"This document Copyright 2000-2002 Nathan Norris" _____ _ _ _____ _ _ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ | ___|| || | | ___|| \ | ||_ _| | ___|| ___|| _ || _ || ___| | |___ | || | | |___ | \| | | | | |___ | | | | | || |_| || |___ |___ || || | | ___|| | | | |___ || | | | | || ___|| ___| ___| || || |__ | |___ | |\ | | | ___| || |___ | |_| || | | |___ |_____||_||____||_____||_| \_| |_| |_____||_____||_____||_| |_____| *********************************************************************** Silent Scope: Playstation 2 Version - FAQ/Walkthrough Version 1.3 By: Minesweeper (Nathan Norris) Email: minesweeper1@hotmail.com minesweeper2@hotmail.com *********************************************************************** Last updated: 8/14/02 Table of Contents 1: Introduction 2: Revision History 3: Game Rules and Other Stuff 4: Walkthrough for Story Mode 5: Walkthrough for Time Trials 6: Thanks 7: E-mail Policy 7: Copyright ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1: Introduction Hello, and welcome to Minesweeper's Silent Scope FAQ for the Playstation 2. I am here to train you in the fine art of video game sniping. You will take on a variety of sniping challenges throughout the game, including rooftop shooting, highway chases, and even sniping during a parachute drop, all leading to the ultimate (and typical) goal of rescuing the President and his family. Read on to learn the knowledge needed to defeat these challenges. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2: Revision History Version 1.0 12/19/00 - First Edition *********************************************************************** Version 1.1 7/22/01 - Added a new standard copyright present on all other guides I have made as well as a new e-mail policy that will be on every guide. *********************************************************************** Version 1.2 11/26/01 - Just a small copyright revision concerning psxcodez.com hosting my guides. *********************************************************************** Version 1.3 8/14/02 I have a small copyright revision today and a new email address. http://faqs.ign.com may now host my guides, and my new email address is minesweeper2@hotmail.com. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3: Game Rules and Other Stuff NORMAL MODE CONTROLS MOVE SCOPE - Control Pad or Left Analog Stick. Very important movement. Without this you would only be able to shoot straight ahead. Now how much fun is that? SHOOT - X or R1. Another important movement. Without this you couldn't shoot at all. Then you would just be a helpless observer with a fancy telescope. INCREASE SCOPE SPEED - Square. I don't use this much, since I think the scope is fast enough already. Plus, the scope jerks like a squirrel when you use it. DECREASE SCOPE SPEED - Triangle. Excellent for precision shots like the last guard before Scorpion in the Downtown level. TURN OFF SCOPE - Hold Circle. You will be doing this a lot because the regular scope is just too slow to keep on all the time. This will turn off the scope but your aiming circle moves very quickly. Also won't obscure the targeting circles. PAUSE - Start. I think I don't have to describe this. I won't describe the Professional Controls because I never use them. YOUR GUN Your gun is a PSG1. It has 5 bullets per clip. When you run out of bullets, you will automatically reload for about a 2-second duration. Your gun can only fire 1 bullet per second. If you try to shoot faster, your lieutenant will yell at you to calm down.f LIFE METER You have a life meter in this game, preset at three boxes of life per continue. If you are hit by a bullet, then you will lose half of a box. Projectiles, like rockets or grenades take a whole box! Yeowch! Bosses LOVE projectiles, so you must be fast during boss scenes. Otherwise, you may have to waste a continue. Innocents are running around too, and if you hit them, you will lose a whole box! But there are also certain innocents who are beautiful ladies. If you look at them with your scope, you will receive a box back in return. Not bad! I will point out where the ladies are during the scenes in my walkthrough. You do not have a life meter in Time Attack, so you won't be hurt by enemy hits or accidentally hitting innocents and you have nothing to gain for looking for the ladies. DESCRIPTION OF LEVEL GOALS In every level, the goal is to get to the end of the level by killing the enemies and defeat the boss character of the level. You will have a time limit also against you, so you must move quickly. The time limit makes this game exciting, but it can be annoying at first. It is usually the clock that kills you more often than the enemies because most enemies take a long time to take aim and hit you. For every enemy you kill, you receive a time bonus, usually 2 or 3 extra seconds. While there are many enemies everywhere, there are also innocents everywhere too. Do not hit them! Bosses also tend to use innocents as shields, so your aim must be dead on. ACCURACY AND POINTS These two are connected together. How many enemies you kill in a row, or hit streak, determines the point value of enemies. There is an equation to determine how many points you will earn, which I will give to you. Heh, who knew algebra would do us some good in the real world! Enemy's value + (Enemy's value * Hit Streak) = Points earned For example, if you hit an enemy worth 100 points after hiting 3 enemies in a row previously, then: 100 + (100 * 3) 100 + 300 400 You would earn 400 points for that particular shot. Wait! There's more. If you hit the enemy in the head, then the points earned will be doubled! For example: [100 + (100 * 3)] * 2 [100 + 300] * 2 400 * 2 800 The hit would net you 800 points! Don't go yet, there's still more! You occasionally have the chance to double hit enemies. That is, the bullet you fire travels through the first enemy and hits an enemy behind him. Any part of the guards, it doesn't matter. The point value of both guards, accounting with your hit streak, will be quadrupled! Here is an equation to go with it. (No! Don't give us more algebra!) ([First enemy's value + (First enemy's value * Hit streak)] + [Second enemy's value + (Second enemy's value * Hit streak)]) * 4 = points earned For example, you hit two enemies worth 400 points and you have a hit streak of 2. So: ([400 + (400 * 2)] + [400 + (400 * 2)]) * 4 ([400 + 800] + [400 + 800]) * 4 (1200 + 1200) * 4 2400 * 4 9600 The shot would net you 9600 points! Wow! So if you want real high scores, never shoot unless you are sure the bullet will hit its mark. Also if you want a high score, never continue unless you are near the beginning of the game. Why? Because you will lose all the points you earned before you continue, and you definitely don't want that. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4: Walkthrough for Story Mode DOWNTOWN - PART 1 This level has three possible routes that are chosen at random. I will describe each one separately. ROUTE 1 - Balcony behind terrorists All five of the terrorists have their backs to you, and are too busy concentrating on the policemen shooting at them, so you can easily pick them off without much fuss. If you do miss one narrowly, though, he will spot you and start going for you. So only shoot at them if you are sure you will hit them. This applies to every enemy in this level except for the ones backing up Scorpion and the ones on the same rooftop as you. During the very first scene, a policeman might be able to hit an enemy for you. To save time, take them all out from the left to the right. After disposing of all the enemies on the street, your view will shift to the top of the building on the right of the screen. There are three enemies up there. The one on the right is just walking around, but he will spot you if you take too long. The other two in the center and left are hard to hit due to the fact the building almost completely covers them. Wait till they expose themselves to shoot them. Now the camera will pan to the rooftop of a building on the other side of the street. There are two enemies there. The building hides most of them, so you again might want to wait until they stand up to shoot. You will now automatically go to the rooftop to snipe more enemies. The first building you see has one enemy shooting at the cops, and the other guy is walking around near the air conditioning unit. The shooter is no problem because he stays in one spot, but if you miss the walker or take too long he will hide behind something. Now you will have to wait until he comes out to hit him. You can also spot a lady by the pool if you want another life box. The camera will go to a large, dark blue building where a single enemy is. His position is well protected, so be sure to take careful aim. The camera will turn around to face two guards who have already seen you! This time don't bother using the scope. You can either shoot them both quickly to keep your hit streak, or you can shoot twice at them to scare them from shooting. Do either one fast before they have a chance to hit you. After they are dead, you will see a lone enemy on the building next to yours. Take him out. The camera will again rotate to face a single enemy on the rooftop with you. He has his back to you, so you can get him easily. Now you face the last guard. He is on a building very far away, so take extra care in this shot. When he is dead, you are confronted with a choice of paths. I will describe them after I have described the other possible routes. ROUTE 2 - Window with Boards Next to It All five of the terrorists are too busy concentrating on the policemen shooting at them, so you can easily pick them off without much fuss. If you do miss one narrowly, though, he will spot you and start going for you. So only shoot at them if you are sure you will hit them. This applies to every enemy in this level except for the ones backing up Scorpion and the ones on the same rooftop as you. During the very first scene, a policeman might be able to hit an enemy for you. To save time, take them all out from the left to the right. The camera will now look up to the building across the street from you. Two enemies are shooting at the police below. They are easy targets, but when you shoot one of them, the other guy will start looking for you. Take him out quickly. You are now looking at another building with two other enemies sniping at the police. This time, the other guy won't notice when you hit his friend. Shoot them down. You will now proceed to the roof. You face a building with three guards all walking around. There is a chance for a double hit here too because two enemies are walking close together in the open. The other enemy is by himself near the air conditioning unit. Very likely one of the guards will start searching for you unless you are very fast. They only crouch down near one of the structures if they do start looking though. You should be able to easily gun them all down because they leave themselves wide open all the time. Now you will look to another building with a single enemy walking around. Hit him before he gets a chance to hide and waste your precious time. There is also a lady by the swimming pool to look at. The next two enemies are on a building far away, meaning you will have to aim carefully. After you shoot one of them, the other guard will also start looking around for you, so shoot the other guy fast. Another duo are your next victims. They are difficult to hit because they are walking and the building shields their lower half. You may want to hit one of them and then wait for the other guy to crouch down. Now you face the last guard. He is on a building very far away, so take extra care in this shot. When he is dead, you are confronted with a choice of paths. I will describe them after I have described the other possible routes. ROUTE 3 - Window with Nothing All five of the terrorists are too busy concentrating on the policemen shooting at them, so you can easily pick them off without much fuss. If you do miss one narrowly, though, he will spot you and start going for you. So only shoot at them if you are sure you will hit them. This applies to every enemy in this level except for the ones backing up Scorpion and the ones on the same rooftop as you. During the very first scene, a policeman might be able to hit an enemy for you. To save time, take them all out from the left to the right. The camera will now look way up to see two enemies shooting at the police. They are difficult to hit because the building shields all of their lower half and most of their upper half. Wait until they stand up before shooting. You will now face two buildings with three enemies on them. Again they are all quite hard to hit because of the cover the building gives them. You can see more of them than the last two. but you might want to wait until they stand before shooting. You will now automatically go to the rooftop to snipe more enemies. The first building you see has one enemy shooting at the cops, and the other guy is walking around near the air conditioning unit. The shooter is no problem because he stays in one spot, but if you miss the walker or take too long he will hide behind something. Now you will have to wait until he comes out to hit him. Next there are two enemies on a building far away, but they have to expose themselves almost completely before they can shoot. Plus, they aren't very well covered either when they crouch. You should be able to make quick work of them. You face a single guard on a building. He won't be much trouble if you aim carefully. The next building you see has one enemy shooting at the cops, and the other guy is walking around near the air conditioning unit. The shooter is no problem because he stays in one spot, but if you miss the walker or take too long he will hide behind something. Now you will have to wait until he comes out to hit him. You can also spot a lady by the pool if you want another life box. Now you face the last guard. He is on a building very far away, so take extra care in this shot. When he is dead, you are confronted with a choice of paths. DOWNTOWN - PART 2 *****WHAT'S YOUR NEXT MOVE?***** ROUTE 1 - Tower Building ROUTE 2 - Air Battle ROUTE 3 - Stadium ROUTE 1 - Tower Building BOSS: SCORPION WITH THE ROCKET LAUNCHER You are picked up by a helicopter to face Scorpion with a rocket launcher on top of the tower building. He requires 5 hits to the body, or 1 hit to the head to kill. There are several other snipers backing him up. He also has the First Lady tied up near him, so be careful not to hit her. He is difficult to hit because the helicopter is constantly circling the building. To kill him quickly with minimal life loss, ignore everything but Scorpion. You have nothing to gain from hitting the snipers except for a measly 2 second time bonus. Aim a bit to the right of him and you should hit him. If he manages to get a rocket off, ignore it because it is difficult to hit and will give Scorpion time to get another rocket ready. After you shoot him enough, he staggers over the side of the building and has the most fake scream I have ever heard. Go down to the Highway section. ROUTE 2 - Air Battle BOSS: SCORPION WITH THE JET FIGHTER You are picked up by a helicopter to face Scorpion in his jet fighter. Yeah, you heard me right, jet fighter. He requires 30 hits to the fighter, 5 hits to his body, or 1 hit to his head. The easiest way to kill him is to first empty whatever is left in your clip to the plane, then wait for Scorpion to turn and face you the first time. Quickly empty all your bullets into the cockpit and hopefully Scorpion. He will probably be severly damaged or dead if your aim is good. If you fail to kill him but he has only 1-5 health left, then simply kill him by shooting the plane till it crashes. If you fail to kill him and he has something like 10+ health, then I recommend restarting since he swoops all over the place and he only exposes the cockpit for short amounts of time for the rest of the battle. After you shoot him up enough, he crashes into the streets below in a spectacular explosion. Go down to the Highway section. ROUTE 3 - Stadium You are picked up by a helicopter and flown to the football stadium. Read below in the Stadiun section. Only take this route if you are a Silent Scope demigod, or if you want to play the Hotel level. STADIUM BOSS: COBRA The helicopter flies over to the stadium and stops above it, giving you a good shot at Cobra. He requires 5 shots to the body, or 1 shot to the head. He will not shoot at you. What makes this level so hard is because he is carrying the President's daughter on his back (!) and the football players are all trying to tackle him. Plus, Cobra runs very fast. In the first scene, if you aim at his legs you might hit him, but he bobs and weaves a lot. Take too long, and the scene will shift, and enemy snipers will start shooting at you. Ignore them and concentrate on Cobra. If you need more health, then you can look at the cheerleaders on the sidelines for more. If you manage to kill him, he collapses to the ground and releases the President's daughter. If you don't kill him in time, he runs out the exit to a waiting car. Move on down to the last part of the Highway section if this happens. HIGHWAY The helicopter flies over a jeep driven by a policeman and drops you in it. This level can be hard at first due to wind and the fact you and guards are in vehicles traveling at high speeds. You must shoot ahead of guards to hit them, usually about half a foot. Killing the enemies also creates more problems. Sometimes the dead enemies will fall in front of your jeep. The driver will run over the bodies, but this causes the vehicle to jerk suddenly, throwing off your aim. There are also hills and sharp curves that will interfere with your shooting. Another bad thing about this level is randomly arranged traffic. Your driver and the enemy drivers will automatically avoid the traffic, but this also means that the enemy vehicles will never be arranged the same way every time through. There are two kinds of vehicles that will attack you in this level, not including the helicopter and Cobra's ones. The first is a pickup. There will be two guys standing in the bed, one usually is bald and wears a tan shirt. The other guy is a regular foot soldier. Beware the tan man, because he has the ability to throw grenades. The grenades are not that hard to hit because they are fairly large and often bounce in a straight line, but they can also chop off a full box of life if you don't hit them. Not only that, but shooting them resets your hit streak. Each pickup is also driven by a foot soldier. If you shoot the driver, the truck will crash, killing everyone on it at the same time. Another one-hit kill to destroy everyone on the pickup is to shoot one of the tires. Anyplace on the tire, it doesn't matter. They are often hard to hit because the trucks are usually directly behind or in front of you, but every now and then, one will drive up alongside you. The benefit for shooting the tire is that they have a base value of 400 points! The second kind of vehicle is a van that says "Eat Juicy Meat" on the side ;) There can be up to three guards in a van, and one of them will always be a bald grenade chucker. It is impossible to shoot the drivers of the vans, but you can still hit the tires. Plus the tires are about twice as wide as the ones on the pickups, so you will have an easier time hitting them. Let's begin with the walkthrough. You are immediately confronted by a pickup. How you pass this truck determines the pattern of vehicles for the rest of the level. I will describe each route. ROUTE 1 - Destroyed the Truck With a One-hit Kill Shot After the pickup is gone, you will turn around to see a single truck coming in from behind. Destroy it any way you wish, and then you will face off against two pickups at the same time. If you're feeling lucky, you can try to shoot at the people or the tires when you pass between them. After they are gone, the helicopter comes. It takes 5 shots to the body, or 1 shot to the rotor to destroy it. The helicopter is equipped with dual machine guns and rocket launchers. It also swoops all over the place, only pausing to take aim. As long as you keep hitting the chopper, it will seldom shoot at you. The pilot seemed to be thinking that you wouldn't return fire with just a sniper rifle. Make him pay for that mistake. After the helicopter crashes, a truck comes zooming in from behind. He will drive towards you very quickly until he is almost alongside, giving you an easy shot at the tires. When the pickup's gone, a van with three guards will appear from ahead, after destroying the welcoming grenades that are thrown at you, look around for a pink convertible with a lady in it. After snagging the extra life, go for the van. When it is gone, Cobra appears in his convertible. I'll describe how to beat him after I tell about the other path. ROUTE 2 - Destroyed the Truck by Shooting the Men in the Back While the pickup is going away, a van appears from the front, carrying two guards. After you kill them and the van leaves, a truck will zoom past to team up with a van carrying a single guard. When you make the vehicles leave, the helicopter comes. It takes 5 shots to the body, or 1 shot to the rotor to destroy it. The helicopter is equipped with dual machine guns and rocket launchers. It also swoops all over the place, only pausing to take aim. As long as you keep hitting the chopper, it will seldom shoot at you. The pilot seemed to be thinking that you wouldn't return fire with just a sniper rifle. Make him pay for that mistake. After you wreck the chopper, a pickup zooms in from behind. When you get rid of it, a truck comes in from ahead driving on the wrong side of the road. He will pull up alongside you. There may be a railing covering the tires, but you can still shoot through it to hit them. When that pickup leaves, the final truck arrives. After getting rid of it, Cobra appears in his convertible. BOSS: COBRA People who chose the Stadium route at Downtown start reading here. He takes 5 shots to the body or 1 shot to the head. This battle with Cobra is far easier than the one at the Stadium. He has nobody backing him up this time. He can either shoot at you or throw grenades. At this point, you have probably reached the area of the highway with the really sharp curves. You must aim a full foot ahead of him to hit him. Also be careful not to hit the President's daughter he has brought along for the ride. After he takes enough damage, the car will spin out and he will fall out the back, probably breaking every bone in his body... ..or does it? Cobra survived the fall and he has now hijacked an 18 wheeler in the hopes of making you a greasy stain on the pavement. And for some reason, your driver is too stupid to take off and get you both out of harm's way. He takes 30 shots to the vehicle, 5 shots to the body, or 1 shot to the head. The only way to stop him from hitting you is to shoot him in the body, but if you hit him to early, he will recover from the bullet and hit you anyway. I hope you have at least two bullets left in the clip after the first battle, or be prepared to get a box of life chopped off. When you gain control, quickly break the windshield, and then even more quickly hit Cobra in his body before he can ram you. If you did both of these things, he will pass by, narrowly missing you. While he is driving away, shoot the truck to weaken him, and when he makes a U-turn, go for his body. I believe when he turns around, his body is lined up with the bottom of the highest stripe painted on the side of the trailer, so aim about there. Pound Cobra with bullets before he has a chance to ram you again. If he is still alive, he will zip past and will hurt you if you hit him too early, or he won't hurt you if you shot him late enough. He will continue to drive in this same pattern for the rest of the battle until you or him are dead. When he has taken enough hits, the truck will flip over and blow up. You know he's not going to walk away from that, unless he's the T-1000 from Terminator 2. Afterwards, you are confronted with a choice of paths. I'll tell about them after the Hotel section. HOTEL Only people who chose the Stadium Route need look at this section. The First Lady has been captured by the terrorists and they are hiding her somewhere in the building. You have to identify and snipe all the enemies through their hotel windows without accidentally harming innocents. It is much harder than it sounds because you have to find the right windows out of the dozens of other windows. Plus, all the characters will be randomly arranged every game. However, if you are taking a long time, your luitenant will spot one of them for you. The only benefit from taking this route is that four out of the five terrorists you must snipe are worth 400 points, and the last one is worth 800! Let's begin. The first two terrorists look like this: a dark-skinned guy wearing a red shirt, and a white guy with a ponytail wearing a black suit. They are relatively easy to spot because their dark clothes contrast heavily with the brightly lit windows, they stand still unless you shoot at them and miss, and most of the innocents don't wear red or black. After killing them, you will move to another side of the hotel with three enemies to snipe this time. These are their descriptions: A blond man wearing a black shirt, a brown-haired man wearing a blue shirt, and a bald man wearing a white suit (who is the one worth 800 points). There are also some ladies to spot in the windows for more life boxes, though I don't know how many. It is much harder this time because you are farther away from the windows, the terrorists move from window to window, and the innocents are wearing clothes with similar colors to the terrorists. The bald man is the worst because the light color of his suit allows him to blend in with the bright windows. Maybe that's why he's worth 800 points :) Don't forget they could be walking around on the balconies. After killing the three, Hornet appears on the highest balcony. BOSS: HORNET Man, I hate Hornet. He takes 5 shots to the body, or 1 shot to the head. Hornet is very cheap because he runs very fast and needs only one or two seconds to stop running and hit you with his sniper rifle before taking off again. Plus there's that annoying trio of statues he likes to hide behind and make it hard to predict where he will run next. Like all other bosses, you should forget about his backup men and concentrate on Hornet. If Hornet does hide behind a statue, then look for the red arrows that appear on the edge of the scope. Sometimes they point to one of his backup men, but usually they point to him, allowing you to turn the tables. Try to keep Hornet in your sights as much as possible so he doesn't have a chance to run in a different direction when you can't see him. He has one flaring weakness, though. If you hit Hornet, he will be momentarily stunned from the force of the bullet, allowing you to hit him multiple times before he gets a chance to zip off somewhere else. If you do manage to catch him with a lucky hit, pound on him so he doesn't get a chance to hide again. After taking enough punishment, he collapses dead and you win. Afterwards, you are given another choice of paths. NIGHT-VISION: OUTSIDE You are planning to infiltrate the enemy base, but you must choose how you will break in. *****WHAT'S YOUR NEXT MOVE?***** ROUTE 1 - Through the Woods ROUTE 2 - By Parachuting In ROUTE 1 - Through the Woods Choose this route if you are a newbie or don't like the idea of sniping while parachuting. You won't have targeting circles on enemies automatically like other levels, but that is okay because you can still shoot at the flashlights and the laser sights the guards have. If they do start shooting, then a circle will appear over them. Beware, because some of the guards carry flash grenades that will blind your nightsight scope if they use them. Now with the walkthrough of this part. When you start, there will be two guards searching the bushes on the left and two searching on the small hill to the right. Kill them all and shoot the infrared sensor your lieutenant asks you to destroy. You will run up the hill and now be standing on a road. There are three guards, the one on the left at medium distance, the one in the center at long range, and the one on the right is up close. Beware them, because they tend to spot you even before the walking animation ends. You may not see the guard in the middle, but I promise you he is there. When they are dead, you will move down the road a bit and there will be more guards. There are two on the road very far away and one hiding in the brush to the right of the pavement. They can also spot you before you get into a firing position so be fast in shooting them. When they are gone, you go into the woods again. Your first grenade-throwing guard is here. Wait for the light to die away before you hit the guard hiding behind the ridge to the right and the one behind the tree near the center. You will run on some more before confronting another group a bit uphill from you. Especially watch out for the guard that hides behind the tree near the middle. When they are dead, you will be standing next to the swimming pool. You can look at the beautiful ladies on the far left if you wish for more life boxes. Shoot the power box to proceed further. The ladies will run for the building when the lights go out. ROUTE 2 - By Parachuting In This route should be avoided at all costs unless you have played it numerous times and have practiced a lot. You don't have to kill every enemy in this scene, in fact, it's really hard just to kill a couple of them. Instead of the enemies, go after the searchlights, because if you are spotted, you'll get ripped apart by the several or so guards on the ground below. You don't have to hit the light itself, any part will do. You can even destroy it by shooting the platform it's rotating on. If you manage to hit all the spotlights before you are seen, I promise that none of the guards will even think of shooting off a bullet, no matter how many times you narrowly miss them. That pretty much covers what you will be doing for most of the parachute part, now I will say some of the special events for this level. Once you get to the swimming pool, you'll have to destroy the power box to shut off all the lights. You can spot two ladies at the pool for one extra life box. At first they are sitting next to the pool, and after the lights go out, they will run towards the building. ROUTE 1 AND ROUTE 2 JOIN TOGETHER HERE Shoot the three guards hiding on the balconies. Be careful of the lower left one, he can use flash grenades. When they are dead, you will see two guards near the pavilion and one still on the balcony who has flash grenades. After shooting them, you will look back at the burning power box. You can clearly see two guards over there because the dark clothes they wear contrast heavily with the bright firelight. BOSS: TOM AND JERRY Don't let the name fool you. They are two of the deadliest bosses in the game. They each take 5 shots to the body, or 1 shot to the head. You cannot hit them while they are hiding behind trees, even if you clearly see them. If they sense you looking at them, they will run across the open space between the rows of trees. This is when you catch them. Similar to Hornet, they can't move for a short time if they are hit. So you must force them from their hiding places by looking at them, and then shooting them up while they attempt to cross through the open. Hit them once, and then repeatedly shoot them while they are stunned. If you are having a hard time spotting them in the dark, then shoot the exploding crates in the alcove they appeared from. The crates will bathe the place in light, clearly exposing them for you to shoot. However, if you use the crates, your hit streak will reset, so don't do this if you are after points. When they are dead, you will enter the building through a window someone conviniently left open. NIGHT-VISION: INSIDE This is a tough level because you are in thick darkness most of the time, and the guards will often hide completely behind objects, or exposing only an arm or a leg. Also beware the maids, who will randomly pop up to run across the screen, or stand still in the midst of a firefight, interfering with your aim. The terrific thing about this place is that a lot of the enemies offer up a 400 or even 800 basic value! There are regular foot soldiers, guys wearing suits and shades, and the bald men from the Highway level, they are worth only 100 points. The guys wearing suits and have a ponytail are worth 400 points. And the most valuable, guys wearing a blue or black shirt carrying a shotgun, they hand out 800 points! This level becomes easier though if you turn off your lights while playing it. The level begins with your lieutenant saying he can't help you anymore because he is under attack. Oh well, he didn't even give you that much help when he could help you. You are already confronted by three guards, one hides behind a chair on the far right, a guard hides further back behind another chair, and the last guard hides behind the edge of the counter on the far left. After defeating these three, another trio will appear near the back wall, all of them taking cover behind the table and chairs in the middle of the screen. When they are dead, you will turn to face the counter. There is a guard to the right and another running to hide on the left. Be careful not to hit the maid cowering in fright. After you have dealt with them, you will run over to the doors at the end of this room. Both guards here are on the far left of the screen, one standing in the open, and the other behind him taking cover at the door. You will enter the first hall after defeating them. There is one guard hiding near the columns on the right, two standing in the center of the hall, and the last taking cover near the columns on the left. Kill them all from right to left and you won't have much trouble. Now you will be facing off with two guys holding shotguns. If you want mega points, go for the head shot. They are both worth 800 points! After taking them down, you will go around the corner they seemed to be defending and there will be two pony-tailed men standing in a room at the end of the hall. Snipe them both to begin the infamous Battle for the Dormitories and Staircase. One pony-tailed man is hiding at the foot of the stairs, another foot soldier is to the left of the column on the lower floor, and there are two guards on the balcony towards the right side of it, standing next to each other. When they are dead, you will run up the stairs a bit until you stop to look up. There is a guy on the immediate left of the chandalier, another guy to the immediate right of it, and the last one is looking over the balcony in the upper right of the screen. You will then run up some more to turn around and look at two balconies. The only people there are the two men on the lower balcony. When you snipe them, you will move up the stairs to the highest floor which has what I guess is the dormitories. Watch out for the maid that might run in front of you here. One guard hides around the corner to the left, and a shotgun man and a regular guard hide behind the stair railing to the right. You will then run around the corner and see a single man at the end of the hall after checking the first door to the left. Kill him and you will run to the door he seemed to be guarding. There are two guys here, one on the left near the bed and another on the right near the table. When they are dead, you will run across the hall to check another room, but when you look back, two guards have appeared near the corner of the wall on the right, and a single guard all by himself in the back left corner. After this, you will hide in another room. When you turn around to face the door, fire a blind shot through it. You will most likely hit one of the three guards who was stupid enough to try to chase you. Sometimes I even get a triple hit here! Too bad you don't get extra points for that. Anyway, kill the survivors and you will arrive at the next scene. There is a lady in the middle of the room for more health. A guy is hiding near the light stand to the right, another guy behind the table to the left, and last there is a guy who is in the open in front of the lady. When you walk outside, there are two guards almost touching you on the balcony with you, and two other guys to the left behind the stair railing. Now you will glance to the left, and there will be three guys standing together on the second floor's landing. Snipe them all and you will jump down to the lower balcony. Now you will turn around. There is one guy behind the railing right in front of you, a single guy on the lower balcony, and two guys on the upper balcony. You will run down the stairs and there are two guys on the lower balcony, one to the right and the other in the center. Then you will go down some more stairs, and you will look back up to see three guys standing along the staircase, on the left, right, and center. Hurray! You survived the Battle for the Dormitories and Staircase! Now you have reached another hallway. There is one guy at medium distance, and three at long range at the other end of the hall. When they are dead, you will take cover behind a door to take down two soldiers at the end of the hall. You will then run down the hall a little more, and turn around to shoot two guards who tried to sneak up behind you. Kill them quickly or a maid might run across the screen from the right, interfering with your aim. You will run way down the hall to see two guards on the right side of the hall, a possible double-hit, and a single guard hiding behind the columns to the left. You will go down the hall a bit more, and a guard will charge out from the door you are hiding next to. There is also a guard near the pillars to the right, and two guards in the middle of the hall. When they are dead, you will charge down the hall to run around a corner where there are two guards on the left of the room, and one on the right of the room that might be next to a maid. After this, you will enter the dining room and the lights will snap on again. Plus, you'll get those little colored circles back :) There are three guys hiding behind the tables, left, center, and right as usual. When they are dead, you will face two guards standing next to each other. You can only hit one of them at a time because the other will hide behind the table after you kill one. You'll turn around again, and there will be another formation of three guards to the left, center, and right. Then you will face a door which two guys will charge out of. Beware, a maid may run out with them as well. Now there will be a single guard getting ready to jump out the door. Shoot him in the foot when he sticks it out to save time. You will run through the door and come to three elevators. You now have to choose an elevator. *****WHAT'S YOUR NEXT MOVE?***** Left Center Right Each of the three doors conceals one of the three possible things: An ambush, a lady, or nothing. You will keep choosing doors until you find the one that is empty. Then you will board the elevator and go to the next part. Always choose the right one first. If you get a lady there, then choose the left one, because the right has an ambush. If you get the ambush there, choose the one on the left if you want the lady, the center one is the empty one. If you got the empty one, then forget the other elevators cuz you're going down. When you get the empty one and take it down, you will arrive in a warehouse. Be careful here, these guards here have pinpoint accuracy for some reason. You'll walk around a corner and an enemy will walk out from behind a forklift. Shoot him, and you will run around another corner. There will now be one guard to the right at close range, peeking around a container. Two others will be on the left, far away. They won't even bother to hide. When they die, you will walk around yet another corner. There are two guards on the walkway to the left, far away, plus the walkway is colored similar to their clothes, so they are difficult to see unless they are standing up. There is also a single guard standing in the open in the middle, and a last guard to the right behind a crate. Now you will be against the last group of guards in the game! There is one to the left, another atop a crate in the middle, another to the right, and the last one who is on the far left and is REALLY far away and hides behind a wall. When they are all dead, Monica comes. BOSS: MONICA She is wearing bulletproof armor that covers every part of her body except her chest. Her helmet CAN be shot off though for a head shot. She needs 10 shots to the chest, or 3 (!) shots to the head to die. Also she is jumping all over the place. When she bounces across the room to you, she uses her claws to slash you twice, a half-box taken off for each slash. Then she backflips in a straight line and stops for a split second before leaping away again. She may seem impossible at first, but with this method, she can still aggravate you, but the battle becomes a little more fair. First, DON'T shoot her on the first pass until she gets to you to slash. Shoot her in the head once. You might catch her in the head a second time if you are lucky. If you don't get her then, then you can tag her in the head when she stops after backfliping away. If you really suck, and don't get her at all, then just try to catch her in the head when she comes in to slash again. When you get rid of that helmet, she backflips over to the President, takes out a machine gun, and hides behind him while a crane carries crates over that interfere with your aim. After the crates are in place, she comes out, and shoots at you in one of 3 ways: She clings to the President's side and shoots at you, she comes out and sprays lead randomly all over the place, or she comes out and shoots straight at you. When she does come out, look for an opening and shoot her in the head when you get an opportunity. After she takes her third slug to the head, she collapses and dies. Then, the terrorist leader laughs behind bullet-proof glass at you saying you may have done very well, but he has a bomb set that will blow up the whole complex, and he has the detonator with him and could blow it at any time! With that, he turns and heads for the exit. Now you must shoot the glass until it breaks. It will always break when you have one bullet left in your clip. When it breaks, you will leap through and pursue the leader onto a dock at the rear of the complex. He jumps onto a yacht and gets out of the blast range, but, like every other ignorant terrorist leader, he stops to gloat at you, and that leads to his downfall, or so you will determine. Now, you have one bullet left in your clip, and you must hit him in the head. If you miss, he will blow the place. Take careful aim, and ignore what he is shouting at you. You have all the time in the world to target his head and fire. If you hit him, enjoy the stupid good ending. If you miss, enjoy the even stupider bad ending. Funny times I have caught him in his speech: I know you're not coming for me. * You must have only one bullet left. * If you miss, * I will send you to * heaven * to * join * your hero, * the President. * - times I have fired ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5: Walkthrough for Time Trials Since the Time Trials are simply toned-down versions of the mission levels, I will tell you to look there for advice. Keep in mind you are graded on TIME, not accuracy or score. And you have infinite health, but little time to finish the levels. You must hurry as much as you can. EASY You are in the downtown area. You will follow the path of the route where you start in the window with boards next to it. There is one extra building added after the one that is usually last (the one with the one guard really far away.) There are two guards walking around on it, and they will hide completely if you miss. Then you will fight Scorpion with his rocket launcher. After he dies, you must kill him again in his jet plane. After he dies then, the level is over. MEDIUM You begin in the stadium. It is exactly like the one from story mode with no extra features. However, you MUST kill Cobra here or you will run out of time! NO EXCEPTIONS! Then you will go to the highway. It will follow the route you get if you choose to destroy the first truck by sniping both guards and not a one-hit kill shot. No extra suprises here either. Then you must kill Cobra in the convertible and the 18 wheeler. After he dies, you go to the hotel. It is exactly the same too. After you kill Hornet at the hotel, the level is over. HARD This level recieved the most modifications of all the levels. You will skip over the parachute drop/forest walk to where you come to the swimming pool. No other differences outside. When you get inside, most of the first few groups will have one less man to kill. You will also skip over the stairs and upstairs parts. The warehouse is also the same except you don't get to kill the terrorist leader after eliminating Monica. The level ends when she dies. You must kill her with head shots or you will run out of time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6: Thanks - Thanks to myself because if it wasn't for me, this FAQ wouldn't exist! - Thanks to my dad for giving me jobs to do to pay for my Playstation 2 and this game! - Thanks to Konami! Keep up the good work and release the home version of Silent Scope 2. - BIG, Big thanks to GameFaqs, THE best video game site on the net! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7: E-mail Policy I have recieved a lot of stupid e-mail in the past, but now it is starting to get ridiculous so I am going to start enforcing what kinds of messages will and will not get answered. Please DO: - read the whole document before sending a question. If you have time to waste your life away on video games, then you have enough time to scan my document for a few minutes for an answer to a problem. - put the name of the game in the message topic. It makes it A LOT easier for me to pick out which messages are on games and which are not. Also if the name is not there, I might accidentally delete it, thinking it is junk mail. - spell correctly. I won't be able to help much with your problem if you send me something like "Hy mn cn u hlp me wth ths 1 prblm, I cnt bt ths 1 lvl ok thnks gby." - send a message in English. I can barely read Spanish, let alone translate Japanese. You wouldn't believe how many messages I have recieved in some foreign languages that I don't even know which continent they are from. - be polite. Any mail with excessive flaming will be instantly deleted. Please DO NOT: - write the title of the message as "About your walkthrough" or something similar to that. - flame. I hate flaming. Especially messages with the f-word or the s-word. These will be instantly deleted. - send advertisements. These will be considered junk mail and will be deleted instantly. - ask me something that is already answered in the walkthrough or the manual. C'mon, would you rather spend a few minutes skimming my guide, or would you rather spend a few hours, days, or even weeks waiting for me to get back to you? - forget to include the name of the game in the message or on the title. I am not a psychic. I cannot tell what game you are after if you do not include the name in it. - send me a message in any language other than English. The only other language I can barely understand at all is Spanish, and even then, I can hardly form simple sentences. So don't send the message in any language besides English or I simply won't be able to help you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8: Copyright This guide is the sole property of Nathan Norris, author of this guide. Don't rip off this guide in part or whole, or I will be forced to act against you. Don't rip off this guide then alter it to death and claim it as your own. This guide may not be used for ANY profitable reasons whatsoever, even if no money is made. I'm tired of all these websites requesting my guides for their sites, so from now on, these are the only sites which may use my guides: www.gamefaqs.com www.neoseeker.com www.gameadvice.com www.psxcodes.com http://faqs.ign.com This makes it very simple for me to keep track of what state each version is in each site. If you find this guide on some other site, and it is incomplete, go to www.gamefaqs.com. before requesting help from me. Since gamefaqs.com is the first place I send every piece of my work, they are sure to have the most up-to-date version of my guides. Also, if you find this guide on www.cheatcc.com, notify me immediately. They have ripped off of me before and I'm not gonna let them do it again. I bid you farewell. -----------------------------------------------------------------------