------------------------------------------------------------------------ KOF' 2000 ATHENA ASAMIYA ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Athena is once again back with style. I just can't get enough of her every year. Well, it's true that she sucks BIG TIME in kof'99, but let's face it there is much improvement for her this year. :) Fighting Style: Psychic Combat and Chinese Kung Fu Birthdate: March 14 Age: 18 Country: Japan Blood Type: B Height: 163cm Weight: 49kg Hobbies: Making Internet homepages Favorite Food: Maple leaf-shaped bean past buns Mastered Sport: Lacrosse Prized Things: A Peter Rabbit tea set, letters from her fans Dislikes: Grasshoppers -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Joystick Layout ] ----------------------------------------------------- ub u uf Jump Backward Jump Up Jump Forward \ | / (up-back) (up) (up-forward) b -- n -- f Retreat / Block Neutral Approach / | \ (back) (forward) db d df Crouch Block Crouch Offensive Crouch (down-back) (down) (down forward) [ Button Layout ] ------------------------------------------------------- A B C D Light Punch Light Kick Heavy Punch Heavy Kick -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basic Moves -------------------------------------------------------------------------- =Air= A (short range jab) - cancellable B (longer range kick) C (short range slap) - cancellable D (longer range extended leg) u+C (elbow) u+D (kick up) =Close Standing= A (short jab) - cancellable B C (punch) - cancellable D (knee) - cancellable =Far Standing= A (longer range jab) B (extended leg) C (extended punch) D (roundhouse kick) - body leaves the ground =Crouching= A (short jab) - cancellable B - cancellable C (palm forward) - cancellable D (short range kick) - knock down - cancellable -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Moves -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bit Throw When close, b / f + C (throws forward) Psychic Throw When close, b / f + D (throws to the other side) Psychic Shoot When close, a-u + C / D in air (somersault and throws opponent in air) Phoenix Bomb In air, d + B (knock down and high piority move) - cancellable into special moves - can be cancelled from CD, C and A in the air - can be done during the quick retreat, b+b. Renkantai f + B (2 hits high angle kick) - cancellable 2nd hit into air special Psycho Ball Attack qcb + P (typical air projectile) - C fast, A slow - opponents may pass beneath the projectile using certain moves Psycho Sword f,d,df + P (air) (multiple hit anti-air move, can be done in air) - opponent may fly away if not connected properly - very low piority Phoenix Arrow In air, qcb + K (ball of psycho energy, multiple hits. D version ends with a kick) - the kick has pretty long range and will automatically direct at your opponent Psychic Teleport qcf + K (teleport, D version is further and may move to opponent's back) - very little invulnerability - able to make your projectiles unblockable Psycho Shoot hcf + P (air projectile with longer startup and lag) - may juggle opponent after - type A has a better chance to juggle Psycho Reflector hcb + B (reflects all projectiles) Nu Psycho Reflector hcb + D (reflects all projectiles) - longer startup but last longer - tick damage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phoenix Fang Arrow In air, qcf,qcf + K (air) (multiple phoenix arrow) - does massive tick damage - has lag between each volley and will hit opponent if they attempt to counter Shining Crystal Bit hcb,hcb + P (ground/air) (Athena is protected by orbiting crystal bits, can be done in air) - invulnerable during startup - can neutralise projectiles and non-physical attacks unless it is a SDM. - ABCD to cancel Crystal Shoot qcb + P from Shining Crystal Bit (Athena gathers the crystal bits above her) - Can be held by holding the P button - A version projectile shoots straight - C version projectile will curve - has mid-section invulnerabilty when holding the crystal ball - considered a level 2 projectile MAX Shining Crystal Bit hcb,hcb + AC (air) (see SCB above) - does more damage - the chance to do a 2 hit from counter diminished considerably MAX Crystal Shoot qcb + AC from Shining Crystal Bit (see crystal shoot) - hits 3 times ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Striker Action: Psycho Healing Athena jumps to where her opponent is and lands. If her ally is nearby, then they recover some of their lost Life Gauge. Another Striker: Roman Athena A flaming sword attack, able to hit opponent on the ground. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Playing with Athena ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Abuse her pheonix bomb, use it as a cross over on waking opponent. (2) Abuse her SCB, time correctly and get 2 hits on a counter. (3) Abuse her standing/crouching C. (4) Never, never abuse her projectiles against grapplers, your striker will not be able to save you. Just poke them to death. (5) Hold your crystal shoot and wait! your opponent may.. - jump at you and get hit - attempt to roll, so zap him after he finished his roll - attempt to hit you but passed through your body - attempt to do a running DM. Some running DM like Takuma's will just stop just in front of you because of your mid-section invunerability. Release it only if.... - time runs out - opponent does something wrong like the above - attempt to attack your lower body and you may trade blows - thinking they can pass below your projectile (example - iori will definately get hit if he does his running DM) Always cancel your SCB (ABCD) if... - opponent is not a scrub and they got hit by the SCB (6) If running out of time... - hyper jump onto the wall and do her SCB if it's in your favour - use her phoenix fang arrow DM to do massive tick damage if not - make a striker bomb? (7) Make her projectiles and strikers unblockable with her teleport. (8) She is not a combo character, so just hit and run. :) (9) Run away with her Back, Back, d + B. Works like Iori. (10) Summary of invulnerability during SCB. (SCB start up) - you have full body invulnerability during start up - after that, you have none. But you Crystal Bits protects you (SCB -> Crystal Shoot) - you have full upper body invulnerability during transition - certain running DMs stops infront of you while other attacks whiff (Crystal Shoot) - you have mid-body invulnerability - attacks that attack your mid body like Takuma's f+A whiff - you are also protected by the crystal ball above Note : The invulnerability does not apply to grabs/slams of course (11) Athena is still able to do her floating bug. - do any ground moves with the diagonal up motion close to the wall - it is practically an useless bug - if your opponent lets you, you may keep doing the motion till you are off the screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Playing with Athena (Joe Striker) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seriously, Joe sucks at being a striker for Athena. Can't save her butt most of the time when she fire-balls. But I learnt to make do using him as a striker if any. (1)standing C/D -> f + B (1 hit) -> Call Joe -> SCB (S)DM (corner preferably) The good thing about using Joe is you CAN get THREE and I do mean "3" hits from your Shining Crystal Bits! I usually get that in the corner. It seems that the hit register again after a striker hits. Anyway, you have to do it quickly by cancelling your f +B into the SCB and you'll have the air SCB animation. (2) teleport -> Call Joe -> SCB (S)DM You teleport behind opponent and your striker will hit them when they turn to face you. You SCB will most probably get 2 hits. Anyway, they are not able to block. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Playing with Athena (Seth Striker) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seth is one of the best, if not the best striker in the kof'2000 system. The reason is solely due to the fact he actively lingers on the screen to harress your opponent. With Seth comes many of my favourite combos. (1)Athena in corner, d + B -> f + B -> Seth -> SCB -> ABCD cancel/crystal shoot - Athena calls Seth and cancel f + B 2nd hit into SCB, Seth 1 hits, SCB 1 hit, Seth 2 hits, during that time SCB 1 hit, SCB last hit. (SCB hits 3 times) (2)Opponent in corner, qcb + B -> Seth -> SCB -> crystal shoot - Athena overlaps with qcb + B, Seth hits, SCB hits, Seth 2hits, crystal shoot. - If using SDM, it must be done with opponent falling close to the ground after Seth's 1st hit as opponent will fly across the screen beyond Seth's reach. (3)CD -> qcb + A -> Seth -> qcf + D -> SCB - This is not a full combo, but it's pretty annoying because it is unblockable. - Use this against human players and you'll find it useful. - Note that your opponent will attempt to roll behind your SCB and still get hits. (4)qcf + D -> Seth - The usual cheap teleport cum striker move - You teleport behind your opponent and call out your striker (5)If you don't have power just do the usual qcf + A and jump CD after Seth hits. Well, against a turtle, just fire ball away and call Seth to save your sorry arse. if you have the chance, SCB when your opponent tries to combo you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basic Combos --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1)standing C/D -> f + B (1hit) -> pyscho sword (2)crouch B -> f + B (2hits) -> pyscho sword (3)standing C/D -> f + B (1 or 2 hits) -> phoenix arrow, phoenix fang arrow, SCB (corner) (4)jump A/CD -> d + B -> pyscho sword, phoenix arrow, SCB - opponent has to block twice standing, the follow up will register only if it's a counter (5)pyscho shoot A -> psycho shoot C -> anything (corner) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyrights (?) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, there's not much to steal from here anyway. Most of the stuff here can be gotten just about anywhere and can be learnt through experiences.But if you really wanna put this up in your homepage or anywhere, you are free to do so. Just e-mail me. :) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The people who took the pain to create kof'2000 and to write all the faqs about it. Chris MacDonald My e-mail weis@pacific.net.sg Homepage (never up-dated) home.pacific.net.sg/~weis Version 1.4