____ _ _ | _ \ ___ _ _| |__ | | ___ | | | |/ _ \| | | | '_ \| |/ _ \ | |_| | (_) | |_| | |_) | | __/ |____/ \___/ \__,_|_.__/|_|\___| ____ | _ \ _ __ __ _ __ _ ___ _ __ | | | | '__/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \| '_ \ | |_| | | | (_| | (_| | (_) | | | | |____/|_| \__,_|\__, |\___/|_| |_| |___/ FOR THE SEGA GENESIS/MEGADRIVE Written by Matt "stonedwal" Keller Version 1.0 - Last Revised 08/06/01 All Work herein is © 2001 Matt Keller unless otherwise credited The lastest version of this guide can always be found at the following URLs: http://www.gamefaqs.com =============================================================================== Disclaimer This document is Copyright 2001 Matt Keller. It may NOT be reproduced nor retransmitted in any form without the prior consent of the author. It may not be altered, published, sold, given as incentive to buy etc. without the prior agreement of the author. All outside sources which have contributed to the making of this guide in any form have been given credit where credit is due (See the Credits Section). Violation of the above terms will result in a call from my lawyer. =============================================================================== Table of Contents I. Introduction i. Plot Analysis II. Version History III. Characters IV. Items V. Controls VI. Useful Tips VII. Walkthrough i. Level One ii. Level Two iii. Level Three iv. Level Four VIII. Cheats IX. Action Replay/Game Genie Codes X. Credits XI. Contacting the Author XII. To Do List XIII. About the Author =============================================================================== I. Introduction =============================================================================== Hello once again. Welcome to the FAQ/Walkthrough for Double Dragon for the Sega Genesis/Megadrive (Americans and their names, pfft). This is the third FAQ I have written, and the second to feature at GameFAQs.com, which is no doubt where you found this guide (if it isn't, email me immediately). So why I am I writing a guide to such an old game? Well, mostly, the games I would like to write guides for have been filled up, usually by useless people who never update, or by other writers out to inflate their egos. Double Dragon is a bit of a classic, and is one of my favourites. It also had no FAQs. Here's some game details Double Dragon Sega Genesis/Megadrive 1992, Accolade (Originally programmed in 1987 by Technos Japan, Corp) 1-2 Players =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= i. Plot Analysis =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= So what's Double Dragon about? Well, it centres around the Lee Brothers, Billy and Jimmy. When Billy's female interest, Marion, is beaten up and taken away by a gang of vigilantes, Billy and Jimmy set off to beat up every last one of these punks, until they reach their boss, and then smack the bejeezus out of him too. =============================================================================== II. Revision History =============================================================================== Version 1.0 (08/06/01) - Guide Started. Everything Added. More than likely to be the final version, unless I get lazy tonight. =============================================================================== III. Characters =============================================================================== There's a few people involved in the soap opera that is Double Dragon, lets take a look... Billy Lee - The main protagonist of this skull smacking adventure. His woman was beaten up, and taken away by the Mr X. (I'm sorry, I don't know his real name) and his gang of cronies. Billy is quite a disgruntled lad after having his cuddle pie taken away from him. Billy fancies wearing blue clothes. Jimmy Lee - Billy's identical twin (how convenient..). Seeing he doesn't want his big brother to have all the fun, or be smacked to death, he's decided to come along for the ride. Either that, or he wants a piece of Marion's ass after Billy is done (eww, sloppy seconds). Jimmy prefers to wear red. Marion - Billy's current girlfriend. She decided to go wondering into an alley one day, and ran into Mr X. and his cronies. Being a wussy little girl, she had to crap beaten through her. After this, she'd better not go dumping Billy, otherwise he'll be pissed. Mr. X - The generically named villain obviously wants to draw out the Lee brothers, and have them disposed of. Kidnapping Marion was the easy way to do so. He is packing an automatic machine gun, so watch out for those bullets. Abobo - Abobo is a bit of a git. He's a numbskull. All brawn and no brains. He's been taken under Mr. X's wing, so he can put his rather large muscles to work, by pummeling the Lee brothers. Along the way, you'll run into various other enemies, but they aren't important enough to earn a spot in this little description. =============================================================================== IV. Items =============================================================================== Here's a list of several items that you should come across at some point during the game: Whip - No, you cannot be a dominatrix, but if you beat the Whip ladies up, you can use their weapon of choice once they drop it. Barrel - A barrel of laughs....or maybe painful cries. Throwing the barrel a few times at any enemy should take them out. Baseball Bat - Nothing like a Louisville Slugger to imply some pain. A few whacks with a woody will have any baddie on his back. Box - Essentially the same as the barrel, hurl this at a line of enemies to take them out. Dynamite - All kids like to play with explosives, especially those employed by Mr. X. They'll throw it at you, so pick it up and throw it back. Knife - Usually a favourite weapon of street thugs. One hit will do the trick. Boulder - Pretty much the same as the Box and Barrel, except for its rock like appearance, synonymous with that of a rock. =============================================================================== V. Controls =============================================================================== Here's the default control layout. It can be changed any time at the options screen. D-Pad - Move Billy or Jimmy around the screen A Button - Kick B Button - Jump C Button - Punch Start - Pause B + C - Reverse Elbow Jab C + B + Right (in the air) - Flying Kick to the Right C + B + Left (in the air) - Flying Kick to the Left A + B - Jumping Reverse Kick D-Pad x 2 in quick succession - Headbutt A whilst enemy is in headlock - Knee to face C whilst enemy is in headlock - Throw =============================================================================== VI. Useful Tips =============================================================================== - Jumpkicks are your friends, use them as much as you can. - Throws are one of the most highly damaging moves, use when necessary. - Don't hesitate to use weapons, especially on the bosses - Headlocks are good - Watch out for dynamite - Try and get enemies to use weapons on other enemies. Easiest with Boxes, Barrels, Rocks, Dynamite, and Knives. - Watch out for Mr. X's machine gun fire. =============================================================================== VII. Walkthrough =============================================================================== Time to begin the walkthrough. Double Dragon is fairly short, consisting of only 4 levels, but there are a few tough bits here and there. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= i. Level One =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Alleyway Enemies: 7 unarmed, 2 armed, 2 Abobos Time: 70 Items: 1 x Whip, 1 x Baseball Bat, 1x Knife, 1 x Barrel Boss: Abobo(?) Watch the bad guys pummel Marion, and take her away (Ooh you can see her undies, instant teen rating there :P). You will then gain control of Billy or Jimmy,(Billy is always player 1, Jimmy is always player 2). Dispose of the fellow in the white shirt with the red pants and continue on your way. You will then meet a dark skinned man in jeans and a vest. Beat the crap outta him. Make sure you don't move the screen across too much, otherwise another jeans and vest man will come, accompanied by a white shirt and red pants man. Dispose of these 3 goons, and continue. Another white singlet shirted, red pants wearing man will drop from the ledge of the building. Kick his ass. Move over to the elevator, and a woman carrying a whip will come out. Smack her down, call her Susan, and take the whip. Pummel her with the whip. A new goon will come out. Watch out for this goon, he has a baseball bat. If you are extremely cautious, you can draw out the baseball bat weilding goon before the sub-boss comes out (he is as close to a sub boss as it gets). Two whip shots should do him. If he kicked the whip out of you, beat him up and take the bat. See the outline on the wall? That's were the sub-boss will break out from. I use the term sub-boss loosely, as he only takes 3 whip shots to take down. Continue to see one of our dark skinned friends wielding a knife. Whip the bugger until he dies. Continue on to meet a sub-boss and a red panted guy. Notice the music change? That was a sign that the boss is here. Two whips for Ol' red pants, and three for the Boss, and on we go. Cheesed that the same boss was used twice? Same. You'll get a 3000 bonus for finishing the level. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ii. Level Two =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Warehouse Enemies: 4 Unarmed, 3 armed, 1 Lee brother Time: 70 Items: 1 x Box, 1 x Dynamite, 1 x Baseball Bat, 1 x Whip Boss: The Green Lee brother As soon as you start the level, you'll be present with a red pants and a dark man in a vest. Watch out! The vest man has a stick of dynamite. Use the box to your advantage. If one man picks up the box, make sure the other guy is behind you, that way, if you are hit, he is hit too. Dispose of these two hooligans, and climb up the fence and proceed. Once you climb up the fence and move across the platform, and red panted thug will come to play. Play rough. As soon as you jump to the next platform, a baseball wielding goon will come. Knock his bat out, and pick it up. 5 swings should do the trick. Once you proceed, a dark man in a vest will come. 5 more swings. Proceed. Once you move onto the next screen, the ever so familiar boss music will start. A lady carrying a whip, and a red panted goon will be the first to arrive. Try to get the whip, it's more powerful than the bat. A few hits should do them. After they are gone, a dark vested man will travel up the lift. But watch out! At the same time, a green variation of the Lee brothers will arrive. 3 whips for the dark guy. Now, with this boss, you have an option. Bash him up, or lure him to the conveyer belt. If he gets on the conveyer, he will be sucked down the hole. Watch out, because you will be too if you stay on there too long. 5 whips and he'll be done. After receiving a 5000 point bonus, you'll automatically walk to the lift, and proceed to Level Three. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= iii. Level Three =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Outside of Warehouse, Forest, Cave, Outside the Enemy Base. Enemies: 9 Unarmed, 5 Armed, 4 Abobos Time: 90, with a Time extension back to 90 after the Cave Items: 3 x Knife, 1 x Baseball Bat, 1 x Whip, 1 x Barrel, 3 x Boulder, 1 x Dynamite Boss: Green Abobo The second the elevator stops, two guys will walk out. A red panted man holding a baseball bat, and a dark vested man. Show them who's boss. After disposing of these guys, you should probably get an extra life (at 30,000 points). Take the ball bat, and continue. There will be a dark vested guy, and a barrel. Dispose of him before he can get the barrel and do damage. Once he is defeated, a clone of him will enter from the left. 5 shots with the bat will do him. Proceed. A whip lady will come out of the door. If she knocks you down, get her whip. You should now be at the forest section. A red panted goon will come. Whip him. Another one of those red panted guys will drop from the tree. Two whip shots later and he'll be flashing. Two more red panted men will come, one wielding a knife. If you can, try and get him to hit the other guy with the knife. Remeber, most bad guys will die after one knife. Take care of them. Once you hit the bridge, you'll run into an Abobo. If you are skilled, try and knock him into the water. Otherwise, use the whip, if you still have it. It's likely you'll lose the whip here though :/. Proceed across the bridge, jumping the gap on the way. Looky who's over here, it's our old buddy Abobo (again). Dispose of him, but don't move too far over, all you meet the knife guy prematurely, unless you wanna take a risk on getting Abobo hit by the knife. Beat Abobo, and a knife guy will come. Smack him around. There is a hole handy if you wish to make him pay. A red panted man will follow. Send him down the hole. Another red guy will jump down from the trees, with knife in hand. Try and get the knife and stab him. You should now be entering the cave section of the level. First you'll meet a red panted man. Smack him about, and continue. There will be a rock. Walk towards it, but watch out. A dark vested man will come from behind, and an Abobo will attack from the front. Line them up, and throw the rock. Defeat them, and move on. Another Abobo will approach. Another boulder is nearby. Take full advantage. After taking out Abobo, you will be told to invade the enemy base. As soon as you jump from the ledge, a dark Green Lee Brother will attack. Take him down. Move along, and a clone of him will pop out. Move along further, and a dark vested man with dynamite will come. Use the dynamite to your advantage. Beat them, and climb up the rock wall. Grab the boulder, and proceed. You'll run into a blonde guy with jeans, and a dark green Lee brother. Beat them, and you'll run into a GREEN ABOBO :D. Smack some sense into the fool. You'll be awarded 8000 points. Now continue to level 4. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= IV. Level Four =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Inside the Enemy Base Enemies: Time: 90 Items: Boss: Mr. X As soon as the level begins, you will notice the spike pit. Avoid it at all costs. Walk along, and watch out for the demon's spear. You'll run into a dark vested man, who is packing dynamite. Kill him. If you're brave, backtrack a little, and knock him into the spikes. A red panted man should appear soon. Smack him about. Continue, and be wary of the new demon's with spears. A dark vest man, with a knife, will enter from Stage Left, a combination of the demons and you stealing his knife will have him beat quicker than you can say 'Booyah!'. Move along. What's this I see here? An Abobo entrace. Deal with Abobo as best you can, possibly using the spikes, if the need arises. Move along. Is this deja vu? Another Abobo will come out, but alas, the spikes are no longer at your disposal, unless you wish to risk backtracking. Beat him up as best you can. --BUG ALERT-- If you wish, you can take advantage of this bug. As soon as the second Abobo busts out, simply jump. Poor Abobo will be thrusted out to another dimension, or at least just disappear. --END BUG ALERT-- Move along, and you'll see a lovely sight. It's the beautiful Marion, hanging from a rope. Watch out, a dark vested man will attack. Smack him around to impress your girl. The boss music will trigger, and a Lee clone and an Abobo will make an appearance. Deal with both before moving on. Take out one, and another Lee brother clone will pop out, along with Mr. X himself. Mr. X is a pain to beat. One bullet, and your health bar will be halved. His slash with the gun is also fairly lethal, but its less than a bullet. Get in close, and try as best you can. Good luck. Beat him, and Marion will come down, and give you a pash (ooh, undies shot :P, she needs a new dress). -Note- If you are playing Two Players, you will have a fight to the death, to see who gets Marion. I advise you play it out til the next continue, or you will be a while. You will receive a message 'May you live happily ever after', and the game will end. Well done, you have defeated Double Dragon. THE END Or is it... =============================================================================== VIII. Cheats =============================================================================== Well...um....hmm... There's no cheats for this game.... Well, if you go to the options menu, and turn lives and continues up to 5, I reserve the right to call you a cheater. Find any cheats? Feel free to send them in... =============================================================================== IX. Action Replay/Game Genie Codes =============================================================================== Looks like we are out of luck on the cheating front. No Action Replay/Game Genie Codes. Got an Action Replay Pro? Try making a code. If it works, feel free to send it in. =============================================================================== X. Credits =============================================================================== It's that time again, the credits section. Jeff "CJayC" Veasey - For providing a fantastic site to post these guides at. Without GameFAQs, 1000's of authors would find themselves without a place to post. Matt "stonedwal" Keller - For writing such excellent reviews, and now gameguides. Hehe, shameless self promotion I know, but I am beginning to become somewhat of a writer. Accolade Software - I'm not entirely sure they exist anymore, but they did a top notch job on porting this beast. Heck they even fixed most of the slowdown plaguing the arcade version. =============================================================================== XI. Contacting the Author =============================================================================== stonedwal is a pretty easy person to find. Heck, he is at GameFAQs' message boards every day, and is always available on various IM programs. Don't be afraid to approach him. He loves criticism, both negative and positive. Heck, if your nice enough, you might even get to be his friend. So folks, if you got problems, or want to help with the guide, or just want to tell me how much I suck, or how legendary I am, drop a line to one of the following: E-Mail: drugrat@hotmail.com ICQ: 17659303 MSN: drugrat@hotmail.com AIM: stonedwal Thanks. =============================================================================== XII. To Do List =============================================================================== - Fix any errors found - Release final version, however, this may be it. Wanna give stonedwal a hand? Contact him. =============================================================================== XIII. About the Author =============================================================================== I doubt anyone will read this, and it will be classed as filler, but heck, if you wanna know something about me, and see what other works I have done, this is the place. Matt "stonedwal" Keller is 17 years old (18 in September). He currently resides in the moutain town of Toowoomba, in the state of Queensland in Australia. He lives with his parents, only for the reason that he was struck with Hodgkin's Disease in late 2000. stonedwal's dream is to be a writer for a games magazine, which is mainly why he writes reviews and guides. stonedwal loves to write, as it takes his mind off some of the crap that happens around him. stonedwal has been playing video games since a very early age, and some of his friends reckon he knows almost everything there is to know about games. stonedwal currently owns a Master System, Genesis, Nintendo Gameboy Colour, Nintendo 64, Sega Dreamcast, and Sony Playstation 2. He intends to pick up a Gamecube as soon as possible. Other works by the Author: Urban Chaos - FAQ/Walkthrough (Work in Progress) Want to see all of stonedwal's works? Check out his GameFAQ's contributor page: http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/4101.html Thanks for reading :D ---------------------------------END OF FILE-----------------------------------