------------------------------------------------ Cutthroat Island A Walkthrough By J.T. (jt@flipmode.com) http://www.geocities.com/flipmode311 ------------------------------------------------ ------ -Plot- ------ This is straight out of the game, since I don't have the manual. It is 1688, an age when pirates with a thirst for adventure sailed uunder a black banner bearing a skull and crossbones...The Jolly Roger. The most dangerous pirate of all, Dawg Brown, terrorized the Caribbean in a quest to find the trhee map pieces of the legendary Cutthroat Island. Morgan Adams, the notorious lady pirate, was given a piece of this map by her dying father. Dawg will stop at nothing to get it. But Morgan also seeks the treasure which is hidden in Cutthorat Island. The pirate hunter Governor Ainslee of Jamaica has sworn to stop them all. Now as captain of her father's ship, the Morning Star, Morgan is out to find the treasure for herself. But before she can set sail for the lost island, she must find the three map pieces, Her journey begins in a prison in Jamaica, run by a vile man simply known as 'The Warden'... ------------ -Characters- ------------ Morgan - I personally think Morgan is the most skilled in this game. Her light weight, and good sword fighting experience make for an all around good character. Shaw - I just don't like him, he's slow, has the ability to fall into any & every type of attack there is. His sword fighting is good but I just have a bad time with him. ---------------------- -His Majesty's Prison- ---------------------- Head over to the knife and pick it up. Face each of the French like fighters and then 'The Guard' will challenge you. Never be on the same level as him so he can use the axe gun. He's tough as nails and twice as hard but you should be able to put him town with a lot of practice. Also try to incoporate the blocking method into your fighting, it really comes in handy especially when he fires the gun. When he jumps straight up just stab away. Make sure you get the 1-up first however before the map piece & key. -------- -Quarry- -------- Now you and Shaw have to get away from the guards in a mine cart? Ack... The green background here is pretty nice. The left path is the safest one to travel, except for a few exceptions. You can run over the French fighters and keep going, but not the giant boulders, trees or the guys holding a hammer. After a lot of hills and close calls you'll be finished. Then you'll travel to a town called -------------- -Spittalfield- -------------- Pick up the black barbell then get ready to fight. This towns inhabitors happen to be Jamaican, so wipe the floor with their Rastafarian selves. After you slice three Jamaicans this guy with a hammer wobbles onto the screen, he should be easy pickins'. Whenever you see him start to throw his hammer, move away since it hurts a lot. Two more flip onto the screen, then after they start intermixing up. When you see the steps press up to enter this part of the town. You could go inside the barn two doors down but it doesn't yield anything. After the steps you can tango with the people and two guys have a really long sword. Press up in the black space and pick up the pistol. It's really powerful, one bullet takes out an enemy. Use it wisely, when you run out pick a pot and use that. Approach the stairs and you'll meet up with this level's boss. The key here is to avoid the chains and counter as soon after he swings. If you want just go on the offensive, he'll go down real fast. When his energy is gone he'll get back up and leave. Another guy will come in with double swords, deal with him then claim your map piece. ---------------- -Carriage Chase- ---------------- It begins with this guy telling you to get off. Ignore him and move as the cannon ball buries into the wall. Smack the Jamaican then jump over the green poles. Immediately after that a cannon ball shoots from the left then a Jamaican hops down. Don't spend time quarreling with him because of the green pole. The balls are frequent now, as are the Jamaicans. Try not to be lured by the high poles, when a low pole comes before a high one jump fast so you land fast. After two jamaicans are off the carriage this level ends. --------- -Harbour- --------- 'The Guard' from the first level comes back for a second helping. Beware, this fight is anything but easy. After he is finished off your done. What a short (but hard) level eh? -------- -Mutiny- -------- Here the enemies start getting good. The guys with the hammers are constantly blocking your blows, people are moving in for sneak attacks and back stabbers. Just remember, don't underestimate them, and take them out one at a time. Use one of your learned moves to clear them out and keep moving. After you fight by the cannons you'll go back to the beginning. The hammer holders can strangle you, and the knife guys will attempt to cut your throat. Pretty deadly. -------- -Jungle- -------- Quicksand is all over the place here, as soon as you take one step in you'll be sucked down slowly and die. Take out the Jamaican guy if you want and enter the hole. DO NOT move left as there is a quicksand pit. Fight the leopard and win if your lucky he'll walk into the quicksand. Jump right for the green vine and hop to the next tree. Use the wooden bridge to grab the fruit. Head back to where you fought the leopard and go back in. In the dark part of the jungle, if your not get get there fast. All the way at the left end inside you'll fight another leopard. When he is finished you'll have to start a running leap & make it over the quicksand. At the top part of the screen is the best place to do it. Climb up a vine and jump to to procure the treasure. Drop down(the vine), and fight a monkey. Inside the tunnel fight another monkey then a hammer wielding guy. After you finish with the Curious George look a likes make another leap over some quicksand. Now you have to do the most impoverishing thing in the game, go to the lighter but not the lightest part of the jungle, and make it all the way right. When you've done this, go down the long vine and enter the hole to leave. ------- -Cliff- ------- This place is the easiest in the game, if you are familiar with the controls that is. Basically all you do is travel from platform to platform, knocking enemies off or killing them. When you reach the rightmost platform on top, press down and you can grab a fruit to the right. Kill both enemies and climb the vine to head inside an opening. Inside is a guy with a really long sword, when he's dead drop off the left side. The rest is explantory, just keep descending(going down). The only exception is when you see the fruit, drop left then keep jumping left and climbing down and eventually you'll reach the ground, which is stock piled with enemies. Just remember to block, and when your finished fighting enter the hole. ------------------ -Treasure Chamber- ------------------ Go forward and discover the most vexing enemy in the game, a shadowbat. Just dodge it and jump to the platform in the middle. Pick Up the iron ball and climb up the chain while getting away from the wall spike. There's another shadowbat up here with a hammer wielder. Leap across the mini-chasms and fight various enemies, including the giant sword holder. Down wards ignore the spikes and progress left. Let the bridge disintegrate and you'll fall to the next area. Disregard the pirates if you want and go up another chain. A black panther is waiting for you, employ the same tactics used on the leopard. Make some leaps left and fight a hammer wielder and pirate. Work your way south west ward, the shadow bats make it hard. If you want to waste time and lives getting the hammer fine. Enter the hole on the bottom south west end and battle three enemies. A shadowbat appears to make your stone traveling difficult. Go up the chain on the right for a free extra life and back down again. Start running and make all of the jumps to reach the chain. Go down it then plan your jumps carefully as these chains have spikes on them. When you reach the switchs, turn them all off then turn on the bottom two right to left. The spikes go away and you can now descend the chain. Get all of the fruit and keep leaping. When it looks like there are no more stands, keep jumping in the middle and go down the long chain. Enter the hole & grab the extra life. Go from platform to platform, then jump to reach the penultimate chain and descend the long one. Walk along the path and you will at last have found the treasure. Unfortunately, Morgan hears a rumbling and leaves. ------- -Cliff- ------- Run over and catch the vine. Don't climb up, there'll be an extra life but you'll be forced to drop down thus wasting your time. Work your way up, catching small vines. Eventually you'll fight both a long sword and a French man. Keep going and face a long sword, pirate and French man. Across the gap is a hammer wielder, but if you don't want to fight him, just fall into the gap(remember this?) ------ -Cove- ------ This is double team mania, as a French man and his pet leopard start fighting you. Remember to use the block button, and make his leopard lay down first, then concentrate on him. ------------ -Sea Battle- ------------ On your ship once again. The multitude of enemies starts out soft, then progresses to the strong men. My only suggestions to you are use that block button and take out the strongest first, then the weakest. Long swords are stronger than the hammer wielders. After you finish off the regular ones, two guys with two swords each come on. Do your best to get away from the combos and strike within a distance. Then a guard and his buddy pop on. Kill the pirate then concentrate on the guard. When the guard is finished off go inside the cabin and fight Dawg's chief henchman. This guy can be easier than the guard, all you have to do is block all of his attacks and the split second he lands wham him with a combo. Keep this up and you'll win the treasure. Well that's it folks, since the treasure is yours the game is yours. Hope you've had a nice time, I sure did. Later -------------------- -Level Descriptions- -------------------- If Available His Majesty's Prison Morgan helps Shaw escape under the condition he help find the treasure Spittalfield A dirty town filled with rude people. Morgan's uncle Mordechai owns a tavern here...maybe he knows about the treasure. Unfortunately Governor Ainslee frequents this town. Mutiny Finally back in safety, the Morning Star sets sail for Cutthroat Island. Little does Morgan know that first mate Scully has just started a mutiny... Jungle Morgan washes up on the shore of Cutthroat Island after being thrown overboard by Scully and his crew. It doesn't look like a happy place... Cliff According to the map, the treasure is down a cliff. But I'm not alone... Treasure Chamber This is it. Somewhere in here is the treasure! --------------- -Moves Learned- --------------- The controller must be on default for these. The Bidirectional Stab Press X & A Learned after the His Majesty's Prison The Spinning Slice Press B & Y Learned after Spittalfield (c) Copyright 2001 J.T. This FAQ and everything included within this file cannot be reproduced in any way, shape or form (physical, electronically, or otherwise) aside from being placed on a freely-accessible, non-commercial web page in it's original, unedited and unaltered format. This FAQ cannot be used for profitable purposes (even if no money would be made from selling it) or promotional purposes. It cannot be used in any sort of commercial transaction. It cannot be given away as some sort of bonus, gift, etc., with a purchase as this creates incentive to buy and is therefore prohibited. -EOF-