_________ ______ _ __ ____ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ / ______\_\| ____||| \\ | || / __ \ // \ || |// /| | || | | / /_/____ | ||__ | \\| || / / \_\ // /\ \ || |/ / | | || | | \______ \ \ | ___|| | \| ||| | __ || | || ||| / | | || | | \ \ \| || | |\ ||| | |_ \|| | || ||| \ | | |/ | | ______/ / /| ||___ | ||\ || \ \__/ / \\ \/ / || |\ \ | | \__/ | \______/_/ |_____|||_|| \_|| \____/ \\__/ ||_|\\_\ \_\____/ ################## #### #### ########### ########### ################## #### #### ############ ############ #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### ############ ############ #### #### #### ########### #### #### #### #### #### #### ###### #### #### #### ######## #### ####### ############# #### ###### #### ####### ############ | D- | Faust's Dreamcast FAQs | -R | http://www.gamingwest.com | E- | kmfdm@technonet.com | -A | | M- | SENGOKU TURB | -C | FAQ/Item + Weapon List | A- | | -S | Version 1.3 | T- | 5/06/99 Welcome to my Sengoku TURB FAQ! The only real reason I made this FAQ is because I have yet to find even one other FAQ for this game(as of this writing)... and it is very rare to not find a FAQ for a game(or for that matter even a page that is just a quick list of cheats like at a place like Gamesages). Anyways, read through, send me anything about the game(literally anything! Story, secrets, weapons, items, ANYTHING!) to: kmfdm@technonet.com so that I can complete this FAQ. Also, I will make an update immediatly after I find my way past the part I am stuck(see "Help Needed" section), telling how to get past it... and be sure to check out my homepage for it(if that is not where you are already) at http://www.technonet.com/~kmfdm, as I may not have gotten the most recent version to sites with this FAQ on it yet. __________________________ Help Needed __________________________ Well, I have a problem. I have no clue how to get across the broken rainbow bridge in the "final" level(I dont know if its actually the true final stage or not, just its the only one unbeaten on the map.) Its stage 54 or something like that(I'd have to check to be sure). Anyways, if you know what to do here, please e-mail me at kmfdm@technonet.com. Second, Im unsure how to get the troops up in rank... They keep dying before I can get a number of kills to see if they go up the same way Jino does. Also, something else that is really odd... I was playing the game, talking to everyone while working on this FAQ and suddenly realized I had a 4th option I could ask them, that I had never noticed before. 「せけんばなし」... which, according to my dictionary, translates into "Gossip" or "Chat". Anyways, to get to the point, I used this option on the white haired girl in the castle, and she gave me an item! I also noticed she mentioned "Blowout" and "Item" in the same sentence(I can read "fluent" katakana, just not hiragana or kanji), so I went to see Blowout(in the purple tower beside the castle) and talked to her but nothing happened... so then I went around the town and talked to everyone and 2(maybe 3) people gave me items! I dont know what any of them do... they are: おぼん = Lantern Festival(??) けび = ??? ポン = Pon(??) すしのぬいぐるみ = Sushi "nonuigurumi"(??) Any clues anyone? SECTION 1 - STORY __________________________ Story __________________________ All I know is some sort of war is going on between the two opposing countries. Crash landing on the planet "Lion" in the middle of the war, Jino decides to help out... The war is being fought by the "Cat Army" and the "Sheep Army". __________________________ Characters __________________________ This section is under construction as I don't know the storyline well enough to give accurate character descriptions. Jino-chan(じの) Our heroine of the story. Crash lands on this weird little world where a war is going on... decides to help the Cat Army. Kuma(Bear)(くま) and Ukegi(うけぎ) I have no clue what these things are... they are following Jino around in the intro so I assume they are on her side. Doctor Hitsuji(ひつじはかせ) Carries a weird little doll around with him.... dunno any more than that. Can be found in one of the stages, I cant remember of the top of my head, so I will find which next update. Doppa(ドッパ) A villian as far as I can tell, based on the intro. Doctor Nanoray(なのれーはかせ) While she doesnt strike me as the doctor type, according to the book she is one... and as usual I don't know who she is. :) She also appears in one of the stages, and as with Dr. Hitsuji I will have her location next update. CAT ARMY Nekoshougun(Cat King)(ねこしょうぐん) Short, and green and wears a crown... leader of the Cat Army. Molina(モリーナ) The resident nurse in the Cat Army's capitol city... Gelsomina(ジェルソミーナ) Sonorousface(ソノラフェイス) Blowout(ブロワ) SHEEP ARMY Princess Nietzsche(ニーチェひの) Princess of the Sheep Kingdom. Patra(パトラ) Alice B(アリセB) The main general of the Sheep Army. She likes to dance a lot... Fought in Stage 11. Gertrude(ガートルード) Derrida(デリダ) OTHER CHARACTERS(Unlisted in Book) Bonbo(ボンボ) He can be found in stage 10. I'm not really sure of this, but, uh... he seems to be forming a band and is asking for some of your troops to join... it is really weird. See my translations for talking to him at the bottom of this FAQ. Afu-chan(アフちゃん) I know even less about her than I do the characters in the book... Found in Stage 19. Always is in front of one of the buildings with the giant horn inside... SECTION 2 - SECRETS __________________________ View Credits __________________________ Put the Sengoku TURB cd in your computer and... whats this?! You can view the credits without beating the game! Just open the AVI you find. __________________________ Recruit More Troops __________________________ For about the first few chapters of the game I went through troop-less since they had all died, and I did not know how to get any new ones... Then I stumbled on something... those little bunny creatures(green dots on map) turn into troops! Just click on them with the "B" button! This is probably not a real secret, and is probably even mentioned in the instruction book, but I'd thought I would list it in this FAQ for those of you who are like I was with this game at first! :) __________________________ Fairies __________________________ Ya know those Fairies flying around in some stages? Well, press the "B" button to grab them and get a status raising item! Depending on the color of the Fairy it will raise a different statistic. Be careful though, because if you miss and touch the Fairy you get poisoned! __________________________ New Ranks __________________________ Get 200 Kills(LIV in the status screen), and get a red outfit with higher stats. Get 400 Kills and get a white dress and crown and even more status enhancements. :) SECTION 3 - TRANSLATIONS AND LISTS __________________________ Item List __________________________ Ok... I have no clue what most of these items do. Some of these translations have really got me confused... any with "???" I am unsure of. (*) Usage Confirmed By Book and in Game. (**) Supposed Tranlation from book, unconfirmed in game. Lack of a note means that I have not confirmed it's usage in the book, but that is what I have seen it do in the game. (??) means very rough translation, and may be wrong. ごはん    Rice Regain Life(*) くすり Medicine Regain A Little Life(*) みず Water Recover A Little Spirit(*) ジュース Juice Recover Spirit グラッパ Grape Recvoer Full Spirt(**) たいにゃんGR ??? Raise Life Max (*) たいにゃんRE ??? Raise Strength (*) たいにゃんBR ??? Raise Defense (*) はらんバンジョ一 Troubled Banjo(??) Raise Luck (*) へいぼん Slab(??) Lower Luck (**) ポンヌ一 ??? Raise Agility for limited time(??) つちねこ Cat Dirt(??) Lower Agility for limited time(??) ドーメツ Donuts(??) Cures the status effect Paralysis(*) ベル Bell Cures the status effect Sleep(*) えろほん "Ero" Book(??) Cures the status effect Fascination(*) ダーリじん Dairy Jin(??) Cures the status effect Poison(*) なまビール Raw Beer Cures the status effect "スランプ"(*) ケーキ Cake Cures the status effect Crazy(*) ふぉあふぉらーん ??? ??? むせん Radio Contact Nekoshougun(the King) けいさんさピピ Calculator(??) Shows game status(play time, etc.) __________________________ Weapon List __________________________ Weapons are listed in order of their type's appearance on the weapon list. And a quick note, in battle the weapons are grouped by category(so that rods would be the first group on the list, shurikens the fourth, etc.). I will finish this up shortly, but for now use it as a reference list so you know what you are equipping. (Strenth) (Range) Rod (ぼう) - Short Range attack with a Baton(And a funny walk...). "Denden" (でんでん) - Shoot up to 3 music notes in different directions. Sword (けん) - Short Range, swift attack with a sword. Shuriken (しゅらけん) - Throws Shurikens(Throwing Stars) up to 3 directions. Soft Cream (ソフトクリーム) - Short Range, swift attack with an ice cream cone... Water Gun (みずでっぼう) - Long Range, shoots water up to 3 directions. Hand (て) - Short Range, hits your opponent with a big hand. Whip (ムチ) - Shoots forward in a spiral. Cracker (クラツカー) - Medium Range. Slow. Crap... Ball (たま) - Throw balls up to 3 directions. Ring (リング ) - Drops lightning in a large area. Extremely Powerful. Ray Gun(???) (こうせんしょう) - ??? I have yet to find this weapon. Plant(???) (しょくぶつ) - Long Range, slow, shoots smoke forward in a line. Spider (クモ) - Shoots a single strand straight forward. "Taibou" (たいほう) - ??? I have yet to find this weapon. ??? (????????) - ??? I have yet to find this weapon. SECTION 4 - "UNDER CONSTRUCTION" This section is for parts of this FAQ I am currently working on, and have decided to post to get help from the more knowledgeable readers out there.... __________________________ Status Effects __________________________ This is a quick translation of the book's status table(page 19)... I hope it will give you an idea what the various flashing colors on a character mean. I still need to translate the descriptions... which will probably take a while... 状態(Condition) | 丸の色(Color) | ??末(Description?) -------------------+------------------+-------------------- 麻痺(Paralyzed?) | 緑色(Green) | 睡眠(Sleep) | 白色(White) | 魅了(Fascinated?) | ピンク(Pink) | 毒(Poison) | 黄色(Yellow) | スランプ(???) | 水色(Light Blue) | 狂暴(Crazy?) | 赤(Red) | 暴走する(Causes you to "run wild") 泥酔(Drunk) | 茶色(Brown) | 酔っ払って、能力が低下する(???) __________________________ Bonbo Translations __________________________ This is a quick list of things Bonbo says when you talk to him and it enters his special sub-menu(just ask him about himself, the japanese is:「ボンボ」) 1) ヘイタイをあずける(give into custody) 2) ヘイタイをひきとる(pick up) 3) ケッカをきく(Listen to him play) Options 1 & 2 both bring you to the following menu, if option 1 was chosen it will give the selected soldier to Bonbo, whereas option 2 will get back the solider from an occupied "slot". ハーポ(Harp?) ティンポ(Tempo?) ホルンペッポ(Horn?) バイオビオポ(Violen?) I dont really understand the whole point of the Bonbo thing, so as with everything else in this FAQ, if you know, tell me!!! SECTION 5 - CREDITS __________________________ Credits __________________________ This FAQ made by Faust(kmfdm@technonet.com). So far I have gotten no help...