<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< UPDATED AGAIN!!!!! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 2000-11-05(For more info, check the version info, after the introduction.) VERSION 1.2 (Second time I updated it, isn't that unbelievable?!!?) MaYakuza's faq for """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Contra 3: The alien wars(Super Probotector) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" MaYakuza Copyright 1999, 2000 *************************************************************** |+ __ __ _ _ ___ __ _ __ +| |+ / / \ |\| | |_/ /_\ / +| |+ \__ \__/ | \ | | \ / \ __\ +| |+ +| |+ ___ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ __ __+| |+ | |_| |_ /_\ | | |_ |\ | \ /\ / /_\ |_/ / +| |+ | | | |__ / \ |__ | |__ | \| \/ \/ / \| \ \ +| |+ \_/ +| |+ +| *************************************************************** (I hope/and think Contra3 and Super Probotector is the same game, just different titles, but that M stuff makes me kinda confused. If you don't know about the M, just forget about what I said). *************************************************************** |+ _ _ _ ____ ____ ___ +| |+ / \ | | | | | | | +| |+ \ | | |__/ |-- |/ +| |+ \_/ \__/ | |___ | \ +| |+ +| |+ ___ __ __ ___ __ _____ ___ ___ _____ __ __ +| |+ | | | \ / \ | / / \ | | / | / \ | \ +| |+ |__/ |-/ | | | \ | | | |-- | | | | |-/ +| |+ | | \ \__/ |_/ \__/ | |___ \___ | \__/ | \ +| |+ +| ************************************************************** (I listed the credits both on top and down of the document, because the people that should have credit should not need to scroll down the whole document first to see it.) *************************************************************** Credits: *************************************************************** _______________________________________________________________ # To all guys that mailed me about this super game, thanx for all fun letters! # To Dingo Jellybean(Djellybean) for his superb work, I love all his work, and he's definitely someone to look up to. He works so hard he is one of the top contributors to www.gamefaqs.com, both on reviews AND faqs. Amazing!!! # To Daladiesman, for his great reviews, and other stuff(games, faqs, and more stuff) Read his reviews, they're great!!!! # To Sefirstein for his great work and who gave me some info about submitting stuff, cool guy. # To "CjayC", Webmaster of the biggest and best video gaming site ever who keeps updating www.gamefaqs.com. I found it about 21/2 years ago and since then I've been stuck with it, and it just becomes better for each day... # To Square for top-games( some of their games makes me sigh... oh man. They really are the best company) # To Konami for making this game and other great ones. I will always think that Konami is one of the greatest game companies, as long as they keep creating good games(the contra-series, metal gear solid 1+2, the suikoden series, etc.) # To Capcom for good games # To Marshmallow for his great work, and a superb zelda64-faq, I love that faq. Check it out, even if you don't like Zelda. Marshmallow did some fun jokes there :) # To Nintendo for cool stuff(good machines). Hope Gamecube turns out fine. # To Manga-painters for awesome artwork, the best artwork is "Blade of the Immortal" by Hiroaki Samura, and "Sanctuary" by Ryoichi Fumimura. Well, I hope that's everyone, everything. If not, you know what more that should have been added. If you feel you want some credit, mail me right now! _______________________________________________________________ #*¤#*¤#*¤#*¤#*¤#*¤ Table of contents: #*¤#*¤#*¤#*¤#*¤#*¤ 1. INTRODUCTION Info(shortly about the game) -,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-, *|A: My review of the game |+ *|B: Controls |+ *|C: Enemies |+ *|D: Bosses |+ *|E: Stage information |+ *|F: Items |+ *|G: Walkthrough |+ *|H: Legal stuff |+ *|I: Faq |+ *|J: Weopons |+ *|K:(NEW!)Best way enjoying Contra3 |+ *|L: Endings |+ *|M: Credits |+ *|N: Faq is ended |+ -,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 1. Introduction +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Hello!! My name's MaYakuza(I changed my previous alias "Sunshine"to MaYakuza, I guess you figured that out) and this is my faq to Contra3(I guess you figured out that too. I reserve myself for all the grammar/spelling errors, both to this faq and all other stuff I've done. I'm really sorry, and I know it is disturbing. But I hope you forgive me, and you're not too upset. I'm working on it, trying to get my english better. I still go to school, so fortunately I am making progress... Once again, sorry for everything. This faq was made mostly because of that nobody else had(I can't believe it, someone had to have done a faq for contra3, but nobody did it, just a boss tactic). And Contra3 is a quite nice game, so I thought "Let's do one!".If you have anything to say, corrections, tips, questions, wanna talk some, anything just gimme a mail at lufia3@hotmail.com . I like mails!!!! I'll answer all mails I get. Remember that everything here is my work, so I'd appriciate if you follow some rules(not many). Everything's in my opinion, you mebbe have different opinions in whatever it can be. If you know anything about this rumor" the machine gun, "M" mail me!!!!!! Everything in this faq is just facts, so there're no lies, no rumors. Everything is based around the SNES GAME Super Probotector. I don't know if the "M" has anything to do about the Contra3 game, or the Super Probotector game(like if M just exists in the Contra3 version, and not in Super Probotector.) I have not played Contra3, just Super Probotector. I don't know if there are any differences, but I don't think so(but that with the M looks quite weird). I think Contra3 and Super probotector is the same game, just that the titles are different(Contra U.S, Super probotector Europe). Once again, sorry for all spelling errors/grammar errors or others errors around the game. Hopefully you can read the faq. I'm sorry. But life goes on. Well, not much more to say, is it? I'm not a very good "intro talking guy" so let's get started then............ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% UPDATING CHANGES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ LAST UPDATING CHANGES, 2000-11-05, VERSION 1.2 -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ First I'd like to say that I'm sorry for the late update!!! The reasons why I haven't updated this document is that I've been a little tired of writing(y'all know, sitting in front of a computer all the time ain't so fun!) and I've also been pretty lazy, had some school stuff to do(as always, that's a common exscuse!) and one more thing: I've been sick for 2 weeks!!! Well, finally I fought it back and now I'm ready to rumble, so here is the updated new version!!!!! Ok, the last update was not changing the faq very much, it's just some minor changes, that not so much people will recognize. I gave it another look with a few more symbols around, with some bigger text(art work) at the upper place of the document(I bet you recognized it), I filled the credit section with a little more text so you know why I gave this people credit, and the major change: I deleted a lot of enter clicks, that take place. And a few more things, like adding some text, editing spelling etc. I don't know if you'll see any difference anyway. I added a section why I think Contra3 is fun and still entertaining to play, even if it is 8 years old now. It's just a short section, with some interesting views of the game, for all contra3 fans! I also added two maps at the "stage information" section, that show location of the powerholders and the mazes at the both map stages. Check it out, it's cool man!!!! It's the major change of the faq. -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ PREVIOUS UPDATING CHANGES, 1999-VERSION 1.1 -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Yeah, I changed a few things, but not much. There're no real huge differences. The things I changed was this: # I cleaned the faq out of some spelling and grammar errors. Too bad there're some left. (I can't really see 'em, that's why they're left.) # I formatted it in another way. I hope it's better now, and easier to read. # I added some more text at some places where needed. # I placed the credits both on top and on the bottom. # I did some work that won't be noticed, like deleting unneccessary lines and stuff. # And I tried to make it better overall. Enjoy! *************************************************************** Info(shortly about the game) *************************************************************** Yeah, the game is made by Konami, 1993. It's the third in the series. It's a platform-game, in three degrees of difficulties: Easy, Normal, Hard. Easy is really easy. I can play this game with my eyes closed and beat it on easy(almost). Recommended for newcomers. Normal is a little harder, but not very much. Still, some changes has been made. Yeah, it's a bit harder. Recommended for the avarage player. Playing on Normal is also quite easy. It's the mode to chill(playing without being concentrated). Hard is a mess!!!!!!!! You got to be a REAL skilled player if you wanna beat this game at hard!! It's much harder than on normal, and you gotta be 100% concentrated, no doubt. An advice is to play two guys at hard, otherwise it's as near to impossible it gets(and playing two is also very very hard). And of course then I consider you're not cheating, like standing somewhere, earning points to get lives or using any code. No, play the whole game from beginning to end, and it would be quite hard). There's a huge change from Medium to Hard. There're three modes in the game when playing on the map (and you can choose it on the stages too, but there the mode doesn't have a function.): One player, two players A, two players B. So what's the difference???? Well, here's the answer: One player everybody can figure out: you play on your own. Two players A: Is that you play two guys, no differences on the stages but on the map, both players chill on their own. The screen splits in half. So why does someone want to play like that? Well, maybe because they don't co- operate so well together at the map, or they just think it's better to play on their own. The advantage with playing mode two players A are that you can play on your own, and you don't get stuck. If playing mode two players B, sometimes if you go into different directions, one of you will get stuck and can't walk anymore in one direction. And then if an attack comes, it could be very hard to avoid it. But that's not for the alternative 2 players A. Once again, in two players A you play on your own at the map. Two players B: Is that you stick together. You play on one screen, both together. The advantage with this alternative is that if you co-operate well, then you can help each other, like shooting down dangerous enemies that threat the other player, protect him with the invicible-item(B), and other stuff. And another advantage is that at some stages(like the sandboss) it's easier to "have full control" of the situtation. Sounds weird? Well, you'll see yourself when testing it. That's the differences. I hope you understood. These modes is just for the maps, otherwise it doesn't matter. Differences between EASY, NORMAL, HARD: At easy, there are much lesser enemies. And all of the enemies shoots lesser, don't got so good defense(you kill them easily), ain't so quickly, and is not so many. At normal, it's a little more harder, but not much. There are a few more enemies, and they shoot maybe a few bullets more. No big difference. At normal, there are just two balls on the brain(last boss), when you choose the grey ball(see the boss section, the last boss for further info.) At normal, there are just two sections at the last boss(when defeated the brain, the whole nest will explode. At hard there's one more time you gotta destroy the alien.) At hard everything's the same, except everything is more, tougher, the enemies got better defense, quicker and all that stuff. Sounds not too impressive huh? Well, I tell ya, it's a big difference. All enemies shoot much more, which is the worst of all. Then the chance of getting hit is bigger. At Hard the dogs in the background(stage1) will run out, instead of just standing there. At Hard the drill comes twice on to ya at the wall. At Hard there are three grey balls when the brain attacks when you hit the grey ball, instead of two. At Hard, you will face the last boss three times, the last as the shell. (It comes up against you, before the nest explodes.) Well, that's it. ############################################################### A: My review of the game(could be found at www.gamefaqs.com) ############################################################### Yeah, this is my review, what I think about it and so on. You can find the exact copy at gamefaqs at the review section. --- Review was made: 2000-11-05 MaYakuza's review to the game Super Probotector/Contra3: the alien wars. The game was made 1992/93 by the exellent company Konami, for SNES system. I'm quite sure the contra3: the alien wars and Super Probotector is the same game and there are no differences between the two titles, it's just that the first name is the U.S. version, the second is the european. In the U.S. version, I think the heroes are two humans, in the european they are two robots. Just so you know, my review is based on the european version Super Probotector(not that it effects the game in any way, just so you know as you read on through the review. Notice that the two robots at the storyline). The contra-series has always been a very popular series and Konami has recieved a lot of compliments for it. Contra3: the alien wars(third game in the series) was maybe the biggest hit and has always been one of the best 2D platforming games ever, and many fans around the world still enjoy it. [Story:] "It's time for revenge! Let's attack aggressively!" that's the first line you'll see at the intro sequence, and only that gives me the chills. It's such a classic intro and the story is quite classic nowadays. Okay, the concept may not be the best ever(how many games do you think has the main storyline as aliens invading earth? Many...) I extended the contra3 story a bit myself, but it follows the main storyline as much as possible. A.D. 2636: Far future "Once the two mega robots made by human hands had finished the aliens that tried to conquer earth in the late 90s, everybody thought it was over. The people started to relax, and many years went on. New kids were born, old men died, and with them the story of the war and the two guardians faded slowly away. After a while, the story was just a legend, something that never had happened. A sunny day in United States largest city, a huge shadow appears(like in independence day) and all of a sudden, a giant laserbeam comes down to the ground, and km's was burned and destroyed. People all over the world was shocked and some of them thought the reckoning day was about to begin. Prophets started telling everyone that soon the world was coming to an end and all kind of stories. America's military gathered up and started to figure out want was happening. Everything happened so quickly that nobody had recognized what was going on and most research labs were destroyed at the crash. The object was finally described as a meteor shower and the people cared less about what had happened and more for what should be done for the few survivors. People started to rebuild the city and bury the victims. Nobody could even think it was something else. Everyone thought it was over, but nobody knew what was going on... The alien rebels!!! They had waited for their powers to come back, summoned their robots, and now they want revenge about what happened before. Now they had destroyed most of the united states' defense and military forces, so they were waiting for the right time to attack again, when the humans were relaxing and unaware of the threat. 3 years later, one stubborn scientist in N.Y. that didn't believe the "meteor theory" was searching the ground where the "meteor" had hit the earth. He was dressed in a typical long white scientist coat. He dug with a shove at the ground and found a glowing piece of rock. He put on a glove on his right hand and picked it up. The doctor brought it to his basement lab where he discovered it was a rock that had been hit by some strange energy force. Could it be an unknown force from space? He knew that most of his crew would just laugh at him and he maybe would be fired for a kinda theory like this, so he kept the secret for himself. The doctor started to research about the "meteor crash" and read in many books and arkives before he found what he was searching for. He found out that a kind of aliens that tried to attack earth were beaten badly in the late 90s by two robots by a legendary story. He reads quickly through the text, and finds out that the two robots were unplugged a long time ago in a storage room inside the factory. Quickly, he runs through the lab, pushing everyone and everything aside. Briefing fastly, he finds the key in a box and opens the door. Spiderweb is everywhere. He walks down the steps, wondering if the legend is true. He lit up the lamp, and saw two rosty robots in the corner. Quickly, he runs over there, changes the batteries and steps back to observe. Slowly, the two robots stand up and lift up their weopons from the floor.They know why they have been re-energized. They push the doctor aside, and step out of the building. The doctor quickly returns to his computer, watching the two robots journey. Mankinds only hope are out there now, and they got the odds against them. The aliens are well prepared." As you figured, the aliens are back to conquer earth and the two robots are back to defeat them. The story won't effect the game so much, it's more action than anything else. The contra3 story is maybe not so original but it definitely fits for this type of game and it is what's needed. Quite good. As I said, the story is not what makes Contra3 such a great game... Score storyline: 8.2/10 <~>Graphic:<~> Graphic is decent to be on Snes, and very good to have been made 6,7 years ago. Bullets and enemy-movements is smooth, no trouble with the resolution at all. Background graphic is well done and there is nothing to complain about. The backgrounds are very well animated and the pictures of wrecked skyscrapers and buildings creates a fitting atmosphere(you don't think often about the background when you play the game, but if you stop and look, you see that it is great graphic). The bosses and enemies are all quite detailed and most of them are sharp and well animated. The special effect-graphics are cool and nice. This is what you can expect from the SNES and a 2D game. I love it! Graphic score: 8.4/10 |Audio(Music/Sound):| It's hard to describe music with words, but if I say the music for Contra3 must be one of the best I've heard(including ff3 for Snes) you know what I'm talking about. I love running through the stages, hearing this music. Very fitting music to the game, and explosive, fast and good. You can't be disappointed of it. Music score:8.8/10 *Control:* The control in this game is awesome. You have full control of your hero, and you can direct him exactly as you want, shooting whenever, wherever and in any way. You move quickly without any interrupts, and can hold the shoot-button pressed and the robot will continue shooting(auto- firing). No problems to jump over gaps, target enemies or anything else annoying occurs through the whole game. You can carry up to two weopons at the same time, and you use the "L" and "R" buttons to change between them, and the innovative way to use BOTH of them at the same time is fantastic. The two modes where you play(one in 2D, the other from a view up on a map) work both perfect. The control is so good that I don't I know any game that has better. Control score: 9.7/10 ~Challenge:~ The challenge is also great. You can choose among "Easy", "normal" and "hard", for the mode that fits you best. If you play on "Hard" this game is no doubt next to impossible to beat. Don't stand somewhere to earn lives, just try to run the game from beginning to end, then you will recognize how hard it is. In the challenge catagory, I also count how varying the game is, and that's maybe this game's slack. There are not more stages than needed, so the game is not so big. That's a little bit uncool, but it really doesn't matter much. When you beat it for the fifth time, you maybe don't want to go for another round, but you may want to play some anyway. Challenge score:7.7/10 /Gameplay:\ This game covers everything. 1P mode, two players at the same time, everything you wanted(and needs) is right here. Team up with a buddy or play alone, your choice. Personnally, I prefer playing with a friend(more fun) but alone is also fun. You have 7 different weopons to choose among(if you count the starting weopon and invicibility), each with its own abilities, strengths/weaknesses and so on. Try to use them together and figure out what each one of them is good for! Some classic weopons like the "laser"(personal fav!) and the "spray gun" is still left since the old games, and some new ones are added(the crash bomb, homing etc.) You will enjoy contra3, the time you're playing it. Score gameplay: 8.4/10 *Replay value:* You'll get back to Contra3: the alien wars time after time. Thanks to the diffcultness hard, you won't beat the last boss in a twinkle of an eye, and that will keep you playing. Contra3 is just a little too short to keep you playing all the time, after a while you know where all enemies are, what to do, etc, but since Contra3 is also such a good game, you'll play it again, again and again... Replay value: 8.3/10 +Summary:+ I'd say this is the best game you can get for the lowest amount of money(you won't find it for more than 16 U.S. anywhere). The reason why Contra3: the alien wars does not recieve best able score(a 10) is that it's just a little too short. But otherwise, it's one of the best 2D shoot 'em up games I've played, even since I looked at it for the first time to now. No, I'm not sentimental, Contra3 really is a game that time can't defeat... Overall score: 9.2/10. TOTAL SCORE:9/10 Audio(music) 8.8/10 Control 9.7/10 Challenge 7.7/10 Storyline 8.1/10 Replay 8.3/10 Graphic 8.4/10 Gameplay 8.4/10 Overall 9.2/10. Total 9/10 One line synopsis(describing the game)"Konami, please look back to this game when you create new ones!" ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ B: Controls ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ There're a few buttons to press in this game. Here're all of 'em: ,.,.,.,.,., A-button: ,.,.,.,.,., Firing the special bomb, the "protection-bomb" that makes an "aura" on the screen. ,.,.,.,.,., B-button: ,.,.,.,.,., Jumping. This button will be used often in the game(jumping over gaps, enemies, and more.) ,.,.,.,.,., Y-button: ,.,.,.,.,., A button you soon will be very familiar with, the fire-button. You'll press this one desperately in some situations, trying to shoot down all evil creatures. (In other words, a button used frequently). ,.,.,.,.,., X-button: ,.,.,.,.,., Changing weopons. If you have only one special weopon ( for example the lazer)and press "X", you'll change directly to the usual weopon. If you have two weopons, you're changing to the next weopon. So you change weopons with the X-button. Use the X-button to change the weopons so you can use your weopons optimally(some weopons are better than others in some situations). Could also be used if you're about to die, and if you have a weopon lesser worth than the other, then change fastly, and you'll just miss the one you "wanted" to sacrifice. ,.,.,.,.,.,_. Control-pad: ,.,.,.,.,.,_. The grey big button looking like a cross. This one is used to move the robot. For example pressing right you move right, pressing up you'll climb ladders, down you'll duck down,(useful to avoid attacks)and so on. The grey button is the moving button. ,.,.,.,.,.,-_-_-_-_-_-_-_,.,.,.,.,., Pressing L and R at the same time: ,.,.,.,.,.,-_-_-_-_-_-_-_,.,.,.,.,., You'll use both the weopons you got!! If you press Y-button, then the robot will starts to jumping drastically around, shooting with both weopons, at the same time. If you press the same at the map, you're robot will do the same, just that he stays at ground. CHECK THIS!: It could be very DANGEROUS to do this technique!!! By using both the weopons, if you die, then you'll LOSE BOTH the weopons, not one!! And when doing the technique, you're very vulnerable. It's very easy to be hit by a bullet or something, cause when doing the technique you can't avoid stuff. So be careful with this technique!! ,.,.,.,.,.,.,., Start-button: ,.,.,.,.,.,.,., Stops the game for a while. Use it when you want to pause. ,.,.,.,.,.,.,., Select-button: ,.,.,.,.,.,.,., On the map, a map will appear(you can see at a map where the power- holders and you are) ,.,.,.,.,. L-button: ,.,.,.,.,. You'll turn left on the map. (Nothing on the stages). ,.,.,.,.,. R-button: ,.,.,.,.,. You'll turn right on the map. (Nothing on the stages.) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% D: Enemies %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Yeah, this is the section of enemies. Here you'll get info about how they look, tactics, weak points, what to do, difficultness, and other stuff. Everything is made by me, all names, tactics, everything. I based the names on how they look, so you easily could recognize them. If you got any problems with the enemies, this is the place to check. If boss- strategies are needed, check out the boss-section. All bosses, middlebosses are there. Only enemies exists here. The degrees of difficultness are: VERY EASY, QUITE EASY, EASY, NORMAL, QUITE NORMAL, QUITE HARD, HARD, VERY HARD, QUITE DANGEROUS, DANGEROUS, VERY DANGEROUS, WHOOOAAAA!!!! If a + is there, it means they are a little bit harder, but not enough to be in the other catagory. These are all the enemies in the game: -------------------------------------------------------------- |Red soldier--Enemy Fireball--Trap | |Blue soldier--Enemy Firesling--Trap | |Fortress--Enemy Alien--Enemy | |Grenade-thrower--Enemy Rolling Alien--Enemy | |Red sniper--Enemy Alien producing puppets--Enemy | |Blue Sniper--Enemy Mines--Traps | |Dog--Enemy Alien shrimps--Enemies | |Submarine--Enemy Scooter-robot--Enemy | |Creators--Enemies Flame-snake--Enemy | |Green spider--Enemy Small red spider--Enemy | |Power-holders--Enemies Alien Bird--Enemy | |Droids--Enemies | --------------------------------------------------------------- The difficultness depends of course on which mode you're jamming at, but I expect you're playing on hard. And then I say they are dangerous and so what more than they would be if playing on easy. And remember, everything is in my opinion, so you maybe think different.. If you are looking for a boss, look in the boss section. (Very easy is super-easy, Normal is normal, Hard is difficult, Very dangerous is watch out for this one, kills you often, and whooooaaaaa!!! is something that will come up in your nightmares!!!!!!) --------------- Red-soldiers: --------------- ENEMIES (Red color). A robot coming running at the first stage, red color. Runs around, shooting bullets. If you touch him, or getting hit by his bullets, you'll die. If they are many, they can get really dangerous, because of all those bullets they shoot are pretty hard to avoid. But if being one, they're not so very hard. Use spray-weopons if you have problems with these enemies, then you'll probably will get rid of 'em. These guys are like pests, never leaves you alone. Exists in the whole game. NORMAL. Attacks: Runs around, shooting bullets. ---------------- Blue-soldiers: ---------------- ENEMIES A robot coming running at the first stage, blue color. Runs around shooting bullets(is exactly the same as the red-soldier, just the red color is the difference).If you touch him or getting hit by his bullets, you'll lose a life. Use spray-weopons to kill them. Sort of pests, you never get rid of 'em. Exists in the whole game. NORMAL. Attacks:Runs around, firing bullets. ------------------- Grenade-throwers: ------------------- ENEMIES Robots throwing grenades, blue color. They often sit down, up on a roof, throwing grenades. One single touch by one of them, you're dead. And that's the same if being hit by the grenade. So be careful. Use stronger weopons to kill him, like the lazer, Crash-or flame. It takes a few hits for the other weopons to kill him, and while shooting at him, he can throw a fatal grenade. So use stronger weopons(easy to say, harder to do it. I know how the first stage is full of idiots). But at the first stage, don't change weopons, just use the one you got, cause you don't got the time. Exists at level 1 and I think some more(Not all). QUITE HARD. Attacks: Sits up on a roof and throws down explosive grenades. ------------- Red snipers: ------------- ENEMIES Red robots sitting down, targeting you. They just sit there, shooting bullets. Kill 'em quickly, because they can get very dangerous otherwise. Use any weopon, but make sure to get them dead quickly, or maybe you'll end up hit. Very dangerous if they're many(good example is at stage 3, going up from the wall).No tactic can be made. They exist over the whole game. DANGEROUS. Attacks:Sitting on top of a roof and shooting small bullets at ya. Be careful, the bullets go fast and straight against ya! -------------- Blue Snipers: -------------- ENEMIES Blue snipers, sitting down, trying to hit you. Also kill these quickly, or they'll create problems. Very dangerous if they're many. They are also exactly the same as the red snipers. They exist over the whole game. DANGEROUS. Attacks: Also sitting on top of a roof and firing bullets at ya. ------ Dogs: ------ ENEMIES Dogs eating something from the trash-can in the background. They almost look a bit like aliens, not ordinary dogs. They Only exist at stage 1. At normal and easy modes, they just stand there, at hard they start running toward you. Then you gotta take action quickly, or you'll be hit. Jump over them, and let 'em run away. Their only attack is when they run, so let 'em go. If you kill them with a strong gun, like the lazer after they run away, you'll be rewarded with lots of points. Often when I kill a dog I hear the tune of one more extra life, I don't know if it's just a co-incident that I get a life each time I kill a dog, or if you really get that much points it goes over the limit. Anyway, if you get the chance, kill the bad dog with a strong weopon, but don't take any risks, for example if there are very many enemies hanging around. HARD+ Attacks:Suddenly takes a leap against ya, and it may be dangerous. ------------------ Green fortresses: ------------------ ENEMIES--MIDDLEBOSSES(More like an enemy than a middleboss) A fortress with green color just existing at level 1. On top of it, a blue or red sniper sits, shooting. And beneath him, two canons shoot bombs. Be sure to strike the sniper on the roof, cause he might create problems. When he's killed, go for the canons. Just step down one level(to the platform under you) and stand there cooly, bombing the canons. The robot-soldiers should be no problem, cause they cannot shoot up at you. After a few hits, the canons should be destroyed. Then jump down from the platform when all robots left the place, and start blowing the fortress into pieces by bombing the red button at it. Soon, the fortress will break down. Not too hard, was it? Just make sure to kill that sniper. Sometimes when playing, if the battletank you can get is still entire, then you can use it at the fortresses. One single hit and the fortress will break down. Just be sure to keep safe after you've destroyed it, cause I think a grenade-thrower frequently destroys the battletank, and then you're not so very safe. They exist at stage 1. QUITE EASY. Attacks:Firing bullets/canonballs at ya. ---------- Fireball: ---------- A TRAP (Red color)Not really an enemy, but is a disturbing object and it can be destroyed. Just avoid them. Exists at stage 1. QUITE EASY. Attacks:An obstacle. ------------ Fire-sling: ------------ A TRAP (Red color)Could not be killed. Comes up from the lava, and if it hits you, a life less. So watch out for it. You gotta get through this sequence anyway, so keep going. Exists at stage 1. NORMAL. Attacks: An obstacle, be careful, if it touches you, you're dead. --------- Aliens: --------- ENEMIES Medium-sized aliens, running around like nuts at the last stage. They are almost the same as the blue-and red-soldiers, but they don't shoot. Instead, they run faster, and are many many many more. USE THE SPRAY!!!! Really neccessary if you wanna survive. Shoot like a maniac, and pray for your life!!!!! These are real pests!! I don't know how many lives they have killed me. DANGEROUS+. Attacks: They are quick, they are many, they are running! Watch out! ----------------- Rolling aliens: ----------------- ENEMIES Some sort of aliens, almost look like insects to me. Brownish color. These ones roll around, slowly without doing anything. Just notice this: One hit of it, and you're dead. So you better kill 'em quickly. If they are many, these are VERY DANGEROUS. It's like running around, having no place at all to go. You gotta kill 'em fastly, or they'll stock the whole screen up and you got no place to rest. And you'll probably be killed then. Use strong weopons to get them killed quickly. They exist only at stage 6(last stage) VERY DANGEROUS. Attacks:Covers up the whole screen until you have no place to hide and then you're dead. -------------------------- Aliens producing puppets: -------------------------- ENEMIES Aliens sitting in the corners of the screen. They just sit there, shooting out balls that will seek to you, and then hit you. Also, kill these ones quickly. I know it is hard with all these enemies around, but try with a strong weopon. Don't give up. Exists at stage 6(last stage) QUITE DANGEROUS. Attacks: Producing the aliens. -------- Mine: -------- A TRAP This is a trap at stage 2(the first map). You step on them and after a second they explode. They can be easily disarmed, just run near them and avoid them until they explode. But don't get cocky, cause they can still hurt. You can always trash extra many mines if you're invicible(you're using a B) then you won't die of it. NORMAL. Attacks: Step on it and get blown away. --------------- Alien-shrimps: --------------- MIDDLEBOSSES--ENEMIES Aliens streaming out from the middle-boss at last stage, that looks like a fat brain. (The last boss in Contra1). These ones are fenomenal. And then I don't mean anything entertaining, they are fenomenal at coming down and hit you. Here it's a big advantage of being two players. Then one can take the guys coming from the ceiling, and then one can lie down, shooting the creators in twohundred pieces. Then that is done, no more alien-shrimps will come from the floor. Then destroy the ones in the ceiling, and then go for the heart. Being two is a big advantage. Being one, is desperately!!! You gotta shoot the creators, AND avoid the shrimps. This is really hard. You gotta use your special aura bomb sometimes, to protect you from the shrimps, that always streams out. Difficult to defeat it by yourself. They exist only at stage 6(Last stage) DANGEROUS+ Attacks: Sliding, squirming along the floor. Trying to get ya with their nasty tentacles. ---------- Creators: ---------- MIDDLEBOSSES-ENEMIES They create the deadly alien-shrimps. Kill it quickly, so it can't produce any more shrimps. Not dangerous at all, it's just that it creates these shrimps. They exist only at stage 6.(Last stage). NORMAL What it leads to: VERY DANGEROUS. Attacks:Produces the shrimps. ---------------- Scooter-robots: ---------------- ENEMIES Red color. Robots driving scooters at level 4. They don't do so much, sometimes shooting blue beams, and sometimes they throw grenades. But be careful, don't underestimate them. If you keep cool, this shouldn't be a problem. These scooter-robots are good to earn score. Equip yourself with the crash-bomber and shoot down as many scooters as you can. Tons of points will be yours(and the more score, the more lives). They only exist at stage4. QUITE EASY+ Attacks: Quickly flies onto the screen and then starts throwing grenades. -------- Droids: -------- ENEMIES The droids appear over the battletank2. They don't do so much, shoot maybe one bullet, and is just disturbing. Shoot 'em down. They exist only at stage 4. They will also appear later at the level, dropping down from the rears. QUITE HARD. Attacks: Shooting bullets. --------------- Flame-spiders: --------------- ENEMIES Red spiders that can shoot fire at you. You better watch out for the fire, cause it deals one life damage. My suggestion is that you duck under it by pressing the B-button. These enemies appear often many at the same time, so be careful. The fire they shoot ain't so fun to deal with. Kill them quickly, and then the pain is gone. They exist at stage 5(the sand stage). DANGEROUS. Attacks:"flame" you to death. --------------- Green-spiders: --------------- ENEMIES Green spiders at stage 2. These ain't half that hard as the fire- spiders. The green-spiders do nothing, just hanging around. Shoot 'em and forget them. Just don't step at them. They exist at stage 2. EASY. Attacks: Trying to touch and kill you. ------------ Red snakes: ------------ ENEMIES The red snakes are dangerous, because they shoot fire, and when you kill it, it isn't dead yet. It splits up in three other parts, the small red snakes. And these start to shoot fire. Use strong weopons to kill them quickly, or they'll create problems with their attacks. I suggest the spray or lazer, that's the best weopons. They exist at stage 5(the sand-stage) DANGEROUS. Attacks: Sprays his dangerous fire. ------------------ Small red snakes: ------------------ ENEMIES When you kill the red snakes, they will split up in three other parts. These are actually a little bit harder, but not so much. Duck under the fire and shoot them. They exist at stage 5(the sandstage) DANGEROUS+ Attacks: Also firing fire. -------------- Green snakes: -------------- ENEMIES Green snakes, almost the same as the ones on stage 5. The differences are that these ones shoot bullets, not fire. And these ones don't split up. Otherwise, it's the same. They can take a lot of damage, so use a strong weopon( maybe the lazer, not the homing). Duck under their attacks. QUITE HARD+ Attacks: Shoots bullets. --------------- Power-holders: --------------- ENEMIES A red robot, sitting inside the dome at the map, stage 2. Sometimes he won't open the barrier, other times, he may get drastic and start shooting and spin like a maniac. Be patient, he'll die sooner or later. When killing it, you'll usually get a item. Use strong weopons to kill it. Sometimes, when it's a coward, hiding inside the dome, use this tactic: Shoot a crashbomb, and then turn around so you got your back in front of him. Then he'll open up, and get hit by the crashbomb you shot. It works better if playing two. They exist at stage 2 and stage 5. Difficultness varys. An even better tactic is if you're invicible, run into them. Then you won't die but the character inside the bucket will. Check this out sometime when you have the chance! HARD+ Attacks: Definitely spraying bullets, desperately. ------------- Alien birds: ------------- ENEMIES Bird-looking ones, coming flying from heaven. They can grab you, and then they start to fly away. Kill it quickly, or get killed. Here, strong weopons like the lazer and crash is good, but flame is worth gold. With the flamer, just torch them down. If not having any weopons, the aura bomb could be handy. They exist at stage 3. If you don't have any great weopons, you can either try to shoot them down anyway(but that's harder) or you can hurry up to the right side. If you go far enough, the middle boss(machine with spinning platform around) will show up and then all of the alien birds will die and disappear from the screen. HARD+ Attacks: They grab and try to throw you down into the gaps. ---------------- The submarines: ---------------- ENEMIES I call it the submarine because it's a machine that appears up from the ground. It shoots bullets at you. Duck under it and destroy it. It exists at stage 1. QUITE EASY. Attacks: Unaware it sticks up from the ground and shoots bullets. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" E: Bosses """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Yeah, as you guessed, this is the boss-section. Look here for strategies, facts about the bosses, middlebosses, help, and everything else about the bosses. All the names are of course done by me, and so's the rest, like everything in this faq. I also rated how hard they are with the original scores + a rating from 1-10 how hard they are. Well, here it is!! There are 16 different bosses/middlebosses in this game. I listed them all down here, so you can check it out. -------------------------------------------------------------- | | |(1)FIRST ARMOR TURTLE(Boss) | |(2)SECOND SPIDER(Boss) | |(3)THIRD DRILL(Middleboss) | |(4)FOURTH ALIEN SHIP(Middleboss) | |(5)FIFTH TWO TERMINATORS(Middleboss) | |(6)SIXTH MEGA-ROBOT(Boss) | |(7)SEVENTH BATTLETANK2(Middleboss) | |(8)EIGHTH LONG-LEGGED MACHINE(Middleboss) | |(9)NINTH BOBA FETT(Middleboss) | |(10)TENTH BALLOONSHIP(Boss) | |(11)ELEVENTH SANDMONSTER(Boss) | |(12)TWELFTH BIG WORM(Middleboss) | |(13)THIRTHEENTH SHRIMP CREATORS(Boss) | |(14)FOURTHTEENTH ALIEN FACE(Boss) | |(15)FIFTHTEENTH DRAGON(Boss/Middleboss) | |(16)SIXTHTEENTH MOTHER ALIEN(Last boss) | | | -------------------------------------------------------------- """""""""""""""""" Boss 1: Stage 1 """""""""""""""""" BOSS ****************** The armor-turtle ****************** .............. Description: .............. Looks like a turtle, in HUGE format. It comes crashing the wall, and goes trough it. It shoots small bullets, shoots a big lighting bolt in the middle, and it sprays out parasites. Watch out so you don't get cramped up in a corner or something, always be sure you got a way out! ,,,,,,,,,, Strategy: ,,,,,,,,,, This boss shouldn't be so very hard. in fact, it's quite easy, especially if being two players. The two tactics(two players, one player) is quite the same, just a little different. Two players: One of you keeps the bullets and the parasites away, meanwhile the other player shoots the red heart that the turtle got on its stomach. Of course some parasites and bullets will come to both players, but not that concentrated. If the parasites are getting many, and it's a bit of crize situation, use a special aura bomb. Then the parasites will die, and the turtle will get hurt. Just watch out for the bullets, they can be hard to see. Use strong weopons to kill him fastly. Then the risk of dying will decrease. There should be no problem. Jump up sometimes at the platforms to avoid attacks. Just make sure the lighting bolt won't attack you. One player: Almost the same as above, just that you gotta use your special aura bomb more often, and sometimes jump up at the platforms to get away from the bullets and the parasites. Use strong weopons to hurt the heart, and use spray-weopons to get rid of the parasites. Shouldn't be no real problem, but could be a little harder than playing two. QUITE EASY. Rated: 3/10 """"""""""""""""" Boss 2 Stage 2: """"""""""""""""" BOSS ************ The spider ************ ............. Description: ............. It looks like a giant robot-spider, with a red eye. It shoots a lot of bullets and spins around much. Also got a lazer that could be disturbing. The spider won't start spinning around so heavy until you actually destroyed the lazer, so if you want to go the easy way, try to destroy the other things before you take out the lazer, because when the spider spins around, he's harder. ,,,,,,,,,, Strategy: ,,,,,,,,,, The main strategy here is always to move. It doesn't matter where(just make sure moving away from it) and keep away from it. Do that, because the spider got some dangerous movements, like all these bullets(it's easier to avoid it on longer distance) and his lazer that can get you(stay away and it probably will not hit you) and his spin-attacks. The last (spin-attacks) should be the biggest problem. The spider moves quickly, and when it spins around, its pretty hard to avoid. Then move upwards or downwards. But it could be hard to react. But as I said, always be moving. Use strong weopons and kill the lazer quickly, because otherwise it can reach you. Two players: Like the one before, this boss is easier playing two. QUITE HARD. Rated: 5/10 """"""""""""""""""" Boss 3: Stage 3 """"""""""""""""""" MIDDLEBOSS *********** The drill *********** ............. Description: ............. It looks like a robot-ship, with a drill on the head. It has a red button. Two wings that spin around can grab you. Before you come to it, a lot of alien birds will be picking at ya. ,,,,,,,,,, Strategy: ,,,,,,,,,, This boss is quite easy. Just use the flamer if you still have it, by torching it from where you are. The flamer goes right through the skin and kills it. If not having the flamer, get caught by the wings and spin around until you're right under it. Then shoot with your strongest weopon at the red button. Then it will be damaged. After a while, it will come up with the drill. Then jump off the wings, quickly. Repeat this a few times, and it will be defeated................ FOR A SECOND!!!! Soon, the robot will come back, when you're climbing up. It swings against you and lands exactly a few inches away. Then it starts to climb up. Avoid his rockets and his feet. You can't kill it right now. After a while, it'll tear the wall apart, and attack you. It goes towards you, quite fast. Then, quickly trick it by going down a bit, and shoot the red button with your strongest weopon. This section(when the boss comes back) is harder than when it's a "helicopter". Repeat the "trick-tactic" and hopefully it will die, before you do. Playing two: At the first section(where the helicopter is) it's easier being two. But when it starts climbing up the wall, it's harder being two. Sometimes two players really can't co-operate at this boss, and if one of you goes in another direction than the other. And then the robot can get one of you. So this boss is harder playing two, than one. HARD. Rated: 5/10 """""""""""""""""" Boss 4: Stage 3 """""""""""""""""" MIDDLEBOSS **************** The alien ship **************** ............. Description: ............. It looks like a big space-ship, with violet color. It spits grenades and out jump wing-soldiers. ,,,,,,,,,,, Strategy: ,,,,,,,,,,, If you have the spray or the flamer, this boss is a wimp. And being two is even easier. If you have the flamer or the spray, do like this: Stand in a corner and wait for the grenades to end. Then, pick up your weopon(flamer, spray) and stand under it. Shoot like a maniac, and you'll destroy all wing-soldiers, plus damaging the Alien Ship. Soon, the ship will be wrecked. If not having the spray or flamer, use strong weopons to destroy the ship quickly, so you get an end on the battle. You can get a small problem about all the wing-soldiers that are falling down, but you should make it. playing two: A big advantage. It's much easier playing two on this one. You don't even need the spray/flamer. Let just one take care about all the wing- soldiers, and the other concentrates on the ship(the red eye). EASY. Rating: 1.3/10 """""""""""""""""" Boss 5: Stage 3 """""""""""""""""" MIDDLEBOSS/BOSS ********************* The two terminators ********************* ............. Description: ............. They remind me about the terminator-movie, so I call them the terminators. These are almost a boss, but not 100%, cause right after them, the real boss comes. So I listed it here anyway. They are two, one with blue coulor, and the other one with red. ,,,,,,,,,, Strategy: ,,,,,,,,,, One of 'em will stand on the ground, shooting needles like a maniac. The other one jumps around, and creates problems. Use STRONG weopons to kill them, because they get quite dangerous, combing their abilities. I hate the red one; it always jumps up at me. If you got the opportunity, kill the red one. If you succeed, the fight is over. The terminators will turn out to small droids, that just jump around. Then just hang in the ceiling, shoot down on them until they give. Don't worry, they can't get you. Just blast them down. Before they turn out to the small droids, these two robots is a threat. Playing two: An advantage. Two guns kill more than one. If both hit the red robot, you will probably don't die at all. But be careful with the red robot, it's dangerous when it starts jumping around. DANGEROUS. Rating: 8/10 (So what's happening now? Well, the wall cracks down, and out comes a huge robot, their big daddy I guess.....) """"""""""""""""""" Boss 6: Stage 3: """"""""""""""""""" BOSS ********************* The real terminator ********************* ............. Description: ............. This robot seems to be angry, and it's huge!!!!! Don't worry, this one is easier(but just a little) than the other two(the terminators) if you do exactly as this tactic say(or else, it's harder): ,,,,,,,,,, Strategy: ,,,,,,,,,, First, the robot will appear by wrecking the wall, and turn his head from side to side. Then stand under him, shooting with your strongest weopon. After a while, he'll shoot two shining beams against you. Now, trick the beams by walking to the wall(at left or right, your choice. But I usually use the left wall.) and climb up, avoiding the beams. Keep climbing in the ceiling, and the beams follow you. Then drop down(B- button) and stand there. Now, the two beams should disappear. Shoot the boss. Soon, the mega-robot will start breathing fire. This fire will go in a circle, reaching the whole room, so there's nowhere to hide. QUICKLY run towards the fire to the left side, not hesitating at all. Climb the wall and the ceiling quickly, and then in the last second, drop down before the fire reaches you. And when you're on ground, walk a bit to left, so the fire won't get ya. (This stuff could be hard to do at Hard, because the fire moves much faster than on easy and normal, but if you do it correctly, being concentrated, without hesitating you will make it.) Now, when the fire is over, give the robot all you got!! Shoot with your strongest weopon, as much as you can. But STOP when you see that the bombs come out. There's a number ticking on the bombs; that's the time before it will explode. Usually, you're in a crize situation now(like when the robot fires) but if you chill out now, and do exactly as I say, you will not be harmed. The second you see the bombs are out, stop firing and run to a wall(I usually take left) and quickly climb up on it. Then continue without stopping onto the ceiling, and keep going right. The strategy is like walking in a circle, like when the fire comes. If you do this, the bombs will not reach you. If you stay or drop down on the ground, one life would be wasted.The numbers will be lower and lower, and then the bombs will explode. The explosion covers all the room, except the ceiling, so don't drop down!!!This strategy is quite hard to learn, but it's the only way to survive. Others won't work, not staying in a corner, jump around, nothing will work, except this one. Another advice is using your aura bombs as much as you can, before you die. Now, the mega-robot will stand still for a while, shoot him. And then after a while he'll shoot that beams again. Do the same thing again(that circle-stuff) and get down. Shoot. Then the fire comes up. Do the circle-stuff. Get down. Shoot. The bombs will come out. Cirlce-stuff. Get down. Shoot. And repeat this stuff until he dies. This boss is one of the hardest in the game, but nothing compared to the last. Playing two: If you are two players, be sure to take the same way(when the circle- stuff is up, you know when the robot starts firing and bombing), or maybe problems will occur. But otherwise, it's the same way. Be careful, it's harder playing two on this boss than playing one(that's what I think.) because sometimes you do a mistake like thinking you are the other player, or you two take different ways. No, I think it's easier being one. The advantage being two is that the boss will die much quicker(good because it can be hard keeping concentrated a long time). But the minus is that you'll probably die more. DANGEROUS. (If not doing the strategy correctly, VERY DANGEROUS) Rating: 7.8/10 """""""""""""""""" Boss 7: Stage 4 """""""""""""""""" ENEMY/MIDDLEBOSS **************** The battletank2 **************** ............. Description: ............. A battletank with green color, shooting rockets, and over it, droids appear all the time. ,,,,,,,,,, Strategy: ,,,,,,,,,, This ENEMY/MIDDLEBOSS is very easy. Just destroy it by shooting on it, and the rockets. Shoot the droids then and then, and this ENEMY/BOSS will be over. VERY EASY. Playing two: Even easier. Rating: 0.7/10 """""""""""""""""" Boss 8: Stage 4: """""""""""""""""" MIDDLEBOSS ************************* The long-legged machine ************************* ............. Description: ............. A quite big machine, with long legs that will swing around, and maybe hit you. Watch out for the rockets also! Red and green color. ,,,,,,,,,, Strategy: ,,,,,,,,,, This middleboss is easy, if you don't fool around too much. Just stay cool, choose a weopon you like(here it doesn't really matter) and shoot the upper body of it. Avoid the rockets and it should be cool. When the robot jumps towards you, drive under the legs and up to the next side. That's good, because then you won't get trapped into a corner. But if you just chill out, this boss shouldn't be a problem. If you can, save your aura bombs. They'll be needed better in other situations than at this easy middleboss. Two players: The same. Save your aura bombs. It's almost the same as playing one. QUITE EASY. Rating: 2/10 """"""""""""""""" Boss 9: Stage 4: """"""""""""""""" MIDDLEBOSS ********** Boba Fett ********** ............. Description: ............. An enemy/middleboss that comes flying at stage 4, when you're on the chopter. (The creature looks like Boba Fett in the star-wars triology, so I call him for that.)It tries to hit you with his dagger, and he throws shurikens at you. ,,,,,,,,,, Strategy: ,,,,,,,,,, Just bomb him with your strongest weopon you got, until he gives. One strategy is to follow his movements, when he swings to one side, follow him and shoot, and when he swings to the other, follow him and shoot. By doing this, he can't jump up to the missile, and then he can't hurt you, because he's just swinging around. He exists only at stage 4, on the chopter. Playing two: Almost the same, just that it's easier. He'll die faster, plus you cover more space, so he can't go up. NORMAL. """""""""""""""""" Boss 10: Stage 4: """""""""""""""""" BOSS ********************** The air balloon ship ********************** ............. Description: ............. Last boss on the stage. You get "catapulted" towards it, by the rockets. ATTENTION!!!! The rockets will explode, and then if you're not fast, you will fall down. ,,,,,,,,,, Strategy: ,,,,,,,,,, The main stuff is all about getting the shields away, and then you can damage the ship. (Easier to say than to do). The main trouble is that the rockets explodes all the time, so it's hard to hit the target. THAT'S why you should use the aura bombs. (Remember? They goes over the whole screen, hitting everything.) Of course the aura bombs won't destroy the shields, so u gotta hit it some also. But use the aura bombs as much as you can. DO NOT jump around too much, because the guns can shoot beams that kills you. Finally when the shield is gone, start wrecking the ship by shooting at the red button. After a while, you will gain your score. Playing two: Almost the same, just that you gotta have control over yourself, and you can use twice as much aura bombs. HARD. Rating: 6/10 """"""""""""""""""" Boss 11: Stage 5: """"""""""""""""""" BOSS ****************** The sand-monster ****************** ............. Description: ............. The only boss on the whole stage. Looks lika a GIANT monster with claws and an eye that opens sometimes. As usual, you're going to hit a small point at the enemy(like a heart, or an eye). ,,,,,,,,,, Strategy: ,,,,,,,,,, This boss could be a real problem to kill. Use your aura-bombs as often as you can. (I rather use it when the whole stuff starts rolling, because then it's harder to hit the eye). I suggest you kill the claw and forget about the eye until you get a lazer. Then it's time to rock!!! This tactic is the best I could figure out. If you know any better, mail me! The tactic's all about using the lazer, to kill the monster. It's almost a "Kamikaze"-tactic. After a few hits at the eye, the whole screen will start spinning. You're rolling around the monster. When you die(and you probably will) you're invicible a few seconds. Then quickly run into the monster, and stand there frying the monster's eye all you got with your lazer!!! Now the monster should lose much energy, but you'll die. Be sure to switch to another weopon, so you don't lose your lazer. Use your aura bomb, and do the same thing when you die.Run into the boss, and shoot madly at the boss. ARRRRRGGHHHHH!! Kill the monster!! Don't worry, you usually don't lose more than about 4 lives on this boss. This is the best tactic I know. It's the quickest, and easiest way to kill it. Playing two: Better because you got twice that much aura bombs. And you can share the life-killing strategy, so nobody of you die that super-mucho. (Now this boss sounds hard to beat?? No actually it's not so hard, so don't worry. Be cool as you always are. Just wait for the last boss at next stage; there's the real pain!!) DANGEROUS. """""""""""""""""" Boss 12: Stage 6: """""""""""""""""" MIDDLEBOSS ************** The big worm ************** .............. Desctription: .............. Not really an enemy, more like a middle-boss. But I posted it here anyway. Yellow/brownish color. It's only existing at stage 6, and it throws rolling aliens out of the mouth. ,,,,,,,,, Tactics: ,,,,,,,,, Here, you need a strong weopon(lazer, crash) to kill all the rolling aliens quickly, and hit the worm. If not doing that, the rolling aliens will swarm around you, and finish you off. So kill it quickly. DANGEROUS. """""""""""""""""" Boss 13: Stage 6: """""""""""""""""" Middleboss/boss ******************** Creator of Shrimps ******************** ............. Description: ............. It creates the deadly alien-shrimps. Red color. Last boss in Contra1. Kill it quickly, so it can't produce any more shrimps. Not dangerous at all, it's just that it creates these shrimps. Exists at stage 6.(Last stage) ,,,,,,,,,, Strategy: ,,,,,,,,,, You gotta be a good player here. Use all your aura-bombs at this boss, cause that will be the only thing protecting you against the shrimps. Use spray/the flamer on this boss, so you can take care of the shrimps plus the brain. This boss is hard if playing one. Try to kill the stuff that creates the shrimps first, because that's the dangerous stuff. After that, kill the brain. Playing two: A little bit easier, but not much. Let one of you take care of all the shrimps, and the other can take the creators so you get a stop of the shrimp-stream. DANGEROUS+ """""""""""""""""" Boss 14: Stage 6: """""""""""""""""" MIDDLEBOSS/BOSS **************** The alien face **************** ............. Description: ............. Brownish color. Sometimes it reveals a face. Crawls along the floor. ,,,,,,,,,, Strategy: ,,,,,,,,,, Use strong weopons. Stand at the left side, waiting for it to make anything rash.When it comes towards you, jump up at it quickly(better than the alternative; being crushed.) and wait for it to back. Then go down. When the face is up, shoot!!!!!!! Now he starts spitting out balls or something. AVOID these, or die!! The creature will dive into the ground(!). Wait for it to come up. Quite soon, it will either jump up in the air, landing on you, or run towards you. Be concentrated. If you see it starts jumping, quickly(and really quickly) run towards it, without hesitating. If you succeed, you'll avoid the body that falls down. If you're a second late, you're dead. If it rushes towards you, jump up at it. Either stuff he do, quite soon it will open up. Shoot the face drastically. And after that, "the rain" starts again. Avoid it. And proceed like this, until he's dead. Don't hang in the roof too much, because then it's hard to avoid "the rain" plus when the alien jumps up, you can't get away. Playing two: No big deal. Almost the same. This boss is dangerous, so be careful and concentrated. Use the time when the face is up wisely.DANGEROUS+ """""""""""""""""" Boss 15: Stage 6: """""""""""""""""" MIDDLEBOSS ************ The dragon ************ ............. Description: ............. You've made it this far, not so much more to go. Feels pretty good huh?!? Well, you still gotta defeat this boss and let's not talk about the other one....... This boss looks like a dragon, white color with a tail snatching around. ,,,,,,,,,,, Strategy: ,,,,,,,,,,, Tactic is the same as fighting the drill; go down(or up) when the dragon comes towards you. If you succeed, you should get a second to fire a crash-bomb(or something else). Use strong-weopons. You gotta time the moving,really important. Try to damage the dragon as fast as you can, because when you damaged it enough, it will start vanishing and appearing in short sequences, and that's much easier. You gotta time this boss, or else you're history!! Use the crash-weopon. Playing two: Playing two here is just a disadvantage, because then it's hard to time the "go down" movement together. No, it's better being one. Well, strategy's the same. DANGEROUS. YOU VERSUS THE MASTERMIND BEHIND THIS WHOLE STORY!!!! """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Boss 16: Stage 6: FINALLY THE LAST ALIEN EVER!!! (The alien, the brain, and the shell) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ............. Description: ............. This is the last boss in the whole game. But don't be relieved about coming this far, because now the REAL gaming starts!!!!! To defeat this one, you gotta be good. The boss is in three stages, first you meet the alien; a creature with a head in the middle, and two arms cruising around. The second stage is the brain(hardest part). And the last is when the shell comes chasing ya. (Easiest). ,,,,,,,,,, Strategy: ,,,,,,,,,, -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ SECTION 1: THE BODY -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ One player: Playing two is a big advantage. But if playing one, you gotta do your best. I say your best chance is to have a lotta lives when coming to this boss, you'd better stock up with strong weopons(crash-bombs, lazers, or flamer will do) and you better concentrate now. When you come in, the alien will come down. Run to the right side and quickly start shooting the arm(looks like an arm with a head on) at the right side and shoot it down quickly. Use your aura bomb now. It will be handy because of killing the arms and probably you'll die soon, so use it or else you just wasted an aura bomb(remember even if you have one and die, you'll just have one). Don't hesitate, if you don't stop shooting with your flamer/lazer/crash it will die. The worst thing you can do is run away from it when it come near, because then you just get killed later. So stand cooly and shoot it. Hopefully(and it should) break down. Yes, you killed the right arm!!! Now the left arm will come over to your side.(It reaches far, don't you think?). Probably you'll get killed(almost impossible to avoid it) but you can always try to duck(sometimes it works). When you die(and I think you will) use your aura bomb immediately. Try to kill that left arm as good as you can, don't bother the head because it's no problem when the arm is gone. After some hits, the arm will die. Thanks!!! Start shooting the head all you can. Start under it, and shoot the head and the creatures coming out from the sides. A good idea is to use the flamer here, frying everything coming around. Destroy everything quickly(and if you die, use your aura bomb immediately). Shoot the head. Even if you don't recognize the alien head is damaged even if you shoot at it, it is. After a while an eye will get red. And after a while more, the other will also be red. Don't stop shooting! Soon, the whole stuff will break down, and left is the brain.......... -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- SECTION 2: The brain -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Now the hard part of the last enemy begins. Get at one side, and try to hit one of the things that flow around the brain in a sort of aura. Because of the aura, nobody can tell in what order the stuff comes, but in any way, there's a possiblity to hit the brain. The main tactic is no real tactic, but a few tips. The outcome depends all on what you hit. You have influence on what it will be, I can (almost) shoot the spiky ball everytime. So if you want something special, aim for it. Here's what can come up: ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,., (1) The grey spiky ball: ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,., WHOOOO HOOOO!!!!! Stuff is popping out!! It just to grab for free!!! Take your favorite weopon, and start collecting aura bombs(you can maximum have 9). This is the best thing you can hit, you'll gain weopons for free, aura bombs for free, and it's not so dangerous. The brain will go to the middle in the screen, popping things out. Just make sure to take the weopons, not the spiky balls(then you'll die).This is the best ball you can hit. ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,.,.,., (2) The blue ball with stains: ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,.,.,., Good. This is the ball making the brain stepping with two legs. He steps around, trying to hit you. If you stand in one of the corners, he can't hit ya. Use your aura bombs and strong weopons. As I said, stand in the corners. Good one to catch. ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,.,.,.,.,., (3) The green ball with red stains ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,.,.,.,.,., Not good! This is the ball that makes a snake appear. And this snake is fast!!! It runs through the whole screen, and if you touch it, you're a dead one. So try to hide in the glimps it reveals. But it is hard. Not a good one to pick. It's also very hard to hit the brain. If you can, avoid this one. ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,., (4) The grey ball ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,., Not so good. This is the ball that makes three balls go around from side to side(three on hard, two on normal). It could be hard to avoid, so if you can, avoid this one. ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,., (5) The eye-ball ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,., Looks like an eye. If you hit this ball, eyes will start bouncing around the screen, searching every place for hitting ya. It's difficult to avoid the eyes, but we're lucky, they can be destroyed. Just shoot at the eyes with a strong weopon(crash-lazer) and it should be destroyed. Caution!!! This ain't a very safe way so be careful! This one is not a bad ball to hit, but not good one. ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,,.,.,.,.,.,., (6) The blue ball(no stains): ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,,.,.,.,.,.,.,., Don't catch this one!!! This is the same as above(balls raining down) but the difference is you cannot destroy the balls. And that's a huge disadvantage because there's nowhere to run! So don't get this one. If you by an accident randomly gets this one, you better stay cool and try your best to avoid all the balls, that comes down. But as I said, easier to say, harder to do it. ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,., ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,., (7) The grey ball, with a little purple coulor in it ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,., ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,., Whoops!! This one is not so good to catch(no one of 'em are) but this one is not worse or better than any else. The content is that you'll get a circle of grey/purple balls around ya. First, this seems to be no real disadvantage, just that it is hard to hit the brain. But after a while, the balls will circle closer and closer to you, and explode(killing ya. ) The only way to avoid death is to shoot the balls everything you can, until they are destroyed. Here's a big advantage being two. Then you can help each other get rid of the balls, plus that it's only one player that will be caught by the circle. ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. (8) Red slime ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. Really good!! This one is the best to catch(except the spiky ball) and the easiest one. Here, the brain will get an aura of red slime around the body. Start firing at it, until it gives. This one is the easiest. *************** Main strategy: *************** In all situations, there're a way to hit the brain, just that it could be varying shapes. Some are harder, some easier. Use your aura bombs immediately when you're living, before you die. This will damage the brain. Use strong weopons when you get the opportunity. And of course, use the tips above. DIFFICULTNESS: WHOOOOOAAAAA!!(Super-hard) -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ SECTOR 3: The shell -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ After you defeated the brain(was a mess, am I right?) you think you made it. Well, not quite yet. The chopter picks you up, the nest starts to explode, everything's looking good. Well, this brain will never gonna give up. he transforms to a shell, and starts chasing ya. The chopter can't fly away from it, so it's up to you. Once again, refill your ammo and bomb the brain!!!!! This section is easy, just don't do any mistakes and it will work out. Use your strongest weopons to destroy it quickly. Congratulations!!!! You finished Contra3: The alien Wars(Super Probotector) at the hardest diffcultness. You'll see the real ending. Enjoy the last scenes, and relax. Well done! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ F: Stage information @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Some information about the stages, how hard they are, what enemies existing, what to do in hard situations etc. """"""""""""""""""" Stage 1: The City """"""""""""""""""" ............. Description: ............. You're in a big city, that almost is totally ruined. The background shows skyscrapers that are destroyed. First you'll fight your way through alotta stuff, then a plane will show up and transform the stage to a burning place. In the end of the stage you'll face the turtle. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Enemies existing: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Red snipers, blue snipers, red soldiers, blue soldiers, grenade- throwers, green fortresses, submarines, dogs, fireballs, fireslings, battletank1. """"""""""""""" Stage 2: Map1 """"""""""""""" This is new, one of the major changes in the latest update(ok, not very much to see, but hey, something new keeps the mind fresher, right?:) I made two maps, one to stage 2 and one for stage 5. They are the only stages when you walk in this perspective, so it's quite natural that these are the only stages I painted a map for. First I'd like to say that these maps are quite basic, I haven't used any other programs than word, and I did not use any painting abilities, I just made it in italic(I think it's called that, when you integrate characters from the keyboard, but I'm not sure, italic could be something totally different, but I think italic is that, I read something about it). --- New to this section, a map!!!! Ok, it's not exactly professional artwork, but I hope you can figure out some of it. If you think it is really hard to see what is what, check this map meanwhile you check the map in the game, at stage 2. Compare them and I hope you can see some details. Remember that this map is most for fun, not very much for help since you can bring out the map anytime you want by pressing "start- button", but I thought it could be fun with a small map here too. (For explination of the different notes, check "help" below the map). Enjoy!! MAP OF STAGE 2: _____ " " _____ ________ ___" | |_"__| | " | |___| |" | O |" | ¤ O | | _____ | " | ¤__¤¤¤ |" | | " | |" | |"| ¤¤¤| | ---------------| |"| |" | ¤ |"|~~~~~~| | -¤--------------------|"| | | |_"_| |_"__| |" |~~~~ ¤ |" | ¤ |" | ¤ |" | O ¤ O | | ______ _______ ¤¤¤----- |" | ¤¤¤ | " "| | " " |¤¤ |" "| |" | ¤¤|" " |¤¤¤ |" " "| ----- |" | ¤¤ | " "| | " " | | | |" " | | " | |"" | O |" " |____| " " | ____ | |_____| " " " " " |____|" |_____| " " " " "" " " """ " " " " " " " " """" O = A powerholder. These are the ones you have to destroy to encounter the spider boss. It's your mission to destroy each one of the 5. You find a powerholder where this mark(O) is. ¤¤¤ = This mark means that there is a block in the way at the stage. Well, you can't run through it, but you can go nearby and pass it. ~~~~ = Sometimes when you walk on this stage, you find a very weak road, that almost seems to fall apart. This is one of those places. If you haven't encountered one of those "traps", you find them here. Sometimes you have to cross the "falling bridge" and then it will break down. Well, ~~~~ means weak road. " = All of these marks you see(") means that this is no place you can walk in. Either it's outside the screen, or there is a black hole blocking the way so you can't walk there. Go and investigate by yourself! ............. Description: ............. You're in a map(check my fine map:), with many gaps, and enemies. This stage is quite dangerous, so be careful. You gotta kill all power- holders first, after that, a huge mechanic spider will appear(the boss). ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Enemies existing: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Green soldiers, red soldiers, power-holders, green snakes. Traps: Gaps, mines. """"""""""""""""""" Stage 3: The tower """"""""""""""""""" ............. Description: ............. A long long stage, with many middlebosses. There're also very many enemies, that will make your journey a bit rough. The flamer is strongly recommended at this stage. Be careful if playing two, because sometimes if one of you stand on a lower platform and the other one jumps up, then the lower player will die(as in Contra1). That's a waste of lives, so be careful. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Enemies existing are: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Red snipers, Alien birds, Winged soldiers. """""""""""""""""""""""" Stage 4: The race-track """""""""""""""""""""""" ............. Description: ............. Also a long stage, with many speedy sequences. You have to race through many traps, before coming up in the air. When you're on the boss, use your aura-bombs as often you can, because it's hard hitting the shields. And be careful with the rockets(you know what I mean when you're there). ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Enemies existing: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Scooter-robots, battletank2, droids, balloonship, boba fett, the long legged machine. """"""""""""""""""""" Stage 5: The sandbar """"""""""""""""""""" MAP OF STAGE 5: " " " " " " ____ " " ____ ______" " " " " ___________ / \---/ \ " \ | " " " " | |" / /\ \ " \ |______ " " | | | O /""\ \ " | |_____| * |" | /" "/ / "| * O |" \______/" "/ / ""/ * | " "_______/ /" "/ * |"" "" / ________/" "/ O * ___ | __/ / " " " " / */"_"\__/" | | " " " " "| |" | |" " " " " "| | | -_-_-_-_-_-_-_- * |" |_ |" "" " \ * | \ \ " " " \________ * | \ \______ " " " ___/ _ |" | | " _/ ___/| | --- | __/ __/ " | /" | / __/ " " / | | __/ " " " \ |" | O | " " " " | O | | | " " " "" | |" |___________-_-_-_-_-_-_____________________| " "" "" "" "" " " " " """ " " "" """ "" """"" (Short explanation) O = A powerholder. These are the ones you have to destroy to encounter the spider boss. It's your mission to destroy each one of the 5. You find a powerholder where this mark(O) is. *** = This mark means that there is a block in the way at the stage. Well, you can't run through it, but you can go nearby and pass it. " = All of these marks you see(") means that this is no place you can walk in. Either it's outside the screen, or there is a black hole blocking the way so you can't walk there. ............. Description: ............. The most dangerous stage. There're a few power holders, that summon spiders. Watch out for all spiders, coz they shoot fire at ya. There're also quite many gaps and bridges to go over, so be careful. (Falling down isn't so tempting). Look out for all sandtraps) the ones making you roll) but if you are careful, this stage is no real problem. I find this stage pretty dull, there's not much action. Oh well. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Enemies existing: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Red spiders, Green spiders, Power-holders(violet ones), Red snakes, small red snakes, Sandmonster, claws. Traps: Gaps, bridges. """""""""""""""""""""""" Stage 6: The alien nest """""""""""""""""""""""" ............. Description: ............. A quite long stage, and dangerous. I hope you're a fast player, cuz here you have to run like Maurice Greene. The enemies will swurl around you, so make sure to use the aura bomb. Many middlebosses/bosses on this stage also. A good tips on the stage is using the flamer or the spray because they are good to defense,and RUN!!! Run away from all the aliens. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Enemies existing: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Big Worm, Last alien ever, The brain, The dragon, The alien face, rolling aliens, shrimps, alien throwing puppets, aliens. £££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ G: Items £££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ As far as I know, there're only the weopons, and the aura-bombs that could be noted as items. So here's the name of them: -,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,- |B: Invicibilty | |C: Crash-bombs | |F: Flamer | |S: Spray | |L: Lazer | |H: Homing | |-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-, All the weopons and bombs come in capsules that fly high or low over you. Shoot at it once, and the contents will fall down. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ H: Walkthrough $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ This is the walkthrough, all the game from beginning to end. Here you can see what to do, and much more. I've only done the walkthrough for one player. Two players is almost the same. If there're any situations when two player activity is different, that's included. These are the stages you have to go through! -------------------------- |Stage 1: The city | |Stage 2: Map 1 | |Stage 3: The tower | |Stage 4: The race-track | |Stage 5: Map 2 | |Stage 6: Aliens nest | -------------------------- ------------------- STAGE 1: THE CITY ------------------- The game is beginning. You start appearing to the left side. Start your journey by going right. Take the invicibility weopon(B) that comes flying from left in a capsule. Go right. Bomb the car. Take the aura bomb that comes in a capsule. Head right. Now, two capsules will appear. Both contents is the spray-weopon(S). Take it and continue to the right. Many many enemies run around here, but try to stay cool and shoot everyone down meanwhile you're going right. Be careful cuz soon a red sniper will appear(they shoot bullets that's hard to avoid). Keep heading right. Take the capsule(if you want the contents) or leave it. Go right. In the background, you'll see a dog searching a trashcan. This dog will run out on the screen soon, so aware of it! Jump over the dog when it comes running and continue to the right. (Always on this stage thousands of robots swurl around you, but I don't mention that here, coz that would just be unneccessary). Go on. Take the Laser(L) inside the capsule and continue to the right. Make your way through all parasites running around you(an aura bomb could be handy) and continue right. Kill the snipers quickly, cuz they cause problems. You'll face a grenade-thrower. Soon, you'll face a green fortress(middleboss). Kill the red sniper on the roof and step one platform down. Here you'll be standing untouchable. Shoot the canons. When both the canons are destroyed, jump down to hit the red button. The whole fortress will break down. Go right. A battletank you can drive will show up. I suggest you jump in it, and see for yourself what it can be used for(it can fire big missiles, smash robots under the wheels etc.) Caution!!! Playing two is trouble here, because the battletank only got room for one, so the other must stand on the roof of it. Then that player is vulnerable. And the battletank the other player drives can kill it. EVEN if the player got the shield(B) the battletank will smash the player. So the battletank-player should be careful. Drive/run right. If you play on your own, just drive maximum, not stopping for a second. Then the battletank will get damaged, but hold until you get to the fortress. Then just shoot one missile with the battletank at the red button, and the castle will break down. Anyway, go right. After the fortress, shoot the capsules down. Take the aura bombs. Continue to the right. Shoot down the other capsules. The content is yours(if you want it; a Homing(H) and a crash-bomber(C).) Jump over the fire(4) and continue to the right. A house will breakdown and out comes a battletank1. It shoots missiles. Here I suggest you just relax in the left corner and shoot at it with a strong weopon of yours until it breaks down. The missiles won't hit you. After, go right. You're on the section when the aeroplane comes shooting two giant missiles, that creates earthquake(and fire) Fire-section: Climb right. Watch out for the lava, a few balls might jump up at ya. Stay back for a second, then when it cooled down, GO! After the lava, two fire-balls are jumping up and down. Try to time it here, passing by when the balls are down. A capsule with the weopon S will appear. (Take it if u want, I rather not). After you passed it, a firesling will appear. Just stand at the cliff and you won't be harmed. After the firesling disappeared, go on to the right. The ground will get "cool" and the fire disappears. It's just to jump down and walk on the ground as usual. Soon, two aura bombs will come in capsules. And after them, it's bosstime! ------------------------ WALKTHRU STAGE 2: Map1 ------------------------ Choose where to start, and start there. I usually start in the upper left corner, because that's the one longest away(and then I don't have to walk so long) so the walkthrough on this stage is based from that base. But it can be used from the other places too. You start near a power-holder. Destroy the robot and take the contents(aura bombs mostly). Go down. Watch out for the gap(falling down will cost ya!). There're many mines around here, that explode a few seconds after you stepped on them. So if touching one, get away from it quickly.Go right. Kill the power- holder to get an item(or a weopon. ). Hopefully it's the B(invicibility). If it is, start running to a power-holder and stand inside it. It will break down. Just make sure to get out of it when the B turns red. Anytime you don't really know where you are or where to go for the next power-holder, press the select-button. It will show you a view of the stage. If you gain the B (and if you don't get it, go the same way), run quickly up. Go left. Kill the power-holder. Hopefully you'll gain a L. Go right a long long way, over a gap and then right. Last power-holder, and after it, boss 2(spider) will come. ------------------------------- WALKTHROUGH STAGE 3: THE TOWER ------------------------------- Head right. Take the flamer(F)!! This weopon is superb at this stage, because it defends you very good. I can give up a lazer just to get the flamer at this stage. Believe me, the flamer (sounds weird, but it's true) is the ultimate weopon at this stage. Take the aura bomb. Red snipers're sitting in front of you, so shoot them quickly(don't use the flamer, it's too valuable to risk). After you killed the snipers, go right. Many green balls will roll in, but forget them, just run away. Kill another red sniper(watch out for their bullets). And keep heading right. Hopefully you'll gain the laser(L). Head right. Kill the red sniper again, and continue to the right. Jump up and climb to the right. Alien birds will dive down at ya. Some will grab ya, and if you're not free you'll get killed. Here it's time for a barbecue! Pick up your flamer and start frying the birds!!! I'm telling you, they die quickly! Walk slowly to the right, meanwhile burning the birds. After a while, a big robot that looks like a drill comes up, one of the middlebosses at this stage. ------------------------------------------------- WALKTHROUGH STAGE 3: THE TOWER(after the drill) ------------------------------------------------- Climb the wall, and face the drill once again. And after that, climb up. Here's a good place to start a drastic situation. If you're bored and want some action, this is the place for you. Climb up the wall, not mentioning the snipers on the other side. They will start shooting bullets and these bullets will start a drastic situation! I recommend you to test it sometime, when you're playing to chill(not playing to play good, just chilling around, ya know.) If you want to be safe and undamaged, take it slowly and climb up a bit and shoot one of the snipers one at time. Like when you see one sniper, stand still and take him out. Then go for the next, and so on. It's safer. After you finished the snipers, climb all the way up. Here you'll get a weopon from the capsule that flies from the left. And after that, it's time for a middleboss. Head right. Take the B and run toward the robots. If you're two players here, the first one(with the B) covers the other and shoots down the enemies. Defending the other player like a kinda barrier. Smash the door and enter the castle. Take the C around. Destroy all machines in the room, cause they can start stirring things up. Go up. DANGEROUS BEING TWO PLAYERS: Now, playing two here is dangerous. It's very important to stick together, and being careful. Many friendships have been wrecked at this moment. It's like Contra1; if one of you guys jump up, the screen will follow. And the other player underneath will die if he stands still. The screen isn't big enough for two players, so one of you dies(the one lower down). And this is so unneccessary so I tell ya to stick together, and talk to each other when one of you is going up. Being one player is a big advantage, you can take it as slowly as you want. Go up the tower. Walk on to the right. Take capsules. Keep heading right. You'll enter a room with a small narrow path. Here an H will come, in a capsule. Could be good to know if you want to avoid it, or take it(I usually avoid it cause I hate the H). Well, it's bosstime! -------------------------------- WALKTHROUGH STAGE 4: THE RACING -------------------------------- You find yourself at a bike. Drive on to the right. Many robots on bikes will drive over your head. Take the weopon that comes in the capsule(mostly a C or S). Try to shoot as many as scooter-robots cause they give plenty of points(and points give lives). Battletank2 will come up. And droids around his head. Shoot everything down. Shouldn't be a problem. You can destroy the missiles that comes from the battletank. Keep heading right. A giant airship comes down, trying to pulverlize you with the lazers and other stuff. You have to go through. Time the driving, if you drive too fast, the lazer will hit ya. After the lazers, a long "trunk" will swing around. Now you really gotta time the driving. Try to go through without being hit. You will meet the long-legged machine, a middleboss.... After you destroyed this one, the chopter will pick you up. Wait a while and take the weopon first. Hop up at the chopter and stand ready to fire your strongest weopons at the left lower corner. Boba Fett is next on the roster..... After you killed "Boba Fett", the chopter will fire a missile away. And you're on it!!! Don't worry, it's just another boss........ Ah yeah!! Stage 4 is finished, two more to go! ----------------------------------- WALKTHRU Stage 5: The sandbar(Map2) ----------------------------------- (As always, maps are hard to describe. This walkthrough on the maps is just based on the basics. You're the one playing, so you know better things than I do, about what's happening. So this's just the basics.) Yep, now you gotta go through another map, but this one is harder. It's the same start as in map1, you choose where to start. I usually start at the upper left corner cause that one is most far away from the others. Kill the power-holder and take the contents. Head right over the "bridge"(a narrow path). Keep going. Don't cross the bridge you'll see yet,you got some business to do first. Kill the power-holder. Take the contents(if you still want it) and cross the bridge. Go up. Kill the power-holder(don't forget the item!) and continue over the next bridge lower down on the map.Kill the last power- holder and it's time for a real baddy!!! --------------------------------------------- WALKTHRU Stage 6: The alien nest(last level) --------------------------------------------- Now you're deep inside the cave. Now or never the faith of humanity will be decided. And you're the one that decides. Go right. Take the aura bomb that comes in the capsule(oh, aura bombs is so handy at this stage!). Use it immediately if you're surrounded by baddies. Keep heading right. Probably many many aliens runs around you, and it's tough to stay alive. No problem, it's normal. Use you're aura bombs as much as you can, and try to survive. If you keep heading right you'll be out of it. Playing two is an advantage cause then you got two guns instead of one, and can shoot at two sides of the screen. If you survive long enough, you'll face..................... (Check the boss section for to know which one) It's not over yet. Go right. Take the lazer and the aura bomb. An enemy/boss will appear up from the ground. Almost there(the last place). Head right and climb the wall. A white dragon appears. You gotta defeat it if you wanna come to last boss. Ok, climb up the wall and get ready for the last boss in the game. Pick up the flamer if you want it. And get ready for the hardest boss in the game. (If you get problems, check boss section). Now, good luck man(you gonna need it)! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% I: Legal stuff and so on %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Yeah, this faq wasn't made in one second, so PLEASE respect some of the stuff here: + Mail me first before posting it on your website.(lufia3@hotmail.com) + DO NOT change anything in it, in any kinda way. + Mail me first if you plan to do anything with it. As you can see, It's not that much, so please respect this. I think it shouldn't be a problem. This faq was made by me, MaYakuza Copyright 1999, 2000 MaYakuza(Sunshine) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& J: FAQ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Q: I heard of a special weopon, "the atomic weopon" that should pulverize every enemy in one hit. How do I get it? A: "the atomic weopon" could possibly be the "M". This is just a rumor as far as I know. That M stuff is just a fake weopon what I know. The rumor says"go to the brain that pops out weopons on normal or hard. Wait for the M to pop out. It stand for Mini Gun.". This is just a false rumor!!! I tried it for many times, playing all the game from beginning to the brain at hard, normal one player, two players with my friend, but no M popped out. It's just a lie!! Still it is posted at www.gamefaqs.com at codes and sages. But as I said; THERE IS NO "M"!!!!!!!If you in any event should get the Mini Gun"M", mail me immediately!!!!!!I would really like hearing if somebody could get it(strange I can't get it, hmmmmm........) Q: Are there any codes to the game? A: Well, actually I don't know. You better check out the site www.gamefaqs.com and search for the codes. If there are any, they probably should be posted there. }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} K: Weopons }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} This is the weopon-section. Here you'll see what weopons that could be used in difficult situations, what they are good for, what mark it got, how to get them, team-tactics with the weopons, and more stuff. I also ranged them in how good they are, with 10 for the best, 1 for worthless. How to use them in the game, and on the bosses is more detailed in the walkthrough, so don't worry about how to use them in the game. These are the weopons: -------------------------------------------------------- |F: The flamer | |L: The lazer | |-(no mark): The machine gun(you have it from the start)| |S: The spray | |H: Homing | |B: The ball(inviciblity) | |C: The crash-bombs | -------------------------------------------------------- ====================== Machine gun(No mark): ====================== ............. Description: ............. The first weopon you have. This weopon is the basic. Every time you die, you'll automatic get this one. Red coulor, and quite fast, but not so strong. It's not so covering either, but better than others(for example lazer) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Stuff around: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Every time you die, you'll gain this one. It's like in Contra1. ---------------- Could be handy: ---------------- This gun is the medium. It shoots quickly, damage is medium, and it can defend you a bit. It's the gun you can use, whenever you want. Rating: 7/10 =============== The Lazer(L): =============== ............. Description: ............. A lazer-beam that is thin, with white coulor. Really strong, so use it on enemies that must die quickly, or got a good defense. Alphabet: L(The mark it got). ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Stuff around: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I like the lazer, because it's so strong. It's one of the strongest in the game, with the crash-weopon. One more good thing with the lazer, is that it stays at the screen when playing at the map. Then u can continue shooting with it, hit enemies more. It's like the flamer at the map, just that it's stronger. When playing at the stages, it comes one beam and then disappears, not like the map, but still it's good. At the map, it can go through enemies defense like the flamer, often. ---------------- Could be handy: ---------------- Very handy when fighting most bosses.It's so strong, so the bosses lose energy quickly. Best is it when fighting the spider(at stage 2). But overall, it's excellent on every boss in the whole game. The weakness would be on the stages. It's not so very "covering" like the spray, so it could be hard to hit. But at bigger and enemies that has more energy, it's excellent. I'd recommend it in your package, on your journey. Overall, it's one of the best weopons in the game. Complete it by having a spray-weopon like the homing-or the spray in your package, and nothing can stop you. Rating: 9/10 ================ The Flamer(F): ================ ............. Description: ............. Red long flame-line that burns out of the gun. Quite strong, but not as the crash-or the lazer. This is more like a guarding weopon, that protects you from all creatures. Alphabet: F(the mark it got) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Stuff around: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The flamer is good to defense. Many enemies can't avoid it, because it's very covering and quite strong. It never stops burning either, so just keep shooting. One more good thing with it is that it goes trough any kind of defense, for example the spider. If you stand behind the red eye, you can't hit the spider with the spray, but with the flamer the line goes right thru the skin and burns it. It also goes trough walls, so you can stand on the other side of the wall, meanwhile your enemies is getting torched at the other side of it. ---------------- Could be handy: ---------------- For defense. I think this is the best defending-weopon. It's perfect for players that aren't so very attacking, and not so sure about how to play. At stage 3, it's definitely the best weopon. It covers you through the whole stage, from beginning to end(perfect fighting the alien ship, perfect to fight the alien birds, just torch 'em down, perfect to kill the alien drill, both times) yeah, it's really great at stage 3. Use this weopon when you're in a crize-situation, many enemies around you(then strong weopons won't work). Use the flamer to get rid off many enemies quickly. The weopon is perfect at stage 2,3, and the last 6(where many many many enemies lurks). Overall, a very good weopon for the newcomer, still I prefer the lazer. But as I said, a very good weopon. Rating: 8.6/10 ====================== The crash-bomber(C): ====================== ............ Description: ............ A weopon that is very strong, but slow. It shoots yellow bombs out, that explodes on the screen with strong power. Alphabet: C(the mark it got) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Stuff around: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, At enemies that got good defense it's nice. Use it at bosses, strong enemies. ----------------- Could be handy: ----------------- Facing bosses, it's often good to have, but at the stages it's not that good. Why? oh, the range isn't so long, it takes time before loading up a new bomb(you have to wait for the explosion to end) and it's not so covering. But at bosses it's good. Use it on last boss(the alien head, the brain, and the space-ship), first boss(the turtle), second boss(the spider), third boss(the super-droids, and the mega-robot), fifth boss(the sand-monster). But as I said, the real function isn't at the stages or the maps. Complete it with a spray-weopon(the flamer or the spray) Rating: 8/10 =================== The spray gun(S): =================== ............. Description: ............. Like in Contra1, this weopon shoots many bullets, in a spray-form. Red coulor. This weopon is very good defeating many weak enemies quickly. Alphabet: S(the mark it got) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Stuff around: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Use this weopon at the stages. It's very good to have, because sometimes you'll get into crize-situations(many enemies swurl around you) and then only the spray can clear you out. Not so good at the bosses, it's not strong enough. ---------------- Could be handy: ---------------- As I said, when a lot of parasites are around you, give them a dust of this gun, and hopefully they'll be sprayed to the moon. Complete it with a stronger weopon(L, C) Rating: 8/10 ============== The Ball(B): ============== ............. Description: ............. If you take this weopon, an energy ball will surround you. This is not a weopon, more like a protection gear. Red coulor/yellow coulor/blue coulor. Alphabet: B (the mark it got). ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Stuff around: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This weopon makes you invicible. The bullets/enemies attacking you, can't hurt you. Go into the enemies, and they'll die(for a change). ---------------- Could be handy: ---------------- Extremly good when the screen is full of baddies. Then nothing can kill you(sorry it doesn't work forever). CAUTION!!!! Falling out from gaps, getting hit by your own battletank and you're dead, even if you wear the ball!!!!! ============ Homing(H): ============ ............. Description: ............. Missiles that goes directly for the enemy. Red coulor. They go quite fast, but are very weak. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Stuff around: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Alphabet: H. This weopon is extremly good to earn score. Just choose a place where to stand, and place something on the Y-button(like a book or something) and it will hit enemies. I do not use this tactic, but for you guys needing many lives, this is it. Just let the hero standing there, shooting enemies, while you go for a snooze(or something).Go back in about two hours, and you should have earned scores(and scores give lives). For example, when you get the homing at the first stage, go to a pillar, and stand there, while the soldiers run beneath you. Then let the homing work. ---------------- Could be handy: ---------------- I don't like this gun. I mean, I wanta target by myself. And it's not that strong either, so it's kinda not so good. Could be handy in situations where many enemies swurl around you, but when it's boss time, the weopon is worthless. No I don't like it. Use the weopon if you're a newcomer, or can't hit by yourself. Rating: 4/10 *************************************************************** L: (NEW!)How to enjoy Contra3 *************************************************************** (Very short, just why contra3 is a great game). You know why a game this old(8 years) still can attract players all over the world? It's because of the great feeling when playing it! When you run through the stages, jumping, shooting down enemies, meanwhile you listen to the top class music! It's totally cool! But the best thing is to play 2 players. It's much more fun then, because the situations get more involving and the gameplay rises! Contra3 is a great game, even if the graphic is surpassed long time ago, this is a great game. And it definitely fits in 2D. So sit yourself down in front of the tv, open the coca-cola cans, grab the controls and enjoy a great game!!! ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( M: Endings ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) There are three endings in this game. If beating the game at Hard, you will see the "real" end with people celebrating, pictures, and other stuff(the best ending, recommended). Beating the game at Normal, the nest will explode and after the chopter disappeared the text will come up" you are getting better, but try to beat the real challenge" or something like that. Push start button and then the game starts over at hard. And at easy, the original ending(and easiest to get), you will get a message to try a harder level. Check them all out! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! N: Credits !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # To Dingo Jellybean for simply being the best faq-writer # To Daladiesman for his great reviews, and other stuff(games, faqs and more stuff) Read his reviews, they're great!!!! # Sefirstein for his great work and who gave me some info about submitting stuff(cool guy) # Jeffy who keeps updating www.gamefaqs.com # Square for top-games( some of them makes me sigh oh man. They really are the best company) # Konami for making this game and other great ones # Capcom for good games # Marshmallow for his great work, and a superior zelda64-faq # Nintendo for cool stuff(good machines) # Manga-painters for awesome artwork Well, I hope that's everyone, everything. If not, u know what more should have been added. If you feel you want some credit, mail me right now, and I'll update it again!! &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& O: End of Faq &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Well, this is it. See ya sometime, out there. Hopefully, I will make more faqs or reviews(or even better both) so see ya next time. Sorry for my spelling errors. Well, anyway, be cool. (And remember, there is no M!!!)