ANOTHER BIBLE CHARACTER FAQ ultimaflare99 This faq may only be found at version history 0.80 6/19/02 FAQ started. 0.85 6/20/02 Added entries for Esther and Sepia, added a few tech and magic entries INTRO This FAQ is intended to help you to evalute and choose which characters to use. But the most important function is to help you to find the characters, some whom are in hiding. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Humanoids II. Beasts III. Machines IV. Mashinju V. Things to finish VI. E-mail policy VII. Credits I. HUMANOIDS Hero This is the boy you named in the beginning of the game. For a main character, he's actually pretty bad. His only real saving grace is his Tech, which becomes useful towards the end of the game. Since he'll always be in battle, equip a joy coin on him to pump him up. magic: none tech: shining blade: attack that ignores defense. PP 5 how to get him: he's your main character, you start with him. Girl This is the girl you named in the beginning of the game. As a character, she's not that great either. You'll want to use her for healing and convincing beasts. Equip a joy coin on her also magic starts off with heal1 tech: convince: convinces beasts to join your party. how to get: TALK to her in the first battle Wylde Wylde has been a servant to Girl's family for a long time. He has a short range, but has greater HP growth and starts with more Pwr and Mgt. But due to his small movement range, will soon become obsolete. You'll want to use him early in the game, and to take on heavy hitters like Ogres. magic: none tech: Heavy Smash: Does double damage. PP 4 how to get him: talk to him in NABIA Hera Hera is a sorceress, who translates a tablet for you. She is a sorceress, which would be a good thing, if she didn't come during the beginning of the game, when physical attacks are the most effective. Like healers, it's abysmally hard to level her up so that she becomes useful. Equip a joy coin on her, and pump everything into mag, so she'll be able to take someone out. magic: starts off with wndbld Lv.3: absrb1 tech: none how to get her: talk to her in Jenun. Stras Stras is a thief, who forces himself into your group when he sees how powerful you are. Nevermind that you just slaughtered his whole gang. Stras is an average character, who has good range, but weaker Hp and Mgt than Wylde. Odds are, you'll use him until someone better comes along. magic: none tech: sneakystep: how to get him: he joins automatically after you defeat him in the hideout near Jenun Freon She's one of the founding members of the Resistance, who do nothing of value. Much like many resistance groups during WWII apparently. Anyway, she's a healer, and as such, is abysmally useless. She has a short range, making it unlikely that her healing skills will ever come into play. If you want to use her, stick a joy coin on her. magic: starts off with heal1 tech: You Okay?!: Boosts Freon's power how to get her: talk to her in Resistance village. Alta He's Girl's brother, who has been brainwashed by the Beast Cult. He's hands down one the best characters in this game. He starts with a significant stat advantage over your other characters, and has great range. He even has a bit of magic going on. magic: tech: Rival Power how to get him: During the fifth map: Desert's End, you'll have to face him. You can either have Girl TALK to him, or pound him until he comes to his senses. Rei She's a treasure hunter, who simply joins your party cause the monsters are too strong, and doesn't leave afterwards. Probably cause you're such a stud. She's weak on Mgt, and her range and power are only average. Odds are you won't use this character. magic: none tech: Call Horse: increases movement range how to get her: Talk to her in the pryamids. Reenfa He's a rival of Alta, who once again justs joins your party. He's an average character, and I didn't bother using him. magic: tech: Rival Power how to get him: Have ALta talk to him in Map 7: Volcanoe Spika She's a little lost girl, and you take her along with you. She has insanely high speed and luck, which is pretty pointless. magic: tech: FakeCrying: decreases enemy pwr how to get her: Okay, Spikka lies in a hidden map in teh volcanoe stage, same one as Reenfa. Now you notice that there are a few light-colored patches? Well the second one, in the middle of the map and near Reenfa, is where the entrance is located. CHECK on the patch, and have Girl talk to her. Do it a few times if necessary. Esther One of the three saints, he's a decent mage, but your beasts should be better. magic: starts with Wndbld, Absrb1 tech: Rewind: Restarts the turn how to get him: You get him automatically when you talk to the Elder in the Freeda village Sepia An amazon, who once again, randomly joins you cause you're a stud or something. She's got okay pwr and spd, which would be good if she had better movement range. magic: none tech: E. Snatcher how to get her: talk to her in Map 10: Aqua Lake. Ozone She'a healer, and is a rival of Freon, but apparantly Freon doesn't realize that. She's also weak, so I guess they're rivals in that too. I didn't use her, but stick on a joy on her if you do. magic: starts with heal1 tech: MYOB! how to get her: Have Freon talk to her in the Beast Castle. II. BEASTS To get Beasts, you must have Girl use her convince tech on them. A few notable exceptions are Oberon, Lucifer, and Fenrir, who aren't found in the game, and must be evolved. Monsters evolve into creatures based on their family, and it happens when they reach a ceratain level. You can only have one creature from each family in your party. FAMILY: MAJUU Unicorn magic: tech: none It's a mythical animal that is very popular among fantasy-loving girls. Wells its pathetic, like much of the books they're in anyways. If you have to use it, then stick a joy coin on it. Get it if you want to get a Fenrir early. stages found: 2 Chimera magic: Heal1 tech: none These are better than unicorns, as they have heal1 stages found: 9, 11, 14 Cereberus tech: Zoanthropy magic: Heal1, Absrb1 These are decent beasts. They can heal you and deal out a bit of damage. stages found: 17 Fenrir tech: Zoanthropy magic: Heal1, Absrb1, Fbreath It a pretty good beast, though it's the final evolution. stages found: none, you must evolve it. FAMILY: SHUJJIN Weredog magic: none Tech: Zoanthropy Kinda wimpy, but they deal a bit of damage, though they can't take it. stages found: 2, 5 Werewolf Tech: Zoanthropy Magic: Accele same as above, though they can take more damage if you pump up their mgt. stages found: 6, 9 Weretiger Tech: Zoanthropy Magic: accele, charm same as above stages found: 14 FAMILY: TOUKI weapon: karate Ogre magic: none Tech: none They've got poor range, but decent pwr and mgt. Seeing as you'll find their next evolution far out into the game, you should get this one early if you want to use it's evolved form. stages found: 2, 4, 5, 7, 9,. 12 Rakshasa Tech: Zoanthropy Magic: strike average fighters, nothing in particular to say about them. stages found: 11, 15 Yakusha Tech: Zoanthropy Magic: Strike, Dark It's got strike and dark, so you can use it as support, though that isn't really necessary. stages found: 15, 17 FAMILY: YOUSEI Ahlb Tech: none Magic: Heal1 The most useless character in the game. She has low HP, Pwr, Mgt, and a short range. Don't bother with this character, as you can get the next stage in the evolution in the next stage. stages found: 5, 9 Troll Tech: none Magic: Heal1, WndBld This is a decent magic-using character. Use to take out weakened characters to get to the next level. stages found: 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 Djinn Tech: none Magic: Heal1, WndBld, Heal2 HailStm They're magical powerhouses. Very versitial. They can heal and take out enemies easily. stages found: 14, 15, 17 Oberon Tech: none Magic: Heal1, WndBld, Heal2 HailStm, Thundr They're Djinn squared. stages found: none: you must evolve them FAMILY: MAOU Loki Tech: none Magic: absrb1 average, you'll want them for their evolution though. absrb1 is pretty decent in the beginning of the game. stages found: 5, 6, 9, 11 Pazuzu Tech: none Magic: absrb1, acidic a fairly good character. Acidic is one of your first area spells. stages found: 6, 11, 13, 15 Ashura tech: none Magic: Absrb1, Acidic, Absrb2 Accele quite good. His Absrb2 should keep him alive for a good while, and wiping your enemies out in the process stages found: 15 Lucifer tech: none Magic: Absrb1, Acidic, Absrb2 Accele Very good, since it's a fourth-level evolution. stages found: none, you have to evolve it. FAMILY: HIRYUU Wyvern magic: none Tech: firebreath It's a flying character, has great range, and an area attack. Hands down, this is the character you want, and you'll use through out the game.Use it to fly around and burn far out groups of enemies. stages found: 4, 7, 10 Quetzalc Tech: firebreath Magic: wndbld the above, but even better stages found: 10, 13, 14 Ananta Tech: Firebreath Magic: Wndbld, Mist see above, but the best out of the three, duh! stages found: 16 FAMILY: REICHOU Pegasus magic: none Tech: none it's flying, but that's about all. Use it to get Griffon. It'll make Stage 7 a lot easier. stages found: 4, 10 Griffon Tech: none Magic: wings wings is a spell that'll come in handy in heavily mountained and forest areas. It'll allow the character it's cast on to fly, which makes things a lot easier and quicker. If you don't have this family upon reaching Aqua Lake, then get the Garuda instead. stages found: 10 Garuda Tech: none Magic: wings accele see above, but it's better. stages found: 10 FAMILY: MAJIN Toll Tech: Zoanthropy Magic: none it's a physical character, that's found towards the end of the game. Don't bother with it, get Takemika instead. stages found: 11 Takemika Tech: Zoanthropy Magic: strike Average characters, they have better physicals attacks than Djinns and Ashuras, but are much weaker in magic. stages found: 15, 16 Shiva Tech: Zoanthropy Magic: Strike, Thundr Fairly good character. It's balanced between physical and magic attacks, though it doesn't excel at either. stages found: 15 III. MACHINES Machines are recruited the same way as beasts, by Girl's Tech. However, they do not belong to a family, and as long as you don't have a machine with that particular name, you can recruit it. Note, only machines from stage 17 are recruitable by Girl. Even though they might be located in a different stage, they cannot be recruited. Be forewarned. Freserai tech: none magic: Phalnx An okay character, it has poor range, but its magic deals a lot of damage and has good range. how to get it: During stage 5, Desert's End there's a light colored patch surrounded by darker ones. CHECK there, and you'll find Samia, tell him yes and you'll get Freserai. If you missed him there, you can buy him for 5000 makka at ELOQUE Rainel tech: none magic: Phalnx an average character,it one good point is high magic how to get it: During Stage 10: Aqua Lake there is a bare spot in between the mountains and the forest. CHECK there, and you'll find Samia again. Help him out to get it. Alternately, you could buy him for 5000 makka at ELOQUE. Lister Tech: none Magic: Tomhwk a clone of Freserai stages found: 17, not recruitable in 19, 20 Toifel Tech: none Magic: TomHwk An okay character, the only reason to use it is for its TomHwk. stages found: 17, not recruitable in 18, 19 Bolshuta Tech: none Magic: Electrn It's junk. It's got short range, and no long range attacks. stages found: 17, not recruitable in 18, 19 Roehm Tech: none Magic: Phalnx Nothing special about this, it's got high defense though. stages found: talk to in stage 17, not recruitable in 18, 19 Faustman Tech: none Magic: TomHwk Nothing special about this. stages found: Faustman lies in a secret cave in Map 18: Castaway. CHECK the single patch of water in the northern part of he map.not recruitable in 18, 19, 20 Deitel Tech: none Magic: Elctrn has a decent Mgt, and fairly high Hp. stages found: see above, not recruitable in 19, 20 Clay Tech: Surge Gun Magic: Elctrn, Phanlx, Tomhwk, Crackr A top-notch machine. He has average range, but has almost maxed out stats. stages found: see above. Paurus tech: none magic: Phanlx An average machine, its stats are only okay. how to get it: Buy it for 5000 makka at MAIAKIKU Feldi tech: none magic: Crackr A pretty good machine. It has pretty high stats. how to get it: Buy it for 5000 makka at MAIAKIKU IV. MASHINJU STATS Once you reach Maiakiku, you have option of combining your machines with your beasts. These will transform your machine from its base form into a superpowered form (Mashinju). It costs 2000 makka to do this, regardless of Sphinx/Wierdo telling you that it costs 175 makka. The mashinju that comes out is totally random. These rock. They have completely pumped up stats, and high range as well. Calypso HP 48 PP 57 Move 7 Pwr 27 Mgt 27 Mag 20 Spd 30 Luk 27 Tech: Zoanthropy Magic: Wings, Accele, Charm, Heal1, Phalnx, Crackr Weapon: Skyclaw Gedou HP 57 PP 42 Move 5 Pwr 29 Mgt 30 Mag 22 Spd 24 Luk 24 Tech: Zoanthropy Magic: Shield, Mist, Dark, Elctrn, Crackr Weapon: WtrSwd Ocpa HP 49 PP 50 Move 7 Pwr 25 Mgt 24 Mag 25 Spd 30 Luk 22 Tech: Zoanthropy Magic: WndBld, Mist, Fireball, Phalnx, TomHwk Weapon: FThrwr Olberg HP 45 PP 39 Move 6 Pwr 30 Mgt 30 Mag 25 Spd 30 Luk 26 Tech: Zoanthropy Magic: Accele, Charm, FBreth, Elctrn, Crackr Weapon: untranslatable, go blame Gideon, not me Feist HP 55 PP 50 Move 6 Pwr 30 Mgt 28 Mag 23 Spd 26 Luk 23 Tech: Zoanthropy Magic: Strike, Thundr, Hailstn, Phalnx, TomHwk, Crackr Weapon: Beam V. THINGS TO FINISH completing magic and techs - listing them - what they do - and what levels they are learned which might be done, hopefully, but not likely. VI. E-MAIL POLICY I would perfer that you direct any questions you have to the message board itself. I only sporadically check my mail, and I check the boards much more often. With that said, here's my e-mail address VII. CREDITS Gideon Zhi, of Aeon Genesis Translations for translating this game. CjayC, for accepting my FAQ My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for saving me and providing me with the ability and time to write this faq. Another Bible(C) Atlus? This guide (C) 2002 Brian Shen