__ __ __ __ _ __ \ \/ / / / / / / | / / STREET FIGHTER 3: \ / / / / / / |/ / THIRD STRIKE / / / /_/ / / /| / /_/ /_____/ /_/ |_/ Character FAQ for Yun of Street Fighter III: Third Strike Ver. 1.5 by Jeff Maxwell DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved. Street Fighter: 3rd Strike, and all the characters in the game are copyright of Capcom. As of this time, this FAQ is in GameFAQs, and if anyone would want to put this up their site/page just ask the author (in this case, me). Come on, I'm a nice guy to talk to, and it wouldn't hurt to ask my consent now, would it? If anyone sees this in a page without proper dues toward me, tell me at once. They will pay... Here's a short table of contents: I. Yun (introduction) II. The Basics III. Special Attacks IV. Combos V. Super Arts VI. Strategy VII. Miscellaneous VIII. Things I Need To Work Out IX. Revision History X. Final Word I. YUN LEE, The White Dragon of the Wind and Clouds : From what I know, Yun and his brother Yang entered the new Street Fighter tournament to help their grandparents who are running a restaurant or hotel of sorts, since it's not doing too well. Although they look the same, they are different from each other in behavior; Yun's the type who likes the limelight, while Yang prefers to hang out in the quiet background. Yang also seems to have a sort of inferiority complex towards his brother, since he compares himself to Yun a lot. Note: I've doubts on whether or not they are twins, because Jason Shan emailed me about the anime movie. In it Yang was older than Yun by three years. Haven't seen it yet, though. They use kung fu (The Mantis Style, to be exact) as their method of fighting, an art supposedly taught to them by their grandfather (who happens to be the master of the assassin's fist, Gen). Through the course of time, Yun's and Yang's styles started to differ. In the second round of SFIII, Yun seemed to emphasize more on singular power hits (Tetu Zankou), while Yang switched to faster multi-hitting attacks (Torou Zan). Hey, they're still good at it, so who cares? In this FAQ I will try to give readers a basic knowledge of Yun (hey, I'm not that good, y'know) so they can hold their own when they try to use him. I've included Yun's basic punches and kicks, specials, and Super Arts, as well as some of the combos I know. II. THE BASICS: "Learn the ropes" What has changed in the series? Some, and some. Throws are per- formed differently now. New characters have been added and the old ones have been changed a bit. There's the new "Red Parry", where you immediately tap forward after blocking part of a combo and then you get to parry the next attack while flashing red. And some Super Arts don't work the way they used to (The Messatsu Go Shoryu is more likely to miss now than in Second Impact when canceled from a jump-in Fire- ball combo) A change that can tick you off is the new Damage-Buffer system. In the earlier versions, if you perform a combo before cance- ling the last attack into a Special/Super, the damage that the Super Art will do is less than what it could have done had it been done on its own. Now the damage is a LOT less (reduced to near one-third) if you do a combo (jump-in Fierce, standing Fierce, Dragon punch *cancel* to the Shin Shoryuken) before a Super Art. With Yun it's worse. What has changed with Yun? Well, Yun isn't that statue-still now (he bounces a bit and he's a lot less cool now), he uses open palms, and has gained as well as lost some moves. To those who have not yet seen Yun fight, this'll give you an overview of Yun's basic attacks, their variations, their usefulness, etc. I'll include their acronyms so I won't be mentioning long names anymore, OK? Jab/JP (weak punch): Standing: No longer a sharp poke, Yun now hits his opponent with an open palm, much like a hard shove. It comes fast, has more range than his former jab, and recovers fast, but does little damage. Close: Yun gives the other man a quick elbow to the face. It can interrupt some opponents' actions. Crouching: Another open palm attack instead of the poke (This has something to do with his new style I suppose). Poke like crazy when you're not too comfy with someone hovering near you, since this comboes into the Jab Ze Sho Hohou. Aerial: Yun sticks out a downward elbow for the entire time he's airborne. Still does little damage. Combo it into a f+FP. Useful against opponents that are used to parrying once only. Strong/SP (medium punch): Standing: Still the same: An elbow that strikes high and fast. He moves steps forward in doing this, thus gaining ground. Although it would suffice for an anti-air, most of the time you'll be losing in the exchange. Another sour note is that it has a pretty long recovery time. Better on combos. Close: A quick elbow to the ribs. Best used in his combos. It's possible to follow a farther SP from this one for two hits. Crouching: Same as in jab. You might as well stick to his crouching foot attacks, but hey... Aerial: It's a fist sticking out. Stick to his other aerials. Fierce/FP (hard punch): Standing: Yun promptly steps forward and sticks a fist out. Good priority. Use it to poke at opponents, but don't be that predictable; if he parries it, say hello to a Super Art. Close: A two-hit attack. Yun does an upward knife-like motion with his hand. The first hit can be canceled to the Ze Sho Hohou (or a taunt, but why do that?). Crouching: Two hits with open palms , one with the right, the other with the left. Mix it up with overheads and sweeps in footsie encounters. (Footsie: a kind of mind game, an informal term used by most players to describe a certain instance where two fighters are both crouching and close, and both are using ground/overhead attacks.) Aerial: A quick hard punch. A decent jump-in. I'd use it for the damage. Other: Holding forward before pressing Fierce will cause Yun to step forward and thrust both open palms in opposite directions, strikingly similar to what Long of Bloody Roar does. It knocks an opponent away, but is rather slow. Don't know what to do with it. Short/SK (weak kick): Standing: A kick to the shin. Uses? Nothing much, 'cept warding them opponents away. Better used in his combos. Crouching: Yun stretches his nearer foot quickly to hit the op- ponent's foot. Used in footsie encounters. Aerial: An aerial side kick. It lasts the entire jump, but you should choose the air Forward Kick instead. Forward/FK (medium kick): Standing: Instead of the vertical kick Yun once did, it's now a kick to the side of the opponent's head. It still does a good job of keeping aerial attacks away, but it gets overpowered by aerials of many fighters given a bad timing and too much angle, and usually by deep jump- ins. Close: This is what I've been talking about. This is what Yun's standing FK looked like in the first and second installment of the series: a hard kick to the chin that can send the opponent up in the air for a possible juggle. A lot of possibilities can come out of this one. You have to be awfully close to do this. Crouching: Yun uses the other foot. This has longer range than its SK counterpart. And it's an excellent combo starter too. I'm pretty sure you'll be using this one a lot. Aerial: You'll probably be using this a lot (although I'd trade it for an aerial FP). This is perhaps Yun's most decent jump-in attack because of its longest range among his aerials, good priority as well as decent damage. Other: This is Yun's "Senpuukyaku". It's basically an overhead, where Yun spins around and goes for a downward kick, hitting the other guy's head. Pros: it has more range than Yun's universal overhead, and some players can still be suckered into taking this kick. Cons: you can get sweeped while doing this, and it's a bit slower. Roundhouse/RK (hard kick): Standing: Yun's old Rhouse kick. Still knocks the enemy away. Practically remains the same. Crouching: I knew it; sooner or later they will make one of Yun's moves suck. Why? I don't know. It's no longer that fast; Yun's sweep has changed from the usual Yun/Yang footsweep to a sweep like Necro's. You can see it coming a mile away. Although it has good recovery time, sadly, it no longer moves Yun a bit forward, and it loses out to a lot of attacks. I would advise using the crouching FK rather than the sweep in footsies, but still, you'll inevitably be using it due to the extra hit (RK while standing), and the purpose of knocking out an opponent. Aerial: This is an upward kick that is best used for air-to-air encounters. Unlike the aerial Fierce, this can hit opponents above you. THROWS (Joystick direction + JP and SK at the same time): Yun's throws do not deal great damage, but most of them toss the opponent away from you. Neutral: Yun drives his knee on the opponent's stomach a number of times. Rapidly press the buttons for more damage. Forward: A new maneuver, Yun grabs the opponent, rolls (or slides, I'm not sure) under the opponent, then pushes him off with both feet. And push hard he does! Back: His conventional throw. Yun places both feet on opponent's torso, rolls back, and flips him away. OVERHEAD (Neutral, SP + FK): Yun hops a bit, jabbing a fist at the opponent's head (if the oppo- nent's crouching). Decent speed, but a bit shorter compared to the other fighters' overheads. Still, it's better than nothing. TAUNT (FP + RK): Yun stands straight, takes off his cap, grins, and gives it a twirl while saying something (to those who understand what Yun's saying, email me, OK?). As long as you keep on holding the two buttons, Yun will keep on twirling his cap. I noticed that he does a wee bit more damage on the stun meter, but maybe I'm just shortsighted. Be careful though, in using this; Yun is very much open, and he's a bit slow in returning back to his stance. Do this only when the opponent's on the other side of the screen, or when he's dizzy, or when he taunted first. Just a suggestion: DON'T use this, especially when your opponent isn't taunting you. If he taunted first, then you have every right to rub it in his face. If you taunt a lot, you'll... I dunno, look bad to the public (if you really feel like taunting him ignore this) But other- wise, just be nice to the dimwit you're beating up, okay? III. SPECIAL ATTACKS Before I begin, you should know by now what qcf, hcb, and dp mean. If you don't, ask someone who knows about this. What the heck, okay, I'll include the legends: qcf/qcb - D, DF, F/B a.k.a. throwing a fireball/hurricane hcf/hcb - Half circle F/B a.k.a. Yoga flame dp - F, D, DF a.k.a. doing a Dragon Punch Ze Sho Hohou "Technique to Move Without Stepping" - qcf + any punch This is Yun's "lunge punch". The stronger the punch used, the farther Yun's hop is, and the longer the windup. JP makes for a sweep distance, SP near half the screen, and FP almost clears the screen (almost). Wind- up times: JP is almost instantaneous: good for surprising unsuspecting victims; SP is pretty decent, between JP and FP; FP has terrible starting time, which means it's very predictable and un-comboable. The EX version is good; fast and clears the entire screen. A finisher for juggles, combos, etc. It has sad priority, however; it loses out to ground attacks, Dragon punches, etc. And don't do a Ze Sho for Super Meter filling; once you're blocked, you're open for a counter (kiss half your life meter good bye when you're up against expert opponents). New notes: the JP Ze Sho has excellent recovery time that even if most people block it, they'll have a hard time countering. EX versions recover so fast that you will have time to block anything the opponent gives you (ex. Shoto sweeps... yum). It's a good fake move that chips. Tetu Zankou "Iron Mountain Lean" - dp + any punch Tetu or Tetsu, whatever. A replacement for the fireball-ducking Senkyu Tai; Yun ducks, weaves, spins, SCORES! A shoulder bash, that is. JP has horrible range. SP is again between JP and FP, while FP clears half the screen (Last time Yun hops if you use the FP version; good thing they changed that.). The EX version is very useful; while going nearly twice as fast, Yun travels three-fourths of the screen. This is a must against fireball-happy fighters. Another plus: it's possible to super cancel from this move. Use combo #2 for best results. The odd thing is you are vulnerable to lower attacks; I once got tripped while in the mid- dle of a Tetu Zankou. Nishou Kyaku - dp + any kick It still ain't as good as an anti-air, IMO. It's basically Yang's Tenshin Senkyutai w/o the roll; the Yunster does two to three quick RHouse-like kicks against aerial attackers. While it may look cool, sadly, it ain't that powerful. You have to land all of the kicks to deal damage ranging from decent to weak. It's also not as invincible compared to the Dragon Punches and variations, etc. You can get knocked out of this if your opponent's got more altitude than you do. It'll whoosh past the heads of ducking opponents, too (the small ones at least). It's best used on combos. Or don't bother with it. Kobo Kushi "Tiger Strike"- qcb + any punch It's still the same: two palms thrust forward (Yang has his own variation of it; Byakko Soushouda) to slap the hapless victim away. It's more often than not used in combos, since it's cancelable to a super, but it's also useful in the fact that most attacks -- a lot actually -- can get eaten out over the Kobo Kushi; Rhino Horns, Tatsumakis, even Dragon Punches! And when timed right, it nullifies projectile attacks. And if you still do not know, it has no EX version, but by pressing all three punches, Yun will do a "fake" Kobo Kushi; Mixed against waking opponents, this is an effective move. A useful move overall. New notes: do this against waking opponents. The priority is awesome! Raigeki Shu - df + any kick while in air Death from Above: Yun's dive kick, angle kick, or whatever it is you want to call it. The stronger the kick used, the less steep the angle of the dive; SK yields an almost vertical head stomp, FK makes you look like you're gonna step on their feet, and RK travels the longest, almost half the screen. They changed it so that opponents take less time to recover and now, it's harder to connect combos starting from a RK Raigeki Shu. So, FK would have to do. Don't use it ALL THE TIME, however, you'll get parried one way or another. Weak damage, but if used alternating with jump-ins you can make it hard to parry the Raigeki. A useful tactic against human opponents: Fake with a SK Raigeki. They'll either want to parry or counter your dive (they think it's a FK Raigeki Shu), but then they will meet up with air. Gets them everytime. Zenpuu Tenshin "Forward Roll" - qcb + any kick Due to the new damage buffering regarding Super Arts, you'll might elect on using it sparingly. This is the flip move; Yun reaches out to grab the opponent, and if successful, he does a somersault over the opponents, leaving him open for a second or less for any attack you see fit. There's a catch, though: it counts as an extra hit; therefore, doing a Super Art (You Hou for instance) or a combo cuts the damage by nearly half. Darn it, When I first used this in 3rd Strike, I followed it with a You Hou, just to end the match with a spectacular finish. Heck, the guy's still alive! DON'T do this when you're far away; Yun'll almost lose his balance for a second (all the while looking like a fool) and leaving him WIDE open for a death blow. NOTE: Can anyone use the Zenpuu Tenshin to make the computer look like crap? Makoto can use her grab attack to knock the opponent sense- less. Q also has a similar technique. Can Yun also do that? Somehow I don't think so... IV. COMBOS AND JUGGLES Legend: st - standing b - back AP - any punch cr - crouching f - forward AK - any kick ji - jump-in Specialty Combos: A. stSP->stFP->bFP(cancel into a Super) Well, this is Yun's basic everyday combo. Now the Jab won't be able to start this combo. The combo has one blind spot, however: the third hit (stFP) can no longer hit the smaller opponents when they are crouching (Ibuki, Oro, Elena, Chun Li, etc). The last hit (Yang's Byakko Soushouda. What's it doing here?) can be canceled into any of Yun's Super Arts. Decent damage all throughout, but the Super Art's damage will be horribly reduced to a fraction of its original. Should you use it? Yes, but alternate it with his other combos/ pokes. You wouldn't want people to think this's the only combo you know, right? Plus there's the fact that unless the opponent knows how to red parry, you're pretty much safe in any case after doing this combo. B. stJP->stSK->stSP->Ze Sho/Tetu/Nishou It's Yun's very flashy alternative combo to combo A. I'm still not sure of whether the Nishou Kyaku can connect in lieu of the Ze Sho (new: yup, it's possible...)Well, anyway, the Tetu Zankou version can also be canceled into a Super Art. Caution: the first hit will not hit crouching opponents (except maybe Hugo?), so be careful. Flashy's the word. Should you use it? Of course! It has enough oomph to make a lot of stun damage, and its flashiness makes it look even more deadly. But be aware of the "blind spot". If you make a mistake, it's you who'll be crying in the end. Notes: This also has excellent safety, meaning even if the other guy blocks it, it will be difficult for him to counter effectively. C. crRK->stRK If Yang has three kicks, Yun made up with this one. The second hit launches the opponent far away from Yun, so if you don't like them being too close, this will keep them away. And for those who like to parry and counter, chances are they'll attack after parrying the sweep, leaving them open for the kick to the stomach. Other Combos: A. stSP -> Ze Sho(XceptFP)/FKNishou B. crFK -> Ze Sho C. crJP 3x -> Ze Sho (This usually occurs when you're frantically trying to ward the opponent away. Amazingly, it's quite effective.) D. crFK -> FKNishou E. stSP -> EXTetu F. crSP -> crFP G. jiJP -> forward+FP. Note: If your opponent likes to parry your jump-ins, the second hit will hit him square in the mug. Actually, almost any special move can follow a stSP. Juggles: I only know a few juggles, but I'm really sure there are lots of them. Some of the juggles I know branch from the You Hou. E-mail me if you have done, or at least seen, a juggle that's not here, OK? Thanks to YunLeeSFIII@aol.com, Ernest Yu, and SAL, the juggles section has increased in size! These guys really know Yun... After FK(close), Ze Sho After FK(close), stRK/stFK After Tetu Zankou, if opponent flies to the air, jiFK EX Nishou Kyaku, FK Nishou Kyaku RK Nishou Kyaku, You Hou (only the second hit of the NK must connect. Also, timing is crucial for all the hits of You Hou to hit.) In corner, Kobokushi, JP Ze Sho Hohou In corner, EX Tetu Zankou, JP/EX Ze Sho Hohou You Hou juggles Genei Jin juggles V. SUPER ARTS I. You Hou (qcf, qcf + AP) "Flying Roast" "Your jaw! Did I break it with my You Hou?" Still Yun's best, most powerful, Super Art. Three hits consisting of: a one hit close FP, followed by a Tetsu Zankou, propeling the opponent up into the air, and for the last touch, an outstretched fist sending the poor victim to orbit. Having a moderately long bar, it can be charged once. You can use this as a wake up move, but more often it comes after a combo. You may have seen Yun players perform the You Hou after combos 1 or 2 (Tetu Zankou version) or after a successful Zenpuu Tenshin. In Third Strike, the combos sap the main damage of the You Hou, reducing it to about half of its original damage. You may have noticed that sometimes the last hit of the You Hou comes out a bit earlier than usual. I think it's the computer's adjusting when it thinks that the first few hits did not connect. Sometimes it still hits, but more often than not it comes out too early, when the opponent's still in the peak of their... elevation. You'll probably encounter this when you try to catch a jumping opponent. Bonus: After giving your opponent a You Hou, a fraction of his life bar still remains. What to do? Don't worry, you can wipe off the remainder with an immediate SP Tetu Zankou, followed by a Ze Sho Hohou for additional damage. If you end up in a corner and you connect with the shoulder charge, you'll switch sides with the opponent, and you'll still be able to squeeze in an extra close Forward before ending with the Ze Sho. If the timing's too hard, content yourself with a single Ze Sho or a Super Jump + any attack. Send me some more variations. Should you use it? Yes! Even if it's a bit short-ranged, it is very powerful, plus with it you can utilize your combos a lot. The follow-up juggles are cool too. II. Sourai Rengeki (qcf, qcf + AP) The combo attack has been changed, a bit. Instead of hitting the opponent twice with the same elbow, Yun now alternates elbows while doing a small leap forward. That's all. It's still pretty weak, and the damage-sapping combo (and if you use specialty combo A, not all the hits will connect, to add, unless you omit the last blow) doesn't help either. This can be charged up to three times, so it would be advisable for EX happy users as the ideal Super Art. Ummm... oh, and as always, the Sourai Rengeki stops short if the first two elbows do not connect (like Ken's Shippu Jinrai Kyaku after five hits). Looks cool though. Should you use it in a VS. human match? Yes! The large amount of chi you stock up makes it ideal for fireball throwing jerks (I have to agree that Shotos shouldn't use the fireball anymore. Read some Ryu/Akuma FAQs if you want to know why.) If they don't stop throwing Hadokens, even with you parrying them and all, send a hint and EX Tetsu Zankou them. That should help them regain their senses. Also, the EX Ze Sho Hohou, like I said, is a good fall move. It gets you close without making you that open. Then any slow attack by your opponent is very punishable by a Sourai Rengeki. Whoo Hooo! New: SAL, also a Yun player, prefers the Sourai Rengeki, and with good reason: "First off, the You-Hou may look good in combos, but it loses a LOT of damage when you use it that way. Seriously, (JP> SK> SP> JP Tetsu) with the Sourai-Rengeki doesn't do too much less than (SP> FP> bFP) with the You-Hou, and I find it a lot easier to pull off. The Sourai-Rengeki is also practically invincible, so it makes a great defensive tool (which Yun really needs). It does a lot of damage on its own too... about 70-75% of a You-Hou on its own. And considering you get three Sourai-Rengeki, you also get tons of EX moves if you want it. Being so offensive you tend to charge it up to three bars within one round of a match, so there's no worry about not getting to take advantage of this either." III. Genei Jin (qcf, qcf + AP) Yun sort of pumps himself up as Yun images appear and follow his lead. Unlike Yang's Seiei Enbu, Yun's afterimages are greenish. It's like what you would do with a Custom Combo. With the Genei Jin, the recovery time of Yun's normals will be reduced. Also, it causes enemies to be more on the defensive side; start exploiting. Too bad the meter's not that long, eh? Note: the damage it does ain't that big. but since the bar is short, you can use the Super Art for as much as four times in a single round (or even more...). You can juggle opponents with it: after a close FK (the juggle kick), repeatedly do Ze Sho Hohou, and then as the meter winds down, set the poor guy up again with another close FK, and either a Tetsu or a Ze Sho will do nicely. But the maneuver Combo no. 1->super cancel into the Genei Jin - >juggle has to be done IN THE CORNER. Should you use this? Well, when you activate it, most of the time, your human opponent starts running away and defends. Why are they afraid of this? Use you imagination and confuse 'em. Footsies? You bet. VI. STRATEGY AGAINST HUMANS Umm, I don't know what to write in this section. That's because there are so many types of opponents in the world. Well, maybe I could give a few pointers: Parrying - Mastering parrying is an essential part of the Street Fighter III world. By now, you should have learned a good bit of how to parry. Fireballs and the like are the easiest to parry, and you will soon be able to parry multi-hitting attacks (It's like parrying twice in a steady beat between heartbeats--lub dub, lub dub), once you get the hang of consecutive parries (EX Hadokens, Dudley's Machine gun blows, Shinkuu Hadokens, and the like). For Yun, if you can't counter it, parry it. Anticipation is key especially in air parries (remember that time when you can't get a single combo in 'coz he's always doing the Dragon Punch on you? This will get you even with him...) Throwing - Throwing has become an important strategy play here. Defensive players (Remy/Chun Li/sometimes Shotokan players) often use it after either blocking or parrying an aerial attack (Usually it's your Raigeki Shu), and it's quite difficult to escape a throw with that strategy (If anyone knows how to counter this strategy, other than at- tempting to throw your opponent too, e-mail me; I can't seem to defend against it). Sometimes the throw interrupts some winding specials (Rhino Horns, starting Fireballs, etc), and because the only possible way to es- cape it is by counter-throwing at the same time, you should learn to ex- ploit it. You might elect on using this kind of strategy, but it could make you look like a cheap (and you wouldn't want that, would you?) As a general rule, Yun players shouldn't be staying still. Use Yun's speed as an edge over your opponents. Change sides with your opponents a lot, especially using your RK Raigekis. If your opponent was blocking and you end up in the opposite side, chances are he'll keep on holding the stick to the right(or left, whichever side he's facing). He'll then be wide open for your attack. There's no such thing as a defensive Yun. Except for Gill, of course. FAKE. Especially when your opponents are down and about to get up, super jump towards them, then instead of attacking, do a Short Raigeki, to avoid the anti-air wake-up move. They'll want to Dragon Punch you out of your jump-in, but your almost vertical Raigeki will duck under. Wait for them on their way down, then combo. It's satisfying to see someone fall for it. EX Ze Shos are currently my fave because many think that Yun is open after one of these. So I give them an out-of-nowhere EX for them to block, then I quickly crouch-block. Almost always they will throw or sweep you, then after blocking, a 2-in-1 Ze Sho or a Sourai will be good. The Psyche Factor: this can be an advantage in your fights. I once fought a Remy player who likes to throw me after blocking my aerials. I'm not very good against such strategy, but ever since I was able to throw him in two consecutive instances (by chance), he has hesitated to use the throw strategy until the end of the match (which I won luckily:)). If you can either a) make your opponents underestimate you until you show your real fangs in the final round, or b) by careful timing or by pure luck snuff his strategy several consecutive times, your match is half-won al- ready. Moves to have in your arsenal: The EX Tetsu Zankou for fireballing players. EX Ze Sho Hohous. I love 'em. FK Raigeki Shu. Aim for the thighs or the foot to land a successful combo. Dive Kick early, block their Dragon Punch, combo them to kingdom come. You know the routine. The ever handy crFK. Coupled with the universal overhead for crazy mix-ups, or a set-up for a Ze Sho Hohou. The Senpuukyaku. Turtling people find this annoying (some Kens like to sit down and wait for you to jump in so that they can nail a Dragon punch. Move forward, Senpuukyaku, back off. Repeat until the turtles wake up or get KO'd.) The Kobo Kushi. Play with it against waking opponents. They'll eat it full if they ever try to counter. stFK. Strangely, it wards jump-ins quite well (also against Dudley, whose jump happens to be quite low.) If it doesn't, start parrying. Unless you have fully mastered the art of super-cancelling, I'd suggest the Sourai Rengeki or the Genei Jin first. The You Hou is only effective up close. The moving recovery: if you get knocked off your feet, tap Down the moment your back hits the pavement. Yun will quicky roll to his stance. This throws off the timing of any impending jump-in the opponent wants to dish out. What to do when the opponent's down? A) You can wait for him to stand, then start a footsie barrage with an overhead. Some opponents low-block the moment they stand up, thinking you'll start with a footsweep, but hey... Cons: Dangerous against those guys with high priority Super Arts (it's gonna hurt). B) You can still wait for him to stand, with Yun pacing to and fro, then the moment his feet touch the ground, duck and do the 2-in-1 Ze Sho combo. They'll think you're gonna start with an overhead, so hey... Cons: Still be aware of the Dragon Punch wake-ups (and the like). C) Wind up a Kobo Kushi to time with his recovery. At first they'd think a Dragon Punch can stop you, but noooo... Mix this with fake Kobo Kushis, and throw the other guy as he stands there blocking. Confusion is the solution. Cons: They'll probably get used to it. I'm not sure if you can still get thrown if you're crouching, but if not, then watch out if they crouch the moment they stand up. You'll be open for a counter. And also, timing is essential. Too early or too late will render it useless. D) Better yet, don't do anything. Frantic opponents crank the sticks like mad as they stand up, thereby telegraphing their next move (a Super Art or a high priority move). Block/parry, and counter. SAL also has an effective strategy using Yun: "First off, his crouching Forward into Zesshou-Hohou combo is just incredible in terms of speed and priority. Usually after jumping in with the Reigeki-Shuu I'll try the (Jab->Short->Strong->JP TetsuZankuu), ending it without the Super if they block. Right after the Tetsuzankuu, which they'll likely be blocking high, I'll throw in (crFK-> JP Ze Sho). Even if they block this one, the Jab Zesshou-Hohou leaves them with such a small opening to counter after blocking that I rarely see anyone do anything about it even when they see it coming. Then when I'm in close it's time to use F + Forward and his (universal overhead) to throw them off of low blocking, then go for the two-hitter again. That low Forward Kick is so fast that if they literally try ANY kind of attack (except some Supers) they'll get hit out of it first. That two-hitter is easy to pull off all the time, and it knocks down too. Then you're free to try another jump-in or whatever. It's all in the reaction time... I've seriously killed well experienced players in like 10 seconds with this guy." Okay, okay... Since I've fought with some characters a number of times already, here are some overall tips to help: AKUMA/GOUKI - We all know his potential cheapness: air fireballs all over the place, repeated hurricane kick/dragon punch combos, etc. Surprise him by meeting him in the air before he throws an air fireball. Utilize his vulnerability after a blocked hurricane kick. And when he's on the defensive, a mix of overheads, crFK, sweep, and senpukyakuus will do. And lone jabs after a succesful sweep betray an incoming Raging Demon/Blackout /Shin Goku Satsu/Whatever-you-call-it; start jumping. Your ability to parry in the air will be put to use here. The more dangerous Akuma user rarely uses fireballs and lone hurricane kicks. He stays on the offensive, dive-kicks into combos and knows how to parry your Raigeki Shu. Don't turtle out or stay on one place. Instead, MEET HIM HEAD-ON. As I've said, parrying is essential here: parrying jump-ins, fireballs, dragon punches. You could knock him down, then take the risk of launching an attack the moment Akuma gets up. More likely he'll try to Dragon punch you, but the dive kick should prove to be faster (should, but not will. You could opt for a parry jump or fake). Whoever hits first will probably be the winner. Usually when he's on the losing end, he starts playing cheap (air fireballs, teleports to escape you, air Tatsumaki->ground Tatsumaki/Shoryu ken). Actually, this is your opportunity to finish him. Use tactics for cheap players above. His blocked crRK leaves him open for any of your speedy attacks. You're lucky since he takes a LOT of damage. RYU - A very ugly fight. You're in a disadvantage here because one of your combos will equal two hits from him. EX Tetsu Zankous will stop him from throwing fireballs, if parrying won't. You'll rarely see a good Ryu player do a stray Hurricane Kick, so counter as soon as he misses. Some Ryu players are clever enough to throw a follow-up Shinkuu Hadoken in case you block the first, so be careful. And in case he uses the Shin Shoryuken, he'll want to use it as a wake up move, so jump early and block as soon as you reach the ground (make sure you reach the ground before Ryu stands up, but make it appear that you were trying to make a jump-in combo). New: the stFK will do against his not-so-deep jump-ins, but watch out for parries! KEN - A lot like your Ryu fight, but he has less power and more speed. And he's still slower than you are. Expect a lot of jump-in combos, Dragon Punches for anti-air, EX fireballs,and Shinpuu-Jinrai-Kyakus for Super Arts (along with the Shinryu-Ken). Ken likes his jiFP->SP->FP-> Hadoken->Shippu-Jinrai-Kyaku, so know when to counter to shut him up(Note: Omitting the Super Art, you actually recover in time before he throws his fireball in the above combo. Parry and Counter.). Engage him in footsies and DON'T LET UP in your mix-ups, to throw him off his tempo. He likes to counter in his getting-up stage, so use the same tactic as you did on Ryu. He's wide open after a blocked or missed Shoryuken/any Super Art, so counter accordingly. And finally, the air parry will come in handy in the match, when it goes down the line. Should be an even fight. New: the stFK can annoy him when he tries to jump at you. CHUN LI - Ahhh... the lady in blue's back (finally), but she's not just there for eye candy; she's a major pain in the behind. Often using the Lightning Leg Super, she also effectively counters your jump-ins with a standing punch, if not block or parry your attack and slam you to the ground. The throw is one of Chun Li's main weapon in the match, and she won't hesitate to use it often. And when you're left with a fraction of life left, and down, she'll automatically launch a fireball=>super cancel into the Super (she's not taking any chances, is she?). Play according to her game and you'll most likely lose. And you wouldn't want to know my record against Chun Li fighters either... (groan) What should you do? Keep her guessing. Punish every mistake she makes; a wasted opportunity can cost you the match. EX Ze Sho Hohous can make up for blocking her sweep. She thinks she can throw you; throw her first. She expects a Raigeki; do a jump-in. She expects a jump-in; air parry. If you get close, don't let up in your footsie barrage. And use your You Hou sparingly; you miss, you're dead. The Genei Jin's probably better. SEAN - For starters, he still has no fireball (He doesn't even have Dan's Gadoken) and his specials can be seen a mile away, especially that Ryu Bi Kyaku move. Even his Dragon Smash has slowed considerably. Poor guy. The main technique of the Sean player (usually) is to rely on his normals, which usually match Ken's in terms of damage. But take care not to get hit by a close-up Tornado. It has got to hurt. Anyway, in case you do get hit, immediately do a Super Art afterwards. He won't be able to block it (most of the time). IBUKI - Another God-sent cute babe, along with Chun Li to fighting (sigh). Mock me if you want, but she's one hot fighting gal. Cute face, cool moves, nice curves... Man, I wish I had a girlfr-- oops... sorry. Well, anyway, back to the topic. She matches, even surpasses (I think) Yun in speed, and she's got a lot of combos, but I have to agree with everyone else that she deals weak attacks. Example: She combos Ryu twice, then Ryu counters with a simple standing Fierce --> Shoryuken combo. Result? Ryu's back on top. Yun is fast, but his attacks deal more damage than Ibuki's, so that's your main advantage against her. Don't mind the dagger; just cough on it and it gets deflected. Stop the farther of her jump-ins with a St Forward, and I rarely see Ibuki players jump deep. Her new teleport/somersault is kinda lame 'cause the only attack I've seen connected to this is another dagger. Her open spots include blocked Kubioris (special attack where she slides, comes out behind you and snaps your neck), and those Kazekiris (Ibuki's kick version of the Dragon Punch) and Super Arts missed. Her Yoroi Doushi when blocked is still hard to counter because of the gap that she creates between her and you in the process, so content yourself with an EX Ze Sho Hohou. The new Art that she has, the Yami Shigure (the pin- your-shadow-and-runs-at-you-ala-Blue-Mary-of-KOF) has to be blocked low so stay alert. She'll want to surprise you. New: Unfortunately for Ibuki, the Yami Shigure does not hit close, so she won't be able to pull it off when you're real close. Whew. There's no way to lose against her, even when you get beaten up. Hey, no one manages to encounter a beautiful ninja and survived, eh? MAKOTO - You'd think she's just another Shotokan clone because of her gi (She reminds me of Akane Tendo, by the way). That is, until you get to fight her. Her main arsenal consists of her Hayate (the blinding fast dash punch) and her grab-and-choke-you maneuver. She's open after a blocked Hayate, so don't expect her to use it openly; she'll most likely use it in combos. Don't let her get too close to you, or she'll grab-and-choke you, and if you still do not know, it still leaves you on your feet but you are wide open for any follow-up she wants (either a Hayate or a Super Art). A maneuver that can get you confused is her Hayate -> grab-n-choke -> combo to Hayate -> repeat. It's not a conti- nuous combo, but it relies on your instinct to block after you get hit. The computer can't find a way to counter the cheap technique, but for- tunately, you can. If in case you got hit by a Hayate and you sense that she'll try to grab you again, jump back or up, and you'll be able to escape. A newer tactic I've encountered is the fake, fake... then dash- and-throw. Then she hangs around you while you're down, then either grabs you or pokes you or does the Oroshi (her karate chop attack). Her Super Arts are not that hard to avoid. Her punch-you-in-the- groin-and-combo-you needs to be done close, and is rather slow, so you'll be fine. Just block it, and she'll be open for a long time, but if you miss the right timing you're the one who's gonna get creamed. Her Abare Tosanami (Maximum-Spider-Kick look-alike) Super hits you high, so DON'T block low. Wait for her to finish, then beat her. As in her first Super Art, once she's blocked, she'll be open for quite some time. Her third Super Art almost doubles her attacking power, but in return, she won't be able to block anything; that's your advantage. But someone won't use this without knowing how to parry, and in the end, just wait for her to attack, and bash at her. DUDLEY - He's fast and powerful and should never be underestimated. There's a combo of his that does an incredible amount of damage and stun damage as well (Its third blow is a Fierce, sometimes followed by a two- hit standing uppercut). His jump-in is easily warded off with a stFK. But, he can ward off YOUR jump-in with a much more powerful (and simple) stFP. And watch out for that Counter (he dashes back then advances with a punch to the rib) move! It ******* hurts! Super-Arts wise, most I've seen Dudleys either use the Rocket Uppercut or the Corkscrew Blow (the latter is more common IMO). The RU is easier to counter since he flies high and becomes very open in the process. You have to be quick against Corkscrews since Dudley's quick in recovering from it. You're advantage is that Dudley does not have a very good foot game. Footsie him until he cries "Uncle! (with the accent of course)" REMY - Remember the old days where Guile just sits there sticking his fist/foot out, waiting for you to jump so that he can nail you with a Flash Kick? Well, it's possible that the Remy player will use it against you too, but this time he has a few more tricks up his sleeve. He likes to throw his Light of Virtues (Sonic Boom-like projectiles) high, and when you jump, he follows with a Cold Blue Kick, or his Light Of Justice (Sonic Break) Super Art. His other strategy, the sit-down-until- you-jump-so-he-can-nail-you-with-a-Rising-Rage-Flash, is rendered useless with a simple air parry. Exploit his missed Rising Rage Flash! Combo him to make him cry. You're better in the footsie encounter, so challenge him to one! And this is the match where your air parry is your best friend. New note: about the footsie thing, be wary of Remy even if he's taking the beating. In the middle of it he'll suddenly lash out with a Rising Rage Flash. Also, his Cold Blue Kick recovers quite good, so it's hard to counter after blocking one (unless he goes over you). ALEX - This guy likes to use the Stun Gun Headbutt a lot. Watch out. The complete process is: Stun Gun (then you get dizzied), Flash Chop (you face the other way), Power Bomb (which turns out to be a Suplex maneuver). When you start standing up, he comes out with a Spiral DDT (a new move: he hops then aims for your neck, he spins and DDTs you for damage). If it surprised you, you'll block high: DON'T. Finally Alex Stomps you for damage. He starts this after he has knocked you down, so get ready to jump as soon as you stand (Use the moving recovery; tap Down as soon as you touch the ground). He also likes to back off and wait for you to jump. Then he lashes out with an Elbow Slash. Use a SK Raigeki to land early in time to block/ parry his attack, then counter. Expect a Knee Smash when you jump. You won't be seeing any Dives from this guy, so there goes your extra opportunity. The last thing you can resort to is a footsie encounter. Yun/Yang - Ah, a fellow Yun user! Remember what your tactics are: jumping, parrying, comboing. Be quick in retaliating against his own Ze Sho Hohou, since it's pretty quick in recovery; throwing should be enough. Learn how to do the quick get-up/recovery. He's going to wait for you to get up and either jumps at you or does a Kobokushi. It's like fighting yourself: know your weaknesses and exploit them. It's almost the same with Yang, 'cept for his Torou Zan and teleport. He has a tendency to stop short of the final Mantis Slash when he's block, so expect him to stop at two, then lash out with a quick attack. Blocked Senkyutais are rare and you should take advantage of this. When he teleports, Quickly scan the stage for his blur. He's quite vulnerable in this stage, so get to him first before he recovers. COMPUTER OPPONENTS: Yun's preference* * Subject to change through the passing of time. I've included my choice of CPU opponents in increasing order; that is, the very first entry (in this case, Akuma) is my most dreaded opponent, while the last (Elena) is my choice for an easy win. Your own choice may be different from mine, but I hope this could help. NOTE: I'm refering to the computer opponents, so don't think that I classify Ibuki as a wimp (she can get tough, y'know?). It's just that the computer uses her pretty badly. Also, the opponents' difficulty levels may change depending on when they appear, e.g. Makoto's much tougher when she appears in the sixth stage than in the second stage, so this is just a sort of "averaging": Darn Hard: Akuma - I'm sorry. I've developed some kind of stupid trauma because of this stupid guy. Well, the only thing I can say is he takes a lot of damage, and is pretty easy to dizzy. He's for those who like the challenge. My grade against this guy: D++. Not Hard, but Frustrating: Ken - I don't know what's so hard about this guy. He's basically the same as Ryu, and he does three Dragon Punches in a row (a Jab one, then a Strong, and finally a Fierce) but I still get beat up (because of over-confidence, maybe). You might find him easy though. Oh well... until I get a new strategy, go to the other choice in your path (usually I get Elena). Extra Mannerisms: he does a high Round- house before doing a fireball. Grade against this guy: C. Makoto - The main problem you'll have with her is when she kicks you out of your jump-in. Soon enough, you'll find your life bar reduced to half if you don't learn from it. She also deals a heck lot of damage, compared to you. Still looking some for her mannerisms ... C->B+. Average/could go either way: Chun Li - The usual dive-in-as-she-gets-up, FK-when-she's-in-range, jump-over-her-lame-fireball, punish-her-missed-Spinning-Bird-Kick fight. Sometimes she gets lucky with an excessively damaging Super Art. That's why she's up in the average category. C->B+. Mannerisms: Still looking at 'em... the mannerisms, I mean. Ryu - Punish his stray Hurricanes. The FK is again a decent anti-air against Ryu (although sometimes he gets over the kick and crushes me with a four hit 50% damage Shoryuken combo... ouch). C++->A+. Mannerisms: He dashes back, then throws either one or two consecutive Hadokens. He also likes to do his 2-hit overhead punch when he's close. Dudley - He knows his combos when he's in the later parts of the game. Basically he only counters your jump-ins when he's waking up. He's a sucker for jump-ins/dive-ins occasionally. Do the stFK against his jumps; they work quite well. C->A. Mannerisms: I'm not sure if the JP Machine Gun Blow -> FP MGB is still there... Oro - This guy gets lucky, too. Sometimes I get careless against him, he wins in "Time Over". When he gets smart, he gives an air FP/RK to meet your jump-in. This meaty anti-airs will eat up your life if you're not paying attention. Block, Counter, Dive, Combo. Mannerisms: first he throws a horizontall ball, then he launches a rising one. His aerial stomps can be blocked easily. Distinct Advantage: Urien - He may seem tough, but once you start rolling, he doesn't stand a chance. A simple technique you can try against him is to knock him down first, then instead of a dive-in (you might get used to the Raigeki) use a normal jump-in. Chances are he'll try to counter with a crFP (the rising elbow) but you will hit him first. Combo him and then he topples down again. Repeat until he's scrap metal. Mannerisms: when he backs off for no good reason expect a Rushing Chariot Attack; when he crouches get ready to parry a Vicious Knee Drop (sometimes he does EXes, so watch carefully). Against the Vicious Knee Drop, jump and dive toward where he lands, or parry. Grade: C++->A Remy - He backs off a lot. And his jump-in could not be easily counterd by Yun's FK. Stay on the offensive and he'll crack sooner or later. Mannerisms: Two ground pokes, followed by a RRF. You know he's gonna launch his projectile when --- Pretty Easy: Ibuki - FK your way to victory here. She never learns. Watch if she's crouching when you land a dive; she'll counter the moment you miss with the Fierce in the combo. It's easy to make her Kazekiri out of nowhere, so block and punish. Mannerisms: Jumps a lot. She has the Jab-Short, then jump back and Kunai. There's also the hop-axekick(an overhead), followed by a footsweep. Hugo - Don't come to him; let him come to you. Use Yun's specialty combo C (crRK->stRK) if he comes within range (don't worry if he gets to parry the first strike; he'll get hit in the second). Like Urien, he has a tendency to block your dive but try to counter your jump-in, so the odds of connecting is pretty much 50-50. Counter his jump-ins with the handy-dandy stFK. When he runs to clothesline you, duck and dish out your powerful attacks (special combo -> You Hou, or crFK -> Ze Sho, or just a throw). Then jump-in but not too late; he'll break your back... or worse) Be wary of your crFK -> Ze Sho Hohou unless you are sure it will connect, and DON'T even try to catch him off guard with a surprise Ze Sho; he'll most likely block it and turn you into Yun pizza, Hugo-style. But not to worry; if you play your cards right, you might even get a Perfect rating and a high grade under your belt. His mannerisms include his clap attack 3x in a row, or two consecutive overhead elbows, plus he never learns that he CAN'T CONNECT his Clothesline. Grade: D++->A. A new method that I learned from SAL is the stary Fierce. Do it as Hugo comes into range. Do it As Hugo runs at you. Do it after a jump. Hugo's too dumb to do anything about it. Alex - Keep him away with crFK or crRK until he jumps or Dives, then do what you want. Just string the StRK in case he parries the footsweep. Mannerisms: The occasional Dive (Alex never learns, does he?). And he is so obvious whenever he charges for a Stomp or an Elbow Slash. Necro - Backflip, dive, combo. Repeat. Yun's fast enough to catch Necro in the middle of a RK, or an Electric Blaster. You know what to do with his Spinning Hook... B++->A. Mannerisms: After a "twister dive", he goes for a footsweep. Also, he does that strange combo from afar... JP->SP->FK, I think. Twelve - Oh my God the Play-Doh's alive!!! Oh well... Flatten it and shape it into a skateboard... :) okay,seriously, though, you get hit by axe attacks when you try to jump in; so just jump-in when he's getting up. He's usually open down low. Wait for him to attack, counter, and dominate. Grade:B++->A+. Mannerisms: two consecutive N.D.Ls, and two blade-hands whipping. A Virtual Win: Sean - Here's your practice on parrying. His Ryu Bi Kyaku, his jump-ins, his Dragon Smash, his Tornado, well, a lot of his moves are predictable. After a succesful parry on an attack, attack, combo, dominate. His mannerisms inlude two crSK before a Ryu Bi Kyaku, or a far away Tornado. You might even get a grade higher than S here. B++ -> S++ Elena - A jump-in? StFK. A Rhino Horn? Duck, then any foolproof combo (you'll miss with your combo#1 if she ends up sitting; remember the blind spot?). Footsies? She's usually warded off with mixed crFK/crRK until she changes tactics. She usually dashes toward you then does a Scratch Wheel. Block/parry, then counter accordingly. Or she sets herself up with a long-distance Spinning Scythe or her new breakdancing maneuver that doesn't even reach you. Interrupt, and dominate. DOMINATE. Grade: A->S SAY HELLO TO YOUR TWIN BRO: Yang - He's on average because he's lucky against me. Smack him out of the air with any powerful attack (I recommend the air chain, the FK, FP, and RK). He is widely open after Torou Zans. But don't wait for him to plant his feet after you've blocked his Senkyu Tai (if it was a Tenshin Senkyutai, well...) because sometimes he recovers just in time to block. Don't turtle against him; he mixes up fairly well. He is prone when he tries to counter your jump/dive-in with a FK; sometimes he blocks, though. Mannerisms: A SP, followed by a Senkyu Tai. Far away Torou Zans. And wild jumping all over the place! INSPECTOR GADGET RETURNS: Q First off, you can't pick him as your opponent during the game (but you already know that). He doesn't challenge you on mad whims, however. To get him to fight you, you have to Complete every match you take, and that means not losing a single round. The number of Super Art finishes you have does not need to be that much; a Ryu player has at least one SA finish in every match (Denjin Hadoken) and Q came. He'll come after the seventh or eighth opponent has been beaten. The grade does not have to be always high; I saw a Chun Li player score a D++ in one match, and she was still able to confront the man in the Iron Mask. How to beat Q... your main advantages over this guy are your speed and your human brain; two things of which Q possesses neither. His advan- tage over you is his immense strength where his punches almost matches Ryu's, if not exceed. Poke him a bit, then launch your dive-in/jump-in combos. Back off, then repeat, until he falls. Don't get discouraged if you get beaten in one round. As long as you keep him on his back, you're fine. Mannerisms: You'll see him backing off. You'll see him dashing. But you don't know how he'll punch you. Normal? To the foot? Or overhead? To be safe, whack him as he dashes to you. THE FINAL MATCH: Gill, "The Self-Proclaimed Deity" Yun: "So... you are Gill..." "What's up with your plan to conquer the world? Wake up already!" Gill: "Youth tends to be reckless, but it is not my intention to blame you." "Think about it. What is the ideal way for you to live?" "It should be obvious to a boy like you. Just leave everything to me!" Yun: "Argh! Stop preaching to me! Let our fists do the talking!" "The mark of my dignity shall scar thy blah blah blah..." If Gill is indeed a god, he's sure to be the God of Cheapness. Whatever weakness he had in the previous versions of SFIII have been taken out. He deals an insane amount of damage, has a long dizzy meter, moves fast, a more ad- vanced AI and has a new Hallelujah Super {what most players call the "Angel of Death"), a Super Art that is similar to the desperation move of Orochi in KOF '97, hits every inch of the screen, and hits 20 times (I counted) times (A blocked Super equals Yang's full-blown Tenshin Senkyutai). And I noticed that if he ressurects, the Super meter will be transparent (indicating that it's empty), but the number on the corner says 1/1. Which may mean that Gill can use another freaking Super. I'm not sure, 'coz before Gill could use it on me, he knocked me out already... I beat him once and in that time I had my luck in the right place, plus my synch ratio's pretty high. His attacks have way more range and priority than yours. To be able to stand a chance against this guy, you know how to use your parrying skills (heck, he pokes his legs at you once too often...) and be patient. Parry his fireballs until he does something else. Two or three combos from him can kill you. Example: you jump in with Gill still standing. The most likely result would be your face meeting his two-hit rising elbow (a crFP) followed by (if you're lucky) an advancing kick. The worst case scenario would be the elbow, followed by two headbutts (ouch). It's also risky to try beating him to the throw, since if you lose on the chance, you'll be set up for a piledriver. The most open position Gill could allow himself to get into is his knee attack; he doesn't do the clothesline as often anymore. Meet him up in the air and nail a Rhouse on his face, or another attack if you know something better (not an aerial Fierce!). Parry his super jump jump-in kick (parry ALL of his jump-ins), then combo him. If you manage to knock him off his feet, time your jump-in so that you won't be fearing that awful juggle of his. The Raigeki won't work right; he just blocks it, or plants you to the ground with an Axe kick. If you jump in, he'll more likely try to stop you with his elbow, but if you timed your jump correctly, or if you know how to air parry, you shouldn't have too much to worry. I've also read about repeatedly launching Fierce(hard punch) Ze Sho Hohous when Gill is approximately three fourths or so of the entire screen away from you. Never tried it before, but it doesn't seem to be too far out of whack. SAL writes: "... Gill's priority basically forces everyone to play defensively against him. Here's a trick though that can also be applied with some other characters against Gill. Back into the corner, and keep throwing out Jabs as Gill closes in on you. When he gets within a certain range (a step or two out of where you'd hit him), the CPU will change strategies with Gill when you hit the Jab button. You can notice this when Gill stops moving forward and either pauses or backs up slightly. This indicates the computer is switching to a new AI pattern. Now, Gill has several AI patterns which will leave him open to dashing (Zesshou-Hohou) or far- reaching (standing Fierce) attacks. Here's the main three to watch for: - standing Roundhouse (axe-kick) - upwards Pyro/Cryo Kenesis - crouching Strong, crouching Fierce (elbow upper) When he does any one of these, you should be able to smack him with your standing Fierce if you're quick. Some other characters are even better at AI switching Gill, because they have longer range attacks that have enough priority and speed for this to work with a lot more safety (the Shoto's standing Strong is ideal). Yun isn't the best for this, because his Jab & Short attacks are a bit too short, and all his other normal attacks leave him too open or are too awkard, but it can still be done." VII. MISCELLANEOUS This section is basically for the trivia-happy players. Hey, I spent a lot of my coins just to complete this, so I hope you appreciate it! E-mail me if you have something else to add. CHOOSE YOUR COLORS: JP: The usual blue/yellow tip cap, white shirt, yellow armband SP: Black/yellow tip cap, yellow shirt(?!? :P), black armband FP: Black/red tip cap, white shirt, red armband SK: White/deep green tip cap, white shirt, d. green armband FK: Red/yellow tip cap, white shirt, yellow armband RK: Black/white tip cap, red shirt, white armband Special(JP+FK+FP): Cool black-- Black/white tip for his cap, dark gray shirt, and white armbands. Cool! INTROS: Stage intro - Yun arrives to the scene via a skateboard (Just from the side, not from the wide blue yonder in Second Impact). The skateboard moves out of the pic. Yun, while standing, adjusts his cap, then goes into the stance. Intro #1 - Yun backflips his way to his position, adjusts his hat while in the stance, and the match starts. Intro #2 - Hands on waists, Yun taps his foot as if waiting for the other opponent, does a kung fu bow, and the match starts. Intro #3 - Hands in pockets, Yun leans on a knee, talks to his opponent, then goes to his stance. He's supposed to say something long in 2I, but now, it just sounds like a sniff. Mainly because the arcade I play in adjusted the darn settings. Go figure. Special w/ Makoto - Yun performs intro #2, but in synchronization, Makoto does a karate bow. Wonder what's between those two other than fighter's honor... Special w/ Yang - memories of Second Impact: they backflip their way into their places, nothing more, nothing less. Special w/ Yun - Yun just adjusts his hat (both of them) instead of jumping to the scene on a skateboard, before moving into the stance. Yang has a cat. To see it, win at least 3 matches against humans (w/ Yang). The cat will appear in the background at the start of every match (with Yang) afterwards. It also claws the opponent when you push the Assist button :) WINNING POSES: Pose #1 - Haaahh! Yun stands on one foot, in a different stance. Seen in SFIII/SFIII SI. Pose #2 - Yun does a respectful Kung Fu bow (while saying some- thing that sounds like 'sardines'... I don't understand what he's saying). Pose #3 - Yun poses a la Ryo Sakasaki: both arms outstretched, one high and the other low, while the feet are spread apart. QUOTES: Yun still has that insulting tongue, but I miss the tongue lashing he makes against specific characters (remember what he said to Sean? "What's shaking, small fry? Or, is it 'vegetable head'?"). If you know some more, tell me (Third Strike only). "I'd rather rave than misbehave! Later!" "Cheap? I paid a lot for this hat!" "My style may change, but the outcome is always the same: I win, you lose!" "My skateboard isn't a stretcher, but it'll get you to the hospital!" "So now you're afraid of things falling down on your head? Sorry!" "Don't you know that it's rude to ask your opponent to let you win a round?!" "I know why you lost... you weren't having any fun during the fight!" "Perhaps you'd prefer to challenge me to a skateboarding game?" Against specific opponents (2nd Impact only): Ryu - "You're pretty good, but pretty good will never beat the best. I'm so happy!" Ken - "The only real dragons are the masters of Chinese Kung Fu!" Sean - "What's shaking, small fry? Or, is it 'vegetable head'?" Gill - "What an appalling sight! Don't you have any taste whatsoever?!" Urien - "Bad boys must be punished! But I must punish you first, 'Iron Freak'!" Hugo - "Hugo... Huge butt... same difference!" Oro - "You're the freakiest old man I've ever met... I thought this was a fight, not a horror movie!" Alex - "A boar like you will never beat me! I'm too good!" Elena - "Come on! Stand up! We're still friends, right?" Ibuki - "Hey! Ninja wimp! you're SO cute! Not!" ABOUT SP POINTS I don't know if any of you guys have noticed by now (I knew about it a long time ago. Really.), but to get an SP point your grade in the match must be better than the preceding grade. Example: You get an S++ in the first stage, then in the second you get an S. No SP point for you, since S is lower than S++. But if you get a D and after that that, a C, then even if it's apallingly low, you'll still get an SP point. Does this clear up anything? ENDING: Should I put it here? I'd just spoil it for you... but for those who want to know, mail me. All I can say is of all the endings I've seen (Ryu, Ken, Chun Li, Q, Akuma, Alex, Hugo), Gill has the most relevance in Yun's story. Did you see Gill in Ryu's story? No. In Q's ending? No. In Hugo's ending? Well, he played a minor part (you could see him as one of Hugo's minions). But in Yun's ending, they had a long talk, and whatnot. It's a cool ending, better than his previous ones. I've seen it only once *;;* VIII. Things I Need To Work Out A. I'm still looking for a counter strategy to the defensive-throw strategy of Remy and Chun Li players. Help me out! B. Juggles! Yun has a lot of potential for juggling, so there just has to be more juggles for this guy... thanks to those who sent me some! C. Combos! Yun's power comes from his combos, so there should be a lot out there... thanks guys! D. The Red Parry... I know this kicks in during a combo, but how exactly should I time the tap? Luckily no one in my area knows this enough to put it in their arsenal. E. If anyone's life has been touched by this FAQ, be kind enough to thank the author, OK? Just kidding...:) IX. Revision History First version (1.0) - Yes!!! Finally finished this FAQ... though not completely... and I beat Gill. FINALLY!!! 1st Revision (1.1) - Made this FAQ look neat. Added some minor things. 2nd Revision (1.2) - Added some more bits, mopped it up a bit. 3rd Revision (1.3) - Took out the Word Wrap. Darn Hard... 4th Revision (1.4) - Did some new notes and expanded the juggles sect. Thanks to SAL for in-depth strategy on humans and computers. And it's getting too big for Notepad, so it's on Wordpad already. 5th Revision (1.5) - The "What to do when your opponent is down" section is in there. Finished some hanging strategies. And that thing about Yun and Yang. X. Final Word -- This is the first time I've written a FAQ so please bear with me! And if you have a comment, reaction, or other info about Yun you can e-mail me at blakemaxwell@yahoo.com (it's OK coz I've clean up my inbox. You can send it there again), or at blakes_aura@hotmail.com. Thanks! -- My thanks to: -Capcom for making the third version of the third installment of the Street Fighter series. Thanks for the great game! And for Ibuki... :) -Joseph Christopher, who served as a crash dummy in the many times we sparred (sometimes I get to be the punching bag... well, half of the time actually). He also gave his thoughts on some cpu mannerisms... thanks, man! -Gaming guru Kao Megura for some info regarding Yun. The world needs more people like you, man! -Expert Yunsters YunLeeSFIII@aol.com, Caleb, and SAL (the Twelve FAQ writer) for more juggles, strategies and more info about Yun's background. Keep them coming! -Jason Shan for the info about Yun and Yang not really being twins. -- Is the alignment alright already? Jeff Maxwell *@^*