STREET FIGHTER III: W IMPACT Tricks and Codes FAQ for Dreamcast Copyright 1999 Carmine Macchia III Version 1.0 Contents: I. Intro II. Choosing the Secret Characters 1. Gouki 2. Gill 3. Shin Gouki III. Gill's Moves IV. Special Thanks V. Extra-Special Thanks I. INTRO If you're reading this FAQ, you most likely know everything about the arcade games Street Fighter III and Street Fighter III: Second Impact. If not, check out the FAQs on the arcade version at This FAQ focuses solely on the secrets contained in the Dreamcast version of these games. First of all, let me note that all of the following secrets were unlocked by playing on Level 8 difficulty. If you play on lower levels (why would you? ;-) I can't guarantee that these will work. II. THE SECRET CHARACTERS 1. Gouki (Second Impact Only) Yes, the ultimate dirtbag fireballer is playable, just like in the arcade. There is no code and no special requirements to play as this cheap punk. On the character select screen, just go to Sean and press up on the controller. Taa-daa! Scrub heaven! 2. Gill (Street Fighter III and Second Impact) "I am your god!" The extra-cheezy, overpowered Gill is playable for the first time in the Dreamcast version. To unlock him, beat the game. On the character select screen, go to Sean and press up twice (up once from Gouki). See his moves below. 3. Shin Gouki (Second Impact Only) Shin Gouki, the true power of Gouki unleashed. To unlock him, you must defeat the computer Shin Gouki. To do this you must: - Select arcade mode - Don't lose any rounds - Get three perfects before you reach your last boss - Gouki comes out, and kills your boss - Now, you fight Gouki instead - Defeat Gouki in the second round with a super finish - Gouki will resurrect as Shin Gouki - Beat Shin Gouki To select Shin Gouki, go to Gouki on the character select screen, and choose Gouki while holding down Start. III. Gill's Moves Pyrokinesis/Cryokinesis - HCF + Punch Knee Drop - HCB + Kick Shoulder Tackle - F,D,DF + Punch Headbutt - QCB + Punch IV. Special Thanks - Kao Megura (the FAQ master) - Thanks for inspiring me to write my first FAQ - CAPCOM - Thanks for making so many awesome games! - Eclisis - Thanks for the Double-KOs in XMvSF and MSHvSF and thanks for beating the hell out of me in Starcraft. ;-) - Interact - Thanks for making the Alloy Arcade Stick. V. Extra-Special Thanks - Jeff Wong (and his Westbury Nathan's Minions) - Thanks for spending every waking moment at Nathan's and for showing me what true cheeziness is. - Gouki X2 - Thanks for stealing my VMU. - Game Express - Thanks for ripping me off. ($75 for W Impact?!)