DuckTales Complete Walkthrough Version 1.0 By Jason Venter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version History: May 19, 2004 - Converted HTML guide to text-only format for posting on GameFAQs and submitted it in hopes that it would be posted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents: I. Introduction II. The Amazon III. The Himilayas IV. The Moon V. The African Mines VI. Transylvania VII. Dracula Duck Manor VIII. Conclusion IX. Acknowledgements X. Copyright Concerns ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== I. Introduction =============== Scrooge McDuck, his nephews, and assorted friends were very popular back in the late 80s, and the result was two licensed games from Capcom. Though the second faded into relative obscurity, the first remains a popular game among Nintendo gamers who played it back in the day. I'm one such gamer. So if you're experiencing this gem for the first time, count on my guide to point out every hidden little secret you may not even realize existed. Though the levels may be attempted in any order, I prefer to tackle them in the order indicated below. There's a reason for this: When you enter the African Mines, you'll soon encounter a gate you can't pass through. Then you'll be sent to Transylvania to recover it. If you've not yet cleared that area, you can repeatedly make this trip, grab the stage's two extra lives, then exit without the key. Repeat that and you can build up nine lives. For this reason, you should save those two stages for last. The guide below will include guides for each area independent of the next. As I said, you can go them in any order. Note that the Himalayas stage has an extension to your life meter, as does Transylvania. Collecting both of these (you can collect the one from Transylvania on your brief trip from the African mines, which you may want to make your first stop in the game) will make the remainder of the game much simpler for you. Note that Launchpad also appears once per stage. He'll offer you a ride back to Duckburg, and it's easy to really improve your score by collecting every goody in an item, then taking that ride and doing it all over again. Also, if possible, make sure the ten-thousands digit in your score when you take a ride is a '7,' so that you are taken to a special bonus stage. Ready to go, then? Good. Let's hop to it! ============== II. The Amazon ============== From the stump where you appear at the start, pogo toward the right. An ape will approach you at this point, so pogo off his head to the treasure chest, which contains a large diamond worth $10,000. If you miss that particular effort, you can also try swatting the circular block to the lower left of the chest from the left side, which will fly up to the right and break open the treasure chest. Once you've collected the contents of that chest, continue toward the right. There's another diamond at the base of some trees here, and another ape between you and the next treasure chest, which holds a small diamond. Just right of that, you'll find to gray blocks you can use to pogo to a stone platform overhead. Do so, and break the circular blocks so that you can break open those two chests, which contain a life-restoring ice cream cone and another large diamond. Continue right and you'll see another gray, destructible block to the left of a red plant. Right from that block, you can jump from the base of the tree to collect another diamond. You'll want to jump from the ledge above the plant so that you land on the overhead ledge to the right. Hit a block from the left and it will fly to take out the waiting snake. Jump from the edge of that platform to cause two diamonds to materialize from thin air. Now you should be standing on or by a green stump. Head left from there and drop down into the pit below where you hit the snake (or climb the vine down, if you prefer). You should have landed on a red block. Drop off its right side, then hit it with your cane so it slides left to the base of the gray statue. Pogo off the ledge and you'll be able to land on the statue's head. From there, you can pogo left again and will find Scrooge standing on the ceiling. Walk left along it and you'll drop into a treasure room. Here you can collect two large diamonds and two ice cream cones. When those are gathered, you can also jump onto the roof on the left side of this room, and walk left again to yet another treasure room. This one contains a large red diamond worth $50,000, as well as several tiny gems as you descend the stairs. Now that you've gathered that booty, it's time to head back right to where you first descended into the snake pit. Continue along the right and you'll see giant spiders hanging from the ceiling. You can use the circular block to take care of the one on the right, but you'll want to jump over the gap as the left of the spiders recedes, or it may knock you into the pit. Jump over the wider pit to the right of that, and you'll find yourself at the edge of a spiked vine. Pogo across this vine. Note that you can let loose the pogo stick in the air if you don't want to pogo the highest the cane will go, then quickly press 'B' again as you are about to land. This allows you to make shorter pogo hops when desired, which is important so you can avoid the spiked vine overhead. Right of the first vine segment, you'll find two treasure boxes. The first contains a life-restoring cake, the second a 1-up doll. From there, continue right along the second of the spiked vines, and you'll come to another ledge with a spider overhead. Let it start to recede, then hop across to the gray blocks. There's a vine leading upward from this room, but hop against the wall to the right of the vine first, long enough to grab a diamond. Now climb the vine up to the next screen. Though the vine here will lead directly up to the next screen, you'll want to take a slight detour first. Head right from the vine and pogo hop against the wall to reveal two diamonds and a cake, as well as a small gem. Then walk back left to the circular block and hit it so it flies left and drops the treasure box on the snake beneath. This box contains a large diamond. Continue left past the stump, and watch for the killer bees and ape in this area. The bees are best hit with pogo stomps from above, so use the stump to gain the necessary elevation. In the immediate vicinity, note that a large diamond is hiding near the base of one of the trees. Beyond that, you'll want to hop over a short wall made of the destructible gray blocks. Left from there, a flower and more bees await, as well as a series of vines suspended over a spike-lined pit. You can climb up the center vine, into a room above, where two treasure boxes wait. They both contain large, red diamonds. With those collected, drop back down and head to the right, to the vine you used to emerge from the snake pit. You're now ready to climb it up to the next screen. Here, there are two vines and bees will attack from either side. Climb between the bees, then drop to the vine to the right, and from there leap to the treasure box, which contains another large, red diamond. Now climb up the left vine, into the next screen above. You will now see a treasure chest to the right, protected by the piranha plants. It contains only a single ice cream cone, so grab the item only if you need it. Otherwise, head left along the ledge and prepare for an onslaught from flying bees. You now must pogo over a series of gray statues and stone blocks, which rise from a bottomless pit. Bees will be buzzing toward you along the way, and you'll want to avoid falling into the jaws of a piranha plant. Opposite that, you'll find yourself on another stone statue. Launchpad is flying his copter overhead, and you must jump and press 'up' to grab onto the rope he's dangling, then ride it left to the next statue. It's best to dismount as he's rising high, and to jump forward with pogo stick aimed down, as a bee is likely to be nearby. When you land, work left along some blocks, and you'll come to the right side of a bridge. Two piranha plants grow here, so avoid them and hop toward the bridge, then pogo quickly left as the blocks crumble in your wake (move too slow and you'll fall into the pit below). On the opposite side of that gap, you'll find a recess where an ape runs back and forth. Pogo him, then climb the vine leading up to the next room. Here, destructible gray blocks encircle a treasure box that contains a large, red diamond. Grab it, then climb the vine up to the ledge where Launchpad waits. Don't accept his offer for a ride back to Duckburg just yet, though. Instead, jump left through the gap and onto the ceiling. Walk left along the ceiling to a single treasure room that contains a large, red diamond, as well as two standard diamonds and a round of cake. Now you can go back to Launchpad. If your score has a '7' where the ten-thousands digit is located (it's the fifth from the right), accept the ride. If not continue right along the corridor and defeat the enemies there. They often leave behind large diamonds, each of which changes the ten-thousands digit by one. When it's a '7,' go ahead and accept the ride back to Duckburg. Along the way, you'll be dropped into a cloud-filled bonus stage, where Gyro tosses down numerous large diamonds that can help boost your score by as much as $180,000! When you land back in Duckburg at your vault, go ahead and make a second trip to the Amazon. Repeat everything I've directed thus far, leading up to the location where previously you accepted the ride from Launchpad. He'll be gone now, so go ahead and start toward the right from that point. Note that as you walk through the low hallway ahead, a giant red ball will drop from behind and chase you through. Be ready to pogo over a small pit of spikes, and when you reach the low statue to the right, expect an enemy to be approaching from the right. Pogo the top of its head, but don't pogo the treasure chest that should appear to the upper left from the statue. When it's safe to do so, pogo from the top of the statue, up to the treasure chest, and from there up to the opening above. Hold the 'up' button at the height of your jump, and you'll grab a hidden vine that leads upward to the next room, and from there up to yet another room. This secret room has another vine leading down along its right side, and if you drop there you'll be warped to the boss encounter in this area. --------- The Robot --------- This is an easy boss battle, one of the simpler ones in the game. The robot just slides back and forth along the stone, hopping from time to time. When it hops, get ready to jump toward it just before it lands. As you are about to land on the robot, pop out your pogo stick to hit it on the head. You'll damage the robot, and from there can hop to its back side. Now the robot will slide toward you yet again. You'll win by just repeating the strategy above until you've hit it enough times that it drops from the screen and you can collect your reward, a staff worth $1,000,000. ================== III. The Himalayas ================== The snowy peaks of the Himalayan mountains should be your next destination. From the start, head toward the right and watch for the puffs of snow with rabbit ears extended. When they reach barriers or the edges of platforms, the rabbits burst upward, so have your pogo stick aimed downward whenever you leap one if it's in such a location. Right from the first rabbit, you'll find a rabbit scouting another ledge. Take out that fellow, and you'll likely cause a treasure box to appear in the air. This one contains a large diamond. Bounce left from it to reveal a large red diamond in the air that is worth $50,000. Proceed right to where a new treasure box is situated at the edge of a ledge. It contains another of the diamonds. Beyond that is a rabbit on patrol, so defeat it and keep moving. There are two more rabbits here, one on a higher ledge. When you reach that point, the area's goats will start rampaging toward you. These fellows are harder to avoid than the rabbits, and there seems to be an endless stream of them. They all seem to think highly of ramming you and damaging your life meter, so keep moving forward to minimize the time the animals will be able to put you at risk. Around three ledges inward, hug against the snow as you drop down a slight bit, and you'll reveal a hidden red diamond worth $50,000. Keep moving just right from there to find a rope that leads down into a pit. You don't want to take that rope, however. Instead, continue right past more rabbits and goats. You'll find two treasure boxes along the way, each of which contains a large diamond. Beyond the second chest is a low dip between you and a treasure chest. Don't drop in the dip just yet; it's a hidden pit. Instead, hop over it and collect the ice cream cone from the treasure chest to the right. Now go ahead and drop into the recess. You'll fall down a shaft to a hidden room, where icicles line the ceiling to your left. Drop to that left side to grab a hidden 1-up icon, then leap over the right to collect the contents from those chests. They contain a large diamond, and also a large red diamond. With that done, climb down the rope into the next room. Here, you'll see Launchpad again. However, you're not ready to accept the lift back to Duckburg just yet. Instead, head left along the platform, past the spider. You'll find a wide, bottomless pit, with snow-covered blocks that allow you to cross (a large diamond is hidden in the air above one of these). A spider will drop from the ceiling between the last two of these, so wait for it to drop before attempting your final few jumps. You're now on an icy ledge, so continue left along it until you reach the gap. Drop down that gap for now, though you'll be coming by this way again in a moment. When you land from that fall, it's time to head left. You'll see columns of snow-covered blocks here, with blocks of ice at their base. Pogo off the ice blocks to cross each such barrier. There's an invincibility medallion at the base of one of these, but don't be fooled into rushing ahead. A pit lies just ahead, with a spider over it. Wait for the spider to recede before jumping. Even while invincible, the spider will knock you into the pit if you connect, so avoidance is key. Past the spider is a treasure chest resting on a snowy column. That chest contains a large diamond. Continue left and leap over the pit, then over the icy column, to where you're red-dressed nephew awaits. He lets you know that Bubba is trapped in a block of ice ahead. Jump left from where your nephew waits and you'll activate another invincibility medallion. With this in effect, quickly hop left across a series of blocks over a bottomless pit. Icicles fall in this area, but they can't hurt you and won't knock you into the pits so long as Scrooge continues flashing (though there's a treasure chest here, just ignore it for now so that you can safely reach the opposite side of the room while invulnerable). You'll have to pogo up to reach the last set of blocks over the pit, and take a long leap from there to the snowy ledge that rest just beneath the ice block that encases Bubba. Hit the block beneath him with your cane, and it will slide left to a wall. Bounce from that block up to Bubba's block of ice and pogo it from above. The happy caveman will break free and reveal a tiny recess with a treasure chest that contains a life extension for Scrooge. Now you can cross back to the right over the icy blocks again, collecting the treasure chest you missed on your first pass. It contains a large, red diamond worth $50,000. Some of the jumps you'll have to make here are too long for normal Scrooge, so pogo if a block is too high for you to reach. When you get back to where you first dropped down into this area, it's now time to continue to the right. You'll have to pass along a slick ledge under a spider, so be careful it doesn't knock you into a pit as you make that jump. On the second snow-covered platform over the bottomless pit you find here, pogo off the two blocks to grab a large diamond, and another of the large red ones. There are rabbits in this area, too. Keep moving and you'll come right to a vine that leads up to the room where Launchpad waits. You're still not ready for his ride just yet, though it won't be long before you are. Head left from where he stands, past the spider and to the next icy ledge. This time, instead of falling down the next pit, leap over it to the next ice ledge. As you walk left from here, watch for a hole in the ceiling. When you see it, pogo up and head left. You're walking on the ceiling now. When you can walk left no further, press 'up' to climb up a hidden vine into a hidden treasure room. When you arrive, head left and pogo off that ice block to reach a hidden 1-up icon. Then head right. There's a wall of ice blocks. If you jump into the air and press the 'B' and 'down' buttons at just the right moment, you can pogo off the soft surface and over this wall. Beyond it, you'll find two rabbits and three large diamonds hidden in the air over them, as well as two treasure boxes. The lower box contains a large red diamond, while the upper one holds an invincibility medallion. With that grabbed, go ahead and move back to the right toward where Launchpad waits. When you're score is appropriate, accept the ride back to Duckburg, with a trip to the bonus stage along the way. When that's done, go back into the stage and follow the same actions as before (though you can't collect another life extension, as Bubba won't be there a second time). Once you're back to the point where previously you caught a ride back to Duckburg from Launchpad, head left past where you climbed the roof into the hidden treasure room. Instead of doing that, head left beneath the spider, to a long ledge where you'll soon see a stack of four red blocks. Pogo over those and proceed left. You'll find a series of hockey-playing ducks. They will race toward you, but you can swipe ice blocks to take out the first two of these ducks. Pogo the third. Past the hockey players, there's another bottomless pit with snow-covered ledges that will allow you to access a vine. Instead of climbing immediately up the vine, hop to the lower ledge, and from there make a series of jumps over snow-covered ledges under two spiders. When you arrive at the left, you'll find two treasure boxes, one containing a cake, the other a large diamond. Now hop back right and this time climb the vine up into the next room. As soon as you enter, keep climbing and be ready to drop off the vine to the left, into a small recess, as a ball falls from overhead. Once the ball passes, climb up into the next screen. There, you'll see a Beagle Boy patrolling the ledge to your upper left. Wait for him to head back toward the wall, then pogo off his head and up to the wall to the left. There's a barrier there, but you can swing your cane a few times to knock the hidden blocks away. Follow the path left and find a treasure chest that contains a large, red diamond worth $50,000. Now go back to the right, past where you defeated the Beagle Boy, and look right. There's a wall of ice, near which another large diamond is nestled. Past the ice is another large, bottomless pit. You'll see a yellow- colored block resting in the air, and it will start gliding to the right when you hop on it. Ride the block right, being ready to jump over the blocks along the way, which otherwise will knock you from your precarious perch (note also that the block moves quite a bit more quickly than you might expect). When you reach the other side, you can pass through a narrow opening to the stage's boss encounter. ------------------ Abominable Snowman ------------------ Some ducks think it's a legend, but the Abominable Snowman is very real to Scrooge. When you enter, it will begin its attack by leaping toward you. It jumps about halfway across the screen with one hop, and you can pogo the top of its head if you work quickly. From that first jump, it will soon jump left again, then punch the wall. This causes a series of snowballs to descend on the arena, so you'll want to move to avoid them. From there, the monster will just repeat the pattern, hopping back and forth, giving you plenty of opportunities to avoid snowballs and the beast himself. You shouldn't have much trouble getting in enough hits to finish him off. Your reward is a crown worth a cool million dollars. ============ IV. The Moon ============ This stage is arguably the most difficult in the game, but you likely have a full life meter and plenty of lives by now, so it shouldn't prove too dangerous. From the start, begin by walking toward the right. The majority of this stage is going to take place within an alien ship of some sort, so you'll find a lot of hovering red aliens and ducks in space suits as you proceed right over the crater-strewn moonscape. There are some treasure chests suspended in the air along the way toward the right, and those can be reached by jumping into the air and using your pogo stick to bounce off a duck astronaut. They both contain large diamonds. When you progress far enough to the right, you'll find a chain suspended over a bottomless pit. Pogo up to the chain and climb it into the alien spacecraft. In the next room, you'll see a pinkish, one-eyed alien patrolling to the left. Go ahead and drop off to the right, then jump from the gray blocks there back to the green ledge from which the chain hangs. Now hop from that out to pogo the pink alien without risking damage to your life meter, and move left. Here, you'll find a few enemies you can pogo as you press left. Make sure not to get stuck between the two towers with the patrolling red alien. Getting back out can prove difficult. Left of here, you'll find a chain leading down. Don't take the chain, as you've already collected everything down there (it leads to where you saw the two treasure chests suspended in the air before). Past that chain is a bed of spikes. Pogo over those to find two treasure boxes. One contains an ice cream cone, the other a large red diamond worth $50,000. Now go ahead and go back to the right, to the chain you first used to enter the shuttle. This time, proceed to the right. Pogo the pink alien, and hop up to the column where a round block rests. Use it to hit the hovering red alien, and continue moving right. You'll find a rope here that leads upward, but move past it and over more spikes. Along the spikes is a large diamond, and past that you'll find two more treasure chests. These contain a large red diamond, and a small little gem. Now go back left and take the first chain you see, which leads up into a new room. Here, you'll see gray blocks supporting a red block. Hit away the gray ones, and swipe the red one so that it slides to the right. Follow it into the next chamber, and bounce off it to reach the green ledge. From there, jump left to make two treasure chests appear. These contain two large diamonds, while the two treasure chests resting under the destructible blocks to your right hold a large red diamond and a cake. With those collected, head back to the chain and this time go left. There are some enemies here, and a large diamond in the air. Proceed left to a stack of blocks and pogo from their top. You'll collect more diamonds there, before heading back to the right. Now climb the chain that leads up into the next room. To the right of this rope, you'll find three more large diamonds hidden in the air, and also some duck astronauts to defeat. To the left is Webby, letting you know that a door to the left can't be opened without the U.F.O. key, which you don't yet have. Go back right and climb the chain leading up to the top side of the shuttle. There's a pink alien patrolling the ledge to your upper right. Defeat the alien, and then bounce left from that ledge to grab a large red diamond from the visible treasure chest. Now go back to where the alien was patrolling and prepare yourself for a series of difficult pogo jumps. The bottomless pit to the right may be crossed. You'll have to bounce off the heads of aliens and the tips of spikes. Wait until the first hovering red alien is at its lowest point, then jump outward and pogo across the open expanse to a treasure chest. This contains a hidden treasure with $1,000,000! With that collected, pogo back left and follow the chains straight down to the lowest level of the UFO, with your pogo stick held down so that when you reach the bottom stage, you take out the enemy there without suffering damage. Now head left to the next chain, and climb it up into the next room. From the top of that chain, head quickly to the right to collect some diamonds, then move left past the chain. Duck astronauts will attack as you proceed, but take care of them and move until you see two red aliens hovering around a chain. You should be standing on a pillar here, so drop straight down to collect a hidden large diamond, then move left and take out the red aliens. Push the red block against the wall to their left, and pogo off it to the ceiling. Walk left across the ceiling to find a room with a single treasure chest. Drop below the chest to reveal a hidden large diamond, then grab the large red diamond from the treasure chest itself. Now hop onto the ceiling and walk back to the right, and from there climb up the chain and head left. The treasure chest there contains the key to the U.F.O. Now head back right, past the chain, and use the circular blocks to defeat the aliens you find hovering in the air. Past those aliens, you'll find Launchpad. When your score is right, go ahead and accept the lift back to Duckburg. When you come back to the moon, this time head for the room where Webby told you that you would need a key. Since you now have the key, your little niece is gone and you can pass through the shutter to the left, where three red aliens are guarding a remote control. Pogo off the highest of these and press 'up' to find a hidden chain leading to a room where Mrs. Beasley waits for you. She'll refill your health by showering you with ice cream cones. Now drop back down with the pogo armed and take out the three aliens to collect the remote. You now can call Gizmo Duck. With that done, your time in the U.F.O is ended. Go ahead and work back toward the start of the stage, exiting the U.F.O. by way of the shaft at its bottom center. Now you can cross over the pits to the right until you reach a wall, which Gizmo Duck will blast on your behalf. The cross over the pits is more difficult than you might anticipate, though, thanks to a series of aliens hovering over the pit you must pass. There's a block ledge you can ride, like the one in the Himalayan mountains stage, but this particular ride is more dangerous. Be sure that if you hit the alien, you're doing so from above with the pogo stick. When Gizmo destroys the wall, it will reveal a chain leading down into an underground portion of the moon. You can pogo along the wall to the right side of this new room, if you're interested in grabbing two ice cream cones that are hidden there. Otherwise, proceed left past a series of Beagle Boy enemies, until you come to the low passage that leads to this area's boss encounter. --------- Rabid Rat --------- What better to protect the moon's precious supply of green cheese than a giant rat? This giant rat will hop around at a fairly rapid rate, and you're only safe if you move back and forth between the two raised ledges. Of course, the rat is doing the same, though focusing most of his attacks on the ground level. Your basic strategy, then, should be to try and remain on the side of the screen opposite the rat. As it jumps toward the side where you stand, jump out and pogo its back on the way past. Then turn and repeat. Keep swapping sides while hitting it with the pogo stick, and the rat will fall in no time. ==================== V. The African Mines ==================== As you should already know if you read this guide's introduction, you'll not get far in the mines before running into your nephew, who tells you that the key needed to proceed through a gate here is located in Transylvania. The trip to Transylvania is a brief one. From the start of the Transylvania area (where you'll appear automatically), head right along the ground floor, until you come to the suit of armor near a mirror. Bounce from the area of the floor slightly left of the suit of armor, up to the mirror, and you'll find the room that contains the key (or if you prefer, you may collect all sorts of goodies before returning to the mirror to grab the key). With the key to the mines in hand, you can exit through the room's left mirror. Now you'll be back to the level select screen, and you should go ahead and select the mines again. Now you can continue past the gate where your nephew waited. You'll find a circular block, which you should strike so that it flies to the upper right and knocks down a bat hanging from the ceiling. Hop along the ledge to the right, and in the air between it and the coal box ahead. You'll cause two treasure boxes to appear, which allow you to easily reach the one on the ledge to your upper right. That box contains a large red diamond worth $50,000, so collect it first. Then grab the contents of the other ones; they both contain standard diamonds. On the way right, swing your cane at the coal box to reveal a large diamond, then hop right from there toward the chain to your right. Strike the circular block there so it takes out the bat to your right, then keep moving toward the right to another set of circular blocks. These won't be able to strike the bat, but you can defeat it with your cane and move onward to find both an invincibility medallion, and two treasure chests that contain an ice cream cone and another large, red diamond. The coal box here also hold a large diamond. With those items collected, head back left to the chain and descend it. In this room, you get to choose from several directions. Begin by heading to the right, until you're standing under a ledge where Mrs. Beasley will toss down some tasty treats. There's a wide pit to the right of that. Jump out over the pit with your pogo aimed down, and you'll be able to pogo off the backs of enemies that leap from the pit and head along to the right, where you'll find a coal chest that holds a large diamond. Jump over that next pit with a standard leap and you'll find a treasure chest with a hidden treasure worth $1,000,000. From the chest, head right to a chain, and climb down into the next room. The coal box you find here contains a $10,000 diamond. Grab that, and collect the cake from the treasure box to the right. You can descend the next chain, too, and collect diamonds from the recesses in the wall along the chain while you descend (one of them contains a large red diamond worth $50,000). There's no way back to the start of the stage from here, so you can either die on purpose to reappear at the start (which is what I do; there's a 1-up icon nearby, I swear) or you can go on to face the rat. For now, I'll assume that you die on purpose, then make your way back to the room just left of Mrs. Beasley. This time, instead of heading right, drop left and hit the coal box for a large diamond. Then walk through the wall to its left. On the other side of that wall, you'll find a large treasure chest with a 1-up icon. Move left again and you'll find a coal box left of a chain. Hit the coal box for a large diamond, then hop on top of it to make a large, red diamond appear. Once you've collected that, climb down the chain into the next room below. You'll land on a treasure chest. Hit that with your cane to cause another large diamond to appear. From there, jump left over the top of the piranha plant. You'll make treasure chests appear, and you can bounce over these to collect treasure in the next room, located just over the ceiling. When you've done that, return to the previous room and go ahead and climb down the chain. You're now in a series of catacombs. Head right and hop over the series of circular gray blocks. There's a pit of water ahead, and a green monster will leap from it as you cross. Make sure your jump either clears him, or that you pogo off his head. The next pit is the same case, and the treasure chest on the next ledge contains an ice cream cone. Pogo off the enemy to the right to make it to the next ledge, and from there keep crossing over pits while avoiding bats and the sea monsters. When you reach the right side, Launchpad will offer you a ride back to Duckburg. If your score is right, you might as well accept it. Once you're back in the mines, you've really done everything you need to except defeat the boss. With that being the case, go easy on yourself and cross over the pit to the right of Mrs. Beasley as a shortcut to the area boss. From where you found the one million dollar treasure before, continue right, climb down the chain, then head left to the boss room. ----------- Marble King ----------- As bosses in this game go, this fellow's actually pretty easy. Probably because he's so elderly. But then again, so is Scrooge. Basically, he rolls into a ball, then will roll around the room in either a clockwise or counter-clockwise pattern. When he reaches the bottom center, he will pause long enough for you to pogo him, then start rolling again. There's really no way to predict which direction he will roll, so stand on the ledge just to his left or right and jump outward as he rolls into the ball so that he either passes underneath you, or rolls to the opposite side. Either way, he shouldn't be able to hit you. A few pogo stomps to the head will send this fellow rolling to the time-out box, and you'll be able to collect the mine's treasure as your reward. ================ VI. Transylvania ================ The last place on your tourist route should be Transylvania. From the start, head right to the suit of armor. Along the way, you'll notice skeletal ducks that can only be hurt when they're running; don't waste time on them when they've collapsed into invulnerable heaps. At the armor, head up the stairs to find Webby. Left of Webby, there's a treasure chest. Break it open to grab an invincibility medallion. With that flashing, hop up past Webby and down the stairs to the right. Run to the rope, then climb up the rope to the next room above. There's a Beetle Boy guarding your captive nephew on a ledge to the left, so stomp it with your pogo cane or swing a block its way. You'll learn that this level has an illusion wall. We'll get to the wall soon enough. For now, drop back down to the ground level in this room, and head left to the series of blocks to the left. There's an invincibility medallion there, if you want it. Head back right and go down the rope you just recently climbed. From there, work to the right. You'll come to a series of tombstones. Ghosts drift through the air here, and they can't be harmed by your cane. Avoid them as you press onward. You can swat the second and fourth tombstones here to snag some large diamonds, if you like. The others all contain ghosts. When you reach the end of the hallway with the tombstones, you'll find a rope leading down to the room below. Descend it and note the suit of armor to the right. If your health is low, stand on the ground next to the armor and hit its head with your cane. You'll reveal a treasure chest that contains a cake. With that done, head left. You'll find blocks overlooking a spike-line corridor below. Bounce down and pogo across the spikes leading left, where you'll find a room full of treasure chests that contain diamonds worth a total of $120,000. Step into the mirror to the left to warp back to the first mirror you saw in the stage (the one you enter when coming from the African Mines). Climb up the stairs to the right again, and note that Webby is gone now. Continue right and climb the rope up into the next room, but this time head to the right. You can swing your cane at the black balls here to take out the mummy before it harms you. At the end of that short hall, another mummy is on a ledge overhead. Defeat it and break open the two treasure boxes for two more large diamonds. Then from there, hop to the right and take out the waiting mummy. From there, drop down to the ledge just below the rope, where yet another of the mummies waits. Defeat it with a bounce from the pogo stick (easier than swinging the black ball) and continue right past yet another mummy. You'll see a tombstone. Hop on it and walk through the wall to the right (it's the 'illusion wall' your nephew mentioned). Here you will find an extension to your life meter, if you didn't already grab it on a previous trip to the area. With that collected, you should go ahead and return to the staircase where you found Webby. From there, pogo over to the ceiling at her left. Walk along it to the left until you reach a dead end, then press 'up' on your controller to climb a hidden rope. Climb up into the next room, and you'll find a treasure chest to the left with a large red diamond worth $50,000. Jump in the air above it to find another large diamond. To the right, you can break open that box to reveal another of the large red diamonds, while the air above it contains yet another of the large yellow diamonds. After those have been collected, climb the rope up into the next room. Move to the right and you can break blocks to drop down and collect items from two treasure chests, which contain an ice cream cone and another large red diamond. Press right and you'll find a chest that contains a 1-up icon. There's also a rope here, which you'll want to go ahead and descend. You're now in a long armor hall. Move to the right and swing at the armor's helmet to clear the way and collect a cake. Continue past the first mummy, and collect an ice cream cone from that recess if you need it before hopping up to deal with the second mummy. When he's defeated, drop down to the next ledge and defeat a third mummy. Then move right and you'll find a circular block. Look to the right, over the gap where a rope dangles, and you'll see a treasure chest hanging in the air. Swing your cane at the block so that it knocks the treasure chest out of the air to land on the enemy below. That treasure chest contains another 1-up icon. Walk through the wall to the right (it's another 'illusion wall') and you will find a room with two mirrors. Before taking a mirror, go to the wall along the right and pogo upward to collect a hidden, large red diamond worth $50,000. Now enter the mirror on the right side. Move left through this hallway, avoiding the ghosts that swoop down to attack, and you'll soon encounter the area boss. --------------- Magicka D'Spell --------------- I'm not sure the spelling on her name is right, but I remember her name from the cartoons. This wacky witch attacks by turning into a large, goofy-looking bird that will flap about the room's lower levels. When it flies at its lowest level, you can hit the bird form with a well-timed pogo stick. From time to time, it will land so she can revert to her former appearance and send out a spread shot of lightning bolts. You can hit her while she is doing this, as well. Then she'll return to bird form, and alternate between the two at will. Just attack when possible, and avoid her when she's out of range, until you've hit her enough times that she calls it quits. Your reward is the last of the treasures. ======================= VII. Dracula Duck Manor ======================= Don't be fooled by the name of this stage; it's Transylvania all over again. Dracula Duck has stolen all your treasures, and you must battle him on his home turf if you want to get back all the treasures. Not much has changed since you were here just a moment ago. There's no treasure to speak of, though, so head directly to the same location where you battled the witch. ------------ Dracula Duck ------------ Dracula Duck attacks by disappearing and reappearing throughout the air over your head. Whenever he makes an appearance, he sends out a small bat that will fly in a swooping pattern. Avoid the duck himself by just walking left and right until he appears, then bounce off his bats to get high enough that you can pogo on his head from above. It will take several hits like this to knock the duck out of commission. However, the game isn't over just yet! Now you must quickly climb up a rope that appears on the left side of the screen. Race up to the top of the rope, then drop to the treasure chest that will sit on a column to your right. Once you touch it, you've completed the game. Congratulations! ================ VIII. Conclusion ================ Well, you've gathered the world's treasures into your Duckburg vault, and you're swimming in gold. This game has multiple endings, depending on the amount of treasure you've gathered, but the differences are minute. If you want to collect more, just milk the African Mines/Transylvania trick for all it's worth. And remember, Capcom did make a sequel. It's both harder to play and harder to find, and I don't feel it's quite as much fun, but you still might want to give DuckTales 2 a try. Look for it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================== IX. Acknowledgements: ===================== This guide would not exist without the hard work of one individual: me. I love the game. Always have, always will. Still, I should thank whoever put together the NES Game Atlas, back in the day. Though I played through this game just prior to writing the guide, and though I actually knew some things that didn't even make it into the atlas, I did reference the maps when writing the guide just to make sure I didn't forget anything (and I didn't). So thanks to whoever made the book. Wouldn't want a plagiarism issue or anything. ;) Also, I feel it is appropriate to dedicate this to Chris Macdonald. I was sorry to hear of his passing earlier today, and it somehow reminded me how exciting it can be to participate in a FAQing community like this one. I'll miss you Chris, though I never knew you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================== X. Copyright Concerns ===================== Copyright 2004 Jason Venter This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.