/\ /\/ \/\ /\/\/\/\/\/ \/\/\/\/\/\ / \ < T E C H R O M A N C E R > \ / \/\/\/\ FAQ V1.5 /\/\/\/ < > \/\/\ /\/\/ by Julio A. Quicios \ / created on 4/11/98 \ / last update 1/1/99 \/ copyright JAQ 1998 WHAT'S NEW ---------- - Notation : some new conventions - Features : warning moves - Movelist : some corrections and new moves hero mode effects added time release characters added - Bosses : info on patterns - New section! : curiosities and misc. info =========================================================================== I. NOTATION AND COMMON MOVES =========================================================================== LEGEND ------ -> Forward ->> Hold forward <- Back <<- Hold back A Attack button A B Attack button B J Jump button G Guard button + Push buttons simultaneously , Push buttons sequentially / Different options (eg. A/B A or B button) [button] You can delay/extend the move by holding button (button) Perform additional moves by pressing button air The move must be done in the air S The move stuns opponent U The move is unblockable W The move is a "warning" move COMMON MOVES ------------ down Move into foreground up Move into background <- <<- Backup -> ->> Dash A/B while dashing Dash attack A (close) Close combat attack A,A,A (close) 3-4 hit easy combo =========================================================================== II. FEATURES =========================================================================== DAMAGE GAUGE ------------ The vertical bar in both sides of the screen. It is initially empty. Fill the opponent's Damage Gauge by attacking. When your Damage Gauge is full, you lose the round. A game is two out of three rounds, though the Damage Gauge of the winner is carried over to the next round, so rounds can be really short !! The time counter is not restored to max, either. It is added a small amount of time after every round, so sometimes the loser of the first round must be very offensive to win the second one. RECOVERABLE LIFE ---------------- Most attacks cause two kinds of damage: a clean damage, displayed as a red bar in your damage gauge, and a repairable damage, displayed as a yellow bar in the same gauge. You can do nothing about the clean damage, but if you manage to stay a few seconds without being attacked, the yellow bar will drop slowly to zero. However, if you get hit again and again to the point your red and yellow bars fill the gauge, your repairable damage will become permanent damage (yellow bar will torn red) losing the round. This may cause the feeling of taking huge damage from the last hit. Don't get confused by this! So, it's a good thing to watch the yellow bar and to take a breathe when things are too hot! ARMOR ----- Next to your damage gauge, there's a yellow circle containing a human figure and a percentage. This is your current armor status. Blocking too much will cause this gauge to decrease quickly. When it drops to zero, your armor is destroyed and your mech will fly away because of the impact, being this last thing a possible advantage depending on the situation (you may avoid further damage) Armor reduces the effect of enemy fire taking less damage from attacks. I'm not sure if some mechs have better armors than others. The game seems to mean that, as in certain characters profile appear things like "strong armor" and "ultra defensive armor". In my experience, heavy mechs armor seems to last longer, but this also may be due to my highly offensive style using these characters. SPECIAL ATTACK -------------- Your typical super move. You can store up to three units, starting the battle with one in stock. Special attacks do clean damage (no recoverable life) OBSTACLES --------- Yes, all these little houses, factories and other constructions are not there only for ornament. They are active part of the game! Depending on the stage, you can find a variable number of obstacles scattered in the surroundings. All the obstacles are destroyable, the little ones by stepping on them and the larger ones by firing a few shots. Move behind a large obstacle for a short cover. ITEMS ----- Move across the stage and step on the various obstacles. Some of them release items of different kinds when destroyed. Large obstacles release more powerful items. Also, hitting hard your opponents usually cause them to drop some of their items, all of which you can recover. You collect an item simply by walking over it, being possible to store up to five units. Your items are shown on top of the damage gauge. To change the selected item, press START. To activate the selected item, press A+B+J There are 3 types of items: RECOVERING TYPE: usually released by large obstacles. So far, I have identified * Armor recover : restores your armor gauge to 100% * Life recover : you regain some life, or to be exact, your damage gauge decreases a certain quantity. * Special charge: adds one level to your Special gauge. ABILITY TYPE: they give your character special powers, such as * Offense up : increase the damage of your attacks * Defense up : you take less damage from enemy attacks * Speed up : you move and perform attacks faster * Hero mode : weapon systems enhanced WEAPON TYPE: this will give you a weapon specific to your character (it varies from one mech to other). Every character has his own inventory of 3 different weapon items. When a mech drops a weapon item and it is recovered by the facing mech, the weapon is reconverted to this last's inventory. Ability items are unaffected. Once you have activated an item, a short bar is displayed over your item inventory. This is a time meter. When the bar drops to zero, the item has been consumed and you can no longer use it, unless you activate another one! WARNING MOVES ------------- During the execution of certain moves, a "warning" message appears pointing to your character. These moves are exceptionally slow, yet forceful enough to cause a blocking opponent to stagger momentarily even when blocking. A quick attack launched during the stagger will connect successfully. You will find these moves labeled with a 'W' in the movelist. POWER BREAKER ------------- This move will crush your opponent's guard, leaving him vulnerable for a short time. Great for turtlers. When near opponent, press simultaneously A+B+G. GRAPPLE ATTACK -------------- A feature already used in other games, such as Soul Edge and Samurai Showdown, but unusual in a Capcom game. Basically, is the same concept: When two attacks collide, the Grapple Attack begins. Both mechs push against each other trying to win the assault. Mash those buttons! The loser gets stunned, though it's possible the draw. In that case, both mechs are pushed back. COUNTERSTRIKE ------------- A very useful move if you know how to play with it, since it allows you to avoid enemy fire and at the same time to attack an opponent in vulnerable position. Every mech has two counterstrikes, activated by pressing either G+A or G+B. Your character will sidestep/round the enemy, performing the attack corresponding to each variant. STEEL DASH ---------- An easy but risky way to close the distance and strike by surprise! Hold G button, then ->-> Your character will dash forward enveloped in an energy aura. Enemy fire cannot stop you, but you still take damage. FINAL ATTACK ------------ The Ultimate Destruction Attack !! You can't escape !! When "FINAL ATTACK" appears on the screen press simultaneously A+B+J+G If it connects, it takes the entire Damage Gauge and the round. Only once per match ! (Blockable) =========================================================================== III. LIST OF CHARACTERS =========================================================================== For every character, you will find the following information: -Regular Moves : names, motions and special properties if any -Special Moves : names, motions and special propreties if any -Final Attack : visual description -CounterStrikes : attacks performed with each variant (A or B) -Specific items : inventory and properties of each item -Hero Mode : Additional powers gained during hero mode On character selection screen, pull the joystick down to get information on each mech profile. NOTE: With the exception of a few ones, I'm not using the official names for the moves in this list. If you are interested on them, get Donny Chan's TR FAQ, available at www.gamefaqs.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------- G KAISER : Massive attacking power --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REGULAR MOVES: [A] Rocket Punches (hold A to home in on enemy) <- A Rocket Punches (anti-air) -> A G Kaiser Upper <- -> A Kaiser Fury (5-hit autocombo) -> <- A U Whirlwind Throw air A Dive Kick B Napalm Bomb -> B S G Kaiser Hurricane (advancing) ->> B S G Kaiser Hurricane (static) air B Drop Napalm Bomb A/B + J Flying Upper A+B Heat Blazer (ground-ground) <- A+B Heat Blazer (ground-air) air A+B Heat Blazer (air-ground) air -> A+B Heat Blazer (air-air) SPECIAL MOVES: <- -> A+B SPECIAL HEAT BLAZER air <- -> A+B KAISER ASSAULT FINAL ATTACK: Violent Sword G Kaiser draws his sword and delivers a powerful overhead slash, followed by a series of sword swipes in an automatic combo. (easy counterable if the first strike is blocked) COUNTERSTRIKES: G+A Rocket Punches G+B Shoulder Ram SPECIFIC ITEMS: Doomsday A giant bomb that causes a huge blast and massive damage. Is aimed at the opponent's location. Giant Rock G Kaiser materializes a large rock and throws it at the enemy. It can be blasted into pieces. Axe Blow G Kaiser puts a pair of small devices on his arms Attack with A or <- A. HERO MODE: Enables G Kaiser to fly around freely. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIXEN : A mega mix of weapons --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REGULAR MOVES: up/down + G switch gun J, J double jump (steerable) A (gun 1) Rifle Shot (faster) A (gun 2) Missile (more damaging) -> A Rising Slash <- -> A Aiming Satellite -> <- A Shielding Satellite (absorbs some forms of attack, returning the fire. Good timing needed) air A Air Slash B Grenade (short range) -> B Grenade (long range) <- -> B Aiming Satellite (no difference with A version?) air B Drop Grenade air -> B Toss Grenade A/B+J Sword Upper A+B Fixer Cannon (ground-ground) <- A+B Fixer Cannon (ground-air) air A+B Fixer Cannon (air-ground) air -> A+B Fixer Cannon (air-air) SPECIAL MOVES: <- -> A+B HYPER FIXER CANNON -> <- A+B BERSERKER SWORD FINAL ATTACK: Test Your Aim Dixen throws the opponent upwards and fire the helpless mech with a mega stream of fixer cannon. COUNTERSTRIKES: G+A Rising Slash G+B Short Range Grenade SPECIFIC ITEMS: Spark Gun A short range weapon that stuns opponent. Hellfire A flamethrower with moderate reach. Stuns opponent. Fist Blast A powerful charging fist that hits many times at close range. HERO MODE: Enables Dixen to fly around freely. A Homing laser --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PULSION : Deadly combination attacks --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REGULAR MOVES: <- <- Backflip J, J Double Jump (steerable) A Punch -> A Pulsion Upper <- A W Backhand <- -> A, (A) Plasma Saw, another saw air A Dive Punch air -> A Flying Punch air <- -> A Plasma Saw B Sliding Kick -> B, (tap A/B) Space Sommersault <- B Pulse Weave air B Air Kick A/B+J (opp. down) Pounce A+B Beta Beam A+B (after backflip) Low Beta Beam -> A+B Pulsion Screen SPECIAL MOVES: <- -> A+B VOLTAGE SPHERE -> <- A+B ALIEN RUSH FINAL ATTACK: Erradication Pulsion lifts the opponent in his arms, activates boosters and propulse away from Earth. Once in outer space, Pulsion throws the opponent away and fires dozens of missiles that lock on on the poor mech, literally erradicating him. COUNTERSTRIKES: G+A Half Moon Beams G+B Space Sommersault SPECIFIC ITEMS: P. Knife Pulsion equippes a pair of knives, gaining extra reach. Damage increased. P. Blade Pulsion throws a rotary blade. The blade spins for a while, hitting multiple times. P. Spear Pulsion attacks the opponent with a horned spear. Paralyzes. It can be chained into Final Attack! HERO MODE: Pulsion goes berserk. He moves in crouched manner and his attacks become unblockable. With A button pounces on opponent. With B button slide-kicks opponent, following with scratches and flipkick. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOLON : Guts and skill will prevail --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REGULAR MOVES: A Iron Ball -> [A] Yo-Yo Iron Ball <- [A] Yo-Yo Iron Ball (anti-air) <- -> A Destroyer Drill air [A] Rolling Dive air down A Rolling Fall B Excavator <- B Rocket upper <- -> B S Burning Chimney -> <- B Fireworks (looks like a taunt, but it hits) air B Shovel blow A+B Bolon Typhoon -> A+B W Rolling Claw air A+B Lariat SPECIAL MOVES: <- -> A+B GIANT ROLLING IRON BALL -> <- A+B IRON BALL ECLYPSE <- -> A+J U SELF DESTRUCT FINAL ATTACK: The Little House The curtain drops. The curtain rises, we can see Bolon and his opponent inside a little nice house, having tea or something similar. The opp seems to commit a foolish act of descourtesy such as putting the feet over the table and then Bolon, enraged, smashes the table into opponent's face, who flies away breaking the roof and droping outside the house. COUNTERSTRIKES: G+A Rolling Dive G+B Excavator SPECIFIC ITEMS: Magic Pot Bolon's hand transforms in a pot, from which soccer balls and other kinds of spherical objects come out Pretty useless. S. Hammer Bolon swings a HUGE hammer and smashes down on opp. As you can imagine, it stuns. L. Express A very curious one. Bolon throws one of his many body parts, a train. The convoy moves quickly around the opponent, running between his legs, hindering him and causing damage. HERO MODE: Bolon summons a hodgepodge of floating objects which join in any attacks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RAFAGA : 3 different modes --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REGULAR MOVES: * Robot mode: down + G transform to AT-ST mode (rapid fire) up + G transform to fighter mode (flying ability) A Plasma Rifle -> A Gun Pod crush <- -> A Float Seeker air A Flipkick air down A 3-way shot (air-ground) B 3 missiles (ground-ground) <- -> B Side Winder air B 3 missiles (air-ground) air -> B 3 missiles (air-air) B+J Knee Upper A+B Plasma Cannon * AT-ST mode: A Plasma shots B 3 missiles J transform to fighter mode A+B Transform attack -> -> Rushing attack -> -> B Rushing attack (returns to robot mode) * Fighter mode: A Dive <- -> A Float Seeker B 3 missiles A+B Dual Laser SPECIAL MOVES: <- -> A+B PINPOINT BREAK PUNCH (robot mode) <- -> A+B CHARGING BULL (AT-ST mode) <- -> A+B BOMBARDMENT (fighter mode) FINAL ATTACK: Unleashed Fury Rafaga throws the opponent upwards, jumping after him. Hits the opponent a few times in mid-air and sends him again to ground, firing him in the way down with multiple shots. Only for sadists! COUNTERSTRIKES: ?? SPECIFIC ITEMS: S.S. Pod Rafaga emits a stream of ring lasers. Moderate reach. Stuns. T. Cannon Once the weapon is equipped, pressing A+B obtains an enhanced form of plasma cannon. Very powerful! Shell Gun A large shell that travels slowly. Heavy damage. Breaks armor. HERO MODE: -> <- A/B Colony crush. Helps out for added damage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIANA 17 : Fight in the sky --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Diana 17 can do two air attacks REGULAR MOVES: <- <- Backflip J, J Double Jump (steerable) A Wedge Beam (ground-ground) -> A Double Kick <- -> A Crystal Edge air A Dive Kick air down A Wedge Beam (air-ground) B Soap Bubbles -> <- B Butterfly Counter (if opp touches the butterfly Diana projects a ball that hits 7-8 times) air B Soap Bubbles A+J Jump and Dive B+J Interceptor (if it connects, Diana engulfs opp in an energy ball and throws him a javeline) [A+B] S Diana Javeline air [A+B] S Diana Javeline (air-ground) air down A+B Attractive Shower SPECIAL MOVES: <- -> A+B BEAUTY AVENGER -> <- A+B MESSENGER OF JUSTICE air <- -> A+B EMERALD TEAR FINAL ATTACK: Messenger Of Love There is few to see in this one. Diana touches the opponent and next we see is a close view of hers, enveloped in a giant heart. COUNTERSTRIKES: G+A Jump and Dive G+B Leg Cutter SPECIFIC ITEMS: Angel Bow Diana fires an arrow which explodes in a miriad of littles ones that converge into the opponent. Angel Star Diana throws a big shuriken. Angel Saber Diana strikes several times with a rapier, a la Gerelt from Star Gladiators. HERO MODE: Diana gets an Anti-Missile Barrier. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISE DUCK : Big guns and strong armor --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Wise Duck can't jump REGULAR MOVES: A Machine Gun -> A Break Shaft <- -> A Bull Breaker B Proton Missiles <- B Proton Missiles (anti-air) -> B S Net Missile J Ground Mine A+J Mad Robot (3-hit autocombo) B+J Napalm Pod (short range) -> B+J Napalm Pod (long range) A+B Devastator (enveloping blast) <- A+B Devastator (wide area) SPECIAL MOVES: <- -> A+B PHOTON CANNON -> <- A+B ANTI-AIR PHOTON CANNON <- -> A+J INTO OBLIVION FINAL ATTACK: Full Metal Hunter Wise Duck grabs the opponent, tosses him into the air (this is shown from various camera angles) and unleashes a barrage of ground-ground and air- ground missiles. COUNTERSTRIKES: G+A Bull Breaker G+B Proton Missiles SPECIFIC ITEMS: M. Barrage Little ICBM's go sky high and dive into enemy. G.A. Cannon Missiles that detonate over opponent, freeing parachute bombs. F. Geyser One of those flamethrowers you can purchase in your everyday arms shop. HERO MODE: All missile attacks lock on the enemy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TWINZAM V : Transform with Change Cross Twinzam --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - You can choose formation after selecting character. - Change formation in mid-fight with -> <- A+B REGULAR MOVES: * Fire Formation (red top, blue bottom) A Punch <- A Tomahawk Upper -> A Fire Tomahawk <- -> A Twinzam Rush air A Cone Beam air <- -> A Twinzam Dive B Twinzam Drill <- B Twinzam Drill (anti-air) <- -> B Shooting Star Blow air B Twinzam Drill (air-ground) [A+B] Exploding Quasar <- [A+B] Exploding Quasar (anti-air) * Plasma Formation (blue top, red bottom) -> A Plasma Hammer <- -> A Twinzam Home Run air A Hammer Blow air down A Spin Drop B Missiles (ground-ground) <- B Missiles (ground-air) <- -> B Zero Gravity Hold air B Missiles (air-ground) A+B SteelWorm -> A+B Drill Crusher air A+B DiveDriller SPECIAL MOVES: <- -> A+B TWIN FORMATION FINAL ATTACK: Fire Formation: Victory! Twinzam perform a combo on the opponent, ending with a dramatic V-slash. Plasma Formation: Don't be cruel Twinzam knocks down the opponent with a combo, activates his twin drills and perforates him with fury. COUNTERSTRIKES: Fire Formation G+A Fire Tomahawk G+B Missiles Plasma Formation G+A Drills G+B Missiles SPECIFIC ITEMS T.S. Beam A kind of a triangular beam that tractors opp. B. Cutter Twinzam attacks with a huge chainsaw. Breaks armor. S. Driver Twinzam smashes the hammer on the ground, causing shock waves to travel along the screen. HERO MODE: Fire Formation: starts off a meteor shower. Plasma Formation: spinning pillars of water around mech. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME RELEASE CHARACTERS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a 1P game: they can only be used in Challenge mode (except Gourai?) In a 2P game: players can't use the same character (except Gourai?) GOURAI (boss) Playable after 200 hours. DARK PULSION Playable after 600 hours. Moves of normal Pulsion. Gold colour. DIXEN EXPERIMENT Playable after 600 hours. A Dixen prototype with enhanced weapon systems. WISE DUCK ORUSORROSO Playable after 600 hours. A horned version of Wise Duck. G+J or down G+J to turn dash. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSSES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GAMDA A giant golem-like robot, piloted by an egiptyan. It is made of stone blocks and it might be confused with a castle if it weren't by its human shape. Mid-boss. - Really damaging punches and slaps - Laser sweeps - Can send opponent to another dimension wrapped up in rings - Teleport - No Armor - No jump - SUPER 1: Invisibility. Lasts about 10 seconds, but wears off if Gamda is knocked down QUVEARL A weird balloon-shaped enemy, with some flexible members and a ring of light over the head. Mid-boss. - Dodges and hits with tentacles - Mini-Drones of different colours and homing abilities - Laser sweeps - Stunning bubble charges - Persistent laser pulses - SPECIAL 1: a scout party of drones followed by a large ring of mini drones firing away after party connects - SPECIAL 2: an invincible barrier which cancels all incoming damage for a short period GOURAI A kind of samurai warrior. Mid-boss. - Wields saber and armor - Controllable particle streams - Spinning slashes - SPECIAL 1: Vacuum Zone GOLDIBUS The final boss. After defeat, he transforms in a deadlier form with two brand new damage bars. AACK! (Your bars aren't restored after beating the first form. So consider this fight like an endurance match) - Wields a huge Scimitar - Earthquakes - Homing Birds - Stunning sword toss - Teleport - SPECIAL (form 2): Goldibus transforms in a flaming Phoenix. Easy to block but causes massive armor losses (up to 25%) =========================================================================== IV. CURIOSITIES AND MISCELLANEOUS INFO =========================================================================== - Many TR characters are based or have amazing similarities with some actual robot series and other sources: * G Kaiser is based on the incredibly old Mazinger Z series. * Dixen is very similar to the mechs appearing in Gundam series. * Pulsion follows the argument and design of Evangelion. * Wise Duck resembles a Mech Warrior design. * Diana 17 is more than similar to Fei Yen from Virtual On. * Bolon resembles a funny robot called SJ1 (smoking Joe) appearing in an old comic book titled Sam Slade: Robo Hunter. SJ1 had a rounded body just like Bolon, with a chimney in the back, and his power source was a boiler. When he got emotive and steam pressure increased, he opened the chimney emitting a terrific sound just like a locomotive! (I doubt Bolon is based on SJ1, though) - Twinzam's Special can take off FULL damage bars (yes, 100%) !! I don't know the requirements, since I've seen this ocurr only once. A friend of mine was fighting against Goldibus. Won the first round, and opened the second with the Special. I hadn't time to look at what Goldibus was doing. The next thing I saw was the damage bar filling with red and Goldibus exploding. - Goldibus is the only character that can receive a Final Attack twice. Once in each form. - Goldibus is the most disrespectful mech towards Bolon during Final Attack: he actually puts his foot on the table and scratches his/her? back with the scimitar. - As you can see above, I'm not too sure about Goldibus sex. The aspect and the name of this mech seem to point to a male character but then, in Bolon's ending, Goldibus turns out to be Pollin's Mother! =========================================================================== V. FINAL NOTES AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS =========================================================================== Well, thus end my Tech Romancer FAQ. I hope you find it worthy. My English is not as good as I wish, so please forgive my possible grammar errors, absurd terms, etc. Corrections are welcomed. Additional info on stories, move names, secret characters, etc are also welcomed. Flames are welcomed, provided you put a bit of humor on them. I reserve the right to reply in the same terms. Eulogies are most welcome :) I'd wish to express my gratitude to the following persons: Jesus Cabezas del Pozo (JCP) Julian Lopez Fernandez (JLF) -- for playing doubles with me and helping me out to collect info. Donny Chan for being so nice to send me his TR faq and to let me make use of its contents, and for including me in the credits :) Thomas Chong for his extensive info on warning moves, bosses patterns and hero mode effects. Also for his contributions to the curiosities section. Florentino Pascual for some bits of info and especially for his words of support! Kyosuke Kagami for sending me his contributions in spite of the removal of his TR machine from the arcade. Thanks anyway, boy!