_________.__ / _____/| |__ ____ ____ _____ __ __ ____ \_____ \ | | \_/ __ \ / \ / \| | \_/ __ \ / \| Y \ ___/| | \ Y Y \ | /\ ___/ /_______ /|___| /\___ >___| /__|_| /____/ \___ > \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ .___ .___ | || | | || | | || | |___||___| ¤--------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ | Shenmue II Guide version 0.5a | | Last updated: 1st December 2001 | | Created by: Clement Chan Zhi Li | | E-mail address: saigoheiki@gmail.com | ¤--------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ |Table of Contents| ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ <1> Introduction <1> [1.1] Copyright info [1.2] How to Best View this Guide <2> The Basics <2> [2.1] Main Menu [2.2] Controls [2.3] Saving [2.4] Characters <3> Shenmue II - Disc 1 <3> <4> Shenmue II - Disc 2 <4> <5> Shenmue II – Disc 3 <5> <6> Shenmue II – Disc 4 <6> <7> Credits <7> <8> History <8> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- <1> I n t r o d u c t i o n <1> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Hi! It's been a long time since I written an FAQ, almost a year since mid-February 2001. I'm writting this mainly because I'm bored, driven to the fact that there are actually very few FAQs written for Shenmue II, as the European version (as of now) are not yet released. For this FAQ, I'm hoping that it will be the best of the best, mainly because I would be concentrating on every detail of the story, of course, with the help of several sources and my extremely limited knowledge of Japanese words. Also, life's been getting boring, and I have no mood at all to play Shenmue II, in the Japanese version again (I only played it once through) and hopefully, I'll get the information right through my memory. Shenmue II is also one of the most flexible game, meaning that you can go anywhere easily, and tons of more hidden secrets and side-quests that you probably haven't even gotten it yet. Though I will try and uncover that facts, it will also depend on my mood and time whether to update this FAQ or not, from time to time. I would most likely get the European version to know what exactly happened in the game. If you have any problems or questions, feel free to e-mail me at saigoheiki@gmail.com. For now, I don't guarantee replies (as I do in the past) because I am now extremely busy with my life and school work. But of course, I will try to answer every question you ask, so please don't ask dumb and obvious questions that you can get either in the FAQ or in the Internet. I also forgot to mention that there will be indeed spoilers so please read it with your own risk. The FAQ below will be written with personal touches, so I hope it won't offend anyone at all if you encounter any sarcastic remarks. I will also include random quotes, most of them I think memorable, funny, witty or anything that captures my mind within the FAQ. Don't bother it, if you don't want to read it. You should always take your mind off the game once in a while. To find my latest FAQ, always go to http://www.gamefaqs.com Also, my FAQ is far from complete, as I’m lazy and tired up with lots of other things to do. I also want to see whether people would appreciate my work, so e-mail me if you want me to continue this FAQ. If not, I’ll just leave this FAQ as it is. - C l e m e n t C h a n 2 3 N o v e m b e r 2 0 0 1 ------------------------------------- [1.1] Copyright info ------------------------------------- This FAQ is Copyright © 2001 Clement Chan Zhi Li. You can distribute this FAQ as long as its contents are not changed. No. Not even a single letter. If you ever try to make profit by putting banners on top of it or other money-making schemes you may have in your mind, I will immediately request for my FAQs to be taken down. Only Clement Chan Zhi Li can make changes and updates to this FAQ. Any unauthorized changes and updates without my permission is prohibited by law. If you want to put parts of this FAQ publicly, at least write down the name of this FAQ and the owner's name (mine) together. One more word, don't even send parts of this Guide to other FAQs and write it as your own. I will soon find out. Shenmue, characters including Ryo Hazuki, Shenhua Ling and the rest are Copyright SEGA®. All rights reserved. ------------------------------------- [1.2] How to Best View this Guide ------------------------------------- If you view this guide of the Internet and noticed that some words are filled in with spaces and etc., it's because your browser did not view it at the right width. Save the guide and open it up with WordPad (recommended). Click File, then Page Setup. At the section where they put Margins (inches), look for Right and type 0.8" in it. That way, you could view this guide neatly as it is meant to be! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- <2> T h e B a s i c s <2> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------------------------------------- [2.1] Main Menu ------------------------------------- -=-=-= New Game =-=-=- By selecting this option, you can create a new game save file for Shenmue II. If you have a Shenmue Chapter 1: Yokosuka complete save file in your memory card, select left when two options are given and it will create a new file based on the Shenmue save file. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-= Continue =-=-=- Select this option to load your Shenmue II save file. It's that simple. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-= Digest Movie =-=-=- This is only accessible through Disc 4, where it will give you an in-sight on what happened in Shenmue, where they will let you see several parts of the game in case you forgot happened or never played the game before. This movie is quite long, about 15 minutes. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-= Shenmue Collection =-=-=- This option can only be selected in Disc 4. You can play arcade games that you have played before, like Darts 7 for instance, for free, and even play against those in the betting games. You can also fight against the enemies you have fought before (must be a one-on-one battle) again. -=- YS Games -=- - Space Harrier - Out Run - Hang On - After Burner -=- Shenmue Games -=- - QTE Title - Excite QTE 2 - Playing Darts 7 against Ojii-san - Playing Darts 7 against Gee-Mu - Playing Darts 7 against Ratsupu -=- Battle -=- - Move List -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-= Option =-=-=- This is, of course, option, where you can change the running of the game. Below listed are the modes in the game. -=- Game Mode -=- This is the default. You can change between the four by using the left and right buttons on the D-Pad. This mode basically would have voice and text. -=- Text Mode -=- As the name suggests (actually, it would be in Japanese), there will be only the subtitles accompanying instead of the voices. -=- Cinema Mode -=- The Cinema Mode only uses voices, without the text thoughout the game. -=- Shenmue Mode -=- This mode uses both text and voice. Text will be displayed when you skip. Here, you change the sound as the way you like it. -=- Stereo -=- Yeah, you'd probably know what this is. This will produce the best effects for sounds. -=- Monaural -=- I don't even know why you'd choose this. This will not at all give the best results for the sounds and in fact, the worst. And here's the analogue controls, where you can change it too. -=- Look -=- By selectiong this (which is the default), the analogue stick on your Dreamcast controller will be used to look around (turning Ryo's head). -=- Control -=- I don't suggest using this at all. You can't even look around with Ryo's head as in the default Look. This part will show you how you would like to have the L and R trigger buttons to work for. -=- L: Zoom R: Move -=- This is the default for Shenmue II, which is odd as the second option below are the ones that are the default for Shenmue Chapter 1: Yokosuka. -=- L: Move R: Zoom -=- Oh well, nothing much to say except this is the default option in the first game and chapter of Shenmue. ------------------------------------- [2.2] Controls ------------------------------------- -=- A button -=- This will be used widely for lots of actions, as Shenmue II has been changed a lot considerably, so this is not a one-use-only button. -=- B button -=- Yeah, used mainly to cancel or return back to where you are originally from. On the streets, if you have the map, press B when there is a pencil symbol there to mark the position of where you are on the map with three different colours, blue, yellow and red. -=- X button -=- Other than bringing up the notebook like in Shenmue, now the X button has even more uses than the A button, like opening doors, playing gotcha-gotcha machines, drinking cans and more. -=- Y button -=- There will be other uses too for this button but it is mainly use to bring up the menu. -=- L button -=- Depending on how you set it to be, the L button can be used to either run or zoom in. -=- R button -=- Depending on how you set it to be, the L button can be used to either run or zoom in. -=- Directional Pad -=- This will be used to move Ryo around. -=- Analogue Stick -=- This will be used to, in the defaults, move Ryo's head in the possible way (not 360 degrees, mind you). Or if you changed it, it will be used for Ryo to walk. ------------------------------------- [2.3] Saving ------------------------------------- For now, you can actually save anywhere in Shenmue II, with the exception of some places. Go to the menu by pressing the Y button, select the memory card icon, choose the left option and you can save. This would be a permanent save, not a temporary Resume save file as in the original Shenmue. You could, of course, save near Ryo's sleeping area, when the menu appears. ------------------------------------- [2.4] Characters ------------------------------------- -=- Ryo Hazuki -=- Ryo lost his mother in his infancy. He devoted himself to kung fu under his strict father. Ryo is reckless and quick to start a quarrel, but he also has a strong will. To solve the mystery of his father's death, Ryo left for China. What awaits him there? -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=- Shenhua Ling -=- Shenhua grew up in China surrounded by Mother Nature. She has a courage and strength that belies her innocent expression. Shenhua is pure and naive, so she never doubts anyone. She is also a mysterious young girl who is very kind. Her destiny will forever change when she encounters Ryo. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=- Joy -=- Joy loves to ride motorcycles. She is a very spirited woman who speaks her mind. She tends to be misunderstood by everyone because of her bluntness, but the truth is that she is gentle and honest. -=-=-=-=-=- -=- Fangmei Xun -=- A fourteen years old girl, Fangmei is cheerful and likes to help everyone. Because of this, everyone seems to like her. Fangmei is adopted by the people at the temple of Taoism, so she works there to repay their kindness of adopting her. She is respectful of her elders, but will also speak her mind if she sees that something is wrong, although she is not arrogant or spiteful. Fangmei likes to keep herself busy. She likes to take care of people, and may go overboard if someone catches her fancy. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=- Xiuying Hong -=- Xiuying is fond of Chinese tradition and culture. She is well versed in Taoism, history, and martial arts. She specializes in both the literary and martial arts. Xiuying is a very thoughtful person, and is always looking far ahead before taking action. She does not speak much, but it seems she has much sorrow hidden in her beautiful eyes. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=- Lan Di -=- -= Alias: Cang Long =- Lan Di uses a mysterious martial art which was said to have been lost. His cruel eyes cause his enemies to lose their fighting spirit. Those who do not fight back, he harshly defeats with his immoral fist. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=- Wuying Ren -=- Ren is the leader of the Heavens, a street gang which has its own territory in the Beverly Hills Wharf. He is charismatic, and his words and actions lead the heavens. Ren doesn't trust anyone, and is obsessed with money. He is also quick-witted and good at gambling. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=- Wong -=- -= Real Name: Xianweng Ni =- Wong adores Ren as an older brother, and admires Ren's manliness. He has a strong sense of dutyeven though he is a young boy, and he never forgets to return a favor that he's received. He is also good with his hands and is good at opening locks. Wong joins Sam, Larry, and Cool J in their petty crimes in the Pier area, but he is still a good boy at heart. -=-=-=-=-=-= -=- Sam -=- -= Real Name: Sunjie Liu =- Even though he loves everything American and calls himself Sam, his real name is "Sunjie Liu." He has a strong sense of camaraderie and often saves his fellows when they are in trouble. Sam is confident of his skill, but he carries a special collapsible nightstick just in case. -=-=-=-=-=- -=- Larry -=- -= Real Name: Ligong Luo =- Larry is second only to Ren in fighting ability. He tries to keep cool and calm, but the truth is he is quick to start a fight. Larry used to act as a lone wolf, but he now works for Ren after he was beaten up by Ren in a one-on-one fight. He admires those who are stronger than him and is broad- minded enough that he can accept his defeat when it is inevitable. -=-=-=-=-=-=- -=- Cool J -=- -= Real Name: Chrys James =- Cool J loves rap music, and his boom box is never more than an arm's length away. He appears to be intimidating, but he is actually weak in a fight. When he realizes a fighter is pretty tough, he runs away. Cool J and Wong are good friends in Heavens. They sometimes hang out. -=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=- Delin Hong -=- Delin is one of the harbor workers in Fortune's Pier. He doesn't take things too seriously. His personality is a bit wild and rough. Delin is a good-natured man and he works very hard. However, he doesn't have any future plans. It seems that he is satisfied if he can earn money enough to live each day out. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=- Gonglin Sun -=- Gonglin is the chief of the Fortune's Office in Fortune's Pier, and familiar to the workers simply as the Boss. He works very hard and doesn't take many vacations. His office does business with Joy's father, who is a big name in Hong Kong. That's why Mr. Sun and Joy are good friends. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=- Ailian He -=- Ailian is a young girl who opened a fortune-telling business next to the Freestay Lodge. Her family have been fortunetellers for decades starting with her grandmother. She does good business with young men because of her charming appearance and her remarkable fortune-telling. Ailian, however, gets annoyed by men who pick up on her. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=- Haohai Du -=- Haohai is a mean drunk that annoys everyone who makes eye contact with him. No one wants to get involved with him except for his brother. Haohao as an evil face, but he's really just all talk. He is not that tough. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=- Bangzhuo Du -=- Bangzhuo has a sly personality. He is also a vengeful person who is merciless. He learns a living by blackmailing, sponging off others, and gambling with his older brother. Bangzhuo uses a knife rather than his fists, but the knife is usually used to threaten his opponents. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=- May -=- -= Real Name: Meiming Yu =- May is a stunning girl who attracts the attention of customers at Fu Hoi Diner at Worker's Pier. She works together with her mother, but May is thinking of getting married to her childhood friend in the near future to give her mother an easier life. -=-=-=-=-=- -=- Zhenji Teng -=- Zhenji is the daughter of the family-run Lai Lai Eatery at Worker's Pier. It has been four years since her mother remarried, but Zhenji is still not doing well with her parents. She wants to improve the relationship, so she tries to be more open... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=- Ren Dan -=- Ren Dan works at the reception desk of the Come Over Guest House in the Green Market Qr. He always listens to the stock market radio channel with a newspaper in his hand. He has a stern look on his face, but he doesn't seem to be a bad person. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- <3> S h e n m u e I I - D i s c 1 <3> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- !-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-! WARNING AHEAD !-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-! I had already mentioned in the Introduction that this FAQ will contain spoilers. If you don't know about that, I'm warning you now. Read the FAQ below at your own risk. !-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-! Using the Shenmue save file (the Japanese version of Shenmue will be compatible with the Japanese version of Shenmue II, sames goes to the US version and European version) has its own good sides. It converts Ryo's money to HK$ and it brings forward the moves you had learned, the collectible toys, the photos, some of the items but sadly, some items like the Winning Can from Shenmue did not transfer to the Shenmue II save file. Don't ask me why. !-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-! START OF DISC 1 !-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-! !-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-! START OF SHENMUE CHAPTER 2 !-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!- Ah, but anyway, you had started the Disc 1 of Shenmue II at last. We see Ryo, our main hero of the story reached Hong Kong at last, and the ship that he went by docks at the port of Hong Kong. He'll read the letter given by Master Chen, and then you can control him. Also, if you had started a new game without the Shenmue save file, you will start on the date 23rd of February 1987. Now, you'll be in the Worker's Pier of Aberdeen. Just walk forward and you'll see a cut-scene of an old couple playing music. A boy will appear and ask you to donate. Select the left option to put in your money. I suggest that you do it, especially if you started a save file from Shenmue, you should have about HK$1000 and above. I had about HK$2600 from the first time I started playing this save file, thanks to repeated days of working in the harbor in the original Shenmue. If you put in your money, the old couple will show you the correct way of your destination. If you did not, the old couple will not do anything of that sort. Whatever it is, just continue your way. Just walk straight and peer into those stalls, where you can, if you have excess cass, buy Zippo lighters. Now just walk until you had a cut-scene of Ryo walking by past an irritating photographer that will take Ryo's photograph. A woman and her daughter will tell you of the Free Stay Lodge. The sign there is big enough for you to see that it is the correct building. Enter the building, and you'll see why it is free. It is exactly suitable for homeless people and the condition is well, terrible. Anyway, head towards the back. Depending on your luck, you can either get a Winning Can or a collectable toy. Just look at the shelf on your left to see an obvious Winning Can standing there. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=- Random Quote =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-= "End of discussion." - Ine-san on talking about Ryo's trip to Hong Kong to find Lan-Di. -= Shenmue Chapter 1: Yokosuka -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- If there is none, peer into the drawers on the table next to it. You should see a Red Forklift Truck. Now, zoom in on the paper on top of the table. You'll get an advertisement of a pawn shop. If you look at the icons below, you should be able to see the A button changed into a controller icon. Press the A button and you should bring up a set of menu. As usual, it should be like this: