============================================================================= THE KING OF FIGHTERS 2000 ============================================================================= Infinite Combos FAQ for The King of Fighters 2000 System(s): Arcade and Neo-Geo Written by: Orochi K (kartelkertra caramail com) & hebretto (hebrettofaq yahoo com.au) FAQ created on October 2, 2001 Version 2.30 - Last revised: April 29, 2002 (c) 2001-2002, Orochi K. (c) 2001-2002, Yang Yang "hebretto" He. This document is protected by US Copyright Law, and the Berne Copyright Convention of 1976. It is a free publication and cannot be used for profitable purposes under any circumstances. It may not be reproduced without the permission of the authors and you are not allowed to take any info from this FAQ and claim it to be yours. Webmasters who wish to post this FAQ on their site should e-mail either of us and ask for permission first. Please send the URL of your site too so one of us can DOS-attack you if you don't keep the guide updated. The King of Fighters and all characters mentioned are Copyright 1994-2000, SNK of Japan. =-=-=-=-=-= CONTENTS =-=-=-=-=-= i) Introduction ii) What are infinites? (silly question...) iii) Do all strikers enable infinites? (very good question...) iv) Infinites (at last...) - Hero Team (K, Maxima, Ramon, Vanessa) - Benimaru Team (Benimaru, Shingo, Seth, Lin) - Ikari Team (Leona, Ralf, Clark, Whip) - Fatal Fury (Terry, Andy, Joe, Mary) - Art of Fighting (Ryo, Robert, King, Takuma) - Psycho Soldier (Athena, Kensou, Chin, Bao) - Kim Team (Kim, Chang, Choi, Jhun) - Female Team (Mai, Kasumi, Yuri, Hinako) - Edits (Kyo, Iori, Kula) v) Revision History \\\ INTRODUCTION /// -------------- This FAQ contains only the infinite combos you can perform in KOF 2000. You won't find all the combos for a certain character or all the striker combos in here. Thus, you'll find all the infinites that we've discovered in the game. These are only those that we've found ourselves but if you know of more, just inform us of those with a proper description. We'll try them out and if they do work, they'll be included in the next update with proper credit. \\\ WHAT ARE INFINITES? /// --------------------- Infinites (or infinite combos) are combos which you can pull off and which will enable you to take all your opponent's life in _only_ that combo. Cool, eh? As long as I remember, SNK have come up with those in '97 but there were a very small number of those and of course, they were almost impossible to perform. However, they are now not that hard to pull, mainly due to the striker feature and this FAQ is here to bring all those great combos to you (well, all that I know of, I mean...). Infinites require a good timing and you need to be a good KOF-player if you want to perform them. They're a lot easier in 2000 but don't go around thinking that you can pull them whenever you want. If you own the game on Neo-Geo, you'll be able to practice them. Otherwise, you'll have to spend some bucks to get used to them! o_O Now, you must know that in some cases, just by a timed recovery roll, the opponent will be able to escape and the combo will no longer work. This doesn't apply to all combos because some are fully inescapable. Anyway, the combos that can be avoided with recovery roll have been pointed out clearly enough to let you know which ones those are and so that you may know what to expect. :) Now, although some combos can be avoided with a timed AB, you must already know that this applies mainly to human opponents. The CPU is so stupid that it just takes all the hits and doesn't attempt anything in most cases. However, some tough characters like Lin, Vanessa or Seth may escape from time to time! :( (hebretto) I STRONGLY recommend you to consider before doing any infinites on a human opponent. Reason for this is because not only will you be looked on as cheap, but you also won't be making any friends in the game (and most likely be saying hello to a few black eyes). If you know that your opponent is planning to do an infinite then by all means (teach him not to be cheap). You can do it against friends since they won't mind (but still good to ask). That's just my rule of thumb, you don't have to listen to me, but it's in your best interest to consider it. (Orochi K) I agree with hebretto but hey, if your opponent is playing cheap with characters like Seth, then give them a lesson and a preview of your skills at the same time! But don't use this in "serious" versus matches even if you are losing! After all, it is better to lose after putting up a good match than to win with a cheap tactic! And if you don't agree with me, then sorry but you shouldn't be playing a game like KOF! \\\ DO ALL STRIKERS ENABLE INFINITES? /// ----------------------------------- Now, it may be too early to say so but we do think that only a few strikers allow you to pull infinites. Some strikers' actions don't really look as if they're at the base of infinites. Here's a list of those strikers that will enable infinites if you know how to use them. Here's the list: - Joe - Ryo - Vanessa - Yashiro (Ralf's Another Striker) - Ramon - Robert - Neo & Geo (Ramon's Maniac Striker) - G-Mantle (Ryo's Manic Striker) - Unknown (Kasumi's Maniac Striker) - Dong Hwan Moreover, not all characters have infinites with a certain striker even if the latter can be used with another one for a combo that will go beyond 30 hits. We've put all those that we know but there may be more. \\\ INFINITES /// ----------- OK, the interesting part starts here! You asked for them and here they are...THE INFINITES!!! There are some notes after the combos to give you an explanation of how it works and also more info where we think it's necessary. Those which may be avoided by a simple recovery roll have been marked by a (*) at the end of the combo! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Hero Team (K, Maxima, Ramon, Vanessa) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * >K'< I/ (Joe Striker, opponent in corner) Standing C -> qcf + P -> f + D -> f + A -> call Joe when opponent sliding to the ground after f + A -> stand C -> qcf + P -> f + D -> f + A -> call Joe -> etc... -You can do either one or two hits with the Standing C -Instead of doing Standing C you can do Crouching B (x2). A third time is optional -You can add in f + A after the first hit of the Standing C if you want. It just does more damage. II/ (Joe Striker, corner preferred) Standing C (1 hit) -> f + A -> qcf + C -> f + D -> qcfx2 + P -> call Joe -> and so on! -As long as when your opponent lands near you after your Heat Drive (this is for when your opponent is NOT in the corner) your Joe Striker will connect. But I wouldn't recommend you on doing f + A if it's not done in the corner. -f + A is not essential but you'd be much better doing it! II/a (Dong Hwan Striker) Standing C (1 hit) -> f + A -> qcfx2 + P -> Dong Hwan -> qcfx2 + P -> Dong Hwan -> death -You are not required to be in the corner to do this. But if you managed to do it in the corner you can add in a Standing C (1 hit) -> f + A after Dong Hwan's kick. III/ (Bao Striker, opponent 1/2 screen away from corner) qcfx2 + A/C -> qcf + D -> Bao -> walk back -> qcf + D -> Bao -> damn -You need to call out Bao once you have passed your opponent after his Blackout. -If you don't walk back a little, your 2nd Bao (and onwards) won't connect. IV/ (Neo Geo Striker, opponent in corner) Standing C (1 hit) -> f + A -> qcf,hcb + BC (Chain Drive + Striker) -> when Neo Geo explodes do Standing C (1 hit) -> f + A -> yay -Calling Neo & Geo at the exact time is essential. If you goof that up, it won't work! IV/a (Dong Hwan Striker, opponent in corner) Standing C (1 hit) -> f + A -> qcf,hcb + A/C -> Dong Hwan -> Standing C -> =P -Do the Standing C (oh yeah those f + As are optional, you can just do two hits with Standing C, but f + A does more damage) after Dong Hwan's kick. >Maxima< I/ (Joe / Dong Hwan Striker, opponent in corner) Standing C (1 hit) -> f + A -> hcbx2 + B/D -> Striker -> Standing C (1 hit) -> Wahhhhhhhh -Your only problem with this one would be the timing for your Striker when your opponent lands from the hcbx2 + B/D! II/ (Dong Hwan Striker, opponent in corner) Standing C (1 hit) -> f + A -> qcb + A -> Dong Hwan when opponent is on ground -> qcb + P when their falling -> Dong Hwan -> ... -This the simple version of the combo. The only problem would be the amount of Strikers you have left. You can finish this with his qcf,hcb + A (run up to them after Dong Hwan's kick)! II/a (Dong Hwan Striker, opponent in corner) Standing C (1 hit) -> f + A -> qcb + A -> Dong Hwan when opponent is on ground -> qcf + A/C (x2) -> df + C -> df + C -> dp + K -> Dong Hwan -> wow -Do his qcf + A (x2) as the opponent is falling. -The second df + C is not required. -The best time to call out Dong Hwan after his dp + K is when Maxima is landing. -You can use Neo Geo Striker for this but I'm not sure on the timing during his first Standing C -> f + A. >Ramon< I/ (opponent in corner) Standing C -> df + B -> qcb + C -> run -> Standing C -> df + B -> qcb + C -> walk -> Crouching C -> df + B -> qcb + C -> skill! -Well if you can pull off this combo then...your just too good. -Timing is crucial in this. You have to cancel his df + B the moment it hits. -If you use Yashiro Striker (Standing C -> df + B -> qcb + BC) this infinite would be easier. I/a (Counter Mode, opponent in corner) Standing A -> df + B -> qcb + C -> run -> Standing A -> df + B -IMO a harder version because you need a slight pause between your Standing A and your df + B. II/ ---Combo contributed by Anime Japan--- (Joe Striker) This one demands precise timing. Moreover, the characters should be lines up as follows for the combo to work: | opponent ramon | Standing C -> df + B -> hcb + P -> Striker -> standing C -> df + B ->... -You can pull his SDM after the df + B or you may just go on with hcb + P. >Vanessa< I/ Far C (1 hit) -> qcb + A/C -> Far C (1 hit) -> you're skilled! -This is hard to set up but well worth it once you can get it. This infinite takes some time to master. IMO it's not that hard but your timing needs to be very good. -I'd recommend you do qcb + A instead of C. We find it easier. -You can end this infinite by letting her Far C's 2nd punch to connect and then cancel it into her qcb,hcf + A/C DM. II/ (Joe / Dong Hwan / Ryo / Yashiro Striker, opponent in corner) Standing C -> f + A -> hcf + P (repeat P) -> Striker -> Standing C -> f + A -> a lot of hits!!! -With Dong Hwan. Do the Standing C after his kick. -You can end this anytime by doing qcb,hcf + A/C after her f + A. -A harder version would be to do her Charge back, forward + A -> dp + A -> Striker. -Or instead of doing hcf + P you can replace it with dp + A. II/a (Joe Striker, corner preferred) Standing C -> f + A -> qcfx2 + P -> Joe -> too...strong -If you didn't do this in the corner we'd advise you to do a qcf + B after her DM's last hit, that way your Joe will connect when you call him out. When Joe hits do an AB roll pass your opponent and push him/her away from Joe and then do the combo again. -You can most likely use Dong Hwan for this infinite but I never tried. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Benimaru Team (Benimaru, Shingo, Seth, Lin) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * >Benimaru< I/ (Counter Mode, opponent in corner and jumping) qcf + C (2 hits) -> qcbx2 + K -> qcf + C (2 hits) -> double skill -In order for this to work you need to hit your opponent with the qcf + C whilst their in the air. -You can end this anytime by doing qcfx2 + C after any of his qcf + C. >Shingo< I/ (Joe Striker, opponent in corner) Standing C/D -> hcb + K -> Joe -> walk forward -> Standing C/D -> easy II/ (Joe Striker, opponent in corner)* Standing C/D -> qcb,hcf + P -> call Joe with opponent on ground -> Standing C/D -> etc -The best thing to do is to combine both moves and to use up whatever power stocks you have. -And calling Joe at the exact time decreases the percentage that the opponent will evade to O! III/ (Joe Striker, opponent in corner) Standing C -> f + B -> qcfx2 + P -> rdp + D (3 hits) -> Joe -> Standing C -> etc -When your doing your rdp + D, if he doesn't do his head butt then your opponent can AB recovery roll from your Joe Striker. IV/ (Maxima Striker, opponent in corner) Jump D -> Crouching B -> dp + K -> Standing B (call Maxima FAST) -> Standing A -> dp + K -> Standing B -> Maxima -This infinite takes about five Striker bombs but it's very funny when you do it. When you do the Standing A, do it as Maxima grabs your opponent and turns them around. >Seth< I/ (Joe / Dong Hwan Striker, opponent in corner) Standing C (1 hit) -> f + B -> f + A -> qcf,hcb + B -> f + A as their falling -> call your Striker when then land -> repeat -A nice shortcut for his qcf,hcb + B would be to do qcf + A after the f + B. But this sometimes results in this combo (Standing C -> f + B -> qcf + A)! -As usual, hit your opponent after Dong Hwan's kick. -An easier version for this combo can be done as Standing C (2 hits) -> DM! II/ ---Combo contributed by Anime Japan--- (Joe Striker, best if opponent is cornered) Standing C (2 hits) -> df + B -> Striker -> standing C (1 hit) -> f + B -> f + A -> qcf,hcb + B -> f + A -> Joe -> standing C -> df + B ->... >Lin< I/ (opponent can be anywhere. But safer if done in corner) Crouching B -> run -> Crouching B -> run -> you'll be called cheap -This is one of those infinites that I would rarely do unless I asked or the person I'm doing it to is a friend. Reason is because this is REALLY easy to do. -I'm not too sure but I think you can replace Crouching B with Standing / Crouching A. -You can finish this by doing a Crouching A -> qcb,hcf + A/C! II/ (opponent in corner) Jump C -> Crouching B -> Jump C -> Crouching B -> still be called cheap More info on this in my (hebretto) Lin FAQ! III/ (Joe Striker, opponent in corner) Jump D -> Crouching C (1 hit) -> hcb + B -> call Joe -> Jump D -> Crouching C -> etc -This won't do alot of damage. Best if you have more than 4 Joe Strikers. III/a (Joe Striker, opponent in corner) Jump D -> Crouching C (1 hit) -> hcb + B -> call Joe -> Jump D -> hcb + D -> hcb + D -> df + C -> Joe -> Jump D -> hcb + D -> df + C -> etc -Just a different version of the infinite above! IV/ (Kaede Striker) dp + P -> Kaede during the move -> dp + P -> Kaede -> simple * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Ikari Team (Leona, Ralf, Clark, Whip) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * >Leona< I/ (Clark Striker, opponent in corner) Standing D (2 hits) -> f + B -> qcb + A -> call Clark as her qcb + A hits -> run -> Standing D (2 hits) -> f + B -> qcb + A -> blah -If you got Joe / Yashiro Striker instead you can do f + B and call the Striker after that and repeat it without the (in air) qcb + A. If you do that your opponent can AB recovery roll. >Ralf< I/ (Joe / Dong Hwan Striker, opponent in corner) Standing / Crouching C -> qcf,hcb + P -> call Striker when opponent lands -> walk forward -> Standing / Crouching C -> DM -> so many hits -The C is optional. You don't need it, but it adds more damage -With Dong Hwan. You do the C after his kick. II/ (Joe / Dong Hwan Striker, corner preferred) anything into qcb,hcf + K -> short pause -> Striker -> walk forward -> Standing / Crouching C -> qcb,hcf + K -> short pause -> damn -You can start this anyway you want. You can do a hcf + K and then call Joe and then do the DM. Or even his hcb + K and then Joe -Don't press BC the moment you get up with Ralf. Sometimes your Striker won't come out. -The C is again optional. -With Dong Hwan (yeah yeah wait for kick then do it blah blah blah.) III/ (Joe Striker) anything into hcf + K -> Joe -> run -> Standing / Crouching C -> hcf + K -> generic death... -One of the first infinites with Joe Striker (geez, there seems to be alot of Joe Striker combos here). -If Ralf throws your opponent into the corner, you cannot do a Standing / Crouching C. You can only follow it with his hcf + K. IV/ (Candy Striker, you in corner) Jump (back) B/D -> Candy -> P rapidly (move forward) -Not too sure if it can be 100% (though if done in Counter Mode, it will be). The trick is to do Jump B/D -> BC (rapidly) until both your Striker and Vulcan Punch come out. >Clark< I/ (Joe Striker) Standing C (1 hit) -> hcf + K -> qcf + P (as follow-up, perform it well because if you take too much time, it won't connect) -> call Joe -> Jump CD -> Standing C -> 100% -If you add a Jump D and do a hcbx2 + P (not SDM) instead of his hcf + K. It's a 100% combo on certain characters. All it takes is one stock and one Striker bomb. -With the Jump CD, try to make the jump as small as possible. Else, you might end up on the other side afterwards (this will make you do hcb + K instead of hcf + K). -If you throw your opponent into the corner after one of his hcf + K and then call out Joe, you can only follow it with a hcf + K / hcbx2 + P. I/a (Joe Striker) Standing C (1 hit) -> hcf + P -> d,d + C -> qcf + P -> Joe -> run / walk forward -> Standing C (1 hit) -> you get the idea -If your feeling daring, you CAN try a Jump CD before the Standing C. Do it at your own risk though! II/ (Robert / Ramon Striker) Anything into hcf + K -> qcf + P -> Striker -> run -> Standing C (1 hit) -> hcf + K -> you know what happens -Best to call out Robert when your Elbow follow up hits. For Ramon, call him out just as Clark is about to hit with his Elbow. -You can finish this at anytime with his hcbx2 + P instead. III/ (A.Iori / Dong Hwan / Baedal / Ryo / G Mantle / Unknown / Cool Choi / Kensou Striker) Standing C (1 hit) -> hcf + K -> qcf + P -> call Striker out before Elbow hits (hold back) -> when Striker hits do forward + C (a la Charge back,forward + C) -> dp + P -> qcf + P -> Striker... -Certain Strikers will require you to call them out the moment your Elbow follow up hits. These are Dong Hwan, Baedal, Ryo (not too sure) and Kensou (not too sure)! >Whip< I/ (Counter Mode, opponent in corner0 Jump D (2 hits) -> Jump D -> easy -This has to be a small Jump D (too high the whole thing will stuff up) -If you want to do more damage you can do a Standing A then Jump D. II/ (Dong Hwan Striker) hcb + A -> when you land call Dong Hwan -> hcb + A -> Dong Hwan -> blah -Simple infinite but the damage isn't much. -You can finish this by doing Standing A -> Crouching B -> hcf + P / qcb,hcf + P (after Dong Hwan's kick of course). III/ (Leona Striker) hcb + C -> Crouching A -> Leona -> hcb + C -> Crouching A -> la la la -More damaging combo than the one above, practically the same principle -Again you can finish with her hcf + P / qcb,hcf + P. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Fatal Fury (Terry, Andy, Joe, Mary) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * >Terry< I/ (Joe Striker) Crouching B -> Crouching B -> dp + D -> Joe -> run -> Crouching B -> ya! -Instead of doing Crouching Bs. You can replace it with a Standing C/D. II/ (Joe Striker, opponent in corner)* Standing C (1 hit) -> f + A -> qcb + A -> call Joe as soon as opponent falls down -> Standing C (1 hit) -> ah ha! -Standing C can be replaced by Standing D. -You can do qcb,hcf + P DM instead of the qcb + A. >Andy< I/ (Yashiro Striker, opponent in corner) Standing C (1 hit) -> hcf + P -> call Yashiro before the last hit -> Jump D -> Standing C (1 hits) -> hcf + P -> bleh -You can end this by doing hcf + K / qcb,hcf + K -> df + A (2 hits) -> Jump C/D after his hcf + P. >Joe< I/ (Neo & Geo Striker, opponent in corner) Standing C -> f + BC (f + B and Striker) -> qcf,hcb + P -> as Neo Geo explodes Jump C -> Standing C -> f + BC -> 1000 punches -You don't have to do the Jump C but Neo & Geo might not come out if you don't do that. >Mary< I/ (Joe Striker, corner preferred) Standing C (1 hit) -> f + A -> qcb + P -> hcf + P/K -> Joe -> Jump D -> Standing C -> hard to do -Like I just said above this combo is a little hard to do (because of the qcb + P then hcf + P/K business)! -If you didn't do this in the corner then you should do qcb + P -> hcf + K then Joe. You should then jump over your opponent and push them away from Joe and start again! II/ (Mature/Vice Striker, corner preferred) Standing C (1 hit) -> f + A -> dp + K -> dp + K (call Striker) -> when opponent is falling do qcf,hcb + P -> Mature/Vice bug -> Standing C (1 hit) -> f + A -> so on -Well what the Mature/Vice bug do is that your qcf,hcb + P DM finishes prematurely. Thus your opponent will remain in its hit stun animation (aka frozen) until you hit it. During this time you can build up your stock and refill your Striker bombs. -You can do her Charge back,forward + B -> qcf + K and then call out your Striker though the timing is hard (you have to call out your Striker when you hear the "crack" sound). III/ (Dong Hwan Striker, opponent in corner) Standing C (1 hit) -> f + A -> dp + K -> dp + K -> call Dong as opponent lands -> run -> dp + K -> dp + K -> call Dong -> ... -You can end this by doing her qcf,hcb + P / qcfx2 + K DM after Dong Hwan's launch! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Art of Fighting (Ryo, Robert, King, Takuma) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * >Ryo< I/ (King Lion Striker, opponent in corner) Jump D -> Crouching B -> Crouching C -> hcb + D -> call King Lion before last kick -> qcb + C -> run -> Crouching B -> Crouching C -> hcb + D -> wow! -The Crouching B is optional. -You can end this anytime by doing run -> Crouching C -> qcf,hcb + P. >Robert< I/ (Yashiro / Joe Striker, opponent in corner) Jump B/D (hold back) -> Standing C -> b + B -> f + B (a la Charge back,forward + B) -> before move finishes call Striker -> Jump B/D (hold back) -> oh yeah! -You need really good timing for this combo (calling out the Striker before your opponent is knocked away by the Charge back,forward + B). -You can finish this with Crouching B -> Crouching A -> df + B (1 hit) -> qcfx2 + K / qcf,hcb + P. But you have to be very close to the opponent. The Crouching B is optional. >King< I/ (Yashiro Striker, opponent in corner) Jump D -> Standing D (2 hits) -> hcb + C -> Yashiro near end of move -> Jump D -> gah! -Sooner or later your opponent will get dizzy after this. -You can end this with a qcbx2 + K after the Standing D. >Takuma< I/ (Joe Striker) Crossover Jump D -> Standing A2 -> Crouching B -> Crouching B -> Crouching A -> f + A (knockdown) -> Joe -> Crossover Jump D -> blah blah -2 = optional -You can finish at anytime with a qcf,hcb + P / f,hcf + P after the f + A * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Psycho Soldier (Athena, Kensou, Chin, Bao) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * >Athena< I/ (Dong Hwan Striker, opponent in corner) anything into dp + C -> call Dong Hwan before opponent lands on ground -> hcf + P as opponent is falling from Dong Hwan -> hcf + P -> qcb,ub + B -> dp + C -> Dong Hwan -> I see the light -The qcb,ub + B (quick jump back and then qcb + B) is optional -You can end this with her hcbx2 + P after any hcf + P >Kensou< I/ (Joe / Dong Hwan Striker, opponent in corner)* Crouching B/A -> Crouching A -> qcb + A -> Striker when opponent hits ground -> Jump C -> Crouching A -> qcb + A -> Striker -> la! II/ (Joe Striker, opponent in corner)* Standing C -> hcf + A -> call Joe when opponent lands -> Standing C -> repeat III/ (Joe / Dong Hwan Striker, opponent in corner)* Standing C -> f + A -> qcf,hcb + B -> Striker when opponent lands -> walk / run -> Standing C -> f + B -> qcf,hcb + B -> boo! -f + A is optional -You can use Neo Geo Striker for this. Do qcf,hcb + BC and it should be right. -Do Standing C after Dong Hwan's kick. >Chin< I/ (Joe Striker, opponent in corner) Jump C -> dp + C -> Joe Striker when opponent lands -> Standing C -> boom -Can end with qcfx2 + P / qcf,hcb + P DMs! >Bao< I/ (Seth Striker, opponent near range of Seth Striker) qcb + B -> before opponent flies away call Seth -> as opponent is falling from Seth's uppercut qcb + B -> Seth -> aiyah! -You can end this with qcbx2 + P / qcbx2 + K DM as the opponent is falling. qcbx2 + K is recommended because it does more damage!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Kim Team (Kim, Chang, Choi, Jhun) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * >Kim< I/ (Joe / Dong Hwan Striker, opponent in corner) Jump D -> Standing C (1 hit) -> qcfx2 + K (charge down) -> Charge down, up + D -> d + D (follow up) -> Striker when you land -> Crouching A -> Standing C (1 hit) -> qcfx2 + K -> many hits later -The Crouching A is optional. -A shortcut for the Standing C into his launch DM is qcf + C -> qcf + K -With Dong Hwan Striker, you guessed it. After the kick... -You can end this anytime by doing an in air qcf + K -> qcb,hcf + K (after his qcfx2 + K). >Chang< I/ (Joe Striker, opponent in corner) anything into hcb,f + P -> when opponent lands call Joe -> run -> Crouching C -> hcb,f + P -> Joe -> run -> *dead* -You can end this anytime by doing his qcfx2 + P / qcfx2 + K DM after his Crouching C. II/ (Candy Striker, you in corner in corner) Jump (back) B/D -> Candy -> P rapidly (move forward) -Not too sure if this is 100% but if done in Counter Mode it is. -The same principle can be applied to King Lion Striker (though you only need to do Crouching A -> Striker -> P rapidly). III/ (Ramon Striker, opponent in corner) anything into hcb,f + P -> Ramon after the last hit -> P rapidly -Another easy combo. If your not sure if your opponent will die then cancel the P rapidly (ABCD at the same time) and then do hcb,f + P. -If you did this before the hcb,f + P it will for sure be 100% : Jump D -> Standing B. >Choi< I/ (Dong Hwan Striker, opponent in corner) hcbx2 + P -> call Dong Hwan when opponent land -> hcbx2 + P -> easy >Jhun< I/ (Joe Striker, opponent in corner) qcb + A -> A Stance C -> A Stance u + C -> A Stance D -> call Joe -> qcb +A -> 0_0 -When you call out Joe. You should (no, HAVE to) be in normal mode (aka release the A button after the A Stance D) -For looks, you can finish this with something like this : qcb + A -> A Stance C -> Standing C -> f + A -> qcfx2 + K II/ (opponent in corner) qcb + A -> A Stance C -> B Stance C -> qcf,uf,d + B (fast in air d + B) -> repeat d + B -Only the B Stance C is important, you don't need the other two moves before it. It's just for style and looks -Read hebretto's Jhun FAQ regarding the Dragon Step infinite! III/ (Cool Choi, opponent in corner) Crouching B -> Crouching B -> Crouching A -> up + C -> on the last hit call Cool Choi -> Jump d + B (repeat) -Another set up for the Dragon Step infinite! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Female Team (Mai, Kasumi, Yuri, Hinako) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * >Mai< (Joe / Yashiro Striker, opponent in corner) Standing C -> df + B (1 hit) -> qcb + C -> Striker -> f + B -> Standing C -> df + B (1 hit) -> qcb + C -> flame on! -Yashiro Striker MIGHT not work. It's best to do qcb + BC if your using Yashiro. >Kasumi< I/ (Joe Striker, opponent in corner) Standing C -> f + A (2 hits) -> qcb + C (x2) -> Joe -> run -> Standing C -> f + A (2 hits) -> qcb + C (x2) -> Joe -> bam! -Be careful not to do her command throw now (it's hcb + P when near the opponent)! -Your opponent will get dizzy after about the 3rd (?) Joe Striker (so on the 3rd qcb + C finish the entire move)! II/ (Counter Mode, opponent in corner) Close - Far B -> Close - Far B -> repeat -Yeah...just keep pressing B... >Yuri< I/ (Joe Striker, opponent in corner) Crouching B -> Crouching A -> qcb + B -> on last hit call Joe -> hcb,f + K -> call Joe when opponent is on ground -> hcb,f + K -> Joe -> bleh -You can end this anytime with one of the following after Joe Striker: * Crouching B -> Crouching B -> Crouching A -> dp + C -> dp + P * Standing / Crouching C -> qcf,hcb + K * Crouching B -> Crouching A -> qcfx2 + P >Hinako< I/ (Joe Striker, corner preferred) Crouching B -> Standing B -> f + B -> Standing B -> f + B -> Standing B -> df + A (1 hit) -> qcb + BC (qcb + C and Joe) -> run -> Crouching B -> Standing B -> blah blah blah -You can call out Joe after her qcb + C's 2nd hit. -You can use Duck King Striker for this too. Call him out after the 2nd hit of the qcb + C. -You can finish this anytime with her hcf + D / hcfx2 + K after her df + A (2 hits). * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Edit Characters (Kyo, Iori, Kula) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * >Kyo< I/ (Joe Striker, opponent in corner) Jump C -> Standing C -> qcf + D,D -> rdp + B -> Joe -> Standing C -> qcf + D,D -> pow! -Instead of doing rdp + B, you can do (in air) down + C instead. -You can end this by doing qcf + A, qcf + A, B/D -> Standing C _or_ qcb,hcf + P after Kyo's qcf + D,D! I/a (Joe Striker, opponent in corner) Jump C -> Standing C -> qcf + D,D -> hcb + B -> qcf + B,B -> rdp + B -> Joe -> Standing C -> qcf + D,D -> double pow! -Harder version of the combo above. But more damage of course! -Again, rdp + B can be replaced by (in air) down + C. -Try to do the qcf + B,B after his hcb + B as late as possible. -You can end this by doing qcf + A, qcf + A, B/D -> Standing C _or_ qcb,hcf + P after Kyo's qcf + D,D II/ (Benimaru Striker, opponent in corner) Jump C -> Standing C -> qcf + D,D -> hcb + B -> qcf + A, qcf + A -> Benimaru -> AB roll -> qcf + D,D -> hcb + B -> later... -When Benimaru grabs your opponent, you will be in the corner. That's why you should do an AB roll so your opponent will be back in the corner. III/ (Benimaru Striker, opponent in corner) Jump C -> Standing C -> qcf + D,D -> hcb + B -> hcb + D -> Benimaru -> AB roll -> qcf + D,D -> hcb + B -> hcb + D -> boom! -For best results go into Counter Mode. Cause the hcb + D sometimes doesn't connect after the hcb + B. -hcb + B is optional. -If you are in Counter Mode, you can end this by canceling his hcb + D into his qcfx2 + P DM! IV/ (Ryo Striker, opponent in corner)* Standing C -> qcf + D,D -> hcb + B -> dp + A -> call Ryo as you perform the last move -> Standing C -> qcf + D,D -> :evil: -If you're not confident. enough with the dp + A, don't input it. It's not that necessary. -Timing crucial, otherwise the opponent may recovery roll! -No need to corner the opponent here but it's recommended. -Note that sometimes, Ryo acts stupid and will show up on the same side of the screen and thus, the fireball misses. I don't know why he does that. If he does this, stop everything!! -You may end up the move with any of Kyo's (super) desperation moves and the good thing about it is that since the opponent is up, don't even bother inputting something else before the DM. They will easily connect unless you take too much time. V/ (Ryo Striker, opponent in corner)* Standing C -> hcf + D, D -> dp + A -> call Ryo as you perform the last move -> Standing C -> hcf + D, D -> dp + A -> call Ryo as you perform the last move -> ...and win!!! -The standing C is not necessary and may even mess everything up. Don't include it if you're not sure of your skills yet (another story if you're lucky enough to have the game on Neo-Geo...). -The dp + A move is also not that necessary but it looks cool! ^_^ -Use your power stocks at the end if you want (specially against a cheap human opponent - dah shoto!). ^_^ -You're be better pulling this out in the corner although you may start it whenever you want. Anyway, you'll have cornered the opponent by the time you use your third striker bomb. -Although this one has been marked as escapable, there's no way the opponent can avoid it if you call Ryo at the good time. Simply, his fireball must hit the opponent as soon as the latter touches the ground. >Iori< I/ (Joe Striker) Standing C or anything that can be cancelled -> f + A -> qcb + C (x3) -> call Joe -> run forward and do standing CD -> hcb, f + P -> f + A -> qcb + C (x3) -> call Joe -> as long as you got striker bombs! -If your opponent ends up in the corner after the qcb + C (x3) then there's no need to do Standing CD -> hcb,f + P after Joe, just do Standing C -> f + A -> qcb + C (x3) and continue from there. II/ (Joe Striker, opponent in corner) Standing C or anything that can be cancelled -> qcb + C (x3) -> call Joe -> run forward and do Standing C -> f + A -> qcb + C (x3) -> call Joe -> etc...! -Instead of running forward you can do a Jump C, but sometimes the f + A after the Standing C won't connect. -If you DO add a Jump C you will dizzy your opponent soon enough. -Instead of Standing C you can do run -> Crouching B -> Standing A/B -> f + A -> etc... II/a (Joe Striker, opponent in corner) anything cancelable -> f + A -> qcf,hcb + P -> Joe when opponent lands after the slam -> run -> Standing C -> f + A -> qcf,hcb + P -> Joe -> blah -Same as the one above but replaced with a qcf,hcb + P! -Instead of doing Standing C you can do Crouching B -> Standing A/B -> f + A -> DM... III/ (Joe Striker) Close to opponent -> hcb,f + P -> f + A -> qcf,hcb + P -> hcb + B just as Iori slams the opponent down -> call Joe as you're close to the opponent (otherwise, he misses) -> Standing CD -> repeat as from hcb,f + P -This one is extremely hard to perform but it's very damaging and since Iori doesn't have a lot of those... :) -If your opponent ends up in the corner after the DM don't do an hcb + B (you can, but no need) nor his Standing CD. >Kula< I/ (Joe Striker, opponent in corner) Jump D -> Standing C (1 hit) -> qcb + P -> Joe -> qcf + C -> Jump D -> Standing C (1 hit) -> hahahahaha -You can end this by doing f + A -> any special / DM after her Standing C (1 hit)! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= REVISION HISTORY =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Version 1.00 on October 2, 2001 - First release on GameFAQs! Version 1.50 on October 10, 2001 - Well, the FAQ is now co-authored by hebretto as you must have seen at the top and he added his own combos and corrections to the FAQ. Also, he'll be the one doing the updates as from now until December. So, if you wish to contribute to the FAQ, you know who to mail! (Orochi K) Version 2.00 on October 21, 2001 - Changed the format of the FAQ. Now it's listed under characters for navigation purposes. Submitted to GameFAQs with appropriate changes. A whole lot of new combos have been added by hebretto. Version 2.10 on December 4, 2001 - Just a minor update and some stuff fixed. Version 2.20 on February 9, 2002 - Typos taken care of and format tweaked a bit. Version 2.30 on February 17, 2002 - Contributions by Anime Japan added. Version 2.30 on April 29, 2002 - The great Orochi K changed his e-mail address 'cos Hotmail sucks big time! =-=-=-=-= CREDITS =-=-=-=-= This FAQ would never have been possible without the following persons. So, big thanks to them all!! (Names are placed in no particular order!) - Jeff "CJayC" Veasey For his hard work in running the biggest gaming site there is and for hosting this FAQ. Soon turning 6 (the site, not Ceej ^_^), keep it up Jeff! - Anime Japan Thanks for contributing a couple of combos. - Kao Megura For writing a full movelist FAQ for KOF 2000. - All my Australian gaming pals (Stefan, Jake, Skinner, FCL, Bufa, Krizalid, Wolferaizer, Cloud, Tannedtitties, Jman, Ziggy, Joey, Brian, Myke, zoobomb, Jacky, Ivan, Ming, Devil_Gui, Felix, Rob, heidern2001 (seth2001), Fa_Jai, Cyrus, William, Benson, Berzerka, Lurker, DrWang, WhipTaisen gah too many) (hebretto) It's you guys that make me go to the arcades everyweek. Maybe I should hate you guys. All this money... - Shu-Ichi, Persona, Maan, Winstar, any other KOF experts that I've met (hebretto) Thanks for the advice and such guys. Great people to talk to! - Gunsmith For making Orochinagi, a lot of KOF movies there. (hebretto) Frequents there! - FacJoe, Style, Asuka, Oro, IoriE, Silent_Scope, Biomotor_Unitron, Evil_Shingo, Batsu_Power, Kula^Diamond (Ravenclaw / Phoenixclaw), Iie Kyo, Remukhan, Badkhan, Tigresa, Pantera, Endless, LWK, Zyzyfer, Gaseous Snake, BooBoo, ioriyagami, KIK (orochikyo), Testament, LeonaMargoyle, Neo Rasa, Penguin, SIY, Zaro, Kyo-Wa, =^.^= Some of you guys / gals I don't know that well since we only see each other from the bulletin boards. But when I'm (hebretto) bored from doing infinites, I just come here to make more names, so when I was thinking your names came about. If you don't like your name to be here, just email me and I'll take it off ASAP (provided Orochi K doesn't take this out during editing) - Other Orochinagi board members (Especially to Yamazakigal, sorry to hear that you had to leave. Hope you'll come back soon.) All the good time we shared together. Whether it was tactics or flames! - Any combo movie site that makes KOF2000 combos (Orochinagi, Shingo Handbook, White Tower, countless Japanese sites) For making combos for us to see...duh (a lot of interesting combos can be seen. Infinites aren't the most impressive things in 2000.) - You You're a KOF freak! ^_^ So, ready for 2001 and K9999? ---> EOF <--- (c) 2001-2002, Orochi K. (c) 2001-2002, Yang Yang "hebretto" He.