---------- ADVANCED PLAYER'S REFERENCE ---------- Star Wars, Episode I: Racer Final Revision Nintendo 64 Version V07APR99.1553 09-26-99 by Accutron ---------- TABLE OF CONTENTS ---------- I. INTRODUCTION 1.01: Notes 1.02: Disclaimer II. HARDWARE EXTRAS 2.01: Expansion Pak 2.02: Rumble Pak III. BASIC RACER STRATEGY 3.01: Beginning the Tournament 3.02: Always Take All 3.03: Getting A Running Start 3.04: When and How to Boost 3.05: Making Repairs 3.06: Crashes 3.07: So You Want to Buy Some Pit Droids 3.08: Purchasing Upgrades IV. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 4.01: Which is better, the PC or Nintendo 64 version of Racer? 4.02: Is Episode I: Racer available for Dreamcast, Macintosh or PlayStation? 4.03: Whats with those annoying double-doors on the Aquilaris tracks? 4.04: I'm stuck on the Grabvine Gateway track. I repeatedly crash in the swamp. What am I doing wrong? 4.05: I've beaten Sebulba's Legacy, but I didn't get Sebulba's podracer. What did I do wrong? 4.06: I'm stuck on the Abyss track. The other racers keep passing me. What am I doing wrong? 4.07: What's this I've heard about a dual controller mode? 4.08: Is the podracer's speedometer in mph or kph? 4.09: Which podracer is the fastest? 4.10: What is the fastest speed a podracer will go? 4.11: Which podracer is the best? 4.12: Oops, I accidentally recorded an impossibly fast track record by using a cheat code, how do I erase lap and track records? 4.13: How much money will I have to spend to fully upgrade my podracer? 4.14: Other than Jinn Reeso and Cy Yunga, are there any other secret podracers? 4.15: I've read about the cheat code RRPITDROID. It's supposed to give me six pit droids, but it doesn't seem to work. What am I doing wrong? 4.16: This game seems awfully easy. Is there any way to make the game harder? 4.17: How do I activate and use Sebulba's flamejet? 4.18: Man, you N64 guys sure have alot of cheat codes for Racer. Are there any for the PC? V. TRACK STATISTICS 5.01: The Boonta Training Course 5.02: Mon Gazza Speedway 5.03: Beedo's Wild Ride 5.04: Aquilaris Classic 5.05: Malastare 100 5.06: Vengeance 5.07: Spice Mine Run 5.08: Sunken City 5.09: Howler Gorge 5.10: Dug Derby 5.11: Scrapper's Run 5.12: Zugga Challenge 5.13: Baroo Coast 5.14: Bumpy's Breakers 5.15: Executioner 5.16: Sebulba's Legacy 5.17: Grabvine Gateway 5.18: Andobi Mountain Run 5.19: Dethro's Revenge 5.20: Fire Mountain Rally 5.21: The Boonta Classic 5.22: Ando Prime Centrum 5.23: Abyss 5.24: The Gauntlet 5.25: Inferno VI. PODRACER ATTRIBUTES 6.01: About the Attributes 6.02: Anti-Skid 6.03: Turn Response 6.04: Maximum Turn Rate 6.05: Acceleration 6.06: Maximum Speed 6.07: Airbrake Inverse 6.08: Deceleration Inverse 6.09: Boost Thrust 6.10: Heat Rate 6.11: Cool Rate 6.12: Hover Height 6.13: Repair Rate 6.14: Bump Mass 6.15: Damage Immunity 6.16: Intersect Radius VII. PODRACER STATISTICS 7.01: Bozzie Baranta 7.02: Aldar Beedo 7.03: Dud Bolt 7.04: Toy Dampner 7.05: Ebe Endocott 7.06: Gasgano 7.07: Mars Guo 7.08: Clegg Holdfast 7.09: Neva Kee 7.10: Elan Mak 7.11: Ody Mandrell 7.12: Mawhonic 7.13: "Bullseye" Navior 7.14: Teemto Pagalies 7.15: Slide Paramita 7.16: Ben Quadinaros 7.17: Jinn Reeso 7.18: Boles Roor 7.19: Ark "Bumpy" Roose 7.20: Wan Sandage 7.21: Fud Sang 7.22: Sebulba 7.23: Anakin Skywalker 7.24: Ratts Tyerell 7.25: Cy Yunga VIII. PODRACER UPGRADE COMPONENT RATINGS 8.01: Traction Upgrades 8.02: Turning Upgrades 8.03: Acceleration Upgrades 8.04: Top Speed Upgrades 8.05: Air Brake Upgrades 8.06: Cooling Upgrades 8.07: Repair Upgrades IX. CHEAT CODES 9.01: Entering and accessing cheat codes 9.02: RRCYYUN 9.03: RRDEBUG 9.04: RRDUAL 9.05: RRJABBA 9.06: RRJINNRE 9.07: RRTANGENTABACUS ---------- I. INTRODUCTION ---------- 1.01: Notes This player's reference covers general racing strategy, parts-buying strategy, and provides complete performance statistics for each podracer. In addition, it lists comprehensive statistics for each track, and covers many frequently asked questions. While the suggestions in this guide can get you to the finish line with first place performance, they will not necessarily get you there in record time. Record times require practice and a familiarity with the handiling properties of your favorite podracer, not to mention an intimate knowledge of the track you are racing on. This editon fully supercedes all predecessors. This text may have typographic errors and incorrect information, which will be corrected when brought to the attention of the author. Questions, additions or corrections can be emailed directly to the author at accutron@communicomm.com. 1.02: Disclaimer The author of this text has no legal affiliation with Nintendo, LucasArts, or any other organization either directly or indirectly related to the conceptualization or production of Star Wars, Episode 1: Racer. The information contained within this text is provided as-is. The author makes no guarantee that the information is either correct or complete, and claims no responsibility for any damages incurred by use of this information. This edition of the Advanced Player's Reference may be distributed freely, so long as it is distributed whole and intact, with no modification of context or content. A portion of the information in this player's reference was derived directly from the game using the cheat code RRTANGENTABACUS. All other material (c)1999 Accutron. All rights reserved. ---------- II. HARDWARE EXTRAS ---------- 2.01: Expansion Pak The Nintendo 64 Expansion Pak is a four megabyte RAM upgrade which plugs into a slot on top of the N64 game console. It is available at most stores which sell Nintendo 64 consoles and game packs, and retails for around $30. Episode I: Racer is compatable with the Expansion Pack, and will display significantly improved graphics when the expansion pack is installed. Several aftermarket brands of the Expansion Pack are also available, although reliability and compatability of these expansion packs are unknown. 2.02: Rumble Pak The Nintendo 64 Rumble Pak is a module which plugs into the bottom of a standard Nintendo 64 controller. It is available at most stores which sell Nintendo 64 consoles and games, and retails for around $20. Episode I: Racer is compatable with the Rumble Pak, which will vibrate, pulse and jolt in parallel to certain events in the game. Below is a list of when and how the Rumble Pak will react to events in Episode I: Racer. - It jolts steadily during scrapes with obstacles, other pods, etc. - It jolts steadily during a single-engine death spin, and when you explode. - It jolts for a short period during a takeoff boost, and steadily during normal boosts. It does not rumble while boosting in midair. - It pulses intermittently during repairs, then jolts slightly harder when repairs are complete. - It pulses intermittently when driving in the "rough", such as the open flat shortcut area in The Gauntlet, or the open areas on either side of the track on Tatooine. This is presumably supposed to simulate irregularities in the driving surface, such as small rocks and dips. - It rumbles in sync with various geological instabilities such as the earthquakes on Baroonda and Aquilaris, and gas explosions on Oovo IV. It also rumbles with the gunshot explosions in The Boonta Classic. - It pulses intermittently during engine fires. ---------- III. BASIC RACER STRATEGY ---------- 3.01: Beginning the Tournament When you first start the tournament, you can select from one of six pods. Although most sources recommend picking the pod that feels best to you, I personally suggest going with Anakin Skywalker, regardless of what "feels good". His pod is well-rounded, will function adequately on any course, and once you are used to its handling, the transition to any other pod is minimal, due to its all-around average control. Once you get used to your driving preferences and get a few races under your belt, feel free to try other pods. 3.02: Always Take All There are three methods of payment you can select at the beginning of each track: Fair, Skilled, and Winner Takes All. It is very important to always have the option set on Winner Takes All. In Fair and Skilled modes, the top four placers will receive money. In Winner Takes All, only the first place racer gets the money, and they get all of it. When you race a track, if you are nearing the end of a race, and you don't anticipate placing 1st, abort the race and start over. If you place 2nd, 3rd or 4th place in Winner Takes All, you forever lose the chance to win money on that track. If you don't race at least some of the tracks on Winner Takes All, you will not be able to fully upgrade your pod, due to lack of funds. 3.03: Getting a Running Start Although it is not crucial, it's a good idea to get into the habit of getting a takeoff boost at the beginning of each race. To get a takeoff boost, keep your finger off the accelerator button until you see the 1 almost completely fade on the 3-2-1 countdown, then hit the accelerator. Contrary to other sources, you do not have to push your control stick forward to get a takeoff boost. If you get the boost, the pilot will make some exclamatory remark (Anakin says "YEEHAW!"), the pod will make the typical boosting noise for a second, and you will rocket a short distance ahead of the other racers. With a bit of practice, consistently getting takeoff boosts will become second nature. 3.04: When and How to Boost To boost, push your control stick forward. When the thrust meter in the lower right of your screen fills, the status indicator will change from green to yellow, indicating that boost is available. By quickly releasing the A button and immediately pressing it again, you will activate boost mode. Your status light will turn red, and your thrust meter will gradually fill, from blue to red. After boosting for a few seconds, you will hear a beeping sound, indicating that your engines are heating up. When the beeping increases in pitch and repetition, it indicates that your engines are reaching dangerously high temperatures. If you fail to release your boost before the thrust meter completely fills, one of your engines will burst into flames. Engine fires affect speed and handling of your pod, as the damaged engine cannot provide full thrust levels. As your engine burns, it suffers damage, which will eventually become critical and destroy the engine if not repaired. Try to repair engine fires immediately, to prevent your pod's destruction. It is best to boost in long straight stretches of track, as your pod will handle extremely poorly while boosting. In addition, the added speed provided by a boost makes your pod extremely vulnerable to collision damage. This can make boosting in narrow passages or while in a pack of other racers extremely hazardous. Your pod will not be able to obtain boost mode if your thrust meter's status indicator is not green. The most common cause of this is if you are not driving on the designated track. 3.05: Making Repairs Every time you bump into an environmental obstacle or another pod, you may potentially receive damage. When you receive damage, your engine status display will pop up in the lower left of the screen. As your engines get banged up, certain sections of the engine status display will change color, to indicate the condition of the engines. As a segment of an engine takes damage, the status display's color will transmute from green to red. If an engine is critically damaged, the status display will flash "WARNING", indicating impending doom if you fail to repair your pod within the next few seconds. Any engine segment that is damaged to the point of turning orange or red is elegible for repairs. To execute repairs, hold down the R button. While the repairs are being executed, the engine will be taken offline, and will be accompanied by an audible hissing and ringing sound. When repairs are complete, the engine will be brought back online and an audible chime will be heard. The repair function will cycle through each damaged engine segment, starting with the most damaged, even switching back and forth from engine to engine within the repair cycle. Engines cannot be fully repaired back to a green condition, but rather can only be repaired to a yellow condition. While it is critical to stay on top of engine damage, there are times when holding off on repairs will prevent you from losing control of your pod. Since the engine being repaired must be taken briefly offline, not only will the pod slow down, but it will handle incorrectly. In other words, executing repairs while in tight turns or while trying to pass another pod is generally unwise. 3.06: Crashes It is of course always better to not crash, but it is an inevitability of podracing. On most tracks, crashing a several times will not destroy your chances of getting into the winner's circle. However, on certain other tracks, even a few crashes may take you out of decent placing altogether. If you lose an engine and go into a single-engine death spin, keep steering until you die. Your pod will still handle fairly well, and will usually not lose much if any speed at all. 3.07: So You Want to Buy Some Pit Droids Before you start buying any upgrade components, buy all three extra pit droids, bringing you up to a total of four. The more pit droids you have, the faster your pod's damaged components can be repaired. This will save you alot of money down the road, and will give you more of a margin of error when it comes to beating up your pod in a race. If you do happen to cause damage to a part, try to run the next couple races without crashing, and your pit droids will be able to catch up on repairs. It is crucial that you finish the tournament with as little damage as possible, because once you've beaten all of the races, the components installed on your ship are permanently fixed in their present condition. The only way to repair them afterwards is to shell out some cash...and a heavily damaged Block6 Thrust Coil isn't a cheap fix. 3.08: Purchasing Upgrades First and foremost, purchase upgrades only when your pod's performance is being outpaced by the other racers. As you progress through the circuits, the AI level of the competitors will increase. When their AI is better than your pod can handle, stop by Watto's shop. If you're having problems with top speed, get a better thrust coil. If you're having problems taking those hairpin turns on Baroonda, upgrade your turning, and soforth. Never buy more than absolutely necessary; it only means you have a more expensive part to replace if your pit droids fall behind. Don't even bother with buying parts out of the junkyard. If you keep the skill level on Winner Takes All, you will surely have enough truguts to buy factory-new upgrades. ---------- IV. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ---------- 4.01: Which is better, the PC/Mac or Nintendo 64 version of Racer? This is probably the most heavily debated aspect of Racer, and the answer's the same for any game released on both PC and console. If you have a relatively modern, graphically endowed PC, then the PC version of Racer would probably be more appropriate. If your PC is a clunker *raises hand*, or if you just like the N64 controller, then the N64 version is probably for you. The graphic quality provided by the PC version is undoubtedly superior to that of the N64 version, but the PC does not have access to any of the N64 cheat codes, including the ones which unlock the two secret podracers, and the one that allows you to edit pod stats and competitor AI. 4.02: Is Episode I: Racer available for Dreamcast or PlayStation? There was talk of a PlayStation version, but it looks as if that project may be canceled. Here's an excerpt from an article posted on theforce.net: "With work on 'Racer' for the Playstation having begun only three months ago, and with some of LucasArts' programming staff leaving, it would take too long and cost too much to finish porting the game." There have also been rumors on several gaming sites about the possibility that the Sega arcade version of Racer may be ported to Dreamcast. Apparently the Sega arcade hardware is very similar to that of the Dreamcast, and porting it may be currently on Sega's drawing board. The graphics in the arcade version of Racer are truly spectacular; hopefully these impressive graphics will be faithfully reproduced in any future Dreamcast version. 4.03: What's with those annoying double-doors on the Aquilaris tracks? To successfully get through the double doors, try the following technique: on the first lap, go through the left door, then the right door. On the second and third laps, the doors will be oscillating inward and outward. Just stay towards the middle and pick a side. With any luck you will slide right through. 4.04: I'm stuck on the Grabvine Gateway track. I repeatedly crash in the swamp. What am I doing wrong? Make sure you have a pod with excellent turning and traction. Keep ontop of damage and become proficient at braking and sliding. Watch the map, as it is hard to see upcoming turns. As you exit the swamp, be careful not to slam into the statue. 4.05: I've beaten Sebulba's Legacy, but I didn't get Sebulba's podracer. What did I do wrong? Nothing. To get Sebulba's podracer, you must achieve 1st place in the Boonta Classic, the final race in the Galactic Circuit. 4.06: I'm stuck on the Abyss track. The other racers keep passing me. What am I doing wrong? To beat Abyss on the N64 version of Racer, it is absolutely critical that you stay on the top track on the first stretch of scaffolding. Use a pod with excellent traction and turning, and slow down before making the first turn. If you fall off the top track before exiting the scaffolding, restart the race. Do not worry about the other racers passing you when you slow down to make the turns; you will be able to pass them further down the track. On the PC and Macintosh versions of Racer, the competitors will follow you to the bottom track if you slip off the top, changing the whole dynamic of the track and making it much easier to beat. 4.07: What's this I've heard about a dual controller mode? The dual controller mode can be activated by entering the RRDUAL cheat code, and is only available on the N64 version of Racer at this time. Player One uses the controllers on jacks one and three, while Player Two uses the controllers on jacks two and four. Dual controller mode allows you to control the thrust of each engine independently. The controls operate as follows: Accelerate: Left stick up/right stick up Brake: Left stick down/right stick down Right Turn: Left stick up/right stick down Left Turn: Left stick down/right stick up Tilt Right: Left stick right/Right stick right Tilt Left: Left stick left/Right stick left Boost: Z button (either controller) Repair: R button (either controller) 4.08: Is the podracer's speedometer in mph or kph? There has been some dispute as to whether the speed display in the lower right of the screen is measured in MPH or KPH. However, the Official Nintendo Players Guide clearly states that it is indeed in MPH. 4.09: Which podracer is the fastest? Sebulba's podracer is the fastest unmodified pod, capable of achieving 600 mph without using boost. However, when your pods are maxed out, they all travel at a maximum of approximately 650 mph without boosting. The fastest pod while boosting is Ben Quadinaros, which can max out at approximately 1050 mph under normal conditions on a flat, even track surface. 4.10: What is the fastest speed a podracer will go? Without using cheat codes, the fastest a podracer will go is in the neighborhood of 1400 mph. This speed can only be achieved in the zero-G tunnels of Oovo IV, and can only be achieved with certain pods, namely Ben Quadinaros. By using cheat codes to alter your pod's statistics, you can achieve speeds approaching 3000 mph. Although there has been a dubious claim by a jediknight.net poster of legitimately breaking 2000 mph in the Oovo IV zero-G tunnels, nobody else has even come close to achieving this figure without using cheat codes. 4.11: Which podracer is the best? This question has been asked many times on jediknight.net, and has yet to be resolved. What it comes down to is that there is no pod which is clearly better than all of the others. The pods that are generally held in highest regard are Anakin Skywalker, Ben Quadinaros, "Bullseye" Navior, Ebe Endocott, Mars Guo, Neva Kee, Sebulba, Slide Paramita, Toy Dampner and Wan Sandage. 4.12: Oops, I accidentally recorded an impossibly fast track record by using a cheat code, how do I erase lap and track records? There is no known way to erase lap and track records on the N64 version of Racer. If you really want to get rid of the track records, return the cartridge to wherever you bought it and swap it for a fresh copy. 4.13: How much money will I have to spend to fully upgrade my podracer? Assuming that you never have to replace damaged parts, the cost of full upgrades and all four pit droids, minus trade-in value of your old parts, is 70,750 truguts. 4.14: Other than Jinn Reeso and Cy Yunga, are there any other secret podracers? Although there is always a possibility of more secret podracers, it is unlikely. Currently, no other secret podracers are known by the greater internet community of Racer players. 4.15: I've read about the cheat code RRPITDROID. It's supposed to give me six pit droids, but it doesn't seem to work. What am I doing wrong? The cheat code RRPITDROID is a hoax. The most pit droids you can have is four. 4.16: This game seems awfully easy. Is there any way to make the game harder? The only way to increase the difficulty is to tweak the AI settings by using the RRTANGENTABACUS cheat code. Simply increase the AI Level. The effect will last for the duration of one race. 4.17: How do I activate and use Sebulba's flamejet? To activate Sebulba's flamejet, double-tap the R button. Sebulba will say a random taunt like the other racers, and a flame will vent from his right engine for several seconds. Although it is somewhat difficult, you can set other racers' engines on fire with the flamejet. The best way to do this is to essentially get another pod tangled up in the right side of your pod, then firing the flamejet. Although it's a neat gimmick, it rarely has any substantial effects on the race's outcome. In fact, the lead lost by attempting a flamejet attack generally far outweigh any benefit gained by damaging another competitor. 4.18: Man, you N64 guys sure have alot of cheat codes for Racer. Are there any for the PC? The list of cheat codes for the PC version of racer seems quite short. The only one commonly noted in Racer forums will provide you with up to 5000 truguts after completing each race. Ask someone with a PC. ---------- V. TRACK STATISTICS ---------- 5.01: The Boonta Training Course Circuit: Amateur Planet: Tatooine Favorite: Sebulba AI Level: 86.40 AI Spread: 20.00 5.02: Mon Gazza Speedway Circuit: Amateur Planet: Mon Gazza Unlocked: Teemto Pagalies AI Level: 84.60 AI Spread: 23.00 5.03: Beedo's Wild Ride Circuit: Amateur Planet: Ando Prime Unlocked: Aldar Beedo AI Level: 87.80 AI Spread: 35.00 5.04: Aquilaris Classic Circuit: Amateur Planet: Aquilaris Unlocked: Clegg Holdfast AI Level: 87.70 AI Spread: 26.00 5.05: Malastare 100 Circuit: Amateur Planet: Malastare Favorite: Dud Bolt AI Level: 88.60 AI Spread: 32.00 5.06: Vengeance Circuit: Amateur Planet: Oovo IV Unlocked: Fud Sang AI Level: 88.00 AI Spread: 40.00 5.07: Spice Mine Run Circuit: Amateur Planet: Mon Gazza Unlocked: Mars Guo (Jinn Reeso with RRJINNRE code) AI Level: 92.20 AI Spread: 40.00 5.08: Sunken City Circuit: Semi-Pro Planet: Aquilaris Unlocked: "Bullseye" Navior (Cy Yunga with RRCYYUN code) AI Level: 97.00 AI Spread: 35.00 5.09: Howler Gorge Circuit: Semi-Pro Planet: Ando Prime Unlocked: Ratts Tyerell AI Level: 97.00 AI Spread: 38.00 5.10: Dug Derby Circuit: Semi-Pro Planet: Malastare Favorite: Elan Mak AI Level: 99.40 AI Spread: 30.00 5.11: Scrapper's Run Circuit: Semi-Pro Planet: Ord Ibanna Unlocked: Wan Sandage AI Level: 99.30 AI Spread: 36.00 5.12: Zugga Challenge Circuit: Semi-Pro Planet: Mon Gazza Unlocked: Boles Roor AI Level: 97.00 AI Spread: 35.00 5.13: Baroo Coast Circuit: Semi-Pro Planet: Baroonda Unlocked: Neva Kee AI Level: 100.40 AI Spread: 37.00 5.14: Bumpy's Breakers Circuit: Semi-Pro Planet: Aquilaris Unlocked: Ark "Bumpy" Roose AI Level: 99.90 AI Spread: 40.00 5.15: Executioner Circuit: Galactic Planet: Oovo IV Unlocked: Toy Dampner AI Level: 104.00 AI Spread: 30.00 5.16: Sebulba's Legacy Circuit: Galactic Planet: Malastare Favorite: Sebulba AI Level: 101.00 AI Spread: 33.00 5.17: Grabvine Gateway Circuit: Galactic Planet: Baroonda Favorite: Anakin Skywalker AI Level: 100.00 AI Spread: 34.00 5.18: Andobi Mountain Run Circuit: Galactic Planet: Ando Prime Unlocked: Mawhonic AI Level: 108.00 AI Spread: 38.00 5.19: Dethro's Revenge Circuit: Galactic Planet: Ord Ibanna Favorite: Ody Mandrell AI Level: 108.50 AI Spread: 35.00 5.20: Fire Mountain Rally Circuit: Galactic Planet: Baroonda Favorite: Ebe Endocott AI Level: 100.50 AI Spread: 35.00 5.21: The Boonta Classic Circuit: Galactic Planet: Tatooine Lap Time: 02:04.210 Race Time: 06:20.012 Unlocked: Sebulba AI Level: 112.00 AI Spread: 38.00 5.22: Ando Prime Centrum Circuit: Invitational Planet: Ando Prime Lap Time: 00:58.410 Race Time: 03:03.260 Unlocked: Slide Paramita AI Level: 113.50 AI Spread: 32.00 5.23: Abyss Circuit: Invitational Planet: Ord Ibanna Unlocked: Bozzie Baranta AI Level: 103.00 AI Spread: 35.00 5.24: The Gauntlet Circuit: Invitational Planet: Oovo IV Favorite: Gasgano AI Level: 106.00 AI Spread: 33.00 5.25: Inferno Circuit: Invitational Planet: Baroonda Unlocked: Ben Quadinaros AI Level: 104.50 AI Spread: 27.00 ---------- VI. PODRACER ATTRIBUTES ---------- 6.01: About the Attributes Each podracer has fifteen defining attributes which determine all of its physical characteristics. Seven of these are improvable by purchasing add-on components, while the other eight are hard-coded for each pod, only editable on a race-by-race basis when in debug mode. Since many of these restricted attributes have a major bearing on pod performance, two apparently identically equipped pods may behave very differently on the track. 6.02: Anti-Skid Anti-Skid indicates a pod's ability to stay on course when navigating a turn. Pods with higher Anti-Skid ratings tend to perform more adequately on heavily curved tracks, or tracks with icy or muddy surfaces. Anti-Skid can be improved by purchasing Traction upgrades. 6.03: Turn Response Turn Response is essentially the time it takes for the pod to react to steering input. Pods with higher Turn Response handle more responsively, and feel less sluggish when turning. Turn Response can be improved by purchasing Turning upgrades. 6.04: Maximum Turn Rate Maximum Turn Rate is simply the rate at which a pod can turn. Pods with a higher Maximum Turn Rate can successfully navigate curves at higher speeds. 6.05: Acceleration Acceleration is the rate at which a pod can increase its speed. Pods with a lower Acceleration rating can reach maximum speed in a shorter period of time. Acceleration can be improved by purchasing Acceleration Upgrades. 6.06: Maximum Speed This attribute is self-explanatory. Maximum Speed can be improved by purchasing Max Speed upgrades. 6.07: Airbrake Inverse Airbrake Inverse is the rate at which a pod's airbrakes can slow a pod. Pods with a lower Airbrake Inverse can stop faster than those with a higher rating. Airbrake Inverse can be improved by purchasing Braking upgrades. 6.08: Deceleration Inverse Deceleration Inverse is the rate at which a pod will slow down without applying brakes. Pods with a lower Deceleration Inverse will coast to a stop more rapidly than pods with a higher rating. 6.09: Boost Thrust Boost Thrust is the amount a pod can speed up while in boost mode. Pods with a higher Boost Thrust have a higher maximum boost speed. 6.10: Heat Rate Heat Rate is the speed at which a pod's engines will overheat while in boost mode. Pods with a lower Heat Rate take longer to overheat. 6.11: Cool Rate Cool Rate is the speed at which a pod's engines will cool off after disengaging boost mode. Pods with a higher Cool Rate will cool off more rapidly. Cool Rate can be improved by purchasing Cooling upgrades. 6.12: Hover Height Hover Height is simply the height at which a pod hovers above the ground. Pods with a higher Hover Height may bottom out less frequently than pods with a lower Hover Height, but the discrepancy is apparently minimal. 6.13: Repair Rate Repair Rate is the speed at which a pod can repair a given amount of engine damage. Repair Rate can be improved by purchasing Repair upgrades. 6.14: Bump Mass Bump Mass is the effective energy a pod imparts on other pods during a mid-air collision. Pods with a higher Bump Mass will strike other pods with more force and effect more damage on both themselves and the other pod. 6.15: Damage Immunity Damage Immunity is a pod's ability to resist damage from striking obstacles or other pods. Pods with a lower Damage Immunity will suffer less damage from a given collision than pods with a higher rating. 6.16: Intersect Radius Intersect Radius is effectively the size of a pod. Pods with a higher Intersect Radius have less of a margin of error when navigating narrow passages and tight packs of competitors. ---------- VII. PODRACER STATISTICS ---------- 7.01: Bozzie Baranta Engine Type: Shelba 730S Razor Anti-Skid: 0.35 Turn Response: 294.00 Maximum Turn Rate: 90.00 Acceleration: 2.10 Maximum Speed: 485.00 Airbrake Inverse: 42.00 Deceleration Inverse: 83.00 Boost Thrust: 275.00 Heat Rate: 11.80 Cool Rate: 3.50 Hover Height: 4.99 Repair Rate: 0.30 Bump Mass: 60.00 Damage Immunity: 0.55 Intersect Radius: 7.00 7.02: Aldar Beedo Engine Type: Manta Ramair Mark IV Flat-Twin Turbojet Anti-Skid: 0.30 Turn Response: 250.00 Maximum Turn Rate: 85.00 Acceleration: 4.00 Maximum Speed: 517.00 Airbrake Inverse: 35.00 Deceleration Inverse: 85.00 Boost Thrust: 360.00 Heat Rate: 10.50 Cool Rate: 4.50 Hover Height: 4.99 Repair Rate: 0.25 Bump Mass: 68.00 Damage Immunity: 0.40 Intersect Radius: 7.00 7.03: Dud Bolt Engine Type: Vulptereen RS 557 Anti-Skid: 0.54 Turn Response: 215.00 Maximum Turn Rate: 80.00 Acceleration: 3.00 Maximum Speed: 505.00 Airbrake Inverse: 35.00 Deceleration Inverse: 90.00 Boost Thrust: 230.00 Heat Rate: 8.60 Cool Rate: 2.50 Hover Height: 4.99 Repair Rate: 0.20 Bump Mass: 70.00 Damage Immunity: 0.35 Intersect Radius: 5.50 7.04: Toy Dampner Engine Type: Turca 910 Special Anti-Skid: 0.50 Turn Response: 270.00 Maximum Turn Rate: 86.00 Acceleration: 1.75 Maximum Speed: 485.00 Airbrake Inverse: 25.00 Deceleration Inverse: 70.00 Boost Thrust: 240.00 Heat Rate: 12.50 Cool Rate: 10.00 Hover Height: 4.99 Repair Rate: 0.50 Bump Mass: 40.00 Damage Immunity: 0.65 Intersect Radius: 7.00 7.05: Ebe Endocott Engine Type: Jak Racing J930 Dash-8, Split X Configured Anti-Skid: 0.60 Turn Response: 294.00 Maximum Turn Rate: 100.00 Acceleration: 2.50 Maximum Speed: 500.00 Airbrake Inverse: 40.00 Deceleration Inverse: 70.00 Boost Thrust: 190.00 Heat Rate: 15.20 Cool Rate: 11.00 Hover Height: 4.99 Repair Rate: 0.45 Bump Mass: 45.00 Damage Immunity: 0.70 Intersect Radius: 4.80 7.06: Gasgano Engine Type: Custom Ord Pedrovia Anti-Skid: 0.43 Turn Response: 238.00 Maximum Turn Rate: 82.00 Acceleration: 3.30 Maximum Speed: 510.00 Airbrake Inverse: 43.00 Deceleration Inverse: 83.00 Boost Thrust: 310.00 Heat Rate: 12.50 Cool Rate: 1.70 Hover Height: 4.99 Repair Rate: 0.40 Bump Mass: 63.00 Damage Immunity: 0.43 Intersect Radius: 4.20 7.07: Mars Guo Engine Type: Collor Pondrat Plug-2 Behemoth Anti-Skid: 0.60 Turn Response: 288.00 Maximum Turn Rate: 100.00 Acceleration: 2.30 Maximum Speed: 540.00 Airbrake Inverse: 30.00 Deceleration Inverse: 85.00 Boost Thrust: 315.00 Heat Rate: 7.50 Cool Rate: 2.10 Hover Height: 6.00 Repair Rate: 0.35 Bump Mass: 70.00 Damage Immunity: 0.50 Intersect Radius: 10.00 7.08: Clegg Holdfast Engine Type: Keizaar-Volvec KV9T9-B Wasp Anti-Skid: 0.50 Turn Response: 252.00 Maximum Turn Rate: 89.00 Acceleration: 1.75 Maximum Speed: 495.00 Airbrake Inverse: 45.00 Deceleration Inverse: 80.00 Boost Thrust: 303.00 Heat Rate: 11.50 Cool Rate: 5.00 Hover Height: 6.00 Repair Rate: 0.31 Bump Mass: 55.00 Damage Immunity: 0.43 Intersect Radius: 7.00 7.09: Neva Kee Engine Type: Farwan & Glott FG 8T8-Twin Block2 Special Anti-Skid: 0.80 Turn Response: 230.00 Maximum Turn Rate: 115.00 Acceleration: 1.00 Maximum Speed: 480.00 Airbrake Inverse: 30.00 Deceleration Inverse: 70.00 Boost Thrust: 280.00 Heat Rate: 11.50 Cool Rate: 3.30 Hover Height: 4.99 Repair Rate: 0.32 Bump Mass: 55.00 Damage Immunity: 0.60 Intersect Radius: 7.00 7.10: Elan Mak Engine Type: Kurtob KRT 410C Anti-Skid: 0.30 Turn Response: 224.00 Maximum Turn Rate: 95.00 Acceleration: 3.75 Maximum Speed: 480.00 Airbrake Inverse: 40.00 Deceleration Inverse: 70.00 Boost Thrust: 360.00 Heat Rate: 10.00 Cool Rate: 2.50 Hover Height: 4.99 Repair Rate: 0.30 Bump Mass: 53.00 Damage Immunity: 0.50 Intersect Radius: 6.00 7.11: Ody Mandrell Engine Type: Exelbrok XL 5115 Anti-Skid: 0.45 Turn Response: 238.00 Maximum Turn Rate: 90.00 Acceleration: 1.80 Maximum Speed: 475.00 Airbrake Inverse: 30.00 Deceleration Inverse: 65.00 Boost Thrust: 240.00 Heat Rate: 11.00 Cool Rate: 4.40 Hover Height: 5.00 Repair Rate: 0.40 Bump Mass: 57.00 Damage Immunity: 0.60 Intersect Radius: 5.20 7.12: Mawhonic Engine Type: Galactic Power Engineering GPE-3130 Anti-Skid: 0.36 Turn Response: 224.00 Maximum Turn Rate: 100.00 Acceleration: 3.75 Maximum Speed: 480.00 Airbrake Inverse: 41.00 Deceleration Inverse: 80.00 Boost Thrust: 350.00 Heat Rate: 13.00 Cool Rate: 7.00 Hover Height: 4.99 Repair Rate: 0.20 Bump Mass: 60.00 Damage Immunity: 0.48 Intersect Radius: 7.00 7.13: "Bullseye" Navior Engine Type: Irateq RQ 550C Dart Anti-Skid: 0.70 Turn Response: 322.00 Maximum Turn Rate: 120.00 Acceleration: 1.80 Maximum Speed: 480.00 Airbrake Inverse: 25.00 Deceleration Inverse: 70.00 Boost Thrust: 300.00 Heat Rate: 15.00 Cool Rate: 11.00 Hover Height: 4.99 Repair Rate: 0.56 Bump Mass: 45.00 Damage Immunity: 0.77 Intersect Radius: 7.00 7.14: Teemto Pagalies Engine Type: Irdani Performance Group- The IPG-X1131 Longtail Anti-Skid: 0.50 Turn Response: 260.00 Maximum Turn Rate: 90.00 Acceleration: 1.70 Maximum Speed: 479.00 Airbrake Inverse: 30.00 Deceleration Inverse: 60.00 Boost Thrust: 195.00 Heat Rate: 14.00 Cool Rate: 6.00 Hover Height: 4.99 Repair Rate: 0.43 Bump Mass: 50.00 Damage Immunity: 0.50 Intersect Radius: 8.00 7.15: Slide Paramita Engine Type: Pizer-Errol Stinger 627 S Anti-Skid: 0.43 Turn Response: 297.00 Maximum Turn Rate: 120.00 Acceleration: 1.95 Maximum Speed: 475.00 Airbrake Inverse: 30.00 Deceleration Inverse: 80.00 Boost Thrust: 200.00 Heat Rate: 16.00 Cool Rate: 12.00 Hover Height: 4.99 Repair Rate: 0.63 Bump Mass: 40.00 Damage Immunity: 0.80 Intersect Radius: 7.00 7.16: Ben Quadinaros Engine Type: Balta-Trabaat BT310 Anti-Skid: 0.45 Turn Response: 203.00 Maximum Turn Rate: 89.00 Acceleration: 3.00 Maximum Speed: 575.00 Airbrake Inverse: 40.00 Deceleration Inverse: 95.00 Boost Thrust: 400.00 Heat Rate*: 8.00 Cool Rate: 2.00 Hover Height: 4.99 Repair Rate: 0.28 Bump Mass: 73.00 Damage Immunity: 0.45 Intersect Radius: 7.00 7.17: Jinn Reeso Engine Type: Unknown Anti-Skid: 0.60 Turn Response: 288.00 Maximum Turn Rate: 100.00 Acceleration: 2.30 Maximum Speed: 540.00 Airbrake Inverse: 30.00 Deceleration Inverse: 85.00 Boost Thrust: 315.00 Heat Rate: 7.50 Cool Rate: 2.10 Hover Height: 6.00 Repair Rate: 0.35 Bump Mass: 70.00 Damage Immunity: 0.50 Intersect Radius: 10.00 7.18: Boles Roor Engine Type: Bin Gassi Racing Engines Quadrijet 4Barrel 904E Anti-Skid: 0.30 Turn Response: 280.00 Maximum Turn Rate: 83.00 Acceleration: 2.85 Maximum Speed: 590.00 Airbrake Inverse: 35.00 Deceleration Inverse: 85.00 Boost Thrust: 390.00 Heat Rate: 9.50 Cool Rate: 2.70 Hover Height: 4.99 Repair Rate: 0.18 Bump Mass: 62.00 Damage Immunity: 0.30 Intersect Radius: 7.00 7.19: Ark "Bumpy" Roose Engine Type: Vokoff-Strood Plug-8G 927 Cluster Array Anti-Skid: 0.30 Turn Response: 202.00 Maximum Turn Rate: 85.00 Acceleration: 1.00 Maximum Speed: 485.00 Airbrake Inverse: 30.00 Deceleration Inverse: 80.00 Boost Thrust: 210.00 Heat Rate: 10.50 Cool Rate: 6.5 Hover Height: 6.5 Repair Rate: 0.10 Bump Rate: 70.00 Damage Immunity: 0.25 Intersect Radius: 6.00 7.20: Wan Sandage Engine Type: Elsinore-Cordova Turbodyne 99-U Anti-Skid: 0.80 Turn Response: 294.00 Maximum Turn Rate: 95.00 Acceleration: 1.90 Maximum Speed: 480.00 Airbrake Inverse: 25.00 Deceleration Inverse: 70.00 Boost Thrust: 180.00 Heat Rate: 9.00 Cool Rate: 3.00 Hover Height: 7.00 Repair Rate: 0.19 Bump Mass: 60.00 Damage Immunity: 0.50 Intersect Radius: 7.00 7.21: Fud Sang Engine Type: Bokaan Race Engineering BRE Block6 Tri-Ram Anti-Skid: 0.35 Turn Response: 245.00 Maximum Turn Rate: 90.00 Acceleration: 2.85 Maximum Speed: 490.00 Airbrake Inverse: 30.00 Deceleration Inverse: 75.00 Boost Thrust: 250.00 Heat Rate: 12.00 Cool Rate: 6.50 Hover Height: 4.99 Repair Rate: 0.39 Bump Mass: 53.00 Damage Immunity: 0.55 Intersect Radius: 7.00 7.22: Sebulba Engine Type: Collor Pondrat Plug-F Mammoth, Split X Configured Anti-Skid: 0.38 Turn Response: 228.00 Maximum Turn Rate: 95.00 Acceleration: 3.20 Maximum Speed: 600.00 Airbrake Inverse: 38.00 Deceleration Inverse: 50.00 Boost Thrust: 185.00 Heat Rate: 9.00 Cool Rate: 2.00 Hover Height: 4.99 Repair Rate: 0.19 Bump Mass: 80.00 Damage Immunity: 0.30 Intersect Radius: 7.00 7.23: Anakin Skywalker Engine Type: Modified Radon-Ulzer 620C Racing Engines Anti-Skid: 0.50 Turn Response: 300.00 Maximum Turn Rate: 110.00 Acceleration: 3.00 Maximum Speed: 490.00 Airbrake Inverse: 30.00 Deceleration Inverse: 60.00 Boost Thrust: 200.00 Heat Rate: 13.00 Cool Rate: 9.00 Hover Height: 4.99 Repair Rate: 0.40 Bump Mass: 50.00 Damage Immunity: 0.60 Intersect Radius: 5.00 7.24: Ratts Tyerell Engine Type: Vokoff-Strood Titan 2150 Anti-Skid: 0.35 Turn Response: 238.00 Maximum Turn Rate: 90.00 Acceleration: 4.00 Maximum Speed: 520.00 Airbrake Inverse: 33.00 Deceleration Inverse: 60.00 Boost Thrust: 300.00 Heat Rate: 12.00 Cool Rate: 5.00 Hover Height: 4.99 Repair Rate: 0.30 Bump Mass: 5.00 Damage Immunity: 0.45 Intersect Radius: 7.00 7.25: Cy Yunga Engine Type: Unknown Anti-Skid: 0.70 Turn Response: 322.00 Maximum Turn Rate: 120.00 Acceleration: 1.80 Maximum Speed: 480.00 Airbrake Inverse: 25.00 Deceleration Inverse: 70.00 Boost Thrust: 300.00 Heat Rate: 15.00 Cool Rate: 11.00 Hover Height: 4.99 Repair Rate: 0.56 Bump Mass: 45.00 Damage Immunity: 0.77 Intersect Radius: 7.00 ---------- VIII. PODRACER UPGRADE COMPONENT RATINGS ---------- 8.01: Traction Upgrades - Traction upgrades affect Anti-Skid - Maximum available value: 1.00 Component: R-20 Repulsorgrip (default equip.) Cost: 250 Modifier: +0.00 Component: R-60 Repulsorgrip Cost: 400 Modifier: +0.05 Component: R-80 Repulsorgrip Cost: 600 Modifier: +0.10 Component: R-100 Repulsorgrip Cost: 1200 Modifier: +0.15 Component: R-300 Repulsorgrip Cost: 2600 Modifier: +0.20 Component: R-600 Repulsorgrip Cost: 6000 Modifier: +0.25 8.02: Turning Upgrades - Turning upgrades affect Turn Response - Maximum available value: 900.00 Component: Control Linkage (default equip.) Cost: 200 Modifier: +0.00 Component: Control Shift Plate Cost: 400 Modifier: +116.00 Component: Control Vectro-Jet Cost: 700 Modifier: +232.00 Component: Control Coupling Cost: 1600 Modifier: +348.00 Component: Control Nozzle Cost: 3800 Modifier: +464.00 Component: Control Stabilizer Cost: 7500 Modifier: +578.00 8.03: Acceleration Upgrades - Acceleration upgrades affect Acceleration - Minimum available value: 0.30 Component: Dual 20PCX Injector (default equip.) Cost: 800 Modifier: /1.00 Component: 44PCX Injector Cost: 2200 Modifier: /1.16 Component: Dual 32PCX Injector Cost: 5600 Modifier: /1.39 Component: Quad 32PCX Injector Cost: 7000 Modifier: /1.72 Component: Quad 44 Injector Cost: 10400 Modifier: /2.27 Component: Mag-6 Injector Cost: 14000 Modifier: /3.33 8.04: Top Speed Upgrades - Top Speed upgrades affect Maximum Speed - Maximum available value: 650.00 ComponentL Plug2 Thrust Coil (default equip.) Cost: 1000 Modifier: +0.00 Component: Plug3 Thrust Coil Cost: 2400 Modifier: +40.00 Component: Plug5 Thrust Coil Cost: 6000 Modifier: +80.00 Component: Plug8 Thrust Coil Cost: 14000 Modifier: +120.00 Component: Block5 Thrust Coil Cost: 17500 Modifier: +160.00 Component: Block6 Thrust Coil Cost: 20000 Modifier: +175.00 8.05: Air Brake Upgrades - Air Brake upgrades affect Airbrake Inverse - Minimum available value: 14.00 Component: Mark II Air Brake (default equip.) Cost: 700 Modifier: /1.00 Component: Mark III Air Brake Cost: 1400 Modifier: /1.09 Component: Mark IV Air Brake Cost: 3600 Modifier: /1.20 Component: Mark V Air Brake Cost: 7000 Modifier: /1.35 Component: Tri-Jet Air Brake Cost: 10400 Modifier: /1.54 Component: Quadrijet Air Brake Cost: 14000 Modifier: /1.79 8.06: Cooling Upgrades - Cooling Upgrades affect Cool Rate - Maximum available value: 20.00 Component: Coolant Radiator (default equip.) Cost: 50 Modifier: +0.0 Component: Stack-3 Radiator Cost: 100 Modifier: +1.6 Component: Stack-6 Radiator Cost: 300 Modifier: +3.2 Component: Rod Coolant Pump Cost: 900 Modifier: +4.8 Component: Dual Coolant Pump Cost: 2700 Modifier: +6.4 Component: Turbo Coolant Pump Cost: 5400 Modifier: +8.0 8.07: Repair Upgrades - Repair Upgrades affect Repair Rate - Maximum available value: 1.00 Component: Single Power Cell (default equip.) Cost: 150 Modifier: +0.00 Component: Dual Power Cell Cost: 300 Modifier: +0.10 Component: Quad Power Cell Cost: 800 Modifier: +0.20 Component: Cluster Power Plug Cost: 1400 Modifier: +0.30 Component: Rotary Power Plug Cost: 4000 Modifier: +0.40 Component: Cluster2 Power Plug Cost: 7000 Modifier: +0.45 ---------- IX. CHEAT CODES ---------- 9.01: Entering and accessing cheat codes To enter a cheat code, select an empty tournament file, hold down the Z button and use the L button to enter the code, then select END with the L button, while still holding down Z. To access the cheat menu, pause during a race and press up-left-down-right on the digital control pad, then select the newly available GAME CHEATS option in the pause menu. All cheats currently available will be displayed in an on-screen menu. 9.02: RRCYYUN Unlocks the secret character Cy Yunga (must have "Bullseye" Navior). 9.03: RRDEBUG Unlocks debugger. 9.04: RRDUAL Activates dual controller mode. 9.05: RRJABBA Unlocks invincibility under normal conditions. 9.06: RRJINNRE Unlocks the secret character Jinn Reeso (must have Mars Guo). 9.07: RRTANGENTABACUS Unlocks invincibility, secret characters, debugging, podracer stats and other features. 9.08: RRTHEBEAST Activates mirror mode. ----------