Daffy Duck - The Marvin Missions (1995) DMG-YS-USA-2 SUNSOFT _______________________________________________________________________________ FAQ by retrobloke terenceshew@aol.com Copyright Terry Shew 2009. Version 1.01 - Posted on GameFaqs 18 February 2009. Version 1.01 - Posted on GameFaqs 21 June 2009. Added mention of Super Stage in Introduction. I post and update on GameFaqs. If you are in any doubt, then the latest version can be found there. I always give an indication at the end of the FAQ as to my future plans regarding updates. I have also given permission to www.supercheats.com to host my FAQs. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ CONTENTS 01 - INTRODUCTION 02 - STORY 03 - CONTROLS 04 - WEAPON SELECT / REVIVE HEALTH 05 - IN GAME DATA 06 - ENEMIES 07 - ITEMS 08 - PASSWORDS 09 - CREDITS @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 01 - INTRODUCTION My version of this game is simply called 'Daffy Duck'. Nowhere in the instruction manual does it mention the 'Marvin Missions'. But, it is clearly the same game. The purpose of this FAQ is to provide enough info to get started in the game for anyone who has the cart, but not the manual. I couldn't trace the manual for this game online, nor could I see any previous FAQs. I have never finished this game, which is why I have not written a walkthrough! I intend to keep at it while I've still got some hair left, but it's not looking good. In my defence this is generally considered to be a difficult game. The enemies aren't very tough, but the jumps can be very difficult. Nicole has kindly emailed me since I first posted this FAQ to tell me about a hidden Super Stage, which is accessed from Level 1. Apparently it is much harder than the regular game, but the good news is that you will receive many more lives and points. She has posted a video on YouTube to illustrate how to access it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4zuzjpEfRY&feature=channel_page There is a another game for the SNES of the same name. I haven't played it, but having read a partial walkthrough for that game here on GameFaqs I can see that it differs considerably from the version for the original Game Boy. The game is very loosely based on the 1953 cartoon, Duck Dodgers in the Twenty-Fourth and a Half Century. I watched it recently on YouTube. It's pretty good. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 02 - STORY Marvin the Martian wants to destroy the Earth because it spoils his view of Venus. Enter Daffy Duck, aka Duck Dodgers. Daffy must destroy Marvin's P38 space modulator if the Earth is to be saved. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 03 - CONTROLS D-PAD: LEFT - Move Daffy left. RIGHT - Move Daffy right. DOWN - Duck to avoid enemy fire. This is a prone position from which Daffy can still fire his gun. He can also crawl by holding DOWN and LEFT or RIGHT. B BUTTON - Fire current weapon. In the flying stages use to decelerate so that you are closer to your pursuer, Marvin. A BUTTON - Jump. Press rapidly to go higher or to get across long gaps and dangerous territory such as spikes. In the flying stages use to accelerate away from Marvin. START - Pause / resume play. Start a new game at the title screen. SELECT - Revert to original gun when game is paused. Enter password (see below) at the title screen. START, D-PAD and B BUTTONs are also used to select a different weapon or revive health (see Weapon Select below). @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 04 - WEAPON SELECT / REVIVE HEALTH Choosing a different weapon isn't crucial as far as I can see. Most enemies can be defeated by stomping, and the standard issue RAY GUN compares favourably with the alternatives. These codes are sometimes listed as cheats, but they are actually part of the game. They appear in my copy of the instruction manual. The points gained for defeating ten enemies (ten points) can be used to swap weapons or revive health. The standard ray gun fires in an arc hitting the ground a few feet (relatively speaking) in front of Daffy. It's probably all you need in terms of fire power to get through the entire game. All of the guns available have unlimited bullets or laser power. When you die and and go back to the last restart point the weapon reverts to the standard ray gun. You will also lose all the points you have banked, so it is worth spending them when you have them, if only to amuse yourself with the other options. You will also revert to the standard gun when you start a boss battle. First pause the game by pressing START then ... Press UP twice for the LASER GUN. Fires straight forward as you would expect. Not essential. Possibly useful in certain situations, but the arc of the standard ray gun is actually useful as you will often be standing on a structure above the enemies. Press DOWN twice for the BIG BULLET GUN. Similar to the standard ray gun. Of course, it has bigger bullets, but they don't seem to do any more damage. Your points would be better spent on extra health. Press LEFT twice for BOUNCING BULLETS. They bounce. Can be more effective than the standard gun when facing a wave attack. Even so, there's not much in it. Press RIGHT twice for the RAPID FIRE GUN. Similar to the standard issue gun in that it fires in an arc. Probably not worth wasting points on this one. Enemies don't seem to die any more quickly. To revive HEALTH press B BUTTON twice. This is probably the best use you can make of your points. To revert to original ray gun press SELECT when game is paused. You may want to do this if you've been experimenting with the laser gun and then find subsequently that you need to fire in an arc. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 05 - IN GAME DATA LIFE METER - Shows five hearts. They deplete as Daffy takes hits. You lose a life when they all disappear. Extra hearts can be found in the game. Press START to pause the game, then BUTTON B twice to buy extra health. It's sometimes worth replenishing just before going across spikes as these deplete health and do not kill Daffy outright. It won't matter how many hearts you have if you miss a jump and drop off the screen. SCORE - Gain one point for every enemy defeated. Use points to change weapons or replenish health (see Weapon Select above). JET PACK ENERGY GAUGE - The energy gauge is replenished on landing. LIVES - You start with three. (To me they look like pound [£] symbols.) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 06 - ENEMIES As the game progresses so the number of hits necessary to kill enemies goes up. By and large, it is quicker and easier to jump on enemies than shoot them. The difficulty in this game is not the enemies, so much as the awkward jumps. MARVIN the MARTIAN - The chief villian. He appears in the flying stages pursuing Daffy on what I will call a hover-scooter. The flying stages are very easy and Marvin will eventually hit one of the walls you are avoiding and disappear off the screen. In the boss battle with Marvin, at the end of Stage 1, stay to the right of the screen and keep jumping on his head. Worth 5 pts. K-9 - An oversized dog. Best defeated by jumping on its head repeatedly. He takes a lot of hits, but he isn't difficult to kill. Keep to the right of the screen and jump on his head repeatedly. He'll eventually die when you stomp him at the foot of the stairs. The second time you meet him stay to the left of the screen. CANNONS - One hit and they're gone in the first stage. Later in the game it takes three hits. BEES - They hover in front of Daffy then suddenly shoot forward. Shoot them or jump to avoid. When they're hovering right in front of you jump then shoot. Their angle of attack varies. Sometimes they are above Daffy, and ocassionally at floor level. MONO-WHEEL ROBOTS - Jump on their heads to dispose of quickly. If you shoot them they will reel backwards taking several shots before they die. Sometimes they shoot lasers. SMALL ALIEN - He has an antenna similar to Daffy's. He'll take several hits from the gun before dying, but one jump to the head gets rid of him. CATERPILLARS - They drop from the ceiling. Tempt them down by walking under them, then move back quickly. Shoot them when they're on the ground. Alternatively, keep moving quickly forwards so that they drop behind. FLYING SAUCERS - Usually they shoot across the screen before you see them coming. Their pattern is always the same. So if you know they are there it's best to keep out of the way until they've passed. BIKERS - Similar to the flying saucers, but more difficult to avoid. Bikers wait until you can't possibly get out of the way, then drive straight through you. This happens when you are in a cramped space so jumping doesn't help. I usually just take the hit. If you're down to your last heart you may want to replenish if you know there is one coming. They also fire arrows as they pass. BIG ALIEN - He's one of the bosses. You'll meet him at the end of Stage 2. Stay to the left of the screen and keep jumping on his head. Worth 5 pts when defeated. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 07 - ITEMS WACKY PLATFORMS - They look like a box on wheels. They can be shot to reposition them. Daffy can ride them to get across dangerous areas. FLYING PLATFORMS - In the flying stages Daffy is pursued by Marvin who is trying to shoot him down. Daffy must avoid walls as he flees his pursuer. These stages are followed by a boss battle. ALARM CLOCKS - When shot they open up doors. Sometimes you need to shoot more than one to open a door. Open doors to progress in the game or to get at hearts to replenish heath. HEARTS - Each heart found will replenish the health meter by one up to a max of five. EXTRA LIVES - They are in the game, but very infrequently. I am unable to make any sense of the symbol on them, but you'll know it's a collectible item when you see one. SCENERY - Some blocks can be shot away to reveal hearts or an extra life. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 08 - PASSWORDS Press SELECT at the title screen. Use UP to change the digit and RIGHT to move to the next one. Press RIGHT again when done. Passwords are given at the end of a stage. LEVEL 1 - 72308 I can't see the point of this one as this is where you start a new game! LEVEL 2 - 86300 LEVEL 3 - 04070 LEVEL 4 - 82048 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Herewith a copy of an email I received from Tim. Thanks for the info, Tim. I haven't had time to try it for myself yet. Hey, Ill just recently discovered how to finish the game. What you do - at the end of level 4, there is a barrier in front of another thing you shoot to get another barrier changed (the vibrating box with the annoying sound). To get past this screen, you have to have the bouncing bullets. Then, you keep on shooting the wall next to the box, until you hit the box (thats right, you hit the box by shooting the bouncy bullets as close to the wall as possible) Then, the box will die, and at the final part of the screen, there will no longer be a long hole, but there will be a walkway because you hit the box down. So jump past the short hole into the next screen (final boss). Final boss: Ok, there are 4 things that you can hit here, and you need to 3 of them to finish the boss. 1. The bullet 2. Both of the things that pop up and down quickly at either side 3. The laser cannon Ok. The most annoying thing is the bullet marvin fires periodically. As soon as marvin fires this, hit it - because it is very annoying (and he just fires another one which also chases you round the screen). The first thing to hit is the laser cannon. Make sure that you hit the top of the laser cannon, not the laser beam itself - to do this, jump up on the block (above the things that pop up and down frequently) and just keep shooting the thing that fires the laser until it dies. Then, no more laser. During this, when marvin fires a bullet, kill it as soon as you can. Note, the laser cannot hit you on the sides, it only goes back and forth in the middle of the screen. After the laser is killed, the rest is easy. Just kill the things that pop up and down whilst killing Marvin's bullets (which are the only real thing that you have to be worried about with this boss). Once you do this, you will go to a new screen where you stop Marvin. All he does is run around madly (which is quite funny). Just jump on him once and has gone. It'll let you watch the ending cutscene. I was a bit dissapointed by the cutscene though, but oh well. Cheers, Tim @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 09 - CREDITS The instruction manual that came with the game. My own observations from playing the game very badly. Anyone who has ever posted the passwords online, without whom I would never have seen all of the stages. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ This is probably the final version of this FAQ. Feel free to email me at terenceshew@aol.com should you have additional info or spot any errors, etc. I shall, of course, give credit. Thank you for reading this FAQ. _______________________________________________________________________________ That's all Folks! &&& && && &&&&. &&& .&&&&& && &&& &&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&& & &` && && .&&&&& &&&; &8 .&&&: && &` & && 8&& & `& && && .&_ oO_&.-.-. && ( __ -/--' &&~ .'-__-'& &&&~`'\`& &&&~` _& &&&&` && &&8&&&& &&&&&&& & &&&&&&& &&;&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&& ~~~ .~~~~~ `&&&&&&&&& ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~;!&&&&&&&&&&~/~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~\~~~~&/` \`~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ `~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~