SHENMUE II MOVES GUIDE Contents: 1. Intro 2. Copyright Stuff 3. Moves Guide 3a. Unlisted Moves 3b. The Y Button 4. Other Stuff 4a. Where to find the Monkey Roll Drop and Heel Sweep Move Scrolls 4b. Prices of Move Scrolls 4c. Who teaches you what and where. 5. Things to remember 6. FAQ 7. Version History 8. Credits ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NOTICE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What would you like to see on this FAQ? I'm taking requests for new sections on this FAQ. Just give me an email and I'll put what I can on the subject! _____________________________________________________________________ 1. Intro _____________________________________________________________________ Hi everyone and welcome to my faq! Ok so it may not be the best in the world but I have tried to make it so I can help you in the best way possible. I hope you like it. If you see anything wrong or want to add anything, or just want to ask a question. Please e-mail me at my new address which is and you will be credited for it, and please, NO CHAIN LETTERS!!!! I can't stress that enough, I have more chain letters than anything getting received and I don't want more. Note. THIS GUIDE WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS! USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. _____________________________________________________________________ 2. Copyright stuff. _____________________________________________________________________ I hate copyrights so I'll make it short. This FAQ is copyright (c)2001 (Michael Hennessey) if you change anything or steal any of my stuff, by law I can make your life a living hell supposedly, so be nice. If you do add anything and I dont credit it, dont go crying to gamefaqs or anyone. I will keep records of what I have been sent and will try to credit everyone, but if I miss something just email me telling me and I will look over my records and if I find you. I will e-mail you back apologising and add you to my credits list, hows that sound. The only people who can show this faq up to now are: (hopefully more to come!) Any way enough babbling, lets get on to the faq! _____________________________________________________________________ 3. Moves guide. _____________________________________________________________________ Ok basically in this section all I'll do is tell about each move and how to perform it along with any add-ons which will be in brackets. If I miss any moves out or there is a mistake or if there is an add on i missed e-mail me and if it works you shall be credited. I'll make this in a kind of table format. MOVE HOW TO PERFORM IT/ADD-ONS NOTES TIGER KNUCKLE X STEPPING STRIKE FWD,X ELBOW SLAM FWD,X RAIN THRUST FWD,X UPPER KNUCKLE BCK,X TWIST KNUCKLE BCK,X ELBOW ASSAULT FWD,FWD,X RISING FLASH BCK,BCK,X BRAWLING UPPERCUT BCK,BCK,X VERY POWERFUL MOVE TWIN BLADES FWD,BCK,X KATANA MIST SLASH FWD,BCK,X PIT BLOW BCK,FWD,X (X) SLEEVE STRIKE BCK,FWD,X BIG WHEEL X+A IRON PALM X+A VERY USEFUL MOVE TWIN HAND WAVES FWD,X+A TWIN PALM THRUST FWD,X+A LUNGING STRIKE FWD,X+A (X WHEN PARRIED) MASTER MO SAYS THAT THERE ARE OTHER ADD-ONS WHEN PARRIED, BUT I HAVE NEVER FOUND ANY, IF ANYONE HAS EMAIL ME AND YOU SHALL BE CREDITED BACKFIST WILLOW BCK,X+A COUNTER ELBOW ASSAULT BCK,X+A ONE OF MY FAVOUITE MOVES AVALANCHE LANCE FWD,FWD,X+A STAB ARMOUR FWD,FWD,X+A DOUBLE BLOW BCK,BCK,X+A MANTIS COMBO BCK,BCK,X+A (X) MISTAL FLASH L TRIGGER+X SWALLOW FLIP BCK,X (A,X) ONLY WORKES IF THE ENEMY TRIES TO PUNCH YOU OBLIQUE SLAM FWD,X+Y DIAGONAL WIPE BCK,X+Y IT MAY SEEM USELESS BUT IF YOU CATCH AN ENEMY RIGHT YOU WILL SEND THEM FLYING WITH ANOTHER PUNCH, NO ADD ON NEEDED FOR OTHER PUNCH CRESCANT KICK A TRAMPLE KICK A HOLD AGAINST LEG FWD,A SWALLOW DIVE BCK,A SIDE REAPER KICK BCK,A TORNADO KICK FWD,FWD,A,A ANOTHER ONE OF MY FAVOURITES DOUBLE STORM KICK FWD,FWD,A,A I THOUGHT THIS WAS GOOD AT FIRST, UNTIL I REALISED IT WOULD NEVER WORK BECAUSE ENEMIES WENT TO THE SIDE AND I WAS WIDE OPEN CRAWL CYCLONE BCK,BCK,A HEEL SWEEP BCK,BCK,A MUD SPIDER BCK,BCK,A THUNDER KICK FWD,BCK,A SURPLICE SLICE FWD,BCK,A HOOK KICK BCK,FWD,A AGAINST CASCADE BCK,FWD,A BRUTAL TIGER FWD,BCK,X+A HORSESHOE KICK FWD,BCK,X+A SIMILAR TO HOOK KICK TWIN SWALLOW LEAP BCK,FWD,X+A IF YOU USE THIS ON THE PASSIVE RAID STYLE MASTER YOU WILL EASILY DEFEAT HIM IN ONE GO. DARK MOON BCK,FWD,X+A OBLIQUE AIR KICK L TRIGGER+A CYCLONE KICK L TRIGGER+A WINDMILL L TRIGGER+X+A DRAGON SPIN L TRIGGER+X+A SHADOW REAPER L TRIGGER+Y+A WILD THROW B (ANYTHING EXEPT THE TRIGGERS AND Y) OVERTHROW B REAR FOOT SWEEP FWD,B SWEEP THROW FWD,B VORTEX THROW BCK,B (FWD,BCK,A) MACHINEGUN FIST FWD,FWD,B (A) MIST REAPER FWD,FWD,B DEMON DROP BCK,BCK,B SHOULDER BUSTER FWD,BCK,B (X) SERPENT COIL FWD,BCK,B TENGU DROP BCK,FWD,B (X) DARKSIDE HAZUKI B FROM THE SIDE BACK TWIST DROP B FROM BEHIND ARM BREAK FIRE FWD,BCK,BCK,B (X,X+A) MONKEY ROLL DROP FWD,BCK,BCK,B (X,X+A) TIGER STORM BCK,FWD,FWD,B,B A MUST USE AGAINST IZUMI HIND BLOW Y+B SHADOW STEP FWD,Y+B SHADOW BLADE FWD,Y+B,X CROSS CHARGE FWD,FWD,Y+B DEMONS TRIANGLE BCK,FWD,FWD,Y+B PREDICTIVE EXPLOSION IT IS USED AGAINST THE ACROBAT MASTER NEAR THE GHOST HALL BUILDING IN KOWLOON, IT TELLS YOU THE TIMING TO CATCH HIM, WHEN YOU ARE IN A POSITION TO CATCH HIM, A LITTLE B BUTTON ICON WILL FLASH AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SCREEN. _____________________________________________________________________ 3a.Unlisted Moves _____________________________________________________________________ Y+A IT'S A WEIRD TYPE OF KICK THAT HAS NO RANGE AND IS VERY SLOW, NOT RECOMMENDED IF YOU HAVE ANY MORE TELL ME _____________________________________________________________________ 3b. The Y Button. _____________________________________________________________________ The Y Button was a very useful thing in Shenmue 1. You used to be able to block, dodge or parry any attack. But in Shenmue 2 I doesn't do the same thing, instead you will usually roll to the side. Which can be bad news, especially when you fight Greg More and his ring can barely fit the two of you in. However I won't go into many changes to the Y button, I'll just tell you what it does. Normally if you press the Y button when the enemy isn't attacking, Ryo will just crouch. If you to it when an enemy is attacking though, you will do 1 of 3 things. You will either roll to the side, parry the attack, or duck very low to the ground. If you duck, that's when the fun begins. When you duck you will have a choice of three things. You can either follow up with X, which is an uppercut, follow up with A, which similar to crawl cyclone, or press B. B would be my choice. If the enemy is far away, you will do exactly the same as if you pressed X. If you're close in though, it's show time. If the enemy's attack was a punch, you will grad hold of his arm and punch the side of his body. If you press B while doing that move, you will finish the enemy off with a nice little flip. If the enemy's attack was a kick, you will grab hold of his leg and trip him to the floor, again if you press B twice, Ryo will keep hold of his leg and stomp on him. That's all on the Y button. _____________________________________________________________________ 4.Other Stuff _____________________________________________________________________ This just going to tell you where to get the moves I have mentioned in that long list. I will only mention the ones you can get in Shenmue 2 though. _____________________________________________________________________ 4a.Where to find the Monkey Roll Drop and Heel Sweep move scrolls. _____________________________________________________________________ These are by far the hardest move scrolls to get. If you aren't any good at lucky hit, and you really want these scrolls you are in for a hard time, as I was. The best way to do this is to buy a map of Dragon St. in Kowloon. It is possible without a map but if you have one it'll be strikingly obvious where to go. So, assuming you have bought a map, go to the very bottom of the stairs leading to Thousand White Qr. On your map there should be another path leading off from that exact same position. If you don't what I mean, face the stairs and then look right, there should be another path. Follow that path and you should get to some lucky hit stands. At this point you may think, "so what it's just another lucky hit stand, big deal", look closer at the rightmost stand and lock on to it, look at the bottom and you should see every square has an X on it except, one has a picture of a move scroll. This is the location where you get the move scrolls. I have actually come up with locations to drop the balls to win. On the first on you want to drop it close to the edge of the left side. The second one you'll want to drop it right on the edge of the right side. I now have an exact location (I haven't tested it yet, but I'll believe it!) According to J the Xtreme Gamer (he sat and played well over 50 games on it! What devotion!) You make four or five light taps on the controller to the left, eventually after dropping it here a while it bounced off the wall that separates the slots and bounced into the scroll slot! He sez he'll send me a more accurate version later. I hope you do! _____________________________________________________________________ 4b.Prices of Move Scrolls _____________________________________________________________________ Here I'm just going to tell you how much money to bring to the kung fu stores so you don't end up going in to the stores and finding you don't have enough money. Note. Most of the most scrolls master mo gives you, if you bought them all in disc one, the last one you should get will be diagonal wipe, so keep airing books out until you get it. Also, Xiuying gives you demons triangle after you kill Dou Niu. Wise Men's Kung Fu: Stepping Strike: HK$100 Oblique Air Kick: HK$100 Twin Palm Thrust: HK$200 Dragon Spin: HK$200 Double Storm Kick: HK$300 I'm not sure of the name but it's the one with three move scrolls in stock in the thousand white building: Rear Foot Sweep: HK$200 or 250 Serpent Coil: HK$250 Machinegun Fist: HK$500 The one next to it: Oblique Slam: HK$100 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My best locations of making money, they are all to do with gambling. Aberdeen, Fortunes Pier, I think the name is warehouse no 12 but if its not it's the one that dosent have a door, you enter it through a tunnel near fortunes eatery. Wan Chai, Green Market Qr. Go to the come over guest house as if you just walked out the door, turn right and go down the alley, take the first left, then take another left when you enter the plaza type thing. Kowloon, Thousand White Qr. Face the door of the Great View building, (where you beat hell out of yang) Then turn right and go that way around the builing, you should see stairs leading down, go down them and go straight. You should come out in something like, former workers site (I forgot the name), it should have three big or small tables. Go to the first one you seethe max bet should be HK$1000, assuming you have HK$1000, you should do if you gambled in the other places I mentioned. (A note, SAVE BEFORE YOU GAMBLE, that is the most useful thing you could ever do) Save and then bet on wai sik, if you lose restart the game (start+X+Y+A+B) and try again, I you win, congratulations! you just won HK$30000! _____________________________________________________________________ 4c. Who teaches you what and where. _____________________________________________________________________ This section will tell you who teaches you what moves and where you find them, exactly like the title says. If I miss any tell me. Another note. I don't know where Ryo learns hook kick, it just magically appears at the beginning of Shenmue 2. Brawling uppercut. Delin teaches you this move if you work for him when you are trying to earn HK$500 to find Ren, or just after that. He doesn't when you have to say goodbye to everyone. Iron Palm. Jianmin teaches you this when you are trying to find out about the Wude, unavoidable. Lunging Strike. Master Mo teaches you this when you manage to complete the airing books out job twice. Counter Elbow Assault. Xiuying teaches this when you leave for Kowloon. Wild Throw. The man at the kung fu school in Green Market Qr. teaches you this when you are trying to find out about the chawan sign. (Before Guixiang tells you what it is.) Hind Blow. Guixiang teaches you this when you are searching for restaurants (about chawan signs), go back to Yan Tin apartments. You must perform it on a land shark to master it. Predictive Explosion. When you do a chawan sign in nihao teahouse in Kowloon. You get a note telling you to go to a room in Moon Child Bldg. The blind musician teaches it to you there. _____________________________________________________________________ 5.Things to remember _____________________________________________________________________ Here I'm just going to give you some hints. Always pick the right move for the right situation, I know it's a split second before Dou Niu or Baihu knocks your head off, but think about what they are doing and how to counter their attacks. Say for instance the passive raid master, he dodges all of your attacks, if you use twin swallow leap, he duck the first kick, but he'll never see the next one coming. Practice every day without neglect, no I am not being daft, training with Jianmin does help, a lot. The better you get a one move, the more powerful it will be. All to have to do is go to the other side of the park from him in a sparring match and use your moves there, he won't parry them because you'll be hitting thin air. A way to hit Jianmin is to go mad with cyclone kick, it will do next to nothing damage to him but its still cool to be able to hit him! This may seem obvious, but if anyone offers to teach you a move learn it. It is better to mix up your move style so you can take on anyone without having to switch moves. Say having brawling uppercut, which is the strongest move in the game, and the slowest. If you find the enemy blocks that use a fast move instead, like twin palm thrust. Maybe more to come, watch this space... _____________________________________________________________________ 6.FAQ _____________________________________________________________________ This is where I'll answer all of your questions and everything. If you see a question up here please please don't e-mail me asking the same one. None as of yet. _____________________________________________________________________ 7. Version History _____________________________________________________________________ Version 1. 21 February 2002, this faq is created, I've put all I know of the combat of Shenmue 2 in this guide, now I'll wait for any corrections, or additional hints. Version 2. 22 February 2002. Thanks to Napoleon2513 for telling me how to hit Jianmin and what predictive explosion does, I've added that. Version 2.5. 23 February 2002. Minor update, just added the add on for pit blow. Version 3. 28 February 2002. Just added the notice at the top, probably my last update, it depends if I can find any new add on for lunging strike. Version 4. 11 March 2002. Changed the notice at the top, I decided to show a little more enthusiasm in this now. Also added the lucky hit scroll info. _____________________________________________________________________ 8.Credits _____________________________________________________________________ Sega-for making such a great game. YOU-thank you for taking the time to read this! Like I said, if you make any contribution to this FAQ, like hints or any corrections or stuff like that, no matter how big or how small, I'll credit you for it. Special thanks goes to Napoleon2513 for telling me what predictive explosion does and how to hit Jianmin Thanks go to J the Xtreme Gamer for sending me the lucky hit scroll info. "If I groove more customers may come!" Tom, Shenmue 1.