***************************************** * * * * * * * WWF Attitude FAQ * * For Nintendo 64 and Dreamcast * * Revision 3.2 * * By Gruel * * dkulas@hotmail.com * * * * * * * ***************************************** Version History ---Version 3.2---(November 23, 1999) Touched up on info on career mode. Adjusted some stuff on tv schedule. Didn't play Dreamcast version of Attitude yet, DC controls will be up eventually. ---Version 3.1---(September 4, 1999) Added Game Shark Codes. ---Version 3.0---(August 17, 1999) I am just gonna assume that the cheats in the PSX version of Attitude will be the same for the N64 and Dreamcast versions. So I put the PSX codes in the cheat section. I'll work out all the kinks once the N64 and PSX versions are released. ---Version 2.9---(August 16, 1999) Fixed most of the spelling bugs. Fixed spelling errors and updated title histories on wrestlers profiles section for the last time. I just reserved my copy of Attitude for Dreamcast. It turned out that N64 Attitude won't come out until September 1 and the Dreamcast Attitude will come out October 15. So in October expect this to be a FAQ for the N64 and Dreamcast versions of Attitude. Codes will pop up soon for N64 within a couple of weeks. ---Version 2.8---(August 5, 1999) Fixed some of the missing heights and weights and where they're from in the wrestlers profiles section.(Thanks to Brandon Williams) ---Version 2.7---(July 27, 1999) I just got an e-mail from a N64 mag editor from the UK and he said a lot of the cheats and finishers I posted were bogus. I just want to let you know I got these finishers off the net and that doesn't mean they will work. I PROMISE to get the actual finisher combos and cheats for the wrestlers at LEAST a week after the N64 version of Attitude is released. Sorry about the mixup. ---Version 2.6---(July 29, 1999) Right after I submitted version 1.6 I went to about.com guide to video game strategies wher I gave permission to use my FAQ and I saw the finisher's for all the wrestlers! So I cutted out all the finishers I got from Gamepro.com and used their's instead. Their button combo system is just like mine except that instead of the button(i.e. A, B, Left C, etc.) they say the action(Punch, tieup, etc.) I also got a whole lotta cheats from them too. ---Version 1.6---(July 29, 1999) Added release dates for the N64 and PSX versions for Attitude. I've been getting e-mails that the combos I put for the finishers don't match up to Gamepro.com, that's because for the directions Gamepro.com used North, East, South, and West. And knowing how some friends of mine get East and West mixed up I replace North for Up, South for Down, East for Right, and West for Left. And instead of listing the wrestling action you use to execute a move I just used the default button assigned to that action.(i.e. if gamepro.com listed to do a piledriver as North, West, Punch, I would list it as Up, Left, B) I hope this clears up any confusion. ---Version 1.5---(July 29, 1999) Added Finisher Combos for Austin, The Rock, Mankind, Edge, D-Lo Brown, Kane, Val Venis, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, & X-Pac. Courtesy of gamepro.com Added controls also courtesy of Gamepro.com ---Version 1.0---(July 28, 1999) First Release, Everything New FAQ Contents I. Introduction II. Game Modes III. Create-a-Wrestler IV. Career Mode V. Create-a-PPV VI. Match Modifier VII. Controls VIII. Finisher's Quick Reference IX. Cheats, Tips, & Tricks X. Game Shark Codes XI. Wrestler's Profiles XII. WWF TV Schedule XIII. Credits I. Introduction II. Game Modes(* = New mode that wasn't in Warzone for N64) ---Versus--- This is your regular one-on-one matchup. Each players selects a wrestler and sets the rules and dukes it out. ---Tag Team--- Your regular 2-on-2 matchup with one person from each team in the ring and getting your partner in with the tag. ---Tornado--- This is a tag match with all 4 men in the ring and you have to win by eliminating both members of a team. ---One-on-Two*--- Just like a handicap match, but with all players in the ring. ---One-on-Three*--- This is the mode for experts only. You better have the guts to take on three guys in the ring at the same time. ---Lumberjack*--- A regulat one-on-one match, but with two computer players outside the ring to beat the crap out of you once you get thrown out. ---Gauntlet--- One man takes on a team of 4 wrestlers, one-by-one until they all are eliminated. ---Tag Gauntlet*--- One tag team takes on 4 tag teams, one-by-one until all teams are eliminated. ---Survivor Series*--- A 4-on-4 elimination match with tag team rules. ---Royal Rumble--- A 30-man over the top-rope elimination battle royal. ---Battle Royal*--- Just like Royal Rumble where you have to throw your opponents over the top rope, but with only has 4 wrestlers in total that you start out with. ---War--- A 4 person free-for-all where you can eliminate others by pin or submission. ---Stable Match*--- This is exactly like War mode, but each wrestler is a member of a 4-man team. Once a member of a team is eliminated a new one will come in until all members of a team are gone. ---Triple Threat*--- Just like War mode, but with 3 wrestlers in the ring. ---Triangle*--- Just like Triple Threat mode, but the match ends after only one wrestler is gone after administring your wrestler's elimination move. ---King of the Ring*--- This mode is an 8-man tournament based on the WWF June spectacular. III. Create-a-Wrestler Create-a-Wrestler is back and is better than ever! Here's a look at what you can customize. I hope to include a Create-a-Wrestler in this FAQ once the game comes out. Remember in Warzone's Create-a-Wrestler where if you choose to customize the head, all you can do is pick from a hairstyle, skin color, choose an accesorie, and about 5 facial layouts. Well, now when you choose head you can customize the Hair, Eyes, Nose, Mouth, Beard, Mask, plus accessories. And besides just picking a moveset of a wrestlerlike you did in Warzone, you can also pick how much damage each move does. Their is also many ways you can choose your wrestling personality by choosing you entrance music, run-in partner, fighting style and much more!! Their is also 6 categories to distribute your attribute points into which are: Strength, Toughness, Recovery, Speed, Mat Skills, and Charisma. IV. Career Mode Start as a lowly jobber starting on non televised house shows, being luck enough to make appearences on Shotgun Saturday Night. After winning 20 battles you're finall number 1 contender for the European title and are making appearences on Heat and RAWs as well. You finally win the title at the PPV, and go on to succesfully defend the title 5 times. Then you're in the rankings for the IC belt. You beat 15 competitors to become number one contender, and win the belt at the next PPV. By this time you're too good to make appearences on House Shows or Shotguns and don't even have bother showing up for those broadcasts anymore. Defend the belt 5 more times and you're in the rankings for the World belt. Defeat the 10 contenders and get a shot for the belt at the next PPV. Once you win it, you get a box on your calendar, saying "(Wrestler's Name Here) has won the World Championship! Congradulations!" And that's it! You also have the option of playing career mode in tag team style format going through many different types of tag matches like Tornadoes and Gauntlets. After 20 battles you finally win the championship! V. Create-a-PPV This is a very unique option in Attitude. You get to name the event. Pick all the matchups you want for it. You also get to edit the stadium you're gonna wrestle in by editing the arena lights, entrance color, ring apron, side curtains, Pad Color, Post Color, Post Color, Rope Color, Stage Apron, Entrance Sign, and Scaffold Banner. VI. Match Modifier Before every match you can make your own stipulations with the match modifier in Attitude. For options you turn the intros on or off, turn TKO's on or off, Set a time limit, Pick an arena, and pick a way you want to win a match. Here are the options that you can choose to win by: Iron Man Match: Most wins in a certain amount of time Cage Match: First person to get out of the cage wins Weapons: Play with weapons anywhere and not get DQ'd I Quit Match: Win by making your opponent say "I quit" First Blood: Wrestler who bleeds first loses Finisher Only: Wrestler who executes his finisher first, wins. Falls 2 out of 3: Whoever gets 2 falls first, wins. None: Have none of the stipulations above on and play the match as it would be. VII. Controls N64 Controls L Button: Sidestep Left R button: Sidestep Right A: Kick B: Punch Bottom C: Block Right C: Run Left C: Tie Up Top C: Climb in/out of ring, climb top rope Dreamcast Controls(Coming in October) VIII. Finisher's Quick Reference Sheet All finisher's combos come from About.com guide to video game strategies) Now just because these moves are on the 'net doesn't necessarily means it's true, of course Acclaim can change the finisher combos once the game is released. I plan to get 100% accurate finisher combos once the N64 version on Attitude is released. Please note Trademark moves can only be done if your opponent's health meter is in yellow or red, and the finisher can only be done when it's in red. All directions for moves are when your opponent is to the right to you. If a move listed doesn't work please e-mail me and I'll fix it. Al Snow Snow Plow (finisher): Left, Down, Punch Status: Tie-up Underhook Headbutts (trademark): Left, Tie-Up Status: Tie-up Bad Ass Billy Gunn Fame Asser (finisher): Right, Left, Down, Punch Status: Opponent standing Ass kisser (trademark): Up, Up, Kick Status: Opponent stunned in corner Big Bossman Bossman Slam (finisher): Kick Status: Opponent running Sidewalk Slam (trademark): Left, Up, Kick Status: Standing Bradshaw Fallaway Slam (finisher): Left, Down, Tie-Up Status: Standing Powerbomb (trademark): Up, Down, Kick Status: Tied-Up Christian The Impaler (finisher): Up, Down, Up, Tie-Up Status: Standing Falling Reverse DDT (trademark): Left, Right, Kick Status: Standing Chyna Pedigree (finisher): Left, Down, Kick Status: Standing Chyna Downstairs (trademark): Left, Kick Status: Behind opponent Dlo Lo Down (finisher): Tie-up + Block Status: Opponent stunned on ground while you are on top rope Sky High (trademark): Up, Down, Kick Status: Facing opponent Dr. Death Oklahoma Stampede (finisher):Up, Down, Kick Status: Standing Dr. Bomb (trademark): Up, Down, Up, Tie-Up Status: Standing Droz New Jersey Naptime (finisher): Left, Right, Punch Status: Tied-up Double Underhook Suplex (trademark): Left, Down, Tie-Up Edge Downward spiral (finisher): Up, Down, Kick Status: Facing opponent. Dragon Suplex (trademark): Right, Down, Punch, or Right, Up, Punch Status: In back of opponent Farooq Dominater (finisher): Left, Right, Down, Tie-Up Status: Standing Spine Buster (trademark): Up, Down, Tie-Up Status: Standing Gangrel Implant DDT (finisher): Up, Down, Kick Status: Standing Floatover Vertical Suplex (trademark): Left, Tie-Up Status: Standing Godfather Pimp Drop (finisher): Left, Right, Down, Punch Status: Standing HO! Train (trademark):Left, Down, Kick Status: Standing Goldust Curtain Call (finisher): Left, Down, Tie-up Status: Behind opponent Shattered Dreams (trademark): Up, Up, Punch Status: Opponent in corner facing Head Running Powerslam (finisher):Up, Down, Tie-Up Status: Tied up Reverse Brainbuster (trademark): Up, Down, Tie-Up Status: Behind opponent HHH Pedigree (finisher): Left, Down, Left, Kick Status: Opponent ready Knee To Face (trademark): Left, Down, Kick Status: Standing Jacqueline Kamikazi Headbutt (finisher): Punch + Tie-Up Status: On turnbuckle with opponent down Figure 4 Leglock (trademark): Left, Right, Up, Kick Status: At feet of opponent Jeff Jarret Figure 4 Leglock (finisher): Left, Right, Down, Kick Status: At feet of opponent Front Russian Legsweep (trademark): Left, Punch Status: Standing Jerry Lawler Piledriver (finisher): Left, Up, Punch Status: Standing Big Head Punch (trademark): Left, Right, Kick Status: Standing Kane Tombstone Piledriver (finisher): Left, Up, Left, Tie-up Status: Opponent ready Choke Slam (trademark): Up, Up, Up, Punch Status: Opponent ready Choke Slam: Left, Up, Left, Punch Status: Tie-up Ken Shamrock Ankle Lock (finisher): Left, Left, Kick Status: Ground hold by feet High Angle Suplex (trademark): Left, Up, Tie-Up Status: Standing Kurrgan Kurrgan Shuffle (finisher): Up, Down, Punch Status: Standing One Handed Chokeslam (trademark): Left, Right, Up, Punch Status: Standing Mankind Mandible Claw (finisher): Left, Left, Down, Punch Status: Tie-up Double arm DDT (trademark): Right, Left, Down, Punch Status: Facing opponent Mark Henry Death From Above (finisher): Left, Right, Up, Tie-Up Status: Near downed opponent Gorilla Press Slam (trademark): Up, Down, Up, Punch Status: Standing Mark Mero TKO (finisher): Left, Right, Left, Tie-Up Status: Standing Mero Salt (trademark): Kick + Block Status: On turnbuckle, opponent down Mosh Mosh Pit (finisher): Kick + Punch Status: On turnbuckle, opponent down Running Butt Bump (trademark): Kick Status: Running at opponent in corner Owen Hart Sharpshooter (finisher): Left, Up, Left, Kick Status: At feet of opponent Enziguri (trademark):Up, Down, Kick Status: Standing Paul Bearer Buffetbuster (finisher): Tie-Up + Block Status: On turnbuckle, opponent unknown Bearhug (trademark): Left, Right, Punch Status: Standing Road Dogg Stretch Armstrong (finisher): Right, Left, Kick Status: Back of opponent, like the curtain call Crazy knee drop (trademark): Right, Left, Tie-up Status: Opponent stunned on ground The Rock Rock Bottom (finisher): Left, Left, Down, Punch Status: Opponent ready Rock Bottom: Left, Left, Up, Punch Status: Tie-up Corporate/Peoples Elbow (trademark): Punch Status: Running, opponent on the ground. People's Elbow (trademark): Left, Right, Right, Left, Down, Punch Status: Opponent stunned on ground Sable Sablebomb (finisher): Up, Down, Kick Status: Tied up Sablecanrana (trademark): Up, Down, Kick Status: Opponent in corner Sgt. Slaughter Cobra Clutch (finisher): Left, Tie-Up Status: Behind opponent Piledriver (trademark): Up, Down, Punch Status: Tied up Shawn Michaels Sweet Chin Music (finisher): Left, Right, Kick Status: Standing Hurricanrana (trademark): Up Down, Tie-Up Status: Standing Steve Austin Stone Cold Stunner (finisher): Left, Up, Left, Kick Status: Tie-up or Opponent ready Vertical Body Press (trademark): Tie-up Status: Running Piledriver: Right, Left, Down, Tie-up Status: Tie-up Steve Blackman Pump Kick (finisher): Left, Down, Tie-Up Status: Standing 4 Kick Combo (trademark): Up, Up, Tie-Up Status: Opponent in corner Taka Michinoku Michinoku Driver (finisher): Left, Right, Down, Punch Status: Standing Swinging DDT (trademark):Up, Down, Kick Status: Opponent in corner Thrasher Stage Dive (finisher): Kick + Punch Status: On turbuckle, opponent down Running Butt Bump (trademark): Kick Status: Running at opponent in corner Too Sexy Tennesee Jam (finisher): Block + Tie-Up Status: On turnbuckle, opponent unknown Front Russian Leg Sweep (trademark): Left, Punch Status: Behind opponent Undertaker Tombstone Piledriver (finisher): Left, Down, Punch Status: Opponent ready Chokeslam (trademark): Left, Left, Up, Punch Status: Tie-up Val Venis Money Shot (finisher): Left, Left, Up, Tie-up Status: On turnbuckle, opponent on floor: Money shot: Kick, Punch Status: Opponent stunned on ground while you are on top rope Pornplex (trademark): Right, Punch Status: Tie-up X-pac X-Factor (finisher): Up, Down, Punch Status: Standing up, facing opponent's stomach Bronco Buster (trademark): Up, Down, Punch Status: Opponent stunned in the corner IX. Cheats, Tips, & Tricks(Thanks to Gamesages.com and Cheatcc.com) Hidden Wrestlers and Modes(E=Easy, N=Normal, H=Hard) Note: These are the PSX codes for the game and I don't own a PSX and therefore don't e-mail me if any of these codes work or not. Name How to get him Shawn Michaels In Career Win Summerslam PPV on E,N,H with anyone Chyna In Career Win Survivor Series PPV on E,N,H with anyone Head In Career Win Championship Belt on E,N,H with anyone Jerry"The King"Lawler In Career Win Royal Rumble PPV on E,N,H with anyone Marc Mero In Career Win European Belt on E,N,H with anyone Paul Bearer In Career Win Royal Rumble PPV on E,N,H with anyone Sable In Career Win European Belt on E,N,H with anyone Sgt. Slaughter In Career Win Summerslam PPV on E,N,H with anyone Jacqueline In Career Win Survivor Series PPV on E,N,H with anyone Trainer In Career Win European Belt on E,N,H with anyone Taka Michinoku In Career Win King of the Ring PPV on E,N,H with anyone Kuurgan In Career win King of the Ring PPV on E,N,H with anyone Extra Clothing In Career win European belt on E,N,H with anyone Big Head In Career win Intercontinental belt on E,N,H with anyone Squeaky Mode In Career win European belt on E,N,H with anyone Ego Mode In Career win Championship belt on E,N,H with anyone Beep Mode(Profanity) In Career win Championship belt on E,N,H with anyone Extra Attributes In Career win Intercontinental belt on E,N,H with anyone X. Game Shark Codes Creation Attributes Max Strength 8014E3E8 000A Max Toughness 8014E3E9 000A Max Speed 8014E3EA 000A Max Recovery 8014E3EB 000A Max Charisma 8014E3EC 000A Max Mat Skills 8014E3ED 000A Endlsess Points 80161313 0000 0% in Move List 81135620 0000 XI. Wrestler's Profiles(as of August 16, 1999) I divided the wrestlers into 5 groups: The Main Eventers, The Mid- Carders, Low Card/Jobbers, Women, and Officials/Managers The Main Eventers Name: "Stone Cold" Steve Austin Height: 6'2" Weight: 252 pounds From: Victoria, Texas Finisher: Stone Cold Stunner WWF Titles Held: World Title(4), Tag Title(3) with Shawn Michaels, Dude Love, & Undertaker, Intercontinental Title(2) Name: The Undertaker Height: 6'10" Weight: 328 pounds From: Death Valley Finisher: Tombstone Piledriver WWF Titles Held: World Title(3), Tag Title with Steve Austin Name: Hunter Hearst Helmsley Height: 6'4" Weight: 246 Pounds From: Greenwich, Conneticuit Finisher: The Pedigree WWF Titles Held: Intercontinental Title(2), European Title(2) Name: Kane Height: 7' Weight: 326 pounds From: ??? Finisher: Tombstone Piledriver WWF Titles Held: World Title, Tag Title(4) with Mankind(2), & X-Pac(2) Name: Mankind Height: 6'2" Weight: 287 pounds From: The Boiler Room Finisher: The Mandible Claw WWF Titles Held: Tag Title(4) with Steve Austin, Terry Funk, & Kane(2), Hardcore Title, World Title(2) Name: "The Rock" Rocky Maivia Height: 6'5" Weight: 275 pounds From: Miami, Florida Finisher: The Rock Bottom WWF Titles Held: Intercontinental Title(2), World Title(3) The Mid-Carders Name: Owen Hart Height: 5'11" Weight: 229 lbs. From: Calgary, Alberta, Canada Finisher: The Sharpshooter WWF Titles held: European Title, Intercontinental Title(2), Tag Title(3) with Yokozuna, British Bulldog, and Jeff Jarrett Name: Ken Shamrock Height: 6'1" Weight: 235 pounds From: Sacremonto, California Finisher: The Ankle-Lock Submission WWF Titles Held: Intercontinental Title, Tag Title with Big Boss Man Name: X-Pac Height: 6' Weight: 222 pounds From: Minneapolis, Minnesota Finisher: X-Factor WWF Titles Held: European Title(2), Tag Title(4) with Marty Jannetty, Bob Holly, & Kane(4) Name: "Road Dogg" Jesse James Height: 6'2" Weight: 236 pounds From: Nashville, Tennessee Finisher: Pump Handle Slam WWF Titles Held: Tag Title(3) with Billy Gunn(3), Hardcore Title, Intercontanental Title Name: "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn Height: 6'4" Weight: 270 pounds From: Austin, Texas Finisher: Fameasser WWF Titles Held: Tag Title(6) with Bart Gunn(3), & Road Dogg(3), Hardcore Title Name: Goldust Height: 6'6" From: Hollywood, California Finisher: Shattered Dreams WWF Titles Held: Intercontinental Title(2) Name: Val Venis Height: 6'4" Weight: 250 pounds From: Las Vegas, Nevada Finisher: The Money Shot WWF Titles Held: Intercontinental Title Name: Edge Height: 6'4" Weight: 240 pounds From: Toronto, Ontario Finisher: Downward Spiral WWF Titles Held: Intercontinental Title Name: The Big Boss Man Height: 6'6" Weight: 290 pounds From: Cobb County, Georgia Finisher: The Big Boss Man Slam WWF Titles Held: Hardcore Title(2), Tag Title with Ken Shamrock Name: Al Snow Height: 6'1" Weight: 234 pounds From: Lima, Ohio Finisher: The Snowplow WWF Titles Held: Hardcore Title Name: The Godfather Height: 6'6" Weight: 320 pounds From: Las Vegas, Nevada Finisher: The Pimp Drop WWF Titles Held: Intercontinental Title Name: Jeff Jarrett Height: 6'1" Weight: 230 pounds From: Nashville, Tennessee Finisher: Figure-Four Leglock Submission WWF Titles Held: Tag Title with Owen Hart, Intercontinental Title(4) Name: D-Lo Brown Height: Weight: 260 lbs. From: Bronx, NY Finisher: Lo-Down off Top Turnbuckle WWF Titles Held: European Title(3), Intercontinental Title Name: Bradshaw Height: 6'6" Weight: 295 lbs. From: Rosco, TX Finisher: Clothesline from Hell WWF Titles Held: Tag Title(2) with Faarooq(2) Name: Faarooq Height: 6'2" Weight: 260 lbs. From: Perry, GA Finisher: Dominator WWF Titles Held: Tag Title(2) with Bradshaw(2) Name: Mark Henry Height: 6'3" Weight: 450 lbs. From: Texas Finisher: Death from Above WWF Titles Held: None Name: "Lethal Weapon" Steve Blackman Height: 6'0" Weight: 240 lbs. From: Pennsylvania Finisher: Pump Kick WWF Titles Held: None Name: Droz Height: Weight: From: Mary's Landing, NJ Finisher: New Jersey Naptime WWF Titles Held: None Name: "Marvelous" Marc Mero Height: 6'0" Weight: 235 lbs. From: Buffalo, NY Finisher: The TKO WWF Titles Held: Intercontinental Title Name: "Dr. Death" Steve Williams Height: Weight: From: Norman, OK Finisher: Oklahoma Stampede WWF Titles Held: None Low Card/Jobbers Name: Taka Michinoku Height: 5'8" Weight: 206 pounds From: Iwate, Japan Finisher: The Michinoku Driver WWF Titles Held: Light Heavyweight Title Name: Gangrel Height: 6'2" Weight: 250 pounds From: Unknown Finisher: Implant DDT WWF Titles Held: None Name: Christian Height: Weight: 233 lbs. From: Toronto, Ontario, Canado Finisher: Gothic Face Drop WWF Titles Held: Light Heavyweight Title Name: Kuurgan Height: 7'0" Weight: From: Finisher: Bearhug Slam WWF Titles Held: None Name: Mosh Height: Weight: From: His own Private Hell Finisher: Moshpit off Top Turnbuckle WWF Titles Held: Tag Title with Thrasher Name: Thrasher Height: Weight: From: His own Private Hell Finisher: La Sillia WWF Titles Held: Tag Title with Mosh Name: "Too Sexy" Brian Christopher Height: Weight: From: Memphis, Tennessee Finisher: Tennessee Jam off Top Turnbuckle WWF Titles Held: None Women Name: Sable Height: Weight: From: Finisher: Powerbomb WWF Titles Held: Womens Title Name: Jacquelyn Height: Weight: From: Finisher: Kamikaze Headbutt WWF Titles Held: Womens Title Name: Chyna Height: Weight: From: Finisher: Groin Smash WWF Titles Held: None Backstage Official/Managers Name: Shawn Michaels Height: 6'0" Weight: 230 lbs. From: San Antonio, Texas Finisher: Sweet Chin Music WWF Titles Held: Tag Title(4) with Marty Jannetty, Diesel(2), and Steve Austin, Intercontinental Title(3), World Title(3), European Title Name: Jerry "The King" Lawler Height: Weight: From: Memphis, Tennessee Finisher: The Piledriver WWF Titles Held: None Name: Paul Bearer Height: Weight: From: Finisher: 450 Splash WWF Titles Held: None Name: Sgt. Slaughter Height: Weight: From: Finisher: Cobra Clutch WWF Titles Held: World Title XII. WWF US TV Schedule(All times are in Central US Time) Monday: RAW, USA Network, 8pm-10pm Thursday: Smackdown, UPN Network, 7pm-9pm Saturday: Livewire, USA Network, 9am-10am Saturday: WWF Jakked, Check Local Listings Saturday: WWF Metal, Check Local Listings Sunday: WWF Superstars, USA Network, 9am-10am Sunday: WWF Sunday Night Heat, USA Network, 6pm-7pm XIII. Credits WWF Attitude is developed by Acclaim Studios Austin(Formerly Iguana, Formerly Sculptured Software) and published by Acclaim WWF Attitude, World Wrestling Federation, and its logos are trademarks of Titan Sports Inc. Copywright 1999 Titan Sports, Inc. Gangrel created by White Wolf, Inc. All Rights Reserved This FAQ was made by "Gruel" Dale Kulas Copywright 1999 All other sites may use this FAQ on there site as long as they ask permission, give credit to me, Dale Kulas and with my e-mail adress, dkulas@hotmail.com Make sure to visit my site too, DX/NWO Wrestling http://dxnwowrestling.homepad.com Special Thanks to Nintendo Power Magaziene Gamepro.com About.com guide to video game strategies Martin Mathers(martinm@mail.paragon.co.uk) TkWarning5@aol.com Brandon Williams(bwill@cgocable.net) This FAQ can also be found at the following websites: http://vgstrategies.about.com(About.com guide to Video Game Strategies) http://www.xcheater.com(X-Cheater)