KOF 2000 - Maxima FAQ Ver. 1.00 by AmaroK This FAQs is an original investigation work, so if you're gonna use it, e-mail me first. elperryo@hotmail.com Overview First of all, Maxima has been improved in this version, I can even say that he's the most improved character as far as I know, he's very powerful has some nice combos who inflict sooo much damage, ok, enough presentation. The last thing that I'll say is that if you want to know the basics of the game, please download from www.gamefaqs.com the Kao Megura's FAQ, that will help you a lot, 'cause I won't go into the basics, you should know the KOF system before start reading this crappy FAQ :) The Buttons A : Weak Punch B : Weak Kick C : Strong Punch D : Strong Kick f : Move Forward b : Move Backward u : Jump d : Crouch Normal Moves Many of Maxima's normal moves (the strong ones) have autoguard, I'll list'em: Standing Far C, Standing Close C, Crouching C, Standing D, Standing C+D and f+A, and that's all of them. Standing A (Usefulness 3 of 5) Good poker, you'll find that this bloody little will save you most of the time agaist short jump-ins (due to Maxima's height), so, if you're playing agaist a froggy, use it. Crouching A. Idem Standing A, but for ground poke, but not soo useful. Standing C (Usefulness 2 of 5) This is a Strong Straight Punch to the face that can has its place on stopping some attack cause of the autoguard, and for confusing the opponent with your hitting times (who vary from one move to another), mix it with the Vapour Cannon, other than that is really worthless, you've better moves than that anyway. Close Standing C (Usefulness 4 of 5) Your better combo move, you'll be using this double knuckle a lot, but remember, in this version of KOF you can only cancel the first (not like KOF 99 in which you can cancel the second hit too). You can combo anything after the first hit: Dangerous Arch, Vapour Cannon, Mongolian (Which is your best choice), Maxima Revenge, Maxima Scramble; I haven't tried the Bunker Buster but I don't think it can combo. Remember, try to run-in and hit your opponent with it, the autoguard can give you and edge, but try to get real close cause if u don't you can end doing the Far Standing one, which is realy slow, be careful and accurate. Crouching C (Usefulness 3 of 5) You can combo the Vapour Cannon and the Mongolian very well after this open hand punch (especially the Vapour Cannon, sometimes you can miss the Mongolian). The second good point for this punch is that it has the longest autoguard time before it punches (I'm not sure), so you can use it for stopping things like Vanessa's Close Standing C (the double punch), it's just a cuestion of paying attention and to know when to throw the punch out, though it is difficult , it pays itseft out if you connect cause it takes a lot of damage plus the combo. I even use this for stopping fireballs :)))) Standing B (Usefulness 1 of 5) Why use this if you have your standing A ? Crouching B (Usefulness 2 of 5) Better ground poke than the crouching B, but is slow, and a short jump-in will surely kill you, believe me. Standing D (Usefulness 1 of 5) I don't like it, but sometimes (I don't know why!!!) I use it, it has less range than Standing Far C, it's slowler, and is the same damage than the punch, I'd only use this if my opponent is on the floor and he's waking up cause the kick stays hitting a little more than the Standing C. Standing Close D (Usefulness 1 of 5) One thing about it, don't use it, you have better moves. Just for description: it's a knee focused on the opponent's chest, you can combo after it but you have the Standing Close C, who's much much better in my opinion. Crouching D (Usefulness 4 of 5) One quick and long range sweep, really long range, too much for my taste if you ask me. Is not cancellable, or the cancelling time is really short, but I guess that you can't cancel it. One of the best sweeps of the game I guess. Maxima Missile, df + C (Usefulness 5 of 5) The most improved of all Maxima's moves, it's a damn good anti-air, and the funny thing about it is that if you get a counter hit over a jumping opponent you can hit them with the Vapour Cannon as they fall, doing great damage and pissing your opponent off :))))) You can cancel after this move, which can be of some use for you if your opponent runs to you instead of jumping (and this is because it's a quick punch), even you can throw the move in the air if you're playing against a quick opponent, just throw it and even if they run or short jump you, and remember: of you hit an airbone opponent check for the counterhit, but they run into you and you hit them with this, cancel it inmediately with the Vapour Cannon for a nice one-two combo :) . The only problem that you may have with this is that the move is little horizontal ranged, but your opponent will also be affraid of being hit with this and place a guard (at which time you can recover from the move) cause of the damage of the one-two combo. Mongolian (Usefulness 3 of 5) Well, it's an overhead, it has autoguard but it's really slow and can be seen coming and easily be blocked, but... but... but... it's the best follow-up for the first hit of the standing close C (though it won't it won't be and overhead anymore, but it will become cancelable), and after this you will use the Vapour Cannon (the most common choice) or the Maxima Revenger (if you're close enough and you want more damage). Jumping A (Usefulness 3 of 5) Your best air poker. Jumping B (Usefulness 2 of 5) You may use it for a jump-in, but if I was you, I wouldn't. Jumping C (Usefulness 3 of 5) The best choice for cross-ups and it has good priority too. Jumping D (Usefulness 3 of 5) Well, very good priority but lacks in air-to-air combat. SPECIAL MOVES M-4 Style "Vapour Cannon". QCB + P. (Usefulness 4 of 5). A Very Powerful move, it does very good damage, but SNK remove the autoguard for this move (why?), however, the move is quicker now. Easy to see coming, it has many uses, your best combo ender if you ask me. Ok, let's say more about it; when you see your opponent thinking what to do, that's the best moment for the cannon, most of the time your opponent will block, and you will have the edge, cause you'll recover faster than him; what i'm saying with this is: Use it to steal time from your opponent, cause you're slower most of the time. But don't use it if you note that the enemy is very awake, cause that'll be your funeral; agaist those pilgrims searching for blood try to combo it of fake it (moving your joystick but not pressing the button, cause the enemy fears the cannon) to make your opponent jump of something, and when he/she jumps use your maxima missile and (if you get a counterhit) finish with the M-4 Style "Vapour Cannon". System 1: Maxima Scramble. QCF + A. (Usefulness 3 of 5). Only for combos, cause otherwise is useless. Not much to say about it, I barely use it. System 2: Maxima Scramble. QCF + C. Same as above. System 3: Maxima Lift. HCB + K. (Usefulness 3 of 5). It has its limited uses, most of them for surprise purposes. This run-in-like-a-train has very good priority, and that's a weird thing for a move like that (it can grab shoryuken type moves like Kyo's oniyaki and Terry's rising tackle), you can also mix it with the vapour cannon and with your sweep as well, because if your opponent jumps Maxima will pass below him and you'll be partially safe. As I said first, a good surprise move. M-11 Style "Dangerous Arch". (Usefulness 3 of 5). It's a grab, not as good as clark's but a grab at the end. I won't explain you how to use a grab, at this point you must know its goods and its bads. M-19 Style "Blitz Cannon". (Usefulness 3 of 5). A really good anti-air (i guess we all knew that SNK was going to put an anti-air to Maxima in this KOF), I preffer the Maxima Missile but something this will be more useful than the other (especially agaist short jump CD's, cause is quicker than the missile). DESPERATION MOVES Bunker Buster. QCF, HCB + P. (Usefulness 5 of 5). The most improved move for maxima i guess. It comes out quick, has autoguard, hits two times (on the way up and on the way down) and does half-bar damage if you connect it well. The uses? It has many: First: It's a good anti air, but useless for short jumps cause is not sooo quick. Second: It works best against frontal attacks (like the Burn Knuckle) and works the same with slidding sweeps (Like King's DF+D and Vannesa's DF+B). Third: As a wake up attack you should mix it with the second DM (The Revenger), cause many players know that you'll try to grab'em, and they often jump, and that's when you do the Buster instead the Revenger, capisce? Now the question: What's to connect this super well? Let me explain. Thar occurs when the super hits at the moment of the explosion (Maxima shoots his cannon to the floor), if the explosion connects it will also connect when is going down Maxima Revenger. HCBx2 + K. (Usefulness 4 of 5). As any grab DM, it has limited uses, is comboable, unblockable and all the shit. Use it acordingly. This is "SDM"able by input the command and pressing BD instead of just one kick button (you have to be at MAX). COMBOS (I'll only list the best ones) Jump C, Standing C (1 hit), f + A, QCB + P Jump C, Standing C (1 hit), QCF + A x 3 Crouching C, f + A, QCB + P Crouching C, QCF + A x 3 Jump C, Standing C (1 hit), f + A, HCBx2 + K Crouching C, HCBx2 + K With strykers Jump C, Standing C (1 hit), f + A, QCB + P, Call Alt. Athena, DP + K Obs: In the corner. Alt. Athena must be called right after you input the QCB + P command (Maxima won't start the cannon yet, but he will) Jump C, Standing C (1 hit), f + A, QCB + P, Call Baedal, QCF, HCB + C Obs: Close to the corner. I think if the opponent does a quick roll he won't get hit by the DM. If you don't have DMs replace the last command for a QCB + P or DP + K (you have to get close). Jump C, Standing C (1 hit), f + A, QCB + P, Call Baedal, f, f, QCF, HCB + A Obs: In the corner. You must run to get right below your opponent and then perform the Buster. Ok, for now that's all, i'm working on a strategies section, but I think that you'll have enough with the moves description and how to use them. Special thanx goes to SNK, and everybody knows why; all my friends in Paraguay (this is my country and were I play KOF), and Kao Megura for writing that very nice FAQ.