Street Fighter Alpha 3, Akuma guide. Written by Ramagamma. Final Version...Never to be updated again. Last updated - 11th October 2000. _____________________________________ Whats New ---------- Corrected some errors. Aded T.hawks strategy. ------------------------------------- CONENTS ------------------------------------- 1. A little about me. 2. A little about Akuma. 3. Moves list. 4. Special Moves. 5. Super Combos. 6. Which ISM. 7. Individual Strategies. 1. A little about me. ------------------------------------- Well where should i start. I am a kid living in Scotland who lives and breathes Street Fighter. I got the game a month and a half ago really really cheap off the internet and i just cant stop playing. I invite my friends round just to beat them time and time again. As i played and got better i realised that Akuma was the god of characters. So many people pick him because he is so easy to play with but the real reason is because he kicks ass. He has power like Birdie and E.Honda but he balances it with speed like Ryu and Rolento. He has some mad combos yet he still has some good normal moves. 2. A little about Akuma. ------------------------------------ So do you know who Akuma is. Hes the guy who plays a lot like Ryu and Ken but still has his own unique quality. He has the same basic moves as Ryu and Ken but also has some very neat specials and is fast enouch to get out of a tricky situation. Generally a lot of people would agree that Akuma is the most well balanced and most used character in the game. 3. Basic Moves List. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEGEND. QCF - Quarter Cirle Forward QCB - Quarter Circle Back HCF - Half Circle Forward HCB - Half Circle Back DF - Diagonally Down and Foward BF - Diagonally Down and Backward U - Jump up UF - Jump Forward UB - Jump Backward C - Crouch/Down F or > - Foward B or < - Backward WP - Weak Puncb MP - Medium Punch FP - Fierce Punch WK - Weak Kick MK - Medium Kick FK - Fierce Kick STANDING PUNCHES _____________________________________ WP (weak punch) ----- A very quick jab which not surprisingly knocks off hardly any life. Still quite good for annoying human opponents though and can be hit 2 or 3 times to make a nice simple combo. Use it againt human opponents to annoy them. MP (medium punch) ----- Surprigly quick for a weak move and does a relativley large amount of damage for a weak move. Cant really be comobed after anything than a small dragon punch but none the less a good move. If you hold foward just before hitting the button Akuma will chop the air in front of him. FP (fierce punch) ----- Akuma stands to one side and punches into the guts of the opponent. Good range and good damage so use it wisley. If you hit someone who blocks then it will nearly knock off a whole notch on the guard meter so use againt constant blockers combined with a hurricane kick. ------------------------------------- STANDING KICKS ____________________________________ WK (weak kick) ----- Akuma will swing his leg down with a very weak kick. Still, its very useful for throwing a opponents wits of the battle and its very easy to combo this into a fireball for a nice 2 hit combo. MK (medium kick) ----- Slower and more damagine version of the above move. FK (fierce kick) ----- Akuma swings his foot upwards in a sort of stupid way. I dont really use this at all he has much better and quicker moves. -------------------------------------- CROUCHING PUNCHES ______________________________________ WP (weak punch) ----- Akuma throws out a quick left which can be combed into between 2-3 hits. Not exactly very powerful. MP (medium punch) ----- Just the same as above except Akuma uses a different hand and its slower and more powerful. FP (fierce punch) ----- Akuma stand up and does a brief little uppercut. A nice little tactic is to use a move that knocks the opponent in the air and as they are landing hold down and hit FP to uppercut them from the air. :) ------------------------------------- CROUCHING KICKS _____________________________________ WK (weak kick) ----- A small toe poke. What i like to do is hit them with this move and then stand up and hit a standing WK and follow it up with a strong fireball for a nice easy 3 hit combo. MK (medium kick) ----- Exactly the same as above except its a little slower to come out and does slightly more damage. Not to hot for doing combos. FK (fierce kick) ----- A highly used and very useful move. Akuma will sweep his leg underneath him and knock the enemy down. Its all to easy to confuse amateurs by jumping in with a FK and then hittin the crouching FK (sweep) for a nice 2 hit combo. ----------------------------------- JUMPING PUNCHES ___________________________________ WP (weak punch) ----- Akuma sticks out his fist at a 60° angle. Just avoid it and use a mid-air fireball instead. MP (medium punch) ----- Same story, same as above and slower. FP (fierce punch) ----- Yet again same as the above 2 except it comes out slower and is a little stronger. ----------------------------------- JUMPING KICKS ___________________________________ WK (weak kick) ----- Akuma sort of falls down knee first into the opponent. Like most jumping moves its not really used much by pros. MK (medium kick) ----- Akuma jumps with his foot at a 60°. Use the fierce version instead because its the same but more powerful. FK (fierce kick) ----- See above. 4. Special moves. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fireball. ---------- QCP, any punch. ---------- The standard Shotakan (Akuma, Ryu, Ken) fireball. Been in the Street Fighter games since its birth. The punch button used affects the speed and power of the fireball. (FP = strong and slow, WP = fast and weak). A particularly good tactic is to hit the opponent up in the air with a weak dragon punch and then him them in while they are in mid air with a fireball. Never ever use this when the opponent is withing jumping distance because they will clear your head and attack you before you can recover. If your against a human opponent mix up the speeds to confuse them. ---------- Flaming Fireball ---------- HCB, any punch. ---------- A more advanced form of the firball. Basically its Akumas fireball except its really on fire this time. Again the punch button used affects the speed and power. It can hit up to 3 times with a bit of luck but considering its fairly difficult to use its best left alone. ---------- Dragon Punch ---------- F, D, DF. ---------- Akuma leaps in the air first first. The button used affects the height and amount of hits. This is Akumas number one anti-air attack move. Time it right and you will be laughing as your knock the opponent from the sky. A easier method is to hit forward the then the fireball motion. ---------- Hurricane Kick ---------- QCB, any kick. ---------- Akuma jumps forward kind of spinning about with one leg sticking out. The button used affects the distance covered and the amount of possilbe hits. If the opponent blocks it your dead meat. Can also be used in the air but beware of being countered. ---------- Air Roll ---------- QCF, UP, FP, any punch or kick ---------- This is a cool move. You can use WP or MP instead of FP but Akuma doesnt travel nearly as far so it isnt usefull. What he does is do a huge roll/somersault in the air and then you can attack with either punch, kick, or a mid-air fireball. While in the air if you hit any punch then Akuma tries to punch their head BUT if you hit kick he tries to hit them in the head with his foot. Very good against human opponents. Also after the roll you can do a fireball in mid air. ---------- Mid Air Fireball ---------- (in air) QCF, any punch. ---------- While your in the air do a normal fireball move. Akuma sends a fireball from the air. Has to be done quickly or it will go below the opponent and has to be done not to fast or it will go over their head. If you get knocked in the air do a air recovery (2 punch buttons) and then use this and you might just get a nice little hit stopping them from juggling your in the air. ---------- Teleport ---------- F, D, DF, the 3 punches or 3 kicks. ---------- This is a cool move for gettin out of tricky situations. It can also be done backwards if you reverse the movements. If you use the punches you travel further than if you used the kicks. This move has a bit of start up where you can get hit but when Akuma is actually travelling your invincible making it very useful to get out against supers. Use this one wisley. 5. Super Combos ------------------------------------------ You know what i am talking about dont you. When the screen goes dark for a second and then you unleash a brilliant move which knocks half the life of the opponent away. Since i am mainly writing this guide for A-ISM (more later) you can use different strenghts of the button for less powerful moves but you can do more of them. For example you can do 3 level 1 supers or just 1 level 3 super or 1 level 2 super and a level 1 super. Capeish. ---------- Double/Triple Uppercut ---------- QCF x 2, FP. ---------- Now this is neat. If you use WP or MP then Akuma will do 2 Dragon uppercuts in a row (the first one is a weak one and the second is medium) however if you use FP then Akuma hits a weak DU (dragon uppercut) followed by a medium DU. To top it off he finished them with a Fierce DU. If you can catch the opponent with every hit of this move you get a 8 hit combo and at least 50 percent of their energy taken off. Another good tactic to use if the opponent is low on energy is to knock the opponent in the air using any move and as long as they dont have much energy left do the weak or medium version and you can juggle them 2 or 3 times in the air which has a high chance of killing them. --------- Super Fireball --------- QCB x 2, any punch. --------- Gee this move alone is hard enough to do but couple it with the fact its almost useless and youve got a very crappy super. Basically Akuma sends out a massive rainbow colored (?) fireball. Its way to easy for an opponent to avoid this or just block it coupled with the fact that it will take a few tries to get the move done makes this a very usless move. Unless you want to be flashy by knocking them in the air and timing this fireball so they land on it dont use this. --------- Super Mid Air Fireball --------- (in air) QCF x 2, any punch. --------- Well lets start with the basics for this move. You HAVE to be in the air but it really doesnt matter which height. I have fired this thing from the top of the screen and hit a opponent on the head and near the ground and hit their shin. The thing is that you have to be realy fast to get this out in the air. A nice little tactic is to get knocked up into the air by your opponent and then do a air recovery and hit them with this. Raging Demon ---------- Lp, LP, >, LK, FP. ---------- Ah the most famous and generally greatest move ever. Go into practise mode and try doing the button presses for the move until you have them memorised. At first its hard as hell to do but within 5 minutes you will be pulling them off at will. Remember thought that you do need 3 bars of your super full (or a entire X-ism bar) before you unlease the power of the raging demon. What Akuma does is sort of move forward on one leg as if he was teleporting and he grabs the opponent (unless they counter). The screen then turns white and little flashes of light blue indicate that Akuma is kicking the living crap out of their opponent. If one correctley you earn 15 hits and at least 60% of their life drained away. The main problem with the raging demon is that it can be countered fairly easy unless you are real close to the opponent. If you are playing against someone who doesnt know the "mechanics" of Akuma then you can easily pull of this move and they will block. Given that this move is unblockable you can pretty much guess what will happen. 6. Which ISM ----------------------------- Well since i am making this guide for people who already have a little experience in Street Fighter Alpha 3 so you know what i mean by the various ISMs. It never hurts to refresh your memory though. This Akuma guide is mostly written coming from the viewpoint of a A-ims (Z-ism in America and Japan) style. Lets go. A-Ism ----- Ah its clearly the best ISM out there for miles although some people want to stick with the others. Basically A-ism has everything. Air Recoveries, Air Blocking, Ground Rolls, Air Throws. 3 levels of supercombo meter. Its really good for some characters such as ones that do above average damage. However there are some characters that dont suit this because there not really as based on Super Combos as Akuma is. People like Guy or Vega or Blanka would be more suited to V-ISM, while i use Zangief or M. Bison in X-ism. Oh wait a second were going off the point. Back to Akuma. Yes akuma on A-ism is as deadly as they come. For one you have the handy addition of throwing out up to 3 super combos. Theres no real disadvantages to A-ism excpet you cant do custom combos ala V-ism but there not really that good anyways. Plus with Akuma on V-ism you cant do a Raging Demon. V-Ism ----- Well like i said V-ism isnt that good. Its better for quick characters such as Vega or Guy. Since Akuma is a mid speed character you really are much better of with A-Ism. However if you learn the proper strategies it is possible to beat the living daylights out of your opponent. So i suppose V-Ism has its uses but its really not as good for Akuma as A-Ism. The main gripe is the loss of Super Combos of which Akuma is very good with. X-Ism ----- Two Words, Oh No. X-Isms disadvantages outshine its one advantage. The only good thing about X-Ism is that your able to hit harder and receive less damage. Oh and you get a very large Guard Meter Bar but unless your playing against someone who hits a lot and very quickly OR very hard (Vega, Zangief, Balrog, Guy) isnt that much use anyway. Actually i have never been guard crushed by the computer. You can still do a raging demon but lets face it. You lose: Air Recoveries, Ground Rolls, Air Blocking, Custom Combos and you only get one super. Stick with A-Ism. 7. Individual Strategies --------------------------- This section is all about the strategies you should use as Akuma against every character in the game. The characters are (or at least should be) in alphabetical order. Enjoy. Adon ----- Ouch. This guy can hit really fast even if it dont do much damage. Watch out if your going to jump in because its very likeley you will be countered with a Jaguar Knee. Also if he does the super where he performs a few jumping kicks BLOCK, do not try and counter because it comes out so fast its way too likley you will get hit and then comboed. Keep the guy at a distance and pummel him with fireballs and if you do jump in make sure to hit a mid air fireball then your free to hit that super that uses 3 uppercuts and your laughing. Akuma ----- Ah, Mirror matchs. You know all the stuff ive told you to use against yourself but theres still a few pointers. Watch out for a Raging Demon coming your way or youll be near dead. Watch out for fireballs and if you jump in prepare for a dragon punch. Balrog ----- When this guy hits he hits hard. Because he uses his charging move a lot it should be fairly easy to hit a counter attack. Watch out for his big long punches and follow up with a sweep then a super. Birdie ----- Laughable. I dont think youll have any problem with him. Use a similar strategy as with Balrog attacking him while he rushes forward charging his Bull Horn. Hes a hard hitter but too dumb to follow through. Also do jump kicks a lot. Blanka ----- Not too much can be said for dumbasses like this. If he insists on using his electric attack then do a sweep so the edge of Akumas foot just touches Blanka and no more and youll get a nice counter hit for your troubles. Use plenty fireballs against him incase he even thinks of doing his rolling attack. Cammy ----- Damm this woman to eternal hell. She hits so fast its does your head in. You just cant hit her out of most of her moves including her annoying ground spikey thingey. Dont be afraid to use plently of mid air fireballs and dont be surprised if you miss a super or 2. Charlie ----- God this guy is pathetic. Sure he has a fairly good Anti Air Attack (the somersault/flash kick) but come on one move does not make this move good. If you see him crouching and not doing anything be prepared for either a sonic boom of if you jump in, a flash kick. Chun-Li ----- Almost as fast as Cammy but not as strong. Aint really much strategy for her except just hit a mid air fireball in her face for fun. Cody ----- This guy doesnt have any really good anti air attacks so jump in a lot with your mid air fireballs. You can see his projectiles coming from miles. Once he picks up the knife throw a few fireballs to knock it from him and hit your supers to hit him. Cody is one of the easiet people to pull off a raging demon against. Watch out for his tornado uppercut because it can hurt and be cautious of his funny kick. Dan ----- Dan is useless. He only has one decent move and its way easy to counter. He overuses that 3 kick combo of his so just try and knock him out of the air or try for a mid air fireball super. Dont even be worried by his punny fireball. Dee Jay ----- This guy isnt particulalrly good either. He uses one crappy projectile called the Air Slasher that is as avoidable as the Sonic Boom. Sweep this guy often because he has a 2 hit kicking combo that hurts if you get hit with it all. Dhalsim ----- This guy has great great range but suffers with pathetic speed. Watch out when he jumps in the air because he will probably go for a very fast spear type manouver. Its really easy to dragon punch him out of the air though. Jump over his fireballs with are very very slow and watch out for his anti air flame move. E Honda ----- Ah, this guy is so so simple once you know how. Firstly when he does a sweep its extremley likley that he is going to follow it up with that flying headbutt. Its not certain but at least 60% of the time he will do meaning you can hit a fireball right in his face. Also when he does the hundred hand slap watch out because it can sting. If your ever in a situation where you are fighting 2 Hondas watch out for being caught in the middle and slapped to death. Fei Long ----- If your playing against a human Fei Long you can be ripped apart very quickly. The computer version is a little more dumb. He only has one decent anti air attack and thats a rising flaming foot type manouver. If he ever misses that either do a dragon punch or if your feeling flashy try and catch him in a raging demon. Gen ----- You would think that this dude would be hard but he is surprisingly easy. He has no realy groundbreaking moves. When he does the super when he crouches down and rushes forwrd block for a second or so AFTER he hits you because that super combo hits while he has finished the move and not during like you would excpet. Guy ----- Not only is this guy fast he is also extrmeley annoying. This would probably be a good time to practise that Super Combo with the uppercuts. When guy does his version of the Hurricane kick watch out because he is very likley to juggle you up in the air time and time again which is very annoying. Apart from Vega he is the only guy who can rebound off walls so just because you have him in a corner doesnt mean hes going to be easy. Juli/Juni ----- These guys are no problem. I might update in the next update on a strategy for them but i dont think youll need it. Karin ----- Same as above. You wont have any problem with her. Ken ----- This guy is harder than Ryu. He throws a lot of fireballs so either retaliate with your own fireballs or do a mid air roll and hit him in the head with yer feet. If he does this Funny kicking combo into rising Hurricane kick your dead meet. Thats why god invented Reset buttons. M. Bison ----- Ah the big boss. Hard as hell if you dont know but easy if you know how. There are some basic strategies i have noticed with this guy. If see him crouching for a seond or 2 its a very likley chance that he is going to fling a fireball your way. Oh and lets not forget his Super Phyco crusher. If he hits you fully with that you can say goodbye to more than half your life bar. If he ever jumps in on you and then flys down at you with his fists on fire it probably means he is going to do the phyco crusher so BLOCK. R. Mika ----- Not a particularly hard to beat individual. If she jumps at you never jump at her as she might try out her wingless aeroplane and if she ever get you in the headlock hit the buttons like mad to reduce the amount of damage you will take from her bulldog. Rolento ----- Most of this guys arsenal comes from jumping attacks so dragon punches and hurricane kicks are your best offence. If you ever see him rolling backwards in a corner get ready to dragon punch him out of the air. Fireball him from a distance and this is the one occasion i would recomend that you use your mid air fireball. Rose ----- No problem. Just watch out when you jump in at her and be careful while you use fireballs incase she deflects them back at you. Ryu ----- Ryu is good and theres no doubt about it. He uses Hurricane kicks a lot more than any other move and he has a hurricane kick super that really does hurt if it hits your full force. Like you he has a super fireball combo which should be teleported through just to be flashy. Sagat ----- Next to M. Bison this gut is without a doubt the hardest guy in the game. Not only does he have 2 fireballs at his disposal but he also has 2 Anti Air attacks. The Tiger Blow that can hit up to 7 times and the Tiger Crush that hits once but shows it in the damage. Never jump in on this guy unless your feeling lucky. Use fireballs frequentley and hurricane kicks as they go through fireballs. Sakura ----- You could call her the female version of Ryu but you would be surprised to hear that she is no where near as good. She has a version of the Dragon Uppercut that hits a lot but it doesnt do much damage. Counter her speed and youll have no problem. Sodom ----- You might just have some problems with this guy. Most of his attacks are throws but when they hit you they hurt you. This guy is the easiest to pull off your Raging Demon against. T. Hawk ----- Watch out when this guy jumps in the air because he just might be going for a condor dive He also has a good anti air attack so watch out when jumping. Vega ----- This guy is the fastest in the game. He has no solid anti air attacks though so you can knock him about the place with hurricane kicks to your hearts content. Zangief ----- The Russian Cyclone as he likes to call himself is bloody hard. If you jump in at him dont be surprised to be caught with an Aerial Russian Slam. If he does the spinning clothesline dont use fireballs as they will pass right through him. Good luck with Gief. Version 1 complete. E-mail me if you have questions at Ramagamma.