Daiku no Gen-San: Robot Teikoku no Yabou Game Boy Developer: Irem Publisher: Irem By: GammaBetaAlpha ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Table of Contents -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ How to Play [HELP] Walkthrough [WALK] Contact Info [CONT] Credits [CRED] ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- How to Play -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ [HELP] Daiku no Gen-San: Robot Teikoku no Yabou is a platforming game, part of a series of games with only two entries (Hammerin' Harry for the NES and Hammerin' Harry: Ghost Breeding Company for the Game Boy) released outside of Japan. With a lot of fighting aspects with Gen wielding a hammer, it is also one of the most difficult platforming games you will see due to some of the extremely tight margins in responding to boss patterns. Gen can jump, crouch, swing his hammer and hold his hammer up to act as a guard. You must make it to the end of each level, occasionally fighting bosses. You do have a bit of leeway with taking damage - Gen can take up to five hits at a time, and you can restore health through the use of rice balls dropped by enemies. -------- CONTROLS -------- A - Jump B - Swing your hammer Up - Hold your hammer above your head Down - Crouch Left/Right - Move around ----- ITEMS ----- Items are occasionally dropped by enemies, sometimes when they take a mere hit and sometimes when they are fully defeated. Rice Ball - Restores one of Gen's health points Hard Hat - Gives you invulnerability for one hit. If you are struck, the hard hat is knocked off Gen, but you have a couple of seconds you can use to retrieve the Hard Hat and put it back on. Hammer - Increases the size of Gen's hammer significantly and gives you more attack power. Lasts until Gen is hit once. ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Walkthrough -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ [WALK] --------- Stage 1-1 --------- Move forward and use your hammer swing at the first few robots walking towards you to push them back until each of them fall after taking multiple hits. Follow it up by striking the floating robot pods - watch out, as they will spit out cannonballs onto the ground (you can knock them back before they strike Gen or the ground by swinging your hammer). Continue again afterwards, taking out another handful of robots, and then you will get multiple projectiles coming at you in columns. For the black cannonballs, whack them with your hammer to knock them away, but jump over the spiked cannonballs instead. Once you make it through the projectiles, deal with some more ground and air robots. Head right and off-screen. --------- Stage 1-2 --------- Head right while avoiding or batting away the projectiles flying around. You will encounter a six-legged robot insect enemy that will cause a high wall to extend out of the ground. At the same time, a machine will roll in from the left that will form a trampoline spring. You can use your hammer to knock back the projectiles and smaller robot insects that come around, but the main thing to do here is to hop off the spring and take a couple of good swipes at the large insect with your hammer. Once the large insect is defeated, you can pass by where it was standing guard via use of the spring again. Walk a little bit, and you will encounter another large insect doing the same high wall set-up. Defeat this one, and then a third one thereafter before going off-screen. ------------ Stage 1 Boss ------------ As long as you stay to the far left of the room crouched with your hammer in front, you will not take any damage from the boss. You can take this time to observe the pattern of it sending out its claws and shooting out soccer balls. When you are ready to attack, head right, and use your hammer to knock back the claw, forcing it to retract before it can damage Gen. At the same time, strike the soccer ball. This will send it flying up to the ceiling, and your support unit ally will automatically send it at the robot's main body, causing damage. Repeat this a handful of times to finish the robot off. In fact, you can crouch slightly to the left of centre and hold the Down button, and tap the B button to swing your hammer up from the crouching position to swing it before guarding yourself again. --------- Stage 2-1 --------- The controls will differ a little bit for this stage. Gen cannot physically move left or right himself, as he stands on a block with retractable arms that can carry him across the stage by latching onto little x blocks automatically. You can move back left within the visible screen, but not scroll back left. On the way, you will encounter multiple enemies of the floating robot variety, as well as static blocks that will spit out cannonballs. You can jump, crouch and guard or move left and right to dodge the cannonballs, but you can also strike the blocks a couple of times to destroy them. A favorite tactic of the author was to crouch right underneath a block where possible and tap the B button multiple times to strike the block until it was destroyed. The variety of the enemies does not get any more complicated than that, but you will have to deal with a long progression of the robot foes until you hit the end of the stage. ------------ Stage 2 Boss ------------ The second part of the stage uses the same mechanics as the first part in moving around with a block with retractable arms. This time around, however, you are not travelling across a stage, but rather you are in a survival mode of sorts. On a single screen above a platform of sorts, rockets will be shot up straight in the air at you. Move left and right and occasionally jump to dodge damage from the rockets and cannonballs. You can also preemptively strike the cannonballs to stop them, or hold your hammer with the B button above Gen to block a shot from above. To defeat the platform enemy, crouch and use the B button to fire a cannonball down at the platform, strike it, and cause it to go down a little bit. After enough hits (about seven), the platform will drop, the projectiles will stop and the stage finishes. --------- Stage 3-1 --------- Move across the crates to start, striking the scarf-wearing robots as you go along. Move right and a crate will explode below into water. Hop right past the water, taking out some bats, and two more robots will drop from up above to the ground. Eliminate them, then move right and up some crates. A few more robots shall come out on the crates in front of Gen. Move forward just enough to trigger one of the boxes below to explode and leave behind water, and allow the robots to wander into them. Take out the bat above, then continue right and defeat another bat. While on an upper crate enough, walk right slowly for another box in front of you to explode. Jump past it, and be prepared for another duo of robots to appear. After you eliminate, walk along the ground while finishing off a few more bats and robots. The robot in the background emitting electricity is harmless, so do not worry about jumping around it. After defeating all the foes, head right and off-screen. --------- Stage 3-2 --------- In this level, you will be ambushed by two robots coming at you from the right. Use your hammer without actually moving from your standing position to take out the robots. New robots will keep coming at you. Spam them for power-ups and the like, then when you are ready, move right. A floating robot will appear and shoot cannonballs diagonally down at you. Keep moving to avoid the cannonballs while at the same time eliminating the robots that continue to come at you. After some movement or time spent, your own support robot will shoot the enemy robot down. Quickly go after it and use your hammer to take it out. Stay where you are and take out multiple robot enemies to resupply your health as needed, and progress forward. You will need to eliminate another two of the flying robots before you can wrap this level up. ------------ Stage 3 Boss ------------ There are three elements to this battle. The first element is the large robot standing on the platform to the right. You can mostly ignore this robot besides watching the trajectory of the far smaller robots that it spits out at you. The robots that it spits out will, upon landing, need to be eliminated, and are each taken out in a single hit. Finally, there is your support floating in the air that goes around left and right. To win this battle, you need to basically survive long enough by eliminating the robots that touch ground and dodge the ones in the air from landing right on you. After a time period of about two minutes, your support robot will be able to take out the large boss and wrap up the battle. --------- Stage 4-1 --------- The movement controls in this stage are the same as in Stage 2-1. As before, Gen cannot physically move left or right himself, as he stands on a block with retractable arms that can carry him across the stage by latching onto little x blocks automatically. You can move back left within the visible screen, but not scroll back left. You can also preemptively strike the cannonballs to stop them, or hold your hammer with the B button above Gen to block a shot from above. Move right, eliminating several spider-like robots that each take three hits to kill. Continue right slowly, as there are more block enemies that will spit out cannonballs. Time your movements to avoid the cannonballs before taking out the block enemies. However, a few of them are sadly off-screen and impossible to actually destroy. Continue to take out both types of enemies until you hit the end of the area. ------------------ Stage 4-2 and Boss ------------------ This is a horizontal-scrolling shooter level ala many classics such as R-Type. Most enemies that come your way in waves will be robots on rockets that can be felled in two hits and which sometimes fly about in a formation, though occasionally you will encounter some larger robots with multiple cannons extending from their body that will take many, many hits to destroy. The cannonballs they shoot out can also be destroyed with your own rockets. To fire a rocket, press the B button, and use the D-Pad to fly around. Note that your area of contact that causes damage if you touch an enemy does not count the hands of Gen and his support robot, but merely their bodies, so you do have a decent amount of leeway. Once you hit the end of the stage, you will be forced to face off against a large fortress robot with multiple cannons. Stay a decent way back from it as it will spit out missiles that instantly are in front of it, and you do not want to receive accidental contact damage. You will have to balance avoiding damage with getting in close enough to strike the boss, however, as the missiles it fires out will block your own fire. The missiles it sends out form a distinct pattern, so if you get familiar with it you can weave in and out. The top and bottom of the fortress body is invulnerable damage - you have to shoot the boss near the center of the wall to cause it harm, Continue spamming missile damage until it is decimated. ------------------ Stage 5 First Boss ------------------ This is probably the most unfair stage in the game. At least with previous areas you had some chance to learn and anticipate patterns, but in this area, you have absolute zero time to anticipate the boss's attack. You do not really do any attacking in this segment. Instead, Gen-san and his support robot automatically run while being chased by a large enemy robot with a spike in one hand. The robot will throw out one or two spikes from its other hand to the right side of the screen. The spikes can be low, medium, or high, and if it throws two spikes one will always be medium. You must jump over low and can jump or duck under medium, and need do nothing when you encounter a high spike. In the event you get a medium and high, you need to crouch, and jump over a medium and low. When jumping, if your support partner contacts a spike but not Gen-san, it still counts as a hit. Very quickly, you will see that this really is luck of the draw with anticipating. You have absolutely no time to stand back and react to whatever your are given because if you have to crouch, Gen-san and his support stop running, and will get struck by the back strike. Your best chance is to stay back and jump every time spikes get thrown out, and then try to reverse direction if you get a high spike and then run under it. If you get a high and medium, you will simply have to take some damage. One minute of this level will pass by before the boss is automatically destroyed. ------------------- Stage 5 Second Boss ------------------- The second of a final marathon of bosses, this boss is a large bipedal machine with spike hands and large kiloton weights for feet. Both the spikes and the weights will cause contact damage, and you must strike the cockpit of the bipedal machine multiple times to destroy it. This boss has a two-stage pattern that repeats itself, although going in opposite directions each time. First, it will retract and fire its right hand towards the centre. You can focus Gen slightly left of centre and jump and strike the boss at this time. Next, it will retract and fire its left hand. Position Gen to the right of centre. After, it will retract both hands and fire both of them out towards centre. As the boss retracts its spike hands again, you can jump and get another strike in, then quickly crouch on landing to avoid the shot. During the first pattern, the boss will either move left or right. At the very start of the battle, it will move right first, first lifting its left foot up and moving right slightly, then doing the same with the right. Stick to the edge of the right ton-weight and jump to smack the cockpit a few more times. Once it has finished moving, it will repeat its three arm strikes. On the second pattern, when moving back to centre, the boss will shuffle over in reverse order, with the foot closest to the centre of the screen moving first. However, after it is centred, it will move the foot that it started out with (so left if it was going left back to the centre of the screen), put it right next to its opposite ton-weight foot, then move it back, before picking up its other foot and doing the same. To dodge this, anticipate and stand slightly back from the weight foot it is about to lift up, then run underneath it as the foot is lifted up. Hop back over the ton weight as it returns to its original location, then repeat with the other foot. After you do a single cycle of this, the boss will move left instead of right this time after the sequence of three arm-shots, then back to centre for the second pattern. ------------------ Stage 5 Final Boss ------------------ For the final showdown of the game, you do not even play as Gen, but rather as his robot support helper. You will get all your health restored. There is no real platforming in this battle, or even control of movement. Rather, a ninja will pop up in one of six locations - to your left or right, or upper and lower left and right. By pressing the A or B button, you can fire two cannon shots respectively to the right or left. Pressing and holding the A and B buttons allow you to fire the cannons in diagonal directions ie. holding Up while pressing the A button fires a cannon to the upper right. The ninja will make a burst of smoke as he appears, and you can fire a shot off at him right away. If you take too long, aim at the wrong spot or fire while he is hiding, the ninja will strike you and cause damage. Later on, after he takes some damage, he will start using white dolls. Once this occurs, wait until the smoke disappears to make sure you do not hit a white doll by accident - should you do so, once again the ninja will automatically land a strike on you. After you deal a significant amount of damage, the ninja will be taken out and the game finishes following an ending and credit roll. ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Contact Info -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ [CONT] Although I believe I have found everything there is to find in this game, there is occasionally the possibility of some super secret level in an obscure game that was never found because it was too obscure, or the like. If you have anything that you feel needs to be includes, feel free to email me at gammabetaalphafaqs AT gmail DOT com If you have any other information to contribute or notice any errors, again, shoot me a notice at gammabetaalphafaqs AT gmail DOT com If you wish to host this guide, or use information from it, consider the FAQ semi-public domain: you can host it without asking and derive information from it word-for-word if you wish, but keep the document unchanged if hosting it and give credit where due if using information ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Credits -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ [CRED] Thanks go to the atwiki website for information on this game: http://www14.atwiki.jp/gball/pages/746.html Another thanks goes to this Youtube user whose video playthrough I used for assistance and double-checking my own work: https://www.youtube.com/user/Patryk429 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhTKroR3a5w ________________________________________________________________________________ ©2014 GammaBetaAlpha FAQs