_________ .__ / _____/ ____ ____ |__| ____ \_____ \ / _ \ / \| |/ ___\ / ( <_> ) | \ \ \___ /_______ /\____/|___| /__|\___ > \/ \/ \/ _________.__ _____ _____.__ / _____/| |__ __ ___/ ____\/ ____\ | ____ \_____ \ | | \| | \ __\\ __\| | _/ __ \ / \| Y \ | /| | | | | |_\ ___/ /_______ /|___| /____/ |__| |__| |____/\___ > \/ \/ \/ ¤--------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ | Sonic Shuffle version 1.0 | | Last updated: 31st of March 2001 | | Created by: Clement Chan Zhi Li | | E-mail address: saigoheiki@gmail.com | ¤--------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ |Table of Contents| ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=¤ | | + <1> Introduction <1> + | [1.1] About Sonic Shuffle | + [1.2] Copyright info + | [1.3] How to Best View this Guide | + [1.4] Review + | | + <2> Basic Things <2> + | [2.1] Controls | + [2.2] Game Objective + | [2.3] Cards | + [2.4] Spaces + | [2.5] Forcejewels | + [2.5A] Frequently Asked Questions + | [2.5B} Forcejewels List | + + | <3> The Boards <3> | + [3.1] Emerald Coast + | [3.2] Fire Bird | + [3.3] Nature Zone + | [3.4] Riot Train | + [3.5] Fourth Dimension Space + | | + <4> Credits <4> + | | + <5> History <5> + | | ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=¤ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- <1> I n t r o d u c t i o n <1> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Hi! I'm Clement Chan, FAQ writer of over 10 games over the years. Most of them are the infamous and classic games, Sonic the Hedgehog while some games are quite unheard of and under-rated, like Tech Romancer and Icarus: Sanctuary of the Gods. I am a Sonic fan and since young, I've been playing Sonic-related games for Genesis such as Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Sonic the Hedgehog 3, Sonic & Knuckles, Sonic 3D Blast and Sonic Spinball. Even for the PC release, I've bought Sonic & Knuckles Collection and written a few FAQs for all of the games mentioned. Sonic Adventure, of course, is one of my favourite games as well, and Sonic Adventure 2, which has not been released yet as of this update, looks really promising judging from its screenshots. And of course, here comes Sonic Shuffle, a game which had been criticized by various magazines and people, but still loved by some gamers. So, judging from all that, you might think I'm a Sonic freak, right? Probably no, as I'm also addicted to other games as well, such as the Resident Evil series and other infamous RPGs. Anyway, if you had any questions, comments or information that may contribute to this FAQ, feel free to do so and send your e-mail to me at: saigoheiki@gmail.com All e-mails will be answered and replied, unless you are one of the AOL users which have some problems by giving out returned mails back to me. I will answer within a period of 24 to 48 hours, unless I'm really, really caught up in my schoolwork, projects, assignments, sports activities or on a vacation, or the like. There might be SPOILERS in this guide, such as revealing any possible secrets in this FAQ. So, read this Guide at your own risk. If you don't really care whether you read the spoilers or not, then, go ahead. Lastly, enjoy this FAQ and I hope it helps in your progress of Sonic Shuffle. Thank you. - C l e m e n t C h a n ------------------------------------- [1.1] Sonic Shuffle ------------------------------------- Sonic Shuffle is another Sonic-based party game, created by Sega and only two SonicTeam developers. Most people has criticized this game as being a poor copy of Mario Party, and the slow loading times and other weak points of the game. Being an avid Sonic fan (Tails, actually, only the games I like are all related to Sonic) and trying not to be biased, I don't really see any problems with this game at all. Made for the Dreamcast, Sonic Shuffle is definitely suitable for all ages, and the party game which suits up to four players all together. It's a fun, partying world. ------------------------------------- [1.2] Copyright info ------------------------------------- This FAQ is Copyright © 2001 Clement Chan Zhi Li. You can distribute this FAQ as long as its contents are not changed. No. Not even a single letter. If you ever try to make profit by putting banners on top of it or other money-making schemes you may have in your mind, I will immediately request for my FAQs to be taken down. Only Clement Chan Zhi Li can make changes and updates to this FAQ. Any unauthorized changes and updates without my permission is prohibited by law. If you want to put parts of this FAQ publicly, at least write down the name of this FAQ and the owner's name (mine) together. One more word, don't even send parts of this Guide to other FAQs and write it as your own. I will soon find out. ------------------------------------- [1.3] How to Best View this Guide ------------------------------------- If you view this guide of the Internet and noticed that some words are filled in with spaces and etc., it's because your browser did not view it at the right width. Save the guide and open it up with WordPad (recommended). Click File, then Page Setup. At the section where they put Margins (inches), look for Right and type 0.8" in it. That way, you could view this guide neatly as it is meant to be! ------------------------------------- [1.4] Review ------------------------------------- Sonic Shuffle has been already been criticized by many main websites and online magazines, together with the majority of people saying this as being the worst Sonic game ever produced. I am a Sonic fan myself so I don’t really understand why other people which are mostly comprising of Sonic fans would want to describe this game as being the worst. Their main reasons was that the gameplay was not too good, terribly slow loading times and tiny replay value but I must say all of their reasons are totally wrong, depending on my point of view. Graphics - 10 The graphics are totally amazing that totally surpasses any current games in the world. The introduction FMV will give you the first impression that this game will going to be good, and of course, it seems that the graphics in the FMV are mainly hand-drawn, not CG graphics as I had expected earlier. The FMV scenes was totally great, and immensely detailed from the beginning to the finish. The greatness of their colourful scenes are almost indescribable, as it looks almost like a cartoon movie using the most advanced of technologies to produce such wonderful scenes. While the FMV scenes are great, the graphics in the game itself was, unfortunately, does not look that nice after the FMV scenes. Gaming developers seem to make the FMV scenes look very nice and the in-game graphics look slightly worse. The characters look a bit ‘thin’, like cut out from a piece of paper while the background itself are really wonderful. The only drawback out of all of those wonderful things is that Sonic’s mouth seems to be like Dracula. Ever noticed his sharp, fang, two teeth? Also, the voices doesn’t match when the mouth should open and close. Everything was in a perfect 3D environment, though you can’t control your characters in a 3D way, seeing that this game is a party game, not an adventure or a fighting game in any way. The graphics in the actual itself is quite all right, added in with various sorts of colours to make this game more cheerful. And of course, whatever you do, those ‘active’ objects in the game will keep on moving in a steady flow, like the river, clouds and etc. Other graphical aspects like the light source was just simply cool and could blind your eyes, with the mini-circular light that came up after the sun. Sonic Shuffle shines out as one of the best in graphics, making this game one of the coolest game ever created. Music - 9 The background music seems to be a bit childish for my likes, during every time when you start at a new board with the soft lullaby singing its tunes as if to a baby. Most of the background music are just nice, with loud and fast, rapid music during a battle against enemy. Victory music will sound just as it was supposed to be, with the interesting tunes coming hear and then, changing every time. Almost all of the music suits each part and when it should appear, like at the Nature Zone, you’ll have the jungle-theme music popping out for you to hear. Some background music are also comical in some way that I can’t explain. The sound effects always appear with any action that you do, whether moving forward or not. Even the background will activate certain sound effects, like water flowing and others. Common sound effects that you will hear throughout the game is like rings coming out from you, rings collected, jumps from the bumpers and many more. Characters will develop their own special movement that will make different type of sound effects. Overall, all of them suits one another and can be considered as the best. Now, voices can be a bit of a problem, as most of the characters’ new voices does not suit at all. Sonic’s voice is at least sound as close (not really that near, but close enough) to the previous actor used at Sonic Adventure, and so is Tails (well, you can hear when he say “All right!” which sounds terribly alike to Mickey Mouse’s). Amy sounds just nice, as if the previous same actress from Sonic Adventure was used here. Knuckles sounds too mature, too far from being the same from his old voice. While Eggman’s voice is completely different than his previous one, his voice sounds ‘evil’ enough to match his old one. I have no comment for other characters with their new voices, except that they sound just right. Gameplay - 9 Right. First impression is over. At the main menu, you are given a few options which includes Story, Versus, Tutorial, Sonic Room and File Select. Of course, it is really recommended that you should head for the Tutorial first as it gives you totally basic things that will help you to win the whole game together. Basically, the flying NiGHTS-like creature, Lumina Flowlight will tell you what each spaces do and give you tips on winning the game. For the first time playing, you will notice that the loading times are slightly slower (about 10 to 18 seconds. I’ve counted them exactly. Honest) than other games. I’m expecting to wait for more than 1 minute when most online sources have been exaggerating about the slowness of the loading time while very few people mentioning about Worms Armageddon’s loading time is 10 times slower than Sonic Shuffle. After you have played the game for a while, you won’t really notice the loading times at all, for some reasons. This game is a party game, as I’ve already been telling you that all the while for more than two times. It is said that it is similar in every aspect to Mario Party (I haven’t played it, or even own the system). The main objective of the game is to collect all of the seven Precioustones (yeah, I know it sounds silly) in every area. Collecting one Preciustone will earn you an Emblem (after you finished the game), as well as collecting the most rings, completing the end-stage Mini Game by getting first and finishing the mini hidden quest. If two of you got the same amount of Emblems, the character who got the most rings wins. I know, some parts of the game are straight from Sonic Adventure, like the Emblems and the names for the moves. Depending on which character you choose, each of them have their own special abilities, which allow them to proceed at certain parts of the game easier. Despite the second impression it gives as being a childish game with uninteresting storyline, this game is actually hard, even if you set it at easy level so try to be vain enough to think that you can beat this game in a matter of seconds where you frustratingly struggling across to barely made through or to be announced as a loser (not really). To cut it short, this game requires good thinking skills and many strategy plans coming across your minds. Cards are scarce and you can also use other character’s cards in order to survive this unknown battle. The cards ranged from numbers 1 to 6, which, as suggested, can act like dices and you must follow the numbered card that you had chosen to move forward. There is also a Special card, with the large letter S for you to see. Using it will allow you do decide three choices, use it as a roulette (where computers are commonly known to use this always), exchange cards with other players and stealing cards from other players. The first choice is always recommended, when you want to go to a certain number (you can choose between 1 to S, where S is number 7 in actual). There are S cards shared out between four players, only three cards existed where the unlucky one will get the Eggman card. Using it intentionally or accidentally will result something unlucky will happen, where Eggman will set a whole row of traps for you to choose from in a roulette. If you’re lucky (on a very rare chance), you might just land where you won’t really get effected or even had an item. Other than cards, you can use items obtained in Mini Games or Mini Events or any other places, called Forcejewels. This nifty things can also be bought when you land on the Shop area, with rings to spend, of course. By using these items, you can either make your players forced to move 6 spaces, make yourself teleport to a random space, swap places with other players and many other cool items. If your opponent set this upon you, you’re doomed. You can either choose which player will be your victim or to be decided on a roulette, if you happen to use these Forcejewels. Mini Games, on the other hand, are a good reason why this game is fun, depending on your playing personality and attitude. There are event spaces which you can land, to make yourself either have the Mini Games or Mini Events, depending on your luck. Some of the Mini Games will let you to have a two-on-two fight, which mean that you must cooperate with the other player, some one-on-three game, where the lucky one will be able to control certain game, like being the chef and cook the other players. Some are games where you must win the battle and try to get either the most rings or perform the best. There are over 40 mini games of these, giving you a total tremendous leap of fun for the week. Mini Events are always random and automated, where you can even answer trivia quizzes! The host mainly ask about the game itself, like the amount of cards you have used and etc. The automated Mini Events will make you lose or earn rings, depending on the character you choose, choice that you had chosen (also random) and based on your luck. If you land on battle spaces, you’re either going to need high-numbered cards, about 3 or more. You must beat the enemy’s number by being equal or higher than the number. If you press the A button at the same number as the enemy’s, you’ll gain two Forcejewels but if you have the higher number than the enemy’s, you will only gain one. Fail by using Eggman card in the battle (I know you will not be as silly as that, unless that's the only card left) or have less number than the enemy’s, you will see more than 40 rings deleted from your total number. Risky, don’t you think? As I’ve said before, there are seven Precioustones scattered about in the board. If you are the furthest away from the Precioustone that have been collected by other player, you’ll watch in horror and despair with your goggle-eyed eyes ready to pop out at any moment, as you pray and pray and look that your character have been totally squashed into a flat pancake by a sixteen ton dummy with loads of rings falling out of your character, by your totally hateful enemy of all time, Eggman. Cut that short to say abruptly that your character will be flatten by Eggman’s 16-ton thing with about forty rings flying out from your character. Simple, isn’t it? This mean that you must totally race for the Precioustone, even if you just barely made through as the third furthest away from the collected Precioustone. There will be a special space where you must finish a certain hidden event that will occur in all boards. Sometimes, depending on your boards, you may find yourself unable to proceed as the shortcut may have been blocked by certain obstacles. And of course, there are fun-type of Accidents that will occur like Mini-Games, where you have to either get to the end or get the most rings and protect yourself from other things. Some are fun and easy while others may look impossible for you to get through. If you complete the whole board by collecting the seventh Precioustone, there will be end-stage Accident where you must either escape from the place (listen and look at the instructions on the screen) and other timely events. And that’s not it, when you land on a space where the Precioustone is. You have to fight the enemy that has been mutated by the power of the Precioustone and the more Precioustones has been collected, the higher the number would be on the enemy. So merely, you just need cards to survive. Once these cards run out, for all of the characters, a new deck of cards will be given to you and the rest of the crew. Even if you lose at certain boards, by collecting a lot of money until the seventh Precioustone has been collected, you can put them into the Bank (it’s actually a Sonic-shaped coin box), as Lumina will call it to spend later on. Whether you win or lose, the more important thing is to collect more rings, so try to avoid being squashed by Eggman or lose in a battle. The Sonic Room can be accessed from the Main Menu in the game, where you can buy pictures with the rings that you have collected that will unlock something secret. Not all pictures can be bought as some pictures can only be bought if you completed certain boards first. All secrets can be accessed in this room, with your main objective to buy those pictures. Story - 8 Set out in the place called Maginaryworld (sounds silly), the four characters, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy have been dropped off in the place by Lumina Flowlight, the angel who is beside Goddess of Dream, Illumina all the time. She seeks help of you to collect the Precioustone (will make you embarrassed if you ever get your friend to know about this) that have been shattered by the villain of this game, Void. This perfect Precioustone has been shattered into five pieces, and the five pieces has been destroyed in seven pieces each. To restore peace and harmony to the stages and Maginaryworld, you need to collect all seven Precioustones in each stage. Eggman has really nothing to do with all this, except to annoy you with all of his traps and destructive stuffs. To be honest, the computer does cheat sometimes by knowing which cards that you held in your hands. They seem to pick up which cards that they want at the right time but occasionally, they are stupid enough to take the Eggman card. The Artificial Intelligence of the computer is quite high, even after you set it in Easy mode. But even because of that, you still have your personal Original Brilliant Intelligence to beat the computer’s AI. Just use the right cards at the right time and you’ll scrape through. If you’re tired of playing Story mode, you can relax and play with members of your family or friends with the Versus mode. You need up to four controllers to play up to four players, and this time, you can decide how many Precioustones must be collected in the board. That’s not all, as you can choose which board you want without finishing the board. Of course, the rules of the game are still preserved and you need to follow them. Playing through the game may not be your objective as you might probably want your friends to enjoy together the Mini Games. Controls - 9 The controls are not really that difficult, as this is not an adventure game, nor a fighting game (I’ve been stressing this for the second time). Pressing A will mean a sort of ‘Decide’ and ‘Action’ button while B is to cancel. The Y button will let you look across the map so you can see the location of other players and the Precioustone properly. D-pad is to move your character and other things while the Start button is to bring up the Exit menu. These A, B, X and Y buttons can make different actions in the Mini Game, but they changed from Mini Games to Mini Games. Replay Value - 7 All right. You’ve played Sonic Shuffle one whole day. Next after next few days, you’re still playing it. Playing this game everyday may not make you like this game later on as you might feel bored with it, as this had happened to me. I found that Sega’s comment that ‘this game provides unlimited replay value’ was very untrue, so if you want to like this game even after a few days, don’t make this game your idol. Play other games to make you forget this game for a while, and you will stay all right. Overall - 9 This game turns out to be very exciting after all, despite all of those main and online magazines has been criticizing this game for a long time. Loading times can be wait as they don’t take one minute, only between ten seconds to eighteen seconds, where most top, major games like MDK2 which takes ten times longer than this game has been a favourite. If you can’t wait for about only fifteen seconds, then this game is not for you. As I had explained before, after playing this game for a while, you may not seem to notice the loading times at all but eagerly waiting for it to load and play. Sega is extremely brilliant at keeping you coming back for more as there are many secrets held in this game, with tons of Mini Games for you to enjoy and play at the end of the day. Sonic ----- + A fun party game for all ages, with many Mini Games for you to enjoy. + Many secrets to keep you coming back for more, for the sake of unlocking them! + Wonderful and beautiful graphics, with detailed modelling that will make you gape for few minutes. Tonic ----- - This game can get boring, if you play this game everyday non-stop. Serious. - Not for the very impatient people if they can’t wait for about 15 seconds to load the game (pun intended). - Voice acting for certain characters can sound odd, honestly. Tails’ Mickey Mouse-like voice in certain words that he spoke, especially “All right!” can be not like his normal self. One more thing to add, computers cheat. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- <2> B a s i c T h i n g s <2> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Below are the basic things that you need to know; the knowledge of the game and some hints and tips that will let you scrape through as this game can be quite tough, even at Easy mode, which will challenge you at your quick thinking. ------------------------------------- [2.1] Controls ------------------------------------- These are controls for the whole game, not for Mini Games. A button : Select and confirm. B button : Cancel. Y button : Lets you look across the map. Directional pad : Move about on the board and scroll across the board. ------------------------------------- [2.2] Game Objective ------------------------------------- The objective of every board-stage in Story mode as well as Versus mode is plainly simple: Get the Precioustones. Apparently, there are five Precioustones in the game that each of them was broke off into seven smaller pieces. These Precioustone has been guarded by massive enemies that must be destroyed by battling using cards. Actually, in order to decide how you win, you must collect Emblems which are automatically obtained by performing certain tasks. These are only for the Story mode and there are more for the Versus mode. Below is the complete list to guide you how to get the Emblems for the Story mode: 1) Get a Precioustone. Every Precioustone that you have will gain you 1 Emblem. The more Precioustones you collected, the more Emblems you will have. Simple. In case you had problems, getting the Precioustones, there are always other ways to get Emblems too. If you're the furthest from the Precioustone, Eggman will drop you a 16 ton giant thing on top of you which will miraculously sent half of your total rings flying out. 2) Collect the most rings. These are the most vital things that will decide how you will win the game. If you had the equal amount of Emblems (which always happened), the person who had the most rings will win. A simple process, isn't it? 3) Try and complete a hidden mini-quest in the game. If you are a beginner, try not to worry about getting first or anything of that sort, but explore the whole area of the board to your heart's content, so you know what to expect and the hidden mini-quest in the game. Some of them are random, as the special spaces will appear on certain ? spaces. 4) Get first in the end-of-stage Accident. Try hard and figure out the main objective and follow the controls and instruction closely. If you succeeded and get first, you will gain an Emblem automatically. Some of the Accidents are quite hard so you need to know the basic stuffs and if you had played it earlier in Versus mode, everything should be easier for you, as you know what to do and etc. Together with the above, below are some extras that will help you to gain more Emblems in Versus mode: 5) Enter as many Battle spaces as you can. It doesn't matter whether you win or not (the best choice would be winning it, of course), as long as you're the person who entered the most Battle spaces. 6) If you go for a Duel the most times, you can also gain an Emblem this way so try and land on the same spaces as your opponent. 7) Winning a Duel the most times will also gain you an Emblem, so try and look carefully for special spaces when you start playing in the game. ------------------------------------- [2.3] Cards ------------------------------------- Below are the list of cards available in the game, ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ | Cards | Describtion | ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ | 1 Card | Oh well, nothing much to explain. Uses number 1 to | | | fight or to move around in the board. | ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ | 2 Card | Uses number 2 to fight or to move around in the board. | ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ | 3 Card | Uses number 3 to fight or to move around in the board. | ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ | 4 Card | Uses number 4 to fight or to move around in the board. | ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ | 5 Card | Uses number 5 to fight or to move around in the board. | ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ | 6 Card | Uses number 6 to fight or to move around in the board. | ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ | S Card | This is a special card that are available only to | | | three players out of four (which means the unlucky one | | | will hold an Eggman card). When using this card (which | | | will count as one turn, no matter which option you | | | choose), three options will appear for you to choose. | | | | | | Roulette | | | -------- | | | Use this always when you have the opportunity. | | | Basically, this gives you a choice to select from 1-S | | | (S is defined as 7). Practice a lot and you can easily | | | pick out which number you want. It's that simple once | | | you can get the hang of it. | | | | | | Steal a Card | | | ------------ | | | You shouldn't use this at all, unless you just want to | | | try it out. Basically, you pick out a card from any | | | player. | | | | | | Exchange Cards | | | -------------- | | | Again, you should not use this option at all. This | | | allows you to exchange the whole row of your cards with| | | another player. | ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ | Eggman Card | Ah, if you're an unlucky chap, you'll get this once in | | | an egg . You'll just have to touch this nasty card at | | | least one time in the game. Getting this will set off | | | a roulette set full of traps with only a little doing | | | good. Here's the complete list of the nasty traps and | | | what Eggman says when he sets them. Of course, it's | | | just roulette and you can't choose which accidents are | | | to be set upon you. | | | | | | 1) I'll throw away all your rings! | | | 2) I'll let everyobody see your cards for 2 turns. | | | 3) I'll make you switch plaes with another player. | | | 4) I'll move you to a random space. | | | 5) It must be so tiring to choose cards. For the next | | | 5 turns, you'll get the number 1 card in the | | | battle. | | | 6) Here's a Carbuncle for you, since you choose the | | | Eggman card. | | | 7) Since you choose the Eggman card, I'll use the | | | Geasdain on you. | | | 8) I'll use my invention so no one can see your cards | | | for 3 turns. | | | 9) Let me call a monster for you, so you can have some| | | battle practice. | | | 10) My new invention's going to increase the number on | | | your cards. I'll get rid of the number 1 cards. | | | 11) It must be so tiring to choose cards. For the next | | | 5 turns, you can only move 1 space! | | | 12) I'll change all your cards to Eggman cards for 3 | | | turns. | | | 13) I'm going to hide the spaces for 5 turns. This | | | should be fun! | | | 14) I'm such a nice guy, I'll give all the players a | | | Swap Jewel. | | | 15) How do you like my red suit? I like it so much, | | | I'll change the spaces to the same colour for 4 | | | turns. | | | 16) You look tired. I'll let you rest for 1 turn. I'll | | | even sing you a lullaby if you want. | ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ ------------------------------------- [2.4] Spaces ------------------------------------- There are lots of spaces in the game and here are all of them that will cause to trigger something to happen. ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ | Spaces | Describtion | ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ | Plus Ring Spaces | This plus ring spaces would be in blue, with a yellow | | | ring on it. Landing on this type of ring space will | | | give you one or more rings, and plus with the same | | | number more, depending on how many times you land on | | | ring spaces, including minus ring spaces. You can get | | | either 1 ring, 3 rings, 5 rings or 6 rings depending | | | on situation and your luck. If you land on the 15 | | | times (including times when other characters land on | | | the plus ring spaces), Eggman will shrink the Plus | | | Ring Spaces and enlarge the Minus Ring Spaces. | ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ | Minus Ring Spaces | This minus ring spaces would be in red, with a yellow | | | ring on it. Landing on this type of ring space will | | | deduct rings from your total. If you had no rings | | | while landing on this ring spaces, you will not get | | | a negative mark to your total (eg: -10 rings). Your | | | ring total will be deducted either 1 ring, 3 rings, 5 | | | rings or 6 rings. Depending on how many times you land| | | on either of the two ring spaces, the ring space will | | | add the same number to itself again. | | | | | | For example, you land on a plus ring space and get | | | 3 rings, jump to another plus ring space and get 6 | | | rings and then you jump to minus ring space and minus | | | 12 rings. This is the basic concept that you must | | | remember. If you land on the Minus Ring Spaces for 10 | | | times all together with other characters, Eggman will | | | say that he will enlarge it (where he made a mistake | | | always and shrink it), making the Plus Ring Spaces | | | bigger. This is essentially good to get extra rings | | | because you can get up to 50 rings at maximum, | | | depending on your situation at the time. | ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ | Event Spaces | This event space would have an exclamation mark on it | | | (which is !), and is light green in colour. When | | | landing on this space, it will trigger random | | | situations, either Mini Games of Mini Events. | | | | | | Mini Games | | | ---------- | | | For Mini Games, there are actually 49 mini games all | | | together, including Accidents and Mini Games specially| | | for Versus mode. Before you start playing Mini Games | | | (that also appeared randomly), you need to read the | | | instructions and the game's objective so you know what| | | to do instead stare blankly at the screen. Some of | | | them can be quite hard, and some of them can be quite | | | easy, depending on your likes, skills and | | | personalities. | | | | | | Mini Events | | | ---------- | | | Mini Events are small happenings that can either give | | | you Forcejewels, rings or make you lose your turn, | | | rings and etc. These are all random, of course, and | | | whether you lose rings or not are based on your luck. | | | For example, when you are prompted to choose an | | | option, the one that give you rings or Forcejewels may| | | not be the right one always so you have to choose | | | your own selections randomly. Some Mini Events, based | | | on which character you choose, will either earn you | | | rings or lose them. So, to brief it out, it's all | | | based on luck and your character. There are also | | | Eggman Quizzes where you had to answer correctly based| | | on your current situation in the game. For example, | | | how many rings you've got, the number of times you've | | | used the 'S' card and so on. | ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ | Battle Spaces | These Battle spaces will have a sharp purple bubble | | | shape on it. Stepping into this space will make you | | | battle a monster. When battling, you'll need to put | | | out the equal number to your enemy's or higher. If you| | | put out the same number as your enemy's, you will get | | | two Forcejewels instead of the normal one when you put| | | a higher number card to attack your enemy. If you | | | lose, the enemy will attack you and you will lose a | | | large number of rings. So, be careful! | ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ | Quest Spaces | These spaces generally are round and yellow in colour,| | | with !? on them. Depending on which stage (better | | | known are referred as board) you're in, they will | | | usually let you start a hidden quest, complete a mini | | | quest, or perform different actions in the game. | ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ | Precioustone Space| These spaces will hold a Precioustone, which will be | | | in different types, such as Amethyst, Sapphire and | | | others. If you land on the space with the | | | Precioustone, you will battle an enemy that guards it.| | | If you lose in the battle (which is quite similar to | | | the fights in the normal Battle spaces), your card | | | will deduct the number on your enemy's card, which | | | means it will be easier if you fight the monster the | | | second time. If you really lose, then you'll find lots| | | of rings from you gone. | ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ | Jewel Shop Space | These spaces have the word 'Shop' in another type of | | | a bubble on top of the space. Here, you can use your | | | rings to buy Forcejewels but they could be really | | | expensive, with some costing up to 125 rings! Entering| | | this shop will produce different Forcejewels to be | | | randomly sold. | ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ | Void Space | This space are actually the Precioustone space, except| | | a black spherical thing will appear on top of the | | | Precioustone space randomly, after you or other | | | players have successfully defeated the guardian of the| | | Precioustones. Having a Void space means that you can | | | and have the choice of giving 50 rings (you know, like| | | the act of bribing) to Void so that he can steal a | | | Precioustone from other player and give it to you. You| | | have to choose a player in a roulette, which means | | | that if the player does not have a Precioustone, | | | you're wasting rings unnecessarily. If a computer | | | player did this to you, you're likely to scream at | | | your television screen. | ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ ------------------------------------- [2.5] Forcejewels ------------------------------------- Below is a small guide of Forcejewels, taken off from my own Forcejewels guide. Right, here's the place where you can learn more about the Forcejewels themselves, and the list of all Forcejewels available. ------------------------------------- [2.5A] Frequently Asked Questions ------------------------------------- ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-¤ 1. What is a Forcejewel? .1 ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-¤ A Forcejewel is a special, rainbow-coloured jewel that has mysterious powers and effects in it. Some of them will give you positive effects, where you can move fast by using a few cards at the same time, while some will actually give you negative effects, like destroying all your Forcejewels that you had at the time. ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|¤ 2. Where can I get a Forcejewel? .2 ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|¤ You can get a Forcejewel in several places, and to tell the truth, there are simply many parts of the game where you can get a Forcejewel. This includes: I. Get a Forcejewel in the Battle space by winning (against normal enemies). II. Get a Forcejewel in certain Mini-Games. III. Get a Forcejewel from Eggman while selecting Eggman's certain evil inventions. IV. Get a Forcejewel in certain Mini Events. V. Get a Forcejewel in a stage Accident. VI. Get a Forcejewel by buying them in the Jewel Shop space. ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-¤ 3. I can't use a Forcejewel! Why? .3 ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-¤ There are several reasons why you can't use a Forcejewel: I. Other player's Forcejewels disabled the ability to use a Forcejewel for you. II. Certain Forcejewels cannot be activated. They automatically activate themselves, like Carbuncle and Blockite. ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=¤ 4. Any tips on using a Forcejewel? .4 ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=¤ To make full use of Forcejewels, try and use them whenever possible and at the right time. For example, if you had two cards that you want to use together in one go, so that you can move forward to a particular location, use a Speederald in order to use both cards. You must be clever enough to know every Forcejewel's powers, so that you know when to use a Forcejewel. Another example would be: When you are far away from a Precioustone, but another character is near it and you have a Swap Jewel, use it immediately. In the roulette, try and time carefully and select the character that you want to change places with. ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|¤ 5. It's hard to choose a character to be my victim in the roulette. Any other tips? .5 ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|¤ Yeah, you know how annoying it is. When you want to change places with a character, you had to choose the wrong one and instead of going nearer, you're further. There are no exact tips to get you at the right spot, but try and use Magnifire to increase one character's area in the roulette, or time carefully and press A at the right time. If you had made a mistake in the roulette, simply press A+B+X+Y and Start buttons together to make a soft reset. It will return you to the title screen and resume to the time before at your turn. Then, do the roulette once again. ------------------------------------- [2.5B] Forcejewels List ------------------------------------- The list below will be in alphabetical order. I don't know whether I had left out any but if I do, please send the name of the Forcejewel that I missed and the official describtions in the game to me at saigoheiki@gmail.com ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-¤ - 1 / 36 | + 1 Force March + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-¤ | + + | Describtion: Force one player to move 1 space on the next turn. | + + ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|¤ - 2 / 36 | + 6 Force March + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|¤ | + + | Describtion: Force one player to move 6 spaces on the next turn. | + + ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|¤ - 3 / 36 | + Barrier Amber + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|¤ | + + | Describtion: For 5 turns, creates a barrier so other people can't pass | + you. + | | ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-¤ - 4 / 36 | + Battle Ruby + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-¤ | + + | Describtion: Changes the ring and event spaces into battle spaces for 4 | + turns. + | | ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-¤ - 5 / 36 | + Blockite + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-¤ | + + | Describtion: Protects you from the effects of other player's Forcejewels.| + + ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=¤ - 6 / 36 | + Carbuncle + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=¤ | + + | Describtion: A fairy who loves to eat Forcejewels (and has a huge | + appetite). + | | ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=¤ - 7 / 36 | + Chameleonite + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=¤ | + + | Describtion: Transforms into a random Forcejewel, and uses its power | + immediately. + | | ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|¤ - 8 / 36 | + Curse Opal + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|¤ | + + | Describtion: Annoy another player--spin the roulette to see who your | + victim will be. + | | ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-¤ - 9 / 36 | + Deletite + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-¤ | + + | Describtion: Spin the roulette to destroy one player's Forcejewels. | + + ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|¤ - 10 / 36 | + Duplichaos + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|¤ | + + | Describtion: Transforms itself to a different Forcejewels. | + + ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-¤ - 11 / 36 | + Foolmoon + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-¤ | + + | Describtion: Spin the roulette to swap your high card for another | + player's low card. + | | ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-¤ - 12 / 36 | + Geasdain + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-¤ | + + | Describtion: Spin the roulette to choose one player who will be forced to| + move 6 spaces for 3 turns. + | | ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-¤ - 13 / 36 | + Hi-Speederald + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-¤ | + + | Describtion: Use 3 cards for movement or battle. | + + ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=¤ - 14 / 36 | + Hypnotite + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=¤ | + + | Describtion: Spin the card roulette and throw away all cards with the | + same number. + | | ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-¤ - 15 / 36 | + Lose Quartz + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-¤ | + + | Describtion: Changes the battle, event and plus ring spaces into minus | + ring spaces for 4 turns. + | | ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|¤ - 16 / 36 | + Low Moonstone + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|¤ | + + | Describtion: Lessens the power of the Precioustone, and weakens the | + monsters. + | | ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|¤ - 17 / 36 | + Maharajite + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|¤ | + + | Describtion: Use the roulette to swap your low card for another player's | + high card. + | | ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=¤ - 18 / 36 | + Magnifire + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=¤ | + + | Describtion: Increase one player's area on the roulette. | + + ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-¤ - 19 / 36 | + Max-Speederald + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-¤ | + + | Describtion: Use 5 cards for movement or battle. | + + ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=¤ - 20 / 36 | + Medium + | ¤-=|-=|-=¤ | + + | Describtion: Teleports all players to the space you're on. | + + ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-¤ - 21 / 36 | + Packlite + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-¤ | + + | Describtion: Prevents all players from reaching the Precioustone for 3 | + turns. + | | ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-¤ - 22 / 36 | + Preciousite + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-¤ | + + | Describtion: Spin a card, and if you roll a 1, you'll jump straight to | + the Precioustone. + | | ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-¤ - 23 / 36 | + Reducite + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-¤ | + + | Describtion: Reduce one player's area on the roulette. | + + ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-¤ - 24 / 36 | + Ringidum + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-¤ | + + | Describtion: Changes the battle, event and minus ring spaces to plus | + ring spaces for 4 turns. + | | ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|¤ - 25 / 36 | + Shield Quartz + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|¤ | + + | Describtion: For 4 turns, no one else can use a Forcejewel. | + + ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-¤ - 26 / 36 | + Shuffire + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-¤ | + + | Describtion: Shuffle and redistribute everyone's Forcejewels. | + + ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|¤ - 27 / 36 | + Sonic-Speederald + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|¤ | + + | Describtion: Move 30 spaces in a random direction. | + + ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|¤ - 28 / 36 | + Speederald + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|¤ | + + | Describtion: Use 2 cards for movement or battle. | + + ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-¤ - 29 / 36 | + Stopnite + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-¤ | + + | Describtion: Block off a space for 3 turns so the other players can't | + pass. + | | ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|¤ - 30 / 36 | + Swap Jewel + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|¤ | + + | Describtion: The roulette will decide the player you will switch places | + with. + | | ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|¤ - 31 / 36 | + Teleport Ruby + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|¤ | + + | Describtion: The roulette will decide who you will be teleported close | + to. + | | ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-¤ - 32 / 36 | + Thief's Eye + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-¤ | + + | Describtion: Spin the roulette to choose a player to steal a Forcejewel | + from. + | | ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|¤ - 33 / 36 | + Turbo-Speederald + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|¤ | + + | Describtion: Use 4 cards for movement or battle. | + + ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=¤ - 34 / 36 | + Warp Crystal + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=¤ | + + | Describtion: Randomly teleport to a different space. | + + ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=¤ - 35 / 36 | + Warponite + | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=¤ | + + | Describtion: All players will be teleported to a random space. | + + ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ + + | ¤-=|-=|-=|¤ - 36 / 36 | + Wastone + | ¤-=|-=|-=|¤ | + + | Describtion: Spin the roulette to force one player to use a Forcejewel | + on their next turn. + | | ¤---------------------------------------------------------------------------¤ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- <3> T h e B o a r d s <3> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Below is a guide for the boards in Sonic Shuffle, plus anything that you should know. ------------------------------------- [3.1] Emerald Coast ------------------------------------- As Emerald Coast is a beach, the place will have little water in it and therefore, there are few additional rules that you must follow, including special spaces. In the water (where the whole head is completely submerged), you are given 5 chances to reach the land (or go to the bubble space) or else you will drown and automatically transported to the nearest land area. Here are the special additional spaces for this board: ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ | Spaces | Describtion | ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ | Bubble Space | It's a full blue bubble shape space and is located | | | in the water. If you had few more chances left, you | | | should go to this space to breath some fresh air. | | | If you drowned, you will be automatically transported | | | to the nearest land area. | ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ | Dolphin Space | The background of the space is orange with the picture| | | of a dolphin in it. Stepping on this space will bring | | | a flying dolphin which will direct you to a random | | | space. Useful if you are extremely far away from the | | | Precioustone. | ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ | Turtle Space | It's not a space really, but as the turtle is counted | | | as a space, it is listed here. The turtle will rise | | | and fall from the water occasionally. If the turtle | | | falls into the water, you cannot cross it to another | | | space. You will have to either wait patiently for it | | | to reappear on the surface or use another way round. | ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ At certain times, a dolphin will fly and destroy a space to prevent you from using the way. Towards the end, a flying fish-ship will fly away to prevent access to that particular way. For the hidden quest here, it's actually a dolphin which had been washed ashore. The dolphin should be visible with the space !? beside it. Land on the space and the instructions will direct you to another particular random !? space in order to save him. You will have to reach there within 8 turns or the dolphin will die. If another player begins the hidden quest, other players including you cannot save the dolphin except the other player. ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=¤ | Stage Clear Accident - Sonic Surfing | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=¤ A huge wave will be formed and you need to surf around while avoiding logs. You can also grab rings if you want but don't surf all the way to the top and fall down as this will only slow you down. Try to not getting knocked by the logs as these will make you lose some rings and slow you down. ------------------------------------- [3.2] Fire Bird ------------------------------------- This place will be slightly different and much more tougher. You'll need to plan each steps and movement carefully to prevent yourself from losing. ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ | Spaces | Describtion | ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ | Forklift Space | This space has the picture of a forklift on it. | | | Stepping onto this space will bring a forklift from | | | no where and carry you away randomly. This space | | | serves no real use really, but it might be of some use| | | if you are far away from a Precioustone. | ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ After a while, there will be a leak on the engine and you need to reach there (upper-left area) as soon as possible within 8 turns to fix it. You'll need to land on the !? space as usual. If no one fixed the leak in time, it will be automatically fixed. Again, half-way through the game and when you're on the way to the 6th Precioustone, the place will turn darker and there will be lights flashing around. This time around, there will be more Battle spaces. ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=¤ | Stage Clear Accident - Sky Diving | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=¤ This is probably the easiest accident of all stages. Basically, you'll need to reach on top of the parachute first. There will be circular wind to boost you up considerably but there will be clouds to block and slow you down. You can move about easily to avoid this, and there are also rings to collect. Try and make up your mind which area you want to stay and press up only till the end of the stage. Don't try and get the boosters unless they're in your way but you can avoid the clouds if you want. ------------------------------------- [3.3] Nature Zone ------------------------------------- In this Nature Zone, there are few new precautions that you need to know. ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ | Spaces | Describtion | ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ | Trolley Space | This space will have the picture of a trolley on it. | | | Stepping on this space will bring a trolley knocking | | | you into it and bring you to a random space. | ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ | Alligator Space | Instead of the Turtle Space in Emerald Coast, this | | | zone will have an alligator. Basically, when the mouth| | | of the alligator is open, you can't cross that area. | | | You'll either need to have to wait or you can go to | | | another place using a different road. | ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ Occasionally, there will be pillars falling down to block a way (usually a short-cut) so that you have to use a long way. There will be three pillars automatically be erected on the road (top-right and top-left) if you are unlucky. This happens randomly. When you have to get the 7th Precioustone, a bird will drop a treasure box on the top-right containing keys. You'll need to step on the !? space and bring the key to the specified area. If you had a number 6 card (from the !? space), you can jump straightaway to the Precioustone. If the 'door' is not unlocked, even when you have the Preciousite, you can't jump straightaway to the Precioustone. Those who had successfully unlock the 'door' will be considered as the one who had finished the hidden quest. ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|¤ | Stage Clear Accident - Earth Quake | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|¤ Ah, a giant fissure is chasing you from the back but don't worry about it too much. Your main concern is to avoid trees and rocks by pressing left and right so try and reach the goal first. ------------------------------------- [3.4] Riot Train ------------------------------------- You are now boarding a train, and the whole train will be the board spaces. ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ | Spaces | Describtion | ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ | Arrow Space | Now, this is a rather new space introduced here. | | | If you passed this space, you will have to press A | | | (time correctly first and see where the arrow is | | | pointing) button in order to proceed (or it will move | | | automatically if you waste too much time). If, | | | however, you land on this space, nothing will happen. | ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ | Helicopter Space | This space will have a picture of a helicopter on it. | | | Landing on this will bring you further to the left | | | side, on a random space. You'll see what I meant when | | | you actually play the game. This space is useful and | | | is always used by computer players. | ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ | Steam Space | Towards the end where you're supposed to get the 7th | | | Precioustone, a new carriage will appear on the left | | | side. You'll need to land exactly on this space so it | | | will blow you up to the air and you land on the | | | carriage. | ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ Once you had landed on the !? space that had been shown earlier, you will be shown a bird trapped in a cage. Reach that area and step on the !? space to release it. There are also crates with !? space next to it. It only blocks the path below so it's pretty useless really, unless you have an opponent heading down there. ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|¤ | Stage Clear Accident - Stop the Train | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|¤ Now, the train is about to crash down to the cliff below and it's up to all of you (the four players) to save the day. You'll need to press A or B buttons repeatedly by seeing the colour signal. If a colour lights up either left (press A) or right (press B), you need to press them repeatedly and as quickly as you can. The player who pressed the most buttons wins. You will lose rings if you press the wrong button or did not push fast enough and will gain rings if you are on the right speed. ------------------------------------- [3.5] Fourth Dimension Space ------------------------------------- The whole place is made up of space, and it's really hard to see the spaces as the camera may turn you upside down and such. ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ | Spaces | Describtion | ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ | Transporter Space | Landing on this space will automatically bring you | | | to another random space. | ¤-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¤ Occasionally, a star will fall of its own constelation randomly on top of any of the four players. You'll have to bring it to its own right constelation where the arrow points. This will happen a few times in the game once a star has been brought back to its right place. ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|¤ | Stage Clear Accident - Void Battle | ¤-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|-=|¤ Here's the villian Void and you need to stop him. It's a simple yet fun battle. When a circle space lights up, there will be two of them and you need to jump on it to bring down a huge rock onto Void. This mutated villian will attack you constantly and you must be far away from him to be safe. The more light spaces have been stepped on, the more the circle in the middle will light up. Once you had enough amount of spaces stepped on, quickly run to the middle platform and jump onto the giant space, with the help of your other friends. This will bring down an even giant rock to hit him on the head. Enjoy the ending! You have completed Sonic Shuffle! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- <4> C r e d i t s <4> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Clement Chan - The writer of this Guide. Ice Flame - I referred to his FAQ over a few matters, so thanks to him. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- <5> H i s t o r y <5> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Version 1.0 - 31st of March 2001 This Guide is fully completed.