------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFO AND DATA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Game: Talespin Console: NES FAQ Version: 1.2 First writing date: 2009-05-21 Latest writing date: 2011-05-15 Writer: Donald Love 87 a.k.a. Timmy Petersson E-mail: timmy - peterson [at] swipnet [dot] se (replace the at with @, the dot with . and remove all the spaces) For legal info and allowed sites list, look at the bottom of the page. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction 2. Controls and game mechanics 3. Bonus levels 4. Level walkthroughs a. Level 1 - The Seaside b. Level 2 - The Baseball Stadium c. Level 3 - The Storm d. Level 4 - The Magic House e. Level 5 - The City f. Level 6 - The Mines g. Level 7 - The Jungle h. Level 8 - The End 5. Video playthrough 6. Glitches and other odds and ends 7. Legal and version info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I was a kid back in the early 90's, I used to watch Disney's cartoon series every friday, and I loved them. Since I was a kid, and loved videogames too, I convinced my parents to buy me some of the Capcom-made games based on those series. The problem was that back then I found them way too hard. Not that long ago, I dug up some tapes where I had recorded several episodes of the series, and re-discovered them and though that they were still pretty good. Along with that, I also started to replay the games, and since I've became a better gamer during the years I managed to beat a few of them. While a few of them was fun to replay, this one stood out a little extra. Not only did I manage to beat it, but I've replayed it quite a couple of times since then. I guess it is because it's got a more complex points system than the others, and hunting for a "Perfect clear" bonus is a great addition to the replay value. This guide is written to help you not only get through the levels, but also to get the "perfect clear"-bonus and also to find a the bonus levels and a lot of those hidden 1UP's. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. CONTROLS and GAME MECHANICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let's start with a basic explanation of the controls: Directional pad - Used for steering the plane back, forth, up and down. A button - Used for turning the plane upside down, making the screen scroll the same way. Much useful to pick up hidden items, and to avoid getting screen crushed. B button - Used for firing, the rate of fire depends on what upgrade you've got for the gun (more on that below). Start button - Displays your stats screen, with current lives, score, boxes and moneybags picked up. Select button - Pauses the game, another press unpauses it. Just for your information, I'll often mention "angled shots" in my walkthrough, mostly for the bosses. What I mean by that is that you press the down or up button at the exact same time you press the B button, then you quickly press the reverse direction on the steering cross. That gives you the opportunity to fire shots at an angle, but since you immediately go back you won't really move. This can be very useful and is a technique worth mastering. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Between each mission, you'll have the chance to upgrade your plane, and the choices you have are these: Rapid shot - Gives you the ability to have two shots on screen Super rapid shot - Gives you the ability to have four shots on screen Extra armor - Gives you an extra heart Better engine - Gives some extra speed Another plane - Gives you an extra life Continue memo - Gives you an extra continue My playing style makes me pick them in this order: Super rapid shot Extra armor Better engine Then I'll just buy extra planes for the rest of my money. I find that rapid shot is just a waste of money since super rapid shot overrides it, and shooting wildly is almost as good for protection as extra armor - remember "offense is the best defense". Speed can be good to avoid attacks, but considering you've got three hearts you can take a couple of hits. I'll point out what upgrades I use in the guide, but feel free to experiment a bit with this on your own to find what suits you best. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. BONUS LEVELS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In each level except the last one, you'll find two bonus levels, which entrances you'll find by shooting at specific locations. I'll point out those locations during the walkthrough. In the bonus levels you'll be controlling Kit, flying around popping baloons with items inside. Most of them contains fruits that raise your score, but some contains extra lives. Unlike Baloo, you cannot shoot or turn Kit over, so you'll have to pop and collect on your first go - and watch out for screen crushes! Below there's a (rough!) map of BONUS LEVEL 1, it's the one you'll get to by entering the first bonus entrance in every level. This one is easier than the second, and with some practice it's pretty easy to get all the baloons. Most of the time you'll even have to wait 7-8 seconds for the timer to count down when you've reached the end of the stage. _____________________________________________________________________________ | B B B | | B B _ B | |B B BB B B B B _ B _ B |_| ___ | | B _ B _____ _ B | |__| |B B | | | | _ BB| | _ B | |BB _| |B | |B _ | |B X B| |_______| |__| |______| |______| |_____| |__| |_| |______| |_____| B - Baloon, fruit inside X - Baloon containing an extra life And then I've done a map (just as rough as #1) for BONUS LEVEL 2, which you'll get to by entering the second bonus entrance. It's way harder than the first one, and you'll have to watch out for screen crushes a lot. On the good side though is that there's two extra lives - just take the upper route you see on the map, and survive until the end of the level. I don't think it's possible to get all the baloons in this one. If you've done it, please send me a mail and your strategy. ______________ ________ __________________________________ | | | B | | B X | | B |____________|B B |_____| B ____| | B B _ B X |____ | B _____ ____ |_| _____ _ B _ B B B | | B B |_____| | | |_____| B | | B _ B | | B| | ____| | _ B _ BBB | | B B _ B _ | | B| | | | B| | |____ |__| |___| |___________| |_________| |__| |___| |__| |__| |_| |__B_____| B - Baloon, fruit inside X - Baloon containing an extra life ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. LEVEL WALKTHROUGHS 4a Level 1 - The Seaside ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amount of boxes: 19 Amount of money bags: 5 So, let's get started. First off, turn around. It may sound like a stupid thing to do, but trust me, you'll have to do it in more levels than this one. So turn around, and start firing at the lower part of the screen - you'll find a hidden strawberry. That's another thing you'll have to do a lot - shoot blindly into open air to find hidden things. Now turn around again, and start going right. Fire towards the upper part of the water cisterns to find some hidden fruits, and on the top of them are some more fruits. By now you should have encountered some air pirates. They don't seem to be able to fire, so it's your choice if it's live and let live or live and let die. Now you should see two boxes on the ground - those are important for getting a perfect score. So while avoiding (or shooting) the sky pirates, collect those two boxes, two more boxes and a money bag (also important for perfect) on the top of the water cistern, and then fly down and collect the four boxes that's on the ground. After that you'll want to shoot towards the side of the water cistern where those boxes were, since there's a BONUS LEVEL. After you're out from the bonus level, collect the two boxes you left and avoid Don Karnages fire. You can't hurt him right now, but don't worry, you'll get your revenge later. Now the screen will start scrolling downwards and you'll start to encounter a new kind of enemy - the bubble makers. These guys are best dealt with as quickly as possible. Shoot them two times and they'll bother you no more. Another enemy you'll encounter is the surfers, and as soon as you see one, just try to keep away. A bit down the waterfall you'll reach a heart, collect it if you need it. When you've hit the bottom, turn around and shoot at the bottom of the rock in the upper left corner of the screen - strawberry! After that, start to fly to the right again. Count the clouds, and fire at the fourth one you see, it should be directly above where the sea turns to ground. You'll find a hidden money bag. Here you'll find another bubble maker. Shoot him, and watch out for the flying submarine that will come at you. The strategy for taking these guys out is to let them start to rise, and then shoot them. If you miss, you won't have much time to fire a second shot before they hit you. After you've encountered eight submarines, you'll see a ship. On this ship you'll find an anti-aircraft gun up front. They're static, but fires is double and triple shots in two different directions, so try to take them out every time you see them just in case. After that you'll come across some money bags and boxes. Collect them, and watch out for screen crush by flipping the plane over from time to time. When you come to the part of the ship that's split and one part is raised above the rest, flip over and fire down the space between the parts here - you'll find the second BONUS LEVEL. When you leave the area with the ship some flying subs will start to attack you again. Shoot them down and proceed to the next area, where some more anti-aircraft guns, boxes and money awaits you. When you come across the first ceiling anti-aircraft gun, shoot to the left of it to find a hidden small heart. Keep flying through this area, grabbing boxes and shooting anti-aircraft guns as you go, and you'll soon reach the end. When you reach the stern of the ship, watch out for the flying submarine, and then turn around and shoot to find a hidden fruit. Turn around and fly right to get to the boss. _________________ | BOSS: Submarine | | HITS NEEDED: 16 |____________________________________________________ | | | First of all, you should know that you can touch the water without | | dying. That means you should _always_ try to keep in level with the | | submarine, except when it's attacking. It has two attacks - the first| | one is a spreadshot, and the second one is a missile attack. The key | | to avoiding these is to keep your plane just above sea level. Only | | one of the shots goes low enough to hit you, and you can easily fly | | up and avoid all troubes. For the missiles, they'll start to go your | | way when they are horizontal with you. So keep low for them too and | | when you see that they're going towards you - fly up. | | | | Keep firing at the periscope and he won't have time to do more than | | two or three attack cycles. | |______________________________________________________________________| After this level, I usually don't make any upgrades. Just press start to go on to level 2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. LEVEL WALKTHROUGHS 4b Level 2 - The Baseball Stadium ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amount of boxes: 9 Amount of money bags: 6 As you start out the level, turn around and fire to find an invisible fruit. Then, start going right again, you'll encounter a new kind of enemy that are firing baseballs at you. They can be kind of tricky to avoid so try to take them out. Also, keep your eyes open for the boxes up in the stands. After two ball thrower enemies, just when you see the third, you should be below a TaleSpin billboard. Fire to the upper right of it to find the first BONUS LEVEL. Keep going and you'll be greeted by some dudes in helicopters. Those are the hardest enemies you've encountered so far, since they'll release small planes (that are quite fast) that'll follow you for a while. As soon as you see one of those helicopters, try to get close and start firing. You should be able to kill it before getting hit by the planes. After a while of these guys combined with ball throwers, you'll come across a fruit, when you've collected it, fly up and fire, there's some hidden on the upper part of the level. A bit to the right of it, there's a small heart, collect it if you need it. When the screen stops scrolling, fly around for a while then get out of the way for the giant baseball! It'll crash down and make a hole in the ground, that leads into a big cave. When exploring here, watch out for mines, and try to take them out as soon as you see them. After the first descent you'll start going right again. Keep firing at the mines and collect the money bag, and go into the "maze". Keep flying up and down, taking out the mines as you go. When you see three mines in a line, the best way of getting the box they're guarding is to fly around and get it from behind. After that you'll come across two mines around a solid with nothing behind them. Well, nothing visible, at least. Take out the lower mine and fly up and fire - you'll get an extra life! Then turn around, shoot the upper mine and get out of there. When you come to the open space, collect the boxes near the floor, and before you miss it, shoot towards the right edge of the solid in the middle of the room to find the second BONUS LEVEL. Now you're back at surface level. Take out one or two mines so you can pass, and while you're at it kill the ball thrower too. Now you'll start encountering ball planes. They can be hard to kill, so just try to avoid the balls they're throwing out. Keep going, you'll encounter one more helicopter and a lot of ball planes. Don't miss the money and boxes, and try to shoot around the middle of the screen to find a hidden heart. Now, it's boss time. ______________________ | BOSS: Giant Baseball | | HITS NEEDED: 16 |_______________________________________________ | | | This boss will try to kill you first by bouncing around the arena, | | and it WILL hurt if he hits you. Then he'll try to fly and shoot you | | with some sort of three-way spreadshot. What you should do is to try | | to be as high up as possible when he bounces, especially the middle | | bounce goes very high. Then when he opens up to fire the spreadshot | | - that's when you should fire. Try to not be in exact line with him, | | and also keep your distance so you're about 1/3 from the edge of the | | TV screen that he's NOT on, that way his shots won't have a chance | | of hitting you. | | | | Keep firing and you'll come out victorious. | |______________________________________________________________________| Now you should have enough money to upgrade to the Super Shot. It's not really needed for the next level, but it's a good investment for later. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. LEVEL WALKTHROUGHS 4c Level 3 - The Storm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amount of boxes: 14 Amount of money bags: 5 Now we've arrived where planes belong - the sky. It starts out pretty simple with a cloud and some boxes. Collect them and keep going - soon a Para-Cat (?) will drop down from the clouds and start throwing balls at you. Let's try out our new super shot on him, shall we? Pretty easy kill. You'll encounter a lone box floating in the sky, and then another Para-Cat. Then you need to fly above the small cloud to collect a money bag and a box, watch out for the Para-Cat just in front of you. After you kill it and another one after that, clouds start forming up under you. From these new clouds, some sort of Shark missiles will rise, and when they're at the same altitude as you they'll attack. They're quite fast, so try to take them out as quickly as you can. Try to keep pretty high up since you'll come across a small cloud with boxes on top. Fire right there to find a fruit. Keep going, and keep avoiding the sharks. When you see the sky open up, and a small cloud with a money bag on it, quickly fly to the right, collecting the money bag and then turn around and shoot the right side of the cloud to find the first BONUS LEVEL. You'll go upwards for a bit, and find a money bag on a cloud ledge. When you're on top you'll see a cloud with six boxes on top. Go get them! (also, under that cloud is a hidden fruit) When you're ready, keep going right, watching out for sharks. There are some hidden fruit in this area, especially close to the mountain, so keep firing! When you see clouds above you again, start to be on your guard for bombs. Those things will only hurt you if you touch them, so they aren't a very big problem. When you get to the area with a mountain top and some clouds, first fire between the little part of a mountaintop and the big one, should be a 1UP hidden there. After that, collect the boxes on the upper cloud, then go to the lower part and fly under the clouds to get close to the mountains - fire upwards and you'll find the second BONUS LEVEL. Now there's a minefield coming up. Just so you know, there's some hidden fruit below the cloud right before it. Anyways, here's a map of the minefield: __________________________________ | | X = Active mine. Bolts will hit these | X X | and shatter in an X-like pattern. | X | O = Inactive mines. No bolts will hit | X O O X | these mines. | | | | | X O | |__________________________________| The key to getting through is quite simple - not get hit. So keep away from the active mines and try to be either at the same level or directly below them. When you've made your way out you'll see another Para-Cat. Kill it, and fly up so that you're between the clouds. Shoot here to get an extra life! When you turn back, watch out for the Para-Cat, enemies in this game respawns as soon as you don't have their spawning point on screen. For the last part of the level, you'll face some Sharks again. Keep killing them, and shoot a lot to find some hidden things, collecting the money bag in the V shaped cloud. Now you're in - the boss room! ___________________ | BOSS: Sky pirates | | HITS NEEDED: 16 |__________________________________________________ | | | This boss can be quite tedious, since you never really know when you | | will get a chance to hit. It's got two attacks - one when the pirates| | fly on different sides of the screen and fires spreadshots when they | | are on the same altitude as you, and one where they join up, fire a | | shot that flies along the screen and then splits up in an X-pattern. | | | | The only time you'll have a chance to hurt them is when they're | | joined, and it's completely random. So what you have to do is avoid | | the "single attacks" (which can be done by being close to the screen | | and then fly up/down as soon as the first pirate has fired his shot),| | then quickly fire towards them when they join up. With the super | | shot, it's possible to get in two or even three hits each time, if | | you're prepared and turned towards the right direction. | | | | You COULD also try to keep in the middle of the screen and avoid the | | bullets, this will make it easier for you to get in three hits | | when they join up. It's your choice, it depends on how confident you | | feel. | | | | It'll probably take some time, but eventually you'll take them down. | |______________________________________________________________________| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. LEVEL WALKTHROUGHS 4d Level 4 - The Magic House ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amount of boxes: 10 Amount of money bags: 12 When you start, see that old lamp hanging from the ceiling? Watch out - those things will start to fall as soon as you fly under them and then break into several pieces when they hit the floor. Avoid them by flying under so they start to fall, then back up quickly. After successfully avoiding the lamp, you'll come across another greeeat danger - hats. They will rumble for a while then go in a straight direction towards the place you were when they started moving. Take them out. Keep going, get the money bag on the floor and one on some kind of stairs, and when the path splits up, make sure you get both the boxes on the lower path and the money bag on the upper. Keep going until the paths split up again, and take the upper path - it'll lead to some boxes and a money bag. A lot of hats will attack you here, take them out and grad the money bag on the floor and then fly up and grab the boxes you see above. Fly right again and you'll soon come across two boxes on the ground and three hats in a triangular shape - now you'll start ascending. Take the money bag to the left and watch out. When you reach the top of the tilted-L-shaped platform you'll see a ghost! Now, when you shoot one of these, it'll split up into two small ghosts, which in turn will split up into even smaller ghosts when you shoot them. With the Super Rapid Shot you can kill them all before they even get a chance to move, so fire as soon as you have an opportunity! They might be invincible for a while after they split up, but only as long as they're stationary, meaning that you can just continue shooting until they're dead. Next you'll find another ghost close to a platform and a door. Shoot the lower left part of that door to find a BONUS LEVEL. When you get back from the bonus level, you'll start of pretty close to a ghost, so fire away! Keep climbing, killing off or avoiding the ghosts as you go, and don't forget the money bags - there's three during the acscent (counting the one I mentioned earlier) and one at the top. Now you'll start going right again. There's a new danger here in form of fire- places that throw out burning pieces of coal at you. For the first two you can just "disarm" the lamp by flying in pretty low first then back off, then just fly close to the ceiling to avoid the fire. When you get to the third one you cannot do that since it's a pretty tight space, so just try to speed through and hopefully you'll avoid getting hit. When the room opens up again, fly up to the ceiling and fire towards the left to find the second BONUS LEVEL. When you get back, you have to go through that room. Keep close to the ground, since there's a lot (7) enemies that will break out the wall and then start trowing balls at you. The first thing to watch out for is the debris part of the wall that comes flying. Do that by keeping close to the floor, that gives you more time to react. The other danger is those balls, just try to keep away from them by backing/accelerating down by the floor. These enemies are too hard to try to kill since they're so close together, so just speed through this area. When the road splits up, take the upper one because of the two money bags that are up there. Then watch out for the ghosts. Try to kill the one on the upper path and then speed as far right as you can. The second one will fade away before it can catch you. You could also try to slip away without killing any of them, but I've found it easier to do as I described above, especially if you haven't got the speed boost yet. Keep going to get to the boss, if you need a heart there's one hidden in the top left corner of the room when it gets bigger. _____________________ | BOSS: Invisible man | | HITS NEEDED: 16 |________________________________________________ | | | This one's quite fun actually. The only way to hit him is through | | the jewel on his bowtie, and he protects it quite well with his hand.| | | | He will attack kind of like the hats you encountered earlier, by | | striking with his hand towards where you when the movement began. | | There's two strategies for this fight. The first one is a little | | easier and good if you're not confident or low on health, and that | | is to keep close to the ground, only firing angled shots when you | | get a clean shot. Can take some time, but it isn't hard. | | The second one is to just fly around like a madman trying to hit him | | with angled shots, which will work but there's a risk of getting hit.| | | | After a while, the invisible man will also be the unexisting man. | |______________________________________________________________________| After this level, get that extra armor. You'll have some use for it in the coming boss fight! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. LEVEL WALKTHROUGHS 4e Level 5 - The City ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amount of boxes: 13 Amount of money bags: 7 This level will start off good - with two money bags. Then it'll be less fun with a lot of hang gliders attacking you. It's better to avoid them than trying to take them out. They'll go up for a while then left and downwards, so seeing where they'll go is quite easy. When you've reached the fourth building (been attacked by six gliders), go down the right side of that building, turn around and shoot. There you'll find the first BONUS LEVEL. After exiting it, collect the money bag on the building. The screen will start scrolling downwards, and you'll see some familiar faces. These guys, who were a pain in level 2, now are pretty defenseless against your super-extra-turbo-charged-super shot. You'll pass three of them on your way down. Be prepared before you hit the end, and turn the plane around so it won't start scrolling right away. Collect the four boxes when you hit the bottom and also fire a shot at the bottom left corner, there's a hidden money bag there. There's another money bag in this area (big thanks to Xander for finding this one). While still turned upside-down facing left, go right and fire at the border between the cloud and sky. When you feel ready, go right. Try to keep in the middle of the screen, as close to the bottom as you can, and just keep mashing B, trying to have four shots on the screen all the time. You'll be attacked by gliders (which will miss since you're so low) and bomb vans (which will be killed before they have a chance to attack since you're so fast). Don't miss the money bag at the end. After a while, it'll start to go upwards again. You're in a construction site. Try to keep as high up as possible here, since when an enemy here spawns, he will start dropping steel beams down that will hurt you if you hit them. As you go up, collect the money bag, an 1UP, three boxes and shoot as much as possible - there's pretty many hidden fruits here. When you reach the top you'll see two boxes, collect them and then shoot behind where they were. You'll find the second BONUS LEVEL. After you leave the bonus level you'll start seeing other familiar "faces" - the anti-aircraft guns from level one. Deal with them the same way as you did then, and don't forget the boxes. When you've passed the fifth, shoot somewhere in the middle of the screen to find a hidden heart. You will probably need full health for this boss. ________________________ | BOSS: Wrecking machine | | HITS NEEDED: 16 (25) |_____________________________________________ | | | Ok. This might seem a bit impossible at first, but fear not, my | | friends! See that number up there between the brackets? That's the | | number of hits the WRECKING BALL can take! | | | | So, what you should do is that even before the fight starts, keep | | at the top and start shooting as fast as you can. When the wrecking | | ball gets close, swoop under it and turn around and resume firing! | | If you're lucky it'll be killed before it can get back to you again, | | otherwise just swoop under it again and start firing again. You might| | take a hit or two during this, but it'll be worth it since the rest | | of the fight will be a piece of cake without the ball hanging over | | your head. | | | | With the ball gone, you can easily just keep at the top, firing | | angled shots downwards. If you're good you can avoid the bouncing | | things he fires completely, and get through this part without taking | | any damage at all. | | | | Congratulations, you've wrecked the wrecking machine... To put it in | | the words of Bruce Springsteen - "Bring on your wrecking ball" | |______________________________________________________________________| Get the engine upgrade now. It's not really necessary, but hey - might as well go for the full set of upgrades! After this, just keep buying extra lives for your money. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. LEVEL WALKTHROUGHS 4f Level 6 - The Mines ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amount of boxes: 19 Amount of money bags: 6 The first thing you should do is to turn around and shoot at the upper left corner. There you go, the first BONUS LEVEL. When you return from the bonus level, go right, picking up the money bag and four boxes as you go. When you see those four boxes, you should also come across a new type of enemy - some sort of mine cart, with a guy in them that will throw bones (or is it wrenches?) at you. For your information you can shoot down the things they throw, but it's easier to kill off the source. When you come across the next mine cart guy, there's a hidden strawberry along the ceiling. Fly down again to collect some boxes, shoot another mine cart guy. See those boxes that are above a little hole? Take the boxes, then fly down into the hole and shoot (you might need to turn around first), you'll find the second BONUS LEVEL. Good to have them done! As you go along, don't miss the four boxes along the ceiling. After four mine cart guys you'll start to go upward. For some X Filesey reason I can't understand, the mine is infested with snakes that are bigger than your airplane. Another strange thing about them is that they are almost impossible to kill, most of your bullets will just bounce off. Just fire like a madman towards their head, it'll work. Keep ascending, on your way you should collect a money bag and three boxes. When you can go right again, turn around and shoot if you want a hidden strawberry. Then you can go right. Now you'll come across a new type of enemy, some sort of machine that will follow the tracks in the background. These enemies can only fire to the left and right, so your best bet is just to try and stay out of their way, since they're pretty hard to kill because of their irregular patterns and they can take 3 shots before going down. You'll come across a money bag, and then a group of two boxes and a money bag before things start to cool down. When you come across multiple mine cart guys, fly up to the higher level and shoot towards the upper left corner. 1UP! Turn right again and keep going, you'll come across another money bag and two mine cart guys, then you'll start going up again. Watch out for the enemies and collect the boxes and money bags as you go. After a while, you'll reach the boss room. ______________________ | BOSS: Mining machine | | HITS NEEDED: 16 |_______________________________________________ | | | This... Is somewhat easy. See those rocks that bounce down on you? | | That's his only way of attacking you. Then he sticks out his head to | | mock you. What a fearful opponent! But back to the rocks... See | | where they DOESN'T bounce? That's right, the area under the rock | | just to the left of the boss is safe. So just sit there and fire | | angled shots as soon as he shows his little face. | | | | Now that's what I call rage against the machine. Congrats to the | | easy victory! | |______________________________________________________________________| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. LEVEL WALKTHROUGHS 4g Level 7 - The Jungle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amount of boxes: 18 Amount of money bags: 4 As soon as you start out, turn around and shoot at the upper left corner. No, it's not a bonus level this time, but a hidden 1UP. Turn right again. The first enemy you'll come across is a "jumper" some sort of crocodile that will launch himself into the air trying to hit you. Your best bet to prevent that from happening is to keep close to the ground and fire at them, or just fly so low that he'll go way overhead. When you reach some boxes, collect the ones on the ground first and then fly up and grab the other ones. You'll soon see another enemy - the spear thrower. They'll run across the ground, and when you're directly above them they'll throw the spear straight up into the air. My advice is to let them live and focus on avoiding the spears. When you see another box, watch out, there's a jumper that might hit you if you try to collect it before he jumps. Keep going and you'll come across a couple of bear statues. They will fire at you, so keep your distance and kill them, then take the upper route. You'll find two boxes. Next time you encounter these bear statues, take the lower path, you'll find another two boxes. Keep going and soon you'll be heading up into the skies. There'll be some bear statues trying to stop you, so watch out. After you've grabbed two boxes, fly to the left side of the screen and go upwards. When you see a cloud, shoot to the left of it. There's a hidden money bag there. Watch out though - if you shoot too soon it'll appear but directly disappear since the screen isn't up there yet. Keep going upwards. When you reach a cloud with two boxes you'll start going right again. Watch out for a new kind of enemy - a bird (dragon?) rider that'll throw spears at you when you're at the same altitude. These spears can be shot, so don't worry too much about killing the riders, they'll fly away once they've thrown their spear. It'll become pretty messy up there, but be sure to don't miss the two money bags and two boxes up there. After a while you'll be descending again, coming across another money bag. When you go down into the temple structure again, watch out for two bear statues. When you reach the lonely bear statue to the right, take it out and fire behind it to find a hidden 1UP. After going down to the bottom, take out the lonely bear statue to the left and fire behind it to find a BONUS LEVEL. When you return, shoot two more bear heads. When you see two boxes, collect them and then fly up. See that the "ceiling" of leaves kind of goes up towards the right? Shoot there, it's the second BONUS LEVEL. After it you'll head straight into the boss area. ________________________ | BOSS: Alligator statue | | HITS NEEDED: 16 |_____________________________________________ | | | Unlike the last boss this is pretty hard, but nothing that's | | impossible to beat. There's just a lot of things you'll have to | | watch out for. First of all, the statue will spit fireballs at you, | | wich can be shot down but is easier avoided by just flying in a | | circular pattern. | | Then there'll be spear throwers running around below you. So keep an | | eye on them so you won't get hit. | | | | Other than that - just keep firing. You need to hit the jewel on the | | statues base (if you for some reason hadn't figured that out | | yourself). If you're good enough at avoiding the things coming at | | you, you'll go victorious out of this battle. | |______________________________________________________________________| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. LEVEL WALKTHROUGHS 4h Level 8 - The End ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amount of boxes: 0 Amount of money bags: 0 And in case you'd ask - no bonus levels either. Now we're here, this is the final stretch! It's pretty straightforward too, all you need to do is to get over to the other end of the mountain. Shoot in the open air as much as you can here - there are quite many hidden fruits around. Everything starts off like level one - some air pirates blocking your way. The problem is that this time around they'll fire at you. Kill them off as soon as you see them, because if their shots start to gather on the screen it may be hard to avoid them. After a while of dodging and killing these guys, the screen will start scrolling upwards, and after a while it'll go right again. When the screen starts scrolling right, keep high up and keep firing. If you're not at the top, a guy flying from right to left will drop a boulder on you. If you're at the top you can shoot him. Also, there will be some ski-jumping enemies below you that will miss you if you're at the top. The screen will start scrolling up, to another boulder guy. Going right again you'll encounter another boulder guy and two ski-jumpers. Up again, two more boulder guys, and for the last stretch right you'll meet another boulder guy and one more ski-jumper. You've reached the summit. If you need a heart, there's a hidden one along the right side of the summit, along with a strawberry. Go right when you're ready to fight! ___________________ | BOSS: Don Karnage | | HITS NEEDED: 16 |__________________________________________________ | | | Now here's a tricky boss! Just like the enemies at the beginning of | | this level, Don Karnage has improved since level 1. This time, he'll | | fly in a circle and fire (more-or-less) homing shots at you. | | | | To me, it seems like you have to build up a sort of "momentum" to | | keep circling inside his circle, turning around and firing when he | | pass by your line of fire. You need some timing, that's all. His | | attacks are a bit harder to avoid than the alligators, since here | | you'll have a smaller area to move and his shots come from more than | | one direction. Just keep firing and you should be able to kill him. | |______________________________________________________________________| _________________________ | BOSS: Iron Vulture | | HITS NEEDED: (3*6 + 16) |____________________________________________ | | | This boss is a little odd. It won't attack you. Instead it will be | | very well-defended by enemies you've met earlier. The bombs and | | "sharks" from level 3, as well as air pirates from level 8 (and 1). | | | | The first thing to do is to shoot out its propellers. My advice is | | to keep to the far left of the screen, about the same height as the | | propellers. When you see a bomb about to drop, move a little to the | | right so it'll miss, and when you see two of them shark things, move | | vertically when they start to come at you. The air pirates will be | | killed when they move into your line of fire, they won't have time | | to cause much trouble. | | | | When you've shot out six propellers, all that's left is the main | | engine. It'll take 16 shots like a normal boss, and the enemies will | | keep attacking you. Use the same strategy as you did for the | | propellers. Maybe a heart will come if you need it. | | Keep it up, and you'll beat the game! | |______________________________________________________________________| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. VIDEO PLAYTHROUGH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've been thinking about using videos as a complement to the Walkthrough/FAQ for some time, but it's not until now I've finally done it. My thoughts is that you can look at the video to see how I play in different situations, and then print the FAQ to use as a reminder. Or the other way around - if there's something that seems unclear in this document, go take a look at the video. Here's the links to each level, just copy and paste: Level 1 - The Seaside http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MknJKlwVV-M Level 2 - The Baseball Stadium http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-F6wN_IUaZ4 Level 3 - The Storm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeQHUDkOR2g Level 4 - The Magic House http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnJ3Q1988xY Level 5 - The City http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4e3jSgNscHc Level 6 - The Cave http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bo4hVbllVw8 Level 7 - The Jungle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLYFAR6z-pA Level 8 - The End http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42yoAX0dvDk If somebody knows how to make a public playlist, please tell me. Neither me nor my friend who's the account owner can figure out how to make a playlist with automatic playback that shows up in searches. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. GLITCHES AND OTHER ODDS AND ENDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a little part where I thought it could be interesting to mention some glitches and stuff that can be interesting to the game. Please just drop me a mail if you know about something not listed below. FAMOUS FROM TV (SPOILERS) Unlike Chip'n'Dale, another of Capcoms Disney games, this won't feature as many cameos or references to the show. While this list probably isn't complete, I'm trying to list the characters in the game I do recognize. If you know any more characters from the show that are in the game, please send me an e-mail: Baloo - Seen in-game and in ending cutscene, playable character in main game Kit - Seen in-game and in ending cutscene, playable in bonus levels Rebecca - Seen in cutscenes Molly - Seen in intro cutscene Wildcat - Appears in cutscenes, allows you to upgrade your plane Sea Duck - Is called "mini-Seaduck" in my manual, but Wildcat refers to it as just Sea Duck. Looks nothing like the one in the show, here it is an open plane, like the pirates. Shere Khan - Seen in ending cutscene Don Karnage - Appears in level 1 and is a boss in level 8 Gibber and Mad Dog - The boss in level 3 is possibly these two Pygmy Alligators - Are the main enemies of level 7 Iron Vulture - Appears in level 8 as the final boss of the game SELF-IMPOSED CHALLENGES Considering the game is rather short, and pretty easy for a skilled player, I think it works good for some self-imposed challenges. A speedrun of it can be quite hard, considering the randomness of when some bosses open up and become vulnerable to attacks (though I'd like to see a luck-manipulating TAS). A no-damage run, on the other hand, is entirely possible and is something I've done. I won't go into detail about it in text, but for anyone interested, here are the video links: Part 1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lp0zdRnXhng Part 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJI_GVDHzo4 I've tried to do a no-upgrade run too, and I made it to the end boss without much trouble, but it got rather hard (both Don Karnage and the Iron Vulture in succession is pretty hard without super shot and speed). EMULATOR/VERSION NOTES For everything I've done in this Walkthrough, I used a real, physical game on a real, physical NES. I've never been a big fan of emulators since if a game weren't meant to be played on a keyboard and with savestates, then it shouldn't be played that way. Then there's the legal aspect of it, even if a game is abandoned and not new, it still deserve better respect than being pirated. Anyways, one day when I was with a friend, I tested the game on an emulator and found that it ran faster there than it did for me when playing on a real NES. Is this because of the emulator, or because it emulated an NTSC version of the game? It just got me thinking, and if you are playing on an NTSC NES and find that the game is too fast to pull off some things I write in this document, please contact me and we'll find out a way of solving it together. GLITCH - DURABLE ANTI-AIRCRAFT GUN Normally, ground-mounted anti-aircraft guns will take two hits to go down, while the ones mounted on the ceiling only takes one. If you fire a shot that hits a ceiling-mounted just as it enters the screen, you'll hear the sound of a shot that hits, but the gun will still need another hit to go down. GLITCH - DISAPPEARING ITEMS I noted this already in the main walkthrough, but could say i again here. If you shoot a spot where there's a hidden item too early. It will appear, but so close to the screen it directly disappears again. Since you can't shoot for the same hidden item twice, it will be lost forever. GLITCH - DISAPPEARING ITEMS PART 2 This is easiest seen in the ghost house level. If too many objects exist at screen on once, the RAM (or something similar) gets overloaded and stops the spawning of newer objects. Towards the end of the ghost house, where the hands smash out parts of the wall, if you keep going forward quickly, the debris part that normally is smashed out won't be there. Also, for some strange reason I've sometimes seen one of the money bags after that area missing. Before that area is a similar (but pretty rare) occurrance where the bag between the fireplaces is nowhere to be seen, and extremely rarely the last fire isn't there. The ghost house seems to be just that: haunted. GLITCH - LAST BOSS TELEPORT This has only happened to me once. When fighting Don Karnage, I died at the same time as I beat him. First Baloo parachuted just like normal, and I got taken back to the beginning of the level. Then the screen faded out and I got directly taken to the Iron Vulture. It's a pretty interesting little glitch, but I doubt it can be used for anything. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. LEGAL AND VERSION INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the time being, the only site(s) allowed to host this guide is: www.gamefaqs.com www.neoseeker.com If you see this on any other place, please contact me via the mail address at the top, and if you're a webmaster who wants to host this guide, please drop me a mail, that's all I want to give you permission. If you're trying to use this guide to make money (that means publish it in a magazine, a payed website, including it in an app or renting it or whatever) that's strictly forbidden unless I get some sort of royalty or something. Printing it out for personal use is ok, either parts of it (environmental friendly) or the whole guide. This guide is (C) 2009-2011, Timmy Petersson VERSION INFO: 0.9 - 2009-07-03 First upload version. All levels and bosses gone through, didn't want to call it 1.0 though, because of the missing money bag in lvl 5. 0.91 - 2009-10-30 (never got uploaded) Some edits, and the levels are now numbered. Still missing a money bag! 1.0 - 2009-12-09 Thanks to a contributor (Xander) I'm now able to provide info for Perfect Bonus in every level. Thank you man! 1.1 - 2010-05-17 Changed my e-mail adress (I'm going to miss that school mail!) and added an extra section for a video walkthrough. Added emulator/version notes. 1.2 - 2011-05-15 YAY, PSN is back! Um, anyways, started this update because I had nothing better to do while it was down. So, what's new... Fixed a lot of spelling and gramatical errors in the document, made some clarifications in the guide, thought over some strategies. Updated the copyright information and what you're allowed to do Added several categories into "Glitches and other odds and ends"; SIC, AA-gun, disappearing items pt 2, famous from TV.