Juraiprince@hotmail.com(JuraiPrince) 5/31/1999 SFA3: Guile Start up Guide SFA3(PSX) Updated 9/3/99 CONTENTS: Introduction Who is Guile? That’s neat, now how do I get Guile? Normal Moves & Explanation Special Moves & Explanation Super Moves & Explanation (Special stuff between) END I : INTRODUCTION What's up everybody? I'm here just to make a few minor adjustments. Dare I say, "update"? It's not a biggy, just a little slide of the hand to make this more nice and sweet. I'm also fixing up the look, seeing as how I dimwittedly made the original using MS Word *slaps self silly*, now I'm doing this in order to adjust it for you, so you need not do alot of work. II: WHO IS GUILE? Guile’s full name is William F. Guile, a colonel of the United States Army(though it seems somewhat implied that he’s in some kind of intelligence branch as well as the USAF throughout all the SF games). Guile is Charlie’s/Nash’s long time friend and comrade(did that seem redundant?). Guile’s mission in SFA3 is to find Charlie/Nash and bring him back safely. The problem is that Charlie is working on a secret mission to destroy Shadaloo(Bison’s underground network of basically all the bad stuff you can think of) alongside Chun-li. Thus, the conflict is presented that should Charlie be taken away from the mission, the risk of Shadaloo remaining is at stake. What ultimately happens to Guile, Charlie, and Chun-Li? Find out by beating SFA3!(hopefully, with the assistance of this guide). III: THAT’S NEAT, NOW HOW DO I GET GUILE? The question is easily answered, but not so easily done by the person asking the question(i.e. you). The answer lies in the new World Tour Mode in SFA3. Assuming you know how World Tour Mode works, simply select your character and level them past level 27 once you reach the Thailand stage where you must fight the following people in this order: - SURVIVAL BATTLE: Sagat x3, 1 Round Win/Loss. - SURVIVAL BATTLE: Juli/Juni, 2 Round Win, 1 Round Loss - MAX SUPER BATTLE: M. Bison, 2 Round Win/1 Round loss. If you have past level 27 once you reach this stage, you’re pretty much safe. Now, all you have to do is fight your way through a survival battle against 4 Rolento’s, a Guard Crush attack against Charlie/Nash, and then finally, a Super Combo attack against Guile. Once you’ve defeated Guile, just save, and go to any mode(including training) and Guile’s icon will be shown, thus, he’s now playable. IV: NORMAL MOVES & EXPLANATION First and foremost, this can’t be explained without some kind of guide telling you what buttons I’m referring to, so: LEGEND A: Any(referring to either a kick or punch button) U: Up D: Down B: Back T: Forward/Toward F: Fierce Strength M: Medium Strength W: Light Strength/Weak Strength K: Kick P: Punch PP: 2 punch buttons pushed simultaneously PPP: 3 punch buttons pushed simultaneously KK: 2 Kick buttons pushed simultaneously KKK: 3 Kick buttons pushed simultaneously (2sec.) : Hold down the specified direction for 2 seconds o.k., so now here are the NORMAL moves. WP: Weak Punch(Jab) Standing: Guile tosses a quick jab, doing small damage. Unlike in SFA2, you can’t go from a charged-back weak punch into a Toward- punch-turning into a sonic boom, otherwise known as canceling a normal move into a special. You can however, use the standing weak punch to link to another attack button, such as a crouching or standing weak kick/punch. Crouching: Guile does a quick, low-range jab. Jumping: Not too special, but it’s a quick jab in the air which CAN counter, just not all too well. CHAINS: All versions can be chained into a weak kick(short). MP: Medium strength Punch(Strong) Standing: Guile does a surprisingly quick punch that looks like a thrusting uppercut. Basically, Guile moves his upper body forward while punching up. Do not use as an anti-air, though, because it’s not intended as one. Crouching: Guile does a somewhat slow, medium range punch. Jumping: A semi-quick punch resembling his jumping Fierce Punch. Pretty decent air counter, and Jump-in. CHAINS: Only the jumping version can chain into a Fierce, the standing can be canceled into a sonic boom, if, of course, you’re charging back while the MP is being performed. *NOTE: In X-ism, Guile punches upwards. I think the same is true for V-ism* FP: Fierce Punch(Fierce) Standing: A slow, mid range crossing punch. It looks a lot like Charlie’s. It’s not the greatest basic attack, but it has little recovery time, so that’s a plus. Crouching: A fast uppercut. Incredibly fast for a fierce uppercut, and it’s a pretty good anti-air move. There is a bit of a problem in trying to cancel this move into a Flash kick, because of the awkward timing, so, be forewarned. Jumping: A very fast punch. This move tends to be awkward because it comes out and ends rather quickly, but it works great as a stun in order to set up a ground combo. CHAINS: Can’t be changed into other normal moves, but can chain into special moves like the sonic boom or the flash kick. WK: Weak Kick(Short) Standing: A short ranged kick to the shin of a standing opponent(that’s the best way to describe it). Crouching: a mid-range kick doing small damage. This is an odd crouching weak kick, as it goes farther than all other weak kicks, and thus, counters most all of them, but, this plus comes at the sacrifice of being able to be blocked while standing, also unlike the other crouching weak kicks. Jumping: Guile tosses his knee to the air, which lasts long, but has little range. Can be beaten quite easily by other jumping weak attacks, minus Ken/Ryu/Akuma’s jumping weak Kicks, since they attack at the same level as Guile’s. CHAINS: Jumping weak kick obviously chains into a standing Weak punch, or Fierce punch. Crouching can be canceled into a flash kick or sonic boom, and the standing just can’t be chained at all. MK: Medium Kick(Forward) Standing: Best described as a sobat kick, guile spins his body and sends out a mid-range strong Kick. Unlike past incarnations, this is not an overhead, and the player can “shift” or Move guile while he’s in this move by simply pushing back or forward while pushing the MK button. Crouching: a longer ranged kick than the weak kick, but slower and more powerful. Jumping: This is guile’s best jump-in. Guile jumps while kicking down at an angle (similar looking To akuma’s dive kick but a less steep angle) at the opponent. I say this is the best of his jump-Ins simply because of the angle. This works best against fireball happy players, and it can Chain into ground moves very easily. CHAINS: Standing can’t be chained, crouching version can be canceled into a flash kick, but not into A sonic boom. Jumping can chain into a standing weak punch/kick, or crouching MK or even a Standing FP. FK: Fierce Kick(Roundhouse) Standing: there are two versions of which can’t be controlled. 1) Long Range: Guile does a spin kick away from the screen, which aims at a pretty steep angle 2) Close Range: Guile somehow defies physics and does a move that looks like his crouching Medium kick only now he’s upside down and does much more damage. Crouching: Guile spins while doing two strong, tripping kicks. It’s just the recycled animation of the Weak Kick and Medium kick in respective order. Definitely use this if you want to Guard Crush your opponent. Not the best of trips because of the recovery lag due to the second kick, but it’s most useful when blocked. Jumping: Guile does a pretty quick, straight and long kick. Does moderate damage, and can chain. CHAINS: Standing and crouching versions can’t chain, jumping can chain into a standing/crouching weak punch, a crouching medium kick,
or a trip. The weak kick doesn’t chain very well, so skip that option unless you’re gunning for the crouching version. V: SPECIAL MOVES & EXPLANATIONS Are you ready for a barrage of special moves?(note sarcasm) I know I am! *From here on in, (X) denotes moves being available in X-ism, (A) for moves in A-ism, (V) for moves in V-ism. Take note, that if you’re playing the import(japanese) version, the –ism tags are: X-ism, Y-ism(I think) and Z-ism respectively* SONIC BOOM – B(2sec.), T + AP (X)(A)(V) A spinning projectile that looks like a spinning comet(sort of). Weak: A slow projectile, slow enough so Guile can almost walk past it, given enough space Medium: Slightly faster same amount of damage. Fierce: Much Faster, and same amount of damage. NOTES – All of these versions can be canceled into(meaning, you can charge back on the joypad while performing another move and when that move ends, push toward the opponent and any punch and the Sonic boom will come out and actually register as a second hit), some better than others, believe it or not. The weak version seems most effective because it may force the opponent to block to early, presenting the opportunity of Guard Crushing them. Fierce and Medium versions are also great, but you may just end up skipping the medium version because the Fierce and Weak versions are so good in mixing up opponents. FLASH KICK – D(2sec.), U + AK (X)(A)(V) Guile does a somersault kick which ends in a big, crescent shaped slash(which is why some people call it the “slash kick” instead), all this while in a short amount of time. I’m guessing this is why it’s called the “flash” kick. Do not use these as anti-air moves unless your opponent is attempting to jump in on you with a normal move, or of course, if they're using X-ism characters. Weak: Unlike Charlie’s this special starts off at mid-height, so if you perform this move on a crouching character who’s very small(i.e. Sakura, Karin, Dhalsim, and even Vega to name a few), you’ll more than likely miss. Medium: This version starts off slightly higher, but does more damage. Again, if it’s a small character AND they’re crouching, you’re just a jumping target. Fierce: He starts off higher, which is not even funny. It’s so easy to miss a crouching opponent, and the damage isn’t too significant compared to the medium versions. NOTES – All three versions are but a single hit(thus showing a BIG difference to Charlie/Nash), and can be canceled into by most crouching attacks, including the Fierce punch. Best version to use is the Weak kick version, seeing as how it travels pretty high and does roughly the same damage as the medium or fierce versions. SPINNING HEEL KICK – (NEAR OPPONENT) T + FK (A)(V) Guile makes a spin kick that is aimed at the opponents head. Although this comes out and ends relatively quickly, I haven’t found it possible to tie in a special or a super move finish. It tends to miss characters like Blanka or Karin if you’re smack dab in frount of their faces. I’ve tried this move on X-ism, but I wind up performing the Roundhouse move where he flips over and does the long range kick. LUNGING HALF-SPIKE – T + WK (X)(A)(V) Is this really a special move? It’s debatable, but lets move on. Guile performs a forward rushing movement ending in a high-range knee. I can’t find a good use for this, aside from the occasional escaping from a would be jumper. It also seems to catch jumping opponents, depending how low and how close to Guile they are. SPINNING BACK KNUCKLE – T(OR BACK) + FP (X)(A)(V) Guile does as the name implies, he spins and this the opponent with the back part of his fist(more specifically, the knuckles). This is a far-range attack, and does pretty good damage. But it has somewhat of a startup lag. SPINNING SOBAT – T(OR BACK) + MK (X)(A) Guile spins his body and spin kicks the opponent. By holding toward or back on the joystick, Guile will go forward or back, respectively; leaving the pad/stick at neutral position will leave Guile at his original position. This is not an overhead, you cannot hit crouching opponents, unless they are (obviously) not blocking. VI: SUPER MOVES & EXPLANATIONS SONIC HEMISPHERE - B(2sec.), T, B, T + P (A) I believe this move was inspired from Street Fighter: The animated movie, as it bears close resemblance. It has a pathetic range, and is what tones it down. Level 1(WP): Guile performs the standard sonic boom animation but instead ends it with a big sonic boom which shields him for about one-half character length, both standing or jumping. (3 hits MAX) Level 2(MP): The same as the Level 1 version, but you are shielded for about one character length. Guards against jump-ins extremely well. (4 Hits MAX) Level 3(FP): Again, the same as both the Level 2 and Level 1 versions, but you are shielded for little over one character length away. Does a LOT of damage, and this thing actually moves! Problem now is that it won’t shield you as well as the Level 2 version would. (5 Hits MAX) NOTES – I honestly don’t know what to say about this move. It looks cool, it has at least that much going for it. Problems are the range, or rather, the lack of it, the measly damage at level 1 or 2, and did you notice how I said “shields” rather than, oh say “attacks”? Well, it’s because it’s stationery!!! It won’t move unless it’s the Fierce version, and because of it moving, you lose all the protection you had from the medium version! The best one to use is of course the Level 2 Sonic Hemisphere. Also, it seems you can combo this in, be it by luck or by skill, take your pick. I’ve actually canceled into this move from a close standing fierce punch of all things! SOMERSAULT REVOLUTION - DB(2sec.), F, B, UF + K (X)(A) Can you say “Somersault Justice”? I knew you could. Level 1(WK) : Guile does two consecutive flash kicks. Doing moderate damage. (6 Hits) Level 2(MK) : Guile again does two consecutive flash kicks, but the damage is higher, and the second flash kick goes much higher, which is good. (6 Hits) Level 3(FK) : Guile does THREE consecutive flash kicks, each higher than the last. To call the damage this move does on X-ism insane would be the understatement of the year. A-isms damage is also very high. (13 Hits) NOTES – What more can be said than what has been said? The best version is of course the Level 3, and has little startup time, but some recovery lag at the end. This is definitely the super move you’ll want to use, but actually performing the move on the joypad or joystick may feel awkward at the start. Not only does this move have the damage to deem it the better super move, it also chips away hungrily at the opponent’s Guard meter. ^_^ It is important to note that unlike Charlie’s somersault justice, Guile starts off relatively low and doesn’t go very high after the first somersault. Where Charlie almost goes off the screen at the third somersault, Guile goes just below the life energy meter. SPECIAL SECTION: guile’s subtle differences in each –ism. X-ISM: Guile is, of course, at his strongest in X-ism. He has all of his moves intact (except for the spinning heel kick) and he retains his Somersault Revolution as his super, so this isn’t too bad. Problem is, Guile plays (or at least, I do) at his strongest in the air, as opposed to Charlie. Well, needless to say that without the air guard ability, Guile can be hurt big time. Sonic booms are the special of the day, so mix them up often, but don’t perform them for an indefinite amount of time, Guile is not Ryu or Ken. Since Guile now has increased Guard Crush power, use those crouching Roundhouses! You will be guard crushing your opponent in no time. A-ISM: In this mode, Guile is literally (as A-ism implies) standard. All the supers, moderate damage, low damage special moves. Main difference between A- and X-ism is the fact that Guile can now do the Sonic Hemisphere and the Spinning Heel Kick (but if you play a rather good guile, you’ll find out that you won’t need to get that close to an opponent). As for other plusses, Guile can ground/roll recover, and air block. Guile is not necessarily at his best here just for the reason of being able to air block, in fact, you’ll be spending more time on the ground (of all places) than anywhere else. The reason being that his somersault seemingly has more priority. Out of all the times I’ve played jumpers, the somersault in X-ism – I have no reason why this is – seems to get canceled pretty easy. Whereas, in A-ism, the somersault can’t be canceled unless the opponent is at a jump-in range that is slightly above Guile’s head (when he’s crouching, of course). This is definitely a good mode for beginning Guile players. V-ISM: First things first, Guile has just lost his spinning sobat, which is replaced by the lunging half-spike, and both his sonic booms and his somersaults do just about the same damage, meaning, small. You have no supers, and the Guard Crush damage is laughable. So why pick V-ism? Because Guile has the biggest air priority in this mode, and not only that, but the ability to do all of his special moves without charging the joypad/stick in any direction makes for some interesting possibilities when V-ism is activated! The other con that Guile has in this mode is that his Fierce punch looks and acts different. What I mean is, Guile performs a far reaching punch (but not too long a range) which takes a long time to recover from. The pros, include Guile’s ability to roll recover, increased air priority and the combos done when V-mode is activated do tons of damage (if you’re wondering how this is, do you remember the trick behind charlie in SFA2? Well, if you don’t, the trick is to trip the opponent so that they fall at an angle where you can immediately go into a somersault to juggle the opponent. What’s great about this, is that Charlie didn’t need to hold down on the joystick/pad for two seconds since he was in the Custom Combo mode). Is this the absolute best mode for Guile, maybe. I’m not a Guile expert (yet…) but I find that X-ism is the best for me. Perhaps the V-ism craziness that exists should exist for Guile users, but like I said, I’m not that far down the line to know this. VI: THERE’S A SIX?!?!?! Yes…Yes there is. You’ve actually read enough to get you some more goodies on Guile. The first is: COMBOS! I’d like to first note that I don’t use V-ism too much, due to my partiality to the damage from the Somersault Revolution in X-ism. TO ACTIVATE THE CUSTOM COMBO METER: Press a Punch and Kick button of the same strength when the power meter reads 50% or 100%. I’m not really going to tell you "combo that to that" or "go from A to B", just follow these Guidelines. A)The Flash kick and Sonic boom need no charging! Just push back, then forward plus punch, or down, and then up and kick for the sonic boom or flash kick, respectively. B) The trailing shadows are there for a reason: they mimic you’re every move. Toss a fierce punch, and the shadows will also perform the move. Problem? Well, the shadows almost "spit out" the opponent. So, timing and execution are a must. C)The crouching MK and the spinning back knuckle stun the opponent long enough for you to jump and start a jump in combo or anything else you have in mind. It won’t last long, so hurry! VII: THERE’S A SEVEN?!?!? I’m afraid so. This section is dedicated to all the “miscellaneous” parts of SFA3, of course, they’re all geared towards Guile. a)TAUNT: press START(one use per round) Who doesn’t like these things? Guile has but one taunt, he puts one hand at his hip, while he rotates his other arm mockingly, while saying "Come on". b)Entrance Quote: Guile says "Do your best"(thanks to Sir 0rion for this), and rotates his right arm(if you’re on the second player side, it’s his left). *ALTERNATIVE ENTRANCE* : If Guile is playing against Charlie/Nash, then they will salute each other in the military style. This brought a tear to my eye :-( (thanks again to people who sent in responses about this) c)OUTFIT COLORS So far, I’ve only seen four colors. WP: Black muscle shirt with black camouflage pants.(A) WK: Reddish muscle shirt, with brown camouflage pants. (A) MP: Classic green on green outfit. FK: Brown outfit(if you’ve played SF2: CE and so forth, you’ll remember this. d)END QUOTES: Fun! Fun! And more fun! I know there are more, please e-mail me, and tell me the rest. "Man enough to fight me, but not enough to beat me!" "What’s wrong, cadet? Can’t handle intense training?" "I soar to destroy, dive, and I’m deadly" "What? No handcuffs? Fighting isn't what it used to be..." "Qualified to fight. But not qualified to win" e)MARTIAL ARTS BACKGROUND: From what my friend says(who chooses to remain anonymous), Guile’s “Military Martial Arts” is completely fictitious. Guile’s in-close type of fighting and stiff fighting stances are similar to what one might learn in the army, but his moves are too exaggerated. Just wanted to share. END: Yay! Finally! I hope my guide will be of some use to you, after all, it was intended for the benefit of all who read this. CREDITS: WHO SHOULD I THANK? Capcom- for making one of the(if not “the”) best fighting game out there. All the ARK, karin and Chun users who made my life so miserable just so that I would get better at using guile. Thank you. Thank you very much. And of course, thank you for reading this guide. Special thanks to Sir Orion who helped out with some other quotes and stuff. As always, there is a disclaimer: Copyright 1999 to JuraiPrince. Don’t even think about copying this, changing a few words and selling without first asking permission first. This guide shall not be reproduced whole or in part. All rights reserved. Have a nice day.