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Legal Stuff ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* ************************** * 1.Introduction * ************************** A. STORY "In the black of night he stalks his unwitting victims with the passion of a prince and the grace of a wild animal. Able to assume the guise of everything from a shadow on the wall to a jagged-toothed wolf beast, he feeds of the living, sinking his pearly fangs into their fair throats for a drink of their life-giving serum. For he is the Prince of Darkness- Count Dracula- and he's cast his hypnotic spell on your lovely mistress, Mina Murray. Now you, Jonathan Harker, must drive a stake through the heart of this vampire and save the fair Mina from eternal life as a vampiress." -taken from Bram Stoker's Dracula instruction booklet B. CHARACTERS Jonathan Harker - You are a fearless vampire hunter, Jonathan, who goes on a journey to rescue your girlfriend, Mina. You are very lucky an arrow leads you through the level. Mina Murray - Your girlfriend, captured by Dracula. So you can thank her for putting you through all this trouble. Count Dracula - The evil vampire dude, who captured Mina and is waiting to turn her into a vampire. Dr. Van Helsing - Your deaf, mute friend that is on some levels. You need to see him to beat most levels. Also, after you see him, pick ups appear. Yes, they are exactly the same as the ones in the thought bubble. This guy looks older than the Van Helsing in the new movie... Blue Dracula - Count Dracula's form, except blue. He has a hardcore Castlevania whip and is on the second scene. Dracula's Brides- On Training, on the fourth scene, the boss is Dracula's Brides. They also follow you on the fifth scene on Normal. Dracula's Dragon- The boss on scene 4, on normal. He blows fire and is red. C. CONTROLS Walk - Press the Control Pad Left or Right Crouch - Press Control Pad Down Weapon - Press the A Button High Jump - Press the B Button while standing still Long Jump - Press the B Button while walking Jumping Slash- Press A and B Buttons at the same time ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* ******************************** * 2. TRAINING WALKTHROUGH * ******************************** SCENE 1 Right when you start out, you will be attacked by a "man" and a wild dog. Kill them both with your weapon. Walk more to the right, only to be attacked by more dogs and guys. Keep going, killing everything in your way. Notice the arrow turns UP. Keep going until you see knifes being thrown at you by a drunk guy on a barrel. Dodge the knives, kill the enemies, and get the pot. Backtrack to the place where the arrow went UP. Jump on the barrels, and get onto the roof type thing. A seeming-to-be deaf mute guy will have a thought bubble with a knife in it. Pass him up, and go through the wall on the right side of him. You will fall down. Kill the dog, go to the Exit, and duck. SCENE 2 Again, at the start off, you will be attacked by more dudes. Kill them and the bats. Watch out after you pass the tree, as a spear will magicly rise up and kill you. Dodge the clever trap, and kill more guys. The end of the cliff will bring rocks down on you. Watch out for them, and attack the pillar, which will light on fire. Keep going right, killing all in your way. You will fall off a cliff, and a BEWARE sign will appear. Now battle the Blue Dracula. He has two attacks, both with his whip. One reaches far, and the other reaches right next to him. When he whips next to him, move to the left. When he whips far to the left, move next to him and attack him. He should die in about 6-10 hits. After you kill him, move on to the next level. SCENE 3 Avoid the knifes, and jump down to the bottom. Kill the red skeleton dinosaur, and get the pot on the hay to the left. Jump up to where you started, and then jump on the pail. Jump to the right. Kill the rats and jump on the giant wood wheel. Go to the right and jump up. Attack the rope holding the metal thing. Now go back to the bottom and run until you see a wooden beam. Duck and jump while on it to go down below. Kill the scorpions. Go to the right, "talk" with the deaf mute, and then go left, watching out for bags that fall and rats. Go into the exit. Scene 4 Climb up the chain to get an extra life. Kill the dogs, and go up the tree. Once on the second to last branch, jump right and kill the skeletons. Get the gun. To use it, press Y. Backtrack a little and jump up to the pillar. Attack it, and it will light on fire. Keep going right, kill things, get another gun, go up another tree, and light another pillar. Jump on the bridge, and go quickly across before it falls. Light another pillar, go right and go to the boss's lair. BEWARE! Dracula's Brides move in a circular pattern. Stay in the middle and jump when one comes close to you. Attack when you jump, and they will die after a couple of hits. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* ************************** * 3.NORMAL WALKTHROUGH * ************************** SCENE 1 This is exactly the same as Scene 1 on the training walkthrough. See above. SCENE 2 This is exactly the same as Scene 2 on the training walkthrough. See above. SCENE 3 "Escape from the castle" You are in the library. You will be attacked by a man and a bat. Kill them both. Go down. Kill the men and go down again. Go right, jump to the platform, and jump up to the next walkway. Now jump up to the left, for a change. This nice change doesn't last long: jump up to the right again, killing the mosquitoes. Meet your deaf friend. If he is already here, I think he should help you, but I guess not. Now go left and down. If you duck and jump on the red platforms, you pass under them. Do that and go to the exit. SCENE 4 A foggy place. Great. Oh well... Kill the bat and go right, not down. Watch for magic spear that come out of the ground. After past them, go right, light the fire. and go down. Kill the skeletons and plant-type thing, going left. Watch for more pole things, and go down. Walk right, killing as you can go. Light the torch. Then go down. BEWARE! A dragon, Dracula's dragon, attacks you. He is very slow and has very easily dodged attacks. Hit his face when he is not blowing fire. He dies quickly. Who's next? SCENE 5 Jonathan Harker, being the chick magnet he is, now has to fend off three of Dracula's brides. They follow you. Avoid jumping, and no, you can't kill them. Yet. Walk slowly right and watch for rocks. I think it's kind of obvious that you jump up onto the obstacles. Now watch for another magical spear. Kill the spider, which is harder than it looks. Now the brides leave. For now... BEWARE! Red, fireball hurling Dracula is here. Now scream! Good. Dodge his fireballs, don't hit them back at him Zelda style. Before his protective red shield comes up, go next to him and attack him once or twice. He is not as easy as the other bosses. SCENE 6 "The journey to Civilization" This is exactly the same as Scene 3 on the training walkthrough. See above. SCENE 7 This is exactly the same as Scene 4 on the training walkthrough. See above. SCENE 8 New place. K. The chanting is annoying. Jump up the platforms. Jump up and go right (above the purple monks). Go to the very right and jump left. Meet your deaf friend. See the dynamite? Don't get it. Okay? Go back down to where you saw the first purple people. Kill the purple dudes, go right, down, left and get the stakes. Go through the exit. SCENE 9 Watch out for scary appearing zombies. Go down, then right. If the zombies appear, jump over them. Lots of deaths here... Light the torch and go down. Kill the skeletons and spiders. AHH! Now you fall through the ground. Kill the mosquitoes and watch for falling rocks. And that’s as far as I got, I died and the credits showed up. I don't know if that’s supposed to happen. Email me if it happened to you. I'll try to get farther than that and it will be on the next rewrite, along with the Hard walkthrough. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* ******************* * 4.LEGAL STUFF * ******************* This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. I am in no way associated with Nintendo, Sony, or Imagesoft. You can't use any part of this FAQ in a website, unless you have my permission To get permission, email me at givmefire401@aol.com