Most grapplers don't suck, but some do! And one of them is... 88 888 8888 88 888 888888 888 888 8888 888 88888 8888 88 888 888 8888888 8888 88888888 888 88888 888 88888 8888 8888888 8888888 88888888888 8888888 888888888 888888888 88888 8888 888 88888888 88888888 8888 8888 888 8888 88888 8888 88 888 8888 8888888 888 888 888 8888 8888 8888 888 8888 88888 888 88 888 8888 888 8888 888 8888 88888 8888 888 888 88888 8888 888 88888 8888 888888888 8888 88888 888 888888888 888 888 888888888 888 8888888 8888 88 888888 8888888888 88888 The Birdie Really Sucks Mini-FAQ v0.1 for the PSX version of Street Fighter Zero 3 by Chris MacDonald Unpublished work Copyright 1999-2001 Chris MacDonald This document is protected by US Copyright Law, and the Berne Copyright Convention of 1976. It is for private and personal use only--it cannot be reprinted in part or in whole, or reproduced in any way or in any form (written or otherwise). It is a free document that cannot be used in any sort of commercial transaction, including selling it or giving it away as a gift. This FAQ cannot be referenced, altered, or used by anybody (including webmasters, publishers, and magazine staff) without my express written permission. This FAQ was created and is owned by me, Chris MacDonald . It can be found exclusively at ( All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and respected that are not specifically mentioned herein. I expressly forbid the following publishers/publications from using this FAQ, namely: Ziff-Davis Video Game Group (publishers of Expert Gamer), Future Publishing, Ltd. (publishers of PlayStation Power, Official UK PlayStation Magazine, etc.), IDG Media, Game 13th Magazine, Brady Games, and Prima Games. Remember, plagiarism is a crime and is punishable by law. The Street Fighter game series and the Final Fight series are (c) Capcom of Japan and (c) Capcom of America. There's no reason why you couldn't use this FAQ for the US version of PSX SFA3, or for the arcade version of SFA3, but most of the info. in this file was tested / confirmed on the PSX version of SFZ3. Some of it may not apply to other versions. I've had no experience with the Dreamcast port of SFZ3, so I can't really comment on that. Please note that this FAQ has no info. in it on Original Combos / Variable Combos. I suck at those, and I'm not afraid to say it. If I could pull off a half-decent one, you can be sure that it would be in here. David Antoine has written a spiffy Birdie FAQ that can be found at , or at In addition to being a great all-around FAQ, it also has some OC / VC info. in it that you should check out if you're looking for V-ISM combos. ======================================================= YOU TOO CAN LEARN TO LOSE WITH BIRDIE IN 12 EASY STEPS! ======================================================= 1. Want to get a losing streak? It's time to play with Birdie! 2. Basic abilities that save Birdie from being totally useless 3. Learn how to lose with Birdie really fast: a short moves list 4. No matter how you play, Birdie is still lame: ISMS and Modes 5. How to leave yourself open to attack--Birdie's punches and kicks 6. Birdie's special moves, which hurt him more than his enemies 7. Like to make your challenger laugh? Try Birdie's Super Combos 8. Zero Counters, the only moves weaker than Birdie himself 9. A laughably short list of combos for Birdie 10. Attempting to win with Birdie 11. Random tidbits about the world's worst grappler 12. Special thanks to the people brave enough to actually use this guy ========================================================================= 1. WANT TO GET A LOSING STREAK? IT'S TIME TO PLAY WITH BIRDIE! ========================================================================= Being a fanatic Saikyo-ryuu disciple, I have to start off this FAQ with a Dan reference. So here it is; everyone knows that Dan is joke. The cocky attitude, the bad taste in clothing, the taunts. We all know it. The sad thing is that Birdie is a serious character, who means business. And he bites, big time. Put the two side by side and Dan looks like a very ticked-off and cheap Shin Bison when compared to Birdie. So why use a guy who sucks? Whom Capcom carefully tweaked in each SF game to make him weaker than before? Easy! Because beating someone with Birdie is about a thousand times more exciting than winning with an overpowered shoto-clone! Because Blanka and Rainbow Mika actually pose a threat to you when you're using Birdie! Because when you take away the knife and chains from the two of them, Birdie's just slow and pathetic, while Cody could still kick your ass! And mainly because you know that no matter how badly you play, you could be doing worse-- you could be using T. Hawk! Yes, these are the true joys of mastering this mohawked marauder! So, without further ado, let's find out about everybody's favorite loser! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FAQ NOTATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This section outlines the basic controls for all characters: (controller directions and results) ub u uf Jump Up-Back Jump Up Jump Up-Forward \ | / b -- n -- f Walk Back / Block Neutral Walk Forward / | \ db d df Crouch / Low Block Crouch Offensive Crouch (button layout and effect) LP MP HP Light Punch Medium Punch Hard Punch LK MK HK Light Kick Medium Kick Hard Kick (FAQ abbreviations) qcf / qcb - Press (d,df,f) or (d,db,b) on the control pad. hcf / hcb - Press (b,db,d,df,f) or (f,df,d,db,b) on the control pad. Rotate 360 - Rotate the control pad in a complete circle. You can start and end the circle at any point (i.e. start at uf and end at uf, or b to b, etc.) The shorthand motion for this is f,df,d,db,b,ub or the reverse. Rotate 720 - Perform the 360 motion twice (two full rotations). PP / PPP - Press any two / all three Punch buttons. KK / KKK - Press any two / all three Kick buttons. (air) - The move can be performed while on the ground, or while in the air (during a jump or after an air recovery). x~x - All possible ranges are allowed (for example, ub through uf, or MK through HP). xzv / XZV - You can cancel the move into a special in the listed ISM (lowercase), or into a Super Combo (uppercase). xzv1 - The attack is only interruptable on the first hit. xzvB - The attack is interruptable on both hits. ZC / AC - Zero Counter (in SFZ) / Alpha Counter (in SFA) OC / CC - Original Combo (in SFZ) / Custom Combo (in SFA) (also known as Variable Combos or just V-ISM Combos) SC - Super Combo ========================================================================= 2. BASIC ABILITIES THAT SAVE BIRDIE FROM BEING TOTALLY USELESS ========================================================================= Listed below basic commands that every character (not just Birdie) can use. The numbers indicate that there are more in-depth notes for that ability written after the list: 1. Standing Block Hold b when attacked 1. Crouching Block Hold db when attacked 2. Mid-Air Block Hold b / db when attacked while in air 3. GP Protection Block Block an attack just before it hits 4. Zero Counter Block, f + same P + K (not in X-ISM) 5. Air Recoveries ...(see below) ...Neutral Breakfall Press PP when knocked into the air ...Front Breakfall Press f + PP when knocked into the air ...Back Breakfall Press b + PP when knocked into the air 6. Ground Recovery Press KK when knocked to the floor 6. Roll Behind Recovery Hold f during Ground Recovery 7. Original Combo Press same strength P + K in V-ISM 8. Taunt Press (b / f) + Select Throw b / f + PP / KK when close Air Throw Any dir. but d / u + PP when close in air 9. Tech. Hit (Throw Escape) Perform a throw as you are thrown (air) 10. Counter Hit Hit someone while they make an attack 11. Guard Crush Make your foe block attacks repeatedly 12. Dizzy Hit your opponent repeatedly 12. Dizzy Recovery Tap P / K and wiggle pad when dizzy 13. Hold Damage Increase As above, but use when you perform a hold 13. Hold Damage Decrease As above, but use when you're in a hold 14. Damage Reduction Press in any dir. + P / K when you are 14. ...(cont'd) damaged (repeat during multi-hit moves) NOTES: 1. You take no damage when blocking normal moves, and minor damage when blocking special moves, super combos, and their ilk. 2. Not all attacks can be air-blocked. Generally speaking, you can air-block projectiles, any attack your opponent does in mid-air (or an attack that takes them off the ground, like Ryu or Ken's Hurricane Kick). You can't block attacks performed on the ground, though. 3. When you use the Guard Power (GP) Protection Block, you perform a normal block (standing / crouching / mid-air), but you don't lose any power from your GP gauge for the _first block_. So if you're hit by a multi-hit move, as long as you remain blocking, successive hits drain the normal amount of GP energy from your gauge. You'll know if you pulled off a GP block since you'll flash blue. 4. Using a Zero Counter costs 1 Level of SC power (in Z-ISM), or 50% of your OC gauge (in V-ISM). This is in addition to losing 1 block of Guard Power from your GP gauge, which is permanently removed for the rest of the round (for either ISM). Obviously this means that you can't use a Zero Counter when your GP gauge reads "Danger". 5. When you use an air recovery, you flash (like a Dan wannabe). For that moment that you flash, you're totally invincible. Once the flash ends, you are vulnerable to attack (but you can block or attack while still in air). 6. You can be attacked while rolling during either Ground Recovery. 7. Using an Original Combo costs at least 50% of your OC gauge to initiate. Afterwards, the gauge begins emptying, and when it reaches zero percent, the OC ends. OCs also end if you are hit, or if the round ends. Note that you cannot block during an OC. For more info, please read the section on Original Combos. 8. While taunting, you cannot move or block. Birdie's Select taunt (no direction input) can hit for 1 point of damage, whether it is blocked or not. Yes, you can kill someone with this. The other two taunts (b / f + Select) do no damage. 9. Escaping from a throw (Tech Hitting) must be done just as you are grabbed--the window of time in which to input (b / f + PP / KK) is very short. When you escape a throw, you always land on your feet, and you take no damage. Only command throws (b / f + PP / KK) or air throws (any direction but d / u + PP / KK) can be escaped from; special throws like Birdie's Bandit Chain are inescapable. 10. Counter Hits only occur when you hit someone for damage while they are starting, in the midst of, or finishing an attack. For example, jumping over Ryu's fireball and kicking him in the face would net you a Counter Hit; hitting him while he was crouching would not. This only applies to attacks; you can't Counter Hit someone out of moves like the Shiraha Catch, Vega Warp, or Zenpou Tenshin, since they can't cause damage (or in the case of the Shiraha Catch, they don't normally cause damage). If you Counter Hit someone, the damage of your attack increases (usually by only 1-2 points). If they end up in the air, they can be juggled (although they can air recover). 11. Every time you block an attack, your Guard Power Gauge decreases somewhat. Once it completely empties, you are stunned and are vulnerable for half a second. Afterwards, your GP Gauge refills, but it will be one block shorter, making it easier for you to get GC'd again. However, when not blocking, your GP Gauge slowly refills, and if you block repeated attacks in a short period of time, each attack does less and less guard damage per blocked hit. For example, if you block a crouching MP, then block another one a few seconds later, you take more GC damage than if you blocked three crouching MPs done one after another. 12. If you are hit repeatedly with attacks, you will become dizzied. Stronger attacks contribute more to dizzying than weak attacks. If you are almost dizzied, but then there is a long period of time before you're damaged again, your invisible "dizzy meter" will have reset. When dizzied, you are unable to move and are vulernable to attack. You can lessen dizzy time by tapping the controller rapidly and mashing the P and K buttons. 13. When you are performing a hold-type throw (like the Bull Spike) on your opponent, you can increase the number of hits and damage by tapping the controller rapidly and mashing the buttons (the same method you use to recovery from dizzies faster). This also makes it harder for your opponent to get out of a hold, because they can also mash the controller and buttons to try and get out of the hold. In fact, this is one of the downfalls of hold throws--even if your opponent fails to Tech Hit out of it, they can mash the buttons to try and prevent you from doing added damage. 14. Damage reduction is done by mashing the buttons--the same command mentioned above for escaping from holds and lessening dizzy time. It has two features; when done while you're getting hit, you'll flash red and take less damage per hit (this works best against multi-hit moves). Furthermore, if you were making an attack and got hit, using damage reduction the moment you are hit will cause you to continue your attack. You still take damage, but it has been reduced, and you will still hit your foe if they were in range. This only works for single-hit attacks, though. ========================================================================= 3. LEARN HOW TO LOSE WITH BIRDIE REALLY FAST: A SHORT MOVES LIST ========================================================================= These moves are covered in more detail in sections 6 and 7. They are listed in this order: command throws, special moves, command attacks, and Super Combos. Bull Spike When close, press b / f + PP Bad Throw When close, press b / f + KK Bad Scrap In air, any direction but d / u + PP when close Bull Head Charge b,f + P Bull Horn Hold PP / KK, then release Murderer Chain When close, rotate 360 degrees + P Bandit Chain When close, rotate 360 degrees + K Birdie Lift Press HP when close (or just b + HP in V-ISM) Bad Hammer Press u after both hits of the Birdie Lift Body Slam In air, d + HP Bull Drop Press f + HK The Birdie Charge b,f,b,f + P Bull Revenger qcf,d,df + P / K (not available in Z-ISM) ========================================================================= 4. NO MATTER HOW YOU PLAY, BIRDIE STILL SUCKS: ISMS AND MODES ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE ISMS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In Street Fighter Zero 3, there are three different ISMs you can choose from, and the ISM you select affects the way your character plays. Shown below is a chart illustrating the differences between each ISM: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ABILITIES X-ISM Z-ISM V-ISM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Air Blocking No Yes Yes Air Recovery Yes Yes Yes Ground Recovery No Yes Yes Taunts Only Dan Yes Yes Guard Power Rating High Varies Varies SC/OC Gauge Speed Slow Normal Fast Levels Available 1 3 2 (50% / 100%) Zero Counter Cost n/a 1 SC + 1 GP 50% OC + 1 GP Damage Rating x1.2* x1.0 x0.8 Defense Rating x0.8 x1.0 x1.0 * This is excluding Super Combos. An X-ISM Super Combo does the same damage as a Level 3 Z-ISM Super Combo (if they are the same SC; so obviously Dhalsim and Cody are excluded). However, using a hidden Mode (see below) will affect all damage inflicted, including SC damage). Why SCs would not get a damage increase makes no sense to me, but that's Capcom for ya. Birdie is very versatile in X-ISM and Z-ISM; in X-ISM, your main advantages are the Bad Hammer (hey, it's free damage), the ability to do extra damage, and a really big Guard Power Gauge. Then again, you get the Bull Revenger and multiple Super Combo levels in Z-ISM, which is very handy since it's hard for Birdie to build up his SC gauge. I tend to use Z-ISM more, but that's just me. I've never been of the opinion that V-ISM Birdie is useful, since his Original Combos bite when compared to other characters, and he's so slow that it's easy to hit him out of one once it's activated. However, that doesn't mean that you can't play a good V-Birdie. It's really up to your personal preference. If I could pull off any of his OCs consistently, I'd probably use him, too ;) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HIDDEN MODES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are also hidden Modes available; these also change the way your character plays. To unlock these modes in SFZ3 for the PlayStation, you have to let 5 hours pass (by then all 3 are available), or beat the game once. For the arcade version of SFA3, once the title screen is purple-hued, you can use all 3 modes. You can choose Classical Mode by holding HP + HK at the title screen, then pressing Start to begin your game. Likewise, you can pick Mazi Mode by using MP + MK instead, or Saikyo Mode by using LP + LK. Note that in the arcade version of SFA3, the Saikyo Mode has lots of glitches in it. Here's a list explaining the hidden Mode differences: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLASSICAL MODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This functions exactly like X-ISM except for the following changes: - No air blocking. - No SC or OC gauge! - No air recovery. - No Alpha Counters. - No ground recovery. - No Guard Power Gauge. - No taunts (except for Dan). - No "missed throw" animation. In addition, you character cannot be juggled around as much (which is why you have no air recovery, since it's not needed). Having no GP gauge is a huge plus since you cannot get Guard Crushed. Note that the "no missed throw animation" only applies to command throws, not special throws like the Murderer Chain or Bull Revenger. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAZI MODE (Serious Mode) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In addition to the normal restrictions / benefits of whatever ISM you choose, picking Mazi Mode results in the following changes: - Your attacks inflicted much greater damage (using X-ISM or V-ISM will further raise or lower your damage capability, too). - However, you take around double damage from your opponent. - You only need to lose one round to lose the match, although you must win two rounds to proceed (so your enemy has a big advantage). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAIKYOU MODE (Strongest Mode) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In addition to the normal restrictions / benefits of whatever ISM you choose, picking Saikyou Mode results in the following changes: - Your attacks inflict slightly less damage than normal (using X-ISM or V-ISM will further raise or lower your damage capability, too). - Your Guard Power Gauge is extremely short, making it easier for you to be Guard Crushed (this is also affected by ISM-related GC Gauge changes...a V-ISM Saikyou user has a really small GC Gauge!) - You cannot interrupt normal moves into special moves or Super Combos (so no two-in-ones or combos!). - It's twice as easy for you to get dizzied. I generally don't use Modes when playing with Birdie. Classical is not that useful since Birdie already has a big GC meter anyway, so you don't have to worry about getting Guard Crushed as much as you would with other characters. Since it's easy to punish Birdie if he messes up an attack, Mazi is not very handy either. And Saikyou mode just plain sucks (unless you're fearless like Dan)! ========================================================================= 5. HOW TO LEAVE YOURSELF OPEN TO ATTACK--BIRDIE'S PUNCHES AND KICKS ========================================================================= (All damage scores were determined in a vs. Z-ISM Cody match, since Cody takes average damage. If you're fighting characters like Ryu or Zangief, your attacks will do less damage. If you're fighting weaker enemies like Juni or Balrog, they'll do more damage.) This section lists each of Birdie's attacks, how to perform them, how much damage they inflict, what they look like, and my spin on how useful they are: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LIGHT PUNCH (press LP) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ STANDING LP: BIRDIE BLOW (1 hit, 7 damage points) Birdie jabs with his left fist. This move doesn't have much range, but comes out quickly, and it can be comboed. Note that this move won't hit crouching opponents. I always use the crouching LP instead of this one, it's just too easy for your foe to duck under it. CROUCHING LP: BIRDIE PUNCH (1 hit, 6 damage points) Birdie jabs with his left fist while crouching. This move is quick (for Birdie) and has a good range. It can be comboed. Works well for pressure tactics. JUMPING LP: BIRDIE KNUCKLE (1 hit, 7 damage points) Birdie punches diagonally down-forward with his left fist. This move lasts longer than the jumping Medium Punch, but it does less damage. Okay for knocking people out of attacks, but doesn't work that well as a jump-in attack since the priority isn't high, and the range is pretty bad. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MEDIUM PUNCH (press MP) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ STANDING MP: BIRDIE STRAIGHT (1 hit, 14 damage points) Birdie delivers a straight punch with his right fist. This move comes out slower than the standing Light Punch, but it has slightly more range. It can be comboed. Note that this move won't always hit crouching opponents (see "Stuff to Watch Out For" at the end of this section). Again, I tend to use the crouching version more. CROUCHING MP: BIRDIE STRAIGHT (1 hit, 13 damage points) Like the Standing version, but done while crouching. This move is good for doing GC damage (better than the crouching MK). This punch also happens to be a great anti-air move that will out-prioritize just about any air attack. It can be comboed, too, which should be one of it's main uses. JUMPING MP: BIRDIE KNUCKLE (1 hit, 13 damage points) Looks just like his jumping Light Punch. This move comes out slower than the jumping Light Punch and doesn't last as long, but has higher priority and does more damage. Like the Light Punch, the range is pretty bad, but it's an okay jump-in. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HARD PUNCH (press HP) (b + HP in V-ISM for the "close standing" version) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ STANDING HP: DOUBLE BIRDIE HAMMER (2 hits, 16 damage points [10,6]) Birdie clasps his hands together and delivers a downward hammer punch. This move has the best range out of any of Birdie's standing attacks, but suprisingly bad priority--lots of attacks can out hit it, especially long-reaching low blows (like HK sweeps). It hits twice normally, or once against a crouching foe (second hit only). This attack does the best damage of any normal punch or kick, though. Useful for doing Guard Power Gauge damage from afar. CLOSE STANDING HP: BIRDIE LIFT (2 hits, 18 damage points [11,7]) (See "Birdie Lift" notes in the next section. It's listed there because you cannot combo into it, unlike his other punches and kicks.) CROUCHING HP: BIRDIE HEAD (2 hits, 17 damage points [10,7]) Birdie stands up slightly while headbutting out into the air. This move doesn't have much range. However, it has very good priority, and it makes a good anti-air, so you can pester people with it a lot. If your opponent jumps in close to you, the crouching HP works better than Birdie's crouching MP for anti-air, IMHO. This move hits twice against most characters, excluding Chun-Li, Dan, Dhalsim, Nash, and Ryu, against which it only hits once. Crouching opponents are only hit once unless you're up against Cody, Sagat, or T. Hawk (you have to be very close in order to get both hits on Sagat). Luckily, this move can still hit a jumping opponent twice if you get them pretty deeply. In X-ISM or Z-ISM, you can combo off the first hit of this move into a special move or Super Combo. Or, you can combo off the second hit into a Super Combo. In V-ISM, you can combo off either hit into a special move. JUMPING HP: DOUBLE BIRDIE DROP (1 hit, 17 damage points) Birdie quickly clasps his hands and punches between his legs. This move has a lot of range (just slightly less than the jumping MK), and has good priority. It won't hit people who are above Birdie though, and it comes out very quickly so it's sometimes difficult to time. Note that this move won't always hit crouching opponents (see "Stuff to Watch Out For" at the end of this section). For that reason the usefulness of this move is reduced somewhat. It makes a nice change of pace from a jumping MK, but then again, so does the jumping HK, which I personally prefer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LIGHT KICK (press LK) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ STANDING LK: TOE PRESS (1 hit, 6 damage points) Birdie turns a bit and sticks out his left foot very low to the ground. This move is not too slow, but has almost no range. Okay for close pokes, but that's about it. The crouching LK is a better bet. It does work just great for ticking into a throw attempt, though, and it can be comboed. CROUCHING LK: SLIDE KICK (1 hit, 6 damage points) Birdie sticks out his left foot a short distance. A fast attack with a less-than-average range. It's good for poking from up close, since it's fast. As an added benefit, it can be comboed. JUMPING LK: JUMPING KICK (1 hit, 6 damage points) Like the Standing version, but done while jumping. This move can hit people on the ground easily--it has a great vertical range. However, hitting your opponent too soon prevents you from following with a combo. Then again, it works great for keeping someone occupied while you land and then throw them. Weirdly enough, you can jump away from your opponent and still hit them with this attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MEDIUM KICK (press MK) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ STANDING MK: SIDE KICK (1 hit, 13 damage points) Birdie delivers a heel kick with his right foot. This move has good range, but not as much as the standing Medium Punch, and it can't be comboed. Note that this move won't always hit crouching opponents (see "Stuff to Watch Out For" at the end of this section). Makes it pretty useless, IMHO. CROUCHING MK: UPPER KICK (1 hit, 12 damage points) Birdie fully extends his right leg and kicks with his heel. This move cannot be comboed but has huge range (the best of any crouching attack) and works well as a long range poke, especially after being pushed back after doing several ducking LK and LP attacks. One of his best crouching attacks, to be sure. JUMPING MK: JUMPING SIDE KICK (1 hit, 13 damage points) Same as the Crouching version, but done while jumping. Like the crouching MK, this move has great range, the best of any jumping attack. Works well when you're jumping towards an opponent who is far away from you. Note that this move never hits a crouching opponent if you jump straight up. Even if you jump forward, you won't always hit crouching opponents (see "Stuff to Watch Out For" at the end of this section). It's a shame because this move is so useful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HARD KICK (press HK) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ STANDING HK: BIRDIE KICK (1 hit, 17 damage points) Birdie inches forward a step, turns and kicks out in front of him with his left leg (sort of the reverse of his Medium Kick in appearance). This move is slow and basically ineffective when compared to Birdie's standing HP, which does better damage, to boot. Note that this move won't always hit crouching opponents (see "Stuff to Watch Out For" at the end of this section). So, this move should probably not be used unless you want a little variety. CROUCHING HK: ROLLING BIRDIE KICK (1 hit, 16 damage points) Birdie turns and sweeps his leg along the floor. This is a knockdown attack with good range, but not as much as Birdie's crouching MK. Okay when you're close and want to trip your opponent, but that's it's real only use, because it's slow and so easily punished. JUMPING HK: JUMPING DROP KICK (1 hit, 17 damage points) Birdie delivers a drop kick using both legs. Does plenty of damage and has good range, but is not as far-reaching as the jumping Medium Kick. Makes a great jump-in though, and comes out quickly. This move can cross-up, but you have to get your spacing right. Also works nicely in air-to-air fights. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ STUFF TO WATCH OUT FOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Provided below is a chart listing which of Birdie's standing attacks will miss when used against a crouching character. To the right of that is a list of which jumping attacks will miss a crouching character. Please note that a jumping LP, LK, MP, HK, or Body Slam will always hit; The MK and HP attacks are only listed here because they cannot always hit your enemy, depending on who he or she is. For example, if Gouki was crouching and Birdie tried to attack him, every standing attack would hit, but his standing LP and MP would always miss. If Birdie used a jumping attack, his jumping f + HP, jumping u + MK, and jumping u + HP would always miss. And in case you're wondering, yes, Birdie's standing LP and his jumping u + MK will never hit a crouching character. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHARACTER STANDING ATTACKS JUMPING ATTACKS THAT MISS THAT MISS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Adon LP MP u + MK f + HP u + HP Balrog LP MP MK HK f + MK u + MK f + HP u + HP Birdie LP u + MK Bison LP MP u + MK f + HP u + HP Blanka LP MP u + MK f + HP u + HP Cammy LP MP MK HK f + MK u + MK f + HP u + HP Chun-Li LP MP f + MK u + MK f + HP u + HP Cody LP u + MK f + HP u + HP Dan LP MP f + MK u + MK f + HP u + HP Deejay LP MP MK HK f + MK u + MK f + HP u + HP Dhalsim LP u + MK f + HP u + HP Fei Long LP u + MK f + HP u + HP Gen LP MP MK HK f + MK u + MK f + HP u + HP Gouki LP MP u + MK f + HP u + HP Guile LP MP u + MK f + HP u + HP Guy LP MP MK HK f + MK u + MK f + HP u + HP Honda LP MP u + MK f + HP u + HP Juli LP MP MK HK f + MK u + MK f + HP u + HP Juni LP MP MK HK f + MK u + MK f + HP u + HP Karin LP MP MK HK f + MK u + MK f + HP u + HP Ken LP MP MK HK f + MK u + MK f + HP u + HP Nash LP MP MK HK f + MK u + MK f + HP u + HP Rainbow Mika LP MP MK HK f + MK u + MK f + HP u + HP Rolento LP MP f + MK u + MK f + HP u + HP Rose LP MP MK HK f + MK u + MK f + HP u + HP Ryu LP MP MK HK f + MK u + MK f + HP u + HP Sagat LP u + MK Sakura LP MP MK HK f + MK u + MK f + HP u + HP Sodom LP u + MK f + HP u + HP T. Hawk LP u + MK Vega LP MP u + MK f + HP u + HP Zangief LP u + MK f + HP ========================================================================= 6. BIRDIE'S SPECIAL MOVES, WHICH HURT HIM MORE THAN HIS ENEMIES ========================================================================= This section lists each of Birdie's attacks, how to perform them, how much damage they inflict, what they look like, and my spin on how useful they are: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BULL SPIKE (b / f + two Punches) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HITS AND DAMAGE 4 hits, 31 damage points (4,8,12,16,31) 5 hits, 34 damage points (4,8,12,16,31,34) DESCRIPTION Birdie grabs his opponent and headbutts them repeatedly in the gut. COMMENTS I'm pretty sure that this move has a glitch in it. I mean, it goes to 16 points of damage, then leaps up to 31--making it the most damaging command throw in the entire game. The fact that you can then mash for more damage is really jacked up. Of course, this is all very beneficial to Birdie, so I guess I shouldn't be complaining. Well, as you already guessed, you should use this move a lot, because the damage is sickening (more than his HP Murderer Chain--mash and it's more than a Level 1 Bull Revenger!) Even better, Birdie tosses his opponent up into the air after the move ends, so that you can follow it with all kinds of insane juggles. Of course, your opponent can Tech. Hit out of it or try and reduce damage, but that's the only advantage the Murderer or Bandit Chain moves have over the Bull Spike. However, this throw also has the worst range out of any of Birdie's other throws. You have to be really close in order for it to connect. One neato tactic is to miss the throw on purpose. In V-ISM or X-ISM, you gain a considerable amount of SC/OC power from a missed throw. In Z-ISM, the amount gained is miniscule, so don't bother. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAD THROW (b / f + two Kicks) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HITS AND DAMAGE 1 hit, 20 damage points DESCRIPTION Birdie grabs his opponent, using his chains to hurl them behind him and into the air. COMMENTS This move's only real use is if you want to put some room between yourself and your opponent by using the b + KK version. Of course, if you know they will flip, you can use a well-timed Kick Bull Revenger to try and nab them as they land. In the corner, you can combo after it, but you don't have as many options as you do with the Bull Spike. Not a very useful throw, in other words. However, it has slightly better range than the Bull Spike, so if you don't have the time to do a Murderer or Bandit Chain but need to throw someone and aren't too close, you can always try for the Bad Throw. Like the Bull Spike, you can miss with this move on purpose to build up SC/OC power. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAD SCRAP (In air, any direction but d / u + two Punches) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HITS AND DAMAGE 1 hit, 20 damage points DESCRIPTION Birdie grabs his opponent and uses his chains to slam them into the ground. COMMENTS An air throw, 'nuff said. It's useful when you want to go for an unblockable air hit (like when someone PP flips). Like the other two throws, you can miss on purpose to build SC energy, but it's not that useful a technique when you're jumping. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BIRDIE LIFT (When close, press HP while standing) (In V-ISM, press b + HP while standing) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HITS AND DAMAGE 2 hits, 18 damage points [11,7] DESCRIPTION Birdie leans back and does a reverse (upwards) hammer punch. COMMENTS This move comes out really slowly (so slowly that it cannot be comboed into, say, with a jumping attack), and if your opponent isn't close to you, they may only get hit once instead of twice (it only hits once if they block it). This move isn't useful for anything aside from air juggles (see the combo section), or if you're using X-ISM, for the Bad Hammer follow-up. For some obscure reason (probably because Birdie sucks), your opponent sometimes can and sometimes can't flip in air after being hit twice. I have no idea why this is possible, but go figure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAD HAMMER (In X-ISM, press u after both hits of the Birdie Lift) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HITS AND DAMAGE 1 hit, 32 damage points (close standing HP: 13,8 = 21) (bad hammer: + 11 = 32) DESCRIPTION Birdie performs a jumping HP attack after his close standing HP (the Birdie Lift). COMMENTS Sure this move looks dumb, but it's free damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BODY SLAM (In air, press d + Hard Punch) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HITS AND DAMAGE 1 hit, 15 damage points DESCRIPTION Birdie holds his arms at his sides and attempts to fall onto his enemy chest-first. Very weird looking. COMMENTS The Body Slam has high priority, but it's not the same as, say, Zangief's Flying Body Press. This move leaves you nice and close for a combo, and can be used often, as long as you attack upon landing so that you don't get thrown. It also makes for a great cross-up attack--in most cases you don't even need to position yourself correctly and can just jump over your opponent and cross them up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BULL DROP (Press f + Hard Kick) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HITS AND DAMAGE 1 hit, 17 damage points (if it hits while leg is falling) 1 hit, 18 damage points (if it hits while leg is rising) DESCRIPTION Birdie puts a hand in his pocket while lifting his left leg almost straight up. He then drops his leg down. COMMENTS This move used to be an overhead, making it very useful. Now that it's not, I don't really see the point of this attack. It can hit twice, once when Birdie sticks his leg up, and again when he drops it, but you can only get one hit or the other; not both (even on big characters). The "leg up" hit has pretty decent priority, but the chance of you actually hitting with it in the heat of battle as an anti-air is next-to-nothing. You can hit with it after a Bull Spike, though, and considering that it does 18 points of damage, that's a pretty good combo! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BULL HEAD (Charge b,f + Punch) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HITS AND DAMAGE Light Punch: 1 hit, 14 damage points Medium Punch: 1 hit, 15 damage points Heavy Punch: 1 hit, 16 damage points DESCRIPTION Birdie rears his head back, then slides forward, his skin turning a bright red, and dust being kicked up in his wake. After sliding for a moment, he headbutts his opponent. COMMAND NOTES You can also perform this move by charging down-back, for 2 seconds, then pressing forward + Punch. This is useful if you want to stay where you are but still keep a charge. If you wanted to then combo the Bull Head (for example, using a standing LP), simply release the controller, press LP, then press forward + LP for a 2-hit combo. COMMENTS This move is very slow to start up. Even with the LP version, it's possible for a fast opponent to hit you out of this move, and it only gets easier with the MP or HP version. To make matters worse, Birdie is completely vulnerable while sliding forward; you can simply stand your ground and hit him out of an oncoming Bull Head, or even throw him (!) Seriously, it's not even risky; just toss out an attack as Birdie is sliding and you get a guaranteed hit. The Bull Head is incredibly slow to recover; no matter what version is used, if it is blocked, your opponent can get a free hit on you. The damage and priority are very low as well (I mean, come on, his HP and HK do equal or more damage!) The only good thing about this move is that it can be comboed. The LP version comboes off of any cancellable attack, while the MP version only cancels off of the standing or crouching MP, or the crouching HP (1st hit in X-ISM or Z-ISM, 1st or 2nd hit in V-ISM). However, you must be very close and do the cancel very quickly for the MP Bull Head, or it won't count as a combo and can be blocked. This move should be avoided at all costs and used only in combos, and even then, only if you don't have enough power for The Birdie, which is always a better alternative. The LP Bull Head works alright for anti-air, and if your opponent flinches from up close, but that's about it. The MP and HP Bull Head can be used in juggles, but I still prefer the LP version in case my opponent flips. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BULL HORN (Hold PP / KK and release) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HITS AND DAMAGE Hold for 0-2 seconds: 1 hit, 14 damage points Hold for 3 seconds: 2 hits, 18 damage points (14,18) Hold for 4-6 seconds: 3 hits, 26 damage points (14,20,26) Hold for 7-12 seconds: 4 hits, 37 damage points (14,22,30,37) Hold for 13+ seconds: 5 hits, 55 damage points (18,28,37,46,55) DESCRIPTION Birdie crouches while turning his back to the screen, then turns back and slides forward. After sliding for a while, he headbutts his opponent. COMMAND NOTES You have to hold at least two Punch or Kick buttons to charge up a Bull Horn, but you can release one or both of the buttons, it makes no difference. If you release just one button, then you can hold down a second Punch or Kick (depending on what button you're still holding) to start charging another Bull Horn, but it will begin charging from Level 1 and not the level that you had charged to using the previously held button. Make sure that you're not pressing backward or forward when you press two or more buttons or else you'll attempt a throw! You can start charging up the Bull Horn before the round actually begins--and during a mid-boss conversation against the CPU, you can charge it up to the Final lavel before continuing on with the match! One interesting thing about the Bull Horn is that there are many ways to perform it. The most notable feature is that you can charge multiple Bull Horns at the same time. Normally releasing PP / KK results in a single Bull Horn. However, if you hold PPP / KKK and release just one button, you will perform a Bull Horn. You can then release a second button for another Bull Horn. Releasing the final button does nothing, however. This is an advantage over the standard double Bull Horn charge (PP + KK), since you still have all three Kick buttons available to you (or the reverse), instead of just one Punch and one Kick button. You can use the PPP method along with the Kick buttons to charge five Bull Horns (PPP + KK), or even six Bull Horns at one time (PPP + KKK)! Keep in mind, though, that while you're charging, you cannot attack, so in the six Bull Horn example, Birdie is left defenseless (unless you use the 'release button' trick mentioned below). Another aspect of this move is that the buttons held determine the range, like so (the same applies to using Kick buttons): Hold and release LP + MP for a short-range Bull Horn. Hold and release LP + HP for a medium-range Bull Horn. Hold and release MP + HP for a long-range Bull Horn. This changes if you are charging up multiple Bull Heads. For example, if you're charging two Bull Horns (PPP or KKK), then releasing any button always gives you a long-range Bull Horn. What button you release first affects the range of the second Bull Horn--you'll get the same range no matter what remaining button you release: If LP was released first, the second Bull Horn is long-ranged. If MP was released first, the second Bull Horn is medium-ranged. If HP was released first, the second Bull Horn is short-ranged. So for example, let's say I'm charging five Bull Horns using PPP and LK + MK. Now, I can still use HK to attack my opponent. If I use a Bull Horn with Kick, releasing either or both Kick buttons will result in a short-range Bull Horn. Later on, I decide to release LP for another Bull Horn, which will be long-ranged. If at any time in the future, I release MP or HP (or both buttons), I will get another long-range Bull Horn. Obviously one of the big setbacks with this move is that you can't use whatever buttons are being held down to attack. However, you can use them to perform special moves, since inputting a command and pressing or _releasing_ a button causes your attack to execute. For example, if I'm holding down PP and I charge back, forward, and then release a Punch button, I get a Bull Head instead of a Bull Horn. Similarily, if I rotate the controller 360 degress and release one of the two Kick buttons I'm holding down, I get a Bandit Chain instead of a Bull Horn. Now, yes, doing this means that you lose the charge on your Bull Horn (it resets to one if you hold down another button again), but this is useful if you have an opening for another move. If you're holding down three of the same button and release one to do a special move, you'll still have one more charged Bull Horn left, though. Another way to 'cancel' your Bull Horn is to just jump and release the buttons in air, or perform a move and then release the buttons while Birdie's attacking. If you're fast, any move will do, but if you're not careful and try to release the buttons during, say, a standing LP, you'll get the Bull Horn instead. Of course, make sure you don't end up getting attacked in your haste to get rid of your Bull Horn charge. Remember that you can cancel a normal attack into the Bull Horn, so watch out for that, too, since it won't combo and you risk getting smacked. COMMENTS This is Birdie's most damaging special move. The damage is not so good early on, but the Final version (after holding the buttons for 13 seconds or more) does more damage than either of his Level 2 Super Combos! This move has other assets to it, but it has many drawbacks as well. One good thing about this move is that it can hit an airborne opponent for the full number of hits, making it useful for anti-air, as long as you have the timing down. The recovery on this move is very good, and if it's blocked, you'll always recover fast enough to then block, attack, or do whatever you want to. This is a huge plus because with the exception of the Final Bull Horn, you can come right out of your recovery with an unblockable throw (anything except the Bull Spike, which has too short a range). It's basically free damage! If you think your opponent is going to attack, you can even follow up with another Bull Horn, a Bull Head, or the Birdie. Or just block and see what your opponent does. Another bonus is that Birdie is invincible while in his turn-around pose. This means you can use the Bull Horn to pass through attacks and nail your opponent. However, the invincibility window is very small, making it impossible for Birdie to Bull Horn through a slow fireball or an attack with a long duration (like Ryu's super hurricane kick). From afar, it's a simple matter of waiting until the last possible moment before you release the buttons. Up close, you have to practice your timing so that you release the buttons for the Bull Horn _as_ your opponent begins his attack. If you try to predict your enemy's attack and release it beforehand, they can simply attack you once the invincibility ends. The only time when you're assured free damage is if you're close to someone who attempts a Super Combo with a short duration, like a super fireball. You can just release the buttons as soon as you see the screen darken, and you're pretty much guaranteed the hits. Another fault of this move is that once Birdie is rushing forward, he is completely vulnerable to attack, just like with the Bull Head. He can be hit or thrown out of it at any time prior to the actual headbutting. A way to remedy this situation is to keep at least two Bull Heads charged, both with different ranges. That way, if you attempt a long-range Bull Head and get punished for it, you can try a short-range Bull Head the next time around, and try and trick your opponent into attacking you--of course, Birdie will have already began headbutting by then, and will outhit your enemy (unless they attacked you with a Super Combo). Basically, you should always be charging one or more of these. It can be hard to play without the use of two or more Punch or Kick buttons. However, the Bull Horn (at higher levels) is basically a free Level 2 Super Combo, damage-wise, making it worth the hassle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MURDERER CHAIN (Rotate 360 + Punch) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HITS AND DAMAGE Light Punch: 2 hits, 24 damage points (14,24) Medium Punch: 2 hits, 27 damage points (15,27) Heavy Punch: 2 hits, 30 damage points (16,30) DESCRIPTION Birdie wraps his chains around his opponent's neck and slams them to the ground, once in one direction, then again in the other. COMMAND NOTES You can rotate the controller in either direction, it makes no difference. This move can be ticked into from a standing or crouching LP or LK, but you to have the attack hit or be blocked, _then_ do the command for the Murderer Chain. Trying to stick it in halfway through the command (ala Sodom's throws) just results in a missed throw attempt. COMMENTS The good news is that the Murderer Chain is unblockable, and is Birdie's most damaging special aside from the Bull Horn. The HP version does as much damage as a Level 1 Birdie Super Combo, in fact. It also leaves Birdie relatively close to his enemy, making it easy to get in for another throw attempt. Plus it's the only throw of his (along with the Bull Revenger), that your opponent can't air recover from after it finishes. The bad news is that the range on this move is pathetic--you have to be really close to hit someone. This is a big problem because people with better range on their throws (Zangief and Sodom), can simply out-throw Birdie, no contest. Also, his Bull Spike does better damage, and you can juggle after it, so unless your opponent is Tech. Hit happy, stick with the Bull Spike. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BANDIT CHAIN (Rotate 360 + Kick) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HITS AND DAMAGE Light Kick: 1 hit, 20 damage points (8,20) Medium Kick: 2 hits, 24 damage points (6,12,24) Heavy Kick: 3 hits, 29 damage points (6,12,18,29) DESCRIPTION Birdie uses his chains to slam his opponent into the ground once, twice, or three times, then flings them behind him. COMMAND NOTES (See notes on ticking into the Murderer Chain, above.) COMMENTS Like the Murderer Chain, the Bandit Chain is unblockable. However, that is it's only real asset. It not only does worse damage than the Murderer Chain, but it has the same bad range as that move. The only real use of this move is when you want to get your opponent away from you, since it deposits them on the far side of the screen. Your opponent can air flip once they're thrown, too. I was thinking that you could perhaps juggle them with The Birdie, but for the life of me I can't pull one off after the Bandit Chain, so who knows. ========================================================================= 7. WANT TO MAKE YOUR CHALLENGER LAUGH? TRY BIRDIE'S SUPER COMBOS ========================================================================= This section lists each of Birdie's attacks, how to perform them, how much damage they inflict, what they look like, and my spin on how useful they are: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE BIRDIE (Charge b,f,b,f + Punch) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HITS AND DAMAGE Light Punch: 3 hits, 31 damage points (12,22,31) Medium Punch: 4 hits, 54 damage points (15,30,42,54) Heavy Punch: 5 hits, 65 damage points (15,30,44,52,65) DESCRIPTION Birdie performs multiple Bull Heads and finishes with a Bull Horn. At Level 3, he will dizzy his opponent after the first three hits, pause to taunt them with his LK win pose, then hit them with two more Bull Horns. COMMAND NOTES You can also perform this move by charging down-back, for 2 seconds, then pressing forward, back, forward + Punch. This is useful if you want to stay where you are but still keep a charge. If you wanted to combo The Birdie (for example, using crouching MP), simply press MP (if crouching down-back), then tap forward, back, forward, and press any Punch button. If you had been charging back, you would enter forward, down-back + MP (for the hit), then forward + P to combo it into The Birdie. COMMENTS The Birdie is not a really great Super Combo, but for Birdie, it's pretty decent. The main advantage of this move is that it can juggle for full hits at Level 1 or Level 3 if your timing is right (you can never get the last hit with a Level 2 Birdie). This move can pass through attacks (works best w/ projectiles) at the beginning, but so could a Bull Horn, for about the same amount of damage or more (and you'd still have Super Combo power to spare). This Super Combo has a somewhat longer invincibility period than the Bull Horn, but it's still pretty small. Nonetheless, in tight situations, there's nothing like sailing through your opponent's attack and headbutting them...repeatedly! Probably the biggest downfall of this Super Combo is that the damage is pitiful at Level 1--it does the same amount as an HP Murderer Chain. While it's easier to hit with the Birdie than with a Murderer Chain, I still prefer to save up my power for a Level 3 Birdie. However, this move can be comboed into off of any cancellable attack, and since it's a Super Combo, it can also be comboed off of either hit of Birdie's crouching HP (instead of just the first hit). This makes it very useful for combos (it's always a better choice than the Bull Head). However, outside of combos, you should not be using it unless you want to juggle your opponent, or beat out a low-priority attack. One nice thing about this move is it's fast recovery, so if you use the Birdie out of the blue (even though I warned you not to, heheh!) and it gets blocked, you're still in range to follow up with a Murderer Chain, Bandit Chain, or Bad Throw (this doesn't work with the Level 2 Birdie, though). Note that the Level 3 version will not dizzy Shin Gouki (since he cannot be dizzied). There is also some sort of strange glitch where it will not dizzy your opponent, no matter who they are. I'm still determining how this works, but I think it has something to do with comboing into the Birdie. However, the advantage to this is that Birdie recovers instantly after the third hit, so while you do not get the remaining two hits, you can throw out an attack (even something slow like an MP or crouching HP) and if it's cancellable, you can combo it into a Bull Head. (Of course, if you're in Training Mode, you can cancel it into another Level 3 Birdie for an infinite combo!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BULL REVENGER (qcf,d,df + Punch or Kick) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HITS AND DAMAGE Light Punch / Kick: 2 hits, 32 damage points (16,32) Medium Punch / Kick: 3 hits, 48 damage points (16,32,48) Heavy Punch / Kick: 4 hits, 64 damage points (16,32,48,64) DESCRIPTION Birdie looks like he's going to leap into a pool or something. He jumps forward, about the distance of a normal jump if Punch is used, or the distance of two jumps (across the screen) if Kick is used. Upon landing, he grabs his opponent and uses multiple Murderer and Bandit Chains on his foe, always finishing with a Murderer Chain. COMMAND NOTES This move cannot be comboed into. However, you can cancel an attack into a Punch-style Bull Revenger, and it will hit. In the corner, you can also use the Kick-style Bull Revenger. Before I get to cancelling into this move, I should mention that at any time that Birdie starts the Revenger, his opponent can get out of the way by simply jumping. You don't even have to start jumping before the Revenger begins; just hold ub or u or uf when you see the Super flash, and you'll jump to safety as Birdie leaps forward and misses. Worse yet, you can throw an attack while jumping and you'll smack him. The only time when someone can't jump out of the way is when they flipped in air (like after a Bull Spike, Bad Throw, or Bandit Chain), and are landing. Of course, they can still hit you as they fall and you come leaping towards them, but this _is_ Birdie, after all, what did you expect? Below is a list of timings for nabbing someone with the Bull Revenger after flip. - Use the KK Revenger if they flipped out of the Bad Scrap or the Bandit Chain. - Use the PP Revenger if they flipped out of the Bull Spike. The PP and KK Revengers can be used interchangably in corners. - If they did a neutral recovery, initiate the Bull Revenger as you see the white flash. - If they did a front or back recovery, initiate the Bull Revenger just after they begin to fall while upright. Remember, the Bull Revenger is inescapable in these situations, but you can still be hit out of the Revenger leap by a quick opponent. I don't know if this works all the time, I couldn't do it at all against Cody, but had no problem when I tried this against Ryu. Anyway, to continue: Cancelling off of a standing or crouching MP is your best bet, since it gives your opponent less time to react. However, you'll whiff the Level 3 version if you use MP. If you use LP or LK, you can cancel into the Level 3 version for a hit, but there are some problems. One of them is that your opponent has more time to react. The other is that you have to hit them from as far away as possible (unless you're in the corner), since Birdie will otherwise just hop over them. You can cancel this off of either hit of Birdie's crouching HP, but it will always miss (unlike in previous games). Anyways, cancelling it from a normal move is always a good tactic--this means that your opponent's only option is to move out of the way or attack you. Unless it's a high-priority move, then you get the Revenger. If your opponent knows about jumping out of the way of the Revenger, though, then don't use this move unless they're in a situation where they can't jump (while recovering from a special move, landing from a jump, etc.) COMMENTS The Bull Revenger's major drawback is that most people use it to hop over fireballs and attack someone. This is a great use (and if you have the chance, always go for it), but most players are smart enough when fighting Birdie to not throw fireballs unless they're right next to him or about a third of the screen away. In the first case, both Revenger types will miss, and in the second case, the Punch Revenger doesn't go far enough to hit, and the Kick version goes too far, so your opponent is safe. Another problem with this move is that it has very bad grab range--Birdie has to land _right next_ to his opponent or he'll miss upon landing. It's not a problem for the Kick-style Revenger, but if you're going to use the Punch version, don't use it if your opponent is right next to you, or if they are further away than about the range of a jumping forward MK. This move has high speed and high priority. It comes fast, and it has enough priority at any level to go through most any attack. The only attacks that can easily hit it are air attacks (like a dragon punch or hurricane kick). Since Birdie is going through the air, attacks that hit straight ahead will usually miss him, too. Along with the Murderer Chain, it cannot be air flipped out of after it's finished (yay!) If your opponent is fireball-happy, you can have a field day with this move and really lay on the damage. If they're smart enough to not use projectiles, you can still use the MP cancel trick (listed above), for a pretty sure hit with the Bull Revenger, assuming they don't jump. You can also use this move to punish them after an attack with long recovery delay, like Ryu's rushing elbow (the Seichuu Nidan Tsuki). As long as your opponent isn't right next to you or in the unhittable area mentioned earlier, you should always be ready to use this move to make your opponent pay for his mistakes. ========================================================================= 8. ZERO COUNTERS, THE ONLY MOVES WEAKER THAN BIRDIE HIMSELF ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ZERO COUNTER (While blocking, press f + the same strength P + K) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HITS AND DAMAGE 1 hit, 4 damage points DESCRIPTION (Z-ISM) Birdie performs an LP Bull Head, minus the red skin. (V-ISM) Birdie does his standing HK. COMMENTS (for the Z-ISM version) This Zero Counter is not very fast, meaning that your opponent can hit you out of it. Considering that it costs 1 Super Combo level plus one block of your Guard Power gauge, that makes it a pretty awful move to use. Save this for a last-ditch, do-or-die type situation. COMMENTS (for the V-ISM version) This Zero Counter is slow and has bad range. Plus, it costs half of your OC meter plus one block of your Guard Power gauge. Just like the Z-ISM version, you'll want to stay away from this move. ========================================================================= 9. A LAUGHABLY SHORT LIST OF COMBOS FOR BIRDIE ========================================================================= This is Birdie after all, even Honda has more combos than this guy (well, maybe not). But you get my drift. Combos: 1. standing or crouching LP / LK -> LP Bull Head 2. standing or crouching MP -> LP / MP Bull Head 3. crouching HP (1st hit) -> LP / MP Bull Head 4. crouching HP (either hit) -> The Birdie 5. Preceed any combo with a jump-in attack 6. cross-up HK or Body Slam, crouching MP 7. jumping MK, crouching MK Notes: 6. This combo is to be used aginst a crouching opponent. Use crouching HP if you're fighting characters who can be hit by his low HP. 7. This combo is handy because it keeps Birdie at a safe distance. Juggles and other non-combo stuff: 1. Standing or crouching LP / LK / MP into Level 1 / 2 Bull Revenger 2. Standing or crouching LP / LK into Level 3 Bull Revenger 3. Bandit Chain or Bad Throw, if they flip, Bull Revenger as they land 4. Standing or crouching LP / LK / MP, tick into either Chain move 5. cross-up HK or Body Slam, tick into either Chain move 6. Bull Spike, Bull Drop or any standing attack but LK 7. Bull Spike, any crouching attack but LK / HK 8. Bull Spike, any jumping attack, Body Slam, or Bad Scrap 9. Bull Spike, Birdie Lift, Bad Hammer (X-ISM only) 10. Bull Spike, Bull Head 11. Bull Spike, The Birdie 12. Bull Spike, Bull Horn 13. Blocked Bull Horn, Murderer or Bandit Chain / Bad Throw Notes: 1. Remember that this is escapable by jumping. 3. This is unescapable, but you must catch them with the Revenger just as they reach the floor. 6. Against smaller characters, you can't always get the "leg up" hit of the Bull Drop. In the corner though, you can get the "leg up" hit against any character. 12. Obviously, it's easier to do this juggle with the short version of the Bull Horn (LP + MP or LK + MK). 13. This doesn't work with the Final Bull Horn, since Birdie gets pushed back too far. You can also do this after a blocked Level 1 or Level 3 The Birdie. Stuff do to in corners: 1. Bad Throw, Bad Scrap 2. Bull Spike, Bad Throw, or Birdie Lift, (jumping HP or HK) juggle with a cancellable attack into the Bull Head / Bull Horn. 3. Bull Spike, jumping HK, crouching HP (both hits), The Birdie Notes: 2. You could also cancel into the Birdie, but you wouldn't get the full amount of hits. You can omit the jumping attack if you want, and just juggle into the Bull Head or Bull Horn. Probably the best combo to use when you're in the corner, especially if you do a high damage juggle like crouching MP into Bull Horn. 3. This combo is a little weird. For starters, it works best against large opponents, and even then, it won't come out 100% of the time. What's more, you don't have to be in the corner with your enemy (although that works best). As long as they're in the corner after you've done the jumping HK and crouching HP, the rest of the combo will still work. In any case, what you want to do here is use the Level 3 Birdie. You'll end up behind them and they will have been dizzied (your last two hits miss). At this point you can finish them any way you like. I like substituting a jumping MP instead of a jumping HK, so that I can use a KK Bull Horn. However, you have very little time to do that (especially if your opponent is rapping on the buttons), so another option is to take a step forward, reverse Bull Spike to get them back in the corner, then juggle them with the Bull Horn (or juggle them with a crouching MP, then Bull Horn them). Or you could omit the Bull Horn altogether and just to whatever type of Bull Spike juggle you like. Remember that in V-ISM, you can do any combo with crouch HP off of the second hit instead of just the first hit into a special move. Also, keep in mind that any time you use The Birdie in a combo, you run the risk of having it glitch (see The Birdie notes in the section on Super Combos). I don't know if this can happen in the arcade version, though. Also, any juggle involving the Bull Spike, Bad Throw, or Bad Scrap can be Tech. Hit out of. If your opponent is good at Tech. Hitting, I can't really recommend these. However, you can always attack them in some other way if they do flip (a Bull Horn works nicely). ========================================================================= 10. ATTEMPTING TO WIN WITH BIRDIE ========================================================================= Here are some random notes on trying to improve your Birdie skills. - From up close, you always want to go for the Bull Spike. If you're not that close, then tick into the Murderer Chain. If your enemy is flip-happy, tick into the Bandit Chain, then Bull Revenger them as they land after flipping. - As for doing GC damage, try poking with two crouching LK or LP attacks, then a crouching MK once you've been pushed out of range. - From afar, poke with his crouching MK _a lot_. He's far enough to be out of the way of any serious danger. - Whenever your opponent leaves himself open, it's always time for a jump-in combo. If you're not close enough but they're wide open for a jump-in, using jumping MK, crouching MK instead. - If someone jumps at you from afar, use his crouching MP to knock them out of the air. If they jump in on you from a closer range, use a crouching HP. If they do a late attack, just dodge it with the Bull Horn's invincibility window and introduce them to your head. - Always keep charging down-back when playing with Birdie. If they're close and they leave themselves open, you can instantly punish them with the LP Bull Head. If the do some sort of high priority attack, it's time for The Birdie! - Once you have a Bull Horn charged up, you should use Birdie's Bad Spike profusely. Bull Horn once they flip out for damage (or at least block damage). Another option is to use the Punch Bull Revenger if they flip out (if you use the Bad Throw, use the Kick Bull Revenger if they flip out). - Always have a Bull Horn charged and ready to go. It's fast, safe to use even if it gets blocked, and it does mad damage. Don't forget to use the invincibility to pass through certain attacks! ========================================================================= 11. RANDOM TIDBITS ABOUT THE WORLD'S WORST GRAPPLER ========================================================================= At this point, you're probably considering going back to using Rainbow Mika or your equally deadly Sodom. That's why I saved the real good stuff for last (that's the same sort of philosophy that led to putting fruit at the bottom of yogurt cups. No, you can't stir the good parts of this FAQ up to the top of this file, but you could cut and paste them. The good parts of this FAQ, that is, not the yogurt) ;) So, here's the good stuff, in no particular order: - Birdie takes less damage than most characters. Only Zangief is sturdier than him. So next time Sakura starts giving you a beat down, remember that you're doing more damage than she is. Considering that you're a big-ass bouncer and that's she's a skinny girl in high school, that seems kind of obvious, though. - Birdie has the biggest Guard Power Gauge in the game, along with Zangief. So he can sit back and block all day (or Zero Counter all day, if you're really foolish), and he'll still be a-okay. - Birdie's also the hardest character to dizzy right after Zangief (after reading all this, you're considering using Zangief now, aren't you?) So Rolento can smack him upside the head with his rod (and a couple of grenades for good measure), and the only thing that happens to Birdie is that his hair gets messed up. Here's some really good stuff on that oh-so important element of gaming, taunts: - Birdie's got three of them. Hold back and press Start and he licks his chains. Mmm, nutritious! Hold forward and press Start to make him give you a thumbs up. What a good sport! - The third one is the coolest. Just press Start, and Birdie will whip out a switchblade knife. Unlike Cody, he can't then go and shank people in the stomach with it, but that's okay. It still hits for one point of damage (none if blocked). Against smaller characters, this move won't hit from up close--you must take a step back, then press Start. Just to add to the hodgepodge, here's a list of Birdie's win poses. Just hold the listed button to get the desired pose: LP Birdie takes out his knife and flips it open. MP, HK Birdie gives a thumbs up, then sticks out his tongue and gives a thumbs down as his mohawk gets messed up. HP Birdie licks his chain and says "I'm number one." LK Birdie holds up two fingers and says " heaven." MK Birdie holds up three fingers and says "I'm number one." Remember that you may not get all of these poses unless you're in a Birdie vs. Birdie match-up (for the PSX; it doesn't matter if you're playing the arcade version). And finally, here's some info. on everybody's favorite punching bag: Height: 216 cm Weight: 111 kg 3-Size: b156 w102 h106 Blood Type: O Birthplace: England Activities: Gluttony, criminal acts Likes: Beer, beef jerky, talk of making money Dislikes: Children, police That's all! ========================================================================= 12. SPECIAL THANKS TO THE PEOPLE BRAVE ENOUGH TO USE THIS GUY ========================================================================= In no particular order: David Antoine - For his uber-nifty Birdie FAQ. All the stuff on cancelling the Bull Horn charge and doing a special move even if you've got a Bull Horn charged up was taken from his FAQ, as well as the note on jumping back and still hitting with Birdie's jumping LK. Dash Taisen - For all the normal attack names, bio info, and other stuff. Cammy - For her notes on which charactes gain more / less gauge power from their 'missed throw' animations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ AUTHOR'S NOTE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This FAQ is more of a "technical guide" about Birdie--it's not jam packed with strategies on how to win with Birdie because admittedly, I play a pretty awful Birdie. Rather, this FAQ presents Birdie's abilities in detail, in the hopes that you, the reader, can use such info. to play a better Birdie (or learn more about stomping on the faces of your Birdie-using challengers). In either case, enjoy, and feel free to mail me with comments / complaints / etc. This FAQ has a companion file, the 'Street Fighter Zero 3: Perfect Package FAQ v0.7" (for the Japanese PSX version), which I suggest browsing through at some point because it explains in detail a lot of the stuff that's just briefly touched upon in this FAQ. If you're using Birdie in the arcades, then you'll want to read the arcade version of that FAQ, the "Street Fighter Alpha 3 FAQ v2.2". Both FAQs can be found at my page or GameFAQs (addresses listed at the top of the FAQ). Unpublished work Copyright 1999-2001 Chris MacDonald