DuckTales 2 Complete Walkthrough Version 1.0 By Jason Venter jasonventer[at] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version History: May 20, 2004 - Completed first edition of this walkthrough, and submitted it for approval on GameFAQs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents: I. Introduction II. Niagara Falls III. Bermuda IV. Mu V. Egypt VI. Scotland VII. Castle Basement VIII. Glomgold's Ship IX. Conclusion X. Acknowledgements XI. Copyright Concerns ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== I. Introduction =============== The first DuckTales game was a runaway success. It seemed growing up that it was lurking on shelves around every corner, or in the collections all my friends had. And it was a fun game, the kind I enjoyed playing through repeatedly. So when Capcom released the sequel, I wanted to play it right away. Unfortunately, I didn't get to until many years later, when I found the sequel just wasn't as much fun for me as the original. Perhaps it was the result of nostalgia working unfairly against the second game. In any event, this isn't a review. Instead, it's a walkthrough. As you may or may not notice, I am rather new to the FAQing scene. This is my first one written specifically for GameFAQs. It's the immediate successor to a guide for the first DuckTales game. As such, the format is going to be pretty much the same. First there's this intro (which lays out the general idea of what you should expect), then the various locations you'll explore throughout are examined. You may explore the first locations in any order that suits you, but I'm discussing them in the approximate order that works best for me. Shake things up and approach the game differently, if you like. The world is your oyster. Note that this game does have multiple endings, just as the first one did. To a certain extent, this is influenced by your amount of money when the game ends. Having no money in the bank is a bad idea. Always pack a safe (they're cheap to purchase from the shop) when you enter levels. That way, you don't lose your wealth when you die. The best ending requires that you have all the pieces of the McDuck map. This guide features the location of each piece (in addition, you can buy some from the store). Though I am attempting to cover most every secret in the game, you should know that I may miss some things. Hopefully, if that's the case you'll be kind enough to drop me a line and let me know what I've missed, and I can include it in a later edition with credit. For now, though, enjoy what's here, and hopefully the guide will help you to enjoy the game even more! ================= II. Niagara Falls ================= This level has the Crystal Flower as its hidden treasure. It's a good place to start, as you'll find plenty of opportunity to reacquaint yourself with Scrooge and his unique pogo abilities. From where you fall on-screen, work to the right. There's a frog that'll come hopping down the steps. Pogo off his back, up to the ledge and the ring that hangs in the air above. You can grab the ring, then hop from it to the right to break open the two treasure chests that contain a small diamond, and a typical yellow diamond worth $10,000. There's a block at the end of this ledge. If you hit it with your cane from the left side, it will collapse to the right and kill the dangerous plant that lies in wait below. Drop down to where the plant was and continue right. Another frog will greet you, and past him you can use your cane to hook a red block, pull it away, and snag the treasure chest, which holds an ice cream cone. Beyond that, continue right to find a rope descending into a pit. Above it rests a treasure chest that holds another large diamond. Drop down from there to the right, where your nephew mentions rubber rafts Gyro has built. You can jump through the waterfall just behind him and walk right. When you reach a stopping point, just hop up and continue walking right, until you emerge between two walls of water. Here, there are two treasure chests resting beneath a single crate. Pogo off the crate and hold right here, and Scrooge will find another hole in the second of the waterfalls. Walk through it to find a large treasure chest that holds a Scrooge doll worth an extra life. Now head back left and open those two treasure chests, which hold two rather unimpressive small diamonds. Return to where you met your nephew and descend the rope into the chamber below. Here, there's a wall to the left, and also a red barrel. Pull the barrel left toward the wall, then use it to pogo up to a ledge where two small diamonds are hidden. Press left against the wall until Scrooge's tail feathers wiggle. Now jump up and swing the cane. If you do it right, you'll see a block fly toward the left. You can now jump up onto the ceiling and walk left, into a room with some treasure chests. Left from there is a block wall, and beyond that you'll find a large treasure chest that contains a piece of the map. With that done, head back right to the rope, and break open treasure chest you may have noticed just to its right. It contains another of the small diamonds. Right from there, you'll see yellow, slug-like creatures oozing across the floor. These are frogs of some sort, and they'll jump out to catch you when you draw close. When they're airborne, you can bounce off their backs to grab the three rings that hang in the air. Jump from the right-most of these, onto a hanging treasure chest, which holds a diamond. Continue right from there and you'll find Webby, who informs you that Gyro was caught in a landside. The treasure chest on the ledge just to her right holds yet another of the large yellow diamonds. At this juncture, you can either descend a rope or continue right. For now, descend the rope. You're now on the left side of a ledge situated between two pools of water. To your left, you'll see a square that you can bat with your cane. This will turn it into a raft, which is immobile. Stand on it, then face right and swat the wall with your cane. This will propel you leftward. Be ready to duck so the low ledge you find there doesn't knock you into the water. When the raft stops, you can jump up and break two crates to talk to Gyro, who will give you the Iron Adaptor for your cane. This allows you to break blocks you previously couldn't. Now head back right using the raft again, so that you're once more on the ledge beneath the rope that leads up to Webby. Ignore the rope and walk to the right side of the ledge. Hit the block to send a raft into the water. Before you make that move, bounce from the flat surface onto the ledge to the right. The treasure chest there holds a large red diamond, and the space just to its right hides another small diamond. With those gathered, return to the raft and hit the wall so that you sail swiftly to the right. There's a frog waiting to greet you here, so be careful he doesn't knock you into the water. Past the frog you'll find two blocks along the wall to the right. You can now break them with your cane, though you wouldn't have been able to previously. Below them are two treasure chests. One contains an ice cream cone, the other a large red diamond. Now you should climb the rope leading out of this room. Here, you'll see a ledge to your left, another to your right, and no ceiling as the rope allows you to climb to the room above. You don't want to climb that far just yet, however. Instead, head left. Through the horizontal passage ahead, you'll see a field of spikes lining the ceiling and floor. The trick here is to hop forward, tap the 'B' button so you land with the pogo stick ready, but release it before you rebound too high and hit the spikes above. Just repeat this trick to move left without taking damage, where you'll find a large red diamond (worth $50,000) in a treasure chest situated on a ledge. With that gathered, turn around and head back left to the rope. Ignore this rope yet again, and instead hop over the gap (be ready for another of the frogs). Use the frog to bounce up onto the treasure chests just above, which hold a large diamond and an ice cream cone. With those gathered, you can go ahead and climb the rope up into the next passage. Here, you should climb as high as the rope will let you go. You'll see another dangling to your right, so drop sharply right from there, grab that rope, and shimmy up it to the passage above. In this room, you'll see a treasure chest nestled in the upper left corner. To reach it, you must first drag the barrel left, then break the right of the two stones with your cane. Stand where it was positioned, face left, and swat the other one with your cane so it flies to the diagonal left and breaks open the treasure chest. Your reward is a large, red diamond. Now climb the rope up into the next room. Here, you can catch a ride back to Duckburg, courtesy of Launchpad. Do so only if that intrigues you. Otherwise, pogo up to the ring, then jump to the ledge from there and proceed to your left. You'll find a treasure chest that contains a large yellow diamond, and left from there is a series of logs drifting slowly down a wide waterfall. You should pogo left across two of these, starting when the nearest of the two is just barely within range. From the second one, be ready to pogo onto the back of a bird, and left from there to a ledge where a treasure chest contains an ice cream cone. You now have another set of logs to traverse, then another (the second one is guarded by a large bird). Now you should land on a final rocky ledge, where another log must be used to bounce to a rope that dangles in the area. Climb the rope into the next room and pogo up to another ring. From here, hop right against a wall to reveal a large yellow diamond. Otherwise, jump left to another ledge. The two treasure chests in view hold a large and small diamond. Note that the bridge to your left is faulty. Start across it and it will collapse under you. Also, you can't safely manage a regular jump because of a bird patrolling. Instead, just pogo across the bridge, carefully landing on the gull's back so you're not knocked into the abyss. On the other side, there's solid ground. As you will see, there's a narrow passage below you and a rope to the left. You can descend the rope partway and drop into the passage for a large diamond, if you wish. Two treasure chests to the left hold a large diamond and a red diamond. With those gathered, go ahead and climb down the rope into the next room. Here, a frog will bounce toward you. The wall to its right holds a hidden large diamond. Grab that, then climb down into yet another room. Here, you'll see your blue-clad nephew, standing against a wall. He tells you that a Firequacker was released by a landslide, and that you should bounce on the fiend's head five times with your pogo stick. To the right, there's another raft waiting to be used, and rings that lead over the water. Hop along the rings to find a treasure chest that contains a large red diamond. Then use the rings to move back left and deploy the raft. Ride it back to the right, to the ledge under the platform where you snagged the red diamond. Here, there's another raft just to the right. Deploy it, and be ready to pogo immediately from it to a ledge for a treasure chest with a large diamond. Then hop right to another ledge, bust a crate that's in your way, and keep moving right to the ledge where your raft now rests. When you move through the opening to the right, you'll finally have reached the area boss. ----------- Firequacker ----------- This guy has a few simple patterns. One has him move in a 'w' shape across the screen, with two low dips. See him doing that and it's your cue to pogo him from above during the low point of one of the two inverted arches. Another of his favorite moves is to take a slow diagonal dive toward you, which again puts him in a good position for you to pogo him from above. Usually, he'll make such a dive and retreat, then either throw a fireball or start another 'w' movement. If you see the fireball coming, obviously you'll want to pogo over it. Since it doesn't move all that quickly, that shouldn't prove difficult. Then you're free to continue with the old grind, until you've bounced on your opponent the required five times (note that he has a short period of invulnerability after taking each hit). When you win, a treasure chest will appear that holds a flower worth $1,000,000. Score! ============ III. Bermuda ============ Interested in the Mermaid's Teardrop? Of course you are! When the stage begins, head immediately right to where your nephew is standing at the base of a high wall. He says there's no hope of ever getting past it, but then lightning will break a way. Pogo up onto the ledge, run right and be ready to pogo the back of a crab that dashes back and forth throughout the area. From the end of that ledge (note the cannon below; you'll be back here shortly), you can pogo down onto the back of another crab below, then push right. There's a large barrel here, and beyond that some crates against a wall with an iron door. Pogo along the wall to reveal a large and small diamond. With that done, head back left to where you saw the cannon. Get just behind the cannon, pull with your cane, and you'll discharge a shot that breaks down the metal wall just to the left. Pass through the opening, then descend the rope into the next room. If you head to the opening just to your left, there's a small diamond hardly worth your time. To the right, you can pogo off the back of a pirate to a ring. Hop left from that ring to reveal a large diamond hidden in front of the grated window. If you hop right from the ring, you'll be on a ledge with a red switch. There's a conveyer belt below it. Stand to the right of that switch, hook it with your cane, and pull it left. The chest will slide along to the right, where you'll be able to hop down and bust it open for a large diamond. Continue right past a rope, and there's a large barrel against a wall. Pogo up from it and collect the diamonds along the wall, then climb down the rope just to your left. In the next room, you'll see you can move both right and left. Start by heading left, until you see a pirate heading toward you. Now let him follow you back to the right, and bounce off his head to make it up on the ledge leading right. This will allow you to clear the barrel, bop the crap on his head, and drop down to the cannon, which you can use to blast open another metal wall. The treasure chest you access contains a large red diamond. Now go back left, past the rope, to where you found the pirate. He'll be back, and there's also a crab. In this area, pirates seem to spawn repeatedly if you move even slightly left or right, so take advantage of that for some easy cash if you are short on funds (they often leave behind large diamonds when defeated). Just left, you'll find some blocks you can destroy with your cane, then a red barrel. Pull it left a step or two so you can access the treasure chest here, which holds another red diamond. From there, continue pulling the barrel left, but beware of the speedy mouse that is waiting to attack from the left. Keep pulling the barrel left and you'll find a high ledge with a large treasure chest. The chest contains another 1-up doll. Snag that, then drop back down and descend the rope into the room below (the nook just to the left of the rope contains a small diamond, in case you're interested). In that room below, Launchpad offers to take you back to Duckburg. Respond to that as you see fit. Note that the cranny just over his head holds yet another small diamond. To his right, there's a raft you can knock into the water. Do so, then push off so you're gliding across the waters toward the right. Along the ride, bounce up onto one ledge to break open the treasure chest and obtain a red diamond. Continuing right, there are birds in the area (pogo off their backs) and a ledge with a large diamond hid overhead. You'll need to use rings to safely reach the ledge to your right, where the raft comes to a rest and you can open a treasure chest to obtain an ice cream cone. The next area is tricky. You'll need to hop from ring to ring, but watch out for the birds. They drop bombs that can knock you from a ring and into the water. The problem is that even if you step far enough right that one bird sweeps through the area, another will follow. They come endlessly, in fact, so you'll just have to make your jumps carefully and be ready to grab onto any ring within range, even if you're knocked back in the middle of a hop from one to the next. When you reach the safety on the other side, climb the rope into the next room and you'll see a crab to the left, an empty space to your right. You can walk through the wall to the right, swat open a treasure chest, and find a red diamond. But don't just stop there; continue through the wall to the right and you'll come out looking over two blocks that hang over two treasure chests. Pogo off the right of the blocks and press against the next wall to your right. You should wind up on the ceiling this time. Walk right along this surface and drop down to the chest below, which holds a piece of the treasure map! Now go back left and open those two treasure chests, which both contain large diamonds. Proceed back left to the room with the rope, and climb it into the next room. Here, you can hop left and pogo against the wall. Near the ceiling, you'll reveal a large diamond. From there, head right and hop up to the hanging ring. Ride it down and you will cause a gate to raise. Pass through and at the next of the rings, hold it until the gate rises. From there, pogo off the raised metal to the right, onto the top of the stack of barrels. Drop down to the right, pull down the final ring, and pass under the final one of the metal gates in this area. There's a crab to your right. Pogo off its back, and then up onto the stack of barrels along a wall to the right (there's a diamond hidden above this). Next, you should climb up the rope into the next room. A bird here wants to drop a bomb. Sneak under that, then press against the wall to the right. Pogo upward and you'll find another large diamond. Now resume your climb up the rope, into yet another room. The treasure chest here contains a large diamond. From there, climb up the second of the room's two ropes, into the next area. Here, you'll see ledges to the left. Gyro is in plain site, and a crab patrols the wooden beam above him. Take out the crab, then drop down and talk to Gyro, who will give you the Hammer Adaptor. It adds additional strength to your cane's swings, which is quite useful. From there, head back left and hop along the ropes that lead further left over a bottomless pit (note that if you attempt a jump from the lower ledge where you met Gyro, it's easy to get hit on the head by the overhead beam and forced into the pit). On the left side of those ropes I mentioned, a ledge leads to a rope descending into the next room. Here, you'll see an opening leading to the right. Pogo in that direction and you'll find a red diamond hidden in the wall. Continue right and you can bounce off the head of the pirate to another chest, which contains a red diamond. Descend into the next room and head left. There's a treasure chest here, but you don't want to bust it open just yet. Instead, head for the red switch you'll see, just to the right of the conveyer belt. Stand on its left side, hook it with your cane, and pull left so the belt pushes the treasure chest up against a pile of barrels. Bounce off the chest, over the barrels, and break open the treasure chest there to gain a 1-up doll. Now quickly hop back over and grab the red diamond that was hiding in the chest you used as your stepstool. With that item grabbed, you can now walk through the low gap to the right, which leads to the stage's boss battle. ----------------- Captain Duckbeard ----------------- This fellow sports a hook and a red hat, complete with skull insignia. The area where you'll fight him is littered with hooks dangling on the walls, making your assault a piece of cake. Well, mostly. Unfortunately, you're not the only one able to scamper from ring to ring. As you pogo around, Scrooge will automatically grab onto the rings, whether you like it or not. And so will your nemesis. The goal here is to keep far enough from him so that he's almost always lower than you, whether that means he's on the ground or one of the lower rings. This frees you up to pogo him from above. A few direct hits and he'll go down for the count, granting you the tear that equates to another $1,000,000 for your piggy bank. ====== IV. Mu ====== It might not sound like much, but the treasure here is a mysterious Stone Plate. From the start, continue right past your nephew (for once, it's you that will do the talking in such an encounter). Beyond, you'll find a series of circular blocks lying on a platform. There's also a treasure chest, which contains a large diamond. Press right from there and you'll see a wall of blocks hiding a treasure chest that holds a red diamond. Grab that, then hop over the ledge (take out the crab on the way) and proceed right. When you drop down, you can head left for a small diamond before pressing right to find the first of the stage's bouncing stone heads. Use him to bounce onto a series of stone pillars. Here, you can break the first circular block, then swipe at the second one while positioned just to its left. The block will fly into a treasure chest and spill its contents, a large diamond. Now you can follow the lower path, bouncing along the strip of spikes (and over the head of another stone statue). Beyond that bed of spikes, you'll find a stone column with two circular blocks on it. Break the left one, and swing at the right one so it flies up and busts open the treasure chest. You can now collect a red diamond. Even better, you have now revealed a secret vine that leads up into the next room, where you'll meet Gyro with the Power Adaptor. The joy of this particular tool is that you can now pull larger objects out of your way. A good object to test this on is located just to your right. It's the reddish pillar that appears to be propping up the rocky ledge above it. Pull that pillar left, then hop over it and pull it back to the right. Use it to bounce onto the ledge above. Walk left and break open the stack of treasure chests for a large diamond, a red diamond, and an ice cream cone. With those goods collected, walk back right. The pillar has likely vanished by now, but you should see a springy flower. Pull on it from the left, and when you let go you'll be propelled over a gap to another area. Bounce toward the right and you'll see a ledge above. Near its base, a treasure chest will appear. You can bounce from this chest to reach the ledge. Walk right and break open the chests there. One of them contains a 1-up doll, always a pleasant surprise. Now drop back down and head right. Descend the vine and you're in one of the chambers below. From the ledge where you land, head left and cross over the vines suspended from the ceiling. Past the stone head, you should recognize that you're now back to the area where you busted a treasure chest to reveal the vine that led to Gyro. You now have the power to move the stone pillar near that vine's base, which in turn will allow you to break apart the blocks upon which it rested. Do so and drop into the room below to find a large treasure chest that contains a red diamond worth $50,000. Now head left from there and drop down (beware the bouncing merman to the left, who will throw a giant but blunt spear your way). Further left is another one, and a chain leading down into the next room. Ignore the chain for now. Instead, lure one of the mermen to the right and use it to bounce over a pillar you'll find there, to a room with a series of hidden treasure chests. Hop on these to reach another chest containing a red diamond. Then move right, through the narrow gap between rock and pillars. There you will find two circular blocks stacked one upon the other. Break them away and press toward the right, toward the chain. Don't climb the chain. Instead, pogo along the wall to its right and collect a group of diamonds. Now you can finally backtrack toward the left, to the chain at the area's far left side. Descend it into the next room. In this new room, you'll meet another of your nephews. He reads another cryptic clue: 'Sink a stone into the sea and the city will appear.' He doesn't know what it means, but you will soon enough. Press left and you'll pogo over crabs and a nasty flower, over a statue to a chain leading down into the next room. Before you descend the rope, know that it ends abruptly in the next screen. You'll fall down toward a pit of water, and you need to be ready to press 'up' and grab onto one of the two rings that hangs over the water. To the left of those, you can hop to a ledge where Launchpad wants to take you back to Duckburg. Refuse the ride, as the wall behind him is false and leads into a hidden puzzle room. You will notice there are five pits of water, each covered by a destructible block. In addition, there are two of the barrels. The trick here is to break the third block from the screen's left side, drop the right of the two barrels in that hole, then break the block covering the second hole and drop the other barrel inside. This will change the geography of the island so there's less water. Now return to the right, where you met Launchpad, and proceed even further right. The water is gone now, though you'll still find sea life in the form of crabs. Use the rings on the walls in the area to hop from one ledge to the next, and you'll find two treasure chests. One contains a large diamond, the other an ice cream cone. Beyond those, there's a chain leading down into the next room. In this room, you'll immediately notice two large treasure chests. The left one holds a 1-up doll, the right one a hidden treasure. Grab both items, and you'll notice the wall to the right looks like you should be able to destroy it. Break the bricks leading to your right, until you're pressed up against the first of the circular blocks. Hop onto the circular blocks, so that two are below Scrooge and he's facing another two. Break the six circular blocks immediately to his right, and he's now standing on some bricks again. Pogo downward to the lowest level, then break the two circular blocks stacked immediately in front of him. Work right, then hop and break the next set of circular blocks, until you're against bricks. Keep working your way to the right in a similar fashion and you will be able to break open the treasure chest that waits there to obtain another piece of the treasure map. Now you should work back to where you found Launchpad. From the disaster-prone pilot, continue toward the right (or accept his offer for a lift back to Duckburg, if you'd prefer). Here you'll find another area with some treasure chests hidden in a recess. Break blocks along the stonework, and drop through the false floor to retrieve diamonds from those chests. You can then hop up to the chain near the top of this area, climb it into the next room, then head left through an opening for an encounter with the area's boss. ---------- Duck Golem ---------- This fellow is made mostly of stone, with a red ruby embedded in his gut. This might lead you to expect a dangerous encounter, and he is in fact the most difficult of the level bosses. If you try bouncing on his stone body when he first struts onto the scene, you'll find that you bounce harmlessly away. This is just fine. Let him walk back and forth for awhile, and be careful to avoid his flying fist when he stops to shoot it toward you. You can't damage him until he changes tactics, which he will do eventually. Once he starts stomping the ground and causing blocks to rain from the ceiling, run up to one (being careful to keep an eye on the duck golem, in case he's about to launch another fist) and swipe it from the side. It will slide toward him and reduce your foe briefly to a pile of rubble. In this form, his red jewel is exposed. Pogo the jewel and you'll damage the golem. Just repeat this entire strategy as necessary, until you've used your pogo successfully on the jewel a total of five times. Once that's out of the way, the Stone Tablet is yours. ======== V. Egypt ======== The object of your affection here is King Khufu's Knife. When you begin your search, you'll be resting on crumbling blocks situated over sinking desert sand. None of them contain anything of interest, so hop along to the right (stay in the sand long and it drags you down to suffocate you). Here, you can pogo to the right to find more of the ledges, and dragonflies that flit slowly between them. Bounce from the backs of these insects to make your trip to the right simpler, until you come to a red barrel at the base of a short hallway. Walk right along the hall and you'll soon see a large treasure chest partially obscured by the blocks. As you near it with the intent of busting it open, Scrooge falls through a falls floor into the room below, where one of his nephews waits. Look left and you can break the blocks by hopping from the sand and swinging your cane. They contain large diamonds. Now go right and talk to your nephew, who notes that there are quite a few traps. Continue right from him and you'll find a bouncing statue (pogo it from above) as well as a dragonfly. Use the statue or the insect to bounce up to a treasure chest here, which contains a large diamond. From there, continue right and you'll notice a ring and a set of blocks over sand just to your right. There's also a platform with a handle at its base, just right of the ring. Jump and hang from the handle until the ledge lowers completely, then hop to the ring and from there onto the platform to reach the room above, where you can break open the treasure chest for a red diamond. Now drop back into the previous room, pogo the blocks, then fall through the sand into a hidden room below. You're now on a series of blocks over a bottomless pit. Another of your nephews is just to the right, with a clue for you: 'One is three, three is two, four is one, two is four.' Walk left from your nephew to where a 'down' arrow is hovering in the air. Step on it and it will glide down, then reveal hidden stone steps that appear from the wall to your left. Follow these left, noting that you'll need to plan carefully to pogo from the fourth one to the fifth, which will appear left to it but much higher. From that block, you can then reach the ledge to the left (note the hanging 'down' arrow block here, which you'll be using to cross back over the pit shortly) and move into the next room. Here, you'll see a series of numeric blocks positioned on the floor. You need to hit them in the following order: 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2. When you do so, you'll open the gate to the left, which allows you to access the treasure chest there and the map it contains. Now head back right to your nephew, and from there hop over the wall to his right. Drop down to the next blocks below, sliding along the wall as you do so that you reveal four small diamonds worth $2,000 apiece. From there, continue right and note you can bust open the treasure chest you find there for an ice cream cone, if it's needed. Further right is another bouncing statue. Bounce off his head onto the 'down' block you find there, which reveals high blocks. Cross over those blocks to find a rope to your upper right. If you mess up, you'll have to drop down, use the rings to cross the pit to your left, and try again. Otherwise, climb up the rope into the next room, and from there into yet another room. The treasure chest on the upper ledge here contains a large diamond, and you'll have to drop from the rope at the room's center if you wish to snag it (also be aware of the bouncing statue creature). That central rope I mentioned leads up into the next room, where you'll find Launchpad hanging around on a ledge. If you want to reach him, you'll have to pull the nearby barrel into position so you can bounce up onto the ledge. For now you should do so simply so you can get around to the treasure chest, which contains a large diamond. Ignore Launchpad for now, even if you plan to take advantage of his ride (there's some good treasure nearby that you want to collect first). Once you've collected the booty in this room, it's time to head left toward a pit of sinking sand. You want to jump to the first column of blocks here, and from there bounce along the back of a cobra over to a second column, from which you can leap to safe land. If you defeat the cobra but find yourself stuck between the columns, hop up against the left one and swing your cane. As you sink, it should break the bottom one, which you can slide under. Keep hopping once you're under the column, moving left to solid ground. You now will see a stone column positioned over two blocks, which in turn cover an apparent bottomless pit. Overhead, there's a rope, while to the left there's more sand and columns. Because you went to Mu before you came here, you can pull that column out of the way, break the blocks, and drop down to the room below. Here, you'll see a large treasure chest to the left. Note that the tiny square blocks you see just before it are false. Hop over them, onto the treasure chest, then drop down to its left side. Now turn and swipe the chest to obtain the red diamond it contains. Further left is a room full of treasure chest suspended in the air (they contain two large diamonds, a 1-up doll, a red diamond, a small diamond and an ice cream cone). Beyond that room is the treasure chest you saw near the start of the stage (the one on the other side of the false floor). It contains another red diamond. Fall through that floor, then loop your way back around again to the room where you pulled the stone column out of the way just a short time ago. Now that you're back, this time you should head left toward the columns in that direction. Proceed left until you come to an apparent solid wall. Let the sand lower you as you press left against that wall's base. Scrooge will start under the wall when he gets low enough, at which point you should hop repeatedly as you head left. You'll come out from under the wall to find two treasure chests. One contains a large diamond, the other a red diamond. Now head back right, and this time climb the rope leading upward. Here another nephew awaits, with a cryptic message from the wall along the lines of 'The one who sees the light of the sun will find the way.' It's a clue to a nearby puzzle, of course. Just to the right, a rope leads up into another room. First, stand on the 'down' switch to reveal blocks leading to a hidden treasure room. Press right through the wall and you'll find several large diamonds (and a red diamond) before dropping through a hidden door that plops you back in front of Launchpad. Go ahead and take the ride back to Duckburg now, if you want, or else return to where your nephew gave you the hint about the light of the sun. Now, climb the rope in that room, up into the next chamber. Look to the wall to the left. Break the blocks along its base, then walk left through the wall to a large treasure chest that contains a red diamond. Now return to the right. The blocks will likely be back. Break them again, then head right until they're out of the screen. Return left and the blocks should be back yet again. Pogo upward from them and press left to find a secret path leading off to the left at the upper level. You'll now be in a room with a diagonal shaft of light pointing downward, near a mirror. Stand just to the right of the mirror, hook it with your cane, and pull it toward the right. The light will hit the lens, bounce toward the lower left, and create a new opening through which Scrooge should drop. You're now in a secret treasure room, where you can grab a special mirror worth $1,000,000. Also of interest is a red diamond hidden along the walls to your left and right. When you've collected those and the treasure, climb the rope down into the room below. There's a chest just to your left now, which contains an ice cream cone. You've been in this room before, if you followed this FAQ. Head right and climb the rope leading back into the room above. Now you need to head to the right, past the bouncing statue. Here you will find some ledges that block your way, but they have handles beneath them. Jump up to the handles, hang on them for awhile, and they will lower so that you can use them to progress to the right. Past the last of these ledges is a narrow opening that leads into the boss chamber. ------------ Pharaoh Duck ------------ This guy's pattern is very simple. The room has four blocks, resting over a huge pool of sinking sand. The duck will randomly pop up from between one of the blocks, hop onto a block, then leap into the air. As he does so, he'll send a spear flying your way. Pogo over the spear, then land on the duck's head as he retreats into the sand. This is the easiest way to be sure you hit him while avoiding the projectile. Since he never alters his pattern, it's simply a matter of remember the very simple procedure. You only have to hit him five or six times and he'll fall away to leave you holding the treasure, that knife you've heard so much about. ============ VI. Scotland ============ The final treasure you're seeking is the Lamp of Eternity. It's somewhere inside a large, creepy castle. From the start, head toward the right and you'll find first a disembodied hand carrying a lantern, then a frog jumping around over a series of four circular blocks. If you break away all but the second from the left, you can swipe at it from the left side to send it flying to a treasure chest nearby, which holds a large diamond. When that's collected, go ahead and climb the chain into the next room. The ledge from which this chain hangs supports a treasure chest with another large diamond. Watch out for the floating hand in the same area. Go ahead and move toward the right, where you'll see a platform sitting at the left side of a rail system. When you jump on it, the platform will start following the track toward the right. Before it drops into the abyss, leap to the second one of these, then ride it over and leap to the safety of a solid stone ledge. To the right, there's another platform with a chain hanging from it. If you bounce along the wall just to the right (ignoring the chain for a moment), you'll cause a treasure chest to appear. Pogo up to the newly-revealed chest, and bounce from it over the wall leading to your right (be careful to avoid an additional disembodied hand that frequents the area). Here, you'll find a series of blocks over a pit of spikes. Break away the blocks and pogo down to the spikes, then through the wall to the right. Here you can collect diamonds and even a 1-up doll (though watch for the square block in the floor at the center of the room, as it's false; hop over it when you head right to collect the diamond and doll from the treasure chests along the right wall). With that collected, you can return left to the chain and descend it into the next room. Here, you'll see a gap to the left, with two blocks in the way. You can jump against them and swipe them to remove them, but all you find to the left is some small diamonds and an ice cream cone. Hardly worth the effort. To the right, however, you will find a 'down' block, as well as a moving suit of armor that would love to damage your life meter. Stand on the hovering 'down' block to reveal a series of hidden ledges. Cross them (watching for another floating hand just to the right) and bounce from the third of them to the fourth with your pogo stick (a regular hop simply won't suffice). From that fourth block, hop right and collect the red diamond and large diamond from the two treasure chests. You'll have to break away two blocks to do so. Next, drop down and walk along the ground toward the right. You will next see a recess with four blocks hanging over it. Break those, watching for the hand that will be floating toward you from the right. When it's safe, drop down and pull on the handle in the lower right corner of that recess. You'll cause a new block to emerge from the wall above. Jump to it from the ledge just to your left, and then from that block up to the wall to the right. Continue in that direction to find a chain hanging over a bottomless pit. Here, more of the hands will try to knock you into the pit, but you can just cling to the rings and use them to safely reach the chain. Climb it up through the next room, and into the next from there. Now you should see a large treasure chest to the right. Hop left off the chain (minding the frog) and then pogo over to the ledge to the right. Walk over to the blocks, break them with your pogo stick, and open the treasure chest to reveal a red diamond. Now head toward the left from the chain, to where another rail system works. As you ride it left, watch out for the floating hand. There's also a treasure chest you can pogo to if you're feeling particularly gutsy. However, the hand floating through the area will likely keep you too busy for that. At the end of the second track is a ring suspended in the air above. Be prepared to pogo up to it, then to hop left from there to where Launchpad is waiting just below a chain. To the left of Launchpad, there are blocks along the ground. Break them away and you'll find you can walk through the lower portion of the wall, to a treasure room. It contains several hidden chests, and you can break them open to collect goodies (large, small, and red diamonds). Then return to your pilot and, if you wish, accept his ride back to Duckburg. Otherwise, go ahead and climb the chain into the next room. At the top of the chain, head left against the wall for the red and large diamonds those chests contain. There's another floating hand nearby, as you might expect. When you have that treasure, turn to the right and pogo over some spikes while keeping an eye on the spikes protruding from the ceiling. Beyond, you'll see a chain leading up into the next room. If you wish, you can also head to the right for a large diamond hidden against a wall, though at this point you might just prefer to skip that unnecessary step and head up the chain. In the next room, note that you can walk through the wall to the right to find yourself on a narrow ledge looking over an abyss. A floating hand will approach from the upper right, the first of a wave of three such hands. If you manage to use them as stepping stools, you can cross the pit to the right and fine a high ledge with nothing on it. Right from that ledge, you can drop down to the screen below and find a large treasure chest. It contains a piece of the map. Note that once you grab this piece, it is likely the last one remaining (provided you purchased the one from the store). The game will now pull you out of the level, back to the store, where you can stock up on items before it will plop you down into a special hidden stage. Eventually, you'll have to return to this stage to complete it properly. Do so and return to the place where you got the map piece, just as a point of reference. Note that there are four other chests in the same room, and they contain diamonds of varying size. You can head left over the ceiling from there, back to the chain. Climb to the top of that chain and this time head left. As you advance left, watch for both a flying hand and a piece of animated armor. You'll soon discover another of the rail platforms, kept hidden under a series of blocks. Break those blocks with your pogo stick, touch the platform, then quickly hop to the ledge to the upper left. The platform will ride the rails leading left, and you must cross overhead (the treasure chests along the way contain only a red diamond and a large one) then drop onto the platform as it proceeds left. Continue left (there's another floating hand, but he's not likely to knock you off unless you're jumping at an inopportune moment) and jump to safety. Then push left again to a chain. The treasure chest along the wall to the left contains a large diamond. Collect it, then follow the chain down to the room below. Here, you can break away the blocks along the wall and pogo along its side to find an ice cream cone, if your life meter isn't full. With that done, head left through the narrow gap to face the stage's boss. ----------- Duck Wizard ----------- Like most bosses up to this late stage in the game, this particular fellow is a bit of a pushover. He really has a pattern you should easily be able to adapt to. When he first appears, he's likely to do so in two pieces, one to your left and one to your right. From there, he will flicker out of sight. When he reappears, it will be to your left of right, where he will either bring down a bolt of lightning or whip out a tornado. The lightning is easily avoided if you keep moving and aren't near him, while the wind attack scoots along the floor and can be jumped. To win, you'll need to be in proper position to bounce on his head during the brief moment he has materialized fully. Five strikes with the business end of your pogo stick will send him packing and lead to you the treasure. ==================== VII. Castle Basement ==================== This area is optional, and the only way you'll ever find it is if you gathered all the pieces of the map. When you enter, you'll see two treasure chests resting on a ledge to your upper right. One contains a large diamond, the other a red diamond. Now drop down and pogo through the corridor, where you'll find a crab waiting just to the right. Pogo off it, then continue forward and knock the raft into the water. Stand on it and push off from the wall to the left. You'll now ride the raft toward the right. At this point, look near the top of the screen as it scrolls. You'll see a hovering hand here. If you wish, you may pogo off it, up to the ledge above (there's a lower path here, too, but it's more difficult and I'm going to pretend it doesn't exist for the purpose of this guide). Walk right and you'll see a chain, and also a wall that blocks a treasure chest with a large diamond. Collect that, then climb the chain leading upward. In this next room, there's a large treasure chest to the left that contains a red diamond. Grab that, then move to the right. You'll soon come to a pool of water, with a red ledge hanging in the air above it. Leap to the ledge, but be prepared to pogo quickly to the right along other such ledges (they drop into the water shortly after you step on them). The fourth such ledge is lower than the others. You can land on it, then walk through the wall to the right to find a hidden treasure chest that contains a red diamond. Grab that, then hop right and knock the next raft into the water. Around this point, you should also see a hand floating down from the left side of the screen. Avoid it and give the wall a knock so the raft glides right. While you ride it, be careful to duck so the upper ledge doesn't knock you into the soup. Be ready for a treasure chest hanging in the air to the right; it also can knock you off your perch. Hop onto it and break it open for a red diamond, then move right to the chain and descend into the room below. There are treasure chests here, and a false floor. Hold to the left or you'll fall through the floor and miss out on the red diamond in the treasure chest to the left. When you've grabbed it, go ahead and fall through the floor. Hold your pogo downward, as there are spikes where you'll be landing. From there, pogo left to the two treasure chests on that ledge, which hold an ice cream cone and a large diamond. Further left, there is a frog between some block columns, and then a chain. Before you descend the chain, walk left through the wall and break open a large chest for a red diamond. Now return to the chain and descend it into the next room. Here, you'll see a soldier patrolling. Hold against the left wall, and pogo off the soldier's back to fly through the upper segment of the wall. You'll find a treasure chest here with a 1-up doll. Grab that and some other diamonds, then move back right. The soldier is back, so defeat him and continue right past a disembodied hand, to another soldier. Bounce off him to the ledge above, and walk right. You'll notice two chains here, one below you, and another to the right. You can't reach the lower one, but you don't really want to. Descend the right of the two chains and break open the chest at the bottom for a large diamond. When you've grabbed that, knock the raft off the ledge to the left, into the water. Stand on it and hit the wall to the right. Now duck as you ride the raft left (duck immediately, or you'll fall). Partway left, there's another ledge in the air. Hop onto it and drop onto the raft again and continue riding left. At the wall, pogo left and take out the crab, then continue left. You'll see a treasure chest on an upper left ledge, and another should appear just to its right. The uppermost one holds a large diamond, the other a small one. From there, you can head left through the narrow opening to grab an ice cream cone and face the area boss. ----------- Duck Wizard ----------- The boss here is the same as the boss of the Scotland level, with only a few modifications. You've probably not yet fought that fellow if you closely followed this guide, so here's the basic strategy. Basically, all you have to do is pogo around while the duck wizard materializes in two hazy forms, one to your left and the other to your right. Though in Scotland he has two different attacks to avoid, here he has only one. After flickering between the two spots, he'll solidify randomly in one or the other. If you're near, be ready to pogo on his head. You need to be careful to avoid his magical blast, though. It goes at about head level, and if it hits you it will turn you into a frog. If this happens, just hop around and let the additional bursts of magic pass overhead. You'll return to your true form shortly. Just repeat this strategy until you've managed to pogo your enemy on the head five times. Then you'll win the treasure of McDuck. ===================== VIII. Glomgold's Ship ===================== Once you have finished all the stages (including the castle underground area, if you went that route), you must be feeling pretty good about yourself. Since you have all the treasures and he's a fiend, Flintheart Glomgold kidnaps Webby and demands that you come to his ship with your treasures in hand if you mean to rescue her. This final stage is actually just a repeat of the Bermuda stage, with a different route to the end. From the start, head to the right. There are no enemies, and you can no longer access the lower reaches of the ship as you could previously. Instead, just keep pushing right. Where before a metal door barred your way, you'll now find the path cleared to a rope. Climb up to its top, then walk to the right through a narrow corridor, into the boss chamber. ------ D-1000 ------ Rather than relying on his own muscle, Scroog's old nemesis calls out a robot named the D-1000. This beast is the other 'tough' boss in the game, and you may want to have a cake with you just in case. His basic strategy is to take small steps toward you, send a mechanical arm to the ceiling, then kick at you with a long-range kick. Try and stay on the opposite side of the screen. Let him move toward you and, when he's near, hop out as he starts to walk toward you. This should allow you to get in the air over him before his arm has properly extended, and you can pogo on his head. You'll have to repeat this five times to beat him, which means switching screen sides with him the same number of times. On average, it's safest to let him approach four to five times from the opposite side of the screen before rushing in to attack. Just keep your head and you'll win. ============== IX. Conclusion ============== And here we are, at the end of the game. I hope this handy walkthrough has been truly helpful to you, and that if the game was stumping you somewhere, new information came to light that can help you enjoy the game more fully. If you haven't already, go back and play the original. It's simpler and (in many ways) more fun. Gamers who like a good time really should experience both. And look for my next FAQ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =================== X. Acknowledgements =================== In its first edition, this guide is written entirely on my own part. I'm aware that, at the time I write it, there are two other guides posted on GameFAQs. I'm not looking at them because I don't like to steal from other people's writing. As such, you've probably noticed some similarities in my guide to theirs (or perhaps not), and some noteworthy differences (or perhaps not). Either way, I don't have anyone to credit just now. However, the passing of Chris MacDonald lit the fire in my writing mind that caused me to attempt this, so a belated thanks to him. Oh, and thanks to CJayC for making the premier site on the Internet for game FAQs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ====================== XI. Copyright Concerns ====================== Copyright 2004 Jason Venter This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.