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MMMMMMMMZZZZZMOZZMMMMO | ATOMIC PUNK | +MMMMMZMZZZZZZM+++++O+ MZMMMMZZZZZZZ++MZZM++ | | ,++MZZ++ZZZZZZZ++++O:+ MZMMMMZZZZZZZ++.ZZM++ | FAQ/Walkthrough by | ,++MZM.+ZZZZZZZ++++O:+ MZMMMMZZZZZZZ++.ZZM++ | RedIsPoetic | ,++MZM.+ZZZZZZZ++++O,+ MMMMMMZZZZZZZ++.ZZM++ | Version: 0.09 | ,++MZM++ZZZZZZZ+++++Z? 8MMMMMZZZZZZZ++?ZZM+=O | Last Updated: | ~=+MZZ.+ZZZZZZM+++++?? MMMMMMMZ+MZZZZMZZZ++. | 06/01/2012 | ~+?ZZZM$ZZZM.++++++++ MMMMMMMMMZ=MZZZZZM++. | | ~++MZZZZM? ++++++++++ MMMMMMMMMMMMZ=NMMMMMMM \========================/ MMMMMMMM..+++++++++++++ MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMZ+ M.+++++++++++++++++++++ MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMZ+ M.+++++++++++++++++++++ MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMZ+ M.+++++++++++++++++++++ MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMZMMMMMMZZM++++++ +++8 M.+++++++++++++++++++++ MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMZ++++++++M++++++ M++++IMM+++++N=?M M++8+++++++++++++++++++ ZZZZMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMZ+++MM+++$++8 $++M++ M++++++IM++M++++8++++++++++++++++++ MMMMMM8DDDDDDDDDDDDDZ+++D D++I+++++ M++M87++M+M D++7+++++$+++++++++++++$MMMMMM MMMMMMMM +++++++ZM+++++ ++++++++?+M M++?N++N MMMMMMMM MZ7ZMMM +++++++ZM++O M++O 7+++M M++? ++M MM77.,~ MMMMMZM +++D M+++++++++M+ D++M++++++N ++M M.?++++ MMMM+ZM+ +++D M++M=++++M M++++++N ++M ...+++++ MMMMM+++= MMMD M MMM $.+.++++++ MMMMMM++Z+ 8.+.+++++++ MMMMMMMZZ+M O..++++++++ MMMMMMMMZM+ D.++++++++++ MMMMMMMMMM+ D,++++++++++ MMMMMMMMMMZM ?+++++++++++ +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Like this author's page on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/redispoetic| +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Thanks very much!| +-----------------+ ============================================================================= | | | 1.0 Introduction [INTM] | | | ============================================================================= ============================================================================= | | | 1.1 Foreword [INT01] | | | ============================================================================= Welcome to my guide for the Gameboy game Atomic Punk! This is actually a part of the Bomberman series, although the name may imply otherwise. Don't ask me why the US version is called Atomic Punk or the EU Version is called Dynablaster, but it's most definitely a Bomberman game, as soon as you begin playing you'll see that. It is known as Bomber Boy for the Japanese Version. This obviously makes more sense and implies that it isn't really Bomberman, but his younger counterpart. This is classic Bomberman but with a bit of twist and one that I find very fun actually. It's the idea of adding an RPG and Roguelike element to the game. You have the Panel Shop that you can go to in between stages. At this shop you can buy Panels, which are basically the upgrade items you find in almost every Bomberman game. Then when you enter a stage you can bring in up to ten Panels with you to aid you in completing the stage. More Panels are unlocked as you complete stages (each stage, when completed, unlocks a specific panel). This means the order in which you do stages can have an effect. Do you go for that harder stage that, if completed, will unlock your favourite panel? or go for the easier stages first and slowly build up to the harder stages? It add an interesting element into an already fun game. The roguelike element is the feeling that you are 'dungeon-crawling'. You get to choose which stage you want to do and you get rewarded everyone you complete or 'conquer' it. It gives you some form of free will. You play as Kid, the adolescent version of Bomberman. The objective of the game is to finish each stage and free your friends who have been imprisoned... or something like that. One of those fairly cliche plots. There is also a 'Game B' which is a Gameboy port for Bomberman on the NES. It plays so close to the original that you're basically getting two games in one. It can be fun but the NES version is still superior in sound and graphics so I'd suggest playing that instead. The last game mode is 'Vs. Mode' where you can link up with a friend and battle each other. I'm sure this would be alot of fun although I've never done it myself. The game plays relatively well for what it is. But enough rambling, look onward for all the information on Atomic Punk you're ever sure to find in a single place. Enjoy! :D ============================================================================= | | | 1.2 Contents [INT02] | | | ============================================================================= 1.0 Introduction [INTM] =============================================== - 1.1 Foreword [INT01] - 1.2 Contents [INT02] 2.0 The Basics [BASM] =============================================== - 2.1 Gameplay [BAS01] - 2.2 Controls [BAS02] - 2.3 Hints & Tips [BAS03] 3.0 Stages [STAM] =============================================== - 3.1 My Town [STA01] - 3.2 Cuolece [STA02] - 3.3 Faria [STA03] - 3.4 Grad [STA04] - 3.5 Hevol [STA05] - 3.6 Jagoraz [STA06] - 3.7 Thulia [STA07] - 3.8 Wather [STA08] - 3.9 Windria [STA09] 4.0 Panels [PANM] =============================================== - 4.1 Elixir [PAN01] - 4.2 Bomb Up [PAN02] - 4.3 Fire Up [PAN03] - 4.4 Speed Up [PAN04] - 4.5 Remocon [PAN05] - 4.6 Wallpass [PAN06] - 4.7 Bombpass [PAN07] - 4.8 Timer [PAN08] - 4.9 Firepass [PAN09] 5.0 In-Game Only Panels [GOPM] =============================================== - 5.1 Exit [GOP01] - 5.2 Invincibility [GOP02] - 5.3 Bonus [GOP03] 6.0 Other Game Modes [OTHM] =============================================== - 6.1 Game B [OTH01] - 6.2 Vs. Mode [OTH02] 7.0 General FAQ Stuff [FQSM] =============================================== - 7.1 Version History [FQS01] - 7.2 Legal Notice [FQS02] - 7.3 Contact Me [FQS03] - 7.4 Credits [FQS04] - 7.5 Final Word [FQS05] ============================================================================= | | | 2.0 The Basics [BASM] | | | ============================================================================= Below is basic and general gameplay information. Anything fairly basic is listed here, as well as hints & tips. Enjoy. ____________________________________________ 2.1 Gameplay [BAS01] \ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The objective of Atomic Punk is to defeat a certain amount of enemies for any given level. To do this, you must use your bombs. The blast from the bombs can damage enemies as well as blocks. You may need to destroy these blocks to find items, reveal the exit or unblock paths leading to enemies. You need to be careful as bomb blasts can kill you too. To win, you need to defeat the set number of enemies and find the exit. A clock is also in play. If you don't defeat the enemies and reach the exit within the set time you lose. This applies to both Game A and Game B. ____________________________________________ 2.2 Controls [BAS02] \ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In-Game: D-Pad: Move character A Button: Place Bomb B Button: Blow up bomb (If you have Remocon) Start: Pauses game and displays information. Pressing any button continues the game in Game A, while you must press Start again to continue the game in Game B. Select: No Use That's it. Simple. Menus: D-Pad: Move highlighted item A Button: Select highlighted item B Button: None Start: Select highlighted item Select: Move down list of highlighted items Pressing A, B, Start and Select together will bring you back to the Game A menu if you were in Game A or back to the original screen if playing Game B or Vs. Mode. ____________________________________________ 2.3 Hints & Tips [BAS03] \ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - Work on judgement! If you know that you can't outrun a bomb if you set it in a certain place, don't set it down. - Don't let yourself be cornered! Make sure there's always more than one way to escape from wherever you are. Enemies can corner you before you know it, then it's almost sure damage. If you plan ahead to prevent this, you're going to have a lot less deaths. - Chain bomb blasts! Use one bomb to set another off quicker. You can manipulate this to clear the blocks in a round at a much faster pace. - Clear blocks as you go! While moving around between enemies, set bombs down to destroy blocks as you go. One of them might contain the exit which will mean you won't have to waste time looking for it afterwards and therefore have more time left when you complete which means more gold! - Plan ahead! Use your gold wisely and only use as much as you need in earlier rounds. That means you can really go all out with what you buy for the last rounds, especially Faria. ============================================================================= | | | 3.0 Stages [STAM] | | | ============================================================================= Below is information on all of the Stages in Game A of Atomic Punk. I recommend getting the best items first before doing the rest in increasing difficulty until you reach Faria, the final stage. The recommended order is below: Hevol Cuolece Wather Grad Windria Thulia Jagoraz Faria This is if you think you can take on the more difficult and longer stages early on. If not, just do them in this order: Hevol Thulia Jagoraz Grad Cuolece Wather Windria Faria ____________________________________________ 3.1 My Town [STA01] \ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Rounds: N/A Difficulty: N/A Reward: N/A ____________________________________________ 3.2 Cuolece [STA02] \ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Rounds: 8 Difficulty: Reward: Unlock Wallpass Panel Special: Takes two shots to destroy blocks (block containing the Exit only takes one shot to destroy). Panels don't appear. Round 1: Time 200 Enemy 4 Round 2: Time 180 Enemy 4 Round 3: Time 180 Enemy 5 Round 4: Time 160 Enemy 6 Round 5: Time 140 Enemy 7 Round 6: Time 120 Enemy 8 Round 7: Time 100 Enemy 8 Round 8: Time 80 Enemy 8 ____________________________________________ 3.3 Faria [STA03] \ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Rounds: 10 Difficulty: Very hard Reward: Special: Final Stage, must complete all other stages first. Touching flames causes instant death. Round 1: Time 200 Enemy 2 Round 2: Time 180 Enemy 3 Round 3: Time 180 Enemy 5 Round 4: Time 160 Enemy 6 Round 5: Time 140 Enemy 5 Round 6: Time 120 Enemy 7 Round 7: Time 100 Enemy 7 Round 8: Time 80 Enemy 8 Round 9: Time 70 Enemy 8 Round 10: Time 60 Enemy 8 ____________________________________________ 3.4 Grad [STA04] \ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Rounds: 7 Difficulty: Reward: Unlock Remocon Panel Special: Caves. Entering a cave will teleport you to a different cave. Seemless, vertically and horizontally. Area's are blocked from each other. Round 1: Time 200 Enemy 2 Round 2: Time 180 Enemy 3 Round 3: Time 180 Enemy 4 Round 4: Time 160 Enemy 6 Round 5: Time 140 Enemy 7 Round 6: Time 120 Enemy 8 Round 7: Time 100 Enemy 7 ____________________________________________ 3.5 Hevol [STA05] \ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Rounds: 5 Difficulty: Reward: Unlocks Speed Up Special: None Round 1: Time 200 Enemy 2 Round 2: Time 180 Enemy 5 Round 3: Time 180 Enemy 6 Round 4: Time 160 Enemy 5 Round 5: Time 140 Enemy 4 Panels Appear ____________________________________________ 3.6 Jagoraz [STA06] \ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Rounds: 6 Difficulty Reward: Unlocks Timer Panel Special: Vertically joined Round 1: Time 200 Enemy 3 Round 2: Time 180 Enemy 5 Round 3: Time 180 Enemy 6 Round 4: Time 160 Enemy 7 Round 5: Time 140 Enemy 8 Round 6: Time 120 Enemy 8 ____________________________________________ 3.7 Thulia [STA07] \ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Rounds: 6 Difficulty: Reward: Unlocks Bombpass Special: Vertically joined, only wall blocks are indestructible, dark blocks take two blasts to destroy Round 1: Time 200 Enemy 3 Round 2: Time 180 Enemy 4 Round 3: Time 180 Enemy 5 Round 4: Time 160 Enemy 6 Round 5: Time 140 Enemy 7 Round 6: Time 120 Enemy 8 Panels Appear ____________________________________________ 3.8 Wather [STA08] \ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Rounds: 9 Difficulty: Reward: Upgrades Bomb Up Panel Special: None Round 1: Time 200 Enemy 1 Round 2: Time 180 Enemy 3 Round 3: Time 180 Enemy 5 Round 4: Time 160 Enemy 5 Round 5: Time 140 Enemy 6 Round 6: Time 120 Enemy 7 Round 7: Time 100 Enemy 7 Round 8: Time 80 Enemy 8 Round 9: Time 70 Enemy 8 ____________________________________________ 3.9 Windria [STA09] \ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Rounds: 9 Difficulty: Reward: Unlocks Firepass Panel Special: Wind. The wind will change randomly, pushing you slightly in a random direction. Round 1: Time 200 Enemy 2 Round 2: Time 180 Enemy 4 Round 3: Time 180 Enemy 6 Round 4: Time 160 Enemy 6 Round 5: Time 140 Enemy 6 Round 6: Time 120 Enemy 7 Round 7: Time 100 Enemy 7 Round 8: Time 80 Enemy 8 Round 9: Time 70 Enemy 8 ============================================================================= | | | 4.0 Panels [PANM] | | | ============================================================================= Below is a list of all Panels within the game. Panels are really just items. They each have their own functions. Below is a list of all the information you'll ever need for Panels. ____________________________________________ 4.1 Elixir [PAN01] \ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Price: 100 Position: 1 Icon: Beaker Effect: If you take damage during a battle, one of these will revive you and will disappear after reviving you. Having more than one in your inventory will give you extra revives if you need them. Disappear After Use: Yes How To Unlock: Already Unlocked Notes: This item will end up being an important part of your inventory. I recommend that for the first few easier rounds of a stage you don't take this item. In later rounds I recommend that you take one in as a back-up, because if you make a small mistake and lose, you've also lost all your items you had in your inventory. I say not to take them into every round as they're relatively expensive, especially if the stage is a 7 round stage or something like that. Very good items. ____________________________________________ 4.2 Bomb Up [PAN02] \ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Price: 50 Position: 2 Icon: Bomb (Two Bombs when you complete the Wather Stage) Effect: You can place an extra bomb on the floor at any one time per Bomb Up in your inventory. When you comploete the Wather Stage you each Bomb Up will allow you to place an extra two bombs on the floor at any one time when in your inventory. Disappear After Use: No How To Unlock: Already Unlocked. Notes: A nice little item. You should never need more that three of these at the absolute most. I recommend taking two with you so you can place three bombs at a time, a nice balance. ____________________________________________ 4.3 Fire Up [PAN03] \ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Price: 50 Position: 3 Icon: Fireball with a face Effect: Bomb blasts stretch an extra tile per Fire Up in your inventory. Disappear After Use: No How To Unlock: Already Unlocked Notes: Another good item. I recommend that you take no more than two of these. A blast three squares long is enough for practically all situations and frees up space in your inventory for other items. ____________________________________________ 4.4 Speed Up [PAN04] \ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Price: 20 Position: 4 Icon: Roller Skates Effect: Kid will be able to move quicker the more of these that are in your inventory. Disappear After Use: No How To Unlock: Complete Hevol Stage Notes: This item can be helpful for getting out of the blast radius of your bombs quickly as well as running away from enemies and keeping up the pace at which you place bombs. I recommend one or two of these, but definitely no more. ____________________________________________ 4.5 Remocon [PAN05] \ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Price: 30 Position: 5 Icon: A heart with a bomb in it. Effect: Press 'B' to set off the longest placed bomb. Any extra Remocons in your inventory give no addiotional effect. Disappear After Use: Yes How To Unlock: Complete Grad Stage Notes: Although this item can be neat, costs can really stack up if you also want to bring Wallpass' and Elixirs into a dungeon. It can be very helpful for timing blasts so that they hit enemies though. If you have the money to spare, buy some, otherwise don't worry too much about it, it's not vital. ____________________________________________ 4.6 Wallpass [PAN06] \ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Price: 50 Position: 6 Icon: A running person Effect: If you have one of these in your inventory during a round, you can walk through blocks as if they weren't there. Any extra Wallpass' in your inventory give no additional effect. Disappear After Use: Yes How To Unlock: Complete Cuolece Stage Notes: This item allows you to pass through breakable blocks, which makes it an amazing item. I recommend taking one every round if you can afford it. It means you don't need to waste time breaking blocks to reach enemies and you can get out of range of the bombs you place extremely quickly by running immediately behind a block. ____________________________________________ 4.7 Bombpass [PAN07] \ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Price: 40 Position: 7 Icon: A moving bomb Effect: If you have one of these in your inventory during a round, you can walk through bombs for the entire round as if they weren't there. Any extra Bombpass' in your inventory give no additional effect. Disappear After Use: Yes How To Unlock: Complete Thulia Stage Notes: Not as good as the Wallpass item and probably unnecessary as you can usually escape from a bomb's blast with just Wallpass and at 80% of the price of Wallpass, it's better to just get Wallpass and skip this one. ____________________________________________ 4.8 Timer [PAN08] \ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Price: 50 Position: 8 Icon: Stopwatch Effect: If you have one of these in your inventory during a round, the Time will stop for a short amount of time. Any extra Timers in you inventory give no additional effect. Disappear After Use: Yes How To Unlock: Complete Jagoraz Stage Notes: This item only gives you a few extra seconds to complete an objectives. You should be able to complete all objectives within the set time fairly easily and at 50 gold it's definitely not worth it. Skip past this item. ____________________________________________ 4.9 Firepass [PAN09] \ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Price: 100 Position: 9 Icon: Person engulfed in flames Effect: If you have one of these in your inventory during a round, you can walk through flames for the entire round without taking damage. Any extra Firepass' in your inventory give no additional effect. Disappear After Use: Yes How To Unlock: Complete Windria Stage Notes: An awesome item, the only way to die is to be touched by an enemy or walk onto the fire in the Faria stage, but probably unnecessary as it's not that difficult to dodge your bomb's blasts. At 100 gold, it's also a little overpriced. I'd recommend getting this item if you have some spare money after spending it on better items. ============================================================================= | | | 5.0 In-Game Only Panels [GOPM] | | | ============================================================================= Some panels can't be bought and are found only while playing the game itself. These panels are listed below, along with their appearances and effects. ____________________________________________ 5.1 Exit [GOP01] \ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Icon: Double Door Effect: Immediately win the current round ____________________________________________ 5.2 Invincibility [GOP02] \ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Icon: Exclamation Mark Effect: Kid becomes invincible for 10 Time points. ____________________________________________ 5.3 Bonus [GOP03] \ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Icon: Gameboy Effect: Adds 500 points to your score. ============================================================================= | | | 6.0 Other Game Modes [OTHM] | | | ============================================================================= Below is information on the other two game modes in Atomic Punk. Where the main game mode is Game A, there are also two more. ____________________________________________ 6.1 Game B [OTH01] \ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Game B is a very slightly modified port of Bomberman for the NES if you would like information on the enemies and panels found in each level, see DEngel's guide for Bomberman (NES). Almost all information that applies to that, will apply to Game B of Atomic Punk. ____________________________________________ 6.2 Vs. Mode [OTH02] \ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ With a two Gameboys, a Link Cable and two copies of Atomic Punk, you and a friend can play Vs. Mode. There are two game modes within Vs. Mode, Panel Mode and Powerful Mode. You must also choose the number of round wins for a player to win overall from 1 win to 5 wins. You then get thrust straight into the action. The gameplay for each mode will be explained below. Panel Mode ---------- In Panel Mode you start off with no Panels, so you can only have one bomb placed at any one time. When you destroy blocks a Fire Up and Bomb Up Panel will sometimes drop. Collect these to increase you power before facing the other player. The idea of this mode is to choose when to engage in combat with the your opponent, preferably when you're more powerful than them. Kill the enemy with your bombs, but be careful, your own bombs can kill you too! Powerful Mode ------------- In Powerful Mode, you have an unlimited blast range so your bomb's blast will stretch until it hits a block or wall. There is also no limit to the amount of bombs you can have placed at any one time. No Panels drop in this mode so you just run straight for your opponent, bombs blazing. Same as before - either player's bombs will kill you or your opponent. It's basically Panel Mode on very strong steroids. In both game modes, you will appear lighter in colour than your oppenent. When someone dies the score screen will come up. You're always displayed as player one and the number of trophies corresponds to the number of wins you have so far. When someone reaches the number of required wins, the game ends. ============================================================================= | | | 7.0 General FAQ Stuff [FQSM] | | | ============================================================================= All that generic stuff you find in an FAQ. ============================================================================= | | | 7.1 Version History [FQS01] | | | ============================================================================= Version 0.01 Started 11:39 PM 21/12/2011 To 12:21 AM 22/12/2011 Update: Minor Change Log: - Began intro - Got information on panels and stages - Finished Hevol Notes: A spur of the moment guide, as I've done with the last three. It's really not a good habit. :P Anyway, I think I should enjoy writing this guide and it'll actually be in English this time. I'll probably do it as a bit of a side project. It's a really fun game though. I'm honestly surprised that no one has done a guide on it. Guide still needs formatting. That'll be done over the next few versions. Version 0.02 Started 8:35 AM 22/12/2011 To 9:43 AM 22/12/2011 Update: Minor Change Log: - Cleaned up all unneeded info - Added in more info for stages - Started formatting subheadings and the like Notes: Starting to get into this guide. It's quite a fun little game and it doesn't seem very difficult, nor is it very long from what I can see. Excited. Version 0.03 Started 10:02 AM 22/12/2011 To 4:20 PM 22/12/2011 Update: Major Change Log: - Completed alot of Game A information - Completed all basic information for Panels and Stages - Added in information for Vs. Mode - Started on Game A, did some research on it too - Found cool ASCII art and added it in, very pleased with the result Notes: Got the majority of the guide done. I've found out how to link GB games! Yay for me! I'll probably publish this relatively soon. Version 0.04 Started 4:47 PM 23/12/2011 To 4:47 PM 23/12/2011 Update: Minor Change Log: - Removed a credit that didn't apply to this guide Notes: None Version 0.05 Started 6:27 PM 29/12/2011 To 8:22 PM 29/12/2011 Update: Minor Change Log: - Edited small portions of the Stages section - Added to the Basics section - Added notes to each panel in the Panel section Notes: It's been awhile. Super Mario 3D Land has taken priority as it's a popular game so I'd prefer to get that out as soon as possible. I need a bit of a break though so I'm doing some on this guide. Gotten a bit more done. The enemy section is going to be the biggest pain (finding names and such), but it's really just that and a few snippets of information here and there before I'm done. Version 0.06 Started 11:04 AM 31/12/2011 To 11:36 AM 31/12/2011 Update: Minor Change Log: - Little bit here and there for everything - Starting to list enemies for every round in Game A Notes: Just a quick one. I'm a little unmotivated to do this after being unable to find officla names for all of the enemies. I'll try and finish it and get it out by the time I leave for Perth though. Version 0.07 Started 3:49 PM 5/01/2012 To 4:21 PM 5/01/2012 *Published Version!* Update: Minor Change Log: - Added in last of information that I plan to, as of yet at least. Notes: Publishing this guide. I've lost alot of enthusiasm for this, so it may stay as 'complete' but without an enemy section. We'll see I guess. Version 0.08 Started 11:36 AM 6/01/2012 To 11:41 AM 6/01/2012 Update: Minor Change Log: - Completed the introduction Notes: *looks away, embarrassed* Well it turns out I didn't actually finish the introduction, it just stopped mid-sente Version 0.09 Started 8:04 PM 24/01/2012 To 8:06 PM 24/01/2012 Update: Minor Change Log: - Added in a couple of self-promotion things Notes: Just implementing a couple of self-promotion things in all of my guides to try and help out a bit. I feel that they aren't overly distracting and will benefit me as a guide-writer which will ultimately benefit you, the reader. ============================================================================= | | | 7.2 Legal Notice [FQS02] | | | ============================================================================= Copyright (C) 2012 Jesse Paech (aka. RedIsPoetic). This guide is the property of Jesse Paech (aka. RedIsPoetic) and is protected under copyright laws. It cannot be reproduced or edited in any form. It is for personal use only, unless I grant permission to do otherwise. No profit is to be made from this guide, directly or indirectly, it is totally free. I take no responsibility for any error or mistake found within this guide. The following sites have my permission to host this guide: www.gamefaqs.com If you want this placed on your site, ask permission. It is illegal to host this on an unauthorized site. If you would the guide placed on your site, email me: redispoetic@hotmail.com Make the subject of your email something related to the guide and I'll eventually end up reading it. IMPORTANT NOTE: More than likely I won't allow any other sites except for very major ones to host my guide. If you're a small site, don't go expecting permission to be given. I'm lazy and this game's obscure. If you are hosting this guide, make sure that you're updating the file on your site soon after the guide is offically updated on GameFAQs. ============================================================================= | | | 7.3 Contact Me [FQS03] | | | ============================================================================= If you have any additions, constructive criticism, want to say thanks or anything relating to the guide in general feel free to contact me at: redispoetic@hotmail.com Make the subject 'Atomic Punk FAQ' or something like that. No spam or any other crap though please. Credit will be given where it's due. ============================================================================= | | | 7.4 Credits [FQS04] | | | ============================================================================= Thanks to Hudson for making another hugely fun game. Thanks to you the reader for reading this guide. A shout out to CJayC and SBAllen! :D I'd like to take one moment to acknowledge Barney Stinson. Inspiring and legendary, you'll forever be in my heart. ============================================================================= | | | 7.5 Final Word [FQS05] | | | ============================================================================= This game has seriously been overlooked. If all of those Bomberman fans out there knew about this game, I imagine it already would be a decently popular Gameboy game, but oh well. If you're using this guide - thank you. I'm glad you've been able to make use of it, because I've gotten immense enjoyment from writing this small guide for it. ENJOY! Until next time, RedIsPoetic ___ _____ ___ _|___\__________|____|___\________________ | | / __ | | _| /_ __ _|_' __ | | |__/ / \__/| | / |__/ \ / \ | || | | | \/___/ | | \ | / \___/ | || | | | \___\__/|__|__/ | \____/___ |/||__/ | |__________________________________________| Copyright (C) 2012 RedIsPoetic