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If you feel like helping, go over to the contributor boards at gamefaqs and help out! Also, this guide was written rather quickly and probably won't see any updates barring any HUGE piece of info I missed, which is doubtful. Since it's a habit though, here's my email (Y'know, in case you want to send a lovely "Thank You" email or something). Gregorio31 @ gmail . com =============== THINGS TO KNOW: =============== Ok, first of all you should know how to play. Basically, you control a guy who's dressed up in some safari clothes and is out to hunt bouncing balls. What a life! Your gun fires a line up the screen, which can pop a ball. HOWEVER, there's a catch. You see, popping a ball will only make it break into two smaller balls. It goes... /----\ ( ) >>> /---\ /---\ \____/ \---/ \---/ /---\ >>> ( ) ( ) \---/ So, basically, one BIG ball pops into two medium balls, and each medium ball pops into two small balls. The small balls will just plain dissappear when popped. This knowledge lends itself to the reality that hey, to survive, you want to get rid of the smaller balls FIRST. And DON'T just shoot randomly, as you DON'T want a ton of smaller balls just flying everywhere. To help you, there are several power-ups and special items to get. Below is a list of special items and weapons. ======= WEAPONS ======= Harpoon: Your standard weapon, which as you know shoots a rope up to the ceiling. The rope will disappear if it pops a balloon or if it hits an obstacle. Double Harpoon: Much like the standard harpoon, but you can fire two in a row. Very handy. Machine Gun: Shoots small shots upwards. You can fire multiple shots in a row. Good for speed, but you lose your ropes. Plunger Gun: Acts just like the harpoon, but it sticks when it hits an obstacle. You can't shoot again unless something hits your rope. Not ideal if you need to shoot a lot. Very good for tactical shooting. ===== ITEMS ===== Dynamite: Breaks every balloon on the stage into their smallest size. Can be very deadly if you're not ready for it. Clock (ver.1): Adds more time to the countdown. Clock (ver.2): Freezes all balloons in place and lets you walk through them. Honestly just about one of the best items you can pick up. Blinking Spike: Thought the clock was good? This thing will make you invincible for a single hit and pot the balloon that hit you. Yashichi: This rare little thing gives you a free life! Yea! =========== Misc. Notes =========== I often interchange the words balloons and balls. FYI. Note that not EVERY "Power up" is beneficial. For example, that dynamite can be deadly! Take into account what sort of shape you are in before you pick up whatever is laying around. You'll start out with five (5) lives. As you earn points, you will gain lives! It seems to be 100,000 points per life. Each stage has a timer, so don't dilly-dally. You will be scored after each stage. The remaining time left is multiplied by 100 and also added to your score. You'll also get to see one of several random pictures of the safari dude. There are breakable walls that your harpoon can destroy. Use them to your advantage. Of course there are un-breakable walls too. The un-breakable ones look like crystal. There are ladders in the game as well. You can't jump off of them, but balls will bounce off the top. There are also animals that can appear. I've seen a bird, an owl, a crab, and a snail so far. I believe the bird can actually STOP you from shooting for awhile. Damn bird. I also know that the crab can help you pop balls. You can also collect various fruit that falls down for more points. Ok, know that you know how to play and are equipped with knowledge, I'll list the stages, the balls on them, and add in any notes to help you out. Note: I'll be labling the balloons as L (Large) M (Medium) S (Small). Note: The game seperates the stages based on a "world tour" mode, so you'll be visiting different cities and locations around the world. You'll also get little encouraging quotes after you move from one location to another. Note: As you start the game, you can skip ALL the way to [7-19] if you wish. Why? I have no idea. ====== STAGES ====== [1-1] Mt. Fuji Balloons: 1 L Notes: Your first stage, starting things out easy. [1-2] Mt. Fuji Balloons: 1 L Notes: Introduces you to breakable walls. [1-3] Mt. Fuji Balloons: 2 L Notes: Adds in un-breakable walls. "You've got a long way to go. Take it easy." [2-4] Mt. Keirin Balloons: 1 L Notes: Adds in ladders. [2-5] Mt. Keirin Balloons: 2 L [2-6] Mt. Keirin Balloons: 2 L "You can break some blocks, they are hidden somewhere." [3-7] Emerald Temple Balloons: 2 L Notes: Get the balls while they're trapped. [3-8] Emerald Temple Balloons: 2 L [3-9] Emerald Temple Balloons: 1 L 1 M 3 S Notes: Take care of the non-trapped balloons first. "Team Work will win out the day!" [4-10] Ankor Watt Balloons: 2 L Notes: Beware of the bird that flies in. If you can't shoot, you know why. [4-11] Ankor Watt Balloons: 2 L Notes: Shoot between the small blocks. [4-12] Ankor Watt Balloons: 2 L Notes: Lots of breakable blocks. Try to keep them around for a tactical advantage. "Practice will make perfect." [5-13] Australia Balloons: 1 L 2 M 4 S Notes: Let them come to YOU. Pick them off as they come. [5-14] Australia Balloons: 2 L Notes: Get down the ladder and pick a side to focus on one at a time. [5-15] Australia Balloons: 2 L "You get extra points if you use dynamite. Hard but worth it." [6-16] Taj Mahal Balloons: 3 L Notes: A bit harder, but you can do it. There should be a freeze clock in there to help you. Drop down when it's SAFE. [6-17] Taj Mahal Balloons: 2 L Notes: Fairly easy. Especially compared to 6-16. [6-18] Taj Mahal Balloons: 1 L 2 M Note: Beware of the dynamite. "Now the cold country. Watch the icy blocks." [7-19] Leningrad Balloons: 2 L Notes: Note the icy ground, as you'll slide a bit before stopping. [7-20] Leningrad Balloons: 3 L Notes: Beware any dynamite! [7-21] Leningrad Balloons: 2 L Notes: I've seen the Yashichi here. "You're getting better. Take your time." [8-22] Paris Balloons: 3 L Notes: Be careful! [8-23] Paris Balloons: 2 L Notes: I've seen the Yashichi here. [8-24] Paris Balloons: 2 L Notes: Surprisingly easy. "Remember which balloons to split first!" [9-25] London Balloons: 1 L Notes: Also surprisingly easy. [9-26] London Balloons: 3 L Notes: Fairly hard. Watch out for the dynamite. [9-27] London Balloons: 2 L Notes: They MAKE you climb that ladder, so use good timing. Retreat if you must. "Enjoy the European City." [10-28] Barcelona Balloons: 2 L Notes: Divide and conquer! [10-29] Barcelona Balloons: 2 L 1 M [10-30] Barcelona Balloons: 2 L Notes: Leave alone the breakable blocks to make it easier. "Now you know the special items. Stay alert." [11-31] Athens Balloons: 2 L Notes: Good dodging needed! [11-32] Athens Balloons: 2 L Notes: Keep that upper ball in prison! [11-33] Athens Balloons: 2 L Notes: Fairly easy "Start small and work your way up." [12-34] Egypt Balloons: 3 L Notes: Beware of Dynamite and the machine gun. [12-35] Egypt Balloons: 2 L 2 S Notes: Get that left balloon first! [12-36] Egypt Balloons: 2 L 1 M Notes: Hit the balloons hard while they're trapped. "Make each shot count!" [13-37] Kenya Balloons: 1 L 1 M 4 S Notes: Start shooting right away. [13-38] Kenya Balloons: 2 L Notes: Heyo! Crabs! [13-39] Kenya Balloons: 2 L Notes: Pretty easy. "A new continent. 11 Stages left to go!" [14-40] New York Balloons: 3 L Notes: A crab will come help with those left balls. Beware of Dynamite! [14-41] New York Balloons: 10 S Notes: Pretty easy. Shoot up the gap. [14-42] New York Balloons: 2 L 4 S Notes: Drop down carefully. I've seen the Yashichi here. "It's hard ain't it? Try a little harder." [15-43] Maya Balloons: 2 L 1 S Notes: Kill the small ball first! [15-44] Maya Balloons: 2 L 4 S Notes: Hit the balls on the left first. Be careful of the dynamite. [15-45] Maya Balloons: 3 L Notes: Get the balloons on the left. There's a plunger gun too. "Now let's see your skill." [16-46] Antarctica Balloons: 2 L Notes: MORE ice. Be careful. Divide and conquer. A crab may help. [16-47] Antarctica Balloons: 6 S Notes: Pretty easy. Take them out slowly and surely. [16-48] Antarctica Balloons: 2 L Notes: Watch out! Get to safety asap. "Hey! We didn't think you'd make it." [17-49] Easter Island Balloons: 3 L Notes: Theres some invisible tiles to your left and right. Try to focus on fully destroying one ball at a time. Beware of dynamite. [17-50] Easter Island Balloons: Notes: Shoot between the cracks. A crab should come along and help out. Handy if any balls get stuck to the left. After level 50, a scene will ensue saying: Well Done! You have completed Buster Brothers. Credits will ensue. Congrats on defeating Buster Bros.!!! ======== Credits: ======== Gamefaqs Gameboy Completion Project for providing the motivation. No way I would have done this without that! I'd also like to note that the layout of the "guide" section was inspired by Rax's guide for "Super Buster Bros" (an arcade game). I like to give credit, even for inspiration. I'll also thank Mojitos this time! I don't have one right now, but I wish I did (Totally not just a chick drink!). Take care and have fun! ~Fin