Double Dragon 2: The Revenge FAQ/Walkthrough v.1.12 All information contained in this FAQ is copyright 2000 by Ezra Poetker(Epoetker). No using it on your page without my permission(which I will probably give, as long as you e-mail me nicely.) All requests go to Version History 9/14/2000 v.1.12: Fixed oddities, added new E-mail addy. 4/8/2000 v 1.1: Added a revised copyright notice, and added the "thanks" section. 1/29/2000 v 1.0: First version. Welcome to my FAQ on Double Dragon 2! Since my first FAQ on number 3 was successful, I decided to have a go at it once more! Billy and Jimmy's girlfriend, Marion, has been killed, and the two dudes want nothing more than to avenge her death! So strap on your karate gear and ge ready for the... Moves list:(Note: in DD2, there is no single button dedicated to "punch" or "kick." A attacks right, B attacks left. If you are facing right, A will be punch and B kick, and if facing left, just the opposite. It's a rather important thing to remember.) A&B: Jump. Jump, then A or B as you fall: Jump Kick. Jump, then A or B AT THE HEIGHT OF YOUR JUMP: Cyclone Spin Kick(most useful move, master immediately.) Punch 3 times, or kick once, then move forward into enemy: Hair grab(as in all Double Dragons, enemies secretly hate each other so they won't attack when you have their companion in a Hair Grab. Another useful tidbit.) While in Hair Grab: Punch: Knee Bash. Kick: Throw(preferably off ledges;) Down and Punch: Elbow Bash(more painful than Knee Bash) Up and Punch: High Kick(that HAD to hurt>:) As the game advances, enemies will grow more durable, so knocking them out in one sequence becomes much more important. Sooo, to do the most damage to an enemy, just punch three times, THEN do a Hair grab, two Elbow Bashes, and finish off with a High Kick. Let's see an enemy that survives THAT! (Unfortunately, there are a few such enemies on Supreme Master mode. Doh!) Super Moves: These moves are done when crouching. "But I can't crouch!" Sure you can, right after you're A)getting up from a fall or B)landing from a jump. These moves will save your sorry butt in many situations, so learn to pull them out from the same posthaste. Punch: Hyper Uppercut. Jump: Hyper Knee. Now, on to the Walkthrough! Level 1: Where did these dudes learn gymnastics? Maybe they should have learned karate instead, because they fall VERY easily to your fists of fury. Same with the second set. And those girls coming down the ladder...sorry ladies. Their friends on the top are carrying ball n' chains(Subtle socio-cultural comment? I think so.) Knock 'em out of their hands and beat them down with it. Be careful not to fall off the edge and lose a valuable life. Advance cautiously, learning the ways of knives and crowbars as you hit them out of the enemies' hands. Note on crowbars: Punch just swings it, Kick throws it for a whole lot more damage. Throw when you can. You eventually come to...A big dude with a mask! Don't let him grab you, as the attack he does looks painful and hurts bad. The Hyper uppercut and Cyclone spin kick are your best friends(although this boss and all the enemies have an annoying habit of ducking, which for some reason enables them to avoid all attacks. Possibly the most frustrating practice in the game.) After he disappears once(cool dissolving effects) you know he's about to die. Punch him a few more times and he disappears for good. Level 2: You start out on a ledge overlooking two guys, just sitting there waiting for a visit from Mr. Foot. Try to jump kick right in the middle of them, because if they duck and you land near the edge, they may decide to knock you off. Climb down the poles and make your way up the second set of platforms, being careful not to fall off when battling the enemies. Soon you come up to...a helicopter? As SOON as you hear the first bullets being fired, IMMEDIATELY go back down the ladder to dodge them. Wait at the bottom platform for the bullet storm to cease, then beat up the enemies that come out. The girls have grenades(will refrain from suggesting connotations) and there's a new enemy you'll soon become familiar with: the boxers in blue! These guys are strong; they take six punches before they're even weakened enough to be head grabbed! After them and the other enemies are defeated, you reach...The NINJAS! I HATE THE NINJAS! Seriously, next to the end boss, these guys are the hardest and most frustrating enemies in the game. However, they have one major blind spot...THEY CAN'T DUCK! Jump kicks and Cyclone kicks are your best friend here. Try to stay in the air, because these two purple dudes will just tackle you on the ground. After they're defeated, the helicopter will take off and you'll just *barely* make it on. Level 3: There are only two things that need to be noted for level 3: One is the door. It leads to a 1000-foot drop and the loss of one of your lives. STAY AWAY FROM IT. If you're a really awesome player you can have some fun with the door, though. Lure your enemies near it when it's closed and watch 'em fall to their deaths when it opens. The second thing that needs to be covered is the Abobo twins, brought back from the original Double Dragon at no cost to you. Abobo is big, mean, and nasty. Try to approach him from the side on where the helicopter door is at, because if he throws you, you'll be on the other side of where the door is and he'll(hopefully) be falling out the door with that classic Abobo expression on his face. Level 4: Green dudes with spiked overalls are throwing boomerangs at you. Dodge, but be careful, because if you go down too far you'll fall into the sea. After beating the chick brigade, go into the elevator and down into the undersea base. IMMEDIATELY start punching the boxers, then, when they're defeated, go as far right as you can and start punching as fast as you can. If you don't, some over-developed California beach bum will start whaling on you. And by the way, you HAVE to face him with physical attacks, because the low ceiling here makes jumping impossible. Go through the mashers carefully; you need as much energy as you can get. Beat up all the enemies which fall down the hole. Then be prepared for the hardest Abobo battle yet! At least the hole gives you a LITTLE space to jump. If you haven't been using the Hyper Uppercut yet, now's the time to learn. After you beat Abobo, the fun isn't over. The door which you entered put you on a conveyor belt leading to(surprise!) another drop. Push down as soon as you enter the door and you'll go down to floor that doesn't move. Jump over to the next door, go through it and you've beaten the level. Level 5: Make your way down to the river and proceed to do some careful jumping to get across it. Take out Green Brigade #1, then go up the ladder. Green Brigade #2 has a new weapon-firebombs! After having fun with them, Abobo comes out. He's easier now that you can jump, but make SURE he doesn't throw you off a cliff. Jump down and beat a couple of guys with swords, then face...the bulldozer! The steam that comes out of the sides hurts you, so again, time your jumps carefully. If you're lucky, the steam will knock you farther up than before. Defeat the bunch of enemies that comes out of the door once you reach the top and the level is done. Level 6: All of a sudden you're thrown into an evil mansion-and this isn't even the last level! Flames are falling from the ceiling, platforms are disappearing and reappearing all over the place, so you need to be UP on your jumping skills to get past this first screen. After this, a pair of diabolical-looking eyes watches as you dispatch another army of goons. What horrid traps has this mansion to offer you next? Another set of disappearing platforms...well, it IS a little anticlimatic. Don't start jumping right away, go forward a little and watch so you can see where the platforms are going to appear when you jump up to the door. Spikes can be hazardous to your health. After you enter the door, you face... Level 7: Conveyors. I hate conveyors. Jump very carefully down these horrid, evil conveyors. By now you should have figured out how the timing works out on them. In the next room, the floor starts slowly disappearing, so beat up those thugs FAST. At this point some of the enemies will break out of your head grabs, so punch or spin kick them. All of a sudden you have to fight that masked dude again! By now most of the floor will have disappeared, but it should have stopped, so just try to stay as close as possible to the other side of the door. As you go into the next room...immediately pray or meditate or jump around like a drunken monkey, because you will get KILLED the first time in this room if you aren't relaxed and focused. Not content with just gears and spikes, the makers decided to have some of the spikes shooting up at you. So by the time you FINALLY time the jump right a spike comes up and knocks you into the floor. A VERY tough room to get through, but it's possible. Remotely possible. But be prepared to throw a few controllers. After you pass, you have yet another disappearing floor room(no boss, thankfully, but a lot of enemies) and then the final room, where you fight representatives from (almost) all the enemies. Level 8: Dont walk too far down, the floor's been spiked! I just remembered...that last room in level 7 wasn't representing ALL the enemies...who had they forgotten...THOSE FRIKKIN' NINJAS! Yep, four of those guys decided to come back and make your life miserable. Then...the lights it the final boss??? No, that "shadowed hero" thing was done to death in Zelda 2 and 64. But it doesn't mean that this guy isn't hard to kill. He has an annoying habit of disappearing, then morphing onto you to do some damage. Use your entire reportory of moves on him, as he'll be using them on you too...he's also probably the first Nintendo character to do a Ha-Do-Ken move! Eat that, Ryu! Level 9: (You have to have been playing on Supreme Master difficulty level to see this one.) Finally comes the climactic battle with the final boss, with the devil watching over(nice encouragement.) Make GOOD use of your Cyclone Spin Kick here, as this dude can punch a wee bit faster than you can. He also disappears! GRRRRRRRRRRRR...(but at least this guy has enough of a brain to press his advantage-a rarity in evil overlords.) When he disappears, start Cyclone-kicking and Hyper-Uppercutting like never before-those are the only moves that he really can't counterattack too well. After you beat on him for a while, the screen changes to a temple and the boss can no longer disappear! NOW's the time to show him what you got! Let the music(which just got a whole lot cooler) drive you to eventually shoving his face into the mud where it crawled up from! Having personally beaten this guy without cheats(unlike Double Dragon 3) I can say that it is a VERY satisfying experience. That's it! I don't spoil endings, so you'll just have to find it out for yourself! Once more, all information contained within this FAQ is copyrighted. Use on your site without my permission and you're in legal trouble. "But," you say, "you're already offering this FAQ as a free service to GameFAQs users; why can't I just use it on my site?" Number one, I like to be told about these things. Number two, college tuitions are up. And there are many other FAQ writers who have spent a LOT more time than me upon their work, and any suit I file will probably be on behalf of them too. Share the wealth is what I say. E- mail me at and I'll probably give you permission. Not that hard. Ah, my inevitable thanks section... Vegita, for putting up with all the trouble I caused him and seriously LISTENING(after a while) to mine and Emptyeye's criticisms. CjayC, for sending me an E-mail! Even though it was only a question on which version of Tetris I was reviewing, I can still say that I was taken notice of by the webmaster of the 257th(something like that)most visited site in the world. Al Amaloo, for asking permission to use the FAQ the RIGHT way! Nicely, courteously, and most inportantly, with a promise not to change anything therein. J Dog, for being relentlessly supportive in my early reviewing days. SMcFadden, for choosing me for a review of the day! Jesus. Y'know, the guy without whom life would be just an endless, fruitless search for meaning. The Creator of the universe. And an excellent carpenter, I hear. Thanks for the writing talent...since it's on loan, I'll try to take good care of it.