) * A Punch * A KICK * HOLD * B Kick * B HOLD * PUNCH * C HOLD * C PUNCH * KICK ===== EXIT: - return to the main menu. ===== ======================================================== ******THE WRESTLERS****** ======================================================== =========== BRUCE BLADE =========== Based on: Antonio Inoki (Mega Drive version) Bob Backlund? (Genesis Version) From: Japan (Mega Drive version) U.S.A (Genesis version) ====== Moves: ====== Irish Whip - A (while grappling) Bodyslam - B (while grappling) Piledriver - Down + B (while grappling) Irish Whip - A (back grapple) Backdrop - B (back grapple) Lariat - A (while running) Dropkick - B (while running) Over The Shoulder Toss - A (while opponent is running) Stomp - B (while opponent is on the ground) ========== Finishers: ========== Super Piledriver - Down + B (opponent 0% health) German Suplex - B (back grapple - opponent 0% health) _______________________________________________________ ========== MOHAWK KID ========== Based on: Road Warrior Animal From: U.S.A Title: Non-Title Quote: --- ====== Moves: ====== Irish Whip - A (while grappling) Bodyslam - B (while grappling) Irish Whip - A/B/C (back grapple) Lariat - A (while running) Dropkick - B (while running) Over The Shoulder Toss - A (while opponent is running) _______________________________________________________ ============= SLEDGE HAMMER ============= Real name: Bruiser Brody From: San Francisco, California Title: SWF Title Quote: "You don't belong in the ring..." ====== Moves: ====== Irish Whip - A (while grappling) Bodyslam - B (while grappling) Piledriver - Down + B (while grappling) Irish Whip - A/C (back grapple) Backdrop - B (back grapple) Lariat - A (while running) Dropkick - B (while running) Over The Shoulder Toss - A (while opponent is running) Knee Drop/stomp - B (while opponent is on the ground) ========== Finishers: ========== Super Piledriver - Down + B (opponent 0% health) _______________________________________________________ ====== MR. J. ====== Real name: Jason The Terrible From: Minneapolis, Minnesota Title: Non-Title Quote: "I'm gonna clean the mat with your face..." ====== Moves: ====== Irish Whip - A (while grappling) Bodyslam - B (while grappling) Irish Whip - A/C (back grapple) Backdrop - B (back grapple) Lariat - A (while running) Wheel Kick - B (while running) Over The Shoulder Toss - A (while opponent is running) Stomp - B (while opponent is on the ground) ========== Finishers: ========== German Suplex - B (back grapple - opponent 0% health) _______________________________________________________ ============= DON DAMBUSTER ============= Real name: Road Warrior Hawk From: New York, New York Title: Non-Title Quote: "I'll make mincemeat outta ya..." ====== Moves: ====== Irish Whip - A (while grappling) Bodyslam - B (while grappling) Military Press Slam - Down + B (while grappling) Irish Whip - A/C (back grapple) Backdrop - B (back grapple) Lariat - A (while running) Shoulder Block - A (while opponent is running) Jumping Fist Drop/Stomp - B (while opponent is on the ground) _______________________________________________________ ============== NIM ROD FALCON ============== Based on: Mil Mascaras From: Miami, Florida Title: Non Title Quote: "I'll make you sorry you were born..." ====== Moves: ====== Irish Whip - A (while grappling) Bodyslam - B (while grappling) Piledriver - Down + B (while grappling) Irish Whip - A/C (back grapple) Backdrop - B (back grapple) Wheel Kick - A (while running) Dropkick - B (while running) Over The Shoulders Toss - B (while opponent is running) Stomp - B (while opponent is on the ground) ========== Finishers: ========== German Suplex - B (back grapple - opponent 0% health) _______________________________________________________ ============ TITAN MORGAN ============ Based on: Hulk Hogan From: Dallas, Texas Title: SWA Title Quote: There's only one champ and you're lookin' at him..." ====== Moves: ====== Irish Whip - A (while grappling) Bodyslam - B (while grappling) Piledriver - Down + B (while grappling) Irish Whip - A/C (back grapple) Backdrop - B (back grapple) Lariat - A (while running) Dropkick - B (while running) Shoulder Block - A (while opponent is running) Leg Drop/Stomp - B (while opponent is on the ground) ______________________________________________________ =============== BUCKSKIN ROGERS =============== Based on: Stan Hansen From: U.S.A. Title: Title Defense Quote: "You don't look like a champ to me..." ====== Moves: ====== Irish Whip - A (while grappling) Bodyslam - B (while grappling) Piledriver - Down + B (while grappling) Irish Whip - A/C (back grapple) Backdrop - B (back grapple) Lariat - A (while running) Wheel Kick - B (while running) Over The Shoulder Toss - A (while opponent is running) Stomp - B (while opponent is on the ground) ========== Finishers: ========== German Suplex - B (back grapple - opponent 0% health) _______________________________________________________ ========== GRAND KONG ========== Based on: Abdullah The Butcher From: ??? Title: Title Defense Quote: "Let's see whatcha got, kid..." ====== Moves: ====== Irish Whip - A (while grappling) Bodyslam - B (while grappling) Piledriver - Down + B (while grappling) Irish Whip - A/C (back grapple) Backdrop - B (back grapple) Lariat - A (while running) Dropkick - B (while running) Shoulder Block - A (while opponent is running) Knee Drop/Stomp - B (while opponent is on the ground) ========== Finishers: ========== Super Piledriver - Down + B (opponent 0% health) ======================================================== ******SECRETS, TIPS & TRICKS****** ======================================================== ===================== Fight Bucksin Rogers: ===================== To fight the hidden sub-boss Bucksin Rogers, defeat all six opponents in 1 player mode while capturing the S.W.F. and S.W.A Championship belts. After the sixth opponent has been defeated, Buckskin Rogers will appear as the seventh opponent. ================= Fight Grand Kong: ================= To fight the hidden boss Grand Kong, defeat Bucksin Rogers in 1 Player mode. After Buckskin Rogers has been defeated, the eigth match will begin with the hidden boss character Grand Kong as the final opponent. ================ Gameshark Codes: ================ For the Sega Dreamcast version: Infinite Health 01303D80 00004050 Infinite Time Out Of Ring 01303F8A 00000000 No-one Ever Pinned 01303F8C 00000000 Infinite Time 013061AC 00000909 ======================================================== ******CREDITS****** ======================================================== {Sega} - for releasing Wrestle War. {The Scotsman} - for providing the Sega Dreamcast cheats. {PuroGeek} - for inspiring me to write my own FAQs. {Patorjk} - for providing the template for the header of this FAQ. {...and you!} ======================================================== ******CONTACT****** ======================================================== Please send your questions, corrections and comments to: justin.imprint.m@gmail.com All contributions to this FAQ will be credited.