An FAQ for... By stevensproat -------------------- UNREAL TOURNAMENT -------------------- Version 0.1 Sorry, I would've made that ACSII, but I cannot do it, so if you can write it for me, email me: I would be VERY grateful --------- Contents --------- 1. Copyright Information 2. History 3. Introduction 4. How To Play Unreal Tournament 5. Tips And Techniques 6. Weapon Guide 7. Item Guide 8. Game Guide 9. Arena Guide 10. Credits ------------------------ 1. Copyright Information ------------------------ This FAQ was made for the Dreamcast game Unreal Tournament. All information in this FAQ is copyright Steven Sproat ( Nobody can alter, edited or sell this FAQ for any profit. You may put it on your site, only if you e-mail me first. Any websites that violate these terms will face proper legal action. I will ask you to remove it first, and then I'll take legal action. This FAQ is unofficial and is not affiliated with any company. Oh, and this is my first FAQ by the way, so if anyone has any tips, feel free to e-mail me! Right, with that out of the way, lets get on with the FAQ! ---------- 2. History ---------- 04 Feb, 2002 >Started making this FAQ >Added some more tips 05 Feb, 2002 >Started weapons 06 Feb, 2002 >Finish weapons 07 Feb, 2002 >Started items >Finished items >Started arena guide 08 Feb, 2002 >Added game guide >Finished game guide >Finished arena guide >Finished FAQ, may be future updates 21 March, 2002 >Added some more notes and added contributers --------------- 3. Introduction --------------- Unreal Tournament is the Dreamcast's best FPS (First Person Shooter). Instead of being the usual go-through-the-levels-blastng-the-hell-outta-people-until-you-reach-the-end-of -the-level type game, Unreal is set with you battling against computer 'bots' in arenas, and to win, you must frag (kill) the other bots a certain amount of times. The game has many different modes, like: Deathmatch : Straight forward battle, first to a certain amount of kills wins. Domination : This is a team-based game. You and a certain amount of computer bots must control certain 'points' scattered around the arenas, you earn more points (score) if you own more 'points' - first team to a certain score wins. Capture The Flag: Another team-based game. In this, you have a base and the computer team has a base. You must invade the computer's base, and steal their flag, then return it to your base. However, you cannot return their flag if the computer has it, therefore you must get it off them if they manage to steal it! Challenge: This is a straightforward one-on-one deathmatch. You versus the computer. The arenas here are large for a one on one, so they can get a bit frustrating searching around for your opponent. There's tutorials on how to play each type of game, in-game (providing you've unlocked them, of course) ---------------------------------- 4. How To Play Unreal Tournament ---------------------------------- Playing Unreal Tournament is very simple. You can play with either the Dreamcast controller or a keyboard and mouse combination. I have yet to play with the keyboard and mouse, although I've heard that it improves your game and makes it easier to aim. You can change the defauly keyboard and controller button configurations, although the default controls arethese: Analog Stick: Move character around Double press of analog left or right: Dodges to that direction Up on D-pad: Secondary fire Left/Right on D-pad: Change weapons Down on D-pad: Changes to face your nearest enemy A button: Aim down B button: Strafe right Y button: Aim up X button: Strafe left R Trigger: Primary Fire L Trigger: Jump Start button: Pauses game, allows you to control team bots The basic Unreal Tournaments motivation is to move around and kill anything that moves! There are advanced techniques to be learnt, but let's just stick to the basics for now. You start out with a Impact Hammer and a Enforcer, but you move around and pick up weapons. Then, you'll see an enemy running around. Press the primary fire button rapidly to shoot him (with everything except the Impact Hammer - which sucks). It's really easy to play, and that's the beauty of Unreal Tournament, it's so easy and fun to play. Also, if you check in the options menu from the main screen, there should be an option of auto-aim. Although this is only available whilst using thecontroller, it will make you life a lot easier in the world of Unreal.I suggest that you turn that on, along with the dodging feature. You can also pick up weapons from dead enemies. ----------------------- 5. Tips And Techniques ----------------------- The basic rule of Unreal Tournament is to keep moving. A moving target is much harder to hit than a stationary one. Jump around. The computer bots will find it much harder to hit you. Turn on auto-aim and the dodging options (mentioned above). Learn all the maps well. Learn to use both functions of weapons, although it's hard to press up in amongst all the fury that's going on. A good example of this is with the Shock Rifle. If you shoot the second function, it will release a rather slow but powerfull ball of energy, but then if you shoot that with the primary function of the Shock Rifle, it will cause the ball to explode, causing even more damage! When playing Domination or Capture The Flag, make good use of the bot command function (start). You could have your teamates attack the enemies' base in Capture The Flag, while you defend the base, or the other way around. You could assign each of the team members to defend a certain point in Domination, while you go around attacking the enemy, making sure they don't attack your base. Some weapons, like the rocket launcher can hurt the enemy even if you miss them, by shooting some 'spread damage' as I call it. Make good use of this by making sure that if you can't hit an enemy for certain, that you try and hit a wall near them or something. But, if you stupidly shoot the floor underneath you, the splash damage will hurt you, so be careful! It is possible to get killing sprees. These can be achieved by killing 5 enemies in the row, without getting killed yourself. When you get 5, it's a Killing Spree, then 10 is a Rampage, 15 is Unstoppable,and so on. Try and see how far you can get! You can also get multi kills, by taking out an nemy, then another up to 3 seconds later. It goes like this 1 > Nothing 2 (within 3 seconds) > Double Kill > 3 (within 3 seconds of the Double Kill) > Multi Kill. 4 (within 3 seconds of the Multi Kill) > Ultra Kill 5 (within 3 seconds of the Ultra Kill) > Monster Kill. If you are a skilled player, you can kill using headshots, either by the Sniper Rifle or Ripper. Using the Sniper Rifle, you can zoom in and shoot your opponent in the head (fun) and sometimes if you're lucky you can manage it with the Ripper. These features are especially cool in the Sniper Rifle as you see your opponent being beheaded, with giblets flying everywhere :) ----------------- 6. Weapon Guide ----------------- When you pick up a new weapon, it automatically selects the most powerful one in your inventory (unless you've turned this feature off in the options menu). The order is as followed, from highest to lowest: Redeemer Rocket Launcher Flak Cannon Sniper Rifle Minigun Ripper Pulse Gun Shock Rifle GES BioRifle Enforcer / Double Enforcer Impact Hammer Chainsaw Translocator For example, if you have a Enforcer, and pick up the Rocket Launcher, it will select the rocket launcher. However, if you went back and selected the Enforcer, then picked up another weapon, the game realizes that you want the Enforcer and keeps it on that, instead of switching to that weapon. Here is a guide to all the weapons available, with description in Unreal Tournament: a) Impact Hammer Primary Fire: Hold fire button, automatically releases when someone is touched Secondary Fire: Can be used to deflect shots if the timing's right Ammo: None Combo Fire: Aim and floor and release to jump high --- This is the first of your 2 starting weapons. In my view, it's pretty useless, as you cannot shoot from far away, it can only be used close up. Also, when used close up, you're likely to get straight away by your enemy, and it's very unaccurate. Avoid at all costs. b) Enforcer Primary Fire: Normal firing rate Secondary Fire: Shot on side, rapid shots Ammo: Standard Bullets Combo Fire: Can hold 2 pistols and shoot 2 at a time --- This is a pistol. It has a pretty fast shooting rate, and is quite accurate. The secondary fire is less accurate than the normal fire. You can hold 2 pistols at once, meaning you can shoot both :) This is very fun, and is also quite a fast way of disposing your enemy. I love this gun, you should learn to as well :P c) Shock Rifle Primary Fire: Energy blast Secondary Fire: Slower energy blast Ammo: Shock Core Combo Fire: Shoot secondary fire, then shoot that blast with the primary fire; gives a more powerful explosion --- A rifle that shoots out balls of energy. This rifle is best used whilst using the combo fire, as this can be very powerful. I don't use this weapon very much, I tend to hunt around to find other weapons, as this isn't as powerful as I like my weapons to be :) Use it as a last resort. d) Ripper Primary fire: Shoots out bouncing blades Secondary fire: Exploding non-bouncing blades Ammo: Razor Blades --- The primary fire shoots out spinning blades, that can be effectivley used to bounce around corners. The make corner shots very easy, and very cool too :) The secondary fire shoots exploding blades, that explode on impact against any surface. Be careful whilst shooting the bouncing blades though, as they might come back and kill you! Also, headshots are possible withthis weapon :) e) Rocket Launcher Primary Fire: Launches little rockets, that explode on impact Secondary Fire: Launches little grenades that explode after a few seconds Ammo: Rockets Combo Fire: Hold down primary fire button to build up to 6 rockets that shoot at once --- The Rocket Launcher is one of my favourite Unreal Tournament weapons. The reason over this is that it's very easy and fun to use. You could kill someone in a single hit with this weapon. It shoots off it's rockets fast, and is the perfect killing weapon. I don't use the secondary fire at all, as I can't be bothered to take my finger off the fire button to press the secondary one :P Anyway, this is one on my best and mostly used weapon, so use it with all your might :) f) Flak Cannon Primary Fire: Shoots chunks of hot shrapnel Secondary Fire: Shoots a shrapnel grenage that explodes on impact Ammo: Flak Shells --- This weapon is very good for close combat, as it can kill almost instantly. The secondary fired grenade is very usefull for shooting at targets below you, and can be allright for long-range combat. Use this wisley, as it's hard to get carried away and keep on pummelling the fire button, as you'll find yourself with no ammo! g) BioRifle Primary Fire: Shoots toxic sludge Secondary Fire: Hold and release to shoot a larger piece of toxic sludge that bursts into multiple sludges upon impact Ammo: Tarydium BioSludge --- This is very useful for protecting your bases. As the sludge can stick to walls, you can cover corridors in the sludge, killing anyone that walks through. The secondary fire is good, too. Don't use this weapon much, but it's usefull whenever I need it, mostly in Capture The Flag games. h) Sniper Rifle Primary Fire: Shoots a bullet Secondary Fire: Zoom in Ammo: High-powered bullets --- This is one of the most useful weapons in Unreal Tournament. It is the weapon of choice for long-range attackers, thanks to the zoom function. Although it's hard to use the zoom properly using the Dreamcast controller, I've played it on the PC and it was easy, and superb. My advice is to get a mouse and keyboard if you plan to zoom around and sniper properly. Anyway...the Sniper Rifle is an awesome weapon thanks to it's incredible reach. My advice is to kill you opponent with a headshot, as it kills in one hit. Practice makes perfect, so go practice. i) Minigun Primary Fire: Normal firing rate Secondary Fire: Faster firing rate Ammo: Standard Bullets --- Ooooh baby! Now this weapon is fun! And it's also a fast killing machine! This is really a useful weapon, which can kill enemies fast. It can be used effectively long range or close range. Just, pure fun. I love this weapon, only the problem is that it eats ammo like sister :P j) Redeemer Primary Fire: Launches mini nuclear warhead Secondary Fire: Launches and guides a mini nuclear warhead Ammo: Nuclear Missile --- Hmm. This is quite a rare weapon. It is huge, and as it's so powerful, it can only fire 1 shot. But, make sure you use this weapon effectivley, as it's the most powerful weapon in the game, and has a HUGE blast radius. Often, people shooting this weapon kill themselves :P k) Pulse Gun Primary Fire: Shoot rapid plasma energy blasts Secondary Fire: A beam of pulse gets shot Ammo: Pulse Cells --- This gun fires green plasma bolts, that are pretty powerful. The second fire of the beam is cool, as you can hit multiple enemies with it. I don't use it much, but it's not bad, overall. l) Chainsaw Primary Fire: Forward Thrust Secondary Fire: Side-to-side sweep Ammo: None --- The Chainsaw is a close-combat melee weapon. It's primary fire sticks your chainsaw into your opponent's gut, eating their health faster than the Minigun. Alt fire swings the Chainsaw from left to right. Although this does leave you vulnerable for a few seconds, it does a lot of damage and if you're accurate, you can lob your opponents head off. -------------- 7. Item Guide -------------- Translocator --- This item is only available in Capture The Flag and Domination. It allows you to shoot the translocator with the primary fire button, then warp to that point with the second fire. If you throw it close enough to your enemy then teleport there, you can telefrag him: killing by teleporting. In Capture The Flag games, teleporting whilst you have the flag will make you drop the flag. Health Pack --- Gives back 20 points of health, up to a maximum of 100 Big Keg O' Health --- This gives you 100 points of health, up a maximum of 199 Health Vial --- Eac vial gives you 5 points of health, up yo a maximum of 199 Thigh Pads --- Gives you 50 armour points Body Armour --- Gives you 100 armour points Shield Belt --- Gives you 150 armour points Damage Amplifier --- Dramatically increases the power of all weapons. Lasts for 30 seconds and makes your weapons glow purple. Invisibility --- Makes you practically invisible for a short period of time Anti Gravity Boots --- Allows you to jump very high. Gives you 3 super jumps. Good for jumping over the walls in the Face levels in Capture The Flag Scuba Gear --- This is featured in the PC version of Unreal Tournament and allows you to breathe underwater. I haven't found one in the Dreamcast version though. -------------- 8. Game Guide -------------- Here, I will name all the levels you will play in the Tournament feature of Unreal Tournament. I played this first in novice mode, and haven't played any other difficulties, but I think they'd be the same about of frags and enemies, etc... If you know of any that are different, please e-mail me at . I've not included the tutorial levels, as I don't think they're really that useful. *DEATHMATCH* Oblivion - 1 enemy - 15 frags Stalwart - 2 enemies - 20 frags Halberd - 3 enemies - 20 frags Healpod - 4 enemies - 20 frags Nebula - 3 enemies - 20 frags Codex - 3 enemies - 20 frags Pressure - 4 enemies - 25 frags Deck16 - 3 enemies - 25 frags Curse - 4 enemies - 25 frags Liandri - 3 enemies - 25 frags Barricade - 4 enemies - 25 frags Agony - 5 enemies - 25 frags *DOMINATION* Condemned - Team Size: 3 - 100 points required Osiris - Team Size: 3 - 100 points required Coagulate - Team Size: 3 - 125 points required Ghardhen - Team Size: 4 - 125 points required Lament - Team Size: 4 - 125 points required Cinder - Team Size: 4 - 150 points required Gearbolt - Team Size: 4 - 150 points required Oldern - Team Size: 4 - 175 points required *CAPTURE THE FLAG* Sepuichre - Team Size: 2 - 3 flags required Niven - Team Size: 3 - 3 flags required Face - Team Size: 3 - 3 flags required EternalCave - Team Size: 4 - 3 flags required Sundial - Team Size: 3 - 3 flags required Coret - Team Size: 4 - 3 flags required Gauntlet - Team Size: 4 - 3 flags required Face2 - Team Size: 3 - 3 flags required Dreary - Team Size: 4 - 3 flags required Command - Team Size: 4 - 3 flags required LavaGiant - Team Size: 4 - 3 flags required *CHALLENGE* Phobos - 15 frags, one on one combat VS Damien Flux - 15 frags, one on one combat VS Rampage Malevolance - 15 frags, one on one combat VS Dominator Hyperblast - 15 frags, one on one combat VS Xah --------------- 9. Arena Guide --------------- *DEATHMATCH* Name | Max Bots | Max Players Splitscreen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Agony | 6 | 3 Babylon | 4 | 3 Barricade | 8 | 4 Blockparty | 6 | 3 Brickyard | 6 | 3 Canyonfear | 4 | 3 Codex | 8 | 4 ColdSteelPressure | 4 | 4 Core | 4 | 3 Curse | 8 | 3 Damnation | 4 | 4 Deck16 | 6 | 4 Depot | 4 | 3 Dust | 4 | 3 Flux | 4 | 3 Gearbox | 4 | 3 Girder | 4 | 3 Google | 4 | 2 Halberd | 6 | 3 Healpod | 6 | 4 Hyperblast | 6 | 4 Industrial | 6 | 4 Infernal | 4 | 3 Instinct | 4 | 3 Liandri | 6 | 4 Loathing | 4 | 4 Malevolence | 8 | 3 Megaplex | 6 | 3 Morbias | 4 | 2 Nebula | 6 | 3 Neotokyo | 4 | 3 Oblivion | 4 | 2 Outskirts | 6 | 3 Paladin | 4 | 4 Pantheon | 6 | 3 Phobos | 5 | 3 Pressure | 8 | 4 Sector9 | 4 | 4 Singularity | 6 | 4 Sorayama | 6 | 4 SpaceNoxx | 4 | 4 Stalwart | 6 | 3 StalwartXL | 8 | 4 Station Control | 4 | 4 Underlord | 4 | 3 *CAPTURE THE FLAG* Name | Max Bots | Max Players Splitscreen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | Command | 8 | 4 Coret | 8 | 4 Dreary | 8 | 3 EternalCave | 8 | 4 Face | 6 | 4 Face2 | 6 | 2 Gauntlet | 8 | 2 LavaGiant | 8 | 4 Niven | 8 | 2 Phalanx | 6 | 4 Sepulchre | 6 | 4 Spirito | 6 | 4 Stormfront | 6 | 4 Sundial | 6 | 4 *DOMINATION* Name | Max Bots | Max Players Splitscreen ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Cinder | 8 | 3 Coagulate | 6 | 4 Condemned | 6 | 3 Gearbolt | 8 | 2 Ghardhen | 8 | 4 Hood | 4 | 4 Lament | 6 | 4 Olden | 8 | 2 Osiris | 6 | 4 ** NOTE ** I've had several e-mails stating that you can't play certain maps in multiplayer. I will try and find a list of these after I unlock the levels again, as somehow Unreal Tournament won't load the game off my memory card, even though the file is there. ------------ 10. Credits ------------ Not many yet, but... Me: Making this FAQ Infogrames: Making this awesome game! Metallica: Providing me with music from my PC to entertain me whilst writing Liam Jolly ( - Gave me information on the chainsaw Chris ( - The first person to tell me about the multiplayer arena support thing. - Also told me about the multiplayer arena support. Any questions/comments/suggestions/tips/spelling errors should be e-mailed to This FAQ is only to appear on GameFaqs, or my website when it's done In conclusion, I hope that I have taught you something about this game. Good luck, and keep on fraggin'!