+===========================================================================+ | | |WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WAR| | | | The following contents of this text document cannot be rewritten, | |reproduced, copied, reformatted, altered or even re-broadcasted without the| |expressed written consent of the author and GameFAQS.com | | | +===========================================================================+ ZZZZZ ZZZZZ ZZ ZZZZZ Z Z ZZZZZ Z Z Z Z Z ZZZZZ Z Z ZZ Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z ZZ Z Z Z Z Z Z ZZZZZ ZZZZZ ZZZZZ Z ZZZ Z Z ZZ Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z ZZZZZ ZZZZZ ZZZZZ Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z ZZZZZZZ Z Z ZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZ Z Z Z Z Z ZZ Z ZZZZZZZ ZZZZ ZZZZZ ZZ Z Z Z Z Z ZZ ZZZZZZZ Z Z ZZZZZZZ Z ZZZZZZZ Z Z Z Z Z ZZZZZZZ Z Z Z ZZZZZZZ Z Z Z Z Z Z Z ZZ Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z ZZ ZZZZZZZ ZZZZZ Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z ZZ Z Z Z Z Z Z Z ZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZ Z ZZZZZZZ Z Z Z Z ZZZZZZZ Z Z (South Park Chef's Luv Shack Walkthrough) For the P L A Y S T A T I O N & P L A Y S T A T I O N One By Mazinger_Kaiser (photonpowerlab@yahoo.com) Version 1.00 System Requirements =================== 1 or 4 Controllers (Analog or Non-Analog) 1 Sony Playstation Multi Tap (To maximize player capacity) Game Features ============= Non-Analog Compatible Four Player Party Game (2-4 Players can play simultaneously) Tons of Mini Games and Trivias Four Main Characters from the South Park T.V. Series to choose from Other Characters from the show also makes an appearance Same swearing-censored format and hilarious jokes *Parental Guidance is advised due to some mature contents and swearings Game Procedure ============== Press Start Press X to Join Choose Character Choose Level (Depends on how many rounds the game will go) Legend: 2, 4, 6 & 8 - no. of rounds +-----------------+ | LUV O' METER | +-----------------+ | Hot & Heavy | 8 +-------------+ | Good Luvin' | 6 +-------------+ | Fore Play | 4 +-------------+ | Quickie | 2 +-------------+ Types of Mini Games =================== Snow Fort ========= -Save your snowman from attacking balls -Nail the other kid's snowmen until they fall -Catch and fire for a powered-up snow maul *Hold X to catch the ball and wait until the ball starts to blink rapidly before releasing the X button -Button Configuration- X - Catch <- - Left -> - Right Bad Kitty ========= -Pot Pies: Cartman's got em - you want em -Jump over balls with Kitty agility -Get Eric's Poofs while your at it -Eat peppers for fire breath -Button Configuration- X - Jump <- - Left -> - Right Down Button - Down Up Button - Up Stampede ======== -Haul ass and stay ahead of the herd -Jump over logs and rocks -Don't become a cow patty -Button Configuration- X - Run Square Button - Hurdle *Tap X continuously and when you estimated your characters' distance near an obstacle, press square Eat This ======== -Use both hands to stuff your face with pie -Push eaten pies away to get more -Pig out till the clock runs out -Button Configuration- X - Left Hand Square Button - Right Hand Down or Up Button - Push Soda Shake ========== -Watch Chef's hands as he switches cans -Find his shaken can -Shaking cans is like making sweet, sweet love to a beautiful woman -Button Configuration- X - Pick can <- - Left -> - Right Avalanche ========= -Slalom down the slopes -Out-ski the snowy wall of doom -Jump over cracks and avoid wildlife -Grab 'Cakes' and 'Poofs' -Button Configuration- X - Jump <- - Left -> - Right Down Button - Down Up Button - Up Whack a Zombie ============== -Bean those creepy critters -Send the decayed back to the grave -Don't hit those cute little pets, though -No mercy for the dead -Button Configuration- <- - Left -> - Right Down Button - Down Up Button - Up Spank The Monkey ================ -Sick little monkey see, sick little monkey do -Watch Mr. Mackey spank -Spank like Mr. Mackey -Be the Assmaster -Button Configuration- <- - Left -> - Right Down Button - Down Up Button - Up Bees At The Picnic ================== -Swarm -Exterminate the pesky bastards with your killer spray -Avoid the deadly stingers -Button Configuration- X - Shoot <- - Left -> - Right Pizza Patrol ============ -Throw pizzas to hungry customers -Don't waste any on the patrol car -Deliver all 20 for a big fat tip -Button Configuration- X - Throw <- - Left -> - Right Chicken Lover ============= -Keep your eye on that chicken-loving freak -Pick his hiding place and waste him -Shooting fuzzy animals sucks ass -Button Configuration- X - Shoot <- - Left -> - Right Down Button - Down Up Button - Up Asses in Space ============== -Wipe the asses out. All of them -Use your 'gas' to cruise around -Keep those aliens off your tail -May the farts be with you -Button Configuration- X - Fire Square Button - Thrust <- - Left -> - Right Rodeo ===== -Follow the direction of the arrows -Repeat them in time with the bull -Ride 'em long time cowboy -Button Configuration- Up Button - Up Down button - Down <- - Left -> - Right Frog Toss ========= -Fling those frogs -Launch carnival frogs into the air and land them on lily-pads -Store bonuses by hitting the center island and pink flowers (eew!) -Button Configuration- X - Launch *The meter represents the distance of the launch to the target Go Karts ======== -Gentlemen, start your engines -Hit speed pads for a super boost -Dodge oil slicks and burn rubber -Go the distance to win the race -Button Configuration- X - Gas <- - Left -> - Right Scuzzlebutt =========== -Scuzzlebutts in trouble -Bounce water balloons to the burning tree -Watch out for bowling balls -Put fire out to sae Scuzzlebutt -Button Configuration- <- - Left -> - Right Beefcake ======== -Move your fat ass to catch the cans -Bounce them off your blubber for bonus points -Avoid red cans -Say it with me: Beefcake -Button Configuration- <- - Left -> - Right Parachute Drop ============== -Breathe damn it -Blow to keep your parachute afloat -Avoid lightning, birds and trees -Grab bonus items -Land on target to complete your mission -Button Configuration- X - Blow <- - Left Tug-Oh-War ========== -Yank it kids -Press the "pull" when indicated to help your partner win the war -Timing is the key to avoid icy doom -Button Configuration- X - Pull Round Up ======== -Collect the most eggs and chickens -Pick them up and throw them into the coop or at the other guys -Score with the chicks before time flies -Button Configuration- X - Lift/Toss <- - Left -> - Right Down Button - Down Up Button - Up Side Attractions ================ Double Down - Choose a value to determine if your score will be deducted or an additional point will be given, depending on your answer. The bet also depends on your current score Pressure Round - 20 sec. 10 questions. Left-Right chooses the answer. Get 7 out of 10 questions to give Eric the probe Wheel of Fortuitousness - Tap X to spin the wheel, don't stop until the assistant's hand isn't raised up beside the meter next to the wheel. Doing this gives a much faster spin Prizes: -3 nothing - -1000pts. -Double your money -3 mini-games - +1000pts. -Jail -Spin again Instructions ============ 1) The first phrase that appears before the question is the clue on what type of question your gonna get 2) There are four choices and only one correct answer 3) 500 pts. is deducted for every wrong answer and 500 pts. is awarded for every correct ones 4) If you don't know the answer or even if you do and just want to annoy somebody by dragging their scores down, just press X first for confir- mation to answer, then press square. Now choose someone you want to be shafted then press square again on your chosen target. This is enabled if there are 2 or more players are playing the game 5) * represents the correct answer Types of Questions that Chef asks ================================= [--- Damned It] 'According to the Bible what did God curse first?' -darkness -cain -the serpent* -satan [Sucks, Or Canadian?] "Three of these hockey teams are Canadians. Find the U.S. Counterpart (Hint: They Suck...)" -The Maple Leafs -The Oilers -The Flames -The Lightning [Firemen] "Look Mr. Garrison! A Fireman beefcake calendar! And the hottest month of the year appears to be..." -March -April -July* -September [America Loves Chicken!] "A scientist who loves chicken is called..." -An Ornithologist* -An Ornophiliast -A Hornithologist -An Avianist A group of chickens is called... -A Flock* -A Peck -A Roost -A Value Meal [The 1991 Denver Broncos] What conference are the Broncos in? -NFC West -AFC Central -NFC Central -AFC West* [Styx & Twigs] What symbol does Mr. Twig boast on his shirt? -A Rainbow -A Pink Triangle -An Alligator -A Heart [Hot, Strong & Dark] Take it from Tweek: the average shot espresso has this much caffeine: -50mg -100mg -200mg -300mg [People Who Eat People] "You've got to tell them! Soylent ------ is people!" -Brown -White -Green* -Black [DNA-Holes] Mephesto knows: the human body has this many chromosomes: -24 -46* -108 -Over a million The first mammal ever cloned was not a four-assed monkey but... -A Rat -A Cow -A Sheep* -A Pig Mephesto probably has a time share here: -Monster Island -Giligan's Isle -The Isle of Dr. Moreau* -Three-Mile Island [No Substitute For Luvin'] When Eric's mom makes mock apple pie, she substitutes apples with... -Lemons -Peaches -Crackers -Jell-O [Ashes To Asses] This country goes through the most fireworks: -China -The U.S. -Japan -Mexico [Saddamy] Saddam Hussein is the fun-lovin' leader of what overseas nation? -Iran -Syria -Iraq* -Lebanon [Scuzzlebutt & Friends] What the hell kind of name is "Sasquatch"? -Canadian -French -Aleutian -American Indian* What were those bug-eyed reptile things called on "Land of the Lost"? -Chakas -Sleestacks -Golem -Toadies [Damn, Leonard Maltin!] Damn, Leonard Maltin! Which movie began David Caruso's forgettable movie Career? -First Blood* -King of New York -Jade -Thief of Hearts Damn, Leonard Maltin! Which movie wasn't Sidney Poitier in? -Sneakers -Bopha! -They Call Me Mister Tibbs -To Sir, With Love [Lesbian Role Models] Lesbian Role Models hate this company, the world's leader in ladies' razors: -Bic -Schick -Gilette* -Silky [Food Stamp Collectors] This big '80s band got off to a "Rocky" start with their low-charting hit, "Poor Man's Son": -Loggins & McCormick -Mountain -Survivor* -The Outfield [Shenanigans!] Here's the deal, you have to pick the popular streetcorner swindle: -Kissin' Queens -Three Card Monte -Beat My Club -One-Eyed Jackson What do you mean pro wrestling is fake? Next thing you'll tell me, this guy never wrestled: -Rowdy Roddy Piper -Claus Von Bulow* -Fritz Von Erich -Andre The Giant [Mmm'Kay Sera Sera] Let's talk alphabet, mmm'kay? Of the 26 letters which ones are "m" and "k", mmm'kay? -#12 #10 -#13 #10 -#13 #11* -#14 #12 [I'm Thuper, Thanks For Athking!] C'mon guys! Let's go see the Thupertonics beat up our Denver... -Nuggets* -Grizzlies -Broncos -Rockies [Oh, Fudge!] The candy man because he mixes it with love... -"...down by the fire." -"...for a sugar sweet sexy treat." -"...before he coats it with his nuts." -"...and makes the world taste good."* I have crackers, this guy has oompa-loompas: -Robert Hershey -Samuel Mars -Willy Wonka* -Famous Amos [Big-Boned] What's the biggest bone in the human body? -Femur* -Tibia -Humurus -Backbone [A Form Of Herpes] Herpes simplex-1, which appears on the face, its also called a... -A Cold Sore -A Zit -An Acne -Melanoma [Hippie Crap] Where was the hippie hangout Haight-Ashbury? -The Village, NYC -San Francisco, CA* -Seattle, WA -Boulder, CO [Goldfish & Crackers] The band Cracker reached gold status with this album: -Low -Cracker -Kerosene Hat -Dookie [Giant Japanese Monster Bad!] "Green megaman plus red megaman plus yellow megaman equals mega megaman." Sounds suspiciously like this Japanese giant: -Ultraman -Mazinga -Reideen -Voltron* Which movie exist only in a geeks wildest dreams? -Godzilla vs. Monster Zero -Godzilla vs. Revenge -Godzilla vs. The Smog Monster -Godzilla Reigns Supreme* [Beefcake] Satan's beefy boxing weight is: -400 pounds, 10 ounces -255 pounds, 8 ounces -320 pounds, 4 ounces* -500 pounds [Manson Family Reunion] |This band recorded and released a song Chuck Manson wrote: -The Beatles -Sonny and Cher -Abba -The Beachboys +===========================================================================+ Brief Statement =============== Anonymity was used for this FAQ in order to protect the author, so this FAQ is rightfully owned by the authors' real name and is shared with GameFAQS.com Let's talk about Legalities and the Law ======================================= Only GameFAQS.com has the right to show this on the Internet but that doesn't mean other media means like: magazines, newspapers, tabloids, cheat manuals or famous console mags have that luxury. This text document is protected under International Law, so if you don't want to know just how long the arm of the Law is...then just don't. If you still don't get it then read the warning label on top so that you can get the picture. Credits and Thank You Galore ============================ To GOD The Creator of the heavens and the earth and to HIS Son Lord Jesus Christ - For strengthening my faith, giving me courage and hope and also for answering my prayers especially when I needed them Parents, Brother & Sister - For the annoyance and support that you gave me, knowingly and unknowingly Kyle, Ponang & Faustine - For making me a great uncle and always making me feel like a child again L.M. Larosa - For the memory and inspiration, I pray all the time that you are well, healthy and have never-ending happiness throughout your life Sony - For making a great console unit that changed everybody's life for the better PSP and Playstation - Are the properties of Sony Acclaim Studios and Comedy Central - A great game featuring my favorite South Park characters, thank you for making one. One suggestion, there should have been a director's cut version (unedited of course!) MUSICMATCH - For the free cd/mp3 player, arigato People I have met during Job hunting - You know who you are, thanks for the giggles, laughters and noise you all made while listening to my impressions and jokes retold by me from various movies and shows. Arigato gozaimasu! To ALL the SENTAI's & TOKUSATSU's - Arigato for being made to change my perception towards good and evil---Good must always prevail! Yosha! Natsuki Kato - Mysterious and petite, that's what you are to me. May you have more exposures other than Super 100 Go??? (Gomen I don't know the exact title of your show because I'm a Gaijin '(T__T)' ) Arigato for making my life always happy and smiling because of your hilarious but otherwise kawaii english :) GBA - Is the property of Nintendo. Onegai! Don't smite me by suing me, I give credit and mention your company. Thank you for understanding! And to You (The reader of this FAQ) - Thank you for coping with my rants and taking the time to download this piece of work. Domu Arigato! Other works of the Author are as follows: ========================================= Gear Senshi Dendoh Walkthrough Kamen Rider Agito Walkthrough +===========================================================================+ |2007 Copyright GameFAQS.com | |2007 Copyright Mazinger_Kaiser (photonpowerlab@yahoo.com) | +===========================================================================+