SoulCalibur (Namco, 3D Fighting Game, DCast) Secrets FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) V1.3 2/28/01 Written by: Richard Uyeyama (ru e ama best com)* * Instances of the letter "y", the "at" symbol, and all periods have been removed (replaced with spaces) from the above e-mail address in order to prevent unscrupulous UCE (unsolicited commercial e-mail) bot processes from adding to the amount of e-mail I already get... The latest version of this file can be found at: More Heroes in a Warlike Age Document formatting, organization, and wording Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001 by Richard Uyeyama. Permission granted by author to duplicate (unaltered) this document in its entirety for NON-PROFIT purposes only. All other rights reserved. Author reserves the right to rescind specific or general permission, if he sees a reason (such as loophole abuse) to do so. Unauthorized duplication of this document is a violation of all applicable national and international laws. This document is protected by International Copyright Law. It is a criminal act to use this document (or any derivative work (including translations)) in any way that makes you (and/or your company) money; you MAY NOT sell this document, host this document on a website with an ad banner and/or membership fee, give this document away as a "purchase bonus", and/or use this document in any other manner which profits (financially) you (and/or your company) either directly or indirectly. If you are unsure as to whether you can use this document, or if you wish to apply for specific rights not granted to you by the above, send a polite, detailed, and clearly phrased inquiry to me at the e-mail address listed above. Note, however, that due to the amount of e-mail I get, I may not be able to reply to every query or request I receive (also note that the lack of a reply will NEVER constitute legal permission). GameFAQs ( has been granted permission to host this document. The following webpage contains the most recent version of the above copyright notice. If there is a discrepancy between the above copyright notice and the one located on my current webpage, the information on my webpage will be treated as authentic: SoulCalibur is Copyright 1998, 1999 by Namco Ltd. All rights reserved. Table of Contents: 0. Document History I. Basic Stuff 1. What is this document? 2. What is SoulCalibur? 3. Notation and stuff II. Characters and Stuff 1. Hidden Characters A. Hwang through Cervantes (7 characters) B. Edge Master C. Inferno D. On getting all the characters 2. Sub-bosses 3. Outfits and stuff A. Outfit selection B. 3rd outfits C. Sophitia, Mina, and Xianghua, ummm, supplementary color codes D. Weapons E. Metal Model 4. Quotes and poses and stuff A. Pre-match poses/quotes B. Win poses/quotes III. Mission Battle Mode Stuff 1. The Locations 2. The Missions A. Level 1 missions B. Level 2 missions C. Extra missions D. Special (hidden) missions E. Quick reference chart 3. The Art Gallery A. Cost and extras list i. New Gallery extras ii. New Mission extras iii. NEW STAGE extras iv. NEW FEATURE extras v. EXHIBITION THEATER extras vi. PASSWORD extras B. Earning points from other game modes C. In-view commands IV. Miscellany 1. The replay camera 2. Practice Mode replay 3. The Character Profile view 4. The title screen(s) 5. BGM Test 6. The VMU screen 7. Auto-save 8. Soft reset 9. Attract Mode stuff 10. Screensaver function V. Thanks and Stuff ------------------- 0. Document History ------------------- V1.3: 2/28/01 Edge Master conditions stated more accurately Special Kilik-style move added for E.M. Special Mina-style move added for E.M. In-view commands listed in Art Gallery section Title screen conditions stated more accurately Detail and clarity editing in a few sections V1.2: 8/31/00 Inferno download unlock resource file info added to Inferno section Mini-game Password info added (Art Gallery section, PASSWORD extras) Added Cervantes vs. Rock/Voldo/Kilik to Practice Mode "dance" bug SCalibur DP2 screensaver info added to Screensaver section Minor editing in a couple sections V1.1: 2/29/00 Xianghua2 supplementary colors Supplementary color variations Gallery points from Survival and Extra Survival Practice Mode replay section added to Miscellany Attract mode kata stage variation conditions Thanks section added Detail and clarity editing in a couple sections V1.0: 8/31/99 Launch version (8/5/99: DCast SoulCalibur now on sale) -------------- I. Basic Stuff -------------- I.1 What is this document? This document is an English language informational resource for the Dreamcast version of SoulCalibur, a 3D fighting game by Namco. In this document, I'll be covering codes, secrets, details, clarifications, and other such information which may be of interest to SoulCalibur fans. This is a Secrets FAQ (side note: I'm using "faq" herein with its more colloquial definition of "document of organized information", rather than its more traditional definition, which implies organizational headings in the form of questions...), and not a moves list or strategy guide, btw, so I won't be including a complete moves/combo list, or detailed character strategies, or anything like that in this document... This document was written for the J version of SoulCalibur, but it seems likely that at least some of the information contained herein may apply to other versions of the game as well... SoulCalibur (DCast, J) basic info: 1 Disc (T-1401M) 1-2 Players Works with: Arcade stick, VMU (12 blocks), PuruPuru Pack, VGA Box, DCast Modem. I.2 What is SoulCalibur? SoulCalibur is a weapons-based 3D fighting game by Namco. It's the sequel to SoulEdge, though a lot about the game system has changed. The most significant difference (imho) is probably that the Critical Edge technique is gone, as is the weapon damage/disarm system. Second to that (imho) is probably the introduction of the 8-Way Run system, and arenas of different shapes/sizes. Anyway, for more information about the game and the game system, you should probably consult something more along the lines of a moves/strategy FAQ than a Secrets FAQ... =) I.3 Notation and stuff Unfortunately, it appears that the game manual actually refers to the buttons by their DCast controller designations (which can get quite confusing (and even counterproductive) for anyone with a custom button configuration)! Just for the record, in this document (and probably outside of it as well), I shall be referring to the buttons by their game designations (G A B K). (Side note: The "Command Display" option in the Game Options section of the Options Menu is set to "Dreamcast" as its default (sigh); for the reasons touched upon above (as well as some others that haven't been), I *strongly* recommend that you change this option to "Arcade". If you haven't done so already, do it now, before you forget. *Now*! ;) ) Anyway... in order to stave off any potential confusion, here follow some of the standards of notation I'll be using in this document... G Guard A Horizontal attack B Vertical attack K Kick attack u/d/l/r up, down, left, and right (respectively) on the d-pad/stick + at the same time as , then = a quick "then" that links commands yielding a single action / or x(y) press y while holding x dcA/dcB the A and B (resp.) buttons on the DCast controller X/Y the X and Y (resp.) buttons on the DCast controller L/R the L and R (resp.) triggers on the DCast controller C/Z the C and Z (resp.) buttons on the DCast arcade stick ------------------------ II. Characters and Stuff ------------------------ II.1 Hidden Characters There are nine hidden characters that can be released as playable. Once you have all nine, your character select screen should be arranged like this: Top Row: Hwang, Yoshimitsu, Lizard Man, Siegfried, Rock, Seung Mina, Cervantes, Edge Master, Inferno, (Random). Bottom Row: Voldo, Ivy, Sophitia, Mitsurugi, Kilik, Xianghua, Maxi, Nightmare, Taki, Astaroth. Here's how to release the hidden characters: II.1.A Hwang through Cervantes (7 characters) ------ Each time Arcade Mode (any difficulty or settings; continues don't matter) is completed (i.e. beat Inferno (Stage 8)) with a character who has not previously completed Arcade Mode (you can check completion records in the Records section of Options Mode), either a new character or a new stage will be released. Seven characters and three stages can be released in this manner, in the following order: Hwang (and Random select) Yoshimitsu Lizard Man New Stage (Water Vein (Yoshimitsu stage)) Siegfried New Stage (City of Water (Siegfried stage)) Rock New Stage (The Colosseum (Rock stage)) Seung Mina Cervantes II.1.B Edge Master ------ Once the game (Arcade Mode (any difficulty or settings; continues don't matter)) has been completed at least once with seventeen different characters (this can even include Inferno, if you've used the unlock resource download file (see Inferno section for more information) to release Inferno), Edge Master will become available as a playable character. Edge Master will *randomly* choose a fighting style at the beginning of each round, with the following exceptions: playing Edge Master: vs. CPU Kilik (Stage 7), Arcade Mode (or Time Attack Mode) game: In 1/1 round matches, player E.M. will always use Hwang's style. In longer matches, player E.M. will use Hwang's style on the first round of every match after the first (i.e. if you've continued against Kilik (during the game in question) at least once). vs. CPU Inferno (Stage 8), Arcade Mode game: On the first round of the first match, player E.M. will use Nightmare's style. playing Kilik: vs. CPU Edge Master (Stage 7), Arcade Mode (or Time Attack Mode) game: In 1/1 round matches, CPU E.M. will always use Kilik's style. In longer matches, CPU E.M. will use Kilik's style on the first round of every match after the first. Practice Mode: In Practice Mode, Edge Master will always use the same style as his opponent. Edge Master has the same moves as the character whose style he uses, with the following additions: Kilik style: (8-Way u/d) A,A,A Seung Mina style: (8-Way u/d) A,A,A (note: In the game-internal moves lists, an E.M.-specific move will be listed in yellow (instead of white), marked with a yellow Pac-Man icon immediately preceding the move name, and will be found at the *end* of the list of the appropriate move type) Some random Edge Master notes: - It appears that Edge Master can use the style of any character (yes, including Cervantes) in the game except for Inferno. - It seems that Edge Master won't say anything to Kilik before their sub-boss battle, unless E.M. is using Hwang's style. - If player E.M. wins against Kilik (Stage 7), using Xianghua's style, he *won't* in fact get the SoulCalibur when Inferno appears. - If player E.M. wins against Inferno (Stage 8), using Maxi's style, he *won't* collapse during his win pose/quote. II.1.C Inferno ------ After Edge Master has been released as a playable character (you don't necessarily have to have finished the game with him), finish Arcade Mode (any difficulty or settings; continues don't matter) with Xianghua, using her 3rd costume (metal model, and/or custom weapon select can be used, even... as long as they're being used with her 3rd costume, of course), and Inferno will become available as a playable character. For details on obtaining Xianghua's 3rd costume, see the Mission Mode section of this document (short form, easiest method: earn 130 points and purchase pictures 002, 006, 015, and 039). The playable version of Inferno actually looks different from the Arcade Mode (and Time Attack Mode) CPU Inferno (possibly for hardware reasons; even with a single fiery-Inferno on-screen, it's possible (especially during replay, when you have control over the camera view) to get certain visual aberrations...), in that the playable version will have a solid body (though its weapon(s) will be on fire). The P1 "outfit" is a reddish color, while the P2 "outfit" is bluish. Hmmm... P2 Inferno has a neck, but P1 Inferno does not... ^^; Inferno will *randomly* choose a fighting style at the beginning of each round, with the following exceptions: playing Inferno: vs. CPU Nightmare (Stage 7), Arcade Mode (or Time Attack Mode) game: In 1/1 round matches, player Inferno will always use Nightmare's style. In longer matches, player Inferno will use Nightmare's style on the first round of every match after the first (i.e. if you've continued against Nightmare (during the game in question) at least once). vs. CPU Inferno (Stage 8), Arcade Mode game: On the first round of the first match, player Inferno will use Nightmare's style. playing any character: vs. CPU Inferno (Stage 8), Arcade Mode game: CPU Inferno will use Nightmare's style on the first round of every match. vs. CPU Inferno (Stage 8), Time Attack Mode game: CPU Inferno will use Nightmare's style on the first round of every match after the first. Practice Mode: In Practice Mode, Inferno will always use the same style as his opponent. Inferno has the same moves as the character whose style he uses, with the following additions: B=u K=u K=u,G K=u,B K=u,B,G (note: In the game-internal moves lists, an Inferno-specific move will be listed in orange (instead of white), marked with an orange Pac-Man Ghost icon immediately preceding the move name, and will be found at the *end* of the list of the appropriate move type) Some random Inferno notes: - It appears that Inferno can use the style of any character (yes, including Cervantes) in the game except for Edge Master. - I think the only place "fiery" Inferno is used is as the CPU opponent (Stage 8) in Arcade and Time Attack modes. It looks like in all other places, the CPU Inferno will be the solid (playable) version. - If player Inferno wins against Nightmare (Stage 7), using Xianghua's style, he *won't* in fact get the SoulCalibur when CPU Inferno appears. - If player Inferno wins against CPU Inferno (Stage 8), using Maxi's style, he *won't* collapse during his win pose/quote. An alternate method of releasing Inferno as a playable character is simply to download the Inferno unlock resource file from the Download section of the SoulCalibur Dricas page, located at: (Note: This unlock resource file was designed for the J version of SoulCalibur; I don't know if it will work with any other version of the game.) The file will take 2 blocks on your VMU. However, being that it's an "unlock resource" file, after you've used it to unlock Inferno (just load the game, with both your SoulCalibur save and the resource file on your VMU; if Inferno hasn't already been released, you should get the standard "Inferno is now playable" message right after the game loads), and have saved that unlocked status to your save file (just pass an auto-save point, or manually save your game), you won't need the resource file anymore, and can simply delete it. Note that some Japanese VMU file download processes *will* check to see what browser you're running, so if you get a "Forbidden" error on a download or download page, you may have to use the browser from a Japanese game (Dream Passport, DP2, DP3...), or, more specifically, the browser from that specific Japanese game (in this case, the J version of SoulCalibur). [side notes: If you need help configuring Dream Passport for your ISP, consult a Dream Passport FAQ. If you need further assistance, e-mail the author of that FAQ. Do not e-mail me with any such queries/requests, because in all likelihood, unless you're a close personal friend, I probably won't have the time to even respond to your e-mail, let alone actually help you out. ^^; ] The Inferno unlock resource file will unlock *only* Inferno, so if you want to release any of the other characters, you'll have to do that in the standard way. =) btw, Inferno seems to choose his style *only* from the currently playable characters, so if you release Inferno (via the unlock resource) before all 17 main characters (i.e. everybody besides Edge Master and Inferno) have been released, Inferno will actually have a smaller repertoire of styles to choose from. ^^; II.1.D On getting all the characters ------ For anybody who wants to release all the characters quickly, here's what's probably the easiest way of releasing all the hidden characters, from initial play: 1. Complete first mission (12.1) in Mission Mode (60 points). 2. Finish Arcade Mode with 17 different characters, releasing Edge Master; since the first Mission Mode mission has been completed, each Arcade Mode completion will earn you 10 points, bringing your total up to 230. 3. In the Art Gallery (Museum or Mission Mode), purchase pictures 002, 006, 015, and 039. This will cost you 130 points, and will, among other things, release Xianghua's 3rd costume. 4. Finish Arcade Mode with Xianghua, using her 3rd costume. This will release Inferno. II.2 Sub-bosses In Arcade Mode (and Time Attack Mode), your Stage 7 opponent is pre-determined, according to your character. This is your character's "sub-boss". Before the sub-boss match, instead of the characters' normal pre-match "ready" sequences, there will be a special pre-match sequence with the two characters (some of these are always the same, I think, but some do have variations...). Note that the sub-boss battles don't always occur on the sub-boss' stage... Here follows a list of the characters' sub-bosses (do note that three of them do change, once the new character is playable...), and the stages the sub-boss battles occur on: Character Sub-boss Stage Voldo Ivy City of Water Ivy Taki Water Vein Cervantes Odalisque and Adrian Sophitia Nightmare Ruins of Ostrheinsburg Castle Mitsurugi Taki The Inundated Castle (WINTER) Kilik Nightmare Ruins of Ostrheinsburg Castle Edge Master The Pure Training Spot (EVENING) Xianghua Nightmare Ruins of Ostrheinsburg Castle Maxi Astaroth The Edge of Chaos Nightmare Sophitia Ruins of Ostrheinsburg Castle Taki Nightmare Ruins of Ostrheinsburg Castle Astaroth Maxi Indian Port Hwang Maxi Remain in the Desert Seung Mina The Chinese Temple (AUTUMN) Yoshimitsu Nightmare Ruins of Ostrheinsburg Castle Lizard Man Astaroth The Colosseum Siegfried Mitsurugi The Colosseum Rock Lizard Man The Edge of Chaos (DARK) Seung Mina Hwang Turkish Labyrinth Cervantes Taki Odalisque and Adrian Edge Master Kilik The Pure Training Spot Inferno Nightmare Ruins of Ostrheinsburg Castle II.3 Outfits and stuff Note on using Random Select: Random select is compatible with the 3rd outfit code, weapon select, and metal model, but for some reason, will *not* adjust for the P1/P2 outfit toggle (it's possible to toggle between P1 and P2 outfits while on the Random Select box, but...). So unless you use the 3rd outfit code (and get a character with a 3rd outfit), a Random character will always use the default outfit for whichever side it's on (P1/P2)... II.3.A Outfit selection ------ Every character in the game has at least two outfits: P1 outfit: default for P1 side P2 outfit: default for P2 side (side notes: When choosing your Practice Mode *opponent*, the default outfits will be reversed, in comparison to your Practice Mode character (your opponent is on the other side)... Also, even on the P2 side, the default character outfit will be the P1 outfit for some of the Museum Mode stuff (Exhibition Theater, Character Profile... and Opening Direction too, I think)) Here's what each button does on the character select screen (functions are assigned to fixed buttons on the DCast controller, btw): dcA Select character dcB Cancel (where applicable) X Select character Y Outfit toggle (between P1 and P2 outfits) L/C Weapon toggle (P1/P2/E.M.) R/Z Metal Model select (hold key down when selecting character) START Options menu (character select screen) (Notes: In mirror matches (same character on both sides), both characters cannot use the same outfit. Weapon Select and Metal Model features have to be earned in Mission Mode (see the Mission Mode section of this document for more details).) II.3.B 3rd outfits ------ Some characters have a 3rd outfit. Well... only five characters, actually: Siegfried, Xianghua, Sophitia, Maxi, Voldo. Siegfried already has his 3rd outfit upon becoming a playable character. The other four 3rd outfits, however, must be earned in Mission Battle Mode (see the Mission Mode section of this document for more details). To select a character's 3rd outfit, use the outfit select key (Y) as a shift key, instead of a toggle (i.e. hold the key down while selecting your character). So: Y(X) or Y(dcA). II.3.C Sophitia, Mina, and Xianghua, ummm, supplementary color codes ------ (note: From what I've been able to gather, the following codes do *not* work in the North American version of this game...) As it turns out, after choosing Sophitia's or Seung Mina's P1 or P2 outfit, or Xianghua's P2 outfit, you may also select the color of the panties she wears with it. Alas, yet more fan service... Anyway, here are the codes and colors: After you've selected your character (Sophie/Mina/Xianghua), press and hold one of the following while the next (i.e. first) level is loading: A - purplish-pink B - purplish-blue K - black A+B - light blue B+K - light red A+K - light green A+B+K - light yellow (default = white) (note: the G button doesn't seem to do anything for any of the codes) Additionally, if you also hold up on the d-pad (or whatever you're using), you'll get a stronger version of the color; similarly, if you hold down on the d-pad, you'll get a weaker version (exceptions: black and white). Left and right on the d-pad don't seem to have any effect on any of the above codes. The above codes work for all modes of the game, with the following exceptions/clarifications: Battle Theater - codes will not work Opening Direction - codes will not work Exhibition Theater - codes will work only on P1 side Character Profiles - codes will work only on P1 side Team Battle Mode - enter code before *Sophie/Mina/Xianghua's* first battle Mission Battle Mode - enter code before each mission battle Also note that (as far as I've been able to tell) in Vs. Mode, the above codes will only work the *first* consecutive time you select the Sophie/Mina/Xianghua costume you've chosen. So if you select one of these characters for the second (or third...) time in a row, the above codes won't work (you're stuck with what you selected the first time)... unless you also change her costume (keeping in mind, of course, that the codes will not work for Sophie3, Xianghua1, and Xianghua3). II.3.D Weapons ------ After the Weapon Select feature is made available (see the Mission Mode section of this document), you can select which weapon you want your character to use (note: there's no restriction against both characters in a match (mirror match, or a match involving Edge Master and/or Inferno) using the same weapon): Weapon 1P: P1 outfit default weapon Weapon 2P: P2 outfit default weapon Weapon E.M.: Edge Master (P1 or P2 outfit) default weapon (note: the P3 outfits default to the P1 weapon) Use the L trigger (or the C button on the DCast arcade stick) to toggle through these three weapon choices. The weapon your character uses does not, as far as I know, affect damage (or damage resistance), speed, or range... The SoulCalibur: In Arcade Mode (and Time Attack Mode), Xianghua obtains the SoulCalibur just previous to her battle with Inferno (don't skip the "Inferno appearance" sequence if you want to see this). Xianghua will then use the SoulCalibur (instead of whatever weapon she was using previously) in her battle against Inferno. Using the SoulCalibur does not, as far as I know, affect Xianghua's style, damage (or damage resistance), speed, or range. The SoulCalibur cannot (as far as I know) be selected or used at any other time. II.3.E Metal Model ------ After the Metal Model feature is made available (see the Mission Mode section of this document), you can play a shiny metallic version of whichever character/outfit (this doesn't affect the weapons, though) you choose. Simply hold the R trigger (or the Z button on the DCast arcade stick) down while selecting your character (i.e. R(X/dcA) or Z(X/dcA)). There are two versions of the Metal Model: gold and silver (hmmm...). It appears that the P1 side always defaults to silver, and the P2 side always defaults to gold. I haven't found any way to choose one over the other (besides playing on one side or the other), but if anybody discovers anything, do let me know... (Side note for those familiar with the arcade version of SoulCalibur: Predator-invisibility doesn't seem to be available in the DCast version of SoulCalibur (possibly because of hardware-related reasons); I suspect that Metal Model (which was not available in the arcade version of the game) is the replacement feature for the DCast version...) II.4 Quotes and poses and stuff II.4.A Pre-match poses/quotes ------ Each character appears to have two pre-match "ready" sequences (pose/quote done before the first round of a match). However, I haven't found any way to specifically choose one or the other. Hmmm... =/ Note that the sub-boss battles get special pre-match sequences, which are usually different from the normal "ready" sequences. II.4.B Win poses/quotes ------ It looks like each character in the game has at least 7 win pose/ quotes (exception: Lizard Man), and up to a maximum of 10 (exception: Sophitia). The 10 commands are: G, A, B, K, G+A or A+B+K, G+A+B, u, d, l, and r. Hold one of these down before your character's win pose screen, and you'll get the corresponding win pose/quote. Note: l and r, for some reason, don't always seem to yield the same win pose/quote. Each command will yield one of the two win pose/quotes, however. If anybody figures out a way to consistently get one or the other, do let me know... Holding down any of the other button combinations (G+B, G+K, A+B, A+K, B+K, G+A+K, G+B+K, G+A+B+K), or not holding anything down, will result in a win pose/quote randomly chosen from the first five (G, A, B, K, G+A/A+B+K). (Side note: Holding G+A+B+K down to get a random pose/ quote, btw, is *not* recommended (if you're using the standard four buttons for those four keys), because of the danger of accidentally doing a soft reset... ^^; ) Note on sub-boss and Inferno battles (Stages 7 and 8): There seem to be pre-assigned win pose/quotes for the winning round of sub-boss and Inferno matches. I have not compiled data for these, but do note that some characters may have more than one possible Inferno win pose/quote, and that at least some of the sub-boss win pose/quotes are affected (i.e. whether they will occur or not) by the match length option (Game Options, Options Menu). Oh, and if the sub-boss wins, he/she may have a specific pose/quote as well... Here follow win pose/quote notes for all the characters (besides Edge Master and Inferno). The quotes are numbered in the order they appear (top to bottom) in the Voice section of the Character Profiles section of Museum Mode... (Notation notes: For the sake of brevity, I'll be abbreviating "G+A/A+B+K" as "GA/ABK", and "G+A+B" as "GAB"... Also, "var." means the pose is a variation of the noted pose; of course, some variations are subtler than others... (m1),(m2),etc. means a quote missing from the Voice collection in the Character Profile... x.1/x.2 means the first or second half of a quote, respectively...) Key Command pose quote(s) Voldo G . . GAB (same as GA/ABK) . A . . u G var. . B . . d B var. . K . . l/r A var. . GA/ABK . . r/l K var. . Ivy G 5 GAB K 4 A 3 u G (m2) B 4 d B 2,(m2) K (m1) l/r (same as K) GA/ABK K 8 r/l A (m3) Sophitia G 3 GAB G var. (m2),(m1) A 4 u G var. 2 B 7 d B var. (m3),(m2) K 2 l/r (see below) GA/ABK G (m1) r/l (see below) Sophie notes: I've actually found 18 (!) different win pose/quotes for Sophie! Unfortunately, the single command conundrum is thus significantly worse for her. Even the diagonals on the d-pad seem to have some unique effects... Anyway, here follows listings of the 10 unstable win pose/ quotes I've found, and the commands I've managed to get each with (Key: pose var., quote #, command(s)): G var. 3 ul B var. 6 dl/dr 6 ur 7 dr A var. 1 l K var. 2 r/ur 4 l/dl 3 l/r 10 dl/dr 4 ul/ur/dl Further Sophie notes: Hmmm... I've actually gotten the GAB, the G'3, and the A'4 pose/quotes from a "manual" random command with Sophie. I may have to do some further testing with Sophie, at some point... Mitsurugi G 4 GAB G var. 10 A 2 u (same as GAB) B 6 d B var. 6 K 3 l/r (same as A) GA/ABK G var. 8,7 r/l (same as K) Kilik G 2 GAB K var. (m1) A (m1) u (same as G) B 3 d B var. 7 K 4 l/r A 5 GA/ABK K var. 1 r/l GA/ABK var. 7.2 Xianghua G 2 GAB A 1 A 3 u G 3 B 5 d (same as B) K 4 l/r A 5.1 GA/ABK A 4 r/l K 5.1 Maxi G 3 GAB G 1 A 6 u G 2 B 4 d B var. (m2) K 5 l/r K var. (m3) GA/ABK G (m1) r/l A var. 8 Nightmare (note: Nightmare/Siegfried poses are quite similar...) G 2 GAB (same as GA/ABK) A 4 u G var. 2 B 10 d B 9 K 5 l/r A var. (m1) GA/ABK K var. 1 r/l K 3 Taki G 5.1 GAB G var. 7 A 4.2 u GAB 6 B 8... d B var. 9 K 10 l/r A var. 6 GA/ABK G (m1) r/l K var. 7 Astaroth G 5 GAB K 7 A 9,10 u GA/ABK var. 6 B 4 d B var. 4 K 3 l/r (same as A) GA/ABK G var. 6 r/l (same as K) Hwang G 5 GAB A var. 3,4 A 2 u G 1 B 3 d B 2 K 8 l/r A 3 GA/ABK A 1,4 r/l K 7 Yoshimitsu G 2 GAB GA/ABK var. 1 A 7 u G 4 B 1 d B var. 3 K 5 l/r K var. 5 GA/ABK 1 r/l A 3 Lizard Man G GAB (same as K) A u (same as G) B d (same as B) K l/r (same as K) GA/ABK (same as K) r/l (same as A) Siegfried (note: Siegfried/Nightmare poses are quite similar...) G 7 GAB K var. 1 A 3 u G var. 6 B 5,6.2 d B 9 K 2 l/r A var. 1 GA/ABK K var. 4 r/l (same as K) Rock G 7...4 GAB G var. 1.1,4 A 2 u G var. 1 B 3 d B var. 2 K 6...8 l/r K var. 6...8 GA/ABK G var. 7,1 r/l A var. 3 Seung Mina G 2 GAB GA/ABK 2 A 3 u G 3 B 5 d B (m1) K 4 l/r K (m1) GA/ABK (m1) r/l A 2 Cervantes G 2 GAB GA/ABK (silent) A 3 u G 3 B 4 d (same as B) K 1 l/r K 2 GA/ABK 4 r/l A 2 ------------------------------ III. Mission Battle Mode Stuff ------------------------------ III.1 The Locations In Mission Battle Mode, there are 20 locations total (17 normal, 2 special (hidden), and 1 unstable (Chaos)). I've numbered the 17 normal locations from left to right (note: since locations 11 and 12 are in very nearly exactly the same vertical line, I've taken the liberty of assigning the lower location to be 11). Here follow representations of the three map screens (from left to right), with approximate representations of the 17 normal locations, the 2 special (hidden) locations, and the points (those that I've seen) at which Chaos can appear (marked with a period instead of an asterisk, so as to remain fairly unobtrusive in these map representations): ----------------------------------- : : : 2 . : : . 6 S1 : : : : 5 . : : 1 . : : 4 : : : : 3 7 : : . : ----------------------------------- : 13 : : . : : 8 : : 10 . : : 12 : : 9 : : : : . 11 : : . : : : ----------------------------------- : . : : . : : . : : : : : : S2 : : 17 : : 14 15 16 : : . . : : : ----------------------------------- (side note on location * (Chaos): Chaos (i.e. Gap of the World), once available, will *always* appear on whichever map section you look at. It will randomly choose a location (from those marked above) each time you look at a new map section. Chaos is easy to spot, however, as it shows up as what appears to be a burning hole in the map...) In case anybody's interested, here's how the 17 normal locations, and the 1 unstable location, correspond to the Stages in the main section of the game: 1 Odalisque and Adrian Cervantes stage 2 The Valentine Mansion Ivy stage 3 Money Pit Voldo stage 4 The Colosseum Rock stage 5 City of Water Siegfried stage 6 Ruins of Ostrheinsburg Castle Nightmare stage 7 Corridor to the Sanctuary Sophitia stage 8 Turkish Labyrinth Seung Mina stage 9 The Edge of Chaos Astaroth stage 10 The Edge of Chaos (DARK) Lizard Man stage 11 Indian Port Maxi stage 12 The Pure Training Spot / EVENING Kilik stage / E.M. stage 13 Remain in the Desert Hwang stage 14 The Chinese Temple Xianghua stage 15 The Inundated Castle Mitsurugi stage 16 Hoko-ji Temple Taki stage 17 Water Vein Yoshimitsu stage * Gap of the World Inferno stage III.2 The Missions In Mission Battle Mode, there are a total of 82 missions, which I've organized according to the following designations: 23 Level 1 missions (including Chaos1) 18 Level 2 missions (including Chaos2) 34 Extra missions 7 Special (hidden) missions For each mission, there is a standard point value you'll get if you complete it on your first try (i.e. 1/1). In general, for each subsequent time you complete a mission, its point value will decrease a bit (up to a specific minimum value for each mission, I think). Similarly, it appears that for each time you fail a mission before completing it, its value will actually increase a bit (probably up to a specific maximum). (side note on mission failures: Even though the game keeps track of mission failures, I don't think having failed a mission will actually affect anything in the game (at least, I haven't found anything yet). If you want to be on the safe side (or just want to keep your mission records looking nice), however, you can always reset and reload after any failed mission...) (side note on colosseum missions: Simiarly, I'm fairly certain that defeating all opponents on all the colosseum (location 4) missions (which I've actually managed to do with Cervantes) will not actually affect anything in the game. Well... aside from giving you a pretty hefty sum of points, that is... =) ) Here follow some charts showing the difficulty ratings and standard point values for each mission (grouped according to mission type)... (notation note: If a mission value is followed by a "}", that means the subsequent missions (of that class, at that location) will not be available until after that mission has been completed) Key: (difficulty rating) mission standard value III.2.A Level 1 missions ------- Level 1 Missions: (23 missions, 2250-2560 pts. total init.) (3) 1.1 150 (3) 2.1 170 (2) 3.1 110 (3) 4.1 10-320 (3) 5.1 150 (2) 6.1 150 (2) 7.1 90 (2) 8.1 80 (2) 9.1 90 (2) 10.1 90 (2) 11.1 80 (2) 12.1 60 } (1) 12.2-12.6 20 ea. (2) 13.1 80 (2) 14.1 110 (3) 15.1 140 (2) 16.1 140 (2) 17.1 150 (3) *.1 300 (Level 1 Mission notes: 12.1 is initially playable; 1.1-11.1 and 13.1-17.1 have to be earned via the Art Gallery; *.1 will appear after all other Level 1 missions have been completed) III.2.B Level 2 missions ------- Level 2 Missions: (18 missions, 5060-6330 +30/extra pts. total init.) (3) 1.2 300 (3) 2.2 320 (4) 3.2 300 (4) 4.2 10-1280 (3) 5.2 300 (3) 6.2 320 (4) 7.2 270 (3) 8.2 230 (3) 9.2 260 (3) 10.2 200 +30/extra (2) 11.2 210 (4) 12.7 360 (2) 13.2 210 (3) 14.2 270 (4) 15.2 300 (4) 16.2 320 (4) 17.2 350 (5) *.2 530 (Level 2 Mission notes: 1.2-11.2, 12.7, and 13.2-17.2 have to be earned via the Art Gallery; *.2 will appear after all other Level 2 missions and mission *.1 have been completed; character ending (character you finished with) and end credits will be shown each time you finish mission *.2) III.2.C Extra missions ------- Extra Missions: (34 missions, 24480-29530 +60/extra pts. total init.) (4) 1.3 720 (5) 1.4 900 (4) 2.3 750 (5) 2.4 930 (4) 3.3 690 (5) 3.4 900 (5) 4.3 40-1280 (5) 4.4 30-3840 (3) 5.3 690 (5) 5.4 930 (4) 6.3 750 (5) 6.4 930 (3) 7.3 630 (4) 7.4 390 (3) 8.3 600 (5) 8.4 810 (3) 9.3 630 (4) 9.4 810 (4) 10.3 660 (5) 10.4 770 +60/extra (4) 11.3 630 (5) 11.4 810 (5) 12.8 810 (5) 12.9 990 (3) 13.3 600 (4) 13.4 780 (4) 14.3 690 (5) 14.4 840 (4) 15.3 690 (4) 15.4 840 (3) 16.3 690 (5) 16.4 900 (4) 17.3 750 (4) 17.4 900 (Extra Mission notes: All Extra missions will appear after *.2 has been completed) III.2.D Special (hidden) missions ------- Special Missions: (7 missions, 750/1450/2150 pts. total init.) (4) S1.1 80/180/280 (4) S1.2 120/220/320 (4) S2.2 80/180/280 } (4) S2.2 90/190/290 } (4) S2.3 110/210/310 } (4) S2.4 120/220/320 } (5) S2.5 150/250/350 (Special Mission notes: The Special Mission locations are not marked on the Mission Mode map, but if you pass by one with the pointer, the game will give you the chirp that indicates a location; see the Mission Mode Locations section of this document for approximate locations of the Hidden missions. The point values of the Special Missions actually change! Basically, all Special mission initial point values (i.e. for the first time you complete the mission) increase by 100 after mission *.1 becomes playable, and increase by another 100 after *.2 becomes playable...) III.2.E Quick reference chart ------- And finally, for quick reference purposes, here's a chart that just lists the standard point values for all the missions, all in one chart: All Missions: (82 missions, 32540-40570 +30/ex1 +60/ex2 pts. total init.) loc. m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 m8 m9 1 150 300 720 900 2 170 320 750 930 3 110 300 690 900 4 10-320 10-1280 40-1280 30-3840 5 150 300 690 930 6 150 320 750 930 7 90 270 630 390 8 80 230 600 810 9 90 260 630 810 10 90 200+30/ex. 660 770+60/ex. 11 80 210 630 810 12 60 20 20 20 20 20 360 810 990 13 80 210 600 780 14 110 270 690 840 15 140 300 690 840 16 140 320 690 900 17 150 350 750 900 * 300 530 S1 80 120 (init.) 180 220 (after *.1 playable) 280 320 (after *.2 playable) S2 80 90 110 120 150 (init.) 180 190 210 220 250 (after *.1 playable) 280 290 310 320 350 (after *.2 playable) III.3 The Art Gallery The Art Gallery section (in Mission Mode and Museum Mode) isn't just about earning a bunch of pretty pictures; this is actually where you earn most of the "extras" in the game! Certain pictures in the gallery, when purchased, will also release certain extras in the game. There are six categories of extras you can earn, which I'm designating as follows: (the non-FULL CAPS categories affect only Mission Mode (and the Museum Gallery), btw) new Gallery new Mission NEW STAGE NEW FEATURE EXHIBITION THEATER PASSWORD The pictures which release extras, however, are *not* all assigned to a particular extra on a one-to-one basis (more often than not, they are assigned, rather, to a particular category of extra). In four of the six categories (new Gallery, NEW STAGE, NEW FEATURE, EXHIBITION THEATER), items are released in a particular order, regardless of the purchase order of the art in that category... III.3.A Cost and extras list ------- Here follow charts listing costs and released extras for the art in each Gallery: Key: Gallery (total art / total cost) (# extras / extras cost) art number cost extra released (if any) Gallery 1 (12/220) (5/150) 001 10 002 30 new Gallery 003 30 new Mission (13.1) 004 10 005 30 new Mission (11.1) 006 30 new Gallery 007 10 008 10 009 10 010 30 new Mission (8.1) 011 10 012 10 Gallery 2 (20/640) (9/420) 013 20 014 50 new Gallery 015 20 NEW FEATURE 016 20 017 20 018 50 new Gallery 019 50 new Mission (4.1) 020 20 021 50 NEW STAGE 022 20 023 20 024 20 025 20 026 50 new Mission (7.1) 027 50 new Mission (9.1) 028 20 029 20 030 20 031 50 new Mission (10.1) 032 50 NEW STAGE Gallery 3 (18/570) (7/350) 033 20 034 50 new Mission (14.1) 035 20 036 50 NEW STAGE 037 50 new Mission (3.1) 038 20 039 50 NEW FEATURE 040 50 new Mission (15.1) 041 20 042 20 043 20 044 50 PASSWORD (STAGE OF HISTORY) 045 50 new Gallery 046 20 047 20 048 20 049 20 050 20 Gallery 4 (18/540) (7/320) 051 20 052 20 053 20 054 50 EXHIBITION THEATER 055 50 new Gallery 056 50 new Mission (16.1) 057 20 058 20 NEW FEATURE 059 20 060 50 new Mission (1.1) 061 20 062 20 063 20 064 20 065 50 new Mission (5.1) 066 20 067 20 068 50 NEW STAGE Gallery 5 (22/960) (8/540) 069 30 070 30 NEW FEATURE 071 30 PASSWORD (POWER OF DARKNESS) 072 30 073 30 074 30 075 30 076 30 077 30 078 30 079 80 NEW STAGE 080 30 081 80 new Mission (6.1) 082 80 new Mission (2.1) 083 80 NEW STAGE 084 80 new Mission (17.1) 085 30 086 30 087 30 088 30 089 30 090 80 new Gallery Gallery 6 (19/820) (6/430) 091 30 092 30 093 80 new Mission (11.2) 094 30 NEW FEATURE 095 30 096 30 097 30 098 30 099 30 100 30 101 80 new Mission (13.2) 102 30 103 80 new Gallery 104 80 NEW STAGE 105 30 106 80 new Mission (8.2) 107 30 108 30 109 30 Gallery 7 (17/760) (6/430) 110 30 PASSWORD (AGE OF APOCALYPSE) 111 30 112 30 113 30 114 30 115 30 116 80 new Mission (7.2) 117 80 new Mission (9.2) 118 30 119 30 120 30 121 30 122 80 new Mission (10.2) 123 80 NEW STAGE 124 30 125 30 126 80 new Gallery Gallery 8 (30/2060) (9/1010) 127 50 128 50 129 50 130 120 NEW STAGE 131 50 132 120 new Mission (15.2) 133 50 134 120 new Mission (3.2) 135 50 136 50 137 120 EXHIBITION THEATER 138 50 139 50 140 50 141 50 142 50 143 120 new Mission (14.2) 144 50 145 50 146 50 147 50 148 120 new Mission (4.2) 149 120 new Gallery 150 50 151 50 152 50 153 50 154 50 PASSWORD (EYE OF EVIL) 155 120 EXHIBITION THEATER 156 50 Gallery 9 (29/1870) (9/870) 157 50 158 50 159 120 new Gallery 160 50 161 50 162 50 163 50 164 50 165 50 166 50 167 120 NEW FEATURE 168 50 169 120 new Mission (16.2) 170 50 171 50 172 50 173 50 174 50 175 50 176 50 177 50 EXHIBITION THEATER 178 120 new Mission (2.2) 179 50 NEW FEATURE 180 120 new Mission (1.2) 181 50 182 120 new Mission (5.2) 183 50 EXHIBITION THEATER 184 50 185 50 Gallery 10 (30/3000) (8/1240) 186 80 187 80 188 200 new Mission (17.2) 189 80 EXHIBITION THEATER 190 80 191 80 192 80 193 80 194 80 195 80 196 80 197 80 198 200 EXHIBITION THEATER 199 200 new Mission (12.7) 200 80 201 80 202 80 203 200 new Gallery 204 80 205 80 206 80 207 80 EXHIBITION THEATER 208 80 209 80 210 80 211 80 212 80 213 80 214 80 PASSWORD (SOUL OF HERO) 215 200 new Mission (6.2) Gallery 11 (30/2520) (7/680) 216 80 217 200 new Gallery 218 80 219 80 220 80 221 80 222 80 223 80 224 80 NEW FEATURE 225 80 EXHIBITION THEATER 226 80 227 80 228 80 229 80 EXHIBITION THEATER 230 80 EXHIBITION THEATER 231 80 232 80 233 80 EXHIBITION THEATER 234 80 235 80 236 80 237 80 238 80 239 80 EXHIBITION THEATER 240 80 241 80 242 80 243 80 244 80 245 80 Gallery 12 (20/1720) (5/520) 246 80 247 80 PASSWORD (TERROR OF NIGHTMARE) 248 80 249 80 250 80 251 80 EXHIBITION THEATER 252 80 253 80 254 80 255 80 256 80 EXHIBITION THEATER 257 80 258 80 259 80 260 80 261 80 262 80 263 200 EXHIBITION THEATER 264 80 265 80 NEW FEATURE Gallery 13 (29/0) (0/0) 266 - 294 Gallery 14 (28/0) (0/0) 295 - 322 Gallery 15 (16/35400) (0/0) 323 2000 324 2000 325 2000 326 2000 327 2000 328 3000 329 2500 330 2500 331 2000 332 2500 333 2500 334 2200 335 2200 336 2000 337 2000 338 2000 (note on Gallery 15: Gallery 15 will appear after 322 pictures (i.e. all pictures in Galleries 1-14) are viewable (i.e. after purchasing 265 (Galleries 1-12) pictures). The Slideshow feature will also appear in the Art Gallery at this point...) (note on the Slideshow feature: When you run the Slideshow, it appears to choose a random picture to start, then progresses, in order from there, to loop through all available pictures (even any Gallery 15 pictures you have)...) And if anybody's wondering what the totals come out to: All Galleries (338/51080) (86/6960) So it looks like if you complete every mission once, and every Extra mission a second time, even if you earn the minimum number of points (32540 + 24480 = 57020), you should have more than enough points to be able to purchase all the pictures... III.3.A.i New Gallery extras --------- New galleries are earned in order (Gallery 2 - 14), regardless of what order the "New Gallery" pictures are purchased in. "New Gallery" pictures (13/1140) 002 30 055 50 159 120 006 30 090 80 203 200 014 50 103 80 217 200 018 50 126 80 045 50 149 120 III.3.A.ii New Mission extras ---------- Each of the Gallery-earned new missions is attached to a specific picture, as follows: "New Mission" pictures (33/2870) 003 30 13.1 093 80 11.2 005 30 11.1 101 80 13.2 010 30 8.1 106 80 8.2 019 50 4.1 116 80 7.2 026 50 7.1 117 80 9.2 027 50 9.1 122 80 10.2 031 50 10.1 132 120 15.2 034 50 14.1 134 120 3.2 037 50 3.1 143 120 14.2 040 50 15.1 148 120 4.2 056 50 16.1 169 120 16.2 060 50 1.1 178 120 2.2 065 50 5.1 180 120 1.2 081 80 6.1 182 120 5.2 082 80 2.1 188 200 17.2 084 80 17.1 199 200 12.7 215 200 6.2 III.3.A.iii NEW STAGE extras ----------- New Stages are earned in a specific order, regardless of what order the "NEW STAGE" pictures are purchased in. Once purchased, these new Stages (or Stage variations) become available for use in other parts of the game (like Versus Mode, for example). Here is the order in which new Stages are released: Remain in the Desert Hwang stage The Inundated Castle (WINTER) Mitsurugi vs. Taki stage Odalisque and Adrian Cervantes stage The Pure Training Spot (EVENING) Edge Master stage Turkish Labyrinth Seung Mina stage The Chinese Temple (AUTUMN) Hwang vs. Mina stage The Edge of Chaos (DARK) Lizard Man stage Remain in the Desert (NIGHT) ??? stage Gap of the World Inferno stage "NEW STAGE" pictures (9/640) 021 50 068 50 104 80 032 50 079 80 123 80 036 50 083 80 130 120 III.3.A.iv NEW FEATURE extras ---------- New Features are earned in a specific order, regardless of what order the "NEW FEATURE" pictures are purchased in. Here is the order in which new Features are released: CHARACTER PROFILES (in Museum Mode) 3rd costume (Xianghua) 3rd costume (Sophitia) 3rd costume (Maxi) 3rd costume (Voldo) EXTRA SURVIVAL mode OPENING DIRECTION (in Museum Mode) WEAPON SELECT METAL MODEL (notes: A character's Profile will become available in Character Profiles after you've finished Arcade Mode with that character; select 3rd costumes with Y(X) or Y(dcA); Extra Survival mode is same as Survival except that first damage wins (i.e. 0% health); Opening Direction allows you to program certain character slots in the OP sequence; use L/C (on character select screen) to toggle through three Weapon choices for each character; hold R/Z when selecting your character for the Metal Model version of that character/outfit) "NEW FEATURE" pictures (9/480) 015 20 070 30 179 50 039 50 094 30 224 80 058 20 167 120 265 80 III.3.A.v EXHIBITION THEATER extras --------- The Exhibition Theater extras are earned in a specific order, regardless of what order the "EXHIBITION THEATER" pictures are purchased in. Here is the order in which the Exihibition Theater extras are released: EXHIBITION THEATER becomes available in Museum Mode Taki kata Voldo kata Sophitia kata Nightmare kata Astaroth kata Hwang kata Yoshimitsu kata Lizard Man kata Siegfried kata Maxi(2) kata Rock kata Seung Mina kata Cervantes kata Edge Master kata (notes: The Exhibition Theater initially becomes available with the following five kata: Ivy, Mitsurugi, Kilik, Xianghua, Maxi(1). Note that, while there are 15 Exhibition Theater extras releasable (listed above), there are actually 16 "Exhibition Theater" pictures in the Art Gallery! So if you're just trying to release all the extras, you can actually skip over one of these 16 pictures...) "EXHIBITION THEATER" pictures (16/1510) [15/1310-1460] 054 50 198 200 239 80 137 120 207 80 251 80 155 120 225 80 256 80 177 50 229 80 263 200 183 50 230 80 189 80 233 80 PASSWORD extras ---------- Each Password is attached to a specific picture, as follows: "PASSWORD" pictures (6/320) 044 50 STAGE OF HISTORY 071 30 POWER OF DARKNESS 110 30 AGE OF APOCALYPSE 154 50 EYE OF EVIL 214 80 SOUL OF HERO 247 80 TERROR OF NIGHTMARE Enter these passwords on the Namco webpage (, in the Dreamcast SoulCalibur Password Page: As of current writing, all passwords are active. Passwords were supposed to remain active until (or perhaps through) Dec/2000; judging from the fact that the password page and passwords are currently still active, however, things have apparently been extended for at least a little while longer. =) Note also that there are two additional PASSWORDS which may be earned via the downloadable VMU mini-games located at: There is a Xianghua Text Adventure (mostly text, some pictures, and occasional choice points, where you're generally given 2 or 3 options to choose from) and a Mini-game 3-Pack (a Voldo "trampoline" game, a word (un)scramble game, and a "cannon" game). The Xianghua Text Adventure will require 99 blocks, and the Mini-game 3-Pack will require 98 blocks on your VMU (of course, I think you can only have one mini-game on your VMU at a time...). Note that some Japanese VMU file download processes *will* check to see what browser you're running, so if you get a "Forbidden" error on a download or download page, you may have to use the browser from a Japanese game (Dream Passport, DP2, DP3...), or, more specifically, the browser from that specific Japanese game (in this case, the J version of SoulCalibur). [side notes: If you need help configuring Dream Passport for your ISP, consult a Dream Passport FAQ. If you need further assistance, e-mail the author of that FAQ. Do not e-mail me with any such queries/requests, because in all likelihood, unless you're a close personal friend, I probably won't have the time to even respond to your e-mail, let alone actually help you out. ^^; ] Getting "ENDING 1" in the Xianghua Text Adventure will earn you the password from that mini-game. And getting above a certain pre-determined level or score in *any* of the three games on the Mini-game 3-Pack (each has a specific condition) will earn you the password from the 3-Pack (there's only one password). Here are the passwords earned from each: Xianghua Text Adventure KISS OF ANGEL Mini-game 3-Pack GEAR OF MADNESS III.3.B Earning points from other game modes ------- You can actually earn points from game modes other than Mission Battle Mode, as follows: For finishing Arcade Mode or Time Attack Mode: 10 pts/completion after mission 12.1 has been completed 20 pts/completion after mission *.1 has been completed 50 pts/completion after mission *.2 has been completed For every 10 wins (in a single game) in Survival or Extra Survival: 10 pts/10 wins after mission 12.1 has been completed 20 pts/10 wins after mission *.1 has been completed 50 pts/10 wins after mission *.2 has been completed III.3.C In-view commands ------- The following commands are available while viewing a picture in the Art Gallery (functions are assigned to fixed buttons on the DCast controller, btw): dcA Toggle title/caption dcB Exit to picture select X Zoom in Y Zoom out L/C View previous picture in current gallery R/Z View next picture in current gallery u/d/l/r Move picture u/d/l/r. -------------- IV. Miscellany -------------- IV.1 The replay camera For rounds that your character wins, you will actually have control over the replay camera, as follows (functions are assigned to fixed buttons on the DCast controller, btw): up/down Rotate camera vertically left/right Rotate camera horizontally X Zoom in Y Zoom out dcB/Z Toggle focus from one character to the other IV.2 Practice Mode replay In the Practice Mode replay (press START during Practice Mode, and select the "Start Replay" option), the camera can be controlled just like during normal replay. The replay will loop indefinitely (I think), until you exit by hitting the START button (Practice Mode will then reset back to starting conditions). You can also speed up or slow down the replay, as follows: L Slow replay R Fast replay Either hit or hold a trigger to change the replay speed; speed will reset back to standard when the replay loops back to the beginning. These codes will not work with the Arcade Stick, since it does not have an R or L trigger. Note: You can hold the R trigger down while doing the other replay commands (zoom, rotate, etc.), but holding the L trigger down seems to cause the following difficulties: zoom in, zoom out will not function; camera angle rotation will get stuck on whatever d-pad command was being entered when you started holding L. The character focus toggle seems to work fine, though, when holding L. Practice Mode replay bug (non-fatal): Do one of the following throws in Practice Mode, and then Replay it. Press START (to exit the replay loop) *during* the throw move, and when things reset, the thrown character will start acting, uh, kinda weird (stumbling/dancing around, and stuff; the weirdness will last until the character is hit, or a command is inputted for him)... These are the cases for which this occurs (I've actually tested every character combination, so the following list should be complete): Taki throwing Astaroth (any Taki throw) Voldo throwing Astaroth (any Voldo throw) Astaroth throwing Voldo (any Astaroth throw) Cervantes throwing Voldo (any Cervantes throw) Cervantes throwing Rock (any Cervantes throw) Cervantes throwing Kilik (any Cervantes throw) (note: Cervantes' standard (from front) G+B throw is somewhat temperamental (based upon when you interrupt it), for activating the bug; in general, moments when he's actually damaging his opponent with it seem to work better than moments when he is not...) IV.3 The Character Profile view In the Character Profiles section of the Museum (see the Mission Mode section of this document for info on how to release the Character Profiles feature), once you've selected a character, you'll actually have some degree of control over the view, as follows (functions are assigned to fixed buttons on the DCast controller, btw): left/right Rotate camera horizontally X Zoom in Y Zoom out L/Z On/off toggle for on-screen text box IV.4 The title screen(s) There are actually four different title screens in the game. The following are the conditions required for each: 1) Initial Title Screen (no conditions; initially available) 2) Edge Master and Weapons - All (19) characters playable 3) 16 Characters & the SoulCalibur (b/w) - All characters playable - Complete Gallery (338 pictures) - All Missions playable (including Special Missions) 4) 16 Characters & the SoulCalibur (color (gold/purple)) - All characters playable - Complete Gallery (338 pictures) - All Missions completed (including Special Missions) (note on title screen 2: This is a b/w version of picture 068 in the Art Gallery...) (notes on getting title screen 3: To make all Missions playable, minimally, all you have to have done is: completed missions *.2, S2.1, S2.2, S2.3, and S2.4. While it's not technically necessary to have done any of the Extra missions, completing most or all of the Extra missions will help greatly towards the Complete Gallery condition...) IV.5 BGM Test The BGM Test (music player) option (located in the Sound Options section of the Options Menu) has a total of 30 tracks (whose complete runtime is around 43'15"). The music player doesn't start with all 30 tracks, however. These are the tracks it starts with initially: 1-12, 21-22. The rest of the tracks can be released as follows: 13 release Stage: Remain in the Desert 14 release Stage: Water Vein 15 release Stage: City of Water 16 release Stage: The Colosseum 17 release Stage: Turkish Labyrinth 18 release Stage: Odalisque and Adrian 19 release Stage: Gap of the World 20 release Slideshow option in Art Gallery 23 release Opening Direction option in Museum Mode 24-30 finish Arcade Mode (any character, any settings) IV.6 The VMU screen There are, as far as I know, only four things the VMU screen is used for in the DCast SoulCalibur: SoulCalibur logo default Save icon (Ivy) while saving Load icon (Xianghua) while loading SD character during battle IV.7 Auto-save SoulCalibur has an auto-save process. However, this auto-save feature cannot be turned off (of course, if you want to prevent an auto-save, you can always just pull your VMU out (but don't do this while the VMU is in the process of loading or saving, of course!). Do note that there is also a manual SAVE process in the Memory Card section of the Options Menu, as well as in the main menu in Mission Battle Mode. The auto-save points are fairly prevalent within the game (the game usually auto-saves when you exit a game Mode, and after each time you complete a game (like Arcade Mode), for example; keep an eye on the VMU screen (or watch for the in-game "now saving" screen) if you want to spot the auto-save points), but if you want to be sure, you can always just do a manual SAVE... IV.8 Soft reset The standard DCast five-button reset (A+B+X+Y(START)) will "soft" reset the game back to the title screen, unless done anytime (I think) during Attract Mode, in which case it will exit you entirely out of the game, and back to the main DCast menu. So be careful not to do a soft reset during Attract Mode! (unless you actually want to exit the game, that is...) IV.9 Attract Mode stuff For those of you who are interested, here's the order of events in Attract Mode, if you don't do anything and just let the game cycle through: OP sequence Title screen Character battle and profile High score screen namco screen Character exhibition (kata) Title screen Character battle and profile High score screen After that, attract mode will cycle back to the OP sequence again... Here are some more detailed notes: OP sequence - Attract mode will switch between your custom OP sequence (as specified in the Opening Direction section of the Museum) and a quasi-random (all character slots seem to be random, except for the "A girl in the wind" slot, which seems to randomly select only from the female characters) OP sequence, starting, of course, with the custom OP. Character battle and profile - The character being profiled will always start on the P1 side; the battle opponent appears to be chosen randomly. Attract mode will go through the character battle/profiles in the following order: Kilik, Xianghua, Maxi, Mitsurugi, Taki, Voldo, Sophitia, Nightmare, Astaroth, Ivy, Seung Mina, Hwang, Yoshimitsu, Rock, Lizard Man, Edge Master, Siegfried, Inferno, Cervantes. For each character, all available outfits will be cycled through, starting with the P1 outfit. So for a character with 2 outfits, it will take two battle/profile demos to complete the outfit cycle, while for a character with 3 outfits, it will take three. High score screen - Attract mode will go through the high score screens in the following order: Arcade, Time Attack, Survival, Extra Survival. Character exhibition (kata) - Attract mode will go through the character kata in the following order: Kilik, Xianghua, Maxi(1), Mitsurugi, Taki, Voldo, Sophitia, Nightmare, Astaroth, Ivy, Seung Mina, Hwang, Yoshimitsu, Rock, Lizard Man, Edge Master, Siegfried, Cervantes, Maxi(2). The outfit cycle process is the same as for the character battle and profile demo (see above). Attract mode character exhibition (kata) stage variations: Under certain conditions, instead of a character's standard stage, the variation of that stage will be used instead, for the attract mode kata. Here are the characters and conditions (date/time conditions (based on DCast system clock/calendar (as opposed to the VMU), I think)), for each attract kata stage variation: Mitsurugi December-February The Inundated Castle (WINTER) Kilik September-November The Pure Training Spot (EVENING) Xianghua September-November The Chinese Temple (AUTUMN) Astaroth 3:00pm-3:15pm The Edge of Chaos (DARK) Hwang 7:00pm-4:59am Remain in the Desert (NIGHT) Note: In attract mode, Edge Master's stage will be the stage for the character whose style he's using. I haven't checked to see if Edge Master, when using one of the above styles, may also appear on a stage variation, under the above conditions... though I suppose it is possible that he might. (shrug) IV.10 Screensaver function Yep, there's actually a screensaver function in the game! Well, okay, all it does is darken the screen a bit. And it only works in certain sections of the game. But anyway... here are the areas I've found the screensaver to work in: Mission Mode map screen, and anywhere in the Art Gallery besides the Slideshow. Activation time is 5 minutes (of idle time). (Side notes: The screensaver is probably just the DCast system's default screensaver function, which I think will not activate if the system actively reads from the disc (which SoulCalibur does, in order to play BGM). And in case anybody's interested, CD spin stop activation time is 1 hour (of idle time). Like the screensaver, I think this will only work in certain parts of the game (in the Options Menu, for example), though...) There is also a screensaver in the web browser (Dream Passport 2) included with the game (note: the U/C version of SCalibur does not have an Internet option, so probably has no browser). The screensaver seems to be based upon the SCalibur character portraits (i.e. the pictures shown during the VS. screens), and will apparently choose one at random, and take it through one of a few simple screensaver effects. Once you're running DP2 (you don't necessarily have to be connected to your ISP), screensaver activation time is 5 minutes (of idle time). Approximately every five minutes thereafter, the screensaver will reset, choosing a new character portrait, and possibly a new effect to run... ------------------- V. Thanks and Stuff ------------------- Thanks to: The Dreamcast secrets site at (, for the supplementary color variation codes, the Practice Mode replay speed codes, the Practice Mode throw-replay-reset bug (Taki/Voldo vs. Astaroth, Astaroth vs. Voldo), and for pointing me in the right direction on the attract mode kata stage variation conditions. FamiTsu DC (Japanese magazine) (2000.07.28 issue), for mentioning Edge Master's extra Kilik-style move. ------------------------------------------------- The latest version of this file can be found at: More Heroes in a Warlike Age -------------------------------------------------