Sonic Adventure Emblem F.A.Q. Version 1.0 Copyright of Eric Bickle and Wedoca 2/9/99 Do not copy without permission. So you've beaten Sonic Adventure...or so you thought. Turns out you only skimmed the ice. There are 130 Sonic Emblems to be earned in various ways throughout the game. Some of them are pretty straightforward...others are pretty damn tricky. After days of going through usenet and the web I decided to make a list of the emblems that made it easy to understand exactly where they all were. One final note before I start far as I can tell right now, getting all the Emblems gets you jack squat. I was a bit disappointed when nothing happend after all the work. At least Yoshi giving ya 100 men or something would have been nice :P Anyways if I find anything more I'll keep ya updated. Here's the Simple breakdown of the Emblem locations, Emblems A,B,and C for each level with each character -------------->96 Emblems earned in Minigames --------------------------------------->10 Four Emblems on each of the three world maps ---------------------->12 One Emblem for each character's ending----------------------------->7 Chao Race Emblems ------------------------------------------------->5 Total Emblems --->130 Now in Detail...... Emblems A,B,and C for each character Sonic: Emblem C --> Beat the level...simple enough. Emblem B --> Beat the level with 50 or more rings. Emblem A --> Beat the level in under the time limit....this can be a pain. Some basic tips on the A Emblems with Sonic...When possible spin dash constantly, the little bit of speed really adds up. Also, every stage have a couple of well hidden short cuts. Here are most of them.... Short Cuts Emerald Coast --> This one is tricky even when you know what to do. Besides spin dashing, halfway through the level you want to make it into the tunnel along the top of the left wall, but most importantly, right after that section is a tube you loop through 3 times then bounce to a ramp with two speed up things on the ground. You want to hit the speed up, spin dash, the hold right and jump at the peak of the ramp. You should fly of the course and land on the beachside of the bottom of a ramp. go around the right side of this to find a spring that will act as another short cut and high tail it to the finish. Windy Valley --> You want to use your jump dash attack here to short cut near the beginning. Also inside the Tornado once you hit the springs hold right to land on the last spring quicker. Casinopolis --> Puposely lose either pinball game (dont press anything) to get dumped in the sewer. take the paths left then straight to collect over 250 rings. Go to the switch room and unload your rings, the repeat. Dont forget to hold onto 50 ring if you're going for Emblem B! Ice Cavern --> Not to bad...spin dashing helps. The snoboarding section goes faster if you jump off the orange and red checkerboard ramps. Near the end try to stay in the center to catch the really good ramps. Twinkle Park --> Once the roller coaster stops hold back so you dont fall down the tiny hole. Instead go out and to the right,the way the roller coaster came in. Make sure you stay on the upper path. the lower path if you miss a jump takes too long. Speed Highway --> Kinda like the first level, you need to keep moving, the first short cut is to take the path that run along the wall you run on. It's easy too miss. Other than that, in the second part make a beeline to the fountain that springs you up to the end of the level. This one isnt too bad after you get used to the level layout. Red Mountain --> THere are a lot of short cuts to do on this large level. in the begining, take the rocket and hold right to make it to the first spring. Run to the switch for the second rocket. Take the second rocket and holf up-right to land on the tiny ledge with the second spring. After the halfway point, in the lava area, try for the speed shoes stick to the course til you reach the point where the level lowers down and there are 3 of the hovering enemies, jamp dash on them, run across the narrow bridge and jump off course to the left and jump dash twice. the first time you should hit a mecha-monkey, the second time you should hit a spring. Now run for it..this one will take a couple tries. Sky Deck --> The biggest short cots here are to avoid wasting time on enemies and the areas with back and forth thin tracks. Instead of runing back and forth jump off the top to the lower portions of the track. Near the end you reach a part where the level tilts and yo have to use ladders to make it to the save point. if you do it right and run straight to the save point you can make it there before the level tilts, saving a lot of time. Lost World --> Couple of real important ones here...after the tunnel with flamming columns, run down the next tunnel, when it starts to dip down, spin dash to ramp to the save point. Now the Water Snake Room has lots of time to save. Go in and to the right. Jump on the head of the snake and quickly run down the body to short cut to the other side of the room, go up and hit the door switch then up to the water switch, then ride the snake around to the next door switch and water level switch. now look to your right to see the last door switch. jump on the head of the snake again, run down the body and jump to the switch. then make your way to the room with the magnetic panels on the walls. Run straight to the switch jump on it a few times till it lights up the panels on the wall. take the panels to the top right jump on the switch next to the spikes til lthe panels in front of you light up...and now the trick. Jump to the panels and run up them, fast. instead of turning left keep going up. You'll land on the thin edge of the top of the panel. run to the right and jump in the hole leading toward the Ring switch which leads to the exit. Final Egg --> This level is pretty straight forward, the biggest tip is to avoid wasting time on enemies. The large rotating sections can slow you down a want to try to get through them in around 46 seconds or less. Make lots of leaps of faith to cut down on waiting for the moving platforms. Don't think Jump! This one is far from the hardest to earn. Tails: Emblem C --> Beat Sonic or Eggman to the end of the level. Emblem B --> Beat Sonic or Eggman to the end of the level with 50 rings. Emblem A --> Beat Sonic to Eggman the end of the level again. Tails' Emblems shouldn't give you to much grief. Knuckles: Emblem C --> Collect the three emeralds. Emblem B --> Collect the three emeralds in less time that C Emblem A --> Collect the three emeralds in under one minute!!! Knuckles must find the emerald shards using a hot/cold radar system.....These took me a while to get...until I figured out the ol' time machine trick. The three emeralds always randomly appear when you start the level so you can't really map them out. What you can do though is this...Take you time and locate the first emerald...but don't touch it! Now that you know exeactly where it is pause and reset (second option) . Now you can run striaght to it without using up all the time. Since the Emeralds act as save points you can repeat this for all three emeralds to find them in just enough time. Amy: Emblem C --> Make it to the ballon at the end of the level. Emblem B --> Make it to the ballon with 50 rings. Emblem A --> Make it to the ballon in under the time limit. After getting Sonic's A Emblems Amy's should be a cakewalk. Big the Cat: Emblem C --> Catch Kyle the frog. Emblem B --> Catch a fish larger than 1500g then catch Kyle the frog. Emblem A --> Catch a fish larger than 2000g then catch Kyle the frog. Big's Emblems are difficult to get unless you know about a few things. The most important thing is collecting the lure level-ups located around the world map. The more you have the larger the fish that will be available to you on each level. Once you find all four of the lure level-ups it's all a matter of patience. Of course I have superstitions about better fishing spots on each level...but I cant say for sure if there is any ryhme or reason to where you actually fish. Heavier fish do tend to appear larger than the other fish. (duh) E-102 y: Emblem C --> Beat the level Emblem B --> Beat the level with 50 rings Emblem A --> Beat the level with over the amount of time required. E-102 y's Emblems are really simple too. The main thing to notice is for every enemy you target the time you get is doubled. So 1 enemy would give you +1 second, 2 enemies +2 seconds, 3 enemies +4 seconds and so on. Keep speed and target as many enemies as possible. Mini-Game Emblems Air Chase Act 1 and 2: The first Emblem is earned for beating the course. The second for beating the record score. Sand Hill: The first Emblem is earned for beating the course. The second for beating the record score. The more gates you make it through in a row, the higher your score. Twinkle Circuit: The first emblem is earned for beating the course. The second for beating the record score. Whack-a-Sonic: You get a Emblem each time you get the high score. Only two of course. Four Emblems on each of the three world maps: Station Square: Inside the Burger Shop. Across from the train in the station. In the alley near the Casino....look up. Cut the grass with Tails in front of the Town Hall (the first area where Sonic fights Chaos 0 ). Mystic Ruin: Go behind Tails house and look across at the cliff. Under a fallen tree on the way to Big's hut. Inside the top of the tree next to Big's hut. Jump off the left side of the bridge to the Emerald Shrine with Knuckles. Egg Carrier: On top of a platform on the far side of the pool room. Inside Eggman's bedroom step on switch to make bed open down. On top of the rotating disc (highest point on map). Last one's tricky....First use the switch to make the Egg Carrier's wings extend. Then, go on the platform to the inside of the ship. Ride the lightrail car to the other end of the ship. Jump in the cannons to break the large boxes. The Emblem is in one of the boxes. One Emblem for each character's ending: After you beat the game with all 6 characters, Super Sonic shows up and you have to beat it with him too. Chao Races: There are five different races to win...the fifth doesnt show up til you have beaten the others first. You earn one Emblem for each of the go raise a Chao! Well..that it! 130 Emblems, and what do you get? The pride of a job well done....geez are we noticing a trend in games now where you do hard, ardous tasks for little or no reward? First Mario 64 with the 120 stars, then Zelda 64 with the 120 Skullutas, now poor Sonic has 130 Emblems to earn with no thanks....ah does add a LOT to the game. Thanks to: Homan Fung for helping me out with the last 3 Emblems I was having trouble with, Microplay for selling me a Dreamcast so darned cheap, and to Capcom for making loads of great fighting games. Wedoca!!!