______________________________________________________________________________ THE KING OF FIGHTERS '98, The slugfest "Dream match never ends" (Jap) "The dream battle goes on" (US) ______________________________________________________________________________ Terry Bogard '97 and RB2 faq combo v.1.2 By Tetsuo "Trumaster" < tetsuo@multimania.com > Since the 18/01/99 Last revision : 20/02/99 ______________________________________________________________________________ 0. SUMMARY ______________________________________________________________________________ 0. Summary (Oyo ?) 1. Updates 2. Intro "Me, myself and I" / Terry ? 3. Shortcuts 4. Before entertainement 5. Terry '97 section 5.1 Basic Combo 5.2 DM/SDM Combo 5.3 Counter Combo = Basic = DM 6. Terry RB2 section 6.1 Basic Combo 6.2 DM/SDM Combo 6.3 Counter Combo = Basic = DM 7. Outro / Shout outs 7.1 Final 7.2 Legal stuff ______________________________________________________________________________ 1. Updates ______________________________________________________________________________ v.0.0 : First release and not ready to be sent. A pre-beta version. v.0.1 : Some combos updated and added. v.1.0 : Added Terry RB2's combo, the counter combo section for both Terry, corrected little stuffs, added many stuffs. I'm waiting comments or addings. I feel the satisfaction of the faq writer. ^0^ A great step forward. v.1.0.1 : Corrected few mistakes (spelling, grammatical errors...), added thanks. I could include it later but... never released. v.1.1 : Rhooooo ! It seems so complete now ! I added all the "chariot return" in end of line (it's now clear for all) corrected the Power Geyser motion (can't be forgiven for that, thanks Yasakani), added the Jump combo notes cause it's, finally, not as hard as it could seem. This release is the result of a month of work... never released. v.1.2 : I found so many details, it simply meant a new version. Added a lot of notes on Jump combos, 2 new counters combos. I made too much today, think I'm gonna stop for a while. ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. INTRO " Me, myself and I... " ______________________________________________________________________________ Yo ! I'm a French player living near Paris (77). I'm now 19 and I play the King of Fighter series since the 1994. This' my first try as a faq. I've had my Neo Geo cartridge with that great game that King of Fighters '98 is, on the 16/01/99. I have the US version and excepted the cover with the gray borders, ain't no differences with the Japanese one. I used to play Kof' in the arcades (it fastly becames too expensive) then on PS (the conversions were not satisfying) so I decided to get the REAL one. I don't regret it at all : I connected 4 loudspeakers on it and... Weshaaah !!! ^O^ I strongly recommend you to do so. You can consider this faq as a complement to the good Clemens"RBc.f."Franke's Terry '97 and RB2 faqs. See them at : < www.gamefaqs.com > And even if I'm Fench, I WON'T do a French translation. "Non mais pas qu'ça à faire non plus !!! :p Mailez-moi si vous avez des questions; ça sera plus simple." You'll find the present faq and its last update at : My "Kusanagi no den da" : < hey.to/tetsuo > Explanation on Shortcuts, how to beat Omega Rugal, King of Fighters shiki scans (March), galleries of Blades (Shirow), Restart (Cyber Weapon Z) soon... Yasakani's "Kof 4 ever" : < i.am/kof > Yosha's "Yosha's toolbox" : < www.multimania.com/kurae > Gamefaqs : < www.gamefaqs.com > ============================================================================== About Terry Bogard ============================================================================== Terry is not one of my favourite characters, I think he is too "cheap". I mean : he's somehow like Paul or Eddy from "Tekken 3", you can win just havin' a little knowledge of the game. That's the kind of stuff that really gets me mad. "Been training for hours, and beaten by a snort that only play Street Fighter..." ^o^ I play Terry since Fatal Fury 1, so I guess I'm getting a little bored... Now, I avoid to play him 'cause it fastly ends in "Say what? It's no fluke. This is why I'm here every year." ^O^ In fact, I'm just doing it for his cool looking combos even if I prefer Kyo, Orochi Yashiro, Kim or Mai 's styles. At last, you could be surprised to see a faq dedicated to combos only as most of faqs are general guides on a character. The reason is that I only bought KoF '98 after my friend Markk destroyed me with. That's the ONLY interest I have in playing KoF' 98 otherwise I would play CAPCOM's Street Fighter Zero 3. (Sorry for "Suto" fans ) ^O^ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. SHORTCUTS ______________________________________________________________________________ On your stick (or pad, sorry for you) : Fwd : Forward Bck : Back Dwn : Down Up : Up (Oyo ?) Qcf : Quater circle forward Qcb : Quater circle back Hcf : Half circle forward Hcb : Half circle back Dp : The famous "Dragon Punch motion" A : A button B : B button C : C button D : D button Hum... This is the default configuration but are there any Kof players who change it ? ^_^ I guess not... ot it will be troublesome for you to use faqs. I didn't specify if i.e., a Power Charge is executed with B or D. I simply choose the one I thought was easier to reach. This way, this faq is clearer. Faq system : MAX : Press A+B+C simultaneously (ADVANCED only) DM : Desperation Move SDM : Super Desperation Move (DM when MAXed) GROUND : Explanation when you perform a "ground" combo JUMP : Explanation when you start a combo with a jumped attack. Jump+B or Jump+C. The Super Jump is a jump started by a Down first, the very same you're used to in CAPCOM's X-Men vs Street Fighter. The difference is you don't jump out of the screen, you're just faster. When I say : "in the corner" it means that YOUR opponent is. This faq needs you to know Terry's basic moves. Refer to Terry'97 and RB2 faqs if you find yourself lost. ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. BEFORE ENTERTAINEMENT... ______________________________________________________________________________ - D is often used to begin combos but some players prefer to use his close C as it hits twice. But as Markk says it's a pity to use C as most of the players don't wait the second hit to chain their combo. He has the feeling to "lose" a hit this way. Also when you're not close enough and your C touches you'll be too far of your opponent to try anything else. - Upper : Dwn/Fwd+C (Upper) is a really quick move so you'll be able to get it chained after basic moves even strong strikes such as a Strong Kick (D) or Strong Punch (C). - Jump Combo : "You can begin with a Jump+C or Jump+D for some of the following combos, but it's far harder to connect with. You can try but don't expect great results. However if you really want to, just know that you must press C (or D) at the moment you get to your opponent. I personaly prefer GROUND combos." That's what I thought until the v.1.0.1. Ok, ok, who use jump combos ? Ain't no much I guess if I except the Jump+D, Dwn+D. As I trained, I discovered that a Jump+B, D chains very well in compare with a Jump+C/D, D. That's the key of Terry's Jump combos ! That's what pushed me to add Jump combos. Have fun ! - Taunt : Try to taunt if you can (he he). Note that most of Terry's basic combos don't move away enough your adversary to taunt safely. So be careful ! When taunting, don't forget to scream at the face of your friend : "It's showtime !" ^0^ About Terry's taunt, I prefered his taunt when he said : "Hey, c'mon, c'mon !" His new one is very irritating for both players. - Chain combo : I won't add chain combos (at least for now). If you want them, see Moonrun's Kof '98 combo faq at the Gamefaqs. I'm not really interested in them... Then, adding comments their timing will be far harder and longer to the ones I use (which are much efficient). ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. TERRY BOGARD '97 ______________________________________________________________________________ Just choose him by pressing A, B, C or D. My favorites are in order : A (Normal), D (Black), B (Blue), C (This last one is so ugly !). _____________________________ 5.1 Terry '97 Basic Combo : _____________________________ * Strong Kick, Upper, Power Dunk * ----- D, Dwn/Fwd+C, Dp+D ----- 04 hits ----- 05 hits (JUMP) GROUND : You must chain the upper right after the Strong Kick hit. The Power Dunk doesn't need any explanations but you need to be still closed to your opponent or in the corner. You can also chain with a Burning Knuckle, instead of the Power Dunk. However it's far less impressive... Ho ! I was forgettin', of course you can finish with a Rising Tackle for more 8 hits (but not much damage) ! Only in the corner, though... even against big characters like Chang or Goro. JUMP : I use to begin with a Jump+B. * Strong Kick, Upper, Power Charge, Rising Tackle * ----- D, Dwn/Fwd+C, Hcf+D, Dp+C ----- 07 hits ----- ?? hits (JUMP) GROUND : You must chain the uppercut, during your strong kick hits and as quickly, do the Power Charge. You MUST chain the Rising Tackle in the same motion of the Power Charge : The Power Charge finishes on a Fwd+D and you have to "slide" with the end of the Dp motion, Dwn, Dwn/Fwd+C. It's a nervous combo and it ain't really easy to execute but with some practice you'll perfectly master it. JUMP : I believe this one can be performed but it's too hard to perform. If anyone wants to add comments... I simply can't do it for now. * Strong Kick, Elbow Smash, Power Charge, Rising Tackle * ----- D, Fwd+A, Hcf+D, Dp+C ----- 08 hits ----- 07 hits (JUMP, see notes) GROUND : The Power Charge must be done quickly right after the second hit of the Fwd+A then, the Rising Tackle must be done as below. The main difference lies in the timing : you have to mark a pause in your motion in the middle of the combo. And if you wanna add a hit to this one, begin with close C (2 hits) instead of the Strong Kick but you need to be in the corner. JUMP : I use to begin with a Jump+B. I managed this one once against Chang. The problem is that the Power Charge hardly connects. It's a distance problem. Any comments on it ? You can remove the Elbow Smash. You must be very nervous to do it : Tap in rythm, B, D (Strong Kick), D or B (Power Charge), C (Rising Tackle). * Strong Kick, Elbow Smash, Power Charge, Power Dunk * ----- D, Fwd+A, Hcf+B, Dp+D ----- 06 hits (by Yasakani) ----- 5 hits (JUMP, see notes) GROUND : Chain the Power Charge quickly during the second hit of the Elbow Smash. To have connected the Power Dunk, it's quite easy : just wait a little after the Power Charge. It's up to your judgement. JUMP : Still this distance problem. It might works against Chang or Goro. Or... in the corner ? ^o^ You can remove the Elbow Smash. In that case, you'd better use the B version of the Power Charge and the D one of the Power Dunk. Do what you want, this is just a free advice. Terry's most powerful ground combo (by Yasakani) : * Strong Punch, Upper, Power Charge, Power Dunk * ----- C, Dwn/Fwd+C, Hcf+B, Dp+D ----- 06 hits (in the corner) ----- 07 hits (JUMP) GROUND : Chain the Power Charge quickly during the second hit of the Elbow Smash. To have connected the Power Dunk, it's quite easy : just wait a little after the Power Charge. You'll need a fast judgement. C can be substitute by a Crouch Kick, Crouch Punch. Harder, but possible. It's useful during battle because most of Terry's combo begins with high attacks : your opponent might be a bit surprised. JUMP : I use to begin with a Short Super Jump+C, it's up to you. You must tap in rythm again, C (JUMP), C (Strong Punch), C (Upper), B (Power Charge), D (Power Dunk) otherwise the Upper will strike in the wind. Definitely powerful. If you have trouble to do this, you can remove the Upper but it would be a pity. _________________________________________ 5.2 Terry '97 Desperation Moves Combo : _________________________________________ * Strong Punch, Power Geyser * ----- C, Qcb Fwd+C ----- 03 hits (DM) ----- 04 hits (JUMP DM) ----- 05 hits (SDM) ----- 06 hits (JUMP SDM) GROUND : You must finish the motion of the Power Geiser before the second hit, otherwise, your opponent will block your DM. As the same way, you can change the C for a Fwd+A or a D (less hits). Ain't no difference in the timing. JUMP : I can't have connected this combo when I use D instead of C. Is it me or... ? * Strong Punch, High-Angle Geyser * ----- C, (Qcf)x2+D ----- 07 hits (DM) ----- 12 hits (SDM) ----- 08 hits (JUMP DM) ----- 13 hits (JUMP SDM) GROUND : The same as above, it's just a little variant. Most of the time I was trying it, I always chained a Power Dunk. I found that doing a (Hcf)x2 +D worked better, it might be my stick or something else... JUMP : Use Jump+B or Jump+C, I don't have any opinion on it. * Strong Kick, Elbow Smash, High-Angle Geyser * ----- D, Fwd+A, (Qcf)x2+D ----- 05 hits (DM) ----- 07 or 08 hits (DM in the corner) ----- 07 hits ?? (JUMP DM in the corner) GROUND : It's an easy combo to perform as you don't need to be fast to perform the DM move motion. You MUSTN'T be MAXed, I mean don't expect to finish with the SDM : It won't connect. Don't expect either to start with the 2 hits of the close C because you'll be too far to chain and your opponent will block. JUMP : I use Jump+B to start. I think there's a distance problem here : I managed once with my opponent in the corner. 'Think that the motion must be inputed faster so that the adversary doesn't move away. * "The famous cut motion" : Crouch Kick, Crouch Punch, High-Angle Geyser * ----- Dwn+B, Dwn+A, (Qcf)x2+B ----- 07 hits (DM) ----- 12 hits (SDM) GROUND : This combo can be performed with many characters (Kyo, Chris... depending of their DM, sometimes with A button) The previous motion is what you can see (sometimes it will turn in a stand A, it depends of you, see later...) but not what you'll have to do. You must use the "slide" trick first. When you perform your Dwn+B, chain it with Dwn/Fwd, Fwd, Dwn+A, Dwn/Fwd, Fwd+A. Fortunately you don't have to press the first A button exactely at the Dwn direction. You can do this : Dwn+B, Dwn/Fwd, Fwd+A, Dwn, Dwn/Fwd, Fwd+A. This way, you won't do a Crouch Punch and your opponent won't be able either to block your stand Punch as it connects with the first Crouch Kick. Finaly, if you wanna chain the 12 hits, you mustn't be in the corner. You would only manage a 7 hits as your DM gets out of the screen. IMPORTANT : I don't know why, but the fact is this combo is harder to perform than Kyo's or Chris'. If you have any comments... Maybe Terry's Crouch Kick and Crouch Punch chain combo is slower than the others'. That's the reason why you'll need a tighter timing : it's less "smoothe". JUMP : Hahah... I didn't try : I've enough work for now. The truth is that I don't think I can do it, even if it chains. ^O^ * Terry's most powerful DM combo : Strong Punch, Upper, Power Geiser * ----- C, Dwn/Fwd+C, Qcb Fwd+C ----- 04 hits (DM) ----- 06 hits (SDM) ----- 05 hits (JUMP DM only) GROUND : I believe that the SDM one is Terry's strongest DM combo : it reduces more than 75% of your opponent's Life Bar. Of course, your opponent mustn't reach the corner otherwise the third geyser won't touch him. Really easy to perform and being quick is the key. Yasakani's note : C can be substitute by a Crouch Kick, crouch Punch. JUMP : Start with a Short Super Jump+C. It's EXTREMELY powerful, use it when you're pushed in the corner so you can make it in its whole. I believe that the SDM works (at least) in the corner : still a quickness / distance problem. Can anyone confirm this ? _______________________________ 5.3 Terry '97 Counter Combo : _______________________________ I recently found this when I was trying to understand the interest of the counters. I don't mean the CD counter but THE counter, when for instance, you're hitting your opponent as he were going to too. These combos are easy to perform in training mode but however, they will need you to be skillful to master them in real conditions. IMPORTANT : All these combo will need you to counter your opponent first and for sure. Turn the counter ON in the practice menu for training. ============================================================================== Basic Combo ============================================================================== * You can perform all combos detailed above. You'll just inflict greater damage to your opponent.* Interesting... but counters will allow you to chain the CD with most Terry's special moves (I guess it works with all characters but you're on a Terry faq ^O^). ----- CD, Qcb + A/C ----- 2 hits (mustn't be in the corner or it will pass through the opponent) Qcf + A/C ----- 2 hits Qcb + B ----- 3 hits / 4 hits in the corner (D version doesn't combo) Dp + A/C ----- 5 hits / 8 hits Dp + B/D ----- 3 hits The Power Charge doesn't connect. Notes : For all motions, you must press the button right after the CD hit, neither before nor once your opponent is out of effect. ============================================================================== DM Combo ============================================================================== * CD, Power Geiser * ----- CD, Qcb Fwd+C ----- 2 hits (DM) ----- 3 hits (SDM) GROUND : The SDM version only hits 3 times 'cause your opponent gets too high on the second geyser. ^o^ Easy if you master the basic combos. As usual, your opponent mustn't be in the corner otherwise, the SDM doesn't blah blah... * Power Charge, Power Geyser * ----- Hcf+B, Qcb Fwd+C ----- 2 hits (DM) ----- 3 hits (SDM) GROUND : As the previous combo, the third geyser of the SDM doesn't hit even against big characters (Chang, Goro...). It's too sad ! I believe that this combo could be performed in KoF '97 even if you were not countering. I don't remember well... I didn't play much on it. * CD, High-Angle Geyser * ----- CD, (Qcf)x2 +D ----- 2 hits (DM) but forget it, it isn't worthe it. ----- 5-6 hits (SDM) GROUND : It's not an interesting combo as it will need you a lot of fast judgement : the number of hits depends of the place of your opponent. It can do 3-8 hits if you push your opponent to the corner. The Power Geyser is easier to perform and more powerful. The DM version only connects the first elbow strike. Showtime only. * Power Charge, high-Angle Geyser * ----- Hcf+B, (Qcf)x2 +D ----- 2 hits (DM) Showtime only, forget it... ----- 2 hits (SDM) Idem ----- 5-6 hits (DM, SDM) in the corner or against big characters GROUND : You just have to know that if you wanna perform it you must use the B version of the Power Charge otherwise you won't "have the hand" at time. If you wanna show off and prove your skill, it's a good combo to make fun of your friend. ^0^ Personaly, I'm not good enough to do so... I prefer chain with a Power Geyser. ______________________________________________________________________________ 6. TERRY BOGARD RB2 (from Realbout 2) ______________________________________________________________________________ Hold Start on Terry while you're on the select screen. You knew that of course. ^O^ Why ? Why did I finaly decided to add this RB2 section ? "Cause I LOVE his 10 hits combo !!!" Moreover I guess that many players prefer this Terry, easier to play and as efficient. Contrary to Clemens"RBc.f."Franke, I don't think that the 2 Terry(s) are so different. The main difference lies in the fact that some basic combos can be done when MAXed and easier to do if you started with a Jump attack, thanks to the Fire Kick. IMPORTANT : Terry RB2 offers less possibilities because : - He loses his Power Dunk. - The Rising Tackle must be charged (Hold Dwn one second), it's less natural to use : this kinda motion reminds me the oldest Fatal Fury (2, special). - He also loses a DM/SDM : the High-Angle Geyser. _____________________________ 6.1 Terry RB2 basic combo : _____________________________ * Strong Punch, Elbow Smash, Fire Kick, Rising Tackle * ----- C, Fwd+A, Hcf+D, Dwn (hold), Up+C ----- 10 hits ----- 11 hits (JUMP) ----- D, Fwd+A, Hcf+D, Dwn (hold), Up+C ----- 09 hits ----- 07 hits (MAXed) ----- 10 hits (JUMP) GROUND : The Fire Kick must be done quickly right *after* the second hit of the Fwd+A. Once this done, quickly hold down, and press Up+C just a little, little time after the second hit of the Fire Kick. Excepted the Rising Tackle motion, the main difference with the '97 version is that you can connect the 2 hits of the close C thanks to the Fire Kick. If you substitute the first C for a D, you'll be able to perform it when MAXed (7 hits). JUMP : Use a Short Super Jump+C for the first combo and a Jump+B for the second one. Notice that the Fire Kick doesn't connect when you're MAXed. * Strong Punch, Elbow Smash, Fire Kick, Rising Tackle * ----- C, Dwn/Fwd+C, Hcf+D, Dwn (hold), Up+C ----- 09 hits ----- 07 hits (when MAXed) ----- 10 hits (JUMP) GROUND : A more nervous one : just do the Fire Kick quickly, the Fire Kick/Rising Tackle trick has to be chained the same way that previously. This combo is Terry's strongest combo and not really difficult. JUMP : I use to start it with a Short Super Jump+C. * Crouch Kick, Crouch Punch, Rising Tackle * ----- Dwn+B, Dwn+A, Up+C ----- 09 hits (even MAXed) ----- 09 hits (JUMP equal hits) GROUND : I like this one much (available for Kim, just replace the Up+C by Up+D and add a Dwn+D at top. It needs a Stand guard or else... Hah, I'm wanderin') and I always use it after a crossup. A little trick : When I have pushed the opponent in the corner, I try to make him fall with a Crouch Kick (Dwn+D), then Run forward (he will be tempted to grab you) and I chain at this moment. Useful against unexperimented players but quite dangerous against "Dp" characters (Iori, Kyo...) and you mustn't use it too much otherwise you won't surprise anymore. JUMP : The jumped attack must be a strong strike C or D, or it won't connect. You MUST maintain Dwn while you're jumping for charging the Rising Tackle. You can replace the "Low A, Low B" for an Upper Dwn/Fwd+C (09 hits). In that case you must be quick and precise : you must press C right after each time you hit and the Jump C, very closed to the opponent. _________________________________________ 6.2 Terry RB2 Desperation Moves Combo : _________________________________________ These are the same, excepted the fact that Terry RB2 doesn't have the High-Angle Geyser. The Power Geyser shortcut remains. * Strong Punch, Power Geiser * ----- C, Qcb Fwd+C ----- 03 hits (DM) ----- 04 hits (JUMP DM) ----- 05 hits (SDM) ----- 06 hits (JUMP SDM) GROUND : You must finish the motion of the Power Geiser before the second hit, otherwise, your opponent will block your DM. As the same way, you can change the C for a Fwd+A or D (less hit). Ain't no great difference in the timing. JUMP : I can't have connected this combo when I use D instead of C. Is it me or... ? * Terry's most Powerful DM combo : Strong Punch, Upper, Power Geiser * ----- C, Dwn/Fwd+C, Qcb Fwd+C ----- 04 hits (DM) ----- 05 hits (JUMP DM) ----- 06 hits (SDM) GROUND : I believe that the SDM one is Terry's strongest DM combo : it reduces more than 75% of your opponent's Life Bar. Of course, your opponent mustn't reach the corner or the third geyser won't touch him. Really easy to perform and being quick is the key. Yasakani's note : C can be substitute by a Crouch Kick, crouch Punch. JUMP : EXTREMELY powerful use it when you're pushed in the corner. I believe that the SDM works at least in the corner : still a quickness / distance problem. Can anyone confirm this ? I tried the following cut motion for a Crouch Kick, Stand Punch, Power Geyser combo : ----- Dwn+B, Dwn/Bck, Bck+A, Fwd+A It works but the Power Geyser is always blocked. Have any comments on this ? It may simply doesn't connect... ________________________________ 6.3 Terry RB2 Counter Combo : ________________________________ I recently found this when I was trying to understand the interest of the counters. I don't mean the CD counter but THE counter, when for instance, you're hitting your opponent as he were going to too. These combos are easy to perform in training mode but however, they will need you to be skillful to master hit in real conditions. IMPORTANT : All these combo will need you to counter your opponent first and for sure. Turn the counter ON in the practice menu for training. ============================================================================== Basic Combo ============================================================================== * You can perform all combos detailed above. You'll just inflict greater damage to your opponent.* Interesting... but counters will allow you to chain the CD with most Terry's special moves (I guess it works with all characters but you're on a Terry faq ^O^). ----- CD, Qcb + A/C ----- 02 hits (mustn't be in the corner or it will pass through the opponent) Qcf + A/C ----- 02 hits (not in the corner) Qcb + B ----- 03 hits (4 hits in the corner and D version doesn't combo) The Fire Kick and the Rising Tackle don't connect. The first one can't hit as you only can touch your opponent when he's in the air, the second one is impossible cause you can't charge it enough. Notes : For all motions, you must press the button right after the CD hit, neither before nor once your opponent is out of effect. ============================================================================== DM Combo ============================================================================== Only two ! In fact the very sames as Terry '97. * CD, Power Geyser * ----- CD, Qcb Fwd+C ----- 02 hits (DM) ----- 03 hits (SDM) GROUND : The SDM version only hits 3 times 'cause your opponent gets too high on the second geyser "Hey ! Don't get so high ! 'Can't hit ya !!!". ^o^ Pleased if you master the basic combos. * Power Charge, Power Geyser * ----- Hcf+B, Qcb Fwd+C ----- 2 hits (DM) ----- 3 hits (SDM) GROUND : As the previous combo, the third geyser of the SDM doesn't hit even against big characters (Chang, Goro...). It's too sad ! I believe that this combo could be performed in KoF '97 even if you were not countering. I don't remember well... I didn't play much on it. I think it's right. ______________________________________________________________________________ 7. OUTRO / SHOUT OUTS ______________________________________________________________________________ I'd like to thank : - Markk Y., for lending me your Neo twice before I get mine as you didn't know me well. Thanks for your confidence and for makin' me discover what Kof '98 is. Be sure that I'll be better than you in few months. ^O^ So sorry, you sold yours... I'm now sure to become better than you. - Psyke, for your kindness and the faqs you wrote that helped me (X-Men vs Street). Kof '97 still rules on your PS ? Realbout Special, dominated mind is far better... I do think so, though. Let's wait Kof '98 on PS... < psyke@pacific.net.sg > - Yosha, for making me laugh with your "Goro fan club" and for writing the bug faq. "How the Hell, bugs are working ?" I can't perform any of them... < kurae@multimania.com > - Yasakani, for adding some combo, noticing my one or two errors and for his must-seen site "Kof 4 ever". < iori@chez.com > - Gunsmith "The King of "Useless" information", for surprising me and makin' me laugh with his faqs. I like your work and you know it ! Continue, you funny guy. ^O^ < gunsmith@i.am > - Kyo Takagen, for warning me on Kof news (icons, themes, midis...) of his excellent site. See : < www.domus.tm.fr/drc/neoseries/ > < takagen@geocities.com > - Brian Lui, for trying to help me on Iori's combo. See his Iori's faq on the Gamefaqs. < luibr@pop.hkstar.com > - Clemens"RBc.f."Franke, for showing interest on this faq. Thanks a lot, it's really encouraging. See his Terry's faqs on the Gamefaqs. < clefranke@metronet.de > - My sticks for bearing with me. Stay strong and I'll owe you much. ^O^; - My friends : Matt, Boul, Mig, Kurt, J.O., Emi et Gér, "Fice", Alex(s), Nicco, Gillou, Lolo... Sorry, it's too long to list you all... Toum', Ted', for being here when I needed to try my combos in "live" :p - My fav' French Hip-Hop artists : Roce, ATK, M. Group, Fabe, Mafia K-1fry... without whom I wouldn't be inspired to write this down while listening them. - Oh ! I was forgettin' : SNK of course. < www.neogeo.co.jp > _____________ 7.1 Final : _____________ Yo ! That's all for now ! It was just a little faq to make you understand how to chain combo in that great game. The "slide" and "cut" techniques are OK for many characters, so you may manage all the combos now. Excepted Goro and Takuma's which are in my opinion, the hardest. Some of you already knew it but I never read in any faq precise notes concerning how to perform some combos. I've been helped once on Yasa's Kof bulletin < i.am/kof > (I don't remember your name !!) then by Markk. Once, I got the feeling, I could find out myself. I'm now on holidays, I hesitate to write a Yashiro / Orochi Yashiro faq combo in complement of Stevie Irawan's Yashiro faq. Orochi Yashiro doesn't seem very popular on the net, even though he's a real killer !!! He's quite appreciate here, in Paris. Stay tuned ! ============================================================================== 7.2 Legal stuff : _________________ This faq is for entertainement, you can use it on your page only if you keep intact its content and warn me (I would be so proouuuud !). Blah blah... commercial use... blah blah forbidden but... blah blah... Any comments, etc... mail to < tetsuo@multimania.com > The King of Fighters '98 is copyright of SNK. The entire FAQ is Copyright (c) Tetsuo '99 ==============================================================================