SHENMUE SECRETS GUIDE v1.0 by Julian McKenzie _____________ Introduction: _____________ This guide is a list of some interesting things in Shenmue that most people miss or are easily missed hence could be called secrets. If you know of anything else, please email me at For more information and features on both Shenmue and Shenmue II, please visit my website at _________ Contents: _________ 1. The Bad Ending 2. Infinite Winning Cans 3. Beating Chai At The You Arcade 4. Conversation's With Nozomi 5. Winning At The Slot Machines 6. Translating The Chinese Moves Scrolls 7. How To Win At The Pool Shot 8. 70 Man Free Battle 9. Actual 1986/87 Yokosuka Weather 10. Staying Up Beyond The Curfew 11. Ryo's Friends Coming Round To Visit 12. Nozomi Brings Flowers 13. The Hidden Enoki Free Battles 14. Chinese Legends And The Mirrors 15. Goro's Phone Call 16. Drunkard QTE 17. Flashbacks Of Iwao 18. Nozomi's Cutscenes 19. Cutscenes With The Kitten 20. Infinite Days At Work 21. Christmas And New Year's Day 22. Yuriko And Kurita-san 23. Sparring With Fuku-san 24. Yong, Wu, And The Three Blades 25. Wang-san And Translating The Letter 26. The J-Pop Motorcycle Song 27. Ren In Yokosuka? _________________ 1. The Bad Ending There is an alternate ending to Shenmue, commonly called the "bad ending". To get it, simply last through to 15th April 1987. A simple way to get it by yourself is on the sneaking into the Old Warehouse District part on disc 2. When you try and sneak in, there is a one button QTE where you have to catch a flashlight. Simply fail this QTE and a day progresses, so simply put the controller down, stroll away, and by the time you have come back to the Dreamcast, it should have progressed a fair few days. It will ask you to save before you see the bad ending. Then enjoy. ________________________ 2. Infinite Winning Cans To get infinite winning cans, simply collect some in the game, then save your game in the bedroom. Then save a resume file. You can then load the resume file on your passport disc and use the winning cans to get "Shenmue Characters". Then load your game again, and save a new resume file. Repeat the trick. _________________________________ 3. Beating Chai At The You Arcade It is possible to beat Chai, the first time you fight him, in the You Arcade. I have found the easiest way is to train the Crawl Cyclone move, available from the Bunkado Antiques shop, to moderate level and then set it to the R button. Then, when facing Chai, do not start an attack, defend his attack, then hit the R button. Of course, you can vary your attacks, however, punches and combos he generally blocks and high kicks go over his head; therefore use low kicks, and possible throws if u can utilise them properly. Learning how to defend successfully is the most important aspect. I recommend saving the game just before you meet Chai, so you can repeat the fight over. Once Chai is defeated, you have to free the Arcade owner and go on a search for Chai, which leads you to the Asia Travel Co as usual, however, Ryo's attitude changes after he beats Chai and is quite cool. _____________________________ 4. Conversation's With Nozomi Tired of Ryo not caring for Nozomi? Well try phoning her. You can learn all sorts of things, and it adds much to their relationship. I recommend phoning every day. Of course, sometimes, especially on disc one, you simply get messages like "my grandmother needs to use the phone" and "oh, the cooking is burning", but don't let this put you off, there are rewarding conversations to be had. The most rewarding is the final one with Nozomi. The day after you rescue her on disc three, in your last bit of free time, the notebook says "I should check with everybody". Listen to this advice, if you phone Nozomi, Ryo almost, he was so close, to telling Nozomi that he loves her. Also, if you run to the bus stop after leaving the work office, you should be able to catch a bus and meet Nozomi, where they get very close as well. _______________________________ 5. Winning At The Slot Machines The slot machines may offer top quality prizes for getting 777 but they are extremely hard to get. So, here's a tip to make you win more easily. Simply go to the Lapis Fortune Teller, and ask for her to tell you the "gamble". It will cost you 300 Yen, but it gives you the lucky slot machine number for that day. So, simply play on that machine to win easier on that day. ________________________________________ 6. Translating The Chinese Moves Scrolls There are two scrolls in Chinese you acquire in the game. The Stab Armour in the Hazuki Basement and the Mysterious Scroll behind the "Yin and Yang" scroll in the Hazuki Dojo. To translate these simply phone Master Chen and agree to meet Gui Zhang; then head over to him and he will translate one per visit. The Stab Armour is a powerful move whereas the Poetry Scroll, as it is then known as, is a move written in code, which the original master will need to decode. ______________________________ 7. How To Win At The Pool Shot To sink the pool shot in the MJQ Jazz Bar the first time you go there and they bet you, simply tap right 17 times and you will sink it. After that, there are 4 different shots when you visit again. _____________________ 8. 70 Man Free Battle When you have completed the game, put in disc three and enter the options screen, you now have the option of replaying the "70 Man Free Battle", without Gui Zhang but fighting against the clock. As with the other mini-games, times can be posted on the Shenmue Passport disc. __________________________________ 9. Actual 1986/87 Yokosuka Weather After your first time through completing the game, a new option is available on the main and in-game option menus. It lets you choose between the actual weather in Yokosuka in 1986/87 as researched by AM2 or the "Shenmue Weather" which is the pre-programmed weather, making it snow on certain days, like Christmas, and so forth. ________________________________ 10. Staying Up Beyond The Curfew Yes, there is a way to get around Ine-san's strict 11:30 curfew, however, it can only be utilised at a certain point in the game. Whilst you are searching for Heartbeats Bar, you can stay up as long as you want throughout the night. You can still entermany bars and places in the "red light district" of Dobuita in this time. The You Arcade closes quite early, however the Slot House remains open most of the night. The Tomato Mart is also open 24hours and you can always train up your moves in the training areas. _______________________________________ 11. Ryo's Friends Coming Round To Visit This is a cut scene that most people seem to miss. Your friends, Naoyuki Ito and Ichiro visit you at your house and you chat in the lounge. To get it you need to go to Yokosuka Bar after 7pm the day after Nozomi's cut scene in the Sakuragaoka Park on disc two. This is around the time you are learning and trying to get in the New Warehouse #8. In the Bar, Akemi will tell you that Fuku-san called and that your friends are waiting at your house. Then you are taken there and the cut-scene starts. _________________________ 12. Nozomi Brings Flowers It isn't much, but it's a nice little touch showing how much Nozomi cares. On disc two, around when you are trying to get a boat ticket to Hong Kong, enter the altar room in the Hazuki Household and Ine-san will tell you that Nozomi brought Iwao's favourite flowers and you can look at them. _________________________________ 13. The Hidden Enoki Free Battles There are two free battles with Enoki and Nagashima that a lot of people miss. The first occurs on disc one and in it Ryo saves Nozomi. Simply go to Sakura Park before 7pm the first sunny (or snowy, this happens to me which was odd) day after the Heartbeats event. What is important is that it's a sunny day. I suggest changing to both weather modes to see if you can get a sunny day. If you get this free battle, the cut scene is added to the passport disc, as is the music. The second free battle also occurs on disc one. It occurs after Ine-san gives you the letter and Charlie ambushes you in Sakuragaoka. You will only receive this free battle if you completed the previous one. After 7pm, you have to go to a patch of grass at the Wakaba Apartments in Dobuita. This is on the path from Sakuragaoka nearest the You Arcade and if you go there normally at night, you will see Enoki and his "gang" hanging out there. ___________________________________ 14. Chinese Legends And The Mirrors To get more information about Chinese culture and the legends behind the mirrors you need to take the mirror to certain people once you have found it. The people are: Liu Senior in Suzume Park, Dobuita; Yamagishi-san in Sakuragaoka Park; Keizo-san in Bunkado Antiques; and lastly Xia-san in The Russiya China Shop, this scene features Sha Hua and will be added to the passport disc. _____________________ 15. Goro's Phone Call Goro phones you in the game. This occurs on disc two if you fail to meet him at the Harbour when he says he will get you a job. If you fail two days in a row, you get an extra note, and I guess if you keep missing the appointment he keeps phoning you. The weird thing is when he phones, it doesn't sound quite like Goro, also he seems disappointed in you, especially since Ryo is his new role model. ________________ 16. Drunkard QTE There is a small QTE which you may not have seen on disc two. Near the beginning of the disc, whilst still searching for a way into the Warehouse, simply walk around the Dobuita "Red Light District" at night, in the direction from the Slot House to the Yokosuka Bar. You can experience this QTE every night and if you lose, Ryo will get injured, you'll see why. ______________________ 17. Flashbacks Of Iwao At the beginning of the game, there are many flashbacks in which Ryo remembers his father. It is easy to miss them, so I'll list them here. The first one, isn't really a flashback, but is interesting, go to Iwao's room at the start of the game and look at his desk. You will see a farewell letter from Iwao to Ryo. You can look at this as often as you like. The first flashback proper occurs if you go into the kitchen and lock on to the food on the table, it's a nice moment about Ryo's dislike of vegetables as a youngster. The one that appears on the passport disc as "Drifting Blossoms" occurs if you go to the cherry tree outside the Dojo, and contains Iwao teaching Ryo his martial arts skills. The final one occurs if you lock on to the "Eight Principles of Yin and Yang" scroll in the Dojo. This is high on one of the edge walls. It is a nice piece with Iwao lecturing Ryo after a fight and telling him the virtues of friendship. ______________________ 18. Nozomi's Cutscenes There are a couple of cut scenes with Nozomi that appear in the passport and may be missed. They are very good and everyone should see them. The first occurs near the start of disc two. Whilst at home, after 7pm, Nozomi will call you, then you arrange to meet in the park, and lots of love is shown. The second will only occur after 26th December. So, the best way to get past this date is the old "keep failing at trying to sneak into the Old Warehouse District" trick. On disc two or disc three, you may meet Eri hanging on the street corner outside the Arcade. She will say Nozomi is depressed and wants to see you in the Park, so then, go to Sakuragaoka Park for another good cut scene. _____________________________ 19. Cutscenes With The Kitten There are a few cut scenes involving Nozomi and the kitten which may be missed. The first occurs on disc two near the start; simply, on a nice day, pass by the shrine in Yamanose and you will find the kitten's leg is healed. Nozomi will be there with medicine for the cat. The second occurs later on in disc two, whilst you are searching for travel to Hong Kong. Again, pass by the Shrine, and the kitten will be missing. You have to find it, this is easy, to find if you listen to where the cat sounds are coming from, and also because Yamanose is very small. Once you find it, Nozomi will arrive. The third occurs near at the beginning of disc three. Simply pass by the Shrine again at the beginning of the disc and you will find the kitten has climbed atop the Shrine, and again, Nozomi is involved. A few days after, in fact, just before you start your job, go to the Shrine and you will learn that Megumi has been allowed to adopt the kitten. _________________________ 20. Infinite Days At Work You can get infinite days at work if you want. This is useful to build up money, however the maximum wage you get for delivering a crate only goes up to 600 Yen. What you do is simply miss an important event that occurs after work. For example, simply do not show up in front of the Harbour Lounge when you have to go there to get a cut scene with Shozo Mizuki, or do not show up at the central pier when Gui Zhang is meant to meet you there to teach you a move. ________________________________ 21. Christmas And New Year's Day At Christmas and New Years, there are decorations all around Dobuita. Also, a "Santa Claus" appears walking round Dobuita, advertising the shops. On New Year's day, a few girls will be wearing traditional kimonos. Your friends will be hanging around Yamanose to show off these. Noriko and Eri are both in Yamanose in kimonos, talking to Naoyuki and Ichiro. Also, Mayumi, in ordinary costume, and Yuji will be talking in Sakuragaoka Park. I have noticed a couple ofother girls wondering around Dobuita in kimonos as well. Around Christmas, three seasonal songs will play around Dobuita, Jingle Bells, Silent Night, and an Xmas version of the Sha Hua theme. These all become available on the passport disc. _________________________ 22. Yuriko And Kurita-san Mai and Goro are not the only couple in Shenmue among Ryo's friends. There is also Yuriko, the girl at the Smiley Flower Shop, and Kurita-san, of the Military Surplus Shop. Throughout the game by speaking to them you can see their relationship develop. There are a couple of exciting things happening to them throughout the game. __________________________ 23. Sparring With Fuku-san Every morning until you get a job you can spar with Fuku-san in the Dojo. You can do this any day after he teaches you the Pit Blow move. Simply go there first thing in the morning to spar. It is a free battle and is a good opportunity to train your throws as well as beat up Fuku-san. __________________________________ 24. Yong, Wu, And The Three Blades The normal route to learn about the Three Blades is to follow simply the Liu-san route. However, if you first go to Manpukuken Ramen after going to Ajiichi you will be pointed in the route of Yong and Wu who are the frequent customers of the Yokosuka Bar. If you do talk to them about the Three Blades you learn a lot about their history and also of Itoi-sans. _______________________________________ 25. Wang-san And Translating The Letter Contrary to popular belief, there is a payoff to buying Wang-san those drinks from the vending machines. When you are looking for a translator to the letter, most people simply speak to Gao Wen, but there are two other routes. You can also meet that old woman who was lost at the beginning of the game in Sakuragaoka and she will lead you to Xia-san. The longer route is to go to Ajjichi Chinese Restaurant, who will point you in the direction of Wang-san, who is out on deliveries. You can ask people to get clues to where he is, such as the ladies at the Sakuragaoka phone and the taxi driver, Nomura-san. You will find Wang-san at his traditional place of the vending machine though. Go there and if you bought him drinks before, he will try and translate it for you. If you didn't buy him drinks previously, he will not help you. _____________________________ 26. The J-Pop Motorcycle Song On the passport disc, go to the Dreamcast's main menu and enter the "Music" icon, track 5 is a proper CD audio track of the J-Pop song "Wish..." played during the Nozomi motorcycle scene at the end of the game. You can listed to it on your normal CD player, although, heed the warning that track 2 gives, the game tracks can damage your speakers. ____________________ 27. Ren In Yokosuka? In the You Arcade in Dobuita, the top scorer on the Hang On game is Ren. This is interesting because he has appears in an old Shenmue II screenshot watching Ryo playing Hang On, so this name leading the high score chart could be foreshadowing something. ____________________________________ © Copyright 2000, 2001 Julian McKenzie This cannot be copied and distributed in any form of printed or electronic media except for personal use. This is in no way affiliated with Sega or AM2 of CRI. If you wish to host this on your site or have any comments, email Visit my site at