-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Whip Guide: King of Fighters 2001 Version 4.1 March 2004 Copyright fabian (fabian@roxette.org) 2004 The King of Fighters 2001, all of the trademarks, characters or anything related are trademarks and copyrighted ownership of SNK Playmore 2001-2004. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ::: FRONT END ::: This "Whip Guide: King of Fighters 2001" is the original work of Fabian Davy (fabian@roxette.org). The copy that you are reading now can originally be obtained from www.gamefaqs.com. For future requests of posting my guide, I have decided to review my posting policy. From October 2003, any web-masters or individuals who wish to include my guide in their web site and have obtained my permission to do so, can freely distribute this guide as long as it is not used for any commercial gains. Bear in mind though that this can only be done after asking for permission from me by e-mail. The information here is highly prohibited to be published in any paysites or game magazines or anything else that is money driven/oriented whether directly or indirectly. Reproduction of this guide in any form is also not allowed as long as it is for your own personal use. No alteration or modification of any form is allowed to the original document. However, you are allowed to use the contents of this guide without informed consent by acknowledging me in the credits as well as where did you obtain my guide (which version, etc.). This rule however assumes that you are not plagiarising this document. In short, proper referencing please!!!! If you wish to publish this guide in your site, you can do so by send- ing me just a simple email informing me of your intention. I am not going to send you the guide by email. In case of any new updates, just check the GameFAQs.com pages to download the new version. I am allowing this because I do lost track of time when I am checking my email (since that I don't have a home internet connection) and it can take me days or even weeks to respond. My point is: Don't plagiarise. It took quite an effort to produce this guide. Why pirate it when it's already free. I know you are wise to make the decision. My trust is with you. ======================================================================= CONTENTS :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ======================================================================= [ 1.0 ] Introduction [ 2.0 ] Changes from KOF 2000 [ 3.0 ] Game Controls [ 4.0 ] Move List Shortcuts [ 5.0 ] Normal Attacks [ 6.0 ] Throws [ 7.0 ] Command Move [ 8.0 ] Special Moves [ 9.0 ] Desperation Moves [ 10.0 ] Super Cancels [ 11.0 ] Independent Combos [ 12.0 ] Striker Combos [ 13.0 ] XiangFei Segment Striker Combos [ 14.0 ] Infinite Combos [ 15.0 ] Move List Properties [ 16.0 ] Hit Points [ 17.0 ] Battle Notes [ 18.0 ] Fighting Tactics [ 19.0 ] Post Battle Quotes [ 20.0 ] Tid Bits [ 21.0 ] Acknowledgements ======================================================================= [1.0] INTRODUCTION :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ======================================================================= A brand new update for the new year. This will be the fourth major revision of my KOF 2001 game guide for Whip. This FAQ has been a fave of mine and it has seen countless updates over the period of two years. I am not bothered to list down all of the updates that I've done but from all of the responses and comments that I received, I knew that I have done a great job. The major revisions in this guide will be focus- sing on making the Guide simpler and easier to read and understand. Combos will be rewritten in a shorter notation, information presented in points plus, and a few sections removed for the time being. I hope you will enjoy my guide much more as I really enjoyed writing this Guide. Whip is a very deadly fighter, especially her 2001 self which in my opinion is the cheapest, unforgiving incarnation of Whip. Her combo potential has been improved by the upgrades of her Special Moves and the Whip Shots. Coupled with her deadly long range attacks that unfairly been assigned handsome damage, she can be a great addition to your team if you master her real well. She might posses the best fighting range in KOF 2001 but that advantage has been negated by her slow recovery speed. You might think that this is a fair trade off. Well, to some extent it is but that only applies if she is not used wisely. Any other characters even those close-combat brawler have some recovery lag themselves. Simple points in using Whip: (1) long range attacks used when opponents are far away and (2) focus on fighting from a distance. That's basically it. If the opponent gets real close for a attack, that's when Whip started to break. The further away you are from her, the more dangerous it can be. ::: RESUME ::: Name : Whip (officially by SNK Playmore), Muchiko (see KOF 2000 ending), Seirah (see KOF 2001 ending), Date of Birth : October 12 (no year given by SNK Playmore. She was 16 years old in 1999 so that assumes she was born in 1983.) Height : 173 cm Weight : 59 kg Fighting Style : Whip Slashing Skills and Heidern-style Assassination Techniques Weapon : (1) Whip, named Voodoo (but changed to Whip's whip for her KOF 2003 bio), (2) knife, (3) Desert Eagle (the gun) Teams : 1999 (Ralf, Clark, Leona, Whip) 2000 (Ralf, Clark, Leona, Whip) 2001 (K', Maxima, Lin, Whip) 2002 (K', Maxima, Whip) 2003 (K', Maxima, Whip) Relationships : K' (supposedly her real self brother) Kula (sister-like relations post NESTS) Maxima (K' best friend. Team member) Ikari Team (Team mates within the mercenary squad) Plus Points : Highly improved in 2001. Faster execution speed of Special Moves with cancellable recoveries. Far reaching attacks with high priority. Good damage attacks. Large number of easy yet damaging combos. Minus Points : Only one Desperation move. Superbly hard to do Super Cancels. No wire attack. Still wear her army uniform. A lot of lagging (slowdown). ======================================================================= [2.0] CHANGES FROM KOF 2000 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ======================================================================= ::: STRENGTH SHOT TYPE C "CODE: VICTORY" + The 2nd hit of Type C has been improved to grab the opponent as soon as they touch the ground. This is one of the deadliest upgrade this year. Type C deals handsome damage and can easily be paired into easy yet damaging combos. ::: ASSASSIN STRIKE "CODE: BB" + Assassin Strike now hits on every animation frame: launching up, descending, and touch down. It even inflict damage if launched close to the opponent. + Recovery animation is now cancellable to all ground Special Moves and Desperation Moves. A very big upgrade. Enables for surprise attacks. ::: BOOMERANG SHOT "CODE: SC" + Connectivity of the move has been improved. Which means that some of the animation frames are now able to hit the opponents when it previously misses. ::: DESERT EAGLE ::: + Desert Eagle now deals some damage from the shots. Opponents will be bounced upwards after a successful attack. The upgrade is nice but it is still very risky to perform. ::: WHIP SHOTS ::: + The 5th or final hit from Whip Shot can now be cancelled into Whip Shots itself, all ground Special Moves and Desperation Moves. A crucial upgrade that enables her for more combo opportunities and more fighting tactics. Very much welcomed. ::: Jumping D ::: = Jumping D animation frame now reverts back to its original form in KOF '99. The change sees the range has been reduced a bit but it seems to linger a bit more in mid-air. The good with the bad. ======================================================================= [3.0] GAME CONTROLS ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ======================================================================= As applicable to this guide ::: DIRECTIONS ::: Facing right: ub u uf f = Forward u = Upward \ | / b = Backward d = Downward \ | / b ----- + ----- f df = Down Forward / | \ db = Down Backward / | \ uf = Up Forward db d df ub = Up Backward qcf = Quarter Circle Forward : Down, Down Forward, Forward qcb = Quarter Circle Back : Down, Down Backward, Backward hcf = Half Circle Forward : Backward, Down Backward, Down, Down Forward, Forward hcb = Half Circle Backward : Forward, Down Forward, Down, Down Backward, Backward dp = Dragon Punch : Forward, Down, Down Backward rdp = Reverse Dragon Punch : Back, Down, Down Backward ff/bb = Dash/Step Back : Forward or Backward twice START = Taunt A = Light Punch B = Light Kick C = Strong Punch D = Strong Kick AB = Roll (press backward/forward to determine direction) = Safe Landing (press when thrown, right before touching ground) = Slide Cancel (When blocking, press backward or forward and press AB. Use one power stock) BC = Summon striker CD = Knockdown move (press C and D together) = Guard Cancel (press CD when blocking. Consume 1 power stock) ======================================================================= [4.0] MOVELIST SHORTCUTS :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ======================================================================= ===THROWS============================================================== Alpha | Close, f or b + C | Zed | Close, f or b + D | ===COMMAND/SPECIALS==================================================== Whip Shots | Forward + A (5 times) | | | * Boomerang Shot "Code: SC" | hcf + A or C | Assassin Strike "Code: BB" | f, d, df + any button | Desert Eagle | b, d, db + A or C | Hook Shot "Code: Wind" | Jump, qcb + A or C | | | * Strength Shot Type A "Code: Superior" | hcb + A, press to hold | * Strength Shot Type B "Code: Strength" | hcb + B, press to hold | * Strength Shot Type C "Code: Victory" | hcb + C, press to hold | Strength Shot Type D "Code: Rain" | Press D when holding | any Strength Shots | ===DESPERATION MOVE==================================================== Sonic Slaughter "Code: KW" (DM) | qcb, hcf + A or C | Sonic Slaughter "Code: KW" (SDM) | qcb, hcf + AC | ======================================================================= * First hit of these Special Moves are Super Cancellable to Sonic Slaughter DM/SDM. ======================================================================= [5.0] NORMAL ATTACKS :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ======================================================================= [Cancellable] : Cancellable to Special Moves or Desperation Moves. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A ----------------------------------------------------------------------- :: Stand A :: Whip bends a little to lash her whip forward. * Fast and hits low. * Good range although not as far as the Crouching A. * Good for stopping charging opponents. :: Stand A (Close) :: [Cancellable] A quick, short range punch to the face. * Very fast even though range is very limited. * Combo material :: Crouch A :: Whip kneels and sends forward a quick whipping. * Fast to come out and posses great range. * Speed however is not as quick as Standing A. * Opponent can be hit as the lie on the ground. You can do so after: - the D throw (Zed Throw), - final hit of Whip Shots, - Strength hot Type C, - Sonic Slaughter (DM version only) as the opponent get thrown towards screen edge. You need to be near the corners for this, - any hits that knocks the opponent down (depends on circumstances though) * Hitting a fallen opponents works differently on each characters. Some can be hit, some can't. :: Jump A :: By using both her whip and knife, Whip leaps upward and swing a knife attached to her whip downward. * Fast (despite the slow motion) * Hits opponents in air and from below :: Jump Forward/Backward A:: Whip arch in to focus on a downward punch. * Range is limited but lasts longer on air, * useful to cancel/negate air attacks ----------------------------------------------------------------------- B ----------------------------------------------------------------------- :: Stand B :: [Cancellable] A short, quick mini kick. * Hits low, * Very fast yet short in range, * Because of its speed, this move excels as a combo ingredients. Recovery is quick and it stuns the opponent for a while as it hits. * The move pushes the opponents away after the first hit. Proceeding hits might miss because of this. :: Stand B (Close) :: [Cancellable] A bit similar to standing B only appears to be a tiny and faster kick. * Attributes are similar to Standing B only range is even shorter. :: Crouch B :: [Cancellable] With a knife attached to one end of her boot, Whip reach out low to hit the enemy. * Range is good. Excellent for poking. * Good speed. Able to be combed into Sonic Slaughter or Boomerang Shot best. :: Jump B :: [Cancellable] Whip delivers a focussed kick using both her legs while keeping her body tilted 45 degrees bend. * Can be cancelled into Hook Shot after hitting the opponent. To cancel into Hook Shot, it needs to be done from a reasonable height. :: Jump Forward/Backward B :: [Cancellable] The same motion with the her Jump B attack. * Same as above, it can also be cancelled to Hook Shot. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- C ----------------------------------------------------------------------- :: Stand C :: Whip performs a gymnastic style 2-Hit whip slash that hits near. * Capable to attack opponents near, up and below (depending on the attack animation) * Excellent to stop charging opponent. The second hit acts like a shield that backs you if the first one misses. :: Stand C (Close) :: [Cancellable] Whip delivers a blow as she arch her body to hit the opponent using her fist. * Despite a bit slow, the move stuns the opponents for a while. You can combo it with Boomerang Shot or Sonic Slaughter during the lag. * Opponent will be pushed away after being hit. Only fast moves (Sonic Slaughter and Boomerang Shot) will be able to act as a follow up. Other than that, don't bother. Recovery is slow. * Recommend for close attack when the enemy is on the ground and standing rather than the Standing D move. :: Crouch C :: [Cancellable] Whip performs an uppercut-like move in which she emerges with spinning blades (a blade actually!). * A double hit move if hits completely. A hit as she stands up and another hit when she stands upright. * The first hits can be cancelled into Whip Shot, all Special Moves and her desperation moves. * Second hit knocks the opponent down. * Best used to hit jumping moves and also can be used up close. :: Jump C :: Whip execute a long range whipping move that covers 1/2 of the screen. * Very good range, 3/4 of screen distance. * Execution is short but can even hit standing/crouching opponents if being done as she falls down. * Comboable to Boomerang Shot and Sonic Slaughter is done close to opponent while falling down. :: Jump Forward/Backward C :: Whip swings her whip downward in a twisted motion. * Points downwards and can even hit crouching opponents with ease * Acts as an air attack more for cancelling opponent's air attack * Good cross-up attribute. Best used for opening ground combos when the opponent recovers from the hit. Attack needs to hit a bit lower though. * Attacks posture protects Whip from being hit, thus qualifies this move as a poking attack. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- D ----------------------------------------------------------------------- :: Stand D :: [Cancellable] Whip kicks upward while standing on another leg. * Execution and recovery is slow, * Cannot be cancelled to any Special Moves or DMs when it hits, but is cancellable if not. Strange huh? * Range is average and seems to be designed for hitting opponents that jumps in. In my opinion, it does poorly in both jobs. :: Stand D Close :: [Cancellable] Whip performs a standing kick with her knife attached to her boot. * Lags when it hits but recovery is better than Standing D, * Cancellable to Whip Shots, all Special Moves and DMs after it hits, * The only move that connects with Whip Shots in a combo. :: Crouch D :: Whip knock an enemy down using a kick. * Limited range. Shorter attacks range then Crouching B, * Execution is slow but this can be used as an advantage. Opponents can be tripped when they dash towards you and be fooled of the speed * For additional hit, move forward a bit after tripping an opponent and perform Crouching A. :: Jump D :: Whip flips herself to deliver a reverse, upside down kick. * Limited range but can even hit opponents on the ground * Very short execution period :: Jump Forward/Backward D :: [Cancellable] Whip perform a double hit kick in the air * Good range, qualifies as a poking attack, * Double hit can be achieved when the opponent is hit by the double kicking motion either in the air or on the ground. This motion occurs midway during the animation, * Good cross-up quality, especially if the double-hit is achieved * First hit of this move can be cancelled into Hook Shot in mid-air. However, reasonable height must be attained to perform Hook Shot and opponents must be hit first. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- KNOCKDOWN ATTACK ----------------------------------------------------------------------- :: C + D :: [Cancellable] Whip rush forward to knock the enemy down with a single punch. * Extremely fast attack speed, * Cancellable :: Jump, C + D :: Whip wraps her whip around a knife and point it downward towards the opponent. * Superb attack and possess incredible range for a CD move. * It is very hard for Whip to be hit while doing this attack. ======================================================================= [6.0] THROWS :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ======================================================================= :: Alpha :: [ Near, Forward/Backward + C ] Whip grabbed the opponent from behind and slams him/her to the ground. * Opponent will be thrown quite far from Whip, disabling any further hit. :: Zed :: [ Near, Forward/Backward + D ] Whip slams the opponent to the ground (without side switching) * The opponent be lay motionless for a while after the slam, you can add the attacks as a follow up: - Crouching A, - Strength Shot Type C, - Desert Eagle, ======================================================================= [7.0] COMMAND MOVE :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- WHIP SHOT(S) Forward + A (press A continuously for five times) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Whip performs long range whip slashing attacks. * Attack range is 3/4 of screen distance. * Recovery and start-up is poor so crucial timing is needed. * A maximum of five hits can be delivered by pressing the A button each time. Each attacks can be stopped at any time by stopping to press A. * Once the opponent is hit by a shot, the rest can follow after, resulting in a maximum of five hits combo. * The 5th hits acts as a knockdown. Any hits does the same for airborne opponents. * Recovery of the 5th hit can be cancelled into Whip Shots itself, any Special Moves and her DMs. Cancellation works when the 5th hit hits opponent (including a blocked hit). # Combo attributes: - Comboable from : Standing D (close) Crouching C (1st hit), not shown by hit indicator - Comboable into these moves after the 5th hit (dependable on opponents distance and circumstances) : (1) Boomerang Shot, A or C version (2) Assassin Strike, A or B version (3) Desert Eagle, C version (4) Strength Shot Type C (5) Crouching A These strikers: (6) Kula, Leona, Iori, Robert, Yuri Invincibility *** Priority **** Speed *** Recovery *** Combo **** Damage *** ======================================================================= [8.0] SPECIAL MOVES ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOMERANG SHOT "CODE: SC" hcf + A or C ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Whip sends her whip vertically upwards (45 degree slanting range) and pulls it back towards her as it reaches its maximal length. * Complete hit hits twice: once as the moves launches and second as the whip grabs the opponent towards the ground * A version is faster but attacks at a 45 degree slanting range. * C version comes out slower, has a 50 degree slanting range and hits further due to the difference in attacking range. Damage is greater than the A version. * Sometimes when the first hit misses, the 'boomerang' second hit is able to grab the opponent. * 1st hit of Boomerang Shot is Super Cancellable attack. # Comboable from: Standing A/B, Standing A/B/C/D Close, Crouching B/C (first hit), Jumping C/D, Jumping Forward/Backward C/D, Ground CD, Whip Shots (last hit, estimate distance) Invincibility **** Priority **** Speed **** Recovery ** Combo ***** Damage **** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- STRENGTH SHOT TYPE A "CODE: SUPERIOR" hcb + A, press A to hold ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Whip spins her whip into the air and if the whip grabs the opponent, she leaps to deliver a kick to the head. * Type A hits twice. First hit is a diagonal whip slash. This whip slash slants a bit upward. * 2nd hit is an overhead attacks that can only be blocked standing. * Hits low (crouching and blocked) and high (unblocked) and has the ability to catch opponents even on mid air * 1st hit is a Super Cancellable attack. * Crouching A can be done after the 2nd hit if done fast enough. # Comboable from: None Invincibility **** Priority **** Speed *** Recovery *** Combo *** Damage *** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- STRENGTH SHOT TYPE B "CODE: STRENGTH" hcb + B, press B to hold ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Whip performs a spinning diagonal whip slash. * Type A hits twice. First hit is a diagonal whip slash. This whip slash is the most straight whip slash of all the 1st hit of the Strength Shots. It is also the one with the longest reach. * 2nd hit drags the opponents closer to Whip when it hits. No damage is inflicted but there will be a one second stun effect after that. This stun effect is to allow for additional hits. Type B to some extent is the most damaging due to the amount of damage that it can cause by the follow-up combo. * 2nd hit of Type B has the longest reach of all strength Shots. About 3/4 of screen distance. * 1st hit is a Super Cancellable attack. * Here are the list of immediate attack after the stun : - Boomerang Shot - Sonic Slaughter Take note that, opponents might be dragged at different distances towards Whip, so appropriate follow-ups need to done. # Comboable from: None Invincibility *** Priority *** Speed *** Recovery *** Combo ***** Damage * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- STRENGTH SHOT TYPE C "CODE: VICTORY" hcb + C, press C to hold ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Whip spins her whip almost parallel to the ground, attempting to grab the opponent by the leg. * Type C also hits twice. The first diagonal whip slash is performed slanting towards the ground. * 2nd hit can only be blocked by crouching. This hit is able to bypass even low counter special moves because it grabs the opponent by an angle that almost parallel to the ground. This is not a low attack. * This year, the 2nd hit has been improved to be able to grab the opponent as soon as they fall or hit the ground. * 1st hit is a Super Cancellable attack. # Comboable from: Crouching C (double hits or second hit), Ground/Air CD (near corner), Whip Shots (last hit, estimate distance), Zed throw Invincibility *** Priority *** Speed *** Recovery *** Combo ***** Damage **** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- STRENGTH SHOT TYPE D "CODE: SPECIAL" press D while holding any Strength Shots execution ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Cancels the opening or execution of all the strength shots # Comboable from: None Invincibility * Priority * Speed ***** Recovery ***** Combo * Damage * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ASSASSIN STRIKE "CODE: BB" f, d, df + A/B/C/D ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Whips spreads out her whip upward and pulls herself up to land on various spots. * The button that you use to execute Assassin Strike will determine where the landing spot will be. * The buttons pressed to execute Assassin Strike will determine where she lands. The conditions are: - A = 1/4 screen distance - B = 1/2 screen distance - C = 3/4 screen distance - D = full screen distance * Execution using the A and B button is the fastest with the C and D button slowest. * It hits when Whip jump upward and when she land on the opponent's head. It can even hit an opponent who is lying on the ground. * This year the move has been improved as Whip can hit the opponent even when she is launching herself close to the opponent at ground. * The recovery pose is cancellable to Whip Shots, any special moves (except Hook Shot) or DM/SDM. # Comboable from: Whip Shots (depending on distance/condition), A or B version only Invincibility *** Priority *** Speed **** Recovery **** Combo ***** Damage *** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- HOOK SHOT: "CODE: WIND" in mid air, qcb + A or C ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A Spiderman style move. Whip swings from her whip, dashing towards the opponent with a kick. * Fast and knock down the enemy if hits. * Using the A button, Whip swings with a more relaxed speed than the C version. * There is no variation of attack distance between the two. * The recovery landing is cancellable to her Special Moves or DMs. * Hook Shot can be performed from these two normal attacks: - Jump B - Jump Forward D To enable the cancel, these normal attacks needs to be hitting the opponent and must be performed at the reasonable height (the height in which Hook Shot can be launched in the air). # Comboable from: Any air B attack (not connected), Jumping Forward/Backward D (hitting only, not connected) Invincibility **** Priority **** Speed ***** Recovery **** Combo *** Damage **** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DESERT EAGLE d, db, b + A or C ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A gun shot that hits the ground. * A version shoot bullets closer to Whip. The C version shoots the ground a bit further. * Desert Eagle is able to hit opponents that falls on the ground. It also needs to be blocked by crouching. * Shots from the move can deliver a total of 6 hits. * After the 7th hit, Whip will reload her gun. This animation is very, very slow and cannot be cancelled. * Once it hits, the opponent will be thrown (or rather bounced) upwards. * The first hit from the gun deals the most damage. The following shots cause minimal damage. * Desert Eagle shots are able to nullify any ground projectiles such as Iori's purple flame. # Comboable from: Crouching C (if 2nd hit knock opponent down), Ground/Air CD (near corner preferred), Strength Shot Type C (near the last animation), Zed Throw Invincibility * Priority ** Speed ** Recovery ** Combo *** Damage * ======================================================================= [9.0] DESPERATION MOVES ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [DM] SONIC SLAUGHTER: "CODE: KW" qcb, hcf + A or C [SDM] SONIC SLAUGHTER: "CODE: KW" qcb, hcf + AC ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Whip hits the opponent continuously with her whip, spinning them left and right ending with a Boomerang Shot. * Very fast start-up but recovery can be slow. * Attack range is longer that its looks. Has that 'suck in' feeling. * Sonic Slaughter will catch any attacks (except projectiles or energy based attacks) from any directions if unblocked. * The very first hit needs to touch the opponent so that the DM can connect all the way. The proceeding hits will not damage the opponent at all and only serve as a dummy hit (no damage). * The regular version hits 20 times. * SDM version hits 26 times with a damage of 60%. The recovery for a successful strike is longer for the SDM. It doesn't matter as your enemy will be thrown quite far. It matters if it misses. # Comboable from: Standing A/B, Standing A/B/C/D Close, Crouching B/C (first hit) Invincibility ***** Priority ***** Speed ***** Recovery ** Combo ***** Damage ***** ======================================================================= [10.0] SUPER CANCELS :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ======================================================================= Four of Whip's Special Moves have the property of Super Cancel. A Super Cancellable move can be cancelled into the desperation move with the cost of a Power Stock. These four Special Moves are: * Strength Shot Type A "Code : Superior" * Strength Shot Type B "Code : Strength" * Strength Shot Type C "Code : Victory" * Boomerang Shot "Code: SC" Only the first hit of each Special Moves can be cancelled. The idea of a Super Cancel is to add more damage to a combo. While this is possible, you need to have very fast hands too. ::: STRENGTH SHOT TYPE A/B/C ::: Perform hcb + A/B/C and keep on holding down the A/B/C buttons to prevent from executing the move. While still holding the buttons down, perform the joystick motion for Sonic Slaughter: qcb, hcf. Release the A/B/C buttons that you were holding down and press A or AC directly after you release the respective buttons. Type A : Second best priority of all the Strength Shots. Super Cancel can be done as the opponent jumps into you after being hit by the first hit (that attack slightly upwards). However, catching mid air attacks needs to be done closer to Whip to connect all the way or it will just miss. Type A can also be Super Cancelled for trapping opponents that sits at the corners. The first hit descends from above to form a trapping shield that forces the opponent to retreat back. Type B : Best priority but rather useless to perform. In most instances, once an opponents eats the first hit, the 2nd one will continue after that. The stun after the 2nd hit gives you ample time to bash away so there's no need to waste a Power Stock. Type B is not suitable to catch air attacks because it tends to knock the opponent down. Type C : The least priority and the hardest to hit mainly because the first hit will only connect very close to the ground. Plus, the opponent needs to be very close to Whip. ::: BOOMERANG SHOT ::: The hardest to perform but can arguably be the most useful. At the moment, no trick is known for performing a Boomerang Shot Super Cancel other than executing the Sonic Slaughter motion during the first hit. ======================================================================= [11.0] INDEPENDENT COMBOS ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =1= (2-27 Hits) 10%-30% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Any cancellable hit, hcf + A/C * Any cancellable hit, qcb, hcf + A/AC Note: List of cancellable attacks that connects with Boomerang Shot and Sonic Slaughter: - Standing A/B, - Standing A/B/C/D Close, - Crouching B/C (first hit), - Jumping C/D, as Whip falls down - Jumping Forward/Backward C/D, - Ground CD, ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =2= 30% (3 Hits) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Crouch C (2 hits), hcb + C ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =3= 15% (3 hits) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Crouch C (2 hits), hcf + A Note: This combo doesn't work on all characters due to differences in body length/recovery posture. To ensure that it will hit three times, perform crouching C two steps away from the opponent, just enough to let it hit. Boomerang Shot will have chances to connect this way. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =4= 15% (6 Hits) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Close D, f + A A A A A * Crouch C (first hit), f + A A A A A Note: If you start with Crouching C, the attack will not be counted in the Hits Indicator. Don't worry because this is more of a bug actually. The opponent can never run away from this combo. You can finish the 5th hit of Whip Shots with this follow-ups: (1) Boomerang Shot, A or C version (2) Assassin Strike, A or B version (3) Desert Eagle, C version (4) Strength Shot Type C (5) Crouching A These strikers: (6) Kula, Leona, Iori, Robert, Yuri ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =5= 8% (6 Hits) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Crouch C (1 hit), rdp + A ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =6= 8 - 30% (2-4 Hits) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * CD, rdp + A/C * CD, hcb + C * CD, hcf + A Note: The CD attack (ground) pushes the opponent away after the hit. To ensure better chances of connecting, perform the combo at/near the screen edge/corners. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =7= 7% (2 Hits) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Crouch D, (move one step forward) Crouch A. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =8= 50% (8 Hits) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Close D/ Crouch C (1 hit), 2. f + A A A A A 3. dp + B 4. rdp + A Note: Better done near corner or if opponent is closer to Whip. How about adding jumping in with a two hit D before doing the combo? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =9= 30% (3 Hits) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- qcb + A/C (mid air), close C/Crouch C, hcf + A/c Note: You need to attack the opponent from the farthest distance away. The opponent needs to be at the end of the opposite screen but not at the corner. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =10= 10% (2 Hits) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * qcb + A/C (mid air), hcf + A/C * qcb + A/C (mid air), close C, rdp + A Note: Your opponents needs to be cornered. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =11= 30-45% (5 Hits +) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Jump D (forward), Close C, hcf + A/C * Jump D (forward), Crouch C (1 hit), hcf + A/C * Jump D (forward), Crouch C (1 hit), f + A A A A A * Jump D (forward), Crouch C (2 hits), hcb + C Note: Jump D appropriately should be a double hit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =12= 10-45% (3-27 Hits) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Jump D (forward), Stand B, Stand B, Crouch B, hcf + A/C * Jump D (forward), Stand B, Stand B, Crouch B, qcb, hcf + A/AC ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =13= 80-85% (30 Hits +) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Jump D (forward) 2. Stand B 3. Stand B 4. Stand B 5. Stand A 6. Crouch B 7. hcf + C (1 hit) 8. qcb, hcf + A/AC Note: A Super Cancel combo given by Cesar E. Carnias. Thanx for sharing. He told me this combo is only applicable for big/tall characters. ======================================================================= [12.0] STRIKER COMBOS ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ======================================================================= =================================== ::: WHIP SHOTS & STRIKER COMBOS ::: =================================== During the cancellable 5th hit of Whip Shots, certain strikers can be summoned to add in a few more hits. All these strikers will connect after the final hit. These strikers are * Kula, * Leona, * Iori, * Robert, * Yuri Once they unleash their attacks, the opponent might be dragged either away or upwards. If you summoned them while the opponent is cornered, you may finish him/her of with the attacks below after being pounded by the strikers: * Boomerang Shot, while opponent is in the air * Crouching A or Strength Shot Type C, as the opponent falls down ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =14= 40% (11 Hits) [ XiangFei ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. f + A A A A A, (summon XiangFei at last hit) 2. Crouch A, 3. hcb + C (while XiangFei is hitting) Note: This combo works best near the corners. To connect all the way, Crouching A must hit the opponent or else the combo will fail. To perform Strength Shot Type C (hcb + C), go closer towards the opponent. You can do an infinite combo by repeating this again and again. ================================================= ::: STRENGTH SHOT TYPE A/B/C & STRIKER COMBOS ::: ================================================= Some of these combos might look similar with the exception of different strikers that complement it. Strikers can be summoned after each first hit of a Strength Shot, a general rule that is very crucial to remember. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =15= 50% (9 + 2 Hits) [ XiangFei and Mary ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. hcb + C (double hit), 2 XiangFei (when Whip nearly done with the head kicks), 3. Crouch C (1 hit), 4. f + A A A A (Mary) A, 5. Crouch C (1 hit), 6. hcb + C (as opponent falls) or hcf + A/C Note: Summon Mary during 4th hit of Whip Shots. If you don't want to summon Mary, just finish the combo with any moves that connects with the 5th hit of Whip Shot (Boomerang Shot for example). The combo above works best near the corners. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =16= 45% (2/3 + 6 Hits) [ XiangFei ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. hcb + C (double hit), 2 XiangFei (when Whip nearly done with the head kicks), 3. CD 4. CD (as opponent falls) 5. hcb + C (hits best at corners) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =17= 45% (8 Hits) [ XiangFei ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. hcb + A (double hit), 2 XiangFei (when Whip kicks the head in mid-air), 3. dp + B 4. rdp + A (all shots) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =18= 30% (3 Hits) [ Leona ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. hcb + c (2 hits), 2. Leona (near the end of the head kicks), 3. Zed Throw, 4. hcb + C. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =19= 15% (2 Hits) [ Mary or King ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Crouch C (1 hit), hcf + A/C * Crouch C (1 hit), hcb + C These combos can be performed when the opponent falls down after the striker hit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =20= 25% (3-5) Hits [ Kula ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [A] After a successful hit by Kula (opponent must be attacked while still on the ground): 1. dp + A/B/C (button choice depends on situation), 2. hcb + C Note: Can be done after summoning Kula after 5th hit of Whip Shots. [B] 1. hcb + A (double hit), 2. Kula (when Whip is almost touching the ground), 3. dp + A/B/C (button choice depends on situation) 4. hcb + C ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =21= 10% [ K', Iori, XiangFei, Leona, Kula, Terry or Chang ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. hcb + C (double hit) 2. summon striker (when Whip just finish the head kicks), 3. hcb + C or dp + C Note: This is not an infinite since it needs to be a double hit again to summon the striker! ======================================================================= [13.0] XIANGFEI SEGMENT STRIKER COMBOS :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ======================================================================= For KOF 2001, XiangFei's striker animation has been changed from her power-draining taunt (in KOF '99 and KOF 2000) to a 3-hit Chou-Pai Long DM. The 3-hit attack stuns the opponent as it hits, enabling you to add in more attacks. The Striker Combos below comes in two parts: Part One that involves XiangFei and Part Two that continues after that. Part Two features a diversity of Strikers that you can utilise for the combination attacks. Part Two must be done after Part One. ::: PART ONE ::: 1. hcb + C (double hit), 2. XiangFei (as Whip finishes with the head kick), 3. hcb + B (opponent must be thrown upwards) 4. Summon Striker (as shown in bracket, eg. [ ANGEL ]) ::: PART TWO ::: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [ ANGEL ] 75% (32-33 Hits) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- qcb, hcf + A/AC (after last hit by Angel) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [ BENIMARU ] (or GORO or MAXIMA) 70% (26 Hits) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- qcb, hcf + A/AC (while striker is holding the opponent) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [ KING ] 65% (13 Hits) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Jump + CD (while opponent is in mid-air, as King hits), 2. Crouch C (as opponent falls), AND 3. hcf + A/C (to hit opponent in the air) 4. hcb + C (to hit opponent directly when he/she hits the ground) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [ RYO ] 60% (2 Hits) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The opponent will momentarily be stunned by Ryo's punch. Two options: (1) dp + A/C (if you are not near the corner) (2) hcb + C (everywhere but move a bit closer forward) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [ KIM, LIN, SETH, FOXY, IORI, KYO, GORO, KULA, CHANG, ATHENA ] 57% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Summoned any of these strikers when the opponent is about to be thrown upwards. Then choose from these two options: (1) Stand D, hcf + A/C (2) Crouch C/CD, hcb + C ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [ TERRY ] 50% (9 Hits) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- dp + A/C, hcb + C Note: Terry must be called very quick so that he will do the full Power Geyser. You know if it doesn't work if he doesn't leap to hit. Assassin Strike must hit so that it can be followed by Strength Shot C. Strength Shot C works not near corners. Most of the time (for me) the Strength Shot Type C (hcb + C) will not connect. It is better if you do Desert Eagle (rdp + A/C) instead after landing with Assassin Strike (dp + A/C). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [ MAY LEE ] 50% (3 Hits) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- hcb + C (after two hits by May Lee) ======================================================================= [14.0] INFINITE COMBOS :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =29= (6-9 Hits) [ XiangFei with Vanessa or Angel ] (Many Power Stocks) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [A] 1. hcb + C (double hit), 2. XiangFei (when Whip is almost finishing with the head kicks), 3. follow-up with either [A] or [B] below: [B] 1. Vanessa, 2. hcb + C 3. start again with [A]... [C] 1. Angel, 2. hcb + C, 3. start again with [A]... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =30= (6 Hits...) [ XiangFei ] (Many Power Stocks) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. hcb + C (double hit), 2. XiangFei (when Whip is finishing with the head kicks), 3. Close C (get closer to opponent to do this) 4. hcb + C (quickly do this by cancelling it from Close C) 5. Repeat from 1 again... ======================================================================= [15.0] MOVE LIST PROPERTIES ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ======================================================================= Sp : Special Moves DM : Desperation Move ======================================================================= | MOVES | CANCELLED INTO... | ======================================================================= | Standing A/B | Sp, DM | | Standing D (non hit) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Close A/B/C | Sp, DM | | Close D | Whip Shots, Sp, DM | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Crouching B/C | Sp, DM | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Ground CD | Sp, DM | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Any air B attack | Hook Shot | | Jump Forward/ Backward D (hitting only) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Whip Shots (last hit) | Whip Shots, Sp, DM | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Assassin Strike (recovery) | Sp, DM | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Strength Shot Type A/B/C | DM | | (first hit) | | | Boomerang Shot (first hit) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ::: Tick Damage Moves ::: Tick damage is attained when an opponent is blocking a move and still getting a tiny amount of damage. Most special moves has this property. * Boomerang Shot * Assassin Strike * Hook Shot * Every first hit of any Strength Shots * Desert Eagle ::: Knockdown Moves ::: Move that will knock an opponent down upon hit * Ground and jumping CD attack * Crouching C (2nd hit or double hit) * Crouching D * Strength Shot Type A * Strength Shot Type C * Boomerang Shot * Desert Eagle * Hook Shot * Assassin Strike * Whip Shots (final hit), all hits do a knockdown if opponent is in mid-air * Sonic Slaughter ======================================================================= [16.0] HIT POINTS ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ======================================================================= ======================================================================= | MOVES | A | B | C | D | ======================================================================= | Standing | 100 | 100 | 300* | 300 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Close | 100 | 100 | 300 | 300 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Crouching | 100 | 100 | 300* | 300 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Jumping | 200 | 200 | 400 | 400* | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Jumping F/B | 200 | 200 | 400 | 400 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Ground CD/Air CD | 500 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Alpha/Zed throw | 1000 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Whip Shots | 200 per shot | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Desert Eagle | 400 per shot | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Boomerang Shot | 300 first hit, 500 second hit | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Assassin Strike | 700 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Hook Shot | 700 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Strength Shots A/B/C | 800 second hit or double hit | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Strength Shot Type D | 0 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Sonic Slaughter (DM) | 2500 fully connected or hits | | (SDM) | 3000 fully connected or hits | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * indicates a double hit move (same point each). Striker hit yields zero points. Any combo with or without strikers still produce the same hit points per move as when performed independently. Even if your Sonic Slaughter misses the opponent, the point will still be given as long as it hits. Strength Shot type A, B and C will give you 800 points for any hit, double hit is still counted the same. I don't know if you will receive any points for super cancels. ======================================================================= [17.0] BATTLE NOTES ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ======================================================================= ::: REVERSALS/COUNTERS ::: Characters such as Goro, Seth, Mary, Angel, and Chang have this kind of move that can counter any attack attempted on them. * The tip here is to avoid attacking them with your long range attacks since they only give your opponent the advantage. * You can attack back by using the crucial moves: - Strength Shot Type A, B, or C - Sonic Slaughter. * 2nd Hit of Strength Shot Type A and C can't be countered since they attack from the extremes of angles (high up and lower down). * Strength Shot Type B is a bit risky to do but it can be an advantage if it manage to grab the opponent after the reversal/counter stance has finished. That however, is still very risky. * Just keep in mind that FIRST HIT OF ALL STRENGTH SHOTS CAN BE COUNTERED. * The very first hit of Sonic Slaughter seems to be invincible against counters. The later hits acts as any other normal attacks. That means, missing the first hit is very deadly. * Other points: Hook Shot can be countered by any high-attack counter. Same with Boomerang Shot. * Assassin Strike posses almost the same invincibility of the 2nd hit of Strength Shot Type A ::: STRENGTH SHOTS ::: * All Strength Shots hit twice except Type D. The first hit deal the same amount of damage like a light attack. It will hit down an opponent who is in mid-air. * You can summon a striker after the first hit: a very important point. * If you manage to grab an opponent after a successful Type C grab, Whip will become invincible to any attacks (bug or intentionally done?). * If you hold down the execution of Strength Shots Type A/B/C for 3 seconds, the move will be executed automatically. ::: LONG DISTANCE ATTACKS ::: * Whip will not be damaged by any form of attack if her whip is doing the fighting. * For example you are able to attack Athena when she is performing her Shinning Crystal Bit (s)DM or when Choi is performing his Tornado /Twister DM. Normally this DMs will negate any projectile or hurt seriously for those that attempt to get close for an attack. ::: CLOSE COMBAT ::: I thought I want to add this section since I really think that it would be very useful indeed. Whip is deadly afar but can be cheesy when deal -ing with opponents that get nearer and nearer. * My recommendation is to block when necessary and to attack with her short attacks if the opportunity arises. * Don't bother with her long range attacks since that can make you open for pounding. * Here are some combos to get back at them: [A] Stand B/Stand B close, hcf + A/C [B] Crouch B, qcb, hcf + A/AC [C] Crouch C (two hits), hcb + C [D] Crouch D, move one step forward, Crouch A or just do the CD or best yet: the Sonic Slaughter!!! ======================================================================= [18.0] FIGHTING TACTICS ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ======================================================================= The reason of using Whip. Here are what I would recommend. Most are the times when the opponent really anticipate to attack. * Perform Whips Shots until the last hit with the opponent blocking. Quickly cancel into any special move (except Hook Shot). This tactic is very good as there are so many variables to choose. * After landing with Assassin Strike, cancel to any special move or DM. This is a typical opponent attack anticipation. * Hold any Strength Shot execution, then cancel the move by pressing D (Strength Shot Type D). Next quickly perform any special move or DM. * Let the opponent charge at you. When near hit with a Standing B and quickly perform Boomerang Shot or DM. * Rotate your Strength Shots routine. The move can be very confusing. * When attempting for an air attack you can try to jump backward and perform the air CD attack or surprise them with Hook Shot. * Do Crouching C and cancel the second hit to any Strength Shots (preferably Type A and C) * If the opponent manage to block your air CD attack by standing block, quickly do Desert Eagle. * Roll behind your opponent and do a DM. * If an opponent love to get close for an attack you can do crouching C (one hit) followed by Whip Shots. * A surprise attack after a knockdown air CD can be either: Assassin Strike, Strength Shot Type C (near corner preferred) or Desert Eagle. * If you like to poke, you can do so by using three main moves: - jumping C, - crouching A, - Boomerang Shot. Hit an opponent with Crouching A and if he jumps towards you, do Boomerang Shot. Alternatively, the jumping C are versatile enough for both air and ground attacks. * Some opponents like to roll towards you to avoid Whip's long range attacks. When they do, hit them with Boomerang Shot preferably the A version. * There are instances in which the Boomerang Shot is out of range to hit jumping opponents. To solve this, roll backwards and do Boomerang Shot. * My favourite stop-it combo is actually the easy two hitter: kick with the standing B and do Boomerang Shot. ======================================================================= [19.0] POST BATTLE QUOTES ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ======================================================================= === WIN QUOTES === ::: K'::: "Don't rush through battles. Learn to enjoy the pain" ::: IKARI TEAM ::: "It's been ages guys. Glad we had time together" ::: NESTS TEAM ::: "What sloppy organisation. You really thought you'd win?" ::: KULA ::: "I would like to spend some time chatting with you" ::: Everybody else ::: 1. "My squad is loaded with talent. But talent alone doesn't win" 2. "You fought well. Even my whip voodoo's impressed" 3. "I won because I believe in my weapon. That's important" === LOSE QUOTES === ::: HEIDERN ::: "Where have you been? Submit your report later!" ::: CLARK ::: "Dominatrix! You're okay! You had me worried babe!" ::: RALF ::: "You! If you were alive you should've come to see me!" ::: K' ::: "I expected so much of you. Hmph! I am so disappointed!" ======================================================================= [20.0] TID BITS ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ======================================================================= * There is a bug that involves Whip's Strength Shot Type B. If you KO an opponent with the first hit, and if he/she got hit by the second as well, the opponent will be dragged towards you and keeps on standing as Whip performs her victory pose. This bug has been fixed in KOF 2002. * King of Fighters 2001 introduced a new feature called the Wire Attack that make the opponent bounced on wall upon hit. Whip doesn't have this ability * An infinite protection has been applied on Whip's Strength Shot Type C. If in a combo you manage to hit with a double hit Strength Shot Type C, the second time you want to call the same striker, the summon will be ignored. * Computer opponents except Heidern and Foxy will always respect to stop until Whip reloads her bullets. In another note you can kill a computer opponent by continuously doing Desert Eagle. * If you manage to grab computer Heidern with Strength Shot Type C, you can again do the move again as he tries to recover, It will always hit. Another bug? * Oddly enough, some of Whip's combos don't work properly on Whip herself. For example, follow up Whip Shots with Assassin Strike and see if it hits. * The American Version of the game censors some of the game's move including Whip's Desert Eagle and K9999's shotgun DM. I guess it was done to prohibits the use of guns concerning the alarming abuse of the weapon in the state. Instead the game will show Whip waving her hand down and delivering bullet shots out of nowhere. * Whip is the only fighter up to this stage with one DM where others have at least two. SDM doesn't count (It's the same!!!). She gain a Hidden Desperation Move in KOF 2002 but it was removed again in KOF 2003. Quite a record huh? * That has been an argument that the real translation for Strength Shot in Japanese is actually 'String Shots'. Makes real sense I must say. I don't know Japanese so pardon me for my mistakes in the translation. Still, I believe there's no harm in having a separate name in English. ======================================================================= [21.0] ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ======================================================================= Thank you for reading this guide. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it. For those who e-mailed me, I really appreciate the feedbacks and comments. Send them coming!!! I can be found lingering around GameFAQs.com message board (KOF) with the use name Fabian Thank You to: * GameFAQs.com for the place to place this guide. Keep it free!!! * Orochi Yamazaki for the great KOF 2001 guide. * Cesar A. Carnias for the email. Thanx for the feedback and comments. * Countless people who e-mailed me. Sorry, I lost your mails!!! * ChangFui for the Whip '99 guide. I included and innovate your Hook Shot combo in my guide. Your guide inspired me to write mine. Thanx for the great guide. * Kofonline.com for the great site. Go there!!! * My computer for making it possible to write this guide. * YOU!!! for reading up until this point!!! Hope you enjoy this guide.