SF3 Glitch FAQ From: Mike Zaimont Reply to: Mike Zaimont Date: Tue, 08 Apr 1997 23:39:50 -0600 Organization: AT&T WorldNet Services Newsgroups: alt.games.sf2 Followup to: newsgroup(s) No version #, and I'd just like to say right now that this is by no means an official FAQ, or anything remotely close, but it can be if you guys want me to keep writing 'em down. All stuff in here was reproducible (meaning we got it more then 3 times in 2 nights.) BTW, I have no life so I also rated these, on ease of doing 'em, and how they look (impressiveness). *=easy, not kewl, *****=HARD, very kewl looking SFIII Glitch Compilation: RYU: Too many fireballs: Easy? ** Cool? **** This works in one player mode, but it's easiest to guarantee if you play someone, and both do it at the same time: Both players choose Super Fireball (not the electric one), and get a full bar. Back off to full screen. Both of you (at the same time), throw a Jab fireball, and IMMEDIATELY Super-cancel into the Super Fireball. From here I have seen 3 things happen: 1. 1 or both of you did it too slowly, and all fireballs collide and dissolve, or 2. You both did it exactly right, and either A. All fireballs meet in the middle in one HUGE collision, and you both take MASSIVE damage (on the order of Shin-Shoryu-Ken), even if you block, or B. The whole game freezes as the 2 Jab fireballs collide (happens seldom). ****Note: If done in 1 player mode, and you are the only one who does it, the Super fireball may catch up to the Jab fireball before they hit, in which case the Super one does much more damage then usual (why, anyone?) Infinite combo: Easy? ***** Cool? ***** I can't do this, but a friend can, for about 50% damage (on the lowest setting). Fierce Hurricane Kick 'em from about a (real-life) foot away from the corner, and it bounces 'em again with the last hit; do a standing Short Kick (or sometimes Jab Punch works), and 2-in-1 into a Forward Hurricane, that bounces 'em again. Repeat. Timing is tricky, but he can get it about 40% of the time. Most he's ever done it in a row is 5 times. Hardest part is setting the distance so the first Short hits. SEAN: Super-cancel a Super-cancel a Super Easy? **** Cool? ** The Hado-burst Super can be Supe-cancelled into another, and another which catch 'em in midair across the screen. Easiest way is to do a Sean Tackle to a Hado-Burst, as soon as he throws it do another Hadoken motion, and another comes out, repeat for last one. Not as hard as Ryu's infinite, but still pretty tough. I've done it 4 times, total (and Sean is my 2nd fav. character.) ALEX: HB from anywhere: Easy? ****** (Can you do a HB?) Cool? ***** The reason it's 3 stars hard is that I can't Parry worth anything, and the reason it's 6 stars harder then anything else is that you must be exact. Remember Zangief's Vacuum SPD? No? Ok, well in SF2 (1st one, arcade,) if you blocked ANY move, there was a frame in his block pose where you could SPD 'em from ANYWHERE on the stage, even if you blocked a full-screen fireball. It's still there, in every game but SFvsXMen. Alex has the same kind of thing, but harder. It's done with a parry (using Forward on the stick), and you can't go 'Parry, HB' or it won't work. You must go 'B,DB,D,DF,F (as the parry), UF,U+Punch.' In other words, HB with a parry in the middle. HARD TO TIME, but it works. You can also do it if you're parrying with a different direction, and it EVEN WORKS IN THE AIR!! No crap, cause right as you parry he's standing up for one frame. He drops to the ground with them in his clutches, and then slams 'em. With practice (Alex is my main man, I beat 30 ppl. the other day, but half of 'em were scrubs), I can do this about 80% of the time. No Shotokaner throws fireballs at _me_ anymore! "You really _can't_ escape!" If you hated this (i.e. you tried a glitch ONCE and it didn't work (!-!)), I'm sorry for wasting the space, but please no flames as I was just trying to help! If you liked it, though, I'd be glad to be the maintainer. That's all for now, I have no more typing time. If anyone has any other glitches they'd like included, please post them, or email me at: jzaimont@worldnet.att.net Again, it all depends what everyone else wants, Mike Zaimont "Here's a quarter, go buy your own moves!" "My father could beat you, and he's dead!" -Dan, SFA