The King of Fighters 98. Chang Koehan's Guide, ver 1.0 by Jesus Cantu "PANCHO" i)Prologue to 98 One mo' time, this guide has the purpose of teaching how to use the Fat, beardy prisoner called Chang Koehan, now at KoF98. He hasn't changed at all from 97 to 98, but a lot of his advantages gone down. So, the main purpose of the FAQ is to help u how to control Chang at 98, his new strategies, and some mo' stuff. ii)Prologue to 97 (that says why I did the FAQ...) This guide has the purpose of teaching how to use the Fat, beardy prisoner I know, nobody wants to play as him since he is slow and infamous like his fellow mate, Choi, but his strength and attack priority makes him powerful. He is an easy-to-play character, but if you want to extract his full power (I sound like a DBZ fighter...), it is dificult to do. His combos (yes, he has them) are not wonderful, but effective. According to my theory he has a 100% combo, but I haven't done this yet. My theory consist as I once made a crouching C (2 hits), and accidentally cancelled it into the SDM. This makes my challenger terrified when he sees the damage... I only give him a pair of kicks before I made the move, he was with his 80% of energy, and the combo killed him. I'm not kidding. Well, strength is not everything that he has- he also has autoguard moves, priority against Orochi Leona & Iori's jump attacks (yes, I'm telling you the truth), and more. iii)License terms... Please feel free to put this FAQ at your site, but don't forget to give the corresponding credit. CONTENTS ---------------- 1. Introduction. 1.1. Fighter's Profile. 1.2. Sayings and Poses during battles. 2. Moves. 2.1. Normal Moves. 2.2. Special Moves. 2.3. Desperation Moves. 2.4. Command Moves. 3. Combos. 4. General Strategy. 4.1. General. 4.2. Against the computer. 4.3. Against a human challenger. 4.4. Mind Game. 5. Credits. 1.-INTRODUCTION. 1.1 Fighter's Profile "The Man of Steel" NAME: Chang Koehan FIGHTING STYLE: Tae Kwon Do & Power Attacks NATIONALITY: Korea BIRTHDATE: October 21, 1958 AGE: 39 HEIGHT: 227cm WEIGHT: 203kg (Too much) BLOODTYPE: B HOBBIES: Breaking Things FAVORITE FOOD: Roasted Whole Sheep FAVORITE SPORT: Table Tennis MOST VALUABLE POSSESION: His Iron Ball THING HE HATES THE MOST: Centipedes After years of training under the "God-like" Kim, Chang and Choi are still considered "not good enough yet". Kim feels an obligation to get these scoundrels back onto a normal life, and has given them a real hard menu to train on. But despite their master's concerns, Chang and Choi can only think of the day they leave Kim's presence, and once again prevail as villans. Everyday, while planning their grand exit from the Kim dojo, Chang and Choi works diligently under his hard supervision with a smile. 1.2 Poses and Sayings during battles. FIRST ROUND OPENING: Cleans his nose and achuu!!!! OPENING : Bangs his head against his iron ball. OPENING AGAINST CHOI: Laughs like mad, while shakin' his tummy... TAUNT : Hits his belly with his hand saying, "Doushta." (What's wrong?) WIN POSES : - Swings ball around with one hand rapidly saying, "Ora! Sugi Detekoi koi!" (Hey! Who's Next!) - Polishes his iron ball with his shirt, humming to himself as his head glimmers. - Drops to one knee and clenches a fist, grunting. - Drops his ball and says somethin'... LOSS TO TIME : Drops his iron ball then breaks his chains. DEFEATED: Screams making a musical tune. WAITING HIS TURN: He is eating during other characters fight. When the other loses, becomes sad, butnever stops eating. COLOR UNIFORMS: A button: White with Blue (cool!!!!). B button: Red and Blue (yuck!) C button: Pink and Red (mo' yuck!!) D button: Black and Red (cool). 2.-MOVES. The following moves are done when you're facing to the right. An (*) shows the effectiveness grade of the move according to my opinion. 1 is the lower, 5 the higher. 2.1 Normal Moves. Normal moves are the basics for most of the attacks in the game. Just press A, B, C or D to punch or kick the opponent. These are the keys for winning a game as well as combos go. Far Standing A (weak punch) Can be cancelled. Effectiveness:**** Chang gives just a little slap with the fingers. It is very useful for poking tall opponents, receiving hoppers, and in stopping a start-air attack. You can cancel with a Ball Swing or with the Iron Ball Frenzy. Don't use this against small opponents or an opponent who is crouching. Close Standing A (weak punch) Can be cancelled. Effectivenes:* Chang shots an elbow smash. Low range, and is too high to be conected to a small/crouched enemy. Crouching A (weak punch) Can be cancelled. Effectiveness:**** Chang throws an elbow punch, with the same range as the close standing, but he does it crouching. Use it instead of close standing A to connect a chain combo. Jumping A (weak punch) Non cancelable Effectiveness:** Chang just shows his fist and hits the opponent with a low power attack. I don't use this often, but you may use it to gain some air-attack priority. Far/Close standing B (weak kick) Can be cancelled. Effectiveness:**** Chang gives a kick, just a kick. Shows his feet to the opponent, at a level of the opponent stomach. Very useful, since the move can be cancelled into a Destruction throw. The problem is the range... U must be close to the opponent. Crouching B (weak kick) Can be cancelled. Effectiveness:***** Chang gives just a low kick. One of his best moves, in my view. Since it must be blocked low, you can use it to connect the lowest fierce combo. Use it often and cancel it with Ball Swing, Sommersault Stomp or Destruction Throw, or chain ith with low A. Jumping B (weak kick) Non cancelable. Effectiveness: * Chang does the same kick as standing, except that he is jumping. Never use the move, so, no more descriptions. Maybe can be used to gain air-attack priority, but it's not so good. Far Standing C (strong punch) Non Cancelable. Effectiveness:** Chang throws his iron ball for hitting th enemies. Great range, but he does it to high. Use this move to receive an opponent who is arriving to ground from a miss jump. Don't use this oftenly, because you may miss if the opponent crouches. Beware also with small opponents like Choi and Chin. Close Standing C (strong punch) Non cancelable. Effectiveness:*** Chang gives two hits with his iron ball. No more descriptions. Good and effective move, takes big damage. Crouching C (strong punch) Can be cancelled. Effectiveness:**** Chang throws upwards his iron ball, hitting twice if the opponent is at the ground and hits all flying things. This move is good for stoping some air attacks, but it is a bit slow. It's comboable, but leaves the opponent far from u. Use it also when the opponent expects the Destruction Throw, jumps vertically to cheat u, so u receive him with an iron ball hit at his balls... =) Jumping C (strong punch) Non cancelable. Effectiveness:*** Chang hits his opponent with his iron ball (as all strong punches...)by jumping, showing his iron ball at a 0ยบ degree (in other words, directly to the jumper's face). This move used to be the best in his arsenal at 97. Now u have to anticipate veeeeery early to the opponent, so use it only at escape jumps (jumpin' backwards...), or vertical jumps. Far standing D (strong kick) Non Cancelable effectiveness:** Chang shots a kick toward the opponent with a good range. Use this move instead of his far standing C, as a mode of "poking" an opponent. Since it is slow, don't poke the opponent often with this move. Could be used for surprise a runner... Close Standing D (strong kick) Can be cancelled Effectiveness:** Chang kicks the opponent's head, but he performs it too high. Good for some combos, but must be in crossup combos or veeeery close to the opponent. Crouching D (strong kick) Can be cancelled. Effectiveness:**** Chang swings his iron ball toward the opponent, sweeping the opponent. This move is slow, but with a good range in sweep kicks (but this is not a kick!!!). Use it when the opponent is a bit far of you. The move can be cancelled at any moment. It's recommended that u cancel it when the iron ball returns to Chang, so he can be safe after cancelling. Jumping D (strong kick) Non cancelable. Effectiveness:**** Chang kicks an opponent by jumping, hitting the opponent who is below him. Use this kick to start a combo from the air. Also, you can stop some air attacks since it has some priority (mo' than jumpin' C). This is his best air to ground attack. Standing CD (knockdown punch) Can be cancelled. Effectiveness:** Chang performs a tummy hit toward the opponent. Use this when you want to cancel it into a Crusher Ball to make the opponent think if he avoid it or not. However, I don't use this move often. Jumping CD (knokcdown punch) Non cancelable. Effectiveness:*** Chang swings his ball toward the opponent by jumping. Use this as an anti aerial attack, use it with good anticipation, and against ground projectiles... 2.2. Special Moves 1. Crusher Ball Efectiveness: ** Hold back for 2 sec, then forward + A or C. In this move, Chang swings his ball backwards and then releases it toward the opponent. Big damage, but inflicts more with the C version. Even if it is slow, and can be avoided, it will hit often since all human opponents want to look "great" by avoiding it with stupid moves. The A button version is faster than C version, but it has less time of autoguarding. The C version is slower, but it has a better autoguard and range. Use this move if you want to increase your power meter in ADVANCED mode. Also, do the move A and C, A and C, and sometimes use C and C or A and A to make a randomly attack. This sometimes confuse (in strategy, not by hitting) the opponents, specially human. 2. Swing Ball. Efectiveness:*** Press A or C several times. Chang swings his iron ball upwards, hitting all flying things. The weak point of this move is the low defense. It can be cancelled by pressing ABCD. Chang can move while doing the movement. Also, he is invincible against projectiles. Use this move only in a combo or when the opponent is in a corner and in the ground. Since the move cannot be executed quickly, don't use the move for stopping air attacks unless you have quick reflexes and timing. Cancel it if you hit the opponent or when it is ineffective. You can also use this move for buildin' up stocks in Advanced mode. Just tap A+B+C+D at the same time, so Chang will start the Ball Swing, and then cancel it, then begin again, and repeat... 3. Sommersault Stomp. Effectiveness:*** Hold down for 2 sec, then up + B or D Chang throws a fierce kick upwards, then goes to ground, with hit valor from the start to the end. The weak point is when you're on ground. You get defenseless. B version knocks down opponents when Chang is falling, D version knocks down opponents at the first hit. Use this move to stop some air attacks, or in a combo. Since it has hit valor in all the movement, the characters (yes, specially human) confuses and can be hit. 4. Destruction Throw Effectiveness:**** HCB, forward + A or C, close to opponent. Chang grabs his opponent by hitting him/her several times in the ground. Your best choice to combo. As all command throws, use against opponents, specially ADVANCED players.Use also as a wake up attack, when you don't have any Power bar to do a desperation move. Be careful with the miss frame. The grab does not have a good range like Shermie or Clark grabs. 2.3.Desperation Moves 1. Iron Ball Frenzy QCF, HCB + A or C Effectiveness:*** Chang hits himself with his iron ball in the head, and starts "running" to the opponent. Then he starts hitting the opponent, ending with six different moves. This move is extremely damaging, since the normal causes 50% damage and in maximum is more or less 60-70 % damage. You can use it in a combo, as a wake up attack and can be cancelled if you missed (after the opponent blocked the first one). There will be problems when the opponent avoids you by dodging in EXTRA mode, or rolling in ADVANCED. Since he runs slow, and drops to ground when unconnected, you are totally defenseless. Be sure u cancel it when Chang ends with the move like Standin' B... See combo section. 2. Pressure of Death QCF x 2 + A or C. Effectiveness:*** Chang runs and jumps by hitting with his stomach, then drops to ground very brusquely, hitting all things under him. This attack is effective against some air attacks. the SDM version (max power) is very useful since Chang makes a quake (a la Goro Daimon), and this makes the opponent ask himself: if jump, I'll be hit, if block, the quake will make effect, if crouch and block, I'll be hit. Same as above, chang runs slowly and can be avoided easily. "A" version of Pressure of death can be used as a good anti air attack, and can be comboed. C version sucks since Chang runs first and then jumps... 2.4. Command Moves. The command moves are performed when you press any direction of the joystick plus a specific button. Not all characters have command attacks. Body Sweep (ok... I don't know the real name). down forward + A Effectiveness:**** Chang sweeps his body toward the opponent, knocking down the opponent. Use this to finish some combos or in a surprise attack, to avoid flyin' projectiles (like Kensou, Athena, Takuma, Heidern ones...), and after Crouchin' D, when Chang recovers his iron ball. Don't try it close, since u surely be punished. 3. COMBOS. Combos are the key for winning some matches. You must have the skills for doing combos. OK. Chang has no good arsenal of combos. But believe me, his little arsenal of combos are dangeorous since they take a lot of energy. Here are the combos I have done playing as Chang: The Basic Combo: I called it since I use it from KoF95. Jumping D, crouching B, cancel with Sommersault Stomp with D. Other cool combos: -Jumping D, crouching C, Ball Swing -Jumping D, close standing B/Crouching B, Ball Swing. -Jumping D, close standing B/Crouching B, Destruction Throw. -Jumping D, crouching A, Ball Swing. -Standing CD (counter mssg), Crusher Ball. Chain Combos: crouching B, Crouching A. crouching A, crouching A. Combos with DM. Iron Ball Frenzy, after last hit (must be Standin' B like finish), Ball Swing (in a corner) *Iron Ball Frenzy, after last hit (must be Standin' B like finish), Sommersault Stomp (in a corner) Iron Ball Frenzy, after last hit (must be Standin' B like finish), jumpin' CD *Iron Ball Frenzy, after last hit (must be Standin' B like finish), A Crusher Ball Iron Ball Frenzy, after last hit (must be Standin' B like finish), A Press of Death (in a corner) **(In a corner, maxed, Counter mssg) Ball Swing (1hit), Iron Ball Frenzy, after last hit (must be Standin' B like finish), A Press of Death. (100%) * means that is theory. ** means that it was posted at the KoF ML, by someone (I think it was Serpent_Wave). Check future versions of the FAQ to see the correction) 4. STRATEGY. I'll show you what strategy I'd followed to be a more or less good player with Chang. All this experience were taken from my spent of money by challenging both CPU and human players. 4.1. General. In this section, I'll tell you how to play with Chang to more or less have learned. Well, at first glance, Chang looks slow and incompetent. These may be true, but if you master the use of his Destruction throw, Sommersault Stomp, Iron Ball frenzy and his normal moves, you can challenge anyone and give him a good fight. IN ADVANCED MODE: Charge your power bars by executing the Crusher Ball with A then C, A and C. Beware if the opponent jumps towards you or if rolls toward you. If the opponent jumps towards you, jump backwards with C button, and when arriving to ground, make a vertical hop (tap up then down) and attack with D button, this for prevent any grab. If you are grabbed with a normal throw, just escape by pressing AB. Beware against the superduper overprioritized jumpin' moves like Chris CD, Yashiro and Iori's D, and super jumpers kicks like Lucky and Choi. If the opponent sweeps you, and he goes to you for close attack, prepare for a Destruction throw, an Iron Ball Frenzy, a Press of Death or crouchin' C in case he jumps vertically. If he doesn't go to you, just do a recover roll. Surprise the opponent by running toward him then roll when the opponent shots an attack. You'll have him at your mercy. But beware with turtles who waits u roll and punches u with Crouchin' C's, D's or grabs. Poke your opponent with crouching A. You'll gain some distance from him, and sometimes, hit him. Always you can, connect the basic combo. And when u can (yes, now ppl selects grapplers and they'll try to grb u) surprise the opponent with an Iron Ball Frenzy, when you are arriving from ground after no connecting any punch. They almost want to give you a punch or kick, so, they'll be very affected. IN EXTRA MODE: I never play in this mode, so I can't tell you much. Use some tactics listed above, the ones you think you can do. I'll try to inform you about how use Chang better in EXTRA mode in future versions of this FAQ. 4.2. Against the computer. OK. In this section, I'll tell you how to play against some characters controlled by the CPU. NOTE: These strategies are suggested to be done in ADVANCED MODE. Vs. KYO: Watch out the range of the Crouchin' D. If u miss he'll jump, and perform a combo. Also be careful with his QCFx2 DM. He uses it oftenly when u want to attack from far. Vs. BENIMARU: Easier than 97, u can defeat him easily. Watch out for his jumps, his DP+K, and his D attacks. Vs. DAIMON: He's now the toughest of the team. Be careful when he perfoms the QCB+K (the roll), because he's preparin' to do the HCB,F+P grab. Do a short jump if u want to combo. Don't jump high, since he'll receive u with Cloud tosser, dnfwd+C, or Standin' D. Vs. YASHIRO: Careful with the Sledge hammer. He uses it to stop your air attacks. Vs. SHERMIE: just perform Crusher Ball, and she'll eat it!! Vs. CHIZURU: Cast the Crusher Ball with A first, so it can hit her. Then, when she's knocked, cast the Crusher Ball with C, so you hit her with more power. Repeat. Be user to have her at a long distance, since she likes to do her dn, dn + any button move very oftenly. Vs. CLARK: Jump and CD... he eats it!!!! 4.3. Against Human challengers I'll include the most used characters by people, and in future versions I'll put new characters (yeah, you must see me how I lose against a guy who chose a diferent character.). If there's no attack strategie, you must use the strategies told before. NOTE:This section was made by playing in ADVANCED mode. See future versions for EXTRA. Vs. ROBERT: Normally, he just wants to do his HiEnSenPuKyaku (yeah, that flying 4 kick attack). Now, the move is so crap that even Chang can crouch it. Attack with Crouchin' A and combo. Also, if you jump, they love to jump backwards with a D kick or towards with the knockdown CD. So, try not to jump oftenly. When he launches a HaohshokohKen, run and roll in the moment the HaoShokohken'll hit you, and you'll have him at your mercy. Vs. RYO-95: Be careful with his projectile. Perform the Body Sweep. Also, be careful with his DP+P move, since it has a $%&$%& short recovery time. Vs. TERRY: A person who selects Terry normally takes him looking for his Rising Tackle, since it has defense, but what only you have to do is no jump to him, and specially when he is lying in ground. Keep him at distance, beware with Power Charge and also beware jumping, because he'll use a Power Geyser to send you to hell. Vs. RB TERRY: This opponent is a bit easier than the normal, since Rising Tackle must be done in the old way (dn x 2 secs, up and P). Just watch out the Fire Kick (that sweep thing...), and u can win easy. Also, don't jump when he lies on ground. He's surely preparin' Rising Taclke. Vs. KYO: ppl likes to do all day his DPB+K move. So, better stay away. Try to be at a mid distance, block the move, and try to grab with Destruction Throw. Also, be careful with runners who do the Close Standin' C, cancelin' it with dnfwd+D move. Vs. DAIMON: If Daimon was cheap at 97, this time is cheaper!!!! Don't jump, or he'll use the Cloud Tosser to bring you to ground. Counter this with jumpin' CD, at distance (ie: both of u are in at the extreme, jump short and do the CD attack, so he can't grab u). Also, beware if he jumps with an anticipated kick (even if you are in ground), since he use it to get close to you and perform any special grab (and his favorite is the Heaven to Hell Drop...). Beware also with the cheap bastards who plays all the day with far Standin' B, the move must be blocked down. Also, be careful with the HCFx2+K move. The move has autoguard!!! Vs. CLARK: Yeah, another grappler. As Daimon, beware against an anticipated kick because he may be preparing a Super Argentine BackBreaker or the Ultra one. Also, beware with the Rolling Cradler, be fast and perform the Destruction Throw just before he grabs u. Normally, Clark opponents likes to poke with jumping CD. Counter this with jumping C backwards. Also, they like to poke with Standin' D, so watch out. Stay a t a distance, and surprise him with Body Sweep. Vs. KENSOU: almost all ppl only do the projectile all day, u roll and they receive u with crouchin' D. Be at a mid distance, and do the Body Sweep when he launchs the FB. Don't do neither the high nor normal jumps. They'll surely do the HCF+C move. Vs. BLUE MARY: Ah... BlueMary... she's also a grappler, so... And be careful with Vertical Arrow, Spider and her counters. Watch out the Mary Slice-Crab Clutch move, must be blocked low. When u expect it, jump short (tap up then down), and attack with Jumpin' D. also, be careful with her jumps, and Mary's Typhoon Vs. YAMAZAKI: Be ware with his Snake Arms. Try to not jump oftenly, since they'll like to perform the A version. Also, beware with his special Grabs. Vs. SHERMIE: Since she's a grappler, you'll know what to do. Just be careful with her spinning kick. If u jump and attack, do it with Jumpin' D. A lot of Shermie players like to do the Shermie Whip, which is a good ground-to-air defense attack. Vs. CHRIS: Now, Chris potential has increased, and with that, the number of ppl who selects him. Watch out with the HCB + Any Button moves. Be fast, and grab him after he's goin' to finish the move (after the elbow smash). Careful with his jumpin' CD... is the best of the game. Also, be careful with his slide!!! Vs. IORI: Iori has the best air kick priority in the whole game. You must anticipate his attack with Jumping C backwards. Try not to jump when they get stocks, or fill the POW bar. they surely perform the Maiden Masher. Also, when they start launchin' projectiles, do a superjump towards (run and jump, or tap dn then up) and do the CD attack. U'll scare them. If they get u on ground, watch out the crossups. Roll forward. Vs. VICE: She's a grappler. Watch out fer her moves. Also, be careful with Standin' C. That move is damn good to poke. Vs. TAKUMA: he's damn good. Do the body sweep when he launchs a KoOhKen. Be careful when they try to sweep u... they surely cancel into KoOhKen. After he performs his HieshenPuKyaku, don't try to counterattack, he recovers quickly. Also, watch out when u have him in ground, u are goin' to attack and they have a stock... they are preparin' the his DM (QCF, HCB +P), which is a perfect wakeup attack. Vs. HEIDERN: He's now crap. When they launch the Cross Cutter, don't roll. Do the Body Sweep. If u roll, they surely do the Storm Bringer or his command attack (fwd+B). Vs. SHINGO: Careful with his close DP+K move. Also, watch out the Shingo Kiiiiiiick!!!. When the opponent POW's with a stock, they are near to perform the QCFx2 SDM, u surely block, but the move is a GuardCrush, so they'll do the DP+P. Roll foward! Vs. OROCHI YASHIRO: As any other grappler, be careful with his special grabs. Be careful with his jumpin' D. It's damned overprioritized move such as Iori's one. Try to keep the opponent away, so he can't grab u with the HCF+P move, which wins over all special grabs and moves (even some DM's!!!). If u get close to him, and u see that he's near to grab u with that move, do a short jump (vertically or backwads) with D. Also, watch out with ppl who performs a combo, u block it, but the last move is his QCB+P grab. Jump backwards with D or C. 4.4 Mind Game. I name Mind Game to general strategies used in a person vs. Person challenge. Let's say, it's like the last section, but in general words. -When u challenge flyin' FB'ers (ie: Kensou, Takuma, Mai, Athena, Heidern, RB Andy, 94 Yuri, 95 Ryo, 95 Robert, O. Shermie's Electric kisses, and Omega Rugal), NEVER jump. Chang is to fat and big to skip flyin' projectiles, that u'll be hit. (except at a normal and high jump, but guess what they're preparin when u land...). Instead of it, do the Body Sweep. -If the challengers are ground FB'ers (like 95 Kyo, RB Terry, Saisyu, Iori and Rugal), do a high jump, and arrive with CD attack. -If the opponet miss a move, but u are at a distance, don't try to combo. Use any normal move, such as Crouchin' D, Crouchin' A, Standin' A. If the opponent is close, try to combo Standin' B/Crouchin' B into Destruction Throw. -If the opponet is a jumper, receive him with an A version of the Press of Death. This is useful against ppl who expects a Destruction Throw. But if the opponent goes near of u, but at a distance in which the Destruction Throw will not grab, use the Iron Ball Frenzy. -If the opponet is a grappler, double up your strategie. If they rolls to get near of u, Crouchin' A into Ball Swing. If they jumps, Crouchin' C. If they do a Run Grab (ie Rollin' Cradler), wait them, and before they grab u, do the Destruction Throw fast. 5. CREDITS. Thanks to everybody at the net who let me use their material, or for their valuable opinion. If there's a person who I haven't talked to him/her, thanks to. YASAKANI IORI, for sugesting me what format I can follow to made this guide, since 97. Visit him at or send mail to CHIKA, who let me use the Chang profile. Don't try to visit her... she closed her site due to some probs... GREG A. KASAVIN, from where I took an idea of the format. <==Hate to do that, but it's the truth... KAO MEGURA, from where I took some Move names (you must saw me opening his guide each time I continued the guide). The KoF ML, for their weird posts, funny posts and really in depth posts. And special thanks to SHAM BUN, mOOnrun (chain combos), CARO SOTO, LORD SEPHIROTH, and MATIAS for their support.