Fei Long, Street Fighter Alpha 3 for Playstation FAQ. By Ramagamma. Final Version. Last updated 16th October 2000. Added some stuff. ----------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS ----------------------------------------------------- 1. A little about me. 2. A little about Fei Long. 3. Basic Moves list. 4. Special Moves. 5. Super Combos. 6. Individual Strategies. Coming Soon, Colors. _____________________________________________________ 1. A little about me. ----------------------------------------------------- Well where should i begin. I am a 14 year old boy from Scotland who thinks that Street Fighter can kick everything and more out of the Mortal Kombat and any other series. This is my second FAQ about Street Fighter Alpha 3. The first was about the most overused character in the game who likes to be known as Akuma (Gouki in the japanese version). One day i was playing Street Fighter and i decided to go a Randon Character. Turns out I got Fei Long. Since he is a fairly simple character to use with few moves i decided to write my second FAQ making it slightly better than my Akuma one. _____________________________________________________ 2. A little about Fei Long. ----------------------------------------------------- Surely you know who Fei Long is. I mean if you didnt why would you be reading a FAQ on him. Well for those who are a little bored or for those that want a little revision i thought i should include this little section. Fei Long is basically the guy who should remind you of the late Bruce Lee. He is very agile and fast but doesnt cause much damage with each hit. He uses a karate style fighing style which looks awsome in the hands of a master (ie: me). Because he only has 3 special moves he usually relise on normal moves instead of fancy specials. Because of his speed he can do huge combos (my best is 18). __________________________________________________ 3. Basic Moves List. -------------------------------------------------- LEGEND. QCF - Quarter Cirle Forward QCB - Quarter Circle Back HCF - Half Circle Forward HCB - Half Circle Back DF - Diagonally Down and Foward BF - Diagonally Down and Backward U - Jump up UF - Jump Forward UB - Jump Backward C - Crouch/Down F or > - Foward B or < - Backward WP - Weak Puncb MP - Medium Punch FP - Fierce Punch WK - Weak Kick MK - Medium Kick FK - Strong Kick Fierce Punch =================================================== Standing ---------- Fei will lunge in with a punch to the midsection. I dont use it a large amount but if you can string 2 or 3 together it can start to knock off a heck of a lot of damage. Doesnt really do as much to the guard meter as you would like for a fierce move. Since Combos are Feis strong point and this doesnt do much comboing then its best left alone unless you need to finish off an opponent quickly. Crouching ---------- Fei drops too one knee and throws out his hands in a stance that looks like the firball motion of the shotakans. Does more damage than a standing fierce. Its good for pushing the opponents back. Another neat trick is to knock the opponent into the air and make sure they land on this move. Sweet. Jumping ---------- Fei swings both his fists down at the opponent. Does the same damage as the standing fierce but since your more vulnerable in the air i would recommend sticking to the standing or crouching one. If you insist on jumping in though (a good tactic while starting a custom combo) then its very unlikley that you will hit a crouching opponent. Medium Punch ================================================== Standing ---------- A quick chop right into the belly. Does next to no damage so its not a great move. What you can do is hit MP and while Fei is actually in the animation for the move do QCF + P and you will get a nice little 2 hit combo. Crouching ---------- Crappy crappy. Just a smale poke into the thigh. Its usless and the damage proves that. Use infrequently. Jumping ---------- Fei will slam his fist down into your opponents skull. Does about as much damageas waving a flower at your opponent. In other words...Avoid. Light Punch ================================================== Standing ---------- Does this actually do any damage. Maybe about a pixels worth. I dont use it much so neither should you. Well at least it can be combed into 2 hits. Crouching. ---------- Oh come on this is just gettin pathetic. Fei will elbow his opponent in the knee.My god there isnt a worse move. Jumping ---------- Does a surprising amount of damage for a jab. Not really much use unless your doing a custom combo (v-ism) where you can do 2 of these together in next too no time. Fierce Kick ================================================== Standing ---------- If your standing right next to your foe then Fei delivers a short sharp kick right to the chest which does the same amount of damage as a standing fierce. If your a little farther from the opponent he will turn around and swing his leg up at the opponents face for a good amount of damage and a large amount of the guard meter if they block. If you push forward before kicking then Fei jumps forward for a 2 kick combo. Crouching ---------- The standard sweep for any character. Doesnt do a terrific amount of damage but it knocks the opponent over giving you a second or so to avoid attacks. Be wary when your opponent gets up though as they might have a counter attack planned. Jumping ---------- The best way i can describe this is by saying that Fei jumps in the air swinging his legs about wildly. Quite a good air 2 air move but very easily counterable by a dragon punch or tiger blow. Medium Kick ================================================== Standing ---------- A crappy little kick the the chest. I dont use it much because of its severe lack of damage. If you hold forward then Fei will do a stupid looking hopping kick that lacks range. Crouching ---------- A little toe poke at the enemies foot. Again i dont use this much. I prefer the fierce version. Jumping ---------- Fei swings his foot down hitting hte opponent on the skull. Fairly good damage which is what you would excpet from a medium move. Nice. to combo into. Light Kick ================================================== Standing ---------- A little jab kick to the shins never hurt anyone so avoid this like the black plauge. If your up close Fei will knee his opponent in the groin area...ouch :). Crouching ---------- Another little toe poke but this one can be used 2 or 3 times in a row even if it doesnt count as a combo. Jumping ---------- A quick knee to the skull which again does very good damage for a jab. __________________________________________________ 4. Special Moves -------------------------------------------------- Its pretty unusal for a character in SFA3 but Fei Long only has 3 special moves so youll be relying on his normal moves for the most part. ================================================== 3 Hit Combo --------- QCF x 3, any punch. --------- This is hard as hell to do but with practise its cool. The first quarter circle makes Fei lunge forward with a punch but it generally does less damage than a standing medium punch. The second one does the same amount of damage and is a punch to the belly and the third one is a elbow to the chest that does the most damage. ================================================== Rising Flaming Foot -------- >, DF, any kick. -------- This is Feis primary anti air attack. Its also very useful for knocking the opponents up into the air. The problem is that if you miss a good Ryu/Ken/Sagat/Akuma player will dragon punch you out of the air before you know whats hit you. ?????????????? -------- HCF, UP + any kick. -------- The actual animation for this move is the same as if you jamp in the air and hit FK but it has the added bonus of doing more damage and being a great anti air. Because of the button combination required its a very hard move to do but as with any move you have to just practise and practise till you can pull them off at will. __________________________________________________ 5. Super Combos -------------------------------------------------- Fei long as only 3 super combos but there good enough. Here they are including a description and best time to use them. ================================================== Rising Flaming Foot ----------- QCB x 2, any kick. ----------- Yowaza. This is the Anti air attack of the rising flaming foot and boy does it hurt. The fierce version hits 10 times and knocks off roughly half the opponents life bar. Use wisely because if you miss you will eat a super. 5 Hit super ---------- QCF x 2, any punch. ---------- Fei will deliver 5 incredibly damagine punches to the opponents upper body. Not much to say except this move reeks of awsomeness. Punch Punch, Kick ---------- QCB x 2, FP ---------- This one is just too cool. First Fei sets his hand on fire while punching the opponent. He follows this up with a uppercut and then flys into the air punching them from the air. Its cool so use it a lot to annoy your opponent. If the you only just hit the opponent with Fei's flaming fist then you will get a much flasher 7 hit combo. _____________________________________________________ 6. Individual Strategies. ----------------------------------------------------- Adon ----- No Strategy available. Akuma ----- Akuma is the most well balanced character in the game. Since he is a shotakan expect him to use fireballs from a distance and to try and dragon punch you when you jump in. Since Fei doesnt hit strong you need to get in their and attack and jump out before he does a special move or a super combo. Balrog ----- No Strategy available. Birdie ----- Birdies is powerful just like Zangief. So just like him use his slowness to your advantage by jumping in and doing some damage and running away. Blanka ----- Blanka's 2 main attacks are his rolls and his electric attack. Both can be countered if you know how. For the electric attack just sweep him from fairly close range and it actually knocks him out without damaning you. If he does the roll and you have good reactions just flaming foot him out of the air. Cammy ----- No Strategy available. Charlie ----- No Strategy available. Chun-Li ----- No Strategy available. Cody ----- Since Cody is more of a power based character than speed you need to do the, attack run, attack method that works with all of the slower characters. If he does his rock throwing attack just jump over and hit a Fierce Punch. If he picks up the knife try and unleash a super to thwart his plans. Dan ----- DAn is possibly the most pathetic Street Fighter. His only basic move is that stupid annoying flying kick of his. If he tries it and you feel like counter attacking do your rising flaming foot super. If however you dont feel like trying that go for a counter after blocking him. Dee Jay ----- No Strategy available. Dhalsim ----- Coming Soon. E. Honda ----- Big Fat Japanese Bloke + Small fast chinese bloke = you winning. Honda's too easy and the only real worry is getting caught in the hundred hand slap. Fei Long ----- Well is basically going to be a mirror match situation so just use all the tactics you know against youself :). Use taht Flaming kick whenever he jumps in and do the supers to high heaven. Gen ----- For an Old guy Gen is surprisingly good. I cant really think of a strategy for him because hes not only fast but he also hits hard so your just going to need to do this on your own. Guy ----- This guy is the fastest guy in the game bar none. Since your quite speedy yourself however you are going to have to use that to your advantage. Watch out for his version of the hurricane kick because if you get hit with it once theres a very good chance that they will be able to juggle you at least another once. Good luck. Juli/Juni ----- No Strategy available. Karin ----- No Strategy available. Ken ----- See Ryu. M. Bison ----- Now this guy is hard. If your playing against him on A-ISM he will be a walk in the park but on X-ISM you had better worry. If he does the Super Super Phyco crusher then try and move out of the way very quickly. Actually just block and pray that your guard meter lasts. R. Mika ----- R.Mika is basically too weak for her own good. For some reason shes still the only female in the game who has ever bet me. Use combos a lot. Rolento ----- Think about this. What is Rolentos main form of attack. Simple. Its jumping in after doing on of his air raids. Therefore its recommended that you save your super bar until he does try a jump in so you can completly knock him out of the air and laugh. Try to counter his jumps by doing jumps off your own and soon you will be kicking his ass. Rose ----- No Strategy available. Ryu ----- Since Ryu is a shotakan based character a combo of Fireballs and Dragon Uppercuts are his fave move. Counter a missed dragon uppercut with your flaming foot supr and laugh as they get hit about the place. If he does a fireball jump in with a Fierce Kick then go for a sweep. Sagat ----- Ouch, without a doubt this guy can easily be considered the hardest in the game. Never ever jump in on this guy because he as 2 anti air attacks including the Tiger Knee which is blindingly fast. I hate to put it blunt but if your playing on a difficulty setting above 4 stars i would just pray to god that you are able to beat Sagat with Fei Long cuz if you aint that good it aint going to happen. Sakura ----- No Strategy available. Sodom ----- See Birdie. T. Hawk ----- No Strategy available. Vega ----- This guy jumps way too much for his own good. You know what that means. Hit him with your Flaming Foot super and if you time it correctley you can get 8-10 hits depending on the button used. Wath out for his deadly as in annoying, rolling attack that he ends with a claw. Try to jump at this guy a lot and mix up FK's with mid air throws. Be Careful when this guy jumps uptowards a wall and goes right at you because its a good chance that he will try his mid air throw which is unblockable. Zangief ----- See Birdie. Ramagamma ramagamma@hotmail.com