SSSSSSSSSSS HHHHH HHHHH EEEEEEEEEEEE NNNNNN NNNNN S S H H H H E E N N N N S S H H H H E E N N N N S SSSSSS H H H H E EEEEEEE N N N N S S H H H H E E N N N N N S S H H H H E E N NN N N N S SSSSSS H HHHHHH H E EEEE N N N N N N ______ S S H H E E N N N N N N | | S S H H E E N N N N N N '------' SSSSSS S H HHHHHH H E EEEE N N N NN N S S H H H H E E N N N N N S S H H H H E E N N N N SSSSSS S H H H H E EEEEEEE N N N N S S H H H H E E N N N N S S H H H H E E N N N N SSSSSSSSSSS HHHHH HHHHH EEEEEEEEEEEE NNNNN NNNNN MMMMM MMMMM UUUUU UUUUU EEEEEEEEEEEE M M M M U U U U E E M M M M U U U U E E M M M M U U U U E EEEEEEE M M M M M M U U U U E E M MM M M MM M U U U U E E M M M M M M M M U U U U E EEEE M M M M M M M U U U U E E M M M M M M U U U U E E M M M M M M U U U U E EEEE M M MMM M M U U U U E E M M M M U U U U E E M M M M U UUUUU U E EEEEEEE M M M M U U E E M M M M U U E E MMMMM MMMMM UUUUUUUUUUUUU EEEEEEEEEEEE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I I I I IIIIII IIIIII IIIIII I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IIIIII IIIIII IIIIII I I I I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII US to UK Save Convertion Guide Method provided by Alex Goolsby (AKA MaxTheRabbit) (No longer works?) FAQ written by Brian "TheFreak" Balsan in 640x480 format This FAQ is also found on my homepage at Updates since the last save: August 7, 2006 1.25 - We're quickly aooraching the fifth anniversary of Shenmue 2's DC launch, and as you can easily guess, websites have either stopped updating or died altogether (My poor passport disk...). But not me, oh no! I care about the fans. Things certainly have changed since my last update., while still around, now has an 'internal error' when attempting to access the Dreamcast save file page. After some quick experimentation, I've supplied a different uploading tactic that should work for anyone with available server space. The address to the VMU Programming and Tools Page has changed since my last update, so I've added the new URL to reflect this. A newer version of Hexedit is also available, so the address there has ben generalized. MaxTheRabbit never contacted me after my last update. Or if he did, I stupidly overlooked it. My inbox has been flooded with SPAM recently, so it's hard to tell sometimes. This may very well be my last update, unless some more addresses go offline or something. Frankly, if you're a US gamer and playing Shenmue 2 on your Dreamcast, then nothing's stopping you from going on Ebay and getting The EU version of Shenmue 1. It'll save you a lot of headache. Trust me. September 10, 2004 1.20 - Been awhile, hasn't it? Thankfully, I haven't recieved many complaints since starting this FAQ, but from those that do have complains ask if I could personally alter their Shenmue saves for them. A recent request even asked to pay me if I did. I WILL NOT HONOR ANY PERSONAL REQUESTS TO CONVERT SHENMUE SAVE FILES!! Apparently enough people can do it on their own to need my help. Besides, as the future of the internet gradually switches to better and faster connections, the info in this FAQ may not work anymore. The only minor update made to this faq comes with MaxTheRabbit's email, as people have told me that the address bounces now. If you're reading this, Max, let me know what's up. April 14, 2002 1.10 - Added section 1C for those who have problems with using the method with their Email account. It also requires Browser 2.0 or higher, so use it if the Email method doesn't work. Thanks to Bamargera for the new mothod. Similarly, I want to make a public request to discover a file-sending method for Version 1.0 DC Browsers. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. February 27, 2002 1.09 - added some minor info to make the hex editing process of the file convertion easier to track. Also added some cautionary Email info. Anyone have any info for AOL users (or any others, for that matter) on how to get around the .MIM file problem? February 12, 2002 1.08 - Good news for Broadband fans! A method's been found. Check out the new "BROADBAND INFO" section for more. On a side note, I'm happy for all the info and help I've received regarding this guide. Thanks to you folks, this Shenmue save-convertion guide has become the best (If still the only) of its kind. February 2, 2002 1.07b - Groundhog's day, ey? Forgot to add a small bit of info to the DCI-VMI convertion process. Hope this helps. 1.07c - Small fix to the nexus card info. Thanks Angryboy2k. January 19, 2002 1.07 - And the actual credit for the Nexus Card info. January 17, 2002 1.06 - New info for people with Nexus Cards and SMTP- blocking ISPs. Check the new section "EXTRA INFO FOR NEXUS CARD HOLDERS". December 19, 2001 1.05 - Added Email for MaxTheRabbit with his permission. If I can't help you, quite possibly he can. I also added reccomended Shenmue 1 File size info (Check Necessary Items) and specs I use in the introduction section. December 14, 2001 1.04 - Added some important info regarding downloading with DC browser 3.0 from thanks to Sam aka Garfield. If you have more info on this or anything else in this guide, let me know. December 11, 2001 1.03 - At the request of Alex Goolsby, he has been given credit as the sole founder of the convertion method. Also added warning regarding Dreamcast Browsers. December 10, 2001 1.00 - First Release 1.01 - Added Contents for easier reference, small word-wrapping annoyance. 1.02 - Some more spelling annoyances. I got to cut this out. CONTENTS -------- A) INTRODUCTION B) NECESSARY ITEMS C) STEP 1: EMAILING THE FILE TO YOURSELF C1) FOR THOSE WHO CAN'T USE EMAIL... D) STEP 2: CONVERTING SHENMUE1_000 TO A UK COMPATIBLE FILE E) STEP 3: GETTING YOUR CONVERTED SAVE BACK INTO YOUR VMU F) EXTRA INFO FOR NEXUS CARD HOLDERS G) BROADBAND INFO! H) SPECIAL THANKS TO: A) INTRODUCTION --------------- Good day ladies and gents, and welcome to the Shenmue US-to-UK save convertion guide. This guide will offer importers of the UK Shenmue 2 the possibility to convert their US Shenmue 1 save file for play in Shenmue 2. Quite a bit is carried over from Shenmue 1, including Martial arts moves, toys, and pictures. The reason for this method coming to pass was pretty much due to a bunch of bitter Sega fans whom felt shafted after the Dreamcast's ultimate swan-song, Shenmue 2 was cancelled as a result of a US-exclusive contract to Microsoft. Fortunately, this only applied to the US, so anyone with the proper import devices (Like a Utopia Bootup disk or Modded Dreamcast) could import the UK version, which not only has english subtitles, but 4 other languages as well. Even more fortunate is that the game auto-detects NTSC televisions, so accessability of the game only depends on if you have a bootup bypass method (Note to VGA box owners: Shenmue 2 works with the VGA, but currently only MODchips and the Gameshark CDX work properly.) So with all of that, the only thing standing in the way of full accessability was the Shenmue 1 game-save. Since just about every die-hard US Dreamcast fan owns a US copy of Shenmue 1, most wouldn't have the extra money to purchase an UK-version Shenmue 1. Even then, It's practically impossible to find online anymore, so most will have to suffice with their US copies. And that's where this guide comes in. The process is actually pretty simple. All you really need is a very basic knowledge of hex values. Even then, I'll proceed to go through the method step by step. You may have seen another convertion method floating around online, but it's very different from the one used here. This method has been confirmed to work. Please note that all info seen here is done on a Windows computer using Internet Explorer and a Prodigy account. I don't really condone the use of free-based Email or internet accounts as they usually tend not to be very reliable and may have certain options turned off that could be needed to run this convertion method properly. So, on that note, we begin. B) NECESSARY ITEMS ------------------ Just remember that some of what I write is through my own experience. Certain methods depend on who you talk to, but this is what I consider to be affective. Here's what you'll need: A PC with a harddrive and Modem (This method is confirmed for Windows, I can't help you Mac owners. Sorry.) A Dreamcast, with a modem, of course. US DC browser 2.0 or 2.6. (Note 1: DC Browser 2.0 has a bug that corrupts the first file attached. Add a random file first, then add the Shenmue file second.) (NOTE 2: Japanese BBA DC Browser 3.0 is known to encrypt VMU save data, and US BBA DC Browser 3.0 will not download saves. Additional information regarding these browsers can be found in the "BROADBAND INFO!" section.) An internet connection (Preferrably dialup) and Email account (NOTE: some accounts, like AOL, are known to send the file as a .MIM format, which is incomaptible with the file format necessary for properly doing the convertion.) Hex workshop (Found here: VMS CRC DCI_VMI (Both files can be found here: Some server space and an FTP to upload files to A complete US Shenmue 1 file (Should say "Clear" when you run it in the game) (NOTE: Shenmue 1 (SHENMUE1_000.DAT) file size should appear as 41.0kb as a file attachment, and should be 40.0kb (40,960 bytes) when saved to the Harddrive. If it's any other size, I may not be able to help you.) C) STEP 1: EMAILING THE FILE TO YOURSELF ---------------------------------------- Yup. You'll need to to find a way to send the file from your DC to your PC. The most effective way to do this is to Email the file to yourself. Here's how you do it... Log onto the internet with your DC browser. (CAUTION: Japanese BBA Browser 3.0 has been known to encrypt VMU data, making this convertion method useless.) Go to your mailbox. Click the paperclip icon and add the file SHENMUE1_000 (Note 1: Only DC browsers 2.0 and higher have the paperclip function.) (Note 2: Earlier browsers are known to currupt the first file on the clip-board list. So add a file you don't need, then add the Shenmue 1 file second.) Enter your Email address and send. (NOTE: some accounts, like AOL, are known to send the file as a .MIM format, which is incomaptible with the file format necessary for properly doing the convertion.) Now, disconnect from your DC and connect with your PC. Check your Email, you should have the file attachments. save the SHENMUE1_000.dat file to someplace in your C drive, where you can find it. (Example given in this guide: C:/Games) (Note: Make sure you have file extension-viewing on.) Don't delete your letter. You can use it to keep a backup of your save. C1) FOR THOSE WHO CAN'T USE EMAIL... ------------------------------------ Bamargera has found a way to send the file to yourself without having to use your Email account. The method requires Dreamcast Browser 2.0 and an account at If you need help, you can find him on AIM as "Bamarg3ra". Here's how you do it: 1. Create an an Angelfire account ( 2. Go online with your DC. 3. Go to with your DC. 4. Browse for the Shenmue save, then select it. 5. In the "Host" part, put in "". 6. In the "Username" part, put in your Angelfire username (the one you log in with). 7. In the "Password" part, put in your Angelfire password. 8. Scroll down and name the save. 9. Click the upload button. You should then get a message confirming the upload. 10. Follow the rest of the conversion process below. When you go to your Angelfire "web shell", it should be there in two file name parts, VMS and VMI. The VMS is the same as the .DAT file, so you can simply ignore the "Rename file" part seen in Step 2 and follow the hex changes accordingly. D) STEP 2: CONVERTING SHENMUE1_000 TO A UK COMPATIBLE FILE ---------------------------------------------------------- Install hex workshop. Run the Hex workshop program. Click file, and open SHENMUE1_000.dat. Here's the fun part...You should see a bunch of numbers and letters. Notice the lower-left box. You should see something that says "offset: 00000000" etc. You'll be paying attention to the offset values in the parenthesis ("(0x0000000)" etc.) Now, scroll down until you reach offset 683 (Should read as "(0x00000683)") You should see the value 55 FA00. Simply type in 45 0E01 in it's place. (Note: The value you type will replace the original value (This is necessary) and the space will automatically be made.) Next, go to offset 689 (0x00000689) and replace value 00 with 58. Save your file. (You can keep a backup file, but you won't really need it) Now, using VMS CRC. Extract the zip to the folder where your game file is. Rename your file with a .VMS extention. For example, Change SHENMUE1_000.dat to something simple like SHEN.VMS. Now, right-click VMS CRC and go to properties. Click the "Program" Tab and in the "Cmd line" Erase what you see there and enter "VMS_CRC SHEN.VMS" (Or whatever the name of the VMS file you gave it). Run the program and it will change the checksum value of the VMS file. Congratulations, you have just made a compatible VMU file for your UK Shenmue 2. But of course, you aren't done, now there's the process of getting it back to your VMU.... E) STEP 3: GETTING YOUR CONVERTED SAVE BACK INTO YOUR VMU --------------------------------------------------------- CAUTION: The following upload method is not known to work on BBA-compatible DC browsers (I.E. Planetweb 3.0). Additional information regarding these browsers can be found in the "BROADBAND INFO!" section. There are several ways that's been known to do this. You can ask on the Shenmue 2 Gamefaqs boards for more info. But in the meantime, here's my method.... Unzip the DCI_VMI program and in the Cmd line write "DCI_VMI SHEN.VMS" Run the program and you'll be asked a series of Questions: IS *name* a ata file or a ame file? D Filename for DCI Output File: any you want, so long as you know what it is (Any will do, but I suggest keeping the same name as the VMS file, i.e. "SHEN") DCI File copyable? N Filename that appears in VMU directory: SHENMUE1_000 (Note: This is important. Shenmue 2 will be looking for this name. If it's not there, it won't detect the file.) VMI Program Description: NONE VMI Copyright Information: NONE That's it. You should now have a DCI file and a VMI file. The DCI file should upload properly for Nexus card holders (Also see "EXTRA INFO FOR NEXUS CARD HOLDERS"). For those without a Nexus, you won't need the DCI file. Make sure you have access to server space. Something free like Geocities or Angelfire should do. FTP access should also make things a bit easier. Create a .txt file, and in the file write: "file" (Remove the outer quotes.) save the .txt and rename it as an .html file (i.e. "Shenmue.html") Upload your VMI, VMS, and HTML files onto your server. make sure they're all in the same folder and none of the other filenames have been changed (SHEN.VMS, SHEN.VMI, etc.) If everything is done right, you can now go online with your DC browser, direct yourself to the site of your save file ( and click the link. You now have a Shenmue 1 data file prepared for play on the UK Shenmue 2. Enjoy. F) EXTRA INFO FOR NEXUS CARD HOLDERS ------------------------------------ This is for those with a nexus card that happen to have an SMTP-blocking account like MSN. Unfortunately I don't have a Nexus card so I can't tell you if it works. Please Email Euphorio/Bamargera at or Angryboy2k at for more Nexus card information. Here's what you do, as founded by Angryboy2k and recorded by Euphorio/Bamargera; Download DCI2VMS from here. Turn your Shenmue save into .DCI format by using DC Linker and double-clicking on the "slot" window, then choosing the Export option. Save it as SHEN.DCI. Unzip dci2vms to the same directory where your SHEN.DCI file is. Run in command line, "DCI2VMS.COM SHEN.DCI" and press Enter (without the quotation marks for the idiots) and a new SHEN.VMS file should be created in that same directory/folder. Now follow the original conversion steps and make a .DCI file from the newly converted SHEN.VMS file by using the DCI_VMI program. Transfer the .DCI file back to your VMU with the DC Linker and you're set. G) BROADBAND INFO! ------------------ Thanks to an Email I received from a person calling himself "Gaiares" (This FAQ is simply MELTING with Sega pride, folks!) a method for those lucky enough to have a Dreamcast Broadband modem (and coincidentally, a Broadband connection) can now perform the convertion method. It is REQUIRED that you have both the US and Japanese Version 3 Dreamcast browsers (IE. US Planetweb ver. 3 and Japanese Passport ver. 3. Both are Broadband-compatible.) Use the US browser to email the file to yourself. Using the Japanese browser here will encrypt the file when sent to you, making it worthless. (NOTE: Encrypted file will be at least 57k in size. Unencrypted Shenmue file should be 40k in size.) Follow the Hex-convertion and upload methods described in this FAQ. Once on Booyaka and/or the website of your choice, use the Japanese browser to download the file to your VMU. The file should work on Shenmue 2 as normal. Thanks Gaiares for the info. H) SPECIAL THANKS TO: --------------------- Euphorio/Bamargera & MaxTheRabbit: These guys have been constant visitors of the Shenmue 2 Gamefaqs message boards. While MaxTheRabbit was the one to have discovered the method, Bamargera has made sure to keep interest up for the method to become possible, and also provided both the Nexus Card and non-Email methods. Angryboy2k (AKA Steve Painter) He originally founded the Nexus Card info, thus previding us with another way to get our save data across. Thanks also for the addendum notice. Gaiares Supplied info allowing Broadband users to now convert the Shenmue file. BBA folk have this person to thank. Popoi: She's the one that told me to get this guide going. Bamargera had given permission for the method to be distributed via FAQ so she told me "Why don't you do it"? Why not? Everyone should have the ability to fully play Shenmue 2 regardless of country codes. There are other people that I probably forgot to thank. For that I'm sorry. Shenmue, Shenmue 2 and its characters are property of Yu Suzuki, AM2, and Sega 1999, 2000, 2001. Original save convertion methods are properties of their owners. Sega is not responsible for any methods mentioned within this guide and are not to blame for any problems that may occur. (Not as if converting your file will make your Dreamcast explode or anything). He wears sunglasses, a black leather jacket and has a tattoo on his arm. Space Harrier rules. Keep Circulating the FAQs. *Twang*