Soul Calibur "Welcome back to the Stage in History" Astaroth Moves List For both the Namco Coin-Op Upright and the Sega Dreamcast Version developed and published by Namco Compiled by Mark Kim (Vesther Fauransy) Version 0.2.8 Text Build 2777 Date of Completion: February 8, 2000 (No Time Given) Date of Public Release: February 8, 2000 (No Time Given) Copyright Information --------------------- Unpublished work trademarked (tm) and copyrighted (c) by Mark Kim. All Rights Reserved. This file is basically derived from the move lists located at Namco America's Official Soul Calibur Site ( with the exception of some combos, move comments, and some rantings that the player might find useful during gameplay. If for any reason the URL is incorrect, I would like to know the change of URL RIGHT AWAY. This file is SHAREWARE and is strictly for entertainment use only. In addition, this file can only be HTMLized by the sole owner of the file (Mark Kim), regardless whether the content is good or bad. Furthermore, only the following sites shall be granted an exclusive license to view this file over the web: * Verasnaship Interactive ( * GameFAQs ( * Secrets of the Game Sages ( * Cheat Code Central ( * Game Shark Code Creators Club ( * Al Amaloo ( and It is a criminal act to reproduce and/or retransmit this file in any way, shape, or form (regardless of the medium) and it shall be a criminal act to to use this file at a password-protected site where either user accounts are utilized and/or money is made through these accounts. It is a direct felony to use this file for any profitable (even if you fail to make any money out of it), promotional, and/or commercial transactional purposes (including but not limited to giving this file as some sort of bonus, gift, or any other means to generate any money out of this document). It shall be a severe criminal act to incorporate any or all of this file into any gaming guides, game sites, magazines, or any other profitable and/or commercial transactional means that exists (including reprinting, OCR-ing, and the like). To conclude about this, it shall be a direct criminal act to make any money out of this document. Currently, this document is being maintained and is the sole property of Mark Kim, and this file is protected by all applicable copyright, trademark, and patent laws in addition to all International Treaties. Any breach of copyright, trademark, and/or patents (which includes but not limited to plagiarism, stealing, laming, pirating, or otherwise) and/or using this document for any other purposes other than personal and private purposes, and/or illegal mirroring of this file (other than the five aforementioned URLs as described in the beginning of this disclaimer) is a direct violation of ALL APPLICABLE COPYRIGHT LAWS, International Treaties, Patent Laws, US Title 107, and the Berne Copyright Bill of 1976. Violators and Transgressors shall face severe civil and criminal penalties through the maximum extent possible by law. Mark Kim acknowledges and respects all copyrights, patents (pending or not), and trademarks whether if it's mentioned or not somewhere in either the FAQ Text File and/or site as no copyright infringement was intended. If for any reason I MUST USE any copyrighted resource, then credit will be given at the Acknowledgements Section for the common part. Note that whenever I give credit, I WILL NOT REVEAL ANY E-MAIL ADDRESSES AND/OR OTHERWISE in order to protect the privacy of the people for whom I give credit to. This file has been carefully written by Mark Kim in respect to all copyrights, patents, and trademarks. Soul Calibur, the Soul Edge Sword, Siegfried Schtauffen, Nightmare, and all other Soul Calibur-related events and objects are registered trademarks and copyrighted (c) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 Namco, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. is copyrighted (c) 1998 Namco America Inc. All Rights Reserved. This document was carefully prepared and created by Mark Kim in respect to all Namco Properties, as no copyright infringement was intended. I'LL MAKE IT SIMPLE: THIS FILE IS MINE AND THERE IS NO UNAUTHORIZED USE OF IT!!! I DIDN'T WRITE THIS FAQ SO THAT YOU CAN MAKE A LIVING OUT OF THIS WORK. AND I NEVER HAD, NEVER WILL WRITE THIS FAQ SO THAT SOME CRAP FREELANCE WRITER CAN INCORPORATE ANYTHING FROM THIS FILE, SLACK OFF, AND GET PAID FOR IT DUE TO THOSE DAMN COMMERCIAL PUBLICATIONS. AND I SURELY DIDN'T WRITE THIS FAQ SO THAT SOME CRAP COPYCATTER CAN JUST STEAL AND/OR PLAGIARIZE THIS WORK AND CLAIM CREDIT FOR IT. AND I DEFINITELY RESTRICTED THE AMOUNT OF WEBSITES THAT CAN MIRROR THIS FAQ SO BE IT!!! It is to remain in its original state, free of charge, and in one piece at all costs. And that's the bottom line. ======================================================================== GAME DATA Genre: Fighting Number of Players: Featuring head-to-head competition against two players or play against the computer Platform: Arcade and Dreamcast Usual Price: Arcade, 50 cents US; Dreamcast, Not Available Developer: Namco Publisher: Namco Dreamcast ESRB Rating: Teen for Strong Animated Violence Arcade AAMA Rating: Strong Animated Violence Features: Continue for Arcade, Memory Card Save for Dreamcast ======================================================================== HISTORY OF THIS FAQ December 25, 1998 ----------------- Happy Holidays! How's the Yuletide season going? Here's my gift from my Internet Account to yours! I know Astaroth isn't a good player for Beginners, but with his massive strength, I recommend that you read this document at least once before doing anything else. The template I used was STOLEN STRAIGHT FROM MY OWN SIEGFRIED FAQ! January 2, 1999 --------------- Happy new year! Be sure that if you are working on a firm that are not using Year 2000-compliant systems that you stop by at Verasnaship Interactive ( and fix your Year 2000 bugs right now. There are only 364 days from the date of this document until Year 2000 strikes! I'd like to tell you many thanks to Cynan de Leon (Komejin) for shedding the light on many of Astaroth's moves, though. February 24, 1999 ----------------- Just a legal and news-related touch-up. Nothing major. April 12, 1999 -------------- Use of Vesther Fauransy Brand Name begins. An emergency site has been given out in the event that you can't get the text file directly from Verasnaship Interactive. Also, missing theories are being completed for the first time. February 8, 2000 ---------------- With the Dreamcast edition of Soul Calibur hitting the American Shelves, there has to be an update that celebrates the release of the Dreamcast Version of the game. All the Dreamcast version does is add a few doo-dads, Cervantes De Leon (the First Boss in Soul Edge), and a few improvements over its Arcade Daddy that I can't name in this document because I'm centralizing this Rock Document for Arcade Players. Feel free to use this document for the Dreamcast Version as well, but please be warned: There will be moves that you might see in the Dreamcast Version that will NOT BE PUBLISHED in this FAQ!!! Now, to be more specific on what's acceptable to e-mail me regarding about Soul Calibur and WHAT'S NOT ACCEPTABLE to e-mail me about, here are the following characters THAT I WILL BE WILLING TO TALK ABOUT: * Nightmare * Siegfried Schtauffen * Astaroth * Rock Adams * Lizard Man/Sophitia Alexandra (Both are easy to use, they only have physical and health differences) * Seung Mi Na (She's tough to use but she has a lot of low hits) * Heishiro Mitsurugi (Did not create an FAQ for him, though) * Voldo (He's also a toughie) * Isabella Valentine (Toughie because of the lack of well-rounded moves) * Yoshimitsu (Similar to Mitsu in some instances but he has some moves from Tekken with the SC Twist) * Xianghua/Hwang Sung Kyung (I don't use them that much but I like their easy juggling moves, though not as easy to use as with Liz or Soph) THESE ARE THE FOLLOWING CHARACTERS AND STUFF THAT I WILL _NOT_ ACCEPT IN MY E-MAIL BOX!!!!! I WILL NOT CREATE ANY MOVE LISTS FOR THE FOLLOWING CHARACTERS!!!! * Taki * Arthur (JUST A STUPID MITSURUGI CLONE) * Cervantes De Leon * Any Dreamcast Exclusives * Maxi * Edge Master * Kilik * Any Soul Calibur Passwords from the past!!! (IT'S OVER WITH!!!) Enough rambling. Enjoy the massive update. ======================================================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS: - Newsflash - Reasons for a Massive Update - What is Soul Calibur? - What was the Astaroth Move List intended for - Astaroth Rants - Astaroth at a glance - Starting Theories - Advanced Theories - The Notations - Move List - Combos - How to use Astaroth efficiently - Astaroth's Epilouge - Playing your Soul Calibur Share - Do's and Dont's - Resources - Acknowledgements ======================================================================== NEWSFLASH: As always, newer versions of this document can be found at Verasnaship Interactive, which is my website ( to be exact). If you have any suggestions, bug busts, or other things that you need to share with me, please point your browser to my convenient Web Mail Form ( I give you explicit rights to e-mail me using the E-Mail Form, however I HIGHLY FORBID ANY DIRECT E-MAILINGS THROUGH MY MAILBOX THROUGH THE USE OF AN E-MAIL CLIENT. I will only be able to answer letters that have been submitted via the Form Mail Page (The URL again is If you send any e-mail directly to my POP3 Mailbox through use of an E-Mail Client, then I won't answer it unless it came from the form mail page. This document must be viewed on a monotype font like Courier New or the alignment of this file will never be correct. To fix the alignment problem while you are browsing throughout the web, please follow the directions: 1. On Netscape Navigator, click on Edit, and click on Preferences. 2. On the Appearance Pane, click on Fonts 3. On "Fixed Width Font", choose COURIER NEW as the font face and for the font size, click on "10". Here's a piece of useless text to make sure that the alignment of the file is correct: 1234567890 ********** I highly recommend that you view this file through Edit.COM if you are either a Windows/DOS User or through SimpleText if you are a Mac User. Linux users should follow the directions on how to align this document correctly. ======================================================================== REASONS FOR A MASSIVE UPDATE Note: This section is shared with BOTH Astaroth and Rock. Many months has passed since I have last updated this Move List for Rock. Although Rock and Astaroth may have the best throwing range, attacking power, and well-rounded attacks, both of these characters are REALLY SLOW which makes them unreasonable for beginners to use. Their main problem is the lack of intricate juggles, in which Sophie, Lizard Man, Taki, Maxi, and even Xianghua excel in. To make sure that the twists and turns of Soul Calibur's characters are retained (as with Tekken, Tekken 2, and Tekken Tag Tournament), Rock and Astaroth has their own physical differences. Astaroth is heavier, which makes him the slowest character in the game while Rock is quick, agile, but he's still slow because of his high body weight. However, Rock is a lot more forgiving to use at times because of his speed. BUT IN PARTICULAR, YOU MUST USE ASTAROTH BEFORE USING ROCK. OTHERWISE, YOU WON'T KNOW THE BONUSES AND/OR THE JEERS THAT ROCK HOLDS. The same holds for both Nightmare and Siegfried. Rock and Astaroth are Medium-ranged characters because while their speed and dexterity isn't that great, they confiscate their lack of dexterity for power and range. Both have the best throwing range in the game (Astaroth ranks number 1 in throwing range while Rock ranks Number 2 in throwing range, according to Jason Arney) but at times, their throwing speed is rather slow which causes problems when trying to kick-off the throw at throw range. Like Nightmare and Siegfried, you will have to use Astaroth first in order to take some time NOT TO MASTER HIM, but to get used to the Axe Moves before using Rock. You need to take some time to persevere with Astaroth before using Rock because if you use Rock before using Astaroth, then you won't see what the bonuses and penalties that lie when you use Rock for the first time. Button mashing is the stupidest way to master a fighting game and I've written this FAQ so that you can end this arcade-breaking habit. I'm sick and tired of seeing many people using Maxi as their first character and play him like they would with Eddy Gordo of Tekken 3/Tekken Tag Tournament. I'm writing this FAQ so that button mashers can get my point on why this isn't an easy game to master. A COMMON NOTE ABOUT FIGHTING GAMES, REGARDLESS: If you are a beginner in ANY FIGHTING GAME, then DO NOT CHOOSE A CHARACTER simply because you like how they look. You need to select a character that you will be able to last for more than 5 minutes on Versus Games the first time you play the fighting game. Don't get all pissed if you can't master the character in one day as fighting games require you to spend a lot of time with one character and to take full advantages of a character's strengths while you tame the weaknesses to make the character work for your repetoire. In the Dreamcast Version, the same thing holds between Rock and Astaroth. Use Astaroth before Rock, HANDS DOWN. You will become a better player overall (and you will become an unbeatable Rock Player) if you take some time to master the Axe Basics with Astaroth. Since Astaroth is a default character, he's pretty much basic material so you should use Astaroth for a while to see how the Axe Moves look like (and to use the Axe Moves efficiently). Once you know how to use Astaroth well, you can try your luck with Rock. Enough rambling. Let's get it ON. ======================================================================== WHAT IS SOUL CALIBUR? Soul Calibur is the sequel to the Three Dimensional Weapon Arcade Hit Soul Edge which was created by Hajime Nakatani utilizing the System 12 Board. Soul Calibur boosts the same gameplay of Soul Edge but with even smoother frame animation, octogonial-dimensional running, and even more features that may burn its father to a crisp. Captain Cervantes De Leon has taken the Soul Edge when he was only 26 years of age, and during the next 2 decades, rumors have been discovered that Soul Edge has been deemed as the Sword of Salvation, while others consider Soul Edge as the Ultimate Evil Sword. Not all warriors were able to reach Soul Edge, as some souls (such as Li Long) has been killed by Cervantes's strength and agility, but there are a few who was able to reach Cervantes and best him in sorts. Sophitia Alexandra destroyed the jagged right blade of the Soul Edge, but was wounded by the shards. At the self-same instant, Cervantes vowed to kill Sophie with the left blade (unjagged), but was attacked and defeated without warning by Taki. Taki took a shard of the foul blade while taking Sophie back to Greece. As Siegfried Schtauffen attempted to retrieve the foul blade, he is forced to wield his Zweihander (Faust) against Soul Edge, the keeper of Secrets. After Soul Edge's demise, Siegfried took the foul blade, not realizing that the sword was trying to accept Sieg as a new host to house its evil power. Meanwhile, a village at Spain has witnessed the birth of the Evil Seed, which are grounds for serious disasters of the world. This game features 10 characters when the game is first stocked: - Xianghua - Kilik - Nightmare - Heishiro Mitsurugi - Sophitia Alexandra - Voldo - Astaroth - Maxi - Taki - Isabella Valentine a.k.a. Ivy There are also Time Release characters available after the TRC warms up. Here are the confirmed character addies as per SoulCalibur.Com: - Hwang Sung Kyung - Yoshimitsu - Lizardman - Siegfried Schtauffen - Rock - Seung Mina - Edge Master Nightmare and Siegfried are my chief characters in the game, so I created move lists for them first. However, I also offer move lists for Astaroth, Rock, and Seung Mi Na (to meet the demands of the many Mi Na lovers around the world). It may be possible for me to create a move list for Yoshimitsu, Lizard Man (though he isn't that HOT), Edge Master (His will be pretty short), and whoever didn't get enough attention as forseen at GameFAQs at ======================================================================== INTENTIONS FOR AN ASTAROTH MOVE LIST This move was intended to serve primarily as a very descriptive move list for the Giant of the Grand Priest Krumm Mrl Py Eltzk, Astaroth. I am NOT going to help you on how to fight the CPU foes (since the focus is human against human competition), but I am also going to help you out on some combos. Astaroth takes lots of time to get used to so get ready to persevere. It's really important to mix moves up as there are times when you have to avoid pattern games. Juggles are acceptable, though I don't recommend doing this. I create Text-Based Move Lists so that you can print-out and since I'm doing it on a character to character basis, my whole intention for this work is to make learning a character simple focusing on one character at a time. I will also review some of the theories with you. These theories are universal to all characters. Because a fighting game has some theories that you need to learn for a healthy fight, I recommend that you read the Fighting Theories in this document. Read this guide over and over again, and practice your I/O on a "fake" controller. Therefore, you will be prepared to execute the moves that will keep your foes at bay. Astaroth doesn't have much variety as far as variety is concerned. You may have to play defensive (but beware of quick characters) and make sure that you use his range to your own advantage. You're welcome to offer me with any bug fixes at this location: - (Coming Soon) ======================================================================== THE ASTAROTH RANTINGS There are bound to be times in the Soul Calibur Forum (located at when people will say "Voldo is the man!" just because that character doesn't have any weaknesses at all. That is wrong. You should understand that by writing this work, NO CHARACTER is complete without any strengths or weaknesses. Here are some rantings that you need to know: NOTE: THIS RANT IS DESCRIBED IN _BOTH_ MY ASTAROTH AND ROCK MOVES LIST Astaroth and Rock has the highest hitting power and the farthest reach in the game. Although their reach is comparable to Isabella's both have one advantage over Ivy: The amount of Well-Rounded Moves they have in their arsenal. A Well-Rounded Move is classified as any technique that works well in both short, mid, and long range. Astaroth has extreme power and range, but Rock lives for ease of use. Sadly, both Rock and Astaroth can recover from knockdowns pretty quickly, though it's hard to say who's faster in recovery. There is one downside to their bodies, though: Because their size is rather large, both are suspectible to MASSIVE TROUBLES from complicated juggles. The more accurate the opponent's timing is, the more likely they will lose LOTS OF VITALITY right after the juggle so be careful that no one does a juggling starter right at you. Both also have LOTS OF HP, which also confiscates for much of their lack of dexterity and endurance against Juggles. They have the farthest throw reach as well. Their only drawbacks is their slow overall movements and lack of guaranteed juggling moves. Either way, Astaroth and Rock are NOT suitable for beginners because of their lack of dexterity. Use them ONLY right after you get accustomed to Soul Calibur. Although Astaroth and Rock virtually shares the same attributes (most attacking power, farthest throw reach), you will need to use Astaroth first because Rock has some advantages and some disadvantages even though they play the same way (Notice that Hajime Nakatani did some twisting and turning so that all the characters are their own character). You need to use Astaroth first if you are going to be using an Axe Character. If you use Rock before using Astaroth, then you won't know the full bonuses and some jeerings that Rock might hold. Astaroth is more suitable for starters, but Rock Adams is just as good with a little more dexterity. Part of the reason why Soul Calibur is a complicated game is because of the physical differences in between characters. No matter how long it will take you to master the fighters, you will take hits and you'll eventually lose. That is why getting to know Nightmare first before Siegfried is just as important as to tame Sieg's weakness so that Sieg can work for you. Astaroth's Statistics: STRENGTH: 5 DEXTERITY: 1 RANGE: 5 VITALITY: 5 SPIRIT: 3 (Both Astaroth and Rock are easily jugglable) HEALTH: 5 THROW RANGE: Astaroth is slow, but he rules in Throw Range Rock's Statistics: STRENGTH: 5 DEXTERITY: 2 RANGE: 4 (He _might_ have a shorter range than Astaroth, but it's hardly noticeable) VITALITY: 4 SPIRIT: 3 HEALTH: 5 THROW RANGE: Rock is ONLY second to throwing range to Astaroth ======================================================================== ASTAROTH AT A GLANCE This section of this document has been taken from Namco America's Soul Calibur Site at and from Fighters.NET's Soul FAQ by Mr MG ( Catch Copy: Soldier of the Heretic Weapon: Giant Axe Weapon's Name: Klsdf Py Gyst Style: Glkks Age in Years: 3 Date of Birth: The Third of September Family: Does not apply Place of Origin: Does not apply Height: 6 foot, 4 inches Weight: 209 lbs Blood Type: Does not apply I still have to look up at the storyline at Please credit either Mark Griffin as Mr MG (, Jason Arney ( as WCMaxi, or just type in the aforesaid URLs in your Acknowledgement section where credit is due. ======================================================================== BASIC FIGHTING THEORIES This section is basically derived from Namco's explanation of Basic Soul Calibur Theories ( I won't explain too much of them with the exception of partial explanation since the aforementioned acknowledgement in parentheses does a good job handling the theories in detail. Remember, this document is basically a depriative of Namco's index of theories at their Soul Calibur Site with the exception of text descriptions and only partial description of the theories in the game. Blocking -------- If for any reason you MUST learn a Martial Art, then the obvious art that you learn at the early stages of development is DEFENSE. Without defense, the Martial Art is all for naught. To play the game efficiently, I'll tell you what each type of blocking means. Here's how to execute a Neutral Guard (first seen in Tekken 2): - Neutral Guard High, Joystick Neutral. Blocks all High and Mid Attacks - Neutral Guard Low, Joystick Down. Blocks all Low Attacks Be aware that there is a minus when using Neutral Guard: Any attack that forces a Block Stagger WILL deplete your guard, meaning that the next blow could hurt you in some sorts. I call Neutral Guard "Weak Guarding" as this type of guard was meant for blocking attacks that doesn't block stagger you. This falls into the term of Heavy Guarding, which you do by holding the Guard Button. Here's how to continually block without receiving a hit during a Neutral Guard: - Heavy Guard High, Hold G and Joystick Neutral, Blocks all High and Mid Attacks, and any High and Mid Staggers - Heavy Guard Low, Hold G and Joystick Down, Blocks all Low Attacks and Low Staggers Even though you are staggered, provided that you ARE holding the Guard Button you will continue to block even though you are staggering. To start blocking right after you are attacked during a combo, you need to joystick Neutral and hit and hold Guard at the right time. Properties ---------- For abbreviations about properties, see the Notations. Also, during the moves, I MAY BE ABLE to alert you if a move is a block stagger or a whatever. High: A Head Hit. Crouchable. Nuff Said Mid: These hits will hit you in your mid-section. Definitely must be blocked high. Low: Slice the legs! Block Low or try to jump. Special Mid: These will hit you in your midsection, but can be blocked either high or low, just be sure to jam in that Guard Button. Ground: Limited use, only hits prone foes. Unblockable Moves ----------------- Unblockable Moves are techniques that require a long time to charge but when the move hits the foe, it will cause damage even though it's blocked. Unblockable moves leave you vulnerable during the execution of the move which can cause some spectacular (and embarrasingly painful) counterhits if for any reason your foe gets into you. Unblockable High: Defeats a High Guard, MUST BE CROUCHED! Unblockable Mid: This will hit the Mid section and will defeat any type of guard. YOU MUST MOVE AWAY FROM YOUR FOE WHEN HE/SHE IS DOING THE UNBLOCKABLE MID MOVE OR SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES! Unblockable Low: Defeats a Low Guard. Dodge or jump to avoid getting jacked. Throws ------ No need for much explanation here. Throws also defeat guard, but unlike Unblockables, with the right timing, you can escape throws, a feature first seen in Tekken 2. As you are being grabbed, press the following button(s) to escape the throw. If you are not fast enough, oh well... =O All G+A Throws: A All G+B Throws: B Side Throws, and Back Throws: Escape dependant on throw used Throws mainly are considered high hits, but Astaroth has a Mid Throw and a Ground Throw. To escape Astaroth's Drop of Lava, A at start of throw. To escape Astaroth's Burial, B at start of throw. I don't want to spoil all the fun of having to discover the throw escape methods so I'll leave the escapes up to you (with the exception of the universal throw commands). Stepping -------- No need for explanation here. All you need to do is to just tap the joystick lightly in any direction and return joystick to Neutral. In Soul Calibur, you can step at any direction! This is good because this gives you a way for free movement around the arena! Octagonial-Way Running (Eight-Way Run) -------------------------------------- This is brand new in a Namco Fighting Game, and is probably the most obvious skill you need to learn if you want to master Soul Calibur at a faster pace than in Soul Edge. Eight-Way Running is done by tapping the joystick at the desired direction you want to run, and holding the lever at the SAME DIRECTION you want to run once again. Please remember that in order to make the Eight Way Run work, the key to make the run work correctly is to make the lever "touch" instead of tapping the direction too quickly. Also, please be aware that some moves can only be executed using an Eight Way Run, so keep that in mind. For example, in Tekken 3, if you press Back, and hold Back, then you would just leap backwards. In Soul Calibur, if you tap back, and then hold back, then you would run backwards (though not as fast as if you were to dash forward). Tapping on the desired direction you want to move and holding the desired direction you want to run (with the exception of forward) is the key to effective defensive assaults. MORE ON EIGHT-WAY RUN ATTACKS ON THE OFFENSE DEFINITIONS. Crouching --------- No need for much explanation here. Just hold Down all the way while pressing guard to crouch. Remember since you are given freedom of movement in this game, you may not need to crouch unless you need to block a low attack, or et. al. Jumping ------- In Soul Edge and Tekken 3, you can jump depending on how long you hold UP on the joystick. Now those days are gone. In Soul Calibur, you can only jump by performing certain moves or by holding Block and pressing UP while the Block Button is held. You shouldn't need to use a jump because Soul Calibur's Freedom of Movement puts this feature to a crying shame. Offense Overview ---------------- Soul Calibur's offense system is pretty complex, that it would take a beginner about $25 to master offensive arts. Here are the types of offense Soul Calibur has available (Examples and/or descriptions on parentheses): - Button Tapping (Astaroth's B,B) - Button Rolling (Mitsurugi's K~B) - Button Holding (Nearly all of Asta's attacks for variety) - Multiple Buttons (Mitsurugi's A+B) - Tapping (Yoshimitsu's f+B) - Double Tapping (Yoshimitsu's f,[f]+B) - Shift Motions (You press a button first and then tap a Joystick Direction, gives this game more depth!) - Joystick Rolling (Kilik's QCF+A+B) - Completely Crouched (Hold G, Press down. Now release G and a good example would be Nightmare's WC+df+G+B) - Rise up from a Crouch (Siegfried's WS+B) - Eight Way Run Attacks (Siegfried's Brain Masher) - Combination Commands (Probably the most difficult form to understand, let's take Mitsurugi's f,[f]+A+B for instance) It's easy to do these motions than to say, so I recommend going onto Namco's explanation at for a more in-depth explanation of the Basic Arts of Sword Fighting as I don't want to spoil all the fun of theory discovery. :) ======================================================================== ADVANCED FIGHTING THEORIES Now here's the CREME DE LA CREME of Soul Calibur. Read them carefully as these will be important to know on your quest to become a good player in Soul Calibur. This section basically runs through Namco's index of Advanced Soul Calibur Theories ( but I will ONLY go partial on these theories because I don't want you to rely on this document directly. As much as I want you to have fun with Namco's Soul Calibur Site, you are encouraged to browse through the aforementioned acknowledgement in parentheses. Guard Impacts ------------- Something new way back in Soul Edge. You block the instant you see a slash coming at you. In Soul Edge, when you block the instant something is coming at you, you just stagger the foe. Now there's something more in Soul Calibur. Pressing Forward and the Guard Button as soon as some slash is coming at you will push the offensive character into a back stagger. You can only do a Forward and Block Button Impact Stagger at High to Mid Attacks. Pressing Down-Forward and Guard Impact Staggers any Mid to Low Attacks. This is one important move to learn because sooner or later you may get upset seeing your foe play pattern games, etc. and if your patience has been used up, then it's time to Impact-Cut your foe off. I like to call this "Frontal-Push" because Guard Impact Repelling also pushes your foe backwards. To be more descriptive, here's how to "Front-Push" your foe: - f+G to Repel High and Mid Attacks - df+G to Repel Low Attacks Guard Parries ------------- Guard Parries are something new in Soul Calibur that isn't included in Soul Edge. To Guard Parry, press Back and Guard the moment a slash is coming at you to side-push your foe at high and mid attack heights or press Down-Back and Guard at the same time to side-push your foe at Mid to Low attack Heights. This seems to be a great counterattack because when mastered, can be satisfying to pull off at times just because you can go into a side throw afterwards. The Guard Impaction causes your character to block the attack and side-push your foe at the same time. A must do for the faster characters like Taki, Sophitia, Hwang Sung Kyung, Maxi, and Heishiro Mitsurugi. In more-depth explanation, here's how to "side-push" your foe: - b+G to parry High and Mid Attacks - db+G to parry Low Attacks Parries are best done when your foe tries to use a powerful long-range move on you. Understanding Throws -------------------- I'm not going to explain too heavily on this (mainly because I want you to just sit back and enjoy Namco's Advanced Theory Explanations at but this seems weird: Characters sometimes scream differently when doing throws, meaning that there are some time for error to jam in that escape button before all is lost. Use this as a hint for what button you need to use in order to escape throws. A good example would be Siegfried's "Taaah!" in one throw and "Eiihhh!" in another throw. Staggers -------- What is a stagger? It's when you throw a blow and if the opponent blocks it, he/she falls back, causing you to maintain your distance away from foe. However, there are also some moves that drain you after it's blocked so be careful. You need to learn how to stagger and then try to let him/her have it with a move that hits at a different location other than the height he/she is trying to block you at. Variating hits and hitting him/her at the unguarded area while he/she is staggered will help, though you may need to allow some room for error. Pinning Attacks --------------- In Soul Edge, you had to jump up and stab at your opponent by using a certain command. Gone are the days of those sissy pin attacks. Now you can use VIRTUALLY ANY ATTACK to perform all the Pin Attacks when your foe is down! However, Pin Attacks are a lot harder to get this time around now that quick recovery has been enabled. Quick Recovery -------------- When you are knocked over the air, or right after you get knocked down, hit the Guard Button as much as you can to recover. This reduces the amount of juggling pain and Okizeme the foe can commit. If you are knocked down on the ground, try leaving the joystick neutral and hit the Guard Button rapidly to recover blocking. The recovery time and the amount of drama required to recover depends on your character's physical attributes. Notations --------- Ever since my Nightmare Move List I first created, I felt that it's time to go with the Namco way of using moves. I suggest that you read the Notations over and over again in order to become familiar with the moves. The Notations I've been using on the Nightmare Move List and Siegfried Move List has been confusing, so I'm planning to fix the notations on these move lists as well. Soul Charging ------------- Soul Charging allows you to perform more powerful versions of your special moves. I call Soul Charging a preparation for Desperation because this allows you to inflict as much damage as a Counter Hit would cause. Soul Charging also has some added bonuses such as longer staggers. Be careful that while you are Soul Charging, you leave yourself vulnerable for high-damage hits so use the Soul Charge wisely. Hold A+B+K and as soon as you are charged up, let loose. Spirit Charging --------------- Spirit Charging allows you to perform even more powerful attacks that a Soul Charge would have dreamed of. Spirit Charging takes more time and effort to perform than a Soul Charge. BTW you can't block while you are on Soul or Spirit Charge Mode so use these features wisely. Spirit Charges are also called Divine Desperations which allows you to perform attacks that has higher bonuses than a Soul Charge, and it's possible that some attacks using a spirit charge may become unblockable! All you have to do is to hold A+B+K, and then hold G to charge up. As soon as you are flashing yellow, let loose. Delaying to Increasing Weight of the Moves ------------------------------------------ So what do I do on this? I simply hold the button to increase the weight of the move and I inflict extra damage with the move. This is actually called a Motion Delay, a feature that allows you to delay the move to either change property or increase damage, or even TO TRICK THE FOE THAT YOU ARE ATTACKING ALL OF A SUDDEN! If you happen to inflict Maximum Delay at times, the move will either turn into an unblockable move, will have the hitting location change, or more commonly, increase the damage done to your foe. Combine that with either a Soul or Spirit Charge-Up for maximum OUCH! Use this feature wisely, though. Part of the reason why I had to omit some of the more useful theories bubbled out at Namco's Index of Advanced Soul Calibur Fighting Theories ( is because I DON'T WANT TO TAKE AWAY ALL THE FUN OF BROWSING THROUGH THE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT LISTED IN PARENTHESES like I said before. Keep on browsing through the two aforementioned acknowledgements in both the Basic and Advanced Sections of the Theory Review and you should be fine. Remember, I'm only reviewing theories derived from Namco's official Soul Calibur Site. ======================================================================== NOTATIONS f: Forward b: Tap Backward u: Tap Up d: Tap Down uf: Tap Up-Forward ub: Tap Up-Backward df: Tap Down-Forward db: Tap Down-Backward n: Point the Joystick back to Neutral A: Horizontal Slash Button B: Vertical Slash Button K: Kick Button G: Guard Button ~: Tap the control Command immediately +: Tap the control command at the same time [x]: Hold the aforesaid command control 8WR: Perform an Eight Way Run first WS: Crouch, then Rise up with the following commands performed at the same time. WC: Fully Crouched BT: Back Turned qcb: Do a quarterspin of the Joystick from Down to Back qcf: Do a quarterspin of the Joystick from Down to Forward hcf: Do a halfspin of the joystick from Back to Forward hcb: Do a halfspin of the joystick from Forward to Backward qcdf: Do a quarterspin of the Joystick from Down-Back to Down-Forward qcdb: Do a quarterspin of the Joystick from Down-Forward to Down-Backward L: As you land H: The move will hit high M: The move will hit mid SM: The move will hit mid, but can be blocked while crouching L: The move will hit low !: Unblockable Mid ?: Unblockable High &: Unblockable Low P: Hits Prone Foes ======================================================================== MOVES Throwing Moves: The following are available to Astaroth as Throw Moves. Keep in mind that Astaroth's throw range is excellent while Seung Mi Na's throw range is rather lame. Test Astaroth's throw range by inserting four tokens, start a Versus game, and leave one player side idle. You will see that Astaroth's throw range IS NOT A JOKE AT ALL. The throw range depends on the Power, Speed, and Range of your character. I'll try to explain about Throw Escapes in the future. Note: An addition or a correction is credited by its "addition/correction author" if by all means possible, so don't be alarmed... Maelstrom Driver ---------------- Command: G+A Type: Front Throw Button used to escape throw: A at start of motion Astaroth grabs you, flips you upside down, uses his Axe for support of this driver, and then pile drives you to the canvas! Colossus -------- Command: G+B Type: Front Throw Additions Author: komejin Button used to escape throw: B at start of motion Astaroth grabs the victim, turns around, and carries the victim on his back, choking him with the handle of the Klsdf Py Gyst. KOMEJIN'S WARNING: This throw CANNOT be parried, while Astaroth's G+A can. This warning applies to all G+B Front Throws. Titan Bomb ---------- Command: G+B~[f] Type: Front Throw Additions Author: komejin Button used to escape throw: A at start of motion Astaroth basically does a jumping piledriver or backbreaker. Fastest Astaroth throwing move. If you only have 3 ticks left in the round, use this throw as the other Astaroth throwing moves are TOO slow. Flight of the Wicked -------------------- Command: G+B~[b] Type: Front Throw Button used to escape throw: B at start of motion Additions Author: komejin Astaroth grabs his victim with one hand by the neck, and throws him up into the air. The victim will NOT take damage until he/she either hits the ground or is hit by another move. The victim can NOT air control out of the throw; rather, the victim will drop straight down, so doing either f,[f]+B or 8WR,d+B would be something good to do while the foe hits the dust. Wrath of the Damned ------------------- Command: G+B, only works if Astaroth grabbed an airborne foe Type: Front Airborne Throw Button used to escape throw: Escape dependant on throw used to escape throw at start of motion Additions Author: komejin Astaroth grabs the victim's leg, pummels the victim two or three times with the Klsdf Py Gyst, and then thrusts his victim away. This throw WILL NOT RING-OUT, even though it looks like it should on the final hit... Drop of Lava ------------ Command: df+G+A, only works if Astaroth grabs a foe facing forward, crouching completely Type: Front Crouching Throw Button used to escape throw: A at the start of motion Additions Author: komejin Astaroth picks up his foe, turns around, and forcefully throws his foe back to the ground with one hand. Looks like he was playing dodgeball (with the Victim as the ball!)... Burial ------ Command: d+B+K or d+A+B. This throw will ONLY work under the following conditions: - The foe's feet MUST be pointed towards Astaroth, AND his Axe blade MUST make contact with the head or torso of the fallen victim for the throw to work. - The foe's head can be pointing towards Astaroth, BUT the foe must be lying FACE DOWN on the ground. If this is the case, then the Axe Blade MUST make contact with the foe's head, NOT THE TORSO. Type: Prone Throw Button used to escape throw: B to escape d+B+K, A to escape d+A+B. The escape MUST be executed at the start of the motion. Additions/fixes author: komejin Astaroth picks up the foe by his face with the Axe's blade, and then slams the foe back down to the ground! Beat Down --------- Command: Left side of foe, Any Throw Type: Left Side Throw Button used to escape throw: Escape dependant on the Throw Command used and the escape MUST be done at start of animation Additions Author: komejin Astaroth first slams an overhead fist onto the foe, causing the foe to crouch stagger, and then Astaroth picks up the Klsdf Py Gyst and SLAMS it down onto the foe's back! On Silent Wings --------------- Command: Right side of Foe, Any Throw Type: Right Side Throw Button used to escape throw: Escape dependant on the Throw Command used and the escape MUST be done at start of animation Additions Author: komejin Astaroth puts the foe onto the axe's blade, thrusts his axxe high into the air, and launches the foe onto the air. It will look like Voldo's front-side G+B throw, in terms of height opponent is launched into the air, and like Voldo's front-side G+B throw, this throw will RING-OUT. The Rack -------- Command: Any throw Close from Behind Type: Back Throw Button used to escape throw: Escape dependant on the Throw Command used and the escape MUST be done at the start of the Animation Additions Author: komejin Astaroth places his axe, blade down, on the ground, grabs his foe, and literally wraps the foe around the shaft of his axe, and then pushes his foe down! You will need a body cast right after this move. *giggles* I still have some work to do with these throws as I try to explain the effects of execution as well. I still have a lot of browsing to do at Face it. I hate to look up at this website just to get the job done. I know it sucks but I have to use this site and credit them because their information's pretty reliable on the long run. Forgive me on this. =( Regular Moves: These moves can be performed at anytime. Keep in mind that now that there are Eight-Way (Octo) Run moves, your strategy has to change a bit. The explained here are the following that you can perform assuming that you did not press any direction twice and attack after initiating an Eight-Way Run. Single Annihilation ------------------- Command: A Property: H Just a simple Axe Swing. Hold the aforesaid button for a motion delay. Annhilation ----------- Command: A, A Property: H,H Two head decapitators! Both commands can be held for a Maximum Delay. If you give both commands maximum delay, then the property changes to H, UH. Be careful when doing the Maximum Delay because it may prove to be more harmful than helpful. KOMEJIN'S NOTE: There is NO need to delay the first A to get the maxed-up second A. Destruction ----------- Command: A,B Property: H,M Single Axe Swing followed by a stab! Great for confusing that you are going to do two head decapitators! Hold the A Button to delay the motion of the first attack. Grip to Axe Volcano ------------------- Command: f+A,B Properties: H,M Astaroth does an Axe Butt into an Axe Uppercut. Not one of the more effective moves because the first hit doesn't have good range. You can hold the B Button to delay the motion and increase the Second Hit's weight. KOMEJIN'S NOTE: The B button can be max-delayed. If the B Button's delay is maxed-out, the second hit's property will be UM! Nice. Tornado Spike Feint ------------------- Command: f,[f]+A Property: M Astaroth does a nice shot right at your foe's kidney. Tornado Spike ------------- Command: f,[f]+[A],B Properties: M,M Astaroth does one axe shot right at your foe's kidney and ends this one with a VICIOUS Siamese Cut! If both hits connect, the total damage can add up to a WHOPPING 113 damage points! Lots of range, so this is pretty much a meat and potatoes move. Be careful with the quicker characters when you are using this move, though. KOMEJIN'S NOTE: The B button hit becomes unblockable ONLY AFTER you spirit-charged Astaroth. Vicious Circle -------------- Command: df+A Property: H Not much is known about this move by Vestiroth. Hold the A button to Motion Delay and increase weight. If you commit any Maximum Delay with this move, then the move becomes an Unblockable High! KOMEJIN'S NOTE: Not horribly useful (because it's a high hit)...but the maxed-out Vicious Circle is a quicker unblockable than Astaroth's df+A+B... Hades Break ----------- Command: d+A Property: L Just a plain old Shin Slash with the Klsdf Py Gyst... Discus ------ Command: db+A Property: L Nice Sweeping Move with lots of range. Hold the A button to delay the motion and increase weight of the move. KOMEJIN'S NOTE: This move DOES NOT have as much ring-out power as opposed to Nightmare's/Siegfried's db+A as your foe MUST BE DEEPLY CLOSE to the edge to ring-out with this one... Hades Control ------------- Command: b+A Property: H Additions Author: komejin A forehand one-hand swing, hitting the foe with flat of the axe's blade. Not useful except when playing distance games... Hades Divide ------------ Command: b,[b]+A Property: H Additions Author: komejin You can hold the A button to delay the motion and increase the weight of the attack. Another one-hand swing, but IT WILL hit the foe with the edge of the blade, rather than the flat of the blade (opposed to Hades Control). KOMEJIN'S NOTE: If you max delay this one, and if it CONNECTS, it is believed that you will get a spin stun on the foe but it isn't determined if you need a clean-hit or a counter-hit to get the spin-stun, though. Poseidon Tide ------------- Command: qcb+A,A,A,A,A Properties: M,M,M,M,M Fixes Author: komejin Astaroth spins around swinging his axe like a Yo-Yo. The throw ONLY happens IF you press the A button once and IF the move connects. If you hit the A button the second time, it's NO longer a throw... Jumping Hades Break ------------------- Command: [G]+u L+A Property: L Astaroth jumps and before you know it, he slices you at your shin! Decapitation ------------ Command: u+A Property: H A simple decapitating slash from the Klsdf Py Gyst is more than enough to feed Astaroth's stomach for the whole day (SICK). Reverse Spiral Axe ------------------ Command: WS+A Property: H Additions Author: komejin A very quick WS move. Too bad it's a high hit; otherwise this would be one of Astaroth's better moves. Basically, Astaroth spins once while getting up from a crouch, and hits the foe at full speed with his axe. IT'S SURPRISINGLY FAST! Bear Tamer 1 ------------ Command: B,A Property: M,M Astaroth does an overhead slash, and then pulls you to the side with a right-horizontal slash. The B Button Command can be held to delay the attack and to increase the weight of the move. KOMEJIN'S NOTE: This move is good if you want to force your foe to a specific side of the ring, as this move WILL also cause a forced axis stagger if blocked. Bear Tamer 2 ------------ Command: B,n,b+A Property: M,M Same thing as with Bear Tamer Number 1, but a lot harder to perform because of the Joystick Motion involved in this move... KOMEJIN'S NOTE: Follow the same note as with the komejin note for Bear Tamer 1. Double Divide ------------- Command: B,B Property: M,M Astaroth does an overhead slash, and an Uppercut Slash. Both button presses can be held for a Delay in the Attack and to increase the weight of the attack. Single Divide to Axe Butt ------------------------- Command: B,B~f Properties: M,M Astaroth does an overhead slash and hits you with the Axe's handle! OUCH! You can increase the weight of the first hit by holding the button for a Motion Delay. Axe Butt -------- Command: B~f Properties: M The name says it all. Hold the B Button to increase the weight of the attack with a Motion Delay. Axe Side Cannon --------------- Command: f+B Property: M Astaroth does a stab into your foe's stomach! That's gotta hurt. This move will do a Double-Stun on Counterhits. Axe Crash --------- Command: f,[f]+B Property: H Astaroth rushes you hitting you Axe Blade first with this massive charge. KOMEJIN'S NOTE: It is believed that if you can fully spirit charge-Astaroth, then it could become an Unblockable High. Axe Volcano ----------- Command: df+B Property: M I'm assuming that this is a simple Uppercut Slash to your foe's cranium. Hold the B Button for a Motion Delay and an increase of the weight of the attack for more damage. KOMEJIN'S NOTE: If you max-out the delay, the move becomes a UM! Hades ----- Command: d+B Property: SM A crouching Overhead Slash. You can hold the B Button to delay the motion of the attack and to increase the weight of the attack. KOMEJIN'S NOTE: A good anti-air attack. Axe Grave --------- Command: db+B Property: L Additions Author: komejin Astaroth basically sweeps the floor in front of him with the axe blade. Since it's kind of fast, this is a good move if someone is running right at you, as their feet will fly out from under them. This move will also hit prone foes as well. =) Bear Fang --------- Command: b+B Property: M Additions Author: komejin A quick foot stomp. Faster than b+K. Will hit prone foes up close. BTW you can hold the B Button to delay the motion of the attack and increase the weight for even more damage! Canyon Creation --------------- Command: b,b+B Property: M Additions Author: komejin Astaroth leans back on one foot, raises the axe into the air, and then steps forward and slams the axe down in front of him. Disgusting range, but you can see this move a mile away. Don't do this on a prone foe who knows how to roll as you may be severely punished by just using this one. BTW if you tap b,[b]+[B] instead of the aforesaid command, then you can delay the motion of the attack to increase weight and damage of the attack. If you exercise maximum delay in this attack, the move becomes an Unblockable Mid Attack! Awesome. However, you need to use the Motion Delay version wisely, so think twice before you "delay to punish". Falling Divide -------------- Command: [G]+u, L+B Property: M A nice way to do Siamese cuts to your foes, though I have yet to see this move... Jumping Divide -------------- Command: u+B Property: M Another Overhead Siamese Cut executed by the Giant of Pain and Violence... Rising Hades ------------ Command: WS+B Property: M I'm assuming that this move is an uppercut move that decks your foe at his/her stomach. KOMEJIN'S NOTE: Good range as well. Good for people rushing in to hit you while you are getting up. Bull Kick --------- Command: K Property: H Just a simple kick at the face. Hold the K button to delay the motion of the move and to increase the weight of the attack. Hades Knee ---------- Command: f+K Property: M Astaroth does a jumping knee shot right at your foe's chest! If it's a counterhit, then your foe is shoved through the ring REAL HARD. Bull Rush --------- Command: f,[f]+K Property: M This move has to be awesome because it has a lot of Ring-Out Power! Astaroth does a Football-style tackle that knocks you as far as 1/4 th of the total distance from the ring! Hold the K button to delay the motion and to increase the weight of the move! You can also execute this move via WC+df+K. The Alternate version will stagger when blocked, giving you time to try out your nasty tricks aloft! This is something that you should NEVER try at home, though. Dark Tamer ---------- Command: df+K,A Properties: M,H Astaroth does a Grotch kick, and then a decapitating slice that knocks you 1/4 th of the total distance of the ring sideways! Both button commands can be held for a delay of the motion and to increase the weight of the attack. Bull Low Kick ------------- Command: d+K Property: L A simple kick right at your foe's ankle Hades Sweep ----------- Command: db+K Property: L A foot sweep that will knock your foe right into the canvas so that you can perform massive Okizeme (if by all means possible) on your fallen foe. KOMEJIN'S NOTE: This move WON'T hit prone foes. :( Command Kick ------------ Command: b+K Property: M Additions Author: komejin A foot stomp, but it's A LOT SLOWER than the Bear Fang. Lower Command Kick ------------------ Command: b,[b]+K Property: M Additions Author: komejin Same thing as with the Command Kick. Base Command Kick ----------------- Command: [G]+u, L+K Property: L A jumping shin kick that cripples your foe's ability to walk. Please don't try this at home, though. Dive Kick --------- Command: u+K Property: M A leaping kick that hurts your foe's jaw! Please don't try this one at home, though. Rising Cyclone -------------- Command: WS+K,A Properties: M,L Additions/Corrections Author: komejin Astaroth does a face kick and ends with a massively painful shin slash that knocks you to the Canvas! KOMEJIN'S NOTE: If only the first move is done, and if it connects, the foe will be floored, in which case, you can go *of course* NUTS! Titan Axe --------- Command: A+B Property: M Additions Author: komejin Mediocre range on the swing. Just a simple forehand swing. KOMEJIN'S TIP: If you are playing against the CPU, do A,B,A+B. If the CPU foe was hit with the B, the A+B will connect 80% of the time, depending on the difficulty level of the machine. Titan Swing Right ----------------- Command: df+A+B Property: H Additions Author: komejin Two words on what this move looks like: BATTER UP! Imagine Mark McGwire hitting a huge 500-footer. Now imagine Mark's power. Now imagine that power increased ten-fold. There ya go. Also, if this move hits an Airborne foe (most likely through Sheer Fluke, as this move's insanely slow), the foe will go out of the ring on most arenas, since they will fly a LOOOOOOOOOOONG way. BTW if you hold the Aforesaid command, then you can delay the motion of this attack and increase the weight of the Axe Swing. If you exercise Maximum Motion Delay, then the move becomes an Unblockable High. Use the Maximum Motion Delay wisely, as there are some pesty quickies who love to catch Astaroth while he's warming up for this move. Tidal Wave ---------- Command: b+A+B Property: M Additions Author: komejin Without the Maximum Delay, Astaroth does a quick step forward and does a quick hug. If you hold the Aforesaid command, then you can delay the motion of this attack and increase the weight of the Axe Swing. If you exercise Maximum Motion Delay, then the move becomes an Unblockable Mid (and in komejin's case, the move becomes a REALLY-PAINFUL bear hug). Use the Maximum Motion Delay wisely, as there are some pesty quickies who love to catch Astaroth while he's warming up for this move. Guard Crusher ------------- Command: B+K Property: H Additions Author: komejin This move looks like an overhead swing. However, if this move connects, Astaroth pulls the axe and the foe towards him. The foe, after the move, will actually be on the other site of Astaroth now. In short, after the move, Astaroth will have turned around, since the foe is on the other side, but the foe will *still* be facing away from Astaroth. Uh-oh. *giggles* Body Splash ----------- Command: f+B+K Property: H Corrections Author: komejin The name says it all. Hold the aforesaid command to delay the motion of the attack and to increase the weight of the attack. If this move hits with a maxed-out delay, then the foe is floored, giving you a good chance to exercise the *cheap* burial move. Boys, if you are dating girls, please don't try this. This is just a game. Axe Lower Cannon ---------------- Command: df+B+K Property: L Additions Author: komejin Astaroth places his axe down onto the ground, as if it was a wheelbarrow, and then rushes at his foe with the axe. Demented Moon ------------- Command: qcf+B+K Property: ! Corrections Author: komejin Astaroth does a REALLY slow Golf Swing supported by a clash of Lightning. One of the more damaging Unblockable Moves. Use this move wisely as you leave yourself to massively painful counterhits while the move's charging up. During the motion, press G to cancel the move. Use the cancel feature to fool your foe that you are going to use this move, or to psych your foe out! Side Divide ----------- Command: B+K with Back Turned. Property: P Additions Author: komejin Astaroth thrusts the butt of his axe backwards, doubling over the foe. BTW if this move is a counterhit, stuns your foe twice! Eight way Run Moves: Eight Way Run Moves are stronger versions of some of the Normal Moves that Astaroth can use. There are also some moves that Astaroth can only execute during an Eight-Way Run. Please be aware that some of the Eight-Way Run Moves can be more harmful than helpful if you are not careful with them. While Eight-Way Running, you are not restricted to run in one direction. Tornado Spike Feint ------------------- Command: 8WR,f+A Properties: M A more powerful version of the slightly light Axe Tap... Tornado Spike ------------- Command: 8WR,[f]+[A],B Properties: M,M Same as the original version of the Tornado Spike Move, but with lots more power! Poisedon Crest -------------- Command: 8WR, u_d+A,A Properties: M,M Additions Author: komejin Astaroth holds his axe horizontally at waist level with both hands in the same manner a tightrope walker holds his pole for balance. Then he spins around in place. One of komejin's favorite tactics would be to hit the A button once for a hit, and go straight for a throw. This is an effective move ONLy if people are NOT expecting the throw. This throw also works if someone forgets to block as they are getting up. Discus ------ Command: 8WR, db_ub+A Properties: L Same as the original version of the move. To execute the delayed version of this move, 8WR, [db+A]. Hades Divide ------------ Command: 8WR, b+A Properties: H Additions Author: komejin Same as the original version of this move. BTW if you hold the aforesaid command, then you can delay the motion of this move to increase the weight of the attack for more damage. Axe Crash --------- Command: 8WR, f+B Properties: H Same as the original version of this move... Axe Volcano ----------- Command: 8WR, df_uf+B Properties: M Additions Author: komejin Same as the original version of this move. BTW the motion of this move can be delayed by holding the B Button, and if Maximum Delay is exercised with this move, the move becomes an Unblockable Mid. Use the Motion Delay wisely as there are pests who love to land those sissy counterhits at you if you are not careful... Hades Cannon ------------ Command: 8WR, d_u+B Properties: M Additions Author: komejin Astaroth does an uppercut-style full-contact swing to knock his foe REALLY HIGH on the air. It's a slow move requiring that you take AT LEAST three steps from the start of the Eight-Way Run, so use this move wisely. KOMEJIN'S NOTE: This move also has DISGUSTING range, and it will lift stagger the foe if the move is blocked. Canyon Creation --------------- Command: 8WR, b+B Properties: M Additions Author: komejin Same as the original version of this move. BTW the motion of this move can be delayed by holding the B Button, and if Maximum Delay is exercised with this move, the move becomes an Unblockable Mid. Use the Motion Delay wisely as there are pests who love to land those sissy counterhits at you if you are not careful... Bull Rush --------- Command: 8WR, df_uf+K Properties: M Same as the original version of this move. The move can be delayed for an increase of weight and damage like the original version of this move. Hades Stamp ----------- Command: 8WR, u_d+K Properties: M A lame titan stomp, nuff said. Hold the K button to delay the motion of the attack and to increase the weight of the attack for higher damage. KOMEJIN'S NOTE: will cause an earthquake stagger depending on how close the foe is. Lower Command Kick ------------------ Command: 8WR, b+K Properties: M Additions Author: komejin Same as the original version of this move. Titan Swing Right ----------------- Command: 8WR, u+A+B Properties: H Additions Author: komejin Same as the original version of this move. BTW if you hold the command following the 8WR, then you can delay the motion of this attack and increase the weight of the Axe Swing. If you exercise Maximum Motion Delay, then the move becomes an Unblockable Mid. Use the Maximum Motion Delay wisely, as there are some pesty quickies who love to catch Astaroth while he's warming up for this move. Titan Swing Left ---------------- Command: 8WR, d+A+B Properties: H Additions Author: komejin Same as the Titan Swing Right, but he swings the other way in this move. This is good to force someone to a specific side of the ring. BTW if you hold the command following the 8WR, then you can delay the motion of this attack and increase the weight of the Axe Swing. If you exercise Maximum Motion Delay, then the move becomes an Unblockable Mid. Use the Maximum Motion Delay wisely, as there are some pesty quickies who love to catch Astaroth while he's warming up for this move. Sadly, Astaroth does not have any fancy stances. =( ======================================================================== COMBOS These combos were first seen at (Use the View Soul's Combo Argument via HTML File) and could be possibly be the best sections of the official site because players tend to find combos that they want the public to know. The reason why I wanted to generate a Text-Only Combo List for Astaroth is because there are people who does not know how to use the combo effectively yet. Also, you need to use the combo.html's Soul Drop-Down List before pressing "View Combo" on the Combo.HTML file. Select Astaroth's fancy combos to view, and then after selecting Astaroth from the drop-down menu to view Soul's combos, hit the View Combos image and you'll know what I mean... You may want to link to Namco's SC Combo Archives using the following URL if you happen to use any of the combos from this section of this document: - Note: Each combo are credited by its respective authors through the handles they use. Juggling Combos --------------- Start a juggling combo by pressing B,B~f or by pressing f+B. If the second hit of the B,B~f or f+B is a counterhit, it will do a Double Over Stun. Now start the combo quickly because Astaroth is a slow poke. Besides the two aforementioned starters, more are available. Juggling Combo 1 ---------------- Execution: qcf+B+K,G+B Counter Hit Required: No Number of Hits: 2 Air Recovery Point: Does not apply Not guaranteed after: Does not apply Author: WCMaxi The Unblockable MUST land correctly in order for the combo to start. Be sure that you walk in and land the air throw. Timing is everything if you want the combo to become guaranteed. Juggling Combo 2 ---------------- Execution: df+[B],G+B Counter Hit Required: No Number of Hits: 2 Air Recovery Point: Does not apply Not guaranteed after: Does not apply Author: WCMaxi Press df+B and hold the B all the way until you exercise the Maximum Delay Feature of this move. After the fully delayed df+B lands, execute the Air Throw. Timing is everything in this move, but if done right, then it's a given. Juggling Combo 3 ---------------- Execution: qcf+B+K,f,[f]+[A],B Counter Hit Required: No Number of Hits: 3 Air Recovery Point: At the Second Hit Not guaranteed after: The Second Hit Author: Big Vic Execute the Demented Moon. The Demented Moon must land before the juggle starts. Watch the hit positioning of the Cyclone Duration (f,[f]+[A],B) because that's when the combo could become sour. Juggling Combo 4 ---------------- Execution: f,[f]+[K],8WR,u_d+B Counter Hit Required: No Number of Hits: 3 Air Recovery Point: Does not apply Not guaranteed after: Does not apply Author: WCMaxi In order for the combo to start, you need to exercise Maximum Delay with the Starter/Launcher. This is one of the toughest combos to try, so use this combo at your own convenience. Juggling Combo 5 ---------------- Execution: G+B~b,f,[f]+B Counter Hit Required: No Number of Hits: 3 Air Recovery Point: Does not apply Not guaranteed after: Does not apply Author: WCMaxi A tough combo to use, so make sure that you know when to use the f,[f]+B right after the throw. I found this one to be very difficult to try because of the Throw Launcher, so perform this at your own risk. Juggling Combo 6 ---------------- Execution: G+B~b,G+B Counter Hit Required: No Number of Hits: 3 Air Recovery Point: Does not apply Not guaranteed after: Does not apply Author: Waidat According to Waidat, you do need some good timing with this move. Poor timing will ruin the guaranteeness of this move... Juggling Combo 7 ---------------- Execution: G+B~b,8WR,u_d+B Counter Hit Required: No Number of Hits: 3 Air Recovery Point: Does not apply Not guaranteed after: Does not apply Author: WCMaxi This is a very dangerous combo to do because of the Throw Launcher involved in this one. Be sure that you execute the following command after the throw immediately. This one requires massive timing. Juggling Combo 8 ---------------- Execution: G+B~b,b+[B] Counter Hit Required: No Number of Hits: 2 Air Recovery Point: Does not apply Not guaranteed after: Does not apply Author: Big Vic Charging the Second Hit will help buffer up the damage a bit, but be sure to watch the Hit Positioning. Pin Attack Combos ----------------- What's a Pin-Attack Combo? Pin Attacks are when you knock your foe off and inflict unblockable or unescapable hits to increase the amount of ouch you can inflict! Pin Attack Combination 1 ------------------------ Execution: d+b+k~f,Any Throw,d+b+k Number of Hits: 3 Air Recovery Point: Does not apply Not guaranteed after: The First Hit Author: Jackal Results or observations unknown by Vestiroth Pin Attack Combination 2 ------------------------ Execution: f,[f]+B, d+B+K Counter Hit Required: Yes Number of Hits: 3 Air Recovery Point: Does not apply Not guaranteed after: The First Hit Author: Mr MG This combo is escapable so be sure that you mix d+A+B so they don't know when to escape. You need to be near a corner in order for this combo to become effective. Pin Attack Combination 3 ------------------------ Execution: f+B+K,d+B+K Counter Hit Required: Yes Number of Hits: 3 Air Recovery Point: Does not apply Not guaranteed after: The First Hit Author: WCMaxi Not much is known about this one by Vestiroth, but all I know is that this combo is escapable, so make sure that your reaction time is high. Pin Attack Combination 4 ------------------------ Execution: f,f+B,db+B Counter Hit Required: Yes Number of Hits: 2 Air Recovery Point: Does not apply Not guaranteed after: Unknown Author: Redfoot and Srayer A simple combo to use, but it's kind of hard to land correctly because the f,f+B must be a Counterhit for the combo to work. Pin Attack Combination 5 ------------------------ Execution: f,[f]+B,b+K Counter Hit Required: Yes Number of Hits: 2 Air Recovery Point: Does not apply Not guaranteed after: Does not apply Author: Big Vic You may need to be as close as you can for the best results for the Ankle Kick to land. Although Big Vic says it will connect even if it's too far for Astaroth's ground throw, the closer you are, the more damage you will do. Pin Attack Combination 6 ------------------------ Execution: f+K,d+B+K Counter Hit Required: Yes Number of Hits: 3 Air Recovery Point: Does not apply Not guaranteed after: The First Hit Author: WCMaxi This is just like one of WCMaxi's (Jason Arney's) Pin Attack Combos previously contributed here in this document. Just For Fun ------------ These combos are done just in case you get bored or if there is something special that is hiding behind the move. Don't perform them unless you feel bored. Also, I won't give out comments since these combos are just for your own leisure. Just for Fun 1 -------------- Execution: d,df,f+B+K,d,db,b+A Number of Hits: 2 Air Recovery Point: Does not apply Not guaranteed after: Does not apply Author: WCMaxi Just for Fun 2 -------------- Execution: G+B~b,f+A,G+B Number of Hits: Unknown Air Recovery Point: The Second Hit Not guaranteed after: Unknown Author: Srayer That's it for today! I'll tell you some Vestiroth's Unconventional Moves in a future update! ======================================================================== HOW TO USE ASTAROTH EFFICIENTLY 1. Since Astaroth is slow, he isn't good for any close-up attacks. Instead, you will need to take good advantage of his range to more than make up for this severe handicap. If the foe is getting too close, then nail him/her with the G+A throw. Be sure that you react quickly and give yourself room for some error or you will be sorry. 2. NEVER, EVER, EVER USE ANY MOTION DELAYS AGAINST THE FASTER CHARACTERS! They are able to jack you up with a severe counterhit, so use the Motion Delay wisely. The only good news about this is that Motion Delays are controllable. Maximum Delays are only effective through Sheer Fluke, so keep that in mind. 3. Be sure that you take advantage of parrying so that you can get a good clean side throw at your foe. Block all attacks and counter your foe viciously. 4. Recover the instant you get knocked down and/or in danger of becoming juggled, or you may be in danger of suffering severe damage as you are landing or while you are in the ground. 5. Variate all attacks and don't play Pattern Games. You'll play a better fight if you can variate a lot. Astaroth doesn't have a good library of moves, so keep that in mind. That's all for now. I'm going to find more tactics and I have to play more games in order to get a feel for the Klsdf Py Gyst. ======================================================================== ASTAROTH'S ENDING Astaroth returns to the grand priest Krumm Mrl Py Eltzk with the Foul Sword. Now the power surpassing the gods is his. However, before Krumm tries to utilize Soul Edge, Astaroth picks up Krumm (PUT ME DOWN!!!!!!!) and begins an attempt to steal Krumm's soul and to return back to the fires. Both Astaroth and Krumm disappeared into the flames. What were Astaroth's true motives? Perhaps even the most severe of our nightmares. ======================================================================== PLAYING YOUR SOUL CALIBUR'S WORTH OF SHARES As of December 31, 1998, Soul Calibur no longer displays passwords. The reason why this is so is because the American Soul Calibur Site located at has released ALL PASSWORDS for public use. Even though this is the case, DO NOT POST ANY PASSWORDS AT THE FORUM AT ALL!!!!! Here is where you can find the Password goodies at: Extended Character Prologues, Character Revelations, Special Character Notes, Character Endings, Histories of the Arenas, and other Character- related goodies can be found at the following locations: - Arenas: - Extended Character Prologues (only for certain characters) can be found at (Click on soul of your choice) - Character Endings and any special notes for each character can be found at the aforementioned URL and its respective soul for the extra. The rest can be found at Digital Calibur. - Project Staff's Interviews can be found at the Digital Calibur section located at - Animated Souls can be found at Digital Calibur as well. - Password-related graphics: ======================================================================== THE DO'S AND DONT'S From now on, this FAQ can only appear in the following sites: * Verasnaship Interactive ( * GameFAQs ( * Cheat Code Central ( * Secrets of the Game Sages ( * Game Shark Code Creators Club ( * Al Amaloo ( and Why? Because these sites are the only ones that keep all original work updated and up-to-date. You can always get the latest version at my website (Verasnaship Interactive at since I run that website and I always post them instantly right at my website first. GameFAQs does a good job keeping the files up-to-date at all times and is regarded as the most visited "stable" for FAQ-related walkthroughs, original work, and the like. Cheat Code Central and Al Amaloo does a good job in keeping the FAQs fresh, original, free, and "in one piece". They instantly update all FAQs without having me notify them. However, Cheat Code Central also has codes if you are into those cheat codes (yuck). Secrets of the Game Sages is a "Code-related" partner to GameFAQs since both GameFAQs and Secrets of the Game Sages share the same information, links, and tricks-to-date. Game Shark Code Creators Club is a Game Shark site run under the Code Master to provide up-to-date Game Shark Codes and is a highly visited Game Shark site. From time-to-time, I might elect to do PDFs on certain games. You can always get the latest version at Verasnaship Interactive (that's my website) and I'm planning to give GameFAQs my permission to mirror my PDFs in the near future. Rules: * DO NOT place this file in your web site directly. Only the five aforementioned sites have an exclusive right to mirror this file. * You can make a link to my FAQ Library Page. The only rules that I would like to enforce is that you link ONLY to an HTML or an Interactive Web Page. The link to this page is: - * If you are planning to link to the five other sites that I have mentioned on this reminder, then you are to be advised that your linking rights are heavily limited as foretold on the webmaster's fine prints (depending on where you plan to make your link to). If I'm too vague on this, then please visit the following URL to see why more and more webmasters are restricting links: = (Brad Templeton's Linking Rights Essay). ======================================================================== HOW TO SUGGEST ANY FIXES, BUGS, OR ANY OTHER TRALALA Sending UCE to any of the mailboxes that I have is not tolerated. Period. I report any incidence of spamming by checking the header on where you originated the message at and then report the incidence to the server you originated your message at (which is more likely to get you in deep trouble) or I can just slam you by sending complaints to the following: The server you originated the message at, to your provider, or possibly the Free-Mail Service that you use. Don't spam me. It's not worth it. I will only tolerate e-mail in regards to Soul Calibur as a whole. See to see why it's bad. ======================================================================== REFERENCES OF THIS FAQ - (Namco America) - (Namco Japan) - (The official Soul Calibur Site) - (Courtesy of Mr. MG) - (Courtesy of Wind-X) - Cynan de Leon (komejin) ======================================================================== ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS - Hajime Nakatani for carefully creating, crafting, and directing Soul Calibur. Without Hajime Nakatani, then neither Tekken nor Soul Calibur would flourish. - Studeo, Inc. for hosting Namco America's Soul Calibur Site - Jason Arney (WCMaxi), Mark Mikulecky (Kaipo), and Mark Holt (Madmardy) for dedicating their love and labor to create an attractive Soul Calibur Site. - Jamison Gold for accepting Namco America as a client. - Alan Ambroziak (AL-X), Mr. MG, John Culbert (Tigeraid) for running the multipurpose fighting game site, Fighters.NET - Namco Cybertainment for being the first arcade chain to stock Soul Calibur on their shelves. - John Culbert for mirroring my Capcom Fighting Games Guides. - GameFAQs for being the largest stable of Original Work. - Kao Megura for being the most prolific FAQ Author of all time. - Imagine Games Network for being the largest Video Gaming Community over the Internet - Secrets of the Game Sages for a huge collection of updated cheats - Finally, Frederick Schtauffen for giving Sieg a second chance to prove himself. :) This is a shared interface from my Nightmare and Siegfried Documents. - Cynan de Leon (komejin) for shedding the light on some of the moves that I haven't been able to execute yet as Astaroth. Thanks for your help! ** END OF DOCUMENT ** This electronically published work is the sole property of Mark Kim. Please credit Mark Kim as Vesther Fauransy where credit is due. Unpublished work (c)1999-2000 Mark Kim. All Rights Reserved Soul Calibur: (c)1996-2000 Namco. All Rights Reserved