***************************************************************************** Beetlejuice FAQ/Walkthrough For the Game Boy Version 1.0 (Created 11/5/2010) By Devin Morgan This file is Copyright (c)2010 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved. ***************************************************************************** Table of Contents 1. What's New 2. Introduction 3. Controls 4. Walkthrough 5. Copyright Notice ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 1. What's New -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Version 1.0 (11/5/10): The first version. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 2. Introduction -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Beetlejuice is a relatively short, although difficult, platformer for the Game Boy. It is a puzzler of sorts, since you have to do a bit of exploring and figuring out to proceed in some spots. However, the difficulty is ramped up even from the start, so you will need to learn very quickly to avoid any damage while being very quick to achieve your goals. The objectives are usually pretty straightforward, and there are only six stages (the last one is the boss stage). The game is also not very forgiving, and you will likely die a lot if you are not paying attention at all times to what's going on, especially in the later levels. Nonetheless, it is a decent enough game, so I would suggest checking it out. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 3. Controls -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Control Pad: Move character Start: Start/pause game A: Jump B: Shoot projectile ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 4. Walkthrough -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NOTE: Beetlejuice has a health bar at the bottom of the screen. He can take five hits before losing a life. The maximum lives you can have is 9. ======= Stage 1 ======= Starting off in the house, head directly to the right and past the stairs. Enter the door there to reach your first challenge in the laundry room. There are three ghosts floating around above, and a larger one in the dryer in the corner. The smaller ghosts will possess the various articles of clothes hanging above; avoid them as they move around and hit each piece three times to knock the ghost out of them. Each ghost has its own pattern of movement as you can see. After clearing a couple pieces of the clothes, the ghosts will try to attack you; three shots will defeat each as well. Meanwhile, the one in the dryer will periodically shoot bubbles at you; if you get trapped in one, shoot repeatedly to break free. Once the three ghosts are gone, the larger one will emerge from the dryer. It will move back and forth, stopping at each end to shoot bubbles in three directions. Stand on the dryer and attack from that point since the ghost can not hurt you there. 16 hits will kill it. Exit the room and head upstairs now while avoiding the falling plates. At the split, make your way up the eastern steps. Every other step is trapped, so jump up two steps at a time to avoid sliding back down. At the top, go into the room ahead. There, you will see bottles falling from the cabinets above, and an enemy moving up and down at the far end of the room. Stay off the ground or the small ghostly snake will attack you. Use your projectile to hit the falling bottles, which will cause them to fly towards the larger enemy. Eight hits will defeat it. Back outside, go right and down the vertical stairs. For the diagonal set ahead, jump over every other step to avoid triggering the trap. There is an unbeatable ghost at the bottom that will damage you if you slide down. Jump over it at the bottom, then walk to the right and enter that room. There are seven plates above, and the same three ghosts from earlier will possess them to try and attack you. Three hits to each plate will destroy it, then when the ghost lingers, three more hits will kill it. Clear the plates and ghosts to leave the room. There are stairs leading upward in front of you. Plates will fall from above in a pattern from left to right, one at a time. Watch the path, then quickly jump up the stairs to the top. Wait for the plates to move to the right, then get to the left side and jump up and around the dinosaur and ghost to avoid them. The diagonal stairs are trapped, so jump to the second step first and leap onto every other step to make it up safely. Continue up the second set of stairs in the same manner and enter the door ahead. In here, you will participate in a Funny Faces Contest. Press A and various features will change; press A to stop the rotation. After you make a face, a Gross Out Meter at the bottom will reach a certain point value depending on where you stopped your random facial expressions. You will then go to a scare match against a ghost, where you must press buttons on the Control Pad as they appear in the middle of the room. The higher your Gross Out Meter rating, the more of a head start you will have. Reach the top of your meter first to win. Once that's done, continue upstairs to the next room. After a quick scene with Beetlejuice and Lydia, you will face a puzzle room. There is a 8x4 grid of various pipes, which you arrange by holding A and dragging the pipe you want to move to an adjacent location, swapping the spaces. You need to direct the water from the top-right pipe into the tub in the lower-left. However, the water must pass through two unmovable pipes labeled 1 and 2. Here is a map of the grid, and the solution (pipe #1 is at space 15, pipe #2 at 19): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 #1: 9 down two spaces to 25 #2: 10 down two spaces to 26 #3: 4 right four spaces to 8 #4: 5 right two spaces to 7 #5: 32 up two spaces to 16 #6: 21 right three spaces to 24 #7: 30 up one, right one space to 23 #8: 27 right three, up one space to 22 #9: 11 right two, down one space to 21 #10: 10 right two, down one space to 20 With that solved, continue onward and slide down the two sets of diagonal stairs. At the left end, go up the vertical steps while avoiding the falling plates (they fall from left to right as before). At the top, enter the room. You will be given a magic bag and 40 seconds to catch water drops leaking from above. You need to catch the darker drops to advance the meter at the bottom of the screen. The flashing drops should be avoided, as they will lower your meter. You need to be quick and flawless about it in order to succeed in the time allotted (you lose a life if you don't). Fill the meter and a ghost enemy will appear. For its movement pattern, it goes from left to right across the top of the screen dropping water on you (jump/run to avoid getting hit if possible). The ghost will then fly clockwise around to the lower-left area before stopping to shoot fireballs at you before repeating the pattern again. It can take a lot of hits, so pummel it with as many shots as you can; the best times to attack are after you get to the left side of the falling water attack, and in between jumping over the fireball shots. Once you win, continue up the stairs to the top level where you will see a dinosaur possessed by a ghost. Defeat the dinosaur and the small ghost, then climb the ladder to complete this stage. ======= Stage 2 ======= Here in the attic, you will find chests scattered around. Begin by attacking the one nearby to make a flying ghost pop out. Defeat it, then go left a slight bit and you will see an enemy walking back and forth. Attack it and it will jump over to where you started off. Lure it to the open chest and it'll jump in, clearing the chest. You need to rid the area of those round walking enemies throughout the stage in the same manner. Anyway, if you enter the nearby door, you can play a mini-game for a chance to win an extra life. Jump on the enemy not like the other two that pop out of random pipes to move the 1-Up closer to the edge above; hit one of the two similar ghosts and the 1-Up will move back. Knock it off the edge to grab it. Go up the ladder to the left and defeat the ghost in the chest there. To the left, you will see a wall of sorts; attack it four times to clear it. Next, go down the ladder to the area where the ghost is moving back and forth. Open the chest and defeat the enemy inside, then head up the ladder to reach the second level, then up another one to the third floor. There is a door you can enter for another 1-Up mini-game. This time a single enemy will move at high speed between a group of boxes, and you must pick the box it is in once the enemy stops moving. Guess correctly multiple times in the time limit to get it. Onward, go up and over the square structure to the right. Drop down into the level below via the pit, and you will spot another walking monster on the high ledge. Attack it, then as it approaches the left barrier, attack it again to make it jump (yes, your attacks make it jump, so keep that in mind). Once it falls below, repeat this to send it over the low barrier on the ground, and then again so it jumps onto the ladder. It will climb up it, then down the next ladder and fall into the chest by the ghost, clearing it. From here, climb up to the third level again and get over the square block to the right. Jump over the gap this time and shoot down the barrier to reveal the monster. Attack it, then quickly jump over the gap and attack the monster to make it clear the gap as well. Lead it over the square block and down the ladder to the level below. Go down that ladder and wait for the monster to start walking back to the right. Before it approaches the ladder again, attack it to make it jump, preventing it from climbing back upward. It will land in the chest to the right, clearing it. Now, climb back up to the level above, and head left this time. Climb to the fourth floor and go left to a chest. Defeat the ghost inside, then go right and up another ladder. Shoot down the barrier and attack the monster to lure it back down toward the chest you just opened. Once that is done, go all the way down to the bottom level where the ghost is. Attack it as it moves to the left, causing it to float upward at the edge to the second level. Climb up to the forth level, and head right up there. Cross the two pits and shoot down the barrier you see. Meanwhile, the ghost below will automatically move to a candle and fly right into it. This will make it reappear behind the barrier you just destroyed. Attack the ghost to make it chase you, then go left and down a level again. You will see the candle to the left of the ladder. Stand to the right and wait for the ghost to start climbing down, then quickly jump and attack it so it flies directly into the candle! With that done, climb the ladders to the very top of the attic. Destroy the barrier and attack the ghost there, then climb down to the floor below. As the ghost climbs down, wait for it to turn right and approach the ladder, then attack it to make it dash through the ladder. It will go into the candle to the right. From here, go back down to the level below and head across the pits to find the ghost one last time. Attack it so it follows you to the left, and shoot it to get past the ladders. Shoot it again to send it to the far left section, where it will fly up and destroy itself. Now that the ghost is finally gone, climb to the top of the attic and the latch in the roof is now open. Jump through and slide down to a ledge below. Before you continue downward, you will see some clouds in front of you. Jump onto them and you can collect two extra lives! Now, go down to the bottom and you will go to the next stage. ======= Stage 3 ======= For this stage, your task is to bring a series of numbered statues back to their pedestals, which are also numbered. Luckily, you get to do this in order, so you start with Statue #1, then Statue #2 appears after the first one reaches its pedestal. Anyway, go down the steps and to the right to find Statue #1. Push it to the right and down two ledges, then move it left into Pedestal #1. Defeat the skeleton that comes at you from the right. Push Statue #2 to the left and down to the ledge below. Push it to the vines and the statue will climb up them on its own. Repeat this for the second set of vines, then push the statue all the way to the left and over the gap. Push it into Pedestal #2. Now, push Statue #3 off the ledges so it ends up on the street level below. Then, move it to the far right and into the hands of the giant baby, who will push the statue onward for you. Enter the next area and jump along the small ledges to avoid the instant-death spikes. At the other side, continue to the next screen. Follow the giant baby until it stops, then push the statue up the vines behind it. At the ledge above, push the statue left and up the next set of vines. Up there, push the statue all the way to the left and into Pedestal #3. With Statue #4 now, there are two sets of vines to the right; push the statue up the second set. Defeat the flying skull enemy and continue up the next vine with the statue. Along the way up, you will see a ghost enemy on the right platform; defeat it, then push the statue onto that ledge from above. Place it in Pedestal #4. Take Statue #5 and push it left and down to the ledge below. Send it back up the same vines, then push it to the left when you get to the top. Defeat the skeleton enemy and push upward and left to the next screen. Follow the straight path ahead with the statue, and defeat the skeleton when you reach it. At the end, push the statue into Pedestal #5. Now, watch the scene with Beetlejuice and Lydia. You will then get to play a matching game. There are 24 face-down cards and you pick two at a time to reveal matches. Clear the board within the 99-second time limit in order to proceed, or you will lose a life. Once you finish, take Statue #6 and push it all the way to the right. At the next screen, it will fall all the way down to the street. From here, push the statue to the right and up the vines in front of the giant baby. Continue up the longer set of vines, then push the statue to the right and off the ledge. When it lands, simply push it right into Pedestal #6 to make Statue #7 appear. Push it to the left and down a ledge, then up the vines from before. At the top, push it up the vines to the right and up the following set as well. Atop the high perch, push it onto the lower ledge to the right. Push Statue #7 past where Statue #4 is, and off the right edge again. Then, simply push the statue to the left and have it fall straight down. Push it to the right and into Pedestal #7, and another scene with Lydia will take place. You will play another card matching game, this time with only 80 seconds to clear the board. Time also counts down more quickly here, and you will lose a life if time runs out before you finish. You do get to proceed either way, but of course you want to keep your lives! Now that Statue #8 is here, push it all the way left and down to street level. Push it in front of the giant baby, who will then push it back towards the first area of the stage. Follow it across the spike-filled area by using the small ledges in the air. Back on the first screen, push the statue up the first set of vines. For the next set, you will see a ledge just above where the vines begin. Jump and push the statue off the vines and to the left, and continue down to Pedestal #8. Once the statue is in, go to the Exit and press Up to complete the stage. ======= Stage 4 ======= This stage sends you off on an underground mine cart adventure! You can either jump out of the cart yourself (press A) or jump with the cart (press Up). Anyway, hop into the cart and duck under the low ceiling ahead. After you drop down, go left and jump over the spike ball with the cart. Duck under another low ceiling and get over another spike ball to drop to the next area. Jump out of the cart to clear the spike ball ahead, then jump over the wall at the end. After landing on the small ledge, drop into the next cart to continue onward. Across this next part, cart jump over the water pools and duck under the middle section. At the far end, jump onto the ledge by yourself and enter the door. In the next room, make your way upward along the ledges. Look up since there are boulders that will fall as you progress. Avoid them until you reach a series of steps leading to the left. The boulders come out of the wall there. Watch the spikes above and jump to the higher ledge so you can go right. This next part requires precision jumping in order to survive. The platforms will appear and disappear very quickly, one after another, so you also need to be quick. Drop onto the first large one when it appears, then jump onto the small ledge appearing above it. Leap straight up since the fourth platform appears in the same spot as the second. Hop between the two spike balls and onto the three ledges as they appear. After the third ledge appears, jump to the right over the spikes (do not hit the ceiling spikes!) and across the final two ledges. On the safe ledge, go onto the white ledge and it will shoot upward in the air. Quickly get onto the right platform to end up safe. You will see a boulder ahead. Drop onto the ledge below and it will begin to give chase. Go down and left for two ledges, then head right and down to the bottom. Hop over the spikes to the left and get onto the bridge. The next trap has bubbles causing you to rise up and hit the spikes. Once the initial two bubbles appear, quickly run across safely. Then, drop down onto the two small safe ledges. Drop off the left side and onto the first small white platform. It will fall, but when you see the opening leading to the next ledge, jump to the right and avoid the spikes. On the second platform, do not move until it approaches some wall spikes to the right. Drop onto the safe ledges below it and then onto the larger white platform below. At the right side, intentionally touch a bubble and float upward through the opening. Break the bubble via the ceiling spikes and land on the ledge, then jump to the small ledge between the spike balls. Finally, leap over to the final opening and enter the door below. For the next mine cart segment, cart jump over the first spike ball. Go down the hill and leap out to clear the second spike ball. Cart leap over the third one, then duck under the low ceiling to reach the next room. Cart leap over two more spike balls, then leap out of the cart to clear the next one as the mine cart heads uphill. At the other end, cart leap over the spike ball in the air and drop to the next part below. Cart leap over the spike ball as you go downhill, then repeat to get across the pool of water. Cart leap onto the higher ledge, duck under the low ceiling, and jump out of the cart to get over the final spike ball. In the next area, cart leap over the spike ball and duck under the low ceiling stretch. At the other end, jump out and over the spike ball to reach the next cart. Ride it downward to the bottom area, then cart leap over the spike ball and the series of water pools. Continue this approach in the next area as well. When you reach the uphill part, cart leap over the tip and the spike ball; that way you land before the water pool below. Cart leap, then jump out of the cart to make it across the wide pool. After that, jump onto the right ledge and a white platform will appear above the spike ball. Quickly jump across it to the door, and enter it. You will get to play a bonus round involving a sliding panel puzzle. You must finish it to proceed, but how quickly you do so will reward you with extra lives. There are four hearts at the bottom, which represent the extra lives you can earn; they vanish slowly over time. Here is a solution to the puzzle, as well as the grid the solution references: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1. 2 to 1 2. 5 to 2 3. 8 to 5 4. 9 to 8 5. 6 to 9 6. 5 to 6 7. 8 to 5 8. 7 to 8 9. 4 to 7 10. 1 to 4 11. 2 to 1 12. 3 to 2 13. 6 to 3 14. 9 to 6 15. 8 to 9 16. 7 to 8 17. 4 to 7 18. 5 to 4 19. 6 to 5 20. 3 to 6 21. 2 to 3 22. 1 to 2 With the puzzle completed, take your extra lives and exit this stage! ======= Stage 5 ======= Here in the Neitherworld, Beetlejuice rides on a snake that bounces around continuously. You can not stop, but you can slow down by holding Left/Right and jump higher by pressing A. Head right, jumping over the spikes as you come across them. At the end, drop to the lower area and jump over the pool of water next to the lower ledge. Hop across a series of pools ahead, then use the regular jump (do not press A) to get across the spikes without hitting them. Below, jump across more spike balls before continuing to the next area. Over there, plan your jump to fall into the narrow gap ahead. Once you land, continue onward, bouncing on the small ledges between the spike balls. At the end, bounce on the springboard to launch onto the higher ledge. For this final part, continue hopping over the sets of spike balls along the way. Try to slow down (hold Left) when the space between safe spots is shorter, so you can aim your bounces with greater precision. At the very end, bounce on the springboard to exit the stage. ======= Stage 6 ======= At last, you meet the final boss! It consists of a giant head with four arms, one in each corner of its head. There are two small platforms which will rise up when you jump onto them, allowing you to reach the upper half of the boss. The boss moves in a set pattern, moving back and forth above the platforms before moving downward and repeating this below the platforms. When the boss is at ground level, you will want to use the platforms to jump over it, or run under it if it's higher up. Once you destroy the four arms, the boss will then spit out spiked balls while repeating the same movement pattern as before. This time, simply stay on the ground in the opposite corner and attack the boss's mouth repeatedly as it approaches. When it moves up into the air, run across to the other corner and wait for it to come back down and repeat. After enough hits, the boss will be defeated. All that's left now is the final scene with Beetlejuice and Lydia. After the final image, press Start and return to the title screen. Congratulations on completing this game! ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 5. Copyright Notice -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This file is Copyright (c)2010 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved. Please view the following URL to see the list of sites that are allowed to post my work: http://www.freewebs.com/dbmfaqs/allowlist.html This list is comprised of sites I know and trust well. If your site is not on the aforementioned list, you are currently not allowed to post any of my files on your site. Please respect my work and do not steal it or post it without my permission. I only want my most recent work to be available and I do not feel that can be achieved if others take from me without my knowledge or permission. If you are writing a FAQ for this game as well, and would like to use some information, credit me for what you use. Please do not rip me off, as that is blatant plagiarism and such will not be tolerated. If you wish to contact me, do so at dbmfaqs(at)gmail(dot)com. Please only contact me if there are corrections to be made to information that's currently included. Thanks! http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/3579.html =- End of File -=