RALF JONES FAQ v1.1 For King of Fighters 2000 (MVS Version) By Fat Cat Lim (Lim Kuan Keat) This FAQ is copyright 2001 Fat Cat Lim fatcatlim@yahoo.com ======== CONTENTS ======== 1. Disclaimer 2. Basic KOF Commands/Keys 3. Ralf Jones Bio 4. Move List 5. Normal Moves Description 6. Special Moves Description 7. (Super) Desperation Moves Description 8. Striker Action Description 9. Counter Mode 10.Armor Mode 11.Tips 12.Thanks/Credits 13.Revision History ============= 1. Disclaimer ============= This FAQ is protected by US Copyright Law and is for individual, non- profit use only. You can post it on a webpage as long as you don't edit the FAQ in any way. Please do not distribute, sell, or incorporate part or all this FAQ into any magazine article, strategy guide, website, etc. without getting prior permission from the author, myself, Fat Cat Lim. Ralf Jones, and other King Of Fighters (KOF) characters and the KOF game series are all copyright of SNK of Japan and Eolith Corporation. Oh yeah before I forget, E Honda is a copyright of Capcom. =P ========================== 2. Basic KOF Commands/Keys ========================== u - Up, d - Down, l - Left, r - Right f - forward b - back P - any punch button K - any kick button DP - dragon punch motion RDP - reverse dragon punch QCF - quarter circle forward QCB - quarter circle back HCF - half circle forward HCB - half circle back Charge d,u - Hold the joystick down for a couple of seconds, then up Charge b,f - Hold the joystick back for a couple of seconds, then forward xy - press both buttons together xyz - press 3 buttons together AB - roll CD - body blow attack BC - call Striker ABC - Counter Mode BCD - Armor Mode AB (while blocking) - Guard Cancel Emergency Roll CD (while blocking) - Guard Cancel Body Blow Start - Taunt Start - Gain Striker Bomb (if have power stock) DM - Desperation Move (require one power bar) SDM - Super Desperation Move (require 3 power bars) For more information on the basic commands for playing KOF2K, I strongly recommend reading Kao Megura's KOF2K FAQ as it contains a very comprehensive and detailed explanation of the KOF2K game system. ================= 3. Ralf Jones Bio ================= Fighting Style: Martial Arts & Heidern's Assassination Techniques Birthdate: August 25 Age: 39 Country: USA Blood Type: A Height: 188cm Weight: 110kg Hobbies: Collecting knives Favourite Food: Gum Mastered Sport: Baseball Prized Things: Decorations of Valour given to him by the President Dislikes: Snakes ============= 4. Moves List ============= Dynamite Headbutt When close, b / f + C Northern Light Bomb When close, b / f + D Vulcan Punch Tap P rapidly, move f Gatling Attack Charge b,f + P Diving Bombing Punch (Ground) Charge d,u + P Diving Bombing Punch (Air) In air, qcf + P Ralf Kick Hold K for a while, then release Ralf Tackle hcb + K Super Argentine Backbreaker When close, hcf + K Exploding Vulcan Punch qcf,hcb + P Horse-Mounted Vulcan Punch qcb,hcf + K SDM Exploding Vulcan Punch qcf,hcb + AC SDM Galactica Phantom qcf,qcf + AC Striker Action: Galactica Phantom Another Striker: Yashiro Nanakase Supercancels: Gatling Attack, Ralf Tackle Sadly, Ralf STILL doesn't have a command move. :( HE'S THE ONLY CHARACTER IN THE ENTIRE GAME WITH NO COMMAND MOVES!!! Oh well...at least that makes him unique. :) =========================== 5. Normal Moves Description =========================== In this section, you'll get a description of his normal moves and their usefulness. It is rated upon one star [*] (utter crap), to five stars [*****] (very good) depending on their usefulness. If you feel the need to correct me on the properties of the moves, you can always email me at fatcatlim@yahoo.com ***-------*** *Moves (Far)* ***-------*** A - A jab. Note: It's a jab. What else do you expect from it? But it can be used to knock out some moves in the air. Usefulness: ** 1/2 B - Ralf sticks his leg out. Note: Not bad as a poke, but not as good as Benimaru's far B. Usefulness: *** 1/2 C - Ralf extends his backhand. Note: Good reach, and can knock out some opponents in the air. But it's slowed down from KOF98. Also can be avoided by crouching smaller characters such as Choi or Bao. Usefulness: **** D - Ralf turns around and extends his leg. Note: Also good range, and faster this year. Usefulness: *** 1/2 CD - Ralf takes a step forward and delivers a punch. Note: It looks like his far C at startup. Good reach but again, slow startup. Can be cancelled into his special moves. Usefulness: *** ***-------------*** *Moves (Crouching)* ***-------------*** A - small jab at waist/knee area. Note: Not bad, but not that great a poke either. But it can be comboed into his C version Gatling Attack. Usefulness: *** 1/2 B - quick kick which must be blocked low. Note: The animation for his crouching B has changed from KOF99. Because of this, his range has increased just a teensy little. Otherwise, not a very effective poke. Can be followed up after a close/down A. Usefulness: ** 1/2 C - Ralf uses both of his arms and extend it low. Note: Good range and can be comboed with his Super Argentine Backbreaker, Gatling Attack, or his DMs. Great against people who roll too much and can sometimes be used as a form of antiair, if positioned well. Usefulness: ***** D - Ralf extends one of his legs to sweep the opponent. Note: Very good range and good recovery makes this one of Ralf's best low attacks. Usefulness: **** 1/2 ***---------*** *Moves (Close)* ***---------*** A - Same as his far A. Note: Can be comboed into his Super Argentine Backbreaker, but it's harder to do. Otherwise, nothing special. Usefulness: ** B - Ralf knees his opponent at waist level. Note: Can be comboed into his Super Argentine Backbreaker and Gatling Attack. Good substitute for short characters. Usefulness: *** 1/2 C - Ralf twists his torso. Note: Very good, as it comes out fast and it can even be used as an antiair. And what do you know? It combos to other moves too! Surprise, surprise... Usefulness: ***** D - Ralf does a dropkick. Note: Can't be comboed, looks really weird, and it has range (but on the other hand when you are close to the opponent, who needs range? -_-;; ). It can go over sweeps but will whiff on smaller characters (guess who...). Usefulness: ** 1/2 CD - Same as far CD. Note: Slow startup and you want to use it up close? Right... *snickers* Usefulness: ** CD (Guard Cancel Body Blow) - Same as far CD. Note: Pretty good as it comes out fast to knock the opponent away, but sometimes it can whiff. Usefulness: *** ***--------------------*** *Moves (Jumping Vertical)* ***--------------------*** A - Small elbow jab. *yawns* Note: Can be comboed but really, Ralf has better air attacks than this... Usefulness: ** 1/2 B - Ralf does a weird looking kick, which kinda reminds me of E Honda's sumo butt crunch. O_o; Note: Again, can be comboed. But lacks range and priority... Usefulness: * 1/2 C - Ralf does a quick downward chop with his hand Note: Very good priority and one of Ralf's better air attacks. Usefulness: **** D - Similar to his jumping B, but he flips around. Note: Good priority but tricky timing. His jumping C is much better... Usefulness: *** CD - Ralf does a jump kick. Note: Looks like Clark's jumping CD, but a little bit shorter. Has decent priority over some moves. Usefulness: *** 1/2 ***------------------------*** *Moves (Jumping/Hop Diagonal)* ***------------------------*** A - Small jumping jab *yawns again* Note: Another jumping jab. Not bad, but not fantastic either. Lacks range, damage, etc. Usefulness: ** B - Ralf jumps and sticks out his leg. Note: I LOVE this move! It's one of Ralf's BEST anti-air moves since KOF99! Sure, it might do crap damage but the range and priority makes it an A+ in my book! And it comes out fast! Instant cheapo! Use it to annoy Iori users! Piss off your friends! Make new enemies! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...... Usefulness: *****(*) C - Since Ralf's missing an elbow drop from his Super Argentine Backbreaker like Clark, they decided to put it in his jumping C...^_- Note: Another good move from Ralf. Ralf goes almost horizontally straight in this move and it can at least trade with other jumping attacks. But he has a better air move...(read: jumping diagonal B) Usefulness: ***** D - Ralf turns around and kicks with his one of his feet pointing downwards. Note: Looks weird but has good priority from ground to air. I've seen it before been done as a crossover in a combo video but it's very hard to do. Just don't use it for air kick wars. You'll lose out. Usefulness: *** 1/2 CD - Same as jumping vertical. Note: Same as jumping vertical. Usefulness: *** 1/2 ============================ 6. Special Moves Description ============================ ***-------------------------------------*** *Vulcan Punch (VP) (Tap P rapidly, move f)* ***-------------------------------------*** Ralf does a series of quick punches that emit sparks and fire. Upon contact, the opponent will be set on fire. One of Ralf's supposedly antiair moves, though not a very good one. Usually comes out when you're mashing the A/C buttons or from a down A, A combo. But it can deal quite good damage if it hits as a Counter and does 2 hits. You can move forward as you do this move by moving your joystick towards the opponent. Usefulness: *** 1/2 ***--------------------------------*** *Gatling Attack (GA) (Charge b,f + P)* ***--------------------------------*** Ralf spins around a couple of times while hitting the opponent, ending with him uppercutting the opponent. A charge attack move for Ralf. In KOF96-98, it sucked because usually if you tried to combo the C version from a down A or C, you would miss the last hit, leaving you totally open. But it has improved from KOF99 and remained that way since. And the attack move also gives you ample time to send in a Striker. Does good damage overall but very bad recovery time if you miss or whiff. The A version does less hits and has a shorter range, but the lag is just as bad as the C version. Only use it in combos. Usefulness: *** 1/2 ***----------------------------------------------*** *Diving Bomb Punch - Ground (DBPG) (Charge d,u + P)* ***----------------------------------------------*** Ralf leaps from the ground headfirst and then dives to the ground. Upon contact from the 2nd part of the move (the diving punch), the opponent will be set on fire. If the opponent gets hit by Ralf as he goes up in the air, the opponent will not get hit by the 2nd part of the move. It's a strange antiair special move for Ralf, but it's not bad actually. Good as a wake up. The recovery time isn't too bad for him since he bounces back a bit if he misses. The diving punch can also hit opponents in the air. A version does 2 hits upon rising, while C version does 3 hits. Usefulness: *** 1/2 ***--------------------------------------------*** *Diving Bomb Punch - Air (DBPA) (In air, qcf + P)* ***--------------------------------------------*** From the air, Ralf dives to the ground, setting the opponent on fire upon contact. This move is just him only performing the 2nd part of his DBPG, without the leaping into the air bit. It's a good surprise move and also hits opponents in the air. If the opponent blocks it, you bounce back a bit. Usually, if your opponent rushes up to you after this move is blocked, you can surprise them by performing a Super Argentine Backbreaker. Also you can perform this move after a blocked jump CD. Usefulness: **** ***----------------------*** *Ralf Tackle (RT) (hcb + K)* ***----------------------*** Ralf turns around, and charges forward like an American football quarterback player. Introduced in KOF99, it has improved slightly in terms of a slightly better priority and autoguard. For example, if you were to do this move in front of Iori as he does a fireball, it would negate the fireball and hit Iori. Compare it to in KOF99 where he would merely negate the fireball, leaving him very open after that. Once it connects, it will hit the opponent into the air while you're still moving. It can be used as a form of antiair if performed early. The B version can be comboed after a close C/down C. So does the D version, but it goes over a longer distance instead (and does a 1~2 more hits). However if both versions of the RT are blocked, prepare for very, VERY bad recovery time. Usefulness: ** 1/2 ***---------------------------------------------*** *Ralf Kick (RK) (Hold K for a while, then release)* ***---------------------------------------------*** Ralf props himself with one hand against the ground, then propel himself towards the opponent with both of his legs first. This move just plain sucks. Period. It was good in KOF98, but nOOOoooo...SNK just HAD to change it. Now you have to hold either B/D button for up to 3~8 seconds just to do this move. Why do I say doing this sucks? Because when you're charging up for a RK, you cannot roll or Guard Cancel Emergency Roll if you're using the B version, since you're holding the B button. Likewise, you cannot do CD attacks or Guard Cancel Body Blow if you're charging the D version while holding the D button. And if you block or get hit, the charge meter is reset and you have to start all over again. Sucks, sucks, SUCKS~~~~~! If you somehow by chance managed to get it charged and all, you're able to followup with his Horse-Mounted Vulcan Punch DM in the corner since Ralf lands first. Also, the longer you charge, the more damage you inflict if it connects. The longest you can charge is 8 seconds. It can go over ground projectiles but it is not comboable with any normal moves. The only way I can see it ever being used is in a Striker combo, where after a Yamazaki/Maxima/Benimaru grab. Usefulness: * ***----------------------------------------------*** *Super Argentine Backbreaker (SAB) (Close, hcf + K)* ***----------------------------------------------*** Ralf grabs the opponent if he's within range, and throws them into the air. Then they'll fall on his back and Ralf promptly dumps them back onto the ground. Ralf's main arsenal. Good damage. Can be comboed after all his close normal moves (except close D, down D, CD). The range of this command grab has improved, but it has been given a longer recovery time, like all command grabs in KOF2K. So you can't abuse it. You can send a Joe Striker after this move, making Ralf extra cheap. *evil* Also, you can use this move alone to beat Zero (KOF2K Boss). Just do the grab whenever he dashes forward to you. Then repeat, lather, rinse. Usefulness: **** ======================================== 7. (Super) Desperation Moves Description ======================================== ***--------------------------------------*** *Exploding Vulcan Punch (qcf,hcb + P) (EVP)* ***--------------------------------------*** Ralf starts up with a Gatling Attack, followed by a series of punches before uppercutting the opponent into the air. 15 hits altogether. This DM has invulnerable startup in the beginning, so it can be used as a wake-up move. But it is a very bad antiair DM. If you try to connect it while the opponent is in the air, Ralf will only be able to connect a few of his hits upon the opponent and knock the opponent safely away from his DM, leaving you very open. My suggestion is to only use it in ground combos. No difference between A and C versions. Usefulness: *** 1/2 ***------------------------------------------*** *Horse-Mounted Vulcan Punch (qcb,hcf + K) (HVP)* ***------------------------------------------*** This DM is *so* Ralf. ^_^ Too bad they removed the SDM version he had in KOF99. =( In this DM, Ralf raises his fist, then rushes towards the opponent. If it connects, Ralf would bring the opponent down to the ground with him above the opponent's body and starts pummelling the opponent (Ouch!). Then he raises his fist one more time while screaming "Moichu!" which roughly translates to "One more!" before delivering a final blow to the opponent's head in a cloud of smoke and sparks. Total of 14 hits altogether. This DM can be comboed or used as an anti-air but be warned: the recovery time if missed is just *terrible*. But the sweet (or cheap) thing about this DM is that if it connects, you can send in a striker that can pick the opponent off the ground (like Joe) after the DM and continue your favourite combo. The B version of this DM goes 3/4 of the screen, while the D version goes full screen. Usefulness: **** ***--------------------------------------*** * SDM Exploding Vulcan Punch (qcf,hcb + AC)* ***--------------------------------------*** The same as the DM version, only this time with more punches, damage, and adds 3 uppercut-like more hits at the end. Does quite high tick damage. Total number of hits of this SDM alone is 28 hits. Usefulness: *** 1/2 ***--------------------------------------*** *SDM Galactica Phantom (qcf, qcf + AC) (GP)* ***--------------------------------------*** Ralf holds back for about 3 seconds before charging forwards to deliver a single blow to the opponent. How simple can you get? ^_^ Possibly one of THE most powerful SDMs (other than Hinako's) in the game. It's unblockable BUT cannot be comboed after any normal moves. It has autoguard during startup and while he's charging towards the opponent. To avoid it, you either have to roll, jump, or throw him. You can also trip him with a down D, but that's only if your character's down D hits below Ralf's knee area. Otherwise, roll out of the way. Alone as itself, it's pretty crappy since KOF Veterans can easily avoid it. However with an appropriate Striker like Maxima, Benimaru, or Yamazaki which holds the opponent in place, it's pretty good as it does close to 65%+ damage. Also, if the Galactica Phantom hits as a counter, it will take off the opponent's lifebar by 100%. Now how's THAT for powerful? ^_^ Usefulness: **** (with an appropriate Striker. Otherwise, only **) ============================= 8. Striker Action Description ============================= ***-------------*** *Ralf as a Striker* ***-------------*** As a striker, Ralf will jump in halfway the screen with his diving bombing punch then follow up with a quick Galactica Phantom (blockable). If the first part of his striker action connects, his Galactica Phantom may or may not be comboed. Good for getting your opponent off your back. But can't be comboed after if his quick Galactica Phantom connects. ***-----------------*** * Yashiro as a Striker* ***-----------------*** Yashiro jumps in with his Sledgehammer (qcb +K) from KOF98 and starts doing his Missle Might Bash (hcb + P). Once he's done, he'll blink and disappear. What's good about Yashiro is he comes out fast, while doing multi-punches, allowing you enough time to combo. While he's doing his Missle Might Bash attack, you can dash up to the opponent and follow up with an attack on your own but once Yashiro finishes his final blow of his Missle Might Bash attack upon the opponent, you can't combo after it. =============== 9. Counter Mode =============== To activate Counter Mode, press ABC when you have 3 full powerbars. Once activated, Ralf will flash red and will be able to do unlimited DMs within a certain time frame (about 20 seconds). Your normal and special moves does more damage and you're able to cancel certain special moves into DMs. But some DMs come out faster or others slower than normal. Also, your normal moves "hit stun" is longer, so it is possible to link normal moves from dwn A to a dwn C. Once the Counter Mode time limit has run out, you cannot refill your powerbar for a few seconds. Hardly see anyone uses this mode with Ralf! But he can cancel his Ralf Tackle and Gatling Attack into his DMs. And his HVP DM is as slow as ever like it is back in KOF99. More on this shortly (or at least until somebody emails me with some info... *hint* *hint* ^_-+ Just saw a 100% Counter Mode Ralf Video with Striker Candy. Have added it to the Tips/General Combos section below. Remember that he cannot perform his GP in Counter Mode since it's an SDM and you can only perform DMs in Counter Mode. ============= 10.Armor Mode ============= To activate Armor Mode, press BCD when you have 3 full powerbars. Once activated, Ralf will flash yellow and will have Super Armor for about 20 seconds. This means that he will not have the "hitstun" animation and can still attack. However he will still receive damage. His normal and special moves also deal more damage (not as much as Counter Mode though). You also can't receive tick damage from special moves or (S)DMs. Once the Armor Mode time limit has run out, you cannot refill your powerbar for a few seconds. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA...This is THE mode for Ralf. Once in this mode, Ralf starts to get real cheap. His jump CD and down D are really quite strong since you can't knock him out of it. However, do remember that you still take damage for it and you're still susceptible to Ranbu-like (S)DMs. Be smart! Be cheap! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...You don't know how many times I've used Ralf as a last resort to win...*evil* ====================== 11.Tips/General Combos ====================== Ralf doesn't have many combos up his sleeve. However with the introduction of the Active Striker System in KOF2K, he's much more powerful. Add to the increased time for Armor Mode, he's quite a strong character, though can be limited at some times. His jumping diagonal B is a great air move. I daresay that it is even better than his jumping diagonal C. As you can tell, most of his C normal moves are very good in terms of range and priority (or as EndLeSS would put it in his KOF98 Ralf FAQ, Mr. C!!! ^_^ ). His SAB is his main special to use. Don't forget to use his DBPA to surprise your opponents or DBPG as a wakeup. His normal combos are: *note: when I write jump here, it means the Jumping Diagonal attacks as well* Jump B, A, GA Jump B, A, A, VP Jump C/D, C, SAB Jump C/D, C, RT (B Version recommended) Jump C/D, C, GA Jump C/D, dC, GA (might miss last hit if using C version, since dC might push the opponent too far) Jump C/D, C, EVP Jump C/D, C, HVP Counter Mode combos: (Corner, Ralf's back facing corner, opponent next to Ralf) jump B, Striker Candy, VP Striker Combos: (Corner) Jump C/D, C, SAB, Joe Striker, HVP, Joe Striker, HVP/SAB Jump C/D, C, SAB, Joe Striker, SAB/EVP (Corner) Jump B, dA, GA, Yamazaki/Benimaru/Maxima Striker (or any striker that holds the opponent in place), HVP/GP (Corner) Jump B, dA, GA, Yamazaki Striker, RK, HVP From Shingo's Handbook (www.shingohandbook.com): Close C, RT, Seth Striker (1st hit), dC, GP, Seth Striker (2nd hit) (GP connects after 2nd Hit of Seth's Striker Action) From White-Tower.net (www.white-tower.net): (Corner) Jump C, dA, GA, Yamazaki Striker, GP I highly recommend you to go to their sites to view the Ralf combos in action to develop a better understanding on how to perform it. If you can contribute more normal/Striker combos, I'll deeply appreciate it. Especially Counter Mode combos. However, don't think that I'll post them on the fly in this FAQ once I receive them. I'll test out any combos you contribute first in the arcade before verifying it in my FAQ. Remember. If you'd like to contribute to this FAQ, please do so! My email address is fatcatlim@yahoo.com ================= 12.Thanks/Credits ================= CJayC - for posting this FAQ up. (http://www.gamefaqs.com) Chris MacDonald (Kao Megura) - for allowing me to copy and paste Ralf Jones Bio and Moves List from his KOF2K FAQ. ^_^;; Also all move names and Another Striker: Yashiro information were referenced from his FAQ. Also for helping me with writing the disclaimer. (http://i.am/kao) SNK - for making another kickass KOF game in the KOF series. May the next one in the KOF series be as cool as KOF2K. (http://www.neo-geo.co.jp) hebretto (Yang Yang He) - for being a wanker. =P j/k! Actually for inspiring me to write a Ralf FAQ after seeing his numerous KOF FAQs for GameFAQS.com and for the fortnightly Saturday morning KOF2K matches we have over in Galaxy World here in Sydney. Also for telling me his HVP is still crap slow in KOF2K! Thanks dude! EndLeSS - for being one of the most prolific Ralf FAQ writer that helped me with playing Ralf in the first place. Also for the Ralf's other name, Mr. C!!! :D Fellow Orochinagi members - for the wackiness and support you guys have shown over at the forums. You guys ROCK!!! (http://www.orochinagi.com) John, Aaron, Ben, and the other KOF players in the University of Sydney Games Room - for the crazy and sometimes nerve-racking matches we have during lunchtime and break. Thank you for the matches and helping me improve to become a better KOF player. Shingo's Handbook - Tons of 100% combos...very good place if you want to find combos. (http://www.shingohandbook.com) White-Tower - Another great place to find combos. Damn...how the heck did these guys become so freaking good?!?! O_o;; (http://www.white-tower.net) Gunsmith - for being a cool guy putting up KOF tournament videos online and letting me hang around at Orochinagi.com (http://www.orochinagi.com) You - for reading this piece of crap I've written. ^_-+ =================== 13.Revision History =================== Version 1.0 (3rd June 2001) - Everything! Version 1.1 (6th June 2001) - A few minor edits plus added a Counter Mode combo. Turns out RT D version CAN be comboed. My bad. Also, added extra * rankings for a few of the normal modes such as for his far D and down A. Thanks EndLeSS! ^_^