I wasn't going for flashy, just to get you through it without alot of problems. Email me at Captain_America3@yahoo.com with any imput or anything you'd like to add. ============= 1. Characters 2. Walkthrough ============= 1. Name Max(leader) Gotta be on your team. Probably the best fighter. Adam: Man this guy sucks. Leave him off your team. He does get stronger though but still not worth it. Alef: Good wizard. Bolt is her specialty. I suggest you keep her in your party Amon: Well she is ok. She starts out good and takes alotta work to keep up. Anri: Very good. Make sure she is in your party til the end. Arthur: He is the only knight I have seen that can use magic. He has an ok Attack power. Balbaroy: Stronger then Amon, over all better then her too. Take him over her. Bleu: He gets alot better but it takes too much work to raise him...Just as soon leave him off. Diane: Ok Archer. better then Hans, worse then Lyle. When you get her leave her in til you get Lyle. Domingo: Very good mage. Starts out weak spell wise but quickly climbs. Great defense. Earnest: My favorite knight. Probably the second best. Good for your team. Gong: Takes alotta work to keep up and if he falls behind he sucks and is impossible to get up again Gort: Best Warrior, but that's not saying much. Better then Luke. Guntz: Slow but very good defense. Not really the best choice. Hans: Archer, the worst. He is ok at the beginning but never gets attack up so... Hanzou: Great! Has magic and good att and is cool. Must have. Jogurt: He's completely worthless. DOn't put him on your team for anything. Ken: Your first knight. Pretty good but you get better. Give him a spear. Khris: A crappy healer...Just leave her alone Kokichi: A flying knight. Uh I guess he's ok, but I would reccomend a birdman. Lowe: Your first healer. He stays good as long as you keep him up. Luke: Another warrior. You get him first and he will seem strong, but eventually fall behind. Lyle: Your best Archer. Leave him in he is very strong. Mae: Maybe you can keep her. She's good defensive so put her in front. Only good when promoted. Musashi: GREAT! Strong attack, Strong defense. Just give him a mobility ring and voila. The best. Pelle: The strongest knight. If you wanna knight on your team, he's your guy. Tao: First mage. Gets up fast as your progress, keep her in the party all the way though. Torasu: Another healer...probably the best you get. Takes some leveling up though Vankar: Haha this guy is a loser. Leave him off your team. He'll disgraces it. Zylo: Strong attack and fast. He cuts through the forest, decide to leave him in the whole game or not. 2. Chapter 1. Invasion of Runefaust When you start out the screen will be blank. Once you wake up, go talk to Lowe, then talk to Varios and then to Lowe again. Go ahead and check out the kingdom. When you are done, go to the castle. The king will tell you to check out the Gate of the Ancients. Luke, Ken, Tao, Hans, and Lowe joins. Go back to the Guardiana Castle and talk to the king. He should give you 100gold coins. Then leave the town (you might have noticed the weapons shop, but you can only get items). The Wagon will take you to the gate, but unfortunately, there are monsters there. Now Egress. Return to the Gate, but don't enter. Instead go to the little house on the side. You can get Gong to join your team. Now you are ready to fight. I recommend that you Egress a few times to raise levels. When you are done with that, another fight happens. Take out everyone and proceed (you don't have to kill everyone, just have You enter the Castle). Upon your return you will find that your town has been ransacked. This is good in a few ways. First, go to the bar on your right, and get Gort to join. Second, it makes the Shopkeeper open up the weapons. Update your weapons and head back to the castle. Enter the Throne and watch. Varios and the King will die. Then Varios' daughter, May, will join. Head to the left of the castle and raid the Treasure room. You should get the Attack potions and the Defense potions (Save these until you are promoted! If you don't, it is like throwing it away...) Leave Guardiana again and enter another fight. This one is a little tricky because the Rune Knights tend to gang up on a single person. After you win, enter Altertone. Wow! Search the town because there is tons of stuff. To get the chest on the island, talk to the girl with the new dress, then push the cart into her. Talk to her again and she will push you in the river. You need to go to the weapons shop and talk to the guy that asks if you are Max (default name). When you are done checking out the town, enter the castle. There is alot of stuff in here too. Arrows and potions, the works. Talk to the King and see what happens (some allies, huh?). Oh well, search the bars and talk to Khris. She will join you. Once you get outside, a fight will occur. Whoop them and then talk to the king. He will tell you to search the "Dragon's Head". I was stuck on this part forever because I didn't catch that Dragon part. Anyways, it is just a little SW of the King's Chair. Search it and pull the chain. Chapter 2. Spirit of the Holy Spring You will start the chapter in Rhindo. This is a short chapter, but the fights are long. At least you get one of the best characters here though. Go to the shop and upgrade you equipment, then head to the house in the far NE corner. Talk to Guntz and find the Speed Ring. Exit the town and enter a fight. Fire+undead=death. Plus, the Desert makes you move less...After the fight, enter Manarina. Talk to Anri, and she will run off. Go and find her. On your way, enter a room and search the machine. Find a domingo egg. Talk to Anri after you find her, and then she joins (she starts out sucky, but trust me, she gets MUCH better). Then you will have to go to the Cavern of Darkness. This is a good Anri exp. fight. Have her kill the 2 zombies, the Egress. Repeat until she is as high as you are. Once you beat this fight, you will receive a Power Ring, and the Orb of light. Talk to the mage, and he will tell you to use it on the pool. Do what he says. You will learn a little about your quest now. Now you can get Auther to join. Head back to Rhindo, and talk to the Mayor. Make a deal to save his Grandson, and he will give you his boat. Enter the circus tent (this is an excellent Level up fight). Once you win, search the chest and get an Arrow for Han (finally! He was getting weak), and a defense potion. Talk to the mayor and check out your newfound boat. Uh oh, look who decides to poop the party out. No matter though, talk to the mayor again and head up wards to Shade Abbey. You will meat Amon. This is a good level too, and by now, you should be on level 10, enough to promote. Once you win, Balbaroy will join. As you exit the town Amon will join you too. Chapter 3. The Secret Weapon of Runefaust You start out in Bustroke. Walk around and explore for a while. When you are done, head to the Weapons shop and upgrade. When you are done with that, head to the Queen's house. Talk to her and then to Diane. Diane will join. Then you need to make your way SE to the quarry. A fight will await you here. Lookout for the Lizardman...Once you win, look in the cave. There is a special item in the somewhere, but not of importance...Once you have the moonstone, exit the quarry and talk to the alchemist. He will make Lunar Dew, which you will need to cure Zylo. To find Zylo, make your way through the back door of the house with the queen there. Talk to the person in charge of Zylo's cell, then enter. Talk to Zylo, and then use then Lunar Dew on him. Zylo will join. After that, talk to the Queen and learn more of your quest. Before you completely leave town go to the house in the very SW. Go down a level and talk to Kokichi. Then search the machine. He will show you a demonstration, then fly off a cliff. You'll find him later, but for now, exit the town. As you do, there will be a fight. This is thick forest, and that will mess up your movement (look out for those damn Pegasus Knights). After that fight, go back to the town and heal. Leave again and go to the bridge. Once there you will find out what the "Secret Weapon of Runefaust" is. Not hard at all, just rush it fast. All you have to do is kill the Silver Knight. After that, Pelle will join you team (he is an awesome knight with great attack). Chapter 4. The Great Fortress of Balbazak. You will start out in Pao. This is a town of traveling wagons. Go to the shop and update you weapons. Search and talk to everyone. You should find another attack potion too. This is a good level because you get LOTS of guys on your team (mostly knights though). Talk to the Princess of the Village (princess of a village?) and tell her that you are ready to leave. Go up to the church and weave around to the back until you see Jougert. It will not say anything, (no use though, he has one HP, attack, and defense) but Jougert will join. After that, search between the tracks and talk to Vankar. Then Kokichi will fly in and join you. Kokichi and Vankar will join. As you leave, you have to fight the infamous Mr. Elliot. This is not that hard of a fight, but beware, because the enemies will gang up on you. Once you win this fight, Pao will return in front of you. When you re-enter Pao, you can finally get Domingo! Go to the Item store and talk to the guy sitting down. He will hatch it for you. Domingo is an awesome Mage (he starts out low, but quickly rises above everyone else. Plus he has very good defense), plus he can fly. When you get him, go to the Sheep pen and Guntz (from Rhindo) will join (good defense, but too slow). Not much else to do here, so when you are done, exit and head to Uranbatol. Before you can actually enter the city, you have to fight. Not that hard, except for the Hell hounds...After that, enter and find Earnest (a cool knight) and he will join. Look through the city to find a shop and a priest. Enter the dock and face Balbazak. He is fairly easy(more so than Elliot). There is an old puppet troop here too. After you whoop him, you finally get a ship Chapter 5. Gateway to the Hidden Shrine You start this chapter on your boat. When all of the sudden a bunch of monsters attack. Beat them and land on Warel to repair your ship. Check out the King's shop and get better weapons. Search the chest for useful items too. When you are done walking around, rent a boat and talk to Shell's Mom. She will eventually let you go out, where you are swept up into the ocean. You will wake up at a priest's house, but he will not save or anything. Go into the cave and follow the soldier. When he sees you, you enter a fight. This fight is a little tricky, but not too hard. After you win, you will learn a little more about your quest. You will then be able to go back to Warel. Talk to Shell and then when you are done exploring and talking, Head to the King. You are now ready to Sail again. As soon as you get back on the ship, it gets attacked once more (wow! they don't show the Shining Force's boat any mercy, do they?). Take out the monsters and continue. Chapter 6. Desendant of the Sacred Dragons In this chapter, you begin in Rudo. Talk to Karen (the leader) and head out. As you search, you should find some items in a chest. The weapon shop here is good, so upgrade. You will learn of a baby dragon named Bleu. Before you leave town though, find a 3-story building and go to the top. Talk to Lyle and he will join. Exit the town to the right and enter a fight. Look out because alot of extra troops appear. Once you enter Dragonia, explore and find the good sword. Look around and find Bleu, who is at the back of the village. After the bad guy is killed, Bleu will join. He starts out UNIMAGANALY weak, but, if you have the patience to get him up, he becomes a very good member. After finding Bleu, you will meet Kane/Kain (in the game it is spelled two different ways). He will tell you that this is where you will die. There should be a base in the SW part of the town, so go there and prepare. When you come out you have to fight Kane. He is VERY strong, but when he is swarmed, he is not that hard. Look out for his death Sword (it will kill you in one hit). When you are done, head back to Rudo and talk to Karen's sister, Karin (sorry I forgot the name). She will tell you more about the purpose of your quest, and that you need to visit Prompt. When you are done talking, exit the town again and get ready for a fight. This is a very long fight, so take it easy. As soon as you beat that fight, there is another one. Remember Mishela? This time you actually fight her. Besides her level 2 Bolt, she is easy. Be sure to get the Sword of Light. Chapter 7. The Lost Civilazation In this chapter, you start out in Prompt. First, go to the weapons shop and deck yourself out. When you are done with that, talk to the King. He should suggest a trip to the Tower of the Ancients. Before you lever town though, head over to the to a house on the left (It will be fairly wide for a house and have two doors. Search the sign in the middle). Musashi the Samurai will join. He is awesome in every way. After that, exit the town to the right and enter a fight. You will have to fight a bunch of new enemies here (Don't be suprised at Musashi's movement, it is just the terrain). After that, enter the Tower of the Ancients. On the way up, there is another fight. After you enter the Tower, Kane will be killed. That is a small price to pay because you get Alef and Torasu to join (make sure that you keep them both in.). After that, you go back to Prompt. Talk to the King and he will give you the Sword of Darkness (keep this until you get the Chaos Breaker). Talk to the Scholars and they will tell you to use the Orb of Light at the Pool of Ancients. Go ahead and do that, and learn more of your quest. It will also tell you where to get the Chaos Breaker. As you exit, Adam the Robot will join. As soon as he joins, you have to fight Chaos, another Robot. Once you win, return to the town and heal as necessary. Go to the King and learn about Metepha. Go there and read the signs. Once you do that, you will learn how to make the Chaos Breaker. Return to prompt and talk to the King. After you do, leave town and head south for your Final destination, Runefaust. Before you get there though, there is one last fight (look out for those Armed Skeletons). Chapter 8. Rise of the Ancient Castle You start out right in front of Runefaust. Enter it. As soon as you do, look for a bush above you with a yellow star. Search there, and Hanzou will join (just as good as Musashi, except with magic!) After that, ask around and learn about King Ramladu. Enter the castle, but before you do, visit the Weapons shop. Now you can enter the castle. Be sure and get the chests...Also, this is a perfect level up battle. After that, head deeper into the castle, and fight the infamous King Ramladu. This is a fun fight, because it is almost even. After you thrash him, move on. I strongly suggest that you go back to the town and heal and stock up on healing supplies, because next you have the 3 final battles all in a row. When you are ready, make your way through the castle and into the Gate of the Ancients (deja vu?) You have to move to the farthest point left and USE the Chaos Breaker (you might have heard this in books and from people). Enter the Gate again and enter the Warp. After that, you are on the home stretch...In this fight; you have to take on the Colossus. He will devide into 3 things, then attack. Each one has a level 3 spell (bolt, blaze, and freeze). Right after that fight, you are on to fight the notorious Dark Sol. Man, this guy is easier than the Mishela fight (look out for his dark spell though). Once you beat him, you can move onto the final fight, Dark Dragon. He is kinda hard (Should be harder though). You have to put to members (Usually Torasu and Gong and have them cast Aura level 4 when needed) over the squares to stop the skeletons. Then just whoop both heads, and close in on the middle. Look out though, because he has infinite level 4 magic, plus a level 4 death magic. Voila, you have beaten Shining Force one. Congratulations!