Double Dragon II - The Revenge Platform - Nintendo Entertainment System FAQ/Walkthrough written by Alex Browning (UltimaRush) Email me for mistakes, questions, or updates for this FAQ at This FAQ may not be updated or duplicated in any way unless you get a confirmed e-mail from me. Copyright Alex Browning and Respective Owners * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Table of Contents 1. Controls 2. Settings 3. Moves 4. Common Enemies 5. Story 6. Walkthrough 6a. Mission 1 - Into the Turf 6b. Mission 2 - At the Heliport 6c. Mission 3 - Battle in the Chopper 6d. Mission 4 - Undersea Base 6e. Mission 5 - The Forest of Death 6f. Mission 6 - Mansion of Terror 6g. Mission 7 - Trap Room 6h. Mission 8 - The Double Illusion 6i. Mission 9 - Final Confrontation 7. Secrets 8. The End *********************************************************************** Controls *********************************************************************** A/B Buttons- The A button is used for a left attack, while the B button is used for a right attack. Depending which direction you are facing, the attacks will change. When you are facing forward, the right attack punches, while left attack kicks. When you are facing left, the left attack punches, while right attack kicks. This can be confusing at first, but will be easy to master over time. Select Button- Used to select difficulty settings. Start Button- Used to confirm an action, or pause the game. *********************************************************************** Settings *********************************************************************** The game is easier with two players, even if there is more enemies. You can help one another out. You should put the difficulty down to Supreme Master if you want to play the whole game. Even if you are playing a single player game, choose a two player game in the B mode. This way, you can kill the second player and earn up to four extra lives. *********************************************************************** Moves *********************************************************************** Standard Punch- At least three punches can be executed on an enemy, depending on what enemy you encounter. Some enemies can take more punishment than others. Standard Kick- At least one kick can be executed on an enemy. Stronger enemies you will encounter take two kicks. Jump- This can be executed while pressing the punch and kick buttons simultaneously. This can be followed up with more moves. Jump Kick- Can be executed while pressing the kick button in the air. With great accuracy, this move is not as powerful as you think. Grab- After so many punches or kicks, your opponent with show weakness. When they do, walk toward them and you will grab them. You can do three different moves while in a grab. Press the punch button to give them a knee. Hold down and press the punch button to give them an elbow. Press the kick button to throw them over head. Uppercut- This move is executed after the enemy has taken so many punches. When they show weakness, press the punch button one more time to give them an Uppercut. Hurricane Kick- This is the most useful move in the game. At the peak of a jump, press the kick button. Although most will duck from this move, you can use it for surprise attacks and after an enemy gets up from a fall. Hyper Uppercut- This move is a counter move. You can use it after you fall from a jump or use it when you are getting up from a fall. Right when you hit the ground after a jump, press the punch button. When you are getting up from a fall, press it quickly as you get up. Hyper Knee- This move is a counter move. It is also the most powerful move in the game. You can execute this move the same ways you do the Hyper Uppercut, except you press the punch and kick buttons simultaneously after the jump or fall. You also have to wait a split second. Let him kneel down for a split second, then press the buttons. This move will knock any enemy to the other side of the screen and cause some major damage. *********************************************************************** Common Enemies *********************************************************************** William- These guys are the ones that usually have the knives and crowbars. Rowper- These guys are the ones that usually have flares and chucks. Linda- These gals are the ones that usually have ball and chains and grenades. *********************************************************************** Story *********************************************************************** "In 19XX, violence ruled the streets of New York City after the Nuclear War. Even with the crime syndicates growing bigger every year, two young men were brave enough to challenge them. While their names were Billy and Jimmy Lee...people called them the Double Dragons! And yet, the Dragons had one terrible enemy. To fight against him was the destiny and fate of the Double Dragons. One day, Shadow Warriors attacked the city and Billy's girlfriend, Marion, was killed. The Double Dragons swore to avenge her death! Let's go Double Dragons!" *********************************************************************** Walkthrough *********************************************************************** Mission 1- Into the Turf Right when you enter the level, you will be encountered by two enemies. An additional one will come out after the other is killed, so kill them both fast, then the other one. Continue forward and two more enemies should come out. Kill them both, then the additional one. Continue forward. There will six enemies in this one area, so be careful. Three of the enemies will come down the ladder. When they are coming down the ladder, use the Hurricane Kick to instantly kill them. Now three more enemies will come from the side of the screen. Kill them off. Now continue up the ladder. Three enemies will come out the door. You can use the Hurricane Kick right when two of them come out the door. Then kill the other one. One of these enemies will have a ball and chain. Now continue forward a short way. You will encounter another door. Three enemies will come out this one. Again, use the Hurricane Kick right when they come out the door for a pre-emptive attack. Two of these enemies will have knives. Make sure you don't get hit by one. Continue forward and up the ladder. Two enemies will be at the top of the ladder waiting for you. Kill them off with a counter move or some punches. Now go forward to the ladder. Don't go up the ladder just yet. Get beside it. Then just jump straight in the air. The enemies up top will slowly walk over to the ladder and climb down. While they are coming down, kick them straight off the building. Now quickly climb up. Two more enemies will slowly walk over from the bottom and start to climb up. When they get in legs reach, kick them off. Boss- Very Easy This dude is like totally weak. When you use the Hurricane Kick he ducks, but a counter move will get to his head. He doesn't have much HP either. Two Hyper Knees will take him out. Now when you just thought he was dead? Wrong. He is reincarnated by his little power. He will be a little harder now, but not much. Give him one more Hyper Knee and he will have more than he could take. "They're escaping in that chopper. You'll never make it!" Mission 2- At the Heliport Right off the bat, you will need to jump to the platform below. Two enemies will be waiting, so use a counter move as you go down. Give them a Hyper Knee and knock them off the building. Now climb down the pipe. Then jump over the little gap. There will be an enemy waiting, so use a counter move to take him out. Then another enemy will come down the pipe. Knock him off gently with a jump kick and he should fall down the gap. Now continue to climb all the way up over the pipes. A helicopter full of six enemies will come on screen. It will start to shoot bullets at you once you reach the top. To avoid the bullets, you may climb back down, or use the Hurricane Kick to get some elevation and cause them to miss. Once the helicopter goes past, two enemies will jump out. You can use the Hurricane Kick every time two enemies jump out for a pre-emptive attack. These two enemies will have grenades. Two more will jump out after they are killed. These enemies have pipes or bats. Now the last two enemies will jump out. These guys like to fight with their hands and feet, so you will better watch it. They are powerful. Give them a Hyper Uppercut after you gave them the Hurricane Kick to put them in submission. Now continue forward. Four enemies will be in this area. They are weak ones, so don't panic. Boss- Very Easy-or-Very Difficult These shadow ninjas are some bad boys. They are powerful, and they have great bursts of speed. They can be easily killed, but if you mess up, you could be in for a real surprise. They will come charging out after you. Use the Hurricane Kick each time they come at you and they will run straight into it. Easy kill. But if you get off track and miss, they will put you in a frenzy of attacks that makes it impossible for you to ever get on your feet again. Easy if you have good accuracy. Now the helicopter will try to get away, but you jump on board. "Hold it! You'll never escape from us!" The chopper escaped in the neon- filled night. Mission 3- Battle in the Chopper You are now in the helicopter. Try not to fall down the whole time to avoid going out the door. Two enemies will come out the door. These dudes are pretty tough, but nothing to worry about. Don't let them get you down or you may slide out the door. Now three more enemies will come out the door. They have pipes or bats, so be careful here. Kick them to make them drop them. Then finish them off. Boss- Medium There are actually two buff guys that come out one after another. These dudes have a long arms reach, so keep your distance. Don't let them get you in some punches because they will follow it up with a throw and you could go straight out the door. If you are by the door and the boss is too, use the Hurricane Kick while the door is open. He will duck, but slide straight out the door. It doesn't always work though. Give them a few Hyper Knees if it isn't working and give him his last word. The chopper is landing on a mysterious island. Mission 4- Undersea Base The helicopter you where on will land on a mysterious island. Three enemies will come straight at you at first. These guys will have a new weapon that might catch you off guard. Continue forward and three more will come over to you. They are weak, give them a Hyper Knee and take them out. Now continue forward over to the door and go in. WARNING! You cannot jump in the basement! You will just loose some life if you do due to the spikes on the ceiling. If you want to do some counter moves down here right now, you are going to have to do it after a fall. Three enemies will come out when you get below. Give them a couple of kicks, then grab them. Give them a couple of knees, then throw them and they will hit the ceiling spikes. Now a dude that comes out will get you beat pretty good. You are going to have to get beside him and knock him while he can't you. He will knock you down constantly with a shoulder butt, so use a counter move when you get up. Continue forward and time the little machines so you don't get hit. Each time you get hit, you will lose a piece of life. Be Careful when you get to the end of the base, enemies will start jumping from above. Each time they jump down, use the Hurricane Kick to give them a free knock. The first three enemies will have grenades. The next three will have knives. You can only jump in that one little space, so limit your moves. Boss- Medium This boss is similar to the one from the Mission 3 Bosses. Except you can only jump in that little area. You can kill him pretty easily. You can use some counter moves after he knocks you down, or jump in the little gap and do some without taking damage. Not too hard. "Where does this path lead us? We've got no choice but to go on, though this is the way to certain death." Mission 5- The Forest of Death When you begin to step forward, three enemies will challenge you. Two of them will have a ball and chain. Kill them off and continue forward. Before you jump off the ledge, there will be an enemy waiting for you down there. Use a counter move to take him out. Now jump down (or use the ladder) and wait for three more enemies to come out. For some easy kills, stand next to the water facing it. Then when an enemy comes up on you, kick them, grab them, and throw them. You should see them soaring in the water. Now continue forward and jump along the blocks. You can jump the one toward the top of the screen since it's shorter. Now jump up the stairs. There should be three enemies that come down the vines. Again, use the Hurricane Kick as they are climbing down for a pre- emptive attack. These dudes will use a weapon on you if you don't stay in the middle of the area, so watch it. Now climb up the vines. Three enemies should come out the door. They have dynamite like weapons that will blow a big fire for a second after they sit there for a second. You can kill them knocking them off the edge or with skill. Doesn't matter. Now two buff dudes will com out the door. You can use the pre-emptive attack method for one hit kills. Right when they come out, use the Hurricane Kick to knock them straight off them ledge. Now continue forward and jump off the ledge. You will encounter two ninjas. They can flip around and do some pretty good attacks, but not strong. They have quite a bit HP for a normal enemy, so use caution. Now a big train will pull out and you will have to jump to the top of it. The exhaustion panel will hit several times on the way up, so time it right. When you reach the top, three enemies will come out the door. They all have dynamite. Again, when they come out the door, get them with a pre- emptive attack. Now two more enemies will come out. They are pretty tough, but not tough enough. Kill them off with some Hyper Knees. Boss- Easy This Boss is pretty good, but acts like a total idiot when he is on the train. He will sit there and ignore you at times, which gives you a free Hyper Knee. He isn't too hard, but he is supposed to do this to lead you to The Mansion of Terror. "Where in the world are we?" There is evil in the air. Mission 6- The Mansion of Terror When you first enter, you will have to jump along the blocks as they appear. Watch out for the fire that drops from the candles. If you get hit, you will most likely get hit when you're jumping, then you will proceed to fall in the pit. Use caution. After you get past that, there will be two doors. Three enemies will come out it. They are the tough ones, so use some pity on yourself. After those are dead, three ninjas will come out. Here is a chance to get a pre-emptive strike when they come out. Kill them. Now continue left. Now you will have to jump along the blocks as they appear so you can reach the door. Study the order they go in, so you don't miss the jump. Once you get up, go in the door. Boss- N/E "Billy...from here on it's too dangerous!" "I think I heard Ma...Marion's voice. That's impossible, or is it?" Mission 7- Trap Room You thought you heard your girls voice (which you probably did). Now you proceed to go in the trap room. You must jump along those little rollers. This shouldn't be too hard if you time your jumps. Now enter the door. Now kill the little tough guy quickly. Now an enemy similar to the Mission 1 Boss appears. Kill him quickly, or knock him in the spikes. If you take too long on all this, you may die due to the lack of bridge that is disappearing. Go in the door after it opens. Now you will have to make it to the top door. There isn't much to say about this except time your jumps, and watch out for the little spikes that come from the floor. Hitting one could cost you a life, so use caution. Go in the door after you reach it. Now you will have to kill three enemies that use dynamite to protect themselves. Kill them quick again before the bridge disappears. Then go in the door. Now you are out of The Trap Room. Three enemies with knives will come out the doors. Kill them off. Now three more will come out the doors with dynamite. Kill them. Now some ninjas will come out. Kill them (Note that you can use the pre- emptive attack every time they come out the door). Now two of those tough guys will jump off a wall over to the right. These guys have quite a bit HP, so be careful approaching them. Boss- Easy This Boss can be hit instantly right when you comes out the door. He isn't hard, it's just another one you have already encountered. You know what to do. Beat him up and use counter moves as often as you can to take him out. "Okay goons, where's your slime ball boss hiding!" "Ha...Ha...Ha...You'll never defeat our boss. You'll only destroy yourselves." Mission 8- The Double Illusion Three ninjas will try to jump you here. They will probably start out using a flip kick, so use your Hurricane Kick and they will jump into it. Continue forward until you get to a wall with two doors in it. Three of those tough guys will jump out and attack. Take them out cautiously. Then jump down below (or use the ladder). Three big guys will approach you down here. They are the two enemies that are large in size and are familiar by now. Do the same as always. Counter moves and keep your distance. Now continue forward. Four shadow ninjas will come at you from one direction. Do the same as always or you could be in some trouble. Use the Hurricane Kick as they charge at you, and make sure your accuracy is good so you don't get killed. Boss- Difficult This guy that you killed in the first Double Dragon returns as a ghost. He moves quite fast and can throw fog balls that could paralyze you. Make sure you avoid these. Suddenly, he will disappear. You must constantly jump so he doesn't catch you in the wraparound. Be extremely careful when being right up against him. He will use the Hyper Knee! He shouldn't kill you, so fight him off with a lot of Hurricane Kicks as he gets up and quite of few Hyper Knees as he knocks you down. "It's can't be her! Ma...Marion?" "This is the end of the line, Double Dragons. You are no match for me or my illusions. Let's go!" "I can't be beaten in my revenge for Marion. Get ready, Shadow Warrior!" Go Billy Lee! Mission 9- Final Confrontation At first you will see an illusion of your girlfriend. Then when you walk toward her, the screen will go black. You are about to be in the fight of your life. Boss- Very Difficult At first you will start off in his world. In this world, he can stay invisible for a while, so this could be a problem. Most of his moves take one piece of health at a time. His most powerful move is the Spinning Drill. This move will take three pieces of health at a time. You can avoid this by not using the Hurricane Kick when he is in distance from you. If you use it, he will just drill you out of the air. So the best way to get a counter move in is to do it after a fall. When he goes invisible, you should constantly change your position where you are standing. Go up and down the screen a lot and left and right every once in a while. After he loses half of his HP, the both of you will be transported to the real world in a Libra Temple. Here, he can't go invisible. This makes it a little easier. In order to defeat him, punch and kick his as much as you can until he knocks you down. Then counter with a Hyper Knee or Hyper Uppercut. After he is punished enough, he will give you a little speech on how great you are and many other things. So great, your girlfriend is resurrected and back to life as a normal person. "It appears our battle is finally over. But, I will leave you with the legend of the Shadow...If the illusion spreads, the evil will live again. But if two Dragons soar through the sky, an angel will fall to the Earth. Soon, I will die, and you will join me. Farewell, Double Dragons. Ha...Ha...Ha!" The mysterious warrior died, leaving no clue to what his last words meant. But, Billy and Jimmy felt their revenge was least for now. "When two Dragons soar through the sky, an angel will fall to the Earth." That night an angel descended from the heavens and returned Marion to the Double Dragons alive and well. *********************************************************************** Secrets *********************************************************************** Expecting something else? I'm sorry, but I don't believe in cheating. As a matter of fact, I wish the developer wouldn't even program cheats into a game. That takes all the fun and challenges out of a game. You know you can gather cheats elsewhere if you wanted them anyway. I suggest playing the game and beating it normally. When you finally do complete a game after all those hard tries, you'll feel me. The main reasons a person may cheat are: The game is too hard. (Keep get better every try) You are lazy. (You don't have enough don't play!) You are a sore looser. (No sympathy here) You want to experiment with things. (This is okay, but don't abuse it) Good luck. *********************************************************************** The End ***********************************************************************