======================================================= = @@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@ = = @@! @@! @@@ !@@ @@! @@@ @@! @@@ @@! @@@ = = !!@ @!@ !@! !@@!! @!@!@!@! @!@ !@! @!@!@!@! = = . .!! !!: !!! !:! !!: !!! !!: !!! !!: !!! = = ::.:: : :. : ::.: : : : : :.:: : : : : = ======================================================= = Game Version 6.0 FAQ Version 2.0 = ======================================================= = Made by George Schott (5/03/04) = ======================================================= = Table of Contents = ======================================================= = I. == Disclaimer = = II. == Introduction = = III. == Controls = = IV. == Walkthrough = = V. == Passwords = = VI. == Questions/Answers = = VII. == Cheats = = VIII. == Mirrored Levels = = IX. == Secrets = = X. == Custom Levels = = XI. == Bonus Levels = = XII. == Maps = = XIII. == Manual = = XIV. == Credits = ======================================================= = I. Disclaimer = ======================================================= = Joshua is © 1992 by Wisdom Tree, Inc. = = I am not affiliated with Wisdom Tree. = = = = Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) is a = = registered trademark of Nintendo of America. = = = = This document is FREEWARE, and may be distributed = = freely. Just don't change any of it. = = = = Joshua FAQ © 2003 George Schott = ======================================================= = II. Introduction = = After the death of Moses, the Lord told Joshua to = = cross the river Jordan and claim the land they = = had been promised. Fierce battles followed and = = the Lord's promises to the Israelites were = = fufilled. = = Use the priest's trumpet to defeat Joshua's = = enemies. Help Joshua pick up 5 bible questions = = and gather enough iron, brass, silver, and gold = = to complete the level. A quiz from Joshua is = = given after each level. = ======================================================= = III. Controls = = A button -> Toot Trumpet = = B button -> Drop Ram's Horn = = Start button -> Pause Game = = Select+Start -> Restart Level = ======================================================= = IV. Walkthrough = ======================================================= = Level 1: (BZRC) ($78) (205 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Start off by going left near the orange dirt. = = Shoot at the dirt (Holding the "A" button) as you = = move up. Make sure you collect all the orange = = money in there. At the very top of the money = = underneath the dirt is a happy face / question = = mark. At the top it should say 1/5 (Happy faces) = = and 27/78 (Money). Go over to the right by the = = bottom of the silver money. Run up the money = = line to the top. The boulders should start = = falling down. Let them all fall till they stop = = falling. It should now look like a Y a bit. Go = = to the right side just above the boulder. Shoot = = it three times so it goes away and move down. = = Shoot the next one three times and move down. Do = = that one more time. You should collect another = = happy face (The top now says 2/5). Shoot all the = = boulders and then go down and right to where = = another boulder is. Shoot it, and you should = = uncover the third happy face (3/5). Go up and = = collect all the blue money, making sure not to = = touch the guys in the white suits. If you want, = = you can shoot them three times to kill them. = = Notice when you shoot them, they speed up. Go to = = the top middle where the boulder is. Shoot it = = three times and collect happy face number 4. You = = should now have 4/5 and 82/78. Go right and = = shoot that boulder three times. You should now = = have 5/5 happy faces and 82/78 money. The screen = = will flash and in the very top right (just below = = the clock) you should see a weird looking square. = = That's the exit-square, where you beat the level. = = Before you touch that, right below the exit = = square (one down and one left) you can shoot that = = and it will turn into a bible (It looks kind of = = like a hamburger). At the top it should say 5/5 = = and the mini bible sign and now a 1. Touch the = = exit and you should hear, "Good job Joshua!" You = = should get some points for your remaining time = = left. It should say at the top now (A new screen = = will come up) Player 1 Joshua was Moses': and it = = will give three choices. Pick the correct choice = = (Check the answers to the questions in the = = correct section if you want). If you picked the = = right answer it would say CORRECT! If not, it = = would say SORRY... TRY AGAIN NEXT TIME. Assuming = = you checked the answers, it should say YOU = = ANSWERED 5 QUESTIONS CORRECTLY. YOU NOW HAVE: (A = = picture of 6 bibles) BIBLES PRESS ANY BUTTON... = = Congratulations. It should now say LEVEL 2. = ======================================================= = Level 2: (CJHK) ($0) (400 Seconds) = ======================================================= = This level is a bit trickier. At the start you = = should see a guy in white going left and right, a = = guy in orange going up and down, and 2 purple = = guys on the right side (They are standing on top = = of money, mind you). Now is a good of time as = = any to explain them. The white guys can be = = killed if you shoot them three times. When you = = shoot them, they move faster. The guy in the = = orange can be killed if you blow him up with two = = rams' horns, which I'll refer to as bombs. The = = purple guys are radioactive, and if you shoot = = them, they will bounce it back at you. You can = = blow him up with three bombs. You should also = = know that the guy in the white can be blown up = = with one bomb. If you squish any of the men with = = boulders, rocks, etc (Anything that moves), they = = will die (When you push something into them. If = = something falls on them, they will also die. = = Okay, now that that's out of the way, you should = = notice other new things. Those brown boulders = = can not be shot at, but can be blown up with two = = Bombs. The orange circles on the right with the = = money signs on them are money (obviously). = = Lastly, you should see a single music note. This = = affects how many "toots" you shoot at once. The = = more you get, the faster you shoot. Start of the = = level by shooting three squares down then go down = = and shoot one left. Your first happy face will = = be uncovered. Collect this so that at the top it = = now says 1/5. Shoot two more times left and the = = brown boulder will fall and squish the orange = = guy. Shoot down and move four squares. When the = = white guy is on the left side, shoot left twice. = = The boulder will squish the white guy. Go up and = = shoot two dirts left and collect the music note. = = If you hold the A button, you'll notice the toots = = come out faster. Go right two squares and shoot = = two squares up. Collect happy face number 2. = = Shoot three dirt on the left and move so you are = = one square down/right from the brown boulder. = = Shoot the dirt underneath it, and move under = = there (You have to be fairly quick). Shoot left = = and move right. The brown bolder will fall. = = Push the brown boulder as far left as you can, = = and the white guy will squish. Now shoot two = = more dirts left so that you're on the wall. = = Shoot five squares down so that you are on the = = same row as the orange guy. Shoot right, move = = under the boulder, shoot right again and move = = left. Push the right boulder all the way to the = = right, and squish the orange guy. Shoot three = = squares up and collect happy face number 3. Go = = down two squares and shoot three squares right. = = Collect happy face 4. Go left three, shoot up = = two dirts, and then left three dirts. Collect = = the final happy face. Move down two (shoot one), = = left one, down one, left two, up five, left two, = = down seven, right two, down three, left two, up = = one, left two, up five, left two (collecting a = = gold coin), Go down four (shooting twice and = = collecting two more gold coins. You should now = = have $30/0. Shoot down one, run up and shoot one = = up and run right. If you did it correctly (You = = didn't die), the gold should squish the purple = = dude. Go left and down (collecting two more gold = = pieces). You should step on the bonus exit (Hear = = a "doo-do-do-do" and a "Good job, Joshua"). It = = should pop up a new screen that says = = Bonus Level 1, Code: "????". = ======================================================= = Bonus Level 1: = ======================================================= = Congratulations, a whole two levels beat! (Notice = = we passed the normal exit square last board that = = was in the middle. This was because this way we = = get to go to a Bonus Level, where we get lots of = = goodies. You should notice more new things. For = = starters, you wouldn't think this is a level. I = = mean look at all the money on the left (top = = part), and all the bibles on the right. Standing = = right next to you (or I should say standing left = = next to you haha) is what I call lightning. It = = will make your guy (Joshua) move fast. This is = = useful, because if you noticed there are only 53 = = seconds this level, which isn't a lot. More new = = things: A double music note, which increases how = = far a toot travels (remember that a single music = = note increases how fast a toot travels. You = = should also notice three purple guys (Different = = than the ones from last level. In case you're = = wondering what they are, I call them mad = = scientists. If you shoot them once, they become = = faster as their heads spin. You can only kill = = them by blowing them up/squishing them (And as = = always, if something falls on them). Now that = = you know what the new stuff is, let's start the = = level! Start off by going left and picking up = = the lightning. Run around collecting money (I = = go all the way left, then all the way right, then = = back all the way left so that I get 255). Once = = you get at least 255, you can stop. The screen = = will blink and exit. There are never bonus = = levels on Bonus Levels, so we just need to go for = = the exit. I suppose if you want points you can = = collect money, but I wouldn't bother. Shoot the = = dirt down and collect the second lightning, and = = go right and collect the (what I call) "Breath of = = wind". Once you get it, all the men should stop = = and you can walk on them, and do whatever. = = Beware, like the lightning, (but unlike the music = = notes unless you get a game over), the breath of = = wind will eventually disappear, so quickly go = = right. You can collect the two bibles if you = = want. Keep going right, collecting all the = = bibles and music notes along the way. Now run to = = the exit. (I can finish with about 33 seconds on = = the clock). You should now see the second set of = = questions. You should now see level 3. = ======================================================= = Level 3: (YZJS) ($57) (300 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Wow! Look at all the blue! You won't notice = = anything new here yet. Start off by collecting = = the blue money going up and then right (you = = should bump into a music note). Go down into the = = little space and collect the happy face. Go right = = and you should see the second happy face on the = = last blue money on the right. Shoot the white = = guy three times. Go down, right, and shoot up = = (destroying the wall near the top right). Go up = = and shoot right two times. Here's something new. = = A 3! You may be thinking... "What's a three?" = = Collect it and you should see two number threes = = on the top middle. The one on the top is the = = level number, and the one on the bottom is the = = rams' horns/bombs. Kill the second white guy and = = go to the bottom left. Do the same shooting the = = wall in the corner thing to the bottom right, = = collecting another 3. Collect the money going = = left now (Getting happy face number 3/5), and = = going up into the space getting number 4. Go up = = the middle getting the money (collecting another = = music note). Go back down and left getting more = = money. Kill both the white dudes on the left, = = and collect the two 3's in the corners (using the = = same technique). Get the money on the top, so = = that the top says 3(Level) 4/5(Happy faces/?) = = 12(Rams' horns/bombs) 57/57(Money). Go into the = = middle, shoot the dirt left, collecting more = = money (Just for fun). Then shoot the dirt right = = and collect the rest of the money (So that you = = now have 143/57 money), also revealing the last = = happy face. Go left to the exit. Play around = = with bombs (B button) if you want. Try to blow = = up the orange guys. Notice if you get too close = = to the bomb when it goes off (With time, or by = = shooting it) that you die. There is a "bomb = = shield" to prevent this, but not until a later = = board. And the effects are only temporary. If = = you notice, the orange guys (And every other guy = = besides Joshua) "ring" around something. You can = = change their path by shooting boulders, placing = = bombs, shooting dirt, moving things, etc. After = = you get points for the clock, you also get points = = for the bombs (No, you can't save them.. Also if = = I call them Vials, don't be confused. That's = = what they're named on Spiritual Warfare, made by = = the same company, Wisdom Tree). Oh yeah! = = Questions and Level Four Baby! = ======================================================= = Level 4: (CJWU) ($38) (215 Seconds) = ======================================================= = New level, new things. When you start the board, = = you'll notice two new things at a glance. First = = is the purple square. I believe this is called a = = temple or something, but I refer to it as a = = radioactive square (Later there will be a = = radioactive circle). Radioactive squares, when = = touched (if you press against it) will turn you = = funny colors and after a couple seconds, you'll = = explode. They can be blown up with three bombs. = = Be aware if you shoot them, like the purple guys = = on level two, they will bounce back at you, = = killing you. Also, if any men touch them, they = = will turn into those purple guys from level two. = = The second new thing is the brown dirt, which = = turns into the orange dirt when shot. Start off = = by going to the top and pushing the boulder = = right, and then the three boulders beneath it to = = the right (collecting the music notes). Now = = shoot all the boulders, and collect the four = = music notes on the top. You should have noticed = = a new thing that looks like three closing = = parentheses ")))". I call this a traveling music = = note, because when you shoot, the music note(s) = = will keep going, killing anything that's = = "shootable" in its path until it hits something = = not shootable. It will take out anything = = shootable in one hit too, which is nice for the = = dirt. If you get the travelling music note, you = = will notice a purple piano. This makes it so = = that if you touch the radioactive squares, you = = won't change funny colors or die. You can still = = die by the bouncing music note though. The piano = = and travelling music note are also both = = temporary. Shoot right on every row of squares = = so that all of the dirt goes away (saves a lot of = = time). Collect the four happy faces that are now = = uncovered. Collect all the money, and push the = = boulder on the top right (below the very top one) = = to reveal the 5th happy face. The exit is on the = = bottom, between the bolder/wall rows underneath a = = boulder that you pushed. = ======================================================= = Level 5: (TNZE) ($30) (265 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Nothing new this level (Thanks heavens). Pretty = = easy level. Run around collecting music notes, = = money and happy faces, killing men. (There's a = = bible in the bottom tip of the S in JOSH). = = There's one happy face next to the J, one above = = the O, one to between the O and the S, one in the = = S and one on the bottom part of the H. The exit = = is inside the O (closing it off). After the = = questions, you'll see a pretty picture that says = = "JOSHUA IS DECLARED LEADER." = ======================================================= = Level 6: (BVLW) ($20) (320 Seconds) = ======================================================= = This is a bit trickier than the last one. New = = things on this. For starters, you may be = = wondering what this blue stuff is with people on = = it. Well if you shoot it (just once), and then = = blow it up, it will turn into money. If you = = don't shoot it when you blow it up, it will just = = disappear. Start off the level by shooting up, = = and collecting the music note. Now shoot down, = = and then break the wall diagonally next to it, = = collecting the 3. Shoot the dirt near it getting = = the 10 (This is like a 3, except it's a 10. Duh, = = right?) Shoot the blue guy (which will grow), = = and place one of your 13 bombs. Back off and = = then collect the money. Shoot the 5 blue guys = = you can, and place a bomb on the top and the = = bottom and step back. You should reveal five = = blue moneys, and another 10. Collect the 10 and = = shoot the blue guys you can, and bombing the = = corner to get the most out of your bombs. You = = get a happy face in the blue stuff. Shoot the = = rest of the blue guys getting all the money you = = can. Kill any white guys that you come across. = = You should now have about $19/20. Now shoot all = = the boulders on top, and collect the happy face = = (2/5). Shoot the dirt getting the third happy = = face. You should now be seeing this growing = = orange stuff that looks like the blue stuff. = = This is almost exactly like the blue stuff except = = you don't get any money from it. I call this a = = weed (as supposed to the money weed). Kill all = = the weeds you can using as few bombs as possible. = = Collect the fourth happy face. Shoot the wall on = = top next to that happy face (up 2/left 1) and = = collect the music note. Go down to where the two = = boulders are. Shoot the boulder and the wall to = = the right of the bottom boulder. Now shoot that = = boulder, and get another 10. Diagonally left to = = the boulders on the right (the bottom one near = = the dirt) there is a wall. Shoot it for a bible. = = Right below it is the fifth happy face. Nothing = = else in the dirt so just shoot to get the gold. = = Shoot the bottom boulder (still on top though) = = for a clock. This gives you time on the clock = = (Sort of obvious). Now go to the exit on the = = very left (Right below where you started). = ======================================================= = Level 7: (MMLQ) ($65) (275 Seconds) = ======================================================= = This level is fairly easy. Collect the music = = notes, and shoot the dirt to squish the men. = = Collect the happy face. Squish more men, = = collecting the money. There's nothing hard about = = this at all. Shoot all the dirt in the middle, = = collecting the happy faces (You should now have = = 4/5) The walk going down next to all the = = shoot-able boulders contains a bible (one up from = = the bottom - looks like an "!"). Go to the = = bottom and hold down the -A- button as you shoot = = right. Collect all the money, and the last happy = = face (under the dirt). Go to the middle to the = = exit. That's simple enough. = ======================================================= = Level 8: (SKST) ($162) (325 Seconds) = ======================================================= = This level contains a couple new things. The = = first thing you'll notice is a gray boulder. = = This cannot be blown up, but it can be pushed (So = = long as noting is in its way) and it can fall. = = Next to it is a man I call "The Aztec Man". The = = only way to kill him is by squishing him or if = = something falls on him. The gray guy in the top = = right (Grey Carrot) looks a bit like the mad = = scientist, but when you shoot him he stops = = instead of speeding. Finally, you'll notice = = birds. These act like the bombs. You can't pick = = them up, but you can push them and they can fall/ = = crush people. That's about all you need to know. = = This level is pretty simple. Start off by = = collect the ring of money. Collect the music = = note below. Shoot the dirt beneath it to crush = = the white guy. Shoot the dirt around it and push = = the boulder so you can get the happy face. Now = = shoot the dirt on the right and push the gray = = boulder, squishing the Aztec man. There's = = nothing in the dirt around here. Go to the top = = and push the brown boulders right squishing the = = orange guys. Get the happy face. Shoot the top = = left wall of the X for a bible. Get the happy = = face and the music note. Get the other music = = note and shoot the bird. Get happy face #4. Get = = all the money. Squish the white guys. Get the = = last happy face in the corner, and go to the = = exit. = ======================================================= = Level 9: (LUZF) ($84) (444 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Oh what a fun level! Shoot two down one right = = one down for a shovel. This clears anything in = = your path. When things fall on you they won't = = kill you now. Get the shovel and go up to the = = first money to get the lightning. Try to clear = = two rows at a time when you run (run halfway). = = Clear all of the top while you have the shovel, = = because the shovel does not last long. Now run = = and get all the money you missed while the shovel = = was on. Get the happy face in the top right. = = Shoot the wall two left and one up from the left = = 3. Now run back left. Get the music note on the = = side, that's on top of the happy face (2/5). = = Shoot down two dirts collecting the music note, = = and left one for another music note and happy = = face. Shoot all the boulders (The middle of the = = X can be shot). Get the happy face in the bottom = = left corner. Get the music note and the = = travelling music note. Shoot all the rows of = = dirt. Go down when you shoot the top so that the = = goat doesn't get you. The goat moves when = = something gets in its row. It can be blown up (1 = = bomb). Make sure the radioactive squares don't = = get you because you shot at the dirt with a = = travelling music note. Get all the 3s and try to = = blow the goat up. Get the happy face. Now blow = = up the 3 radioactive squares (More specifically = = the top one). Go to the bonus exit! = = (Doo-do-do-do) Good Job Joshua! = ======================================================= = Bonus Level 2: = ======================================================= = Wow! Only 40 seconds! Can you do it? No tricks. = = Just run it (You can do it in about 19 seconds). = ======================================================= = Level 10: (CPJC) ($40) (205 Seconds) = ======================================================= = This is another easy level. Clear all of the = = dirt and collect the happy faces and money. Use = = the travelling music notes to help you. 6 hidden = = music notes in the bottom left (along the wall). = = Get the happy face on the bottom right. Exit by = = the start. = = Art clip 2: "JOSHUA SENDS OUT TWO SPIES". = ======================================================= = Level 11: (UVYK) ($60) (210 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Not much new as we move along. One thing you = = should pay attention to is Rahab (The girl near = = the money weed). She makes it so you can walk on = = the money weed. Get the music not to the bottom. = = Clear all the boulders and get the second music = = note. Get Rahab, push the gray boulder, get the = = happy face. Go back down, get the happy face in = = the opening (behind the boulder). Get the = = travelling music note and clear the middle. Get = = the happy face and the music note. Use the dirt = = at the top to move into "safe spots" from the mad = = scientists. Get the 5th happy face in the bottom = = right. Get the money and go to the exit. = ======================================================= = Level 12: (KWYX) ($148) (250 Seconds) = ======================================================= = This is also an easy level. Nothing hidden in = = the dirt, just kill the guys. Get the money = = (along with happy face 1/5). You can shoot the = = wall next to the happy face for a bible. Get the = = blue money. Now go right and shoot the bird. = = Get the eight 1s in the form of a J (1 is like = = the 3 and the 10, of course). Nothing to the = = left in that dirt, but if you want to go there, = = go ahead. You may run into an octagon red sign = = with a hand on it (looks like a stop sign), which = = will stop you for about five seconds. Clear all = = of the dirt and get the money/happy faces (3/5 = = 136/148). Shoot the permanent blue blocks (When = = you shoot the money weed). Get the money. Get = = the remaining two happy faces. Go to the exit. = ======================================================= = Level 13: (NOTI) ($1) (245 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Wow! I love birds! This has a bunch, as you can = = see. Start off the level by shooting the block = = above you and diagonally-right above you. If you = = notice, there's a blue and white shield, which I = = call the "Bomb Shield" because you can't die when = = you shoot a bird and you're right next to it now. = = You also can't die from your own bombs. Get the = = two power-ups, and go next to the bird and shoot = = as you hold right. Go up next to the birds and = = shoot as you press left. Do the same for the = = third and fourth set of birds. Shoot the birds = = in the top left for happy face (1/5).Go down from = = the last set of birds you shot (shoot the wall in = = the middle) and get three 1s. Shoot the dirt for = = (2/5). Shoot the wall on top to move right. = = Shoot the wall next to the radioactive square. = = Blow this guy up with your three bombs to reveal = = a 3. Get the 3 and go right next to the gray = = boulder. Shoot twice down and go left and get = = the happy face (3/5) and the dollar. Now shoot = = right and move under the gray boulder. Hold A as = = you move down and then move out of the way of the = = boulders. Shoot the dirt and put 1 bomb where = = that was. Notice how the -=Radioactive circle=- = = (Can we say oOoOoh) falls into the slot. Repeat = = that process for all three radioactive circles. = = Run up the dirt column between the gray columns. = = Get the final happy face and shoot the wall next = = to the exit. Go to the exit. = ======================================================= = Level 14: (ANPG) ($87) (400 Seconds) = ======================================================= = This is a fairly easy level. Clear the = = shoot-able boulders and get a 10. Shoot left and = = get the happy face and then block off that part = = with a boulder from above. Clear the top right, = = leaving the birds to be pushed next to the brown = = boulders on the bottom right. This saves bombs. = = Blow up the brown boulders and get the money. Go = = to the top middle and get some more money. Go = = left and get more money. (Should be 117/87). Go = = left and get more money and a happy face (2/5). = = Move all the brown boulders right and shoot the = = shoot-able ones. Move 3 of the brown boulders = = left. It should look like a V at the top with = = shoot-able boulders. There's nothing hidden in = = the V. Get the happy face up top though. Now = = shoot down at the shoot-able boulders at the = = bottom. You can choose to either shoot left or = = right. I start off going left. Then get the = = money and the fourth happy face. Get the last = = happy face on the right and then go to the exit = = in the middle. = ======================================================= = Level 15: (OWQL) ($50) (400 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Oh my. Look at all those boulders. This is = = quite a tricky level. Here are a few things that = = may help you. You can shoot up from the start. = = You can shoot the very top right for a 10. = = There's a happy face near the bottom left (1 left = = of where the bottom right wall is). There's = = another happy face up two and left five from the = = bottom right. Another one is 17 left and 3 up. = = Another one right near the top left (the second = = upward "ditch"). A 10 to the left of that (2 = = left of it). The last one is (From the start) up = = three and right seven. I had ten bombs left and = = about 60 seconds when the round was over. I = = worked from the bottom right to the bottom left = = shooting all the shoot-able boulders. I would = = type out a long detailed description, but I don't = = think it's really necessary. Keep trying and = = good luck! Next art: "RAHAB SENDS THE SPIES TO = = HIDE ON THE ROOF." = ======================================================= = Level 16: (FXEE) ($90) (345 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Pretty easy level. Shoot all of the dirt and go = = up and get the happy face. Shoot at the two = = dirts and walk around until you can get safely = = into the area with the 1. Get the one and shoot = = at the two walls left, and get the 10. (up one = = left two). Get back out of that area down to the = = bottom. Get the breath of wind under the dirt = = (get all the money). Shoot all the white guys. = = Make the birds fall so that you get the most = = money possible with the least amount of bombs. = = Get the happy face on the top right. Get the one = = in the bottom left. Finally get the one = = underneath the brown boulder. - Go back to the = = beginning, past the exit. Go to where those = = orange men patrol on the bottom, and shoot right = = at the wall, as you push right, so that the wall = = turns into a radioactive square. Shoot and move = = right four more times, then shoot and move down = = four. Now shoot and move left three, up two, = = then right one. There is the bonus exit. - The = = information between the -'s contributed by = = C Bright (c_brightguy@hotmail.com). = ======================================================= = Bonus Level 3: = ======================================================= = Follow the path and be quick so that the shovel / = = lightning doesn't wear off. Get the music notes = = in the end and go to the exit in the bottom = = right. What I like about this level is that no = = happy faces are needed, and no money is needed. = ======================================================= = Level 17: (XWJY) ($56) (454 Seconds) = ======================================================= = This looks tricky. Start off by shooting the = = walls (so that it looks like a "[ ]" on top and = = bottom). Then get the two blue ones on the top = = and kill the white guys. Get the other two blue = = ones. Shoot all the way left. Shoot the boulder = = 2 down and three right from the top left for a = = happy face (1/5). Now go back to the middle to = = the very bottom and quickly you want to get the = = gold coin on the right and run up to the right = = crater. It will run into the left crater. As = = soon as it's leaving the left crater run down and = = get the coin it was guarding before. Go right = = and up so that you are two down and one right = = from the gray boulder. Shoot the dirt twice and = = run left. Wait a couple seconds for it to come = = back. When it's going under the bottom part = = going right (When he is down two left one from = = you), push the shoot-able boulder so it falls on = = him. Now grab the silver coin, the happy face, = = and run one right of the gray boulder. When the = = Aztec is down one right one from you, run around = = the dirt to the left of the boulder. When the = = Aztec starts going around the dirt, push the gray = = boulder so that he "rings" the dirt. Now go to = = the bottom middle and grab the gold coin and run = = right. Then once he gets out, run left and grab = = the gold coin he was guarding. Now go up the = = middle and get the silver coin and run down. = = Once he gets out go inside and get the coin he = = was guarding and shoot the two shoot-able = = boulders closest to you so the radioactive circle = = falls. Grab the happy face, and shoot the dirt = = one up and two left of the happy face (3/5). Now = = shoot the dirt upward and run to the top so the = = two shoot-able boulders fall blocking you. Grab = = the fourth happy face. Now go run by the bird = = section (shoot the two boulders to get out. Fire = = at all the birds. Get the fifth happy face = = underneath the middle boulder. Go for the exit. = ======================================================= = Level 18: (KWOV) ($50) (300 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Well you can't exactly just shoot at these white = = patrolling men. If their speeds don't match up = = the gray boulder will fall and they will turn = = into radioactive men (the purple guys). So start = = off by shooting the dirt to the right (get the = = music note). Kill all the white men there and = = free the gray carrot. Get the 3 happy faces = = underneath the radioactive squares in the middle = = (3/5). Clear just the bottom from the dirt so = = that nothing falls and crushes your money. Kill = = the two white men in the bottom right. Get the = = fourth happy face in the bottom right. Now you = = kind of have to be fast for this. Grab the money = = one column at a time from right to left going up = = and down. You only need 50, which you can easily = = get more (I got 87 my first try). If you go = = slowly the money will crush though. Now go back = = left and shoot at the white guys so that they all = = turn radioactive. Shoot one below the = = radioactive square at the top left for a bomb = = shield. Now blow up the radioactive square at = = the very top middle blocking the last happy face = = (revealing a bible). Now run for the exit in the = = top right. = ======================================================= = Level 19: (AEUQ) ($50) (250 Seconds) = ======================================================= = I like this level. It's a bit fun. Start off by = = shooting the dirt and collecting the money on the = = left (and the music note and happy face 1/5 along = = the way). Now go back right and kill the two = = white guys. Now collect the three music notes, = = the two blue moneys on top, and the golden money. = = Stand right next to the breath of wind, and as = = the two orange guys are on top of each other, = = (one down one left from you) step on the wind. = = Collect the first 3, and blow the two of them up = = (the first set of orange guys). You should only = = use two to blow both of them up. Now get the = = second 3 and place a bomb there and then after = = that goes off (shoot it to speed it up making = = sure not to be right next to it), place a second = = one there. Now get the last 3. The two orange = = guys should be on the left. Place a bomb next to = = the brown boulder and one next to that (so the = = brown boulder falls and the two orange guys die). = = Grab the money and push the brown boulder to get = = happy face 2/5. Get more money (and happy face = = 2/5 in the bottom left corner). Get the orange = = money and get happy face 3/5 behind the gray = = boulder sitting on top of the money. Now go down = = and right so that you are on the bottom and shoot = = two walls to the right. You should uncover a 10. = = Grab it and go back to the top right and shoot = = the shoot-able boulder, and get the traveling = = toot. Shoot right and run into where the orange = = guy is hiding. When the orange guy goes back, = = grab the 3 and shoot down towards the orange guy = = (the one below you). Then shoot down one to the = = left of you revealing the last happy face. Grab = = it so that the exit blinks. Now go left and down = = next to the brown boulder on the bottom. Blow up = = all of those brown boulders (on the right), so = = that you can access the bottom right (don't blow = = up the dirt). Now the boulders should be gone. = = Shoot on the left dirt and run up to the silver = = coin and right. Now run and get all the money = = (though you don't have to). Be careful about the = = one gold coin below the brown boulder. Don't = = risk you life for it. Ignore it or blow up the = = brown boulder if you really want it. Now shoot = = the dirt on top and go to Bonus Level 4. = ======================================================= = Bonus Level 4: = ======================================================= = Easy, like all Bonus Levels are. Grab the four = = music notes, the toot, the lightning, shoot the = = dirt, and grab the bibles along the way (You kind = = of have to). Go up and get the blue money (and = = the gold coin). Now run left and get all that = = money. You don't have to destroy any boulders. = = Since you have lightning (you get a second one on = = your journey) you can just simply run up and run = = down. You can finish this level with about 17 = = seconds left on the clock. = ======================================================= = Level 20: (UOFY) ($129) (299 Seconds) = ======================================================= = This level is so ridiculously easy that you won't = = need help, except maybe for finding things. = = Here's a map: = = = = ******************************** = = * W*M * * *M * * H M* = = * *T **M* *M* *M* H** * * M** * = = * M* *** * *M*** * M* ** * Legend: = = ***H* * * * * *W*** *M * ** * = Wall = = *M*M* M *** * *M* M* *** * * S = Start and = = * * * MH** *** * * M* ** * 10 bombs/Exit = = * * **M****M S M ****M M*W* W = White guy = = * M***** *M * ***** M* *** * O = Orange guy = = ***M M OH** **M M****** *M * H = Happy face = = *M* *******M *** ***M M* T** * T = Travel toot = = * M*M * M* M ** M*M * M = Money = = ******************************** = = = = Art: "THE WATER PILED UP" = ======================================================= = Level 21: (XDCP) ($0) (225 Seconds) = ======================================================= = This is another very easy level. Only thing you = = may not like about this level is that you have to = = constantly be moving for the most part. You = = start off in a ring around the outside of the = = level, where you are trapped between orange men. = = They will move, so you have to move with them, or = = you'll get squished. Always remember, move in = = the direction they are moving (go up in the = = beginning). So start off by going up and right = = and duck into that little opening so that you are = = not in the ring anymore. Shoot at that wall to = = the left of you from the left side (from that = = hole it's one down and two left) to get a bomb = = shield. It doesn't help you out at all this = = level though. I don't know why they bothered = = putting it in here. There are harder levels that = = look just like this in the future that require = = you to use bombs, so that's probably why. = = Anyway... Go back up the hole after you get the = = bomb shield. Go right and shoot at the wall that = = is five up and two left from the happy face. As = = you're going down if you shoot at the wall to the = = left, (3 down and two right from the happy face) = = you'll notice something new. It is a wall that = = you can walk through as you shoot it. You don't = = want to go inside yet though. As you're on the = = bottom and you see the 4x2 blocks (underneath the = = ring at the top), if you shoot at them you'll = = find lightning (right side), a happy face (left), = = and an empty square (also left). Then as you go = = left, hold the A button as you run toward the = = wall to reveal the breath of wind (shoot two = = walls to get it). Then get it and run back to = = the shoot-able wall and get the happy face (Shoot = = underneath it, revealing another breath of wind). = = Run left and shoot the top wall revealing a happy = = face (the top of the ":" thing). Run left and = = shoot the top left of the square for the last = = happy face. Run back to the exit. You can do it = = with about 152 seconds left. = ======================================================= = Level 22: (RFDS) ($60) (290 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Fun! Shoot the shoot-able walls twice left then = = twice down then once right for a 10. Go back to = = the start and shoot all the way down and right, = = revealing another 10. Shoot back left and up = = three times, then right, then down twice, then = = right, then up, then right twice so you're at the = = main part of the level. Orange guys aren't hard, = = so just shoot all of the dirt getting happy faces = = 2/5. Now just blow up the permanently shot money = = weeds using as few bombs as possible. The hidden = = happy face is one up right two from the trapped = = orange guy on the bottom left of the money weeds. = = Repeat the process from the beginning to find the = = exit. = ======================================================= = Level 23: (UWTC) ($50) (325 Seconds) = ======================================================= = At a first glance, this level appears to be = = tricky, but it's really not. It's just very = = tricky trying to explain a 100% working trick on = = how to beat it. Here goes. As soon as the level = = starts, run left past the orange guy and below = = the first set of dirt so that you are one right/ = = down from the last silver coin. Now shoot at the = = boulder to the left of you, let the coin fall, = = grab the coin, move back where you were. Now = = shoot at the boulders that fall in that place = = (Should be four) until you are next to the bird. = = Face down and hold the A button so that only the = = two dirts below you disappear. Move right and = = shoot the dirt beside you and the bird as it hits = = the floor (should be next to two radioactive = = squares). Grab two of the coins that fall and = = run up so that you are like right above the part = = where the bird blew up. Another bird should fall = = on the coin and land beside it. Shoot it once it = = his the ground. Shoot a boulder that falls where = = the bird was. A bird should land one above where = = the other ones were. Shoot it to clear the = = radioactive squares. Let everything fall and the = = last row should be coin-boulder-bird-3-brown = = boulder-dirt etc. Shoot the boulder, and stand = = in its place and push the bird onto the three. = = Shoot the boulder next to you and collect the = = coin and shoot the bird. Grab the 3. Shoot the = = top boulder of every column (should be four). = = The bird should fall on the dirt. Get underneath = = the dirt, and shoot it twice, and run left. Push = = the bird once it falls to the right next to the = = brown boulders. Shoot the bird. Shoot the top = = boulder again on every column (3 now). Shoot the = = dirt and run left. Push the bird right and shoot = = it. Now grab the happy face in the top left = = (It's about time), and run to the bottom left, = = shoot the boulder, and collect happy face 3/5. = = You should now have 3/5 happy faces, 3 bombs, and = = $20/50. Run left and shoot all of the dirt, = = running to the top. Grab the 10 on the top. = = Blow up the spot next two three brown boulders = = and two money weeds. Then run up four squares = = and bomb there. Shoot all of the dirt and = = collect the three. Bomb the square where you get = = three money weeds at once. Collect the money and = = shoot all of the dirt in that column, getting the = = rest of the happy faces 5/5. Bomb the top that = = gets you four, four squares below that, and three = = below that. Don't get the money on the right = = side yet, but you can get the money on the left = = side. Run down and get that money and get the = = lightning. Run up, placing a bomb on the bottom = = three intersections with the goats. This will = = cause them to run right, but stopping next to the = = bomb. Run up to the 3, and don't worry about the = = top goat for a second. Once the top goat runs = = past you, go down one square, place a bomb and = = run left about two squares. This will cause him = = to run left, and blow up. Get the three moneys = = they were guarding. Now run up to the top right, = = and collect the four 1s. Place bombs in the = = bottom two parts where the 1s were and run to the = = top part. Let them explode, hopefully along with = = the gray carrot. Now blow the right one up, and = = get all the money except for the one right next = = to the orange guy. You should now have 10 bombs = = and $49/50 and 5/5. - Set up a bomb the square = = above the money, and then do it again, killing = = the orange guy on the bottom. Get the money and = = shoot two walls left. The boulders should fall. = = Go over on that side, where the top boulder was, = = and shoot right. Go up and left, so that the = = boulders fall. Shoot at the wall on the corner = = for the right side, and let those boulders fall. = = Shoot at the corner above it, and go right as you = = shoot it getting the bonus exit. - C Bright = = (c_brightguy@hotmail.com) sent in the information = = about the Bonus Level. = ======================================================= = Bonus Level 5: = ======================================================= = Hold the A button as you move along the path for = = best results. 20 seconds left... Not bad. = ======================================================= = Level 24: (CFGK) ($90) (450 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Wow! It looks like the Sahara Desert to me for = = some reason. Shoot two right for 1/5, which = = picks up the gold next to it for some odd reason, = = revealing a music note in its place. Shoot down = = and move right to pick it up. Shoot right and = = down for 2/5. Hold the A button as you face = = right. The two white guys should die (assuming = = you have the proper music notes). Grab the two = = moneys and shoot around the bird (above) to get = = on the right side of him. If the bird/money = = hadn't fallen yet, shoot below them so they do = = first :D. Shoot the boulder to the right of the = = bird and get the money beneath it. Shoot the = = dirt below that and push the bird into it's = = place. Shoot the bird, blowing up the goat. = = Collect the money. The rest of this level is = = tremendously easy, as does not really need an = = explanation. Use the traveling toots to help = = you. Run to the exit when you finish. = ======================================================= = Level 25: (WVKP) ($75) (280 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Be courageous Joshua! This level is fun! Look at = = all the weed! And the birds! And all the white = = people! Hey... This looks like it was based off = = the real world. Just joking. Grab the 3. Bomb = = the spot one right from the start (one left of = = the three). Kill the white guy next to you. = = Collect the revealed 3. Shoot the area against = = the right weed wall at the top (one square below = = the first weed. So that you blow up 5. Get the = = two new 3's and collect the money (or let it fall = = on the white guy first and then get it). Kill = = the last white guy. Bomb the corner of the weeds = = where you would have to turn. Get happy face 1/5 = = and the six moneys it makes. Go two down and one = = left from the bottom right gray boulder (the set = = of 9) and bomb that. Quickly grab the money and = = the new 3. You should now have $20/75 and 11 = = bombs and 1/5. Run up above the gray boulder = = that fell on the left and bomb that one and = = collect the new 3 (go as high as you can before = = you bomb). The only thing left in that patch now = = is money (of which you currently have 26/75). = = Run down and shoot the bird, collecting the = = money. Shoot the birds that fall down (Let the = = finish falling first!). Get the money and shoot = = more birds to the right. Get the 3 against the = = wall (the one on the bottom). Run up the money = = line getting the 3 (which is hidden behind = = another 3, so it's really a 6). Run left and = = place a bomb to the right of the exposed bird = = (It's at a bad angle, so place the bomb there). = = Shoot at it and collect the money that falls. = = Don't worry if some gets crushed. Now run up and = = get the 3 (really a 4). Push the gray boulder = = right, so that you get happy face 2/5. Shoot the = = bird on the left getting 3/5. You should now = = have about $70/75. If you want the most out of = = your bombs, you can place one bomb on the left of = = the map for a 5-er, or you can just stay where = = you are and place 2 bombs. Doesn't make a = = difference. You have 25 bombs. Now run to the = = top by the X. Shoot the dirt and push the = = boulder right and run to a part where the Aztec = = can't get you. Place a bomb above the bird on = = the left and shoot it. Let the boulders crush = = the money. Collect the last two happy faces and = = blow up the bottom radioactive square (should = = already be damaged. Just needs 2 more bombs). = = go inside the exit. Art: "THE PRIESTS BLEW THEIR = = TRUMPETS". = ======================================================= = Level 26: (QIBJ) ($49) (320 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Okay, so I gave up. I then a couple days later = = decided I would not be able to continue until I = = beat level 26. So I sat down, played it as = = logically as I could, and it turned out to be = = pretty damn easy, all things considered. It just = = looks scary. Start off by moving four squares = = right (shooting everything that's in between = = including the one boulder that drops if you're = = too slow) and then shooting straight up and one = = left, so that the bird in the top left of the = = four fall. Go up and have the stopper get you. = = Run up below the dirt, waiting for the carrots to = = cross. Once the one on the right goes left past = = you, run right. Run down into the crack so that = = it won't kill you as it bounces back. Once it = = bounces past you, get the happy face 1/5 = = (Stopper). Run up and shoot the boulder next to = = the 3. Grab the 3. Now run up and shoot the = = dirt on the right, going in its place, shooting = = the one right of that, going in its place, = = picking up a 3. Push the boulder on the left of = = you so that the carrot dies. Now shoot one left = = (dirt) and move in that square. Quickly shoot = = the two left of you, but NOT moving in the place. = = Now move right, up, left, collecting 2/5. Run = = back down to the boulder near the goats and shoot = = that. Now run holding up and left at the same = = time (make sure you are pretty far over towards = = the left when you start), and get 3/5. Now hold = = down and right to get back out. If you did this = = fast, the carrot should just be bouncing left. = = Follow him, and shoot the dirt below you, then = = run up to the crack. Let him pass you, and shoot = = the dirt above you and run down. Run up to where = = he was and shoot left, collecting the money = = (don't let the boulder fall). The carrot should = = just be bouncing right. Squish it with the gray = = boulder. Now shoot left twice, making sure the = = brown boulder doesn't fall until you move past = = it. Push it right, squishing the Aztec (well, = = making it fall on him as he moves past). It = = should be easy since he's moving upward towards = = your area. Now shoot left and get the money. = = Shoot two right, going past the brown boulder. = = Push it all the way right, but not letting it = = fall. Collect the money on the left, shoot the = = dirt left of that, letting the brown boulder = = fall. Move right, next to the boulder. The = = Aztec should be coming up. Then push the brown = = boulder, killing him. Run all the way left, = = shoot up all the way. Get the money left of you. = = Shoot down, and move right, letting the boulder = = move. Get the 3 and the money. Get the money = = now to the right of you. You should be 3/5 and = = 24/49. Run down and left getting the happy face = = (next to the stopper). Run down and get the bomb = = shield. Shoot one down, and then all the way = = left and right, squishing all the men. Get the = = silver coins, and go up and right, leaving the = = area. Go down towards the start and shoot the = = birds on the right. Shoot all of the dirt in = = that area you can. Now shoot all the shoot-able = = boulders. Shoot the four dirt squares below the = = radioactive circles. Shoot the four dirt left of = = the gray boulders. Bomb the square diagonally = = (up/left) from the dirt. The dirt at the top = = should now be exposed. Shoot it, then shoot = = down, then shoot right, exposing the exit as you = = get 5/5. Run to the exit in the middle. = ======================================================= = Level 27: (RJOW) ($82) (432 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Wow! This looks fun, doesn't it? Grab all the = = money below you, getting happy face 1/5. Shoot = = right, get the music notes, then shoot right = = again, and stand in that square. Face right and = = hold down the A button. All the boulders should = = be clear after a while. If you noticed, if you = = shot right, then you exposed a shovel, now = = covered by money. Left of the radioactive = = circles is 2/5. Get that, run down to the bottom = = right, collect the money/shovel. Quickly clear = = all of the orange guy's area, then run out and = = clear the purple guy's area. Now run up to the = = top, and shoot the dirt. Go left, and get the 3, = = then run down, and get all the money. If you use = = your three bombs (one at a time) between the two = = radioactive squares, you will uncover a shovel = = and a music note. Grab the shovel and AS QUICK = = AS YOU CAN, clear all the brown boulders, = = standing between them as you move up, so that all = = of them are cleared. If you didn't get them all = = you're too slow. Now run left, and clear all of = = that area, not exposing radioactive blocks. Get = = 3/5. Now run and get the shovel on the right. = = If you were too slow, and running over the dirt = = caused the shovel to go off, while you already = = had the shovel, you messed up. Quickly move left = = and up, killing ALL of the radioactive squares. = = Get the 10, and 4/5. Clear the left so that = = there is a clear path to the gray boulders. Now = = run right, and get the shovel. If you press = = against the wall next to the boulders, they = = should disappear. Get happy face 5/5, and the 3 = = on the left. Run to the exit, which was at the = = start. = ======================================================= = Level 28: (VQCK) ($68) (400 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Pretty, huh? Well there's a Bonus Level on here, = = so I'm gonna make you (err me?) work twice as = = hard! Luckily (for both of us) this board is = = pretty easy! You have 143/68 money at the end, = = with a bomb left over, and plenty of time. Start = = off by killing the two white guys. Shoot the = = dirt and get the music notes. Shoot the boulder. = = Run and get all the blue money to the right, = = shoot the dirt below, and run back. Shoot the = = dirt below, on the left (both of them). Shoot up = = three times. Shoot twice right, then all the = = shoot-able boulders, but not shooting the dirt on = = the left to get those two. Shoot the dirt on the = = right and kill the bird. Kill the second bird. = = Run right and get all the money. Run down and = = shoot one boulder on each side of you. Shoot the = = boulder to the left of you after the circle = = falls. Get the 3. Shoot down, and shoot the one = = of the left. Shoot the dirt below as the orange = = guy hits the bottom. Run down after it and get = = 1/5, and shoot left and run there. Now shoot all = = the boulders around it except the one that the = = carrots bounce off of (bottom left). Push that = = one all the way left, squishing them (2/5). Get = = the money and kill the white guys. Get 3/5 in = = the bottom left money thing. Now shoot the wall = = above the radioactive square. Shoot the two to = = the left of it, and get the money. Go right, and = = shoot the dirt, standing close to the bottom so = = it doesn't squish you (That's what the music = = notes are for). Let the brown boulder fall and = = run up. Shoot ONE boulder (on the right). Let = = the gray one fall, and then shoot the second = = boulder. Push the gray one right. Bomb the area = = diagonal to the dirt (down/left). Go above the = = gray boulder and shoot left two, and up one. Get = = the money and (if you wish) the lightning. Push = = the birds down at the bottom, getting two 3s. = = Bomb the area diagonally up/left from the dirt in = = the bottom right. Shoot the boulders, and bomb = = the squares. Shoot at the wall, get the money, = = and get the breath of wind, if you wish. Get the = = music note above you. Push the brown boulders on = = the left so that they all fall into the cracks. = = Bomb the two at top twice, getting 4/5. Go to = = the top left, where the backwards L shaped brown = = boulders and bomb the corner (getting all three) = = twice (one at a time). Get the bonus exit in the = = top left (That time I had no bombs left over, go = = fig). = ======================================================= = Bonus Level 6: = ======================================================= = Follow the path, and be fairly quick. They give = = you leeway for time, but just go as fast as you = = can. No tricks, no gimmicks. = ======================================================= = Level 29: (SMAL) ($50) (225 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Pretty easy level. There's nothing tricky about = = this. Start off by going left, and pushing the = = brown boulder two squares left (moving past the = = one that will fall). Now push the one that fell = = all the way right. Get the 3. Blow up the = = boulder on the left. Go down and get everything = = in the bottom right ($50 and a music note). Now = = shoot at the stuff to the left so that the gray = = boulder falls to where the dirt was (you have to = = shoot it first) on the bottom. You should pick = = up two music notes. Go around and get the 3. = = Push the gray boulder left on top of the dirt. = = You should pick up a music note that mysteriously = = appeared out of now where. Get the traveling = = toot. Shoot down and move right. Once it = = bounces back and disappears go back left and down = = and shoot left. Shoot down. Shoot left. Shoot = = up and move right. Once it disappears go left. = = Go up and shoot right. Shoot up. Get the = = travelling toot. Shoot down. Shoot left. Move = = up. Once the music note goes away move down and = = shoot left again. Once the music note goes away = = move down and left. Go up and shoot left. Shoot = = down. Clear all of the dirt. Bomb the = = radioactive square with three bombs to enter = = radioactive world. Get the traveling toot. = = Shoot all the white men, but not letting the = = toots hit you as they bounce back. Get all the = = happy faces, run out of radioactive world and go = = to the exit on the right side of the map. Good = = Job, Joshua. = ======================================================= = Level 30: (PXYF) ($44) (400 Seconds) = ======================================================= = This is a pretty fun level. Start off by = = shooting down, then three squares left, then move = = left one and shoot down and move down. Push the = = brown boulder right, revealing a shovel. Clear = = all the stuff on the top, and the two fake walls = = on the left. Get the music note underneath the = = wall. Move right so that the gray boulder falls. = = Clear the two radioactive squares. Get the one = = as you clear the right one, and move up (clearing = = the dirt). Get the silver coin up top and shoot = = the wall beneath it getting the music note, then = = going right so that the gray boulder falls. Make = = sure mister carrot-head doesn't eat you. Kill = = the white guy. Get the 1 on the bottom right = = (the right one). Shoot the birds, and get the = = money (not important because you'll have more = = than enough. Shoot the boulder and get happy = = face 1/5. Let the brown boulder fall if you = = want. Now collect the blue money on top. As the = = orange guys move down, move down to the safe spot = = on the bottom (three above the happy face). One = = they move past you going up, get the happy face = = and shoot the dirt on the right above you (so = = that the brown boulder squishes the orange guy on = = the left). Now get the silver coin, and let the = = brown boulder drop. Get the other silver coin. = = Push the brown boulder left once one of the guys = = is in the top left, so that it squishes both of = = them. If it only kills one, move right then push = = the second one left (make sure you move with the = = boulder. Get 3/5. Push all the boulders on the = = right out of your way. Get the silver coin on = = the left, and push the boulder so that it falls = = on the Aztec. Get 4/5. Clear all the boulders. = = At the point the orange guys should be almost = = right above you. You can let him pass before you = = press the last one, so that you don't have to run = = into him for a while. Get the silver coin on the = = left. You have to push the boulder so that it = = squishes the radioactive man (move with the = = boulder). Start pushing left as soon as = = radioactive-man is on the top. Get 5/5. Get the = = money on the top left, and run to the exit on the = = top right. Art: "THE WALLS OF JERICHO CRUMBLED = = AND FELL". = ======================================================= = Level 31: (JFUJ) ($136) (200 Seconds) = ======================================================= = This is even more fun! It's all about speed in = = this level. Get the lightning, shoot the bird, = = and get happy face 1/5. Run up past the second = = lightning, making the goat run left, and run down = = as soon as it starts. Once it passes you going = = left, run up and right into the hole on the top, = = making the second goat run left, and go down one, = = into the safe spot. As soon as the goat runs = = past you (going right), go up and run left. Free = = the radioactive man (shoot from the left), and = = run down and right. Get the 3. Get the money on = = the left, and shoot at the dirt, so that both = = boulders fall. Get the money, and the lightning. = = As the carrot moves left, go down and move left = = too. As he is on the VERY LEFT, shoot him = = (repeatedly) as you move left, and then run down. = = Get the money, and another lightning. Get more = = money and run one past the brown boulder. Once = = the brown boulder falls, push it right, and get = = 3/5. Run up the money line, and get the = = lightning, then down and around the money line. = = Get the lightning as you move, hidden under the = = money. Also hidden under the money is 4/5. = = Shoot the dirt under the radioactive man so that = = it squishes him. Push the gray boulder left, and = = get all the money (and the last happy face). Go = = to the exit in the bottom left. Wasn't that = = easy? = ======================================================= = Level 32: (VAWB) ($71) (500 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Bonus Level on here! Yay! Bad part is that this = = looks like a hard level. You have three choices: = = conquer the west, the east, or the south. The = = best move is to tackle the south first. Shoot = = down (the dirt doesn't disappear). Get the money = = and go right and get the other money, getting two = = ones (one in the middle and one on the bottom = = right. Shoot and move right, getting a happy = = face (1/5). Shoot thrice (three times) one = = square left, and as soon as it blows away, place = = a bomb, and move right. Shoot three more times = = right, and as soon as it blows away, place a bomb = = and move right. Shoot three more times right and = = move right. You should not let anything fall = = until then (as a result of being slow). Now = = shoot and move up, and push the brown boulder = = left. Place a bomb above the cracked boulder. = = Let it blow up and place a bomb one left of = = there. Place a bomb on the right, so that the = = path is cleared. Now go back up to the top. Now = = go right, and get the two blue moneys and 2/5. = = Go right just as he's going up and is one down/ = = right from the dirt. Go down and try to get all = = the money, and the three without using any bombs. = = I found the best way is by shooting the boulder = = down one, moving down one, and while holding the = = A button, moving right three, up one, right = = three, shoot the boulder above you, and go down. = = Clear all of the bottom. It will always be the = = same shape left over (for the most part). Shoot = = the boulder. Push the brown boulder left. Get = = the two money. Shoot the boulder below you and = = move down. Shoot and fully move left one. Shoot = = and move down one left one. Let the boulders = = fall. Shoot and move up one. Push and move = = right one. Now push the one left of you right. = = Shoot the boulder on the left and move down one. = = Quickly move down and right one. Shoot right one = = and down one. Get the money and go up. Shoot = = the wall below the gray boulder so that it falls = = (don't shoot up. Shoot right). Shoot all the = = walls over there that you can, and get the breath = = of wind. Go left. Get the two music notes, and = = the money. Shoot at the wall that the Aztec = = guards on the top left and bottom left, getting = = 4/5 and 5/5. Shoot at the dirt and move left = = collecting the money (about 54/71). Shoot and = = move left one. Shoot down two (without moving). = = Another boulder will fall. Shoot it and quickly = = run down and left, collecting the three moneys. = = Let everything fall and shoot and move three = = left. Shoot down one without moving. Place a = = bomb, and move down four, right two, getting the = = Bonus Level. 12 bombs left over. Talk about = = leeway (and way more money and time. Don't = = stress yourself out on the right side of the = = map). = ======================================================= = Bonus Level 7: = ======================================================= = There are only 50 seconds in this level. Can you = = make it? Get the power-ups and follow the path. = = I can beat this with 25 seconds left over (half = = the total time), so you should have way more than = = enough time. = ======================================================= = Level 33: (RZGA) ($170) (240 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Get the money on the left. Clear the bottom = = getting 1/5. Shoot at the top and let stuff = = fall. If you time it correctly, doing this will = = kill the men at the top. Get the music note, and = = then the gold. Get the silver next to it (and = = another music note). Shoot at the dirt on the = = left side, then on the right side, and get 2/5. = = Push the gray boulder on the right to the right, = = and get 3/5. Kill all the white guys. Shoot = = down (dirt) and get the money on the bottom and = = push the gray boulder left, getting 4/5. Go up = = the money line and shoot left to get out. Clear = = all of the dirt on the bottom so that you can get = = 5/5. The dirt above the brown line of boulders = = is a special dirt that you can walk through, but = = only once. After one use it turns into a wall. = = So shoot up, and move up, and get all the money = = ($173/170) and get the exit, which is = = conveniently next to you. = ======================================================= = Level 34: (XHKW) ($110) (320 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Obviously you start off by quickly killing the = = white guy, before you become toast. If you = = haven't been dying, you're probably loaded with = = music notes, so only shoot thrice, before it = = bounces off of you. Run right, pushing the = = radioactive circle, and get the piano. Push the = = piano left, crushing one radioactive man, run up = = and push the radioactive circle all the way = = right. Push the one next to it left, crushing = = the radioactive man. Shoot the dirt along the = = bottom, pushing the third radioactive circle = = left. Get the 3. Bomb the radioactive square = = thrice, but one at a time. Get all the money, = = and shoot all of the dirt and get the piano if = = you want. Go left and shoot the dirt and get the = = three 10s. Bomb the middle money weed and get = = all the money (Now you have $111/110). Bomb the = = left like crazy and get the two 10s in there and = = 4/5. Now you can just run and get 5/5 if you're = = quick, or you can bomb like right next to a = = corner they go to and shoot when they touch the = = corner to kill them. Either way. Push the = = boulders on the right side (bottom left gray = = boulder) and touch the exit. = ======================================================= = Level 35: (GLOT) ($50) (500 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Start off by killing the white men, before they = = go postal (radioactive). Then try to work it so = = that three birds kill each of the radioactive = = squares (Three birds kill one square, and you get = = six birds. There are two radioactive squares. = = See how that works). Then shoot around and get = = the music note, and 3/5 ($30/50). This is a = = tricky level. All I can say is to beat this the = = easiest way, try to get the gold coin on the far = = right first, then get the other gold coin near = = it, then get the last two question marks, then = = use one more bird to clear the exit. I had five = = birds left over with 11 more dollars than I = = needed. Art: "MORE DIED FROM HAIL THAN BY THE = = SWORDS FROM THE ISRAELITES." = ======================================================= = Level 36: (LYTL) ($96) (440 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Wow, my score is 838,850 since I'm playing this = = all in one big swoop. Anyways... This looks SO = = fun doesn't it? It's a radioactive palace! And = = there are guards, like you are in a prison of it. = = Hey, all I can say is, in the flip-flop level, = = it's even scarier *muhahaha*. Obviously, get the = = four 3s in the beginning. Shoot one of the dirt = = (I chose the right side), and kill all the white = = guys as they come in. Watch where you point them = = music notes, as they will bounce back if you're = = loaded. Lay three bombs along the top. Shoot = = the wall to reveal a shovel. Get the shovel and = = clear as many radioactive squares as you can, and = = get all 96 dollars from the left. Get a 10 = = opposite of the shovel. Shoot the dirt on the = = right, and uncover the two happy faces adjacent = = to the squares (one on top one on bottom). 4/5 = = is in the carrot field (bottom right of it) and = = 5/5 is three squares above that. Exit is at = = start. There's no Bonus Level here, although I = = would have placed one here instead of on the next = = level. = ======================================================= = Level 37: (FNPF) ($70) (350 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Bonus time! That's right, this level has a Bonus = = Level exit (Up four left two from the regular = = exit, if that's all you're interested in)! Start = = off the level by shooting left, and killing all = = four men on the left side. Don't let them turn = = into radioactive men. Be quick. Take the men = = out in order of line 2, 4 (which was 3), 3 (which = = was 4), 1. Get the music note and the money, but = = don't set off the breath of wind. Set off the = = stoppers for the left sides of lines 1 and 3. = = Shoot all of the dirt on the left. Now shoot the = = dirt on the right for line two. Kill the white = = guys. Get any music notes you see. Shoot all of = = the dirt on the right side, but not exposing the = = radioactive men yet. Make sure you get both of = = the travelling toots, as I feel they work against = = you in this level, so you want to get rid of = = them. Get the money and 2/5 and the 10 (under = = the dirt) from the bottom right. Get the breath = = of wind once the radioactive men are two squares = = right of the breath of wind. Shoot the dirt = = supporting the brown boulders. Then shoot the = = dirt supporting the shoot-able boulders (go from = = row two, so that you don't get the stopper = = stopping you). Then finally shoot the dirt under = = where the shoot-able boulders would fall, so that = = they fall on the radioactive men. Shoot all the = = shoot-able boulders. Get the music note, two = = 10s, 3/5, money, and 4/5 from the top. Now go to = = the middle where you are on the top of the column = = of where you started (three above the radioactive = = square). Shoot and move down two and one left = = (shooting the walls). Push the boulder left of = = you left even more (so that it falls). Then push = = the one that was above you also in that direction = = so that that one too will fall. You should try = = to have it squish the last radioactive man when = = you push that one. Now shoot the walls on top of = = the radioactive square to your left, getting the = = bible. Now go all the way right. Shoot and move = = up, exposing the top. Shoot and move up again, = = shoot right, shoot left, shoot and move up. = = Shoot up. Move down one. Place a bomb. Move up = = one, and place a bomb. Move left two (shooting = = the boulder) so that you don't blow up. Shoot = = and move down one. Shoot and move left one. = = Quickly move left and right, getting the coin, = = but letting the gray boulder and radioactive = = circle fall. Use the bombs wisely on the top = = (you should have about 15 left over so don't = = worry). Get 5/5 and all the money (you should = = have about 25 extra). Now go to the bonus exit, = = above the normal exit in the middle. = ======================================================= = Bonus Level 8: = ======================================================= = Hehehe, this looks fun. And it is. Do you think = = the order that the sound the money makes goes off = = is intentional? They sound like little songs to = = me. I can do this with about 23 seconds left. = ======================================================= = Level 38: (AYQT) ($94) (210 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Shoot up at the dirt while you move, and get 1/5. = = Shoot down to get out. Get 2/5 at the top. Go = = left, and push the brown boulder right, blocking = = or squishing them (also getting 3/5). Move left, = = shoot the two dirt squares, and hide in the left = = one, then go down. Shoot the two birds on the = = bottom. Get the money and 4/5. Shoot the dirt = = below the birds, and explode when they get in the = = intersection. Get the money. Go left and get = = all that money. Just run in straight lines, = = collecting the money. Get 5/5 on the top and go = = to the exit on the right square where the dirt = = was. = ======================================================= = Level 39: (ZKDJ) ($0) (305 Seconds) = ======================================================= = More radioactivity! Fun! Move right, watching = = out for the two radioactive men. Get the 10 and = = the piano, and try to lose the radioactive men = = that patrol and bother you (by making them ring = = around something else or by bombing them thrice). = = Bomb the middle injured radioactive square. = = Shoot at the wall down, and get the three (on the = = left), along with 1/5, also on the left. Then = = get 2/5 on the right, still on the bottom. Bomb = = the top that is two left and two down from the = = boulder on the left. Shoot up from there, and = = shoot the boulders, getting 3/5. Shoot up and = = right from there, and then down and left, getting = = a 10 and 4/5. Bomb the top left (not exactly the = = corner), getting a 3 and 5/5. Bomb the = = radioactive square on the right. It's in the = = middle (near where they ring around). Go to the = = exit. = ======================================================= = Level 40: (MMNB) ($115) (300 Seconds) = ======================================================= = This is fairly easy. Start off by shooting right = = two, then up two, once the orange guy turns = = around. Go right one, and shoot up, and move = = right. Push the boulder left, so that it falls = = on the orange guy. Get the silver coin on the = = left, then get the one above it (along with a = = 10). Now go right four squares of the = = radioactive square, and shoot right, then shoot = = the dirt underneath the boulder, and move left. = = Push the boulder right, so that it falls on the = = second orange man. Get the silver coin. Clear = = all of the dirt along the top row, except for the = = one blocking the goat. Shoot the square of dirt, = = a bit away, and run left, while placing a bomb. = = The goat will stop next to the bomb, and then = = will kill him. Get the silver coin on the = = bottom. Get the money in the middle, but don't = = set off the shovel (bottom right silver coin). = = Also don't get the gold coins that block the = = goats. Shoot up on top (the left dirt), and blow = = up the carrot. Now do the same for the right = = one. Go up the left path, and use the birds to = = squish the men (make sure you get 1/5, 2/5, the = = 10, and all the money over there. Now go up on = = the right path, and use the boulders to squish = = the Aztecs. Get the money, and you can just push = = the boulder on the right, to squish that one. = = Get 3/5, another 10. Get the shovel, and move = = down, and then back up, placing a bomb. Make = = sure the bomb kills the carrot, then run down = = through the rocks. There are two happy faces = = hidden here, and another shovel, (two below the = = goat). Underneath the hidden happy face in the = = top right, as supposed to the bottom right, is = = another 10. If for some reason your exit is = = blocked, make a new one (boom). Go to the exit = = in the top right. You should have like 36 bombs = = left over :D. = = Art: "THE SUN AND MOON STOOD STILL." = ======================================================= = Level 41: (VJGQ) ($0) (225 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Wow... This is cool... Wait until the purple guy = = on the right goes all the way around, then run = = right (bottom path). Run into the ditch at the = = bottom. Then when he goes past you, go right. = = Get the happy face and run up the ditch. When he = = goes past you, run left. You should be back at = = the start. To get the one on the bottom, wait = = until the one on the left is on the top left = = corner (going down). Go all the way down, right, = = and up the middle, and right, and get the happy = = face. Now run down, left, up the middle, left, = = and go back to the start. Run past the three of = = them, shoot right, and push the boulder so that = = it lands on him. The key to squishing him is = = speed. Be fast! Get the happy face on the = = right. Run down the path and left, so that you = = don't get squished. As the top mad scientist = = goes left, shoot and move left and down in the = = safe spot. As the bottom one goes left (past = = you), run down and right. Get the last two happy = = faces, and go to the exit. = ======================================================= = Level 42: (PBVB) ($44) (300 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Oh yeah, I remember this one. This is so fun. = = Well, not really, but it's cool. Get the money, = = and push the bird so that it squishes the purple = = guy. Shoot the bird after it falls. Shoot all = = of the dirt. Run up to the top and push the bird = = left. Go with it as you push it. Shoot it once = = it squishes the bird and lands. Push and move = = the boulder right. Push and move the bird left. = = Shoot it once it falls. Push and move the = = boulder right. Push and move the bird left. = = Shoot it when it falls. Shoot the last bird. = = Clear the dirt (and shoot the bottom wall) for 15 = = seconds, and 1/5. Go right, near the birds. = = Shoot the birds, and run down and right. Get the = = money and clear all of the dirt. Run up, and = = move the birds so that all three land on top of = = the radioactive square (one at a time). Once = = they land on top of it, shoot it. Move down and = = shoot all of the dirt, going from right to left. = = Move up from the right side, and do that again = = for the second to last row. Get 2/5. Clear the = = dirt for row 3, then the row on top of it. Then = = get the row on top of that. Get 3/5. Get the = = gold coin. Shoot the dirt under the bird, and = = move past it. Get the money and 4/5. Push the = = bird right, and shoot it when it lands, and get = = 5/5. The exit is in the top right. If anyone is = = curious, this is where I hit a million points. = ======================================================= = Level 43: (SOVS) ($38) (520 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Oh my goodness. Anyone who has ever skipped to = = level 81 knows exactly what this board is like = = (81 is the flip-flop). It's very hard. On top = = of that, there's a Bonus Level that goes with it. = = You guys expect me to write a walkthrough for = = this level? Well, I'll try! I just have to beat = = it first. Wow! My first time and I beat it. = = Err, I was expecting that to be a bit harder. = = There's no way I can explain how to beat this = = board. Just work your way from the right, all = = the way up, then get the left, and go down to the = = bottom left. I didn't use a bomb throughout this = = whole level (12 left over), and I got the Bonus = = Level (in the very bottom left), with $3 to = = spare. Surely you won't need that much help on = = this. If I get a request for it, I'll go through = = the trouble of making a little bit more in depth = = one. The key is to be patient (You have more = = than enough time), and work on one square at a = = time. Shoot all the shoot-able boulders that = = fall in that square. If a non-shoot-able one = = comes up, either push it, or move on to another = = square. = ======================================================= = Bonus Level 9: = ======================================================= = Get the lightning, go right. Go up and around, = = collecting money and the shovel. Just follow the = = path. I think your shovel gets renewed, so don't = = worry about cutting paths. I can do the level in = = about 15 seconds. = ======================================================= = Level 44: (OAMO) ($75) (500 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Start off by automatically getting the 3. Clear = = left, and get another 3. Bomb the money weeds = = twice in the middle, get the 3, and shoot the = = dirt, and bomb them again. Get 1/5. Squish the = = white guy. Oh hey, that's what this board = = reminds me of... level 100! This level is 100 = = times easier (I think - I had 33 bombs left = = over). Anyways, back to the walkthrough. Clear = = the bottom right, and then the middle (shoot when = = you can, push/bomb when you can't). Then clear = = the left, and then the top right. If you do this = = level properly, you won't need the gold coins in = = the top right, so let them get squished. There = = are hidden lightning, shields, and a shovel in = = this level behind walls, none of which are = = required (Lightning near the left/middle, shield = = near the bottom right, and the shovel two squares = = above it in the right/middle). Exit square in = = the very middle. = ======================================================= = Level 45: (CMMT) ($115) (250 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Shoot and move right, picking up 1/5, and make = = your wayup and around. As you move up the third = = time, shootyour way right (through the walls), = = then shoot down,and grab the top breath of wind = = (there is one hiddenunder the money below). Make = = your way up and left,collecting all the money, = = running back, picking up 2/5, then shooting left = = through the walls next to 2/5. Grab the clock, = = and then grab the money down and right. Grab the = = second breath of wind, and walk past the carrots, = = getting the music notes on top. Grab the = = remaining blue money, so that you fufill the = = quota. On the bottom, next to the radioactive = = square, there is 3/5. On the sides of the top = = white guy are 4/5 and 5/5. Now you just have to = = make it to the exit on the left side. There is a = = secret way in, two squares up, and one square = = right. Shoot the dirt to the right of there, so = = the carrot can escape, giving you room to enter. = = Slide past him, making your way to the start, = = which is also the exit. = ======================================================= = Level 46: (OCBC) ($192) (235 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Use the top left bird to make a dent in the = = radioactive square, then blow away the rest of = = the dirt on the left side. After that, grab all = = the blue money and 1/5. Blow the two dirt on = = the left (below the bird), then the dirt one = = square right of the top one, and then one up, and = = move next to the bird. Push the bird left making = = dent number two. Go right, and you'll find two = = birds. Blow away the two dirt squares to the = = left of the bird. Then shoot the dirt under the = = right boulder. Push the bird next to you all the = = way right. Now move the top bird all the way = = left, making the final dent. You should now have = = 2/5, $102/192, and about 191 seconds on the = = clock. Now push the bird so that it lands on top = = of the radioactive square. You will have to blow = = away about four boulders to do this. Make dent = = number one. Shoot the dirt below the boulder on = = the left. Run below the piano, but not getting = = it. Push the boulder left. Blow the three dirt = = next to the two boulders. Push the boulder left. = = Grab the piano, push left on the boulder, shoot = = the dirt under the bird. Shoot the two dirt next = = to the bird on the top. Push the radioactive = = circle right. Grab 3/5. Push the top bird = = right. Push the bird right again. Now make the = = final two dents simultaneously, by shooting a = = bird, but let's not be obscene here. Grab 4/5, = = the money, and 5/5, then go to the exit right = = above you. = ======================================================= = Level 47: (CDSF) ($66) (360 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Go to the bottom and make your way towards the = = left. After you are under the second brown = = boulder (from the middle), push the first brown = = boulder to the right one square, but do not left = = the boulder on top of you fall. Now move left a = = square, and do the same thing. Repeat this = = process until the end, so that you can pick up = = 1/5. Shoot the dirt from the middle, to pick up = = the 1. Move to under the second brown boulder = = (from the left). Push the first boulder all the = = way left, squishing the mad scientist. Pick up = = 2/5. Now go back to the top from the left side, = = and do what you did to the bottom, until you hit = = the shootable boulder, where you can just shoot = = that. Grab 3/5 and the 3. Make your way to the = = middle normally. Go to the top (the start), and = = set up three bombs, killing the two radioactive = = squares. This exposes 4/5 for you. Grab the = = $30/66 from the top. Now go to the left, and = = shoot the top bird, so that the mad scientist = = dies. Grab the 1 on the bottom left, along with = = the rest of the money. Go to the middle, then to = = the bottom. Shoot and move to the square below = = the second shootable boulder. Shoot the square = = to the right of you, then shoot up, and grab 5/5. = = Destroy the brown boulder on the left (2 bombs), = = and make your way to the left, where the exit is. = ======================================================= = Level 48: (GBOC) ($30) (460 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Push the bird below you right, let it fall, shoot = = it. Grab the money before it gets squished. The = = easiest way is to go right then left. There is a = = 3 above that gray boulder on the right in the = = wall. Bomb the bottom below the gray boulders. = = Grab the money on the left before the right, so = = that it doesn't get squished. Bomb the left, so = = that no money is squished. Do this again with = = the next money patch. Grab the 10. You should = = have 20 bombs at this point, and more than enough = = money, so if you let some squish, don't worry. = = Besides, there is a ton of money on the bottom = = right. Shoot your way to the left, and make your = = way around, so that the edges are cleared. Then = = the easiest way to do this, is to bomb above the = = radioactive square on the top in the middle. Two = = orange men escape. Shoot that top dirt square, = = and get 1/5. Now put three bombs above that = = middle section, so the middle radioactive square = = dies. 2/5 and 3/5 are exposed. Shoot that top = = dirt, and get 4/5. Now exit this section, and = = head right. Bomb the brown squares. Grab the = = left 10, and head left. Use that entrance square = = to bomb, to make an entrance to the main part. = = Grab the second 10, and blow up the brown = = boulders. In the bottom left, there is a shovel. = = Grab 10/10 in the top right, but don't touch the = = exit, as it flashes. Instead, head left. You = = don't need the bottom right, except if you want a = = higher score. On the left side in the middle, = = you should see the bonus exit. = ======================================================= = Bonus Level 10: = ======================================================= = Make your way up and right, grab the lightning. = = Head southeast, then northeast, northwest, = = southwest, grabbing the shovel. Head southwest = = further, all the way to the exit. 9 bibles for = = you. = ======================================================= = Level 49: (BHNN) ($125) (390 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Shoot the white men, and the dirt they patrol to = = get 4/5. 5/5 is in the top right. In the bottom = = left there is a lightning. Hidden in the left = = wall are music notes. Grab the lightning, run to = = the top and left, into the ditch, to escape the = = goat. Then as he goes past you, run left again. = = Make your way to the left main section. Make a = = path in such a way that it would take an orange = = man a while to complete it, slowing down their = = speed before they turn radioactive. Blow up the = = orange guy, simultaneously with the boulder. Let = = the second orange guy escape, and run into the = = whole on the right. As he passes, let the second = = orange man escape. Run into the hole and let the = = final man out. Run into the hole, and as he = = passes, grab the money. Ignore the gold coin, = = but two squares below the gold is a passable wall = = to help you escape faster. Run to the left (You = = can now destroy your maze). Use your last bomb = = on the goat, and head right. The exit is on the = = start square in the bottom right. = ======================================================= = Level 50: (MUNW) ($0) (350 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Kill the white man. Kill the second white man. = = Grab the 10. Kill the orange man (in 2 hits). = = Grab the 3. Kill the orange man (in 2 hits). = = Grab the 3. Kill the orange man (in 2 hits). = = Grab the 3. Kill the radioactive man (in 3 = = hits). Shoot the bird. "JERICHO!" now says = = something that's not English. After the debris = = falls, try to shoot all the boulders you can. = = Grab the 3 in the bottom left. Grab 1/5 in the = = bottom left. Grab another 3 to the right. 2/5 = = and 3/5 are further right. Another 3 is on the = = right side. 4/5 is in the bottom right. Another = = 3 is on the right. And 5/5 is also on the bottom = = right near 4/5. Exit square is in bottom left = = (So try not to cover it up, or else just bomb = = your way through). Two squares above the start, = = by the way. = ======================================================= = Level 51: (NMDH) ($60) (160 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Shoot the three dirt on top, and kill the white = = men. Try to clear the rest of the dirt, and get = = the music note. Clear the boulder path. Shoot = = past the one boulder, but leave the other one, so = = the orange guys will leave you alone. Push the = = boulder right of the prostitute. Grab 1/5. Grab = = the tooter in the dirt on the left and clear the = = boulders on top. Clear the dirt on the left too. = = Grab 2/5 and the music note. Grab 3/5 from the = = top in the dirt. Grab 4/5 from the bottom left. = = Grab the gold. Grab the prostitute. Walk across = = your pimp weed. Grab 5/5, and touch the bonus = = exit right next to you. = ======================================================= = Bonus Level 11: = ======================================================= = Grab the lightning, and enough money for your = = quota. Grab the second lightning, breath of = = wind, bibles, music notes, more bibles, another = = lightning, and more bibles, and the exit square. = ======================================================= = Level 52: (STNF) ($84) (189 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Shoot down and left, so that you can push the = = first boulder right, and grab the shovel, and = = grab the lightning a bit down and left of the = = shovel. Grab the $84/84, and many music notes, = = and clear the way. 1/5 is hidden in the middle = = of the X. Expose all the travelling toots. 2/5 = = is left of the bottom one. Shoot to the left, = = one square above the bottom, to get rid of that = = phony wall. 3/5 was near the top right, under = = the middle wall, of the three. 4/5 is hidden in = = the wall above the goat. 5/5 is in the bottom = = right. Exit square in the top right, where the = = start was. = ======================================================= = Level 53: (SAVI) ($38) (110 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Push the top boulder right, killing the two = = radiactive men. Grab 1/5 on the top left. Grab = = all the blue money. Make your way to the right = = side, so you can grab the music notes and the = = tooting horn, so you can clear the dirt. Grab = = all 5/5 and go to the exit on the left hand side. = ======================================================= = Level 54: (SSGL) ($76) (345 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Okay, this level is a bit tricky to explain, = = without having to type three pages of details. = = Basically what you have to do is work your way = = from right to left, shooting all the boulders you = = can, and letting the rest fall to the bottom. = = When you finish this level, the bottom should be = = all rocks and the top should be all blank = = squares. There are two things that may or may = = not help you. The square above you can be shot, = = giving you an extra storage square for the brown = = boulder, and in the very top left is a lightning = = square. I work better on this level without = = speed, and I beat it with 22 seconds left on the = = clock. (If this level is glitchy for you, apply = = the IPS patch.) = ======================================================= = Level 55: (HXFG) ($44) (130 Seconds) = ======================================================= = This level is pretty easy. It may take you a = = time or two, depending if you make stupid = = mistakes or not. Start out with getting the 1/5 = = that is right next to you (almost), and work your = = way from there. The point of the boulders is for = = you to use them to squish the men. Don't be = = distracted by having to kill them all. There are = = some travelling toots, which are most helpful for = = the diagonal part on the left (There is one happy = = face hidden in there). Another happy face is on = = the very left section, and is visible. Those = = orange men should be no problem to you, since you = = will move faster than they will. Exit is next to = = the bottom orange man. = ======================================================= = Level 56: (WGWK) ($173) (160 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Bonus Level 12: = = Grab the lightning, then the blue, orange, = = lightning, orange, silver, gold, exit. = ======================================================= = Level 57: (GNTK) ($143) (300 Seconds) = ======================================================= = The trick to this one is grabbing all of the = = money without bumping into enemies. Start off on = = the left side, so that you can get the two 3's, = = also getting the happy faces on the four corners. = = You shouldn't need to use any bombs on the orange = = men. Then tackle the left middle section, which = = is very easy. Then finally the right middle = = section, which is probably the most difficult. = = You need to lay bombs in this area just so that = = they run from you, giving you a clear path to the = = dirt, so you can get the remaining money, and = = 5/5. The exit square is in the middle. If you = = find the right middle section too tricky, try = = laying a bomb one up-right from the entrance dirt = = and running down as far as you can and laying a = = bomb down there. They should leave the area. If = = you need to practice on this section, then clear = = out some of the blue, get the 3's, and then try = = it, so you don't have to get the rest on every = = try. = ======================================================= = Level 58: (UOQC) ($82) (155 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Anyone who's been playing this game for longer = = than five minutes should recognize this board. = = It looks just like level 1. Remember all those = = walls we could destroy just for fun on level 1? = = Well that's where all our happy faces are now = = found. So grab all the money, and start shooting = = the walls. The exit square is near the start. = ======================================================= = Level 59: (XHLY) ($129) (249 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 60: (LIPI) ($151) (185 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 61: (GXRE) ($85) (220 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 62: (DNVR) ($66) (310 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 63: (TSBW) ($94) (160 Seconds) = ======================================================= = If you can beat level 38, you can beat this = = level. There are only four minor differences. = = First, the level is mirrored, but that's to be = = expected, because all the levels past 50 are. = = Second, your start location changes from the = = corner to a couple squares away (which can reach = = that corner within a second basically, with no = = obstacles in the way). Thirdly, the exit = = location has changed from the side dirt (which = = you will still use to get past the Aztec). You = = just now have to move the boulder (LEFT this = = time, because of the mirror), after squishing the = = Aztecs, due to the fact that the exit is there. = = And finally, you start with 50 seconds less than = = you would in level 38. If you're fast, you can = = beat this level with a little bit over 20 = = seconds. Very easy. = ======================================================= = Level 64: (HPXF) ($145) (325 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 65: (SQQF) ($50) (180 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Bonus Level 13: = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 66: (LPOJ) ($65) (155 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 67: (SHFB) ($0) (190 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 68: (QTHK) ($93) (325 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Bonus Level 14: = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 69: (XAFL) ($96) (320 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 70: (ROYH) ($120) (260 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 71: (DTHN) ($55) (300 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 72: (RAPQ) ($90) (321 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 73: (OPBG) ($87) (430 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Bonus Level 15: = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 74: (LJOY) ($60) (155 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 75: (RBFJ) ($135) (290 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 76: (SKGV) ($44) (250 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 77: (SHWJ) ($115) (155 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 78: (JBKP) ($162) (270 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Bonus Level 16: = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 79: (BFAO) ($117) (300 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 80: (DXKO) ($44) (250 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 81: (CIXG) ($45) (440 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 82: (TASX) ($30) (285 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 83: (OBXL) ($92) (234 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 84: (IAZO) ($120) (250 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 85: (ERXK) ($89) (275 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Bonus Level 17: = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 86: (VQAL) ($95) (255 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 87: (BWNB) ($180) (55 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 88: (OCPI) ($168) (300 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 89: (SLPR) ($155) (300 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 90: (MLWJ) ($0) (345 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Bonus Level 18: = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 91: (YRMY) ($0) (190 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 92: (YHDU) ($0) (320 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Very easy level. The only problem is that you = = are limited on time, and so you will have to work = = faster than you normally do. But a lot of time = = may be wasted trying to conserve those bombs in = = the beginning. I had about 8 bombs left over = = when I beat this. Time may be a bit more = = important than trying to conserve a bomb. But = = try to kill the radioactive men in 3 hits without = = wasting time. Then try to shoot the boulders = = that you can, and finally bomb the ones you can't = = grabbing the happy faces along the way. Run to = = the exit at the same place as the start location. = ======================================================= = Level 93: (DZFW) ($1) (150 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 94: (BFTP) ($89) (300 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 95: (DHJV) ($136) (330 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Bonus Level 19: = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 96: (XLFP) ($100) (280 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 97: (IUYS) ($80) (380 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 98: (IBZE) ($72) (333 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 99: (MAMW) ($192) (240 Seconds) = ======================================================= = ======================================================= = Level 100: (NEXG) ($155) (275 Seconds) = ======================================================= = Start this level by quickly grabbing the $8 to = = the right of you and shooting the bird to the = = left of you. Now run to the left of you so that = = you are about halfway between the bottom row and = = the row above that all the way to the question = = mark. As soon as you touch the question mark, = = run right, before the boulder falls and squishes = = you. You should have about $18/155 (20 is = = better). Now grab the $2 and the 2 bibles. To = = the right of the $1 on the right there is a = = hidden blast proof shield, which you don't really = = need. So you can just shoot it so it's exposed = = or whatever. As the orange men walk towards the = = gray boulder on the right, push the gray boulder = = as far right as you can making sure all of them = = get squished. As soon as they get squished go to = = the right of the boulder and push it left so that = = the Aztecs cannot get out. Now grab the rest of = = that money so that you have $28/155 (Although = = $30/155 is much better if you can do it). Now = = run underneath the brown dirt on the far left. = = Shoot up twice and run one square left. The = = brown boulder to the right of you will sit there = = and do nothing until you push it right and stand = = in it's place. Now shoot and move up, up, left, = = left (Getting 2/5), up, left (breaking the wall = = and getting the shovel). Now run right and clear = = that whole section, making sure you leave the two = = 3's and 10 open. Also make sure that you = = destroyed that radioactive door. Once the shovel = = runs out, get the 10, and two 3's. You should = = have 2/5 $28/155 and 16 bombs at this point (And = = maybe about 207 seconds on the clock or so). = = Hidden in the left wall is another blast proof = = shield which will come in handy. In the right = = wall is lightning, which goes great with the = = blast proof shield. Grab the $10 in the middle = = of the three radioactive men, picking up 3/5. = = Now grab the 3, and the $8 next to it. You = = should now have 3/5, $46/155 and 19 bombs. Shoot = = the dirt that the radioactive man appears to be = = patrolling and get the 3. Shoot the boulder and = = try to get as much money by blowing up the money = = weed (remember to shoot the weed before you bomb. = = You should pick up a 1 there. You should now = = have about $64 (AT LEAST 64!) and 17 bombs and = = 127 seconds left. Run out to the main section by = = the lightning and blast proof shield. Quickly = = grab the lightning, the shield, then shoot the = = dirt towards the left, placing a bomb underneath = = the gray boulder as you quickly pick up the two = = $10's. Then shoot as you move in the place up = = the bomb, run left, and ignoring the gold pots, = = shoot the dirt on the farthest left, placing a = = bomb there as you grab those two $10's. Shoot = = and move up and right and grab the happy face in = = the boulder's place. Grab all the pots, making = = sure not to touch the radioactive circles. Now = = grab 5/5 in the bottom right of the main screen = = (where the lightning and shield were). You may = = need to use a few bombs to get it if you don't = = already have it. Assuming you had at least $64 = = before you did the lightning thing, the lightning = = screen should flash. If it didn't, you didn't = = let the money weed grow to it's full potential. = = Currently I only have $153/155, 5/5 questions, 13 = = bombs, and 93 seconds, so I need to replay the = = level, making sure to let the money weed grow = = once or twice. Once the exit screen finally = = flashes, ignore it and get the bonus which is = = under the radioactive square above the Aztec on = = the right. You will need to use three bombs for = = this. I did this with about 68 seconds left on = = the clock that time. = ======================================================= = Bonus Level 20: = ======================================================= = Run up and left, collecting all the money (Though = = I'm not sure why this level is needed if the game = = is over). Get the lightning and collect that = = money. Get the shovel and plow through the money = = weed. Get more money (Playing the song "This is = = the day"), collecting 9 bibles, and finishing the = = level. I can do this with about 5 seconds left = = over. YOU ARE COURAGEOUS, JOSHUA! = ======================================================= = V. Passwords = ======================================================= = Level == Password ============= Level == Password = ======================================================= = 1 == BZRC ============= 2 == CJHK = = 3 == YZJS ============= 4 == YZJS = = 5 == TNZE ============= 6 == BVLW = = 7 == MMLQ ============= 8 == SKST = = 9 == LUZF ============= 10 == CPJC = = 11 == UVYK ============= 12 == KWYX = = 13 == NOTI ============= 14 == ANPG = = 15 == OWQL ============= 16 == FXEE = = 17 == XWJY ============= 18 == KWOV = = 19 == AEUQ ============= 20 == UOFY = = 21 == XDCP ============= 22 == RFDS = = 23 == UWTC ============= 24 == CFGK = = 25 == WVKP ============= 26 == QIJB = = 27 == RJOW ============= 28 == VQCK = = 29 == SMAL ============= 30 == PXYF = = 31 == JFUJ ============= 32 == VAWB = = 33 == RZGA ============= 34 == XHKW = = 35 == GLOT ============= 36 == LYTL = = 37 == FNPF ============= 38 == AYQT = = 39 == ZKDJ ============= 40 == MMNB = = 41 == VJGQ ============= 42 == PBVB = = 43 == SOVS ============= 44 == OAMO = = 45 == CMMT ============= 46 == OCBC = = 47 == CDSF ============= 48 == GBOC = = 49 == BHNN ============= 50 == MUNW = = 51 == NMDH ============= 52 == STNF = = 53 == SAVI ============= 54 == SSGL = = 55 == HXFG ============= 56 == WGWK = = 57 == GNTK ============= 58 == UOQC = = 59 == XHLY ============= 60 == LIPI = = 61 == GXRE ============= 62 == DNVR = = 63 == TSBW ============= 64 == HPXF = = 65 == SQQF ============= 66 == LPOJ = = 67 == SHFB ============= 68 == QTHK = = 69 == XAFL ============= 70 == ROYH = = 71 == DTHN ============= 72 == RAPQ = = 73 == OPBG ============= 74 == LJOY = = 75 == RBFJ ============= 76 == SKGV = = 77 == SHWJ ============= 78 == JBKP = = 79 == BFAO ============= 80 == DXKO = = 81 == CIXG ============= 82 == TASX = = 83 == OBXL ============= 84 == IAZO = = 85 == ERXK ============= 86 == VQAL = = 87 == BWNB ============= 88 == OCPI = = 89 == SLPR ============= 90 == MLWJ = = 91 == YRMY ============= 92 == YHDU = = 93 == DZFW ============= 94 == BFTP = = 95 == DHJV ============= 96 == XLFP = = 97 == IUYS ============= 98 == IBZE = = 99 == MAMW ============= 100 == NEXG = ======================================================= = VI. Questions/Answers = ======================================================= = 1. Joshua was Moses: = = Oldest son = = * Minister, Aide = = Brother = = 2. Joshua was the son of: = = * Nun = = Joseph = = Moses = = 3. Who commanded Joshua to cross the river = = Jordan? = = Moses = = Aaron = = * The Lord = = 4. What were Joshua and the children of Israel = = to do after crossing the river? = = Build a temple = = * Take their inheritance = = Hold a feast = = 5. The territory of Israel was to contain: = = All of England = = * All Hittite land = = All Reubenite land = = 6. How many spies did Joshua send to Jericho? = = One = = * Two = = None = = 7. The spies found refuge with: = = Shittim = = * Rahab = = A King = = 8. The king of Jericho welcomed the spies. = = True = = * False = = 9. Joshua wanted to: = = * Conquer Jericho = = Convert Jericho = = Befriend Jericho = = 10. The king of Jericho ordered Rahab to bring = = the spies to him. = = * True = = False = = 11. Rahab gave up the spies. = = True = = * False = = 12. Rahab hid the spies: = = In the cellar = = * On the roof = = In the furnace = = 13. Rahab made the spies promise to: = = Return = = * Spare her family = = Pay her well = = 14. Rahab's house was part of the City: = = * Wall = = Market place = = 15. The spies were caught. = = True = = * False = = 16. The spies escaped: = = * By rope = = By wagon = = Down a well = = 17. After escaping, the spies hid in the: = = River = = * Mountains = = Sea = = 18. Rahab tied what to her window as protection? = = A white banner = = A red flag = = * A scarlet thread = = 19. In returning to Joshua the spies crossed: = = The Red Sea = = * The river Jordan = = Mt. Sinai = = 20. The spies reported to Joshua that Jericho was = = not in fear of the Israelites. = = True = = * False = = 21. The Israelites set out from ___ to cross the = = Jordan river to Jericho. = = * Shittim = = Midian = = Egypt = = 22. The journey to Jericho was headed by: = = The Canaanites = = * the Levites = = The Hivites = = 23. The Levites carried what ahead of the army? = = The ten commandments = = The sword of the spirit = = * The ark of the covenant = = 24. The priests carrying the ark to Jericho = = stopped to stand: = = At the top of a hill = = * In the river = = 25. The water of the river: = = Rushed around them = = * Stopped flowing = = Carried them across = = 26. The water piled up at a town called: = = * Adam = = Jericho = = Debir = = 27. The people crossed just as they had crossed = = the Red Sea. = = * True = = False = = 28. The people gathered ___ stones from the = = center of the river. = = Four = = Seven = = * Twelve = = 29. They were to hurl these stones at Jericho's = = walls. = = True = = * False = = 30. Joshua set up the stones as a: = = Warning = = * Memorial = = Marker = = 31. About how many went to battle Jericho? = = 20,000 = = * 40,000 = = 60,000 = = 32. The Lord dried up the river to show his favor = = for: = = Moses = = Jericho = = * Joshua = = 33. After crossing Jordan they camped at: = = Debir = = * Gilgal = = Jericho = = 34. After they passed, the river remained = = permanently dry. = = True = = * False = = 35. The river was in flood. = = * True = = False = = 36. The Amorite kings did not hear about the = = river crossing. = = True = = * False = = 37. The Lord made the Amorite kings unafraid. = = True = = * False = = 38. Which did the Israelites celebrate while = = camped in Gilgal headed for Jericho? = = * Passover = = Victory = = Harvest = = 39. The Lord had continued to provide manna until = = then. = = * True = = False = = 40. The Lord stopped the manna because they now = = had food from Canaan. = = * True = = False = = 41. The Lord sent an angel before Joshua attacked = = Jericho. = = * True = = False = = 42. Jericho prepared for the attack by opening = = their gates. = = True = = * False = = 43. The Israelites marched around Jericho for 40 = = days. = = True = = * False = = 44. They marched around with the ark of the = = covenant near the head of the army. = = * True = = False = = 45. The people did not shout until the seventh = = day. = = * True = = False = = 46. Each day they circled the city seven times. = = True = = * False = = 47. The walls of Jericho collapsed as soon as the = = Israelites shouted. = = * True = = False = = 48. The Lord instructed them to spare only Rahab = = and those in her household. = = * True = = False = = 49. The Israelites divided the gold and silver = = amongst themselves. = = True = = * False = = 50. The Israelites took the cattle and sheep for = = themselves. = = True = = * False = = 51. After conquering Jericho the Israelites = = burned it. = = * True = = False = = 52. Rahab was sent to safety but not allowed to = = live with the Israelites. = = True = = * False = = 53. Joshua wanted Jericho rebuilt. = = True = = * False = = 54. Joshua cursed anyone who would try to rebuild = = Jericho. = = * True = = False = = 55. Joshua became famous with the rest of the = = country because of the victory. = = * True = = False = = 56. The Israelites followed the Lord's orders and = = placed all treasure from Jericho in the = = Lord's treasury. = = True = = * False = = 57. Who kept some treasure for himself? = = Joshua = = Carmi = = * Achan = = 58. Where did Joshua next send spies after taking = = Jericho? = = * Ai = = Gibeon = = Libnah = = 59. The spies recommended sending the same number = = of men to take Ai. = = True = = * False = = 60. The Israelites suffered defeat at the hands = = of Ai. = = * True = = False = = 61. About how many Israelites died in the Ai = = defeat? = = * 36 = = 107 = = 1,000 = = 62. Joshua feared that because of the defeat they = = would be: = = A laughing stock = = * Wiped out = = Disheartened = = 63. The Lord told Joshua that they had lost = = because they of them had taken things from = = Jericho. = = * True = = False = = 64. The Lord said they must find the source of = = the theft and: = = * remove it = = Expose it = = Exhile it = = 65. Joshua pointed out the thief among them. = = True = = * False = = 66. The thief was of the tribe of: = = Simeon = = Gad = = * Judah = = 67. Achan would not admit to Joshua that he had = = taken the objects for himself. = = True = = * False = = 68. Which did Achan also steal? = = Iron = = Bronze = = * Clothing = = 69. Achan's punishment was carried out in the: = = * Valley of Achor = = Tabernacle = = Jordan River = = 70. Achan was drowned. = = True = = * False = = 71. Joshua attacked Ai directly after Achan was = = burned. = = True = = * False = = 72. Joshua set up an ambush to the ___ of Ai. = = North = = East = = * West = = 73. Joshua and his men fled to trick Ai. = = * True = = False = = 74. The ambushing men came out after the men of = = Ai went to chase Joshua. = = * True = = False = = 75. The king of Ai was burned in his own palace. = = True = = * False = = 76. How many lived in Ai at the time of the = = attack? = = * 12,000 = = 30,000 = = 107,000 = = 77. The Israelites were not allowed to take = = anything from Ai. = = True = = * False = = 78. Joshua hung the king of Ai on a: = = Rock = = Wall = = * Tree = = 79. The dead king was taken to: = = * Ai = = Jordan = = Jericho = = 80. The Israelites took Ai for themselves to live = = in. = = True = = * False = = 81. What did Joshua build on Mount Ebal? = = A tabernacle = = A town = = * An altar = = 82. Who had commanded the Israelites to build = = this? = = * Moses = = Joseph = = Joshua = = 83. The altar was built of: = = Gold = = Carved stones = = * Natural stones = = 84. Joshua read what to the Israelites at the = = altar? = = The ten commandments = = * The law of Moses = = The history of Israel = = 85. Joshua copied these laws onto: = = Paper = = * Stone = = Ram skin = = 86. The kings west of the Jordan decided to make = = peace with Joshua. = = True = = * False = = 87. The people of Gibeon brought moldy bread to = = Joshua. = = * True = = False = = 88. The people of Gibeon were: = = * Hivites = = Amorites = = Canaanites = = 89. The Hivites told Joshua they came from: = = Nearby = = * Far away = = Egypt = = 90. The Hivites wanted to trick Israel into: = = * A treaty = = War = = A trap = = 91. Joshua made peace with the the Gibeonites = = after asking the Lord. = = True = = * False = = 92. The Gibeonites tricked Joshua because they = = actually: = = Were Canaanites = = * Lived nearby = = Were spies = = 93. The Israelites found out they were tricked = = and they: = = Attacked them = = * Cursed them = = Did nothing = = 94. The curse on the Gibeonites destined them to = = be: = = Woodcutters = = Water carriers = = * Both of the above = = 95. The Gibeonites placed themselves in the hands = = of Israel. = = * True = = False = = 96. The city of Gibeon was: = = Smaller than Ai = = * Greater than Ai = = The size of Ai = = 97. The men of Gibeon were poor fighters. = = True = = * False = = 98. Adoni-zedec was king of: = = Ai = = Gibeon = = * Jerusalem = = 99. Because Gibeon had made peace, the other = = kings decided to: = = * Attack Gibeon = = Make peace = = Flee = = 100. How many kings joined forces to attack and = = punish Gibeon? = = Two = = * Five = = Seven = = 101. Joshua let the kings destroy Gibeon because = = They had lied. = = True = = * False = = 102. Joshua took his entire army to protect = = Gibeon. = = * True = = False = = 103. The Lord hurled ___ at the attacking king's = = Army. = = * Large hailstones = = Lightning = = Locusts = = 104. Which killed more of the attackers of = = Gibeon? = = Sword = = Fire = = * Hail = = 105. The Lord stopped the sun for how long = = because Joshua had asked it? = = * About a whole day = = Seven hours = = A week = = 106. This day was special because the Lord: = = Performed a miracle = = * Did as a man asked = = Stopped the moon = = 107. The five Amorite kings were killed during = = the battle with Israel. = = True = = * False = = 108. They fled to a cave at: = = Gilgal = = * Makkedah = = Beth-horon = = 109. The kings fled even before the battle was = = over. = = * True = = False = = 110. Joshua sealed them in the cave with rocks = = until the battle was done. = = * True = = False = = 111. The five Amorite kings escaped the cave = = during the battle. = = True = = * False = = 112. Joshua removed the kings and had his = = commanders: = = * stand on their necks = = drown them = = release them = = 113. Joshua killed the kings and returned them = = to: = = Their cities = = The Jordan = = * The cave = = 114. After putting the kings into the cave = = Joshua: = = Returned to Gilgal = = Attacked Gibeon = = * Attacked Makkedah = = 115. Joshua did to the king of Makkedah as he had = = done to the king of: = = * Jericho = = Gezer = = Lachish = = 116. After Makkedah Joshua attacked: = = Ai = = Lacish = = * Libnah = = 117. The king of ___ joined with Lachish to fight = = Joshua. = = Hebron = = * Gezer = = Negev = = 118. Joshua also destroyed Eglon, Hebron and = = Horam. = = * True = = False = = 119. After these battles, Joshua and all Israel = = returned to: = = Midian = = Egypt = = * Gilgal = = 120. Israel won these battles because: = = They fought well = = Their enemies were weak = = * The Lord fought for them = = 121. The kings north of the mountains decided to = = surrender. = = True = = * False = = 122. A huge army determined to defeat Israel = = gathered at: = = Gilgal = = * Waters of Merom = = Plains of Sinai = = 123. The soldiers in this army were as plentiful = = as: = = * sand upon the seashore = = The army at Gibeon = = The army of Ai = = 124. Joshua and his army easily defeated them. = = * True = = False = = 125. Which was the head of all of these kingdoms? = = * Hazor = = Madon = = Shimron = = 126. Which people were the only ones to make a = = treaty with Joshua? = = Hivites in Mizpah = = * Hivites in Gibeon = = Anakites in Debir = = 127. Who was originally directed to take the = = land? = = Joshua = = Joseph = = * Moses = = 128. Joshua left nothing undone of all that the = = Lord had commanded Moses. = = * True = = False = = 129. The land was given to Israel as: = = A trophy = = * an inheritance = = 130. Joshua destroyed all Anakims except in: = = Judah, Israel = = Hebron, Debir, Anab = = * Gaza, Gath, Ashdod = = 131. Sihon was king of the Amorites. = = * True = = False = = 132. Who commanded Israel when they defeated Og? = = Joshua = = * Moses = = 133. Moses conquered east of the Jordan and = = Joshua fought on the west. = = * True = = False = = 134. How many kings did Joshua defeat in the time = = following crossing the Jordan? = = 7 = = * 31 = = 84 = = 135. The Lord said that He Himself would drive = = out the Sidonians. = = * True = = False = = 136. The Reubenites and ___ received their = = Inheritance from Moses. = = Simeonites = = * Gadites = = 137. The Israelites did not drive out the people = = of Geshur and Maacah. = = * True = = False = = 138. The tribe of Levi was given no inheritance = = from the conquests. = = * True = = False = = 139. Who took money to talk to the Lord? = = Balak = = Aaron = = * Balaam = = 140. How many cities of Jair were there in = = Bashan? = = 30 = = * 60 = = 72 = = 141. Eleazar was a: = = Soldier = = * Priest = = Merchant = = 142. The Levites were given towns to live in but = = no land to own. = = * True = = False = = 143. Caleb was rewarded for following the Lord = = and given: = = * Hebron = = Zin = = 144. Caleb was how old when he received his land? = = 45 = = 60 = = * 85 = = 145. Caleb was too weak to battle and win his = = land. = = True = = * False = = 146. The western boundary of the land given the = = tribe of Judah was: = = The desert = = The mountains = = * The great sea = = 147. Caleb gave his daughter for marriage to the = = conqueror of Kiriath Sepher. = = * True = = False = = 148. Who married Achsah? = = Sheshai = = * Othniel = = Ahiman = = 149. Achsah asked for what for her land. = = Cattle = = Seed = = * Springs of water = = 150. The tribe of Judah could not drive out the = = Jebusites from Jerusalem. = = * True = = False = = 151. The allotment for Joseph began east of: = = Mt. Sinai = = * The waters of Jericho = = Lower Beth Horon = = 152. Manasseh and Ephraim were the descendants = = of: = = * Joseph = = Joshua = = Makir = = 153. The territory of Ephraim reached all the way = = to the sea. = = * True = = False = = 154. The people of Ephraim drove the Canaanites = = out of Gezer. = = True = = * False = = 155. Who was firstborn of Joseph? = = * Manasseh = = Makir = = Ephraim = = 156. Who was firstborn of Manasseh? = = Manasseh = = * Makir = = Ephraim = = 157. Who had no sons, only daughters? = = Manasseh = = * Zelophehad = = Benjamin = = 158. Who was not one of the daughters of = = Zelophehad? = = Noah = = Hoglah = = * Mary = = 159. The daughters of Zelophehad received no = = inheritance. = = True = = * False = = 160. Because the Canaanites would not leave their = = cities, the Manassites forced them to work. = = * True = = False = = 161. The people of Joseph were not satisfied with = = the hill country of Ephraim. = = * True = = False = = 162. Joshua told them to take the land of the = = Perizzites and the giants of Rephaites. = = * True = = False = = 163. The people of Joseph were afraid because the = = Canaanites of the valley had: = = Many soldiers = = Many horses = = * Iron chariots = = 164. The people of Joseph were few in number. = = True = = * False = = 165. Joshua told them they could defeat the = = Canaanites. = = * True = = False = = 166. After conquering the land, the Israelites = = assembled the tabernacle at: = = Ai = = * Shiloh = = Jericho = = 167. How many Israelite tribes had failed to take = = their inheritance at this time? = = Two = = * Seven = = Twelve = = 168. To divide their land, they wrote = = descriptions of it and Joshua cast lots. = = * True = = False = = 169. Whose lot came up first? = = * Benjamin = = Simeon = = Zebulin = = 170. Naphtali was the last lot cast. = = True = = * False = = 171. Joshua received no inheritance. = = True = = * False = = 172. Joshua asked for: = = * Timnath-serah = = Mt. Ephraim = = Jericho = = 173. The Lord told Joshua to designate: = = Temple cities = = New kings = = * Cities of refuge = = 174. These cities were for those who had = = commited: = = * accidental killings = = adultery = = crimes = = 175. Which was not a city of refuge? = = Kedesh = = Shechem = = * Timnath-serah = = 176. The aliens living with the Israelites could = = not use the cities of refuge. = = True = = * False = = 177. The cities of refuge would hold trials for = = the accused. = = * True = = False = = 178. The Levites descendant from Aaron were given = = ___ towns. = = Twelve = = * Thirteen = = One hundred = = 179. The Levites descendants from Gershon were = = given ___ towns. = = Twelve = = * Thirteen = = One hundred = = 180. The Levites descendant from Merari were = = given ___ towns. = = * Twelve = = Thirteen = = One hundred = = 181. Each town given to the Levites was = = surrounded with land for cattle. = = * True = = False = = 182. How many towns total were given to the = = Levites? = = 38 = = * 48 = = 58 = = 183. The Lord refused to fulfill one of his = = promises to the Israelites. = = True = = * False = = 184. The Reubenites, Gadites, and the half tribe = = of Manasseh permanently settled west of the = = Jordan. = = True = = * False = = 185. They returned as wealthy men to their land = = in Gilead. = = * True = = False = = 186. Who gave them their land in Gilead? = = Joshua = = Joseph = = * Moses = = 187. The Reubenites helped build a temple in = = Geliloth. = = * True = = False = = 188. The Israelites gathered at Shiloh to make = = war because of the temple. = = * True = = False = = 189. Who was sent to find out why the new temple = = was built? = = Joshua = = * Phinehas = = Eleazar = = 190. The Israelites thought this to be an altar = = of rebellion. = = * True = = False = = 191. The Israelites feared the Lord would punish = = whom for the new altar? = = Joshua = = * All of Israel = = Reuben and Gad = = 192. Reuben, Gad, and the half Manasseh said they = = built the temple: = = For burnt offerings = = For sacrifices = = * as a witness = = 193. The heads of the Israelites were not pleased = = with this answer. = = True = = * False = = 194. The temple was allowed to remain as a = = witness to the Lord. = = * True = = False = = 195. This temple was built because of the river = = Jordan. = = * True = = False = = 196. Joshua assembled the tribes of Israel at = = Shechem to review what the Lord had done. = = * True = = False = = 197. The Lord spoke to them through Joshua. = = * True = = False = = 198. The Lord had given them land for which they = = did not: = = * labour = = search = = travel = = 199. The Lord had given them cities they did not: = = fight for = = * build = = know of = = 200. The Lord had given them: = = * vineyards and oliveyards = = orange and lemon groves = = Fields of potatoes = = 201. Joshua told them that they could not serve = = the Lord. = = * True = = False = = 202. Joshua was trying to warn them of their = = sins. = = * True = = False = = 203. The people quickly agreed to: = = Serve other gods = = Leave their land = = * Serve the Lord = = 204. Joshua used what as a witness to their = = promise to serve the Lord? = = A burnt offering = = A lit candle = = * a large stone = = 205. Joshua set the witness stone under the ___ = = near the place of the Lord. = = Altar = = * oak = = Tabernacle = = 206. Joshua died at the age of: = = * 110 = = 930 = = 82 = = 207. Joshua was buried at: = = * Timnath-serah = = Ai = = Gaza = = 208. This was ___ of Mount Gaash. = = * North = = South = = East = = 209. Israel failed to serve the Lord as soon as = = Joshua had died. = = True = = * False = = 210. Joseph's bones were brought from: = = Midian = = Shechem = = * Egypt = = 211. Joseph's bones were buried in: = = * Shechem = = Midian = = Jericho = = 212. Who purchased the land where Joseph's bones = = were buried? = = Simeon = = Aaron = = * Jacob = = 213. Which other important priest died and was = = buried at this time? = = Phinehas = = Aaron = = * Eleazar = = 214. HINT: NUMBERS What was the problem with the = = daughters of Zelophehad? = = * fairness in inheritance = = no inheritance = = no husbands = = 215. If a daughter married outside the tribe = = where would her inheritance go? = = to her clan = = * to his clan = = to the Levites = = 216. Zelophehad's clan was worried because they = = would lose all land given to the daughters = = when they married. = = * True = = False = = 217. The Lord's solution for the daughters was = = that they should: = = not marry = = * marry within their clan = = have no land = = 218. This solution came in the time of: = = * Moses = = Joshua = = 219. HINT: GENESIS Abram was the one originally = = promised the Israelite inheritance. = = * True = = False = = 220. What is one reason he could not take it yet? = = * Amorites might repent = = Amorites sinless = = Amorites too powerful = = 221. HINT: DEUT. The Lord drove people out from = = the promised land because Israel was Holy. = = True = = * False = = 222. The Lord drove them out because of their = = sins and Israel was his tool. = = * True = = False = = 223. HINT: DEUT. Why did the Lord speak to Israel = = Through Joshua and not directly. = = * Israel asked it = = God works that way = = The Lord can't speak = = 224. Cities of Refuge are mentioned only in the = = Book of Joshua. = = True = = * False = = 225. HINT: DEUT. The Lord instructed them to kill = = All inhabitants because if spared they: = = would sin = = * would corrupt Israel = = would take revenge = = 226. HINT: DEUT. No Israelite in the promised = = land can charge another Israelite interest = = on a loan. = = * True = = False = = 227. Cities not belonging to their inheritance = = were to be offered ___ before being = = attacked. = = Gold = = * Peace = = Sacrifices = = 228. In the promised land, it was OK to enter = = another man's vineyard and eat freely from = = it. = = * True = = False = = 229. After the death of Joshua, who were the = = first to fight the Canaanites? = = * Judah and Simeonites = = Judah alone = = Reubenites alone = = 230. HINT: NUMBERS Balaam was a phony and could = = not actually speak to the Lord. = = True = = * False = = 231. Instead of cursing Israel as requested, = = Balaam began to utter: = = Scornful reproaches = = * Blessings = = Warnings to Israel = = 232. Which tribe did not settle east of Jordan? = = Reubenites = = Gadites = = * Simeonites = = 233. Under what did Joshua's spies hide? = = * Flax = = Wheat = = Straw = = 234. The town of Adam was nearest: = = Jericho = = * Zaretan = = Gibeon = = 235. Joshua was tricked. = = * True = = False = = 236. How should Joshua have avoided being tricked = = by the Gibeonites? = = * Ask the Lord = = Send spies = = Test their food = = 237. Ai was closest to: = = Jericho = = * Beth-aven = = Gilgal = = 238. Which did Joshua not do when he heard Ai had = = killed 36 of his men? = = tore his clothes = = fell on his face = = * trust the Lord = = 239. Joshua once regretted crossing the Jordan. = = * True = = False = = 240. Joshua was clever because his second retreat = = from Ai made his first defeat: = = seem unimportant = = * look like a trick = = be forgotten = = 241. About how many ambushed Ai from behind? = = * 5,000 = = 10,000 = = 30,000 = = 242. What did the Lord tell Joshua to use to = = signal the time to Ambush? = = * A spear = = A trumpet = = A shout = = 243. Og was king of Heshbon. = = True = = * False = = 244. The Gibeonites were: = = * Hivites = = Hittites = = Amorites = = 245. No Israelite clan had any difficulty taking = = possession of their land. = = True = = * False = = 246. There were no cities of refuge east of = = Jordan. = = True = = * False = = 247. The Israelites wanted as many altars built = = as possible. = = True = = * False = = 248. The Israelites used both sword and bow. = = * True = = False = = 249. The Reubenites returned to their inheritance = = with very little to carry. = = True = = * False = = 250. How many days after Passover did the Lord = = cease to provide manna? = = * One = = Ten = = Twelve = ======================================================= = VII. Cheats = ======================================================= = There are no real "cheats" to this game. = = However, you can manipulate your computer's = = memory, which can affect any aspect of the game. = = Using a program like FCE Ultra will allow you to = = change a memory byte to a certain offset. For = = example, if you add a cheat to change byte 003E = = to 255, then you will always have 255 ram's = = horns. You will have to disable this code when = = the score is calculated at the end of the level, = = and it counts your bombs left over. Otherwise, = = you will have infinite points, but never complete = = the level. Contact me for any help on this = = section, or for a copy of this game for the = = computer. Information on how to contact me can = = be found in the credits section on the bottom. = ======================================================= = Description == Byte == Offset = = Bombs == 003E == 255 = = Time == 0041 == 002 = = Money == 003F == 255 = = God Speed == 077E == 002 = = Shovel == 077F == 002 = = Happy Faces == 075F == 005 = = Breath of God == 00DE == 002 = = Bibles == 0771 == 009 = = Lives == 002C == 099 = = Single Note == 0046 == 005 = = Double Note == 0045 == 255 = = No Radioactivity == 00B8 == 002 = = Travelling Toot == 00DD == 002 = = Rahab == 0048 == 002 = = Bomb Shield == 004B == 006 = ======================================================= = VIII. Mirrored Levels = ======================================================= = Level A looks similar to level B with the = = exception that level B is mirrored to level A, = = and level B has harder enemies. Information sent = = in by J-Rod (Hellerville@aol.com). = ======================================================= = A == B ============== B == A ============== ======================================================= = 01 == 58 ============== 51 == 11 ============== = 02 == 84 ============== 52 == 09 ============== = 03 == 57 ============== 53 == 04 ============== = 04 == 53 ============== 54 == 15 ============== = 05 == 76 ============== 55 == 10 ============== = 06 == 82 ============== 56 == 33 ============== = 07 == 66 ============== 57 == 03 ============== = 08 == 78 ============== 58 == 01 ============== = 09 == 52 ============== 59 == 20 ============== = 10 == 55 ============== 60 == 12 ============== = 11 == 51 ============== 61 == 25 ============== = 12 == 60 ============== 62 == 47 ============== = 13 == 93 ============== 63 == 38 ============== = 14 == 68 ============== 64 == 32 ============== = 15 == 54 ============== 65 == 29 ============== = 16 == 96 ============== 66 == 07 ============== = 17 == 98 ============== 67 == 21 ============== = 18 == 79 ============== 68 == 14 ============== = 19 == 74 ============== 69 == 22 ============== = 20 == 59 ============== 70 == 34 ============== = 21 == 67 ============== 71 == 23 ============== = 22 == 69 ============== 72 == 24 ============== = 23 == 71 ============== 73 == 35 ============== = 24 == 72 ============== 74 == 19 ============== = 25 == 61 ============== 75 == 49 ============== = 26 == 94 ============== 76 == 05 ============== = 27 == 83 ============== 77 == 45 ============== = 28 == 88 ============== 78 == 08 ============== = 29 == 65 ============== 79 == 18 ============== = 30 == 85 ============== 80 == 42 ============== = 31 == 87 ============== 81 == 43 ============== = 32 == 64 ============== 82 == 06 ============== = 33 == 56 ============== 83 == 27 ============== = 34 == 70 ============== 84 == 02 ============== = 35 == 73 ============== 85 == 30 ============== = 36 == 95 ============== 86 == 37 ============== = 37 == 86 ============== 87 == 31 ============== = 38 == 63 ============== 88 == 28 ============== = 39 == 90 ============== 89 == 40 ============== = 40 == 89 ============== 90 == 39 ============== = 41 == 91 ============== 91 == 41 ============== = 42 == 80 ============== 92 == 50 ============== = 43 == 81 ============== 93 == 13 ============== = 44 == 100 ============== 94 == 26 ============== = 45 == 77 ============== 95 == 36 ============== = 46 == 99 ============== 96 == 16 ============== = 47 == 62 ============== 97 == 48 ============== = 48 == 97 ============== 98 == 17 ============== = 49 == 75 ============== 99 == 46 ============== = 50 == 92 ============== 100 == 44 ============== ======================================================= = IX. Secrets = ======================================================= = ~ Enter in a password for a level number that is = = divisible by 5 and press down until you can = = access level 0 on the level select screen. = = Again, thanks to J-Rod (Hellerville@aol.com)! = = ~ Bonus Level 1 spells "WOW!" = = ~ Level 5 says "JOSH" = = ~ Level 50 says "JERICHO!" = ======================================================= = X. Custom Levels = ======================================================= = Thanks to Curtis Bright (Cbrightguy) and myself, = = you can now create your own levels for Joshua! = = The project is still in beta, but almost = = everything is complete as of version 0.10: = ======================================================= = http://www.geocities.com/brightprojects/joshua/ = = joshua.html (Connect the lines) = ======================================================= = XI. Bonus Levels = ======================================================= = These are the levels which you can find bonus = = levels: = ======================================================= = Bonus == Found Here ========= Bonus == Found Here = = 01 == 02 ========= 11 == 51 = = 02 == 09 ========= 12 == 56 = = 03 == 16 ========= 13 == 65 = = 04 == 19 ========= 14 == 68 = = 05 == 23 ========= 15 == 73 = = 06 == 28 ========= 16 == 78 = = 07 == 32 ========= 17 == 85 = = 08 == 37 ========= 18 == 90 = = 09 == 43 ========= 19 == 95 = = 10 == 48 ========= 20 == 100 = ======================================================= = XII. Maps = ======================================================= = Legend: = ======================================================= = Open Square == == Exit Square == x == = One Bomb == 1 == Three Bombs == 3 == = Ten Bombs == t == Happy Face == H == = Sing Music (More) == u == Double (Farther) == U == = Rahab == h == Enemy Proof == E == = Clock == K == Stopper == p == = Blast Proof == l == Piano == P == = Bible == I == Shovel == V == = Traveling Toot == T == Breath Of Wind == a == = Bonus Exit == X == Iron ($1) == i == = Brass ($3) == b == Silver ($5) == s == = Gold ($10) == g == Shootable Boulder == S == = Brown Boulder == B == Exploding Bird == r == = Gray Boulder == G == Purple Circle == c == = Purple Square == q == Wall == * == = Temporary Wall == ~ == Ram's Horn == m == = Single Dirt == d == Double Dirt == D == = Money Weed == w == Orange Weed == o == = Start Location == J == White Guy == W == = Orange Guy == O == Aztec Man == A == = Radioactive Man == R == Mad Scientist == M == = Gray Carrot == C == Goat == g == ======================================================= = Level 1 = ======================================================= = ******************************** = = * * *H i * Wx* = = * ***** * s * * * i H * iI * = = * *bHb* ~*s** * * ~* W * * = = * *dbd* *UsU* * * * i * = = * *bDb* *UsU* * W * ** * = = * *dbd* *UsU* * W i * *~ * = = * *bDb* *UsU* i * ** W * = = * *dbd* *UsH* * i* i * * = = * **d** **s** * S * ~ i * = = * * * * s * * * i * * = = * * J * H* * * = = ******************************** = ======================================================= = Level 2 = ======================================================= = ******************************** = = * * = = * * = = * * = = * * = = * * = = * * = = * * = = * * = = * * = = * * = = * * = = ******************************** = ======================================================= = Level 20 = ======================================================= = ******************************** = = *~~~W*b~~~*~~~*~~~*b~~*~~~*~H~b* Special Notes: = = *~*T~**b*~*b*~*b*~H**~*~*~~b**~* = = *~b*~~***~*~*b***~*~~~~b*~**~~~* + Represents = = ***b*~*~~~*~*~*~~~*W***~*b~~*~** Start Location = = *b*b*~b~***~*~~~*b*~~b*~***~*~~* Exit Square = = *~~~*~*~~~~bH**~***~*~*~~b*~**~* Single Music = = *~*~~~**b****b~+~b~~~~****b~b*W* Note and = = *~b*****~*b~~~*~*****~~~b*~***~* 10 Ram's Horns = = ***b~~b~OH**~**b~~~b******~*b~~* = = *b*~*******b~~***~***b~~b*~T**~* = = *~~~~b*b~~~~*~~b*~b~~~**~~b*b~~* = = ******************************** = ======================================================= ======================================================= = XIII. Manual = ======================================================= = < > indicates an icon, picture, or graphic. = = { } indicates the author's comments. = = JOSHUA & the Battle of Jericho Instruction Manual = = Wisdom Tree = ======================================================= = The Adventures of Joshua: = ======================================================= = Welcome to the many adventures of Joshua and the = = Battle of Jericho, the inspiring sequel to = = Exodus. This time around you play Joshua as you = = courageously and skillfully battle your way = = through over 100 timed levels of puzzle-driven = = action. And each level has a four-letter code so = = you can save your progress. Hittites, Enemy Kings = = and Amorite Soldiers are all out to get you, but = = with your Mighty Trumpet, the Armor of God and = = the Ark of the Covenant, you will triumph! To = = enhance the excitement, we've included digitized = = speech & sound effects, secret bonus exits & = = levels, and exciting new powers like God Speed, = = Louder Trumpets & the Breath of God. Whether = = you've played Exodus or not, we know you'll enjoy = = this challenging game. And we've also included = = 250 Bible questions that will thoroughly educate = = you on the book of Joshua. Get ready to have fun! = = "There shall not any man be able to stand before = = thee all the days of thy life: as I was with = = Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail = = thee, nor forsake thee. Be strong and of good = = courage: for unto this people shalt thou divide = = an inheritance the land, which I sware unto their = = fathers to give them." Joshua 1:5,6 = ======================================================= = Object of the Game: = ======================================================= = Your goal as Joshua is to see how many levels you = = can complete (while racking up as many points as = = you can) before running out of chances. To = = complete a level, three things are required: = = 1) Collect the 5 Questions = = 2) Fulfill the Lord's Object Quota (Iron, Brass, = = Silver, & Gold) = = 3) Find the Exit = = = = This may seem simple, but there are many = = obstacles and enemies trying to prevent you from = = completing your task. Some levels require = = fighting skills, others require intricate = = planning and puzzle solving, and still others = = require great speed. = ======================================================= = Getting Started: = ======================================================= = This manual is designed to show you how to play = = Joshua on cartridge-based systems* or on = = disk-based systems that are 100% IBM/PC(R) - = = compatible. The game play is virtually identical = = on all systems, but starting the game and = = controlling the game are slightly different on = = each system. Cartridge-Based Systems* Insert the = = Joshua cartridge into the cartridge slot of your = = system and turn the system on. IBM/PC(R) or = = Compatible Joshua requires a minimum of 512K RAM = = on the motherboard and an EGA or VGA card with = = 128K. It has both keyboard and joystick options. = = You may install Joshua to your hard drive, or you = = may play it directly off a floppy drive. To = = install Joshua on your hard drive, place the disk = = (disk 1 of 2 if you are using 5-1/4" disks) into = = the appropriate disk drive. Switch to that drive = = by typing A: or B: and press "ENTER" and then = = type INSTALL and press "ENTER." Continue to = = follow the instructions on the screen. After = = installation is complete, you can play Joshua by = = changing to the Joshua directory (type CD\JOSHUA = = and press "ENTER") and type JOSHUA and press = = "ENTER." To play Joshua off a floppy drive, place = = the disk (disk 1 of 2 if you are using 5-/4" = = disks) into the appropriate disk drive. Switch to = = that drive by typing A: or B: and type JOSHUA and = = press "ENTER." Joshua will automatically go into = = a "Demo" mode within 5 to 10 seconds after the = = title Screen comes up. To stop the demo, simply = = press ENTER. *Cartridge-based systems include = = Nintendo Entertainment System(R), Game Boy(R), = = Super Nintendo Entertainment System(R) and Sega = = Genesis(tm). = ======================================================= = The Controls On Cartridge-Based Systems, a joypad = = is used to control Joshua. On PC or Compatible = = Systems, you have a choice of controlling Joshua = = with either joystick or the keyboard. The game = = will automatically default to joystick mode if = = you have one installed. You can also choose = = joystick or keyboard mode from the OPTIONS Menu. = = This menu can be accessed from the TITLE screen = = or by pressing F1 at any time during game play. = = In the following instructions, the A BUTTON = = refers to Button 1 and the B BUTTON refers to = = Button 2. If you would like to play using the = = keyboard, the appropriate keystrokes will be in = = parenthesis. Moving Around - A joypad allows you = = to move Joshua in any of eight directions = = (PC=Numeric Keypad). Tooting the Trumpet - = = Pressing the A BUTTON (PC=Space Bar, Genesis(tm)= = = C or A BUTTON) allows Joshua to toot his trumpet. = = Dropping Ram's Horns - Pressing the B BUTTON = = (PC=Tab) causes Joshua to drop a Ram's Horn. = = Pausing the Game - Press START (PC=P) to Pause = = Joshua. To unpause the game, press START again = = (PC=any key but P). Starting the Level Over - If = = you get stuck and would like to start the level = = over, press SELECT & START at the same time = = (PC=R, Genesis(tm) = Press Start and then Select = = "Start Level Over" from menu). Additional PC = = keyboard commands: F1: Use this key during game = = play to bring up the OPTIONS Menu. Esc: Quit = = game. = ======================================================= = Let's Begin! From the Title Screen, push the = = JOYPAD up or down to select 1 or 2 players and = = press START. You are now on the first Help = = Screen. To see more Help Screens, press SELECT. = = To begin the game, press START. This brings you = = to the Code Entry Screen. You will need to use = = these codes later to start from where you left = = off. For now, just press START again. This is the = = Level Skip Screen. From here, you can skip levels = = by 5 all the way up to 81. But let's start at = = level 1. Do this by pressing START a final time. = = Joshua is located on the bottom of the screen. = = Use your JOYPAD to move him around and press the = = A BUTTON to toot your trumpet. The Toots (notes) = = that come out are used for clearing paths and = = removing Hittite Citizens. Clear a path in the = = big box on the left and collect all the Brass as = = well as the Question. Then enter the other box = = from the bottom and collect all the silver. Run = = all the way up the line of silver coins. Do not = = hesitate or a Piece of Jericho Wall may fall on = = you. Now toot your trumpet (press the A BUTTON) = = at the Pieces of Jericho Wall and collect the = = question in the lower right. Next, go right and = = collect the Iron. Don't be frightened by the = = Hittite Citizens. They are stuck in patterns = = going in circles. Three Toots will take care of = = them. Make sure you don't get close enough to = = touch them, though. Toot away the other Pieces of = = Jericho Wall and you will find the other = = Questions. Once you have collected all 5 = = questions and you have met the Lord's Objects = = Quota (a quick glance at the Status Bar shows = = your current standing), the screen will flash = = three times. This means the Exit is open. On = = level 1, it is in the top right corner. Walk into = = the Exit and your first level is done! When = = playing Joshua, hands-on experience is the best = = way to learn. However, before you get too = = ambitious, take some time and introduce yourself = = to the objects, enemies and prizes found in the = = game. Note: Pressing START & SELECT at the same = = time allows you to start the level over. (PC=R, = = Genesis(tm) = Press Start and then select "Start = = Level Over" from menu.) = ======================================================= = The Objects: = ======================================================= = Trumpet Toot: This is what Joshua toots when you = = press the A BUTTON. = = Ram's Horn: Dropped by Joshua when the B BUTTON = = is pressed. Blasts a 3x3 region about = = 4 seconds after being dropped. Toots = = and other blasts will set it off = = early. Make sure you are not in the = = radius of the blast! Note: Joshua can = = only drop a Ram's Horn if he has = = picked some up (see PRIZES). To see = = if there are any in stock, look at = = the middle of the Status Bar. = = Lord's Objects: Collect enough of the Lord's = = Objects to meet the quota. The = = Lord's Objects also crush = = enemies. = = Iron: Worth 1 unit. = = Brass: Worth 3 units. = = Silver: Worth 5 units. = = Gold: Worth 10 units. = = {There are pictures for the following objects, = = but most appear to be gray blocks or boulders. = = - jhd7} = = Israelite Discontent: Removed by 1 Toot or 1 = = Ram's Horn / Foreign Idol. = = Achan's Sin: Removed by 2 Toots or 1 Ram's Horn / = = Foreign Idol. = = Piece of Jericho Wall: Removed by 3 Toots or 1 = = Ram's Horn / Foreign Idol. Responds = = to gravity & will crush enemies. Can = = be pushed. = = Piece of Jericho City: Removed only by 2 Ram's = = Horns / Foreign Idols. Responds to = = gravity & will crush enemies. Can be = = pushed. = = Boundaries of Enemy Cities: Cannot be destroyed. = = Respond to gravity & will crush = = enemies. Can be pushed. = = Will also crush Lord's Objects. = = Inheritance Boundaries: Cannot be moved or = = destroyed. = = Temporary Boundaries: Looks like Inheritance = = Boundaries but can be removed with 1 = = Toot. Cannot be moved. = = Foreign Temples: Cannot be moved. Destroyed by 3 = = Ram's Horns / Foreign Idols. Don't = = Touch! Unless you are under the = = protection of the Ark of the = = Covenant or can reach it within 6 = = seconds, Joshua will have to start = = the level over. Reflects Toots. = = Lord's Hail: Same as Foreign Temples but responds = = to gravity & will crush enemies. = = Foreign Idols: If hit with Toot, Foreign Idol = = will blast a 3x3 region similar to the = = Ram's Horn. Also triggered by other = = Foreign Idol or Ram's Horn blasts. = = Responds to gravity and will crush. = = Can be pushed. = = Plotting Gibeonites: Turn into Laboring Gibeonite = = with 1 Toot. Removed by 1 Ram's Horn / = = Foreign Idol. You can spy (walk) = = through this territory with Rahab's = = Help. = = Laboring Gibeonites: 1 Ram's Horn / Foreign Idol = = turns this into Iron. = = Lingering Canaanites: Removed by 1 Ram's Horn / = = Foreign Idol. You can spy (walk) = = through this territory with Rahab's = = Help. = = The Enemies Hittite Citizen: Stopped by 3 Toots = = (100 points), 1 Ram's Horn / Foreign = = Idol (200 points), or a falling = = object (400 points). After being hit = = by the first Toot, he becomes angry = = and speeds up. = = Enemy King: Stopped by 2 Ram's Horns / Foreign = = Idols (500 points), or a falling = = object (1000 points). = = Amorite Soldier: Stopped only by a falling object = = (2000 points). = = Balaam the Soothsayer: Stopped by 1 Ram's Horn / = = Foreign Idol (1500 points), or a = = falling object (3000 points). = = Lying Gibeonite: Stopped by 1 Ram's Horn / = = Foreign Idol (400 points), or a = = falling object (800 points). Pauses if = = hit by Toot. = = Stubborn Gezerite: Stopped by 1 Ram's Horn / = = Foreign Idol (500 points), or a = = falling object (1000 points). If hit = = by Toot, he becomes angry and speeds = = up. = = Enemy Goat: Remains still until you cross his = = path. Removed by 1 Ram's Horn / = = Foreign Idol or a falling object (1000 = = points). = = Doubting God's Plan: This remains invisible until = = you cross it. You are then held = = temporarily still for about 4 seconds. = ======================================================= = The Prizes: = ======================================================= = Bible: 10 Bibles = 1 Extra Joshua play, collect = = Bibles hidden on levels. You also receive = = 1 Bible for each question you answer = = correctly. = = Joshua Question: You must collect all 5 questions = = in order for the Exit to appear. = = Ark of the Covenant: 30 second protection/remedy = = against contact with Foreign Temples and = = Lord's Hail. = = Levite Trumpeter: Allows you to blow more Toots = = at once. Joshua can have up to four Toots = = going at once. = = The Lord's Direction: Each time you pick this up, = = your Toots travel farther. When Joshua has = = to start over, you lose all your previous = = Toot power. = = <1> 1 Ram's Horns: Adds 1 Ram's Horn to Joshua's = = stock. = = <3> 3 Ram's Horns: Adds 3 Ram's Horns to Joshua's = = stock. = = <10> 10 Ram's Horns: Adds 10 Ram's Horns to = = Joshua's stock. = = = = The next 8 prizes are all timed. When picked up, = = music plays and the prize icon appears on the = = Status Bar. The icon flashes when ending. = = = = The Lord's Favor: Joshua will be unharmed by = = enemies for about 20 seconds. = = Armor of God: Joshua receives protection from = = blasts caused by Foreign Idols and Ram's = = Horns. Lasts 20 seconds. = = Freeze Timer: The timer is stopped for 20 = = seconds. = = God Speed: Joshua moves around at twice the = = speed! Lasts 20 seconds. = = Louder Trumpet: Allows Toots to continue clearing = = a path. Hittites, Achan's Sin & Pieces of = = Jericho Wall only take 1 Toot to remove! = = Build up your Toot power (by picking up as = = many Lord's Direction and Levite = = Trumpeters as you can find) and this prize = = becomes very useful. Lasts 20 seconds. = = Shovel: Very Powerful! Lets Joshua shovel through = = virtually all objects. Only lasts 10 = = seconds. = = Breath of God: All enemies stop moving for 20 = = seconds. Joshua can safely remove or pass = = through them at this time. = = Rahab's Help: With the assistance of Rahab, you = = can spy (walk) through both Gibeonite and = = Canaanite territory for 20 seconds. = = Exit Square: Your goal is to get Joshua here, but = = the Exit Square only appears when both the = = Question quota and Lord's Object quota are = = met. On more difficult levels, the Exit = = Square is hidden. = = Bonus Exit Square: This is the passageway to a = = Bonus Level! Only 20 of the 100 levels = = have Bonus Exits and they are hidden very = = well. The Bonus Exit Square appears in = = addition to the normal Exit Square, which = = means the quotas must be met before you = = can find it. = = = = Note: On some levels, you'll notice that when = = Joshua toots Temporary Boundaries or = = Israelite Discontent, they go away only for = = a moment. These squares are used as doors. = = By tooting, Joshua can freely go through = = the door, but the enemies cannot. Demo to = = watch: 38. = ======================================================= = THE QUESTIONS: = ======================================================= = At the end of every level, 5 multiple-choice = = questions relating to the book of Joshua await = = you. The questions are generally in chronological = = order except for a few harder ones on the higher = = levels that delve into other books relating to = = Joshua (hints are provided). For each correct = = answer, you receive a Bible. For every 10 Bibles, = = Joshua receives another chance to play. The more = = chances Joshua has to play, the higher score you = = can achieve. = ======================================================= = THE FINAL 50: = ======================================================= = You may have noticed that levels 51-100 look = = similar to levels 1-50. The similarity ends = = there. Not only are the levels reversed, but in = = most cases, the enemies, prizes and exits are = = relocated. The time limits and quotas have also = = been altered. Great care and planning went into = = making reversed levels play and feel differently = = than the originals, so different strategies are = = often required. = ======================================================= = DEMOS: = ======================================================= = If you stay on the Title Screen and don't press = = any buttons on the controller, the game will go = = into "Demo" mode. Eight levels are automatically = = played to show you different features and = = strategies. If you don't touch the controller, = = the game will eventually demonstrate all of the = = following levels: 29, 31, 38, 44, 48, 75, 86 & = = 93. These demos become important when learning = = Joshua's strategies. = ======================================================= = Strategies: = ======================================================= = The key to any game is to learn different = = strategies and apply them when necessary. The = = following is a starter list of some of the more = = important strategies and playing techniques. = ======================================================= = Note: in this section, the word "object" refers = = to falling objects: = = Piece of Jericho Wall, = = Piece of Jericho City, = = Boundaries of Enemy Cities, = = Lord's Hail, = = Lord's Objects = = & Foreign Idols. = ======================================================= = More Points This Way... = = Most enemies can be removed with Toots or = = Trumpets, but ALL enemies can be removed by = = pushing an object onto or into them. You also get = = a lot more points this way. = = Demos to watch: 38, 86 & 93. = ======================================================= = So There is a Pattern... = = All walking enemies (Hittites, Kings, Amorites & = = Balaam) have predictable patterns. They all = = follow the edge of something in either a = = clockwise or counter- clockwise fashion. They do = = not walk into open black screen areas. = = They always cling to an edge. However if you = = disturb their path (by tooting away Discontent or = = Sin they were clinging to), they will walk = = straight until they find another "wall" to = = follow. If you pay attention to what pattern they = = follow, it makes it easier to avoid them or trap = = them... = ======================================================= = Skills of a Trapper... = = One way to get walking enemies out of your way is = = to fool them into circling an area over and over. = = Their is no clear way to describe the art of = = trapping enemies, so to make things much simpler, = = watch demo 75. = ======================================================= = Use Your Strength! = = If you are directly under or to the side of an = = object BEFORE it starts moving, it will not fall = = on you. This is a very important strategy that = = can be used on any level. = = Demos to watch: 29 & 48. = ======================================================= = Drop your Horns Wisely... = = When using Ram's Horns to clear a path or turn = = Laboring Gibeonites objects into Iron, place them = = strategically. Remember, the blast from a Ram's = = Horn makes a 3x3 square. So if you have three = = Laboring Gibeonites objects in a row. Place a = = Ram's Horn in the middle of the three. That way = = one blast gets them all. Demo to watch: 44. = ======================================================= = Codes & Skipping Levels: = = Before any level starts, a four-letter code is = = displayed on the screen. If you wish to stop = = playing and continue on that level at a later = = time, write down the code. When you restart the = = game, the first screen after the Title and Help = = screen is the Code Entry Screen. Use the JOYPAD = = to enter your code. UP & DOWN cycle through the = = alphabet. LEFT & RIGHT move from one position to = = the next. Pressing A or B registers the letter. = = When your code is entered correctly, press START. = = If you wish to play levels you have not reached = = yet, the next screen that comes up allows you to = = skip levels in increments of five. Push UP to = = skip ahead and push DOWN to skip back. When you = = see a level you want to play, press START, A or = = B. = ======================================================= = Status Bar: = = Depending on what system you're playing Joshua = = on, the status bar will be arranged differently. = = However, they all contain the following items: = = Level Number, = = Horns Remaining, = = Lord's Favor Active, = = Questions Remaining, = = Object Quota, = = Rahab's Help, = = Active Bibles Collected, = = Time Remaining, = = Ark Active, = = Joshua Plays Left, = = Armor Active, = = God Speed Active, = = Loud Trumpet Active, = = Breath of God Active, = = Shovel Active = ======================================================= = IF YOUR GAME DOESN'T WORK: = ======================================================= = Nintendo Entertainment System(R): = = Insert cartridge in and out of the system several = = times to make sure all connections are clean. If = = after inserting this cartridge in your system, = = the TV screenproceeds to flash on and off for = = more than 9 times, you may get an immediate = = exchange by exercising the steps below. = = Game Boy(R) or Sega Genesis(tm): = = Insert cartridge in and out of the system several = = times to make sure all connections are clean. If = = cartridge still fails to work, you may get an = = immediate exchange by exercising the steps below. = = IBM/PC(R) or Compatible: = = Check to make sure your computer system meets the = = minimum requirements listed on the back of the = = box. This game will not run on monochrome or CGA = = systems. You must have EGA or VGA. Although this = = software has been thoroughly tested on numerous = = manufacturers' systems and video cards, it is not = = possible to keep up-to-date with all hardware = = currently available. This software is designed to = = work with hardware that is 100% = = IBM(R)-compatible. There are a few cases where an = = updated version of software may better meet your = = system's setup. However, if the software still = = fails to work, you may get an immediate exchange = = by exercising the steps below. = ======================================================= = RETURNING YOUR CARTRIDGE / SOFTWARE: = ======================================================= = 1. If your cartridge/software still fails to = = work, then call either 1 (800) 77-BIBLE or (714) = = 528-3456 in the USA or Canada for an RMA# (Return = = Merchandise Authorization No.). The 800 PHONE = = NUMBER IS NOT INTENDED FOR GAME TIPS. For game = = tips, call (714) 993-6515. You will be charged = = $.75/min. = = 2. Return the cartridge/software in its original = = box, freight prepaid, with a copy of your sales = = receipt to the following address with the RMA# on = = the box, with the 90-day warranty period. = = = = WISDOM TREE, INC., Customer Service, = = 2700 E. Imperial Hwy., Bldg A, = = Brea, CA 92621 = = = = PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THE CARTRIDGE/SOFTWARE TO = = THE STORE. ...where it was originally purchased. = = Your game system may require a special cartridge = = or software. We will gladly exchange your = = cartridge/software and express it to you. = ======================================================= = Joshua Evaluation Sheet = ======================================================= = Game System Used On: = = NES(R) PC Game Boy(R) Genesis(tm) Super NES(R) = = Please rate the following: = = Excellent Fair Poor = = Entertainment: = = A B C D F = = Education: = = A B C D F = = Biblical Accuracy: = = A B C D F = = Challenge: = = A B C D F = = Graphics: = = A B C D F = = Sound: = = A B C D F = = How did you find out about Joshua? = = Magazine Radio Newspaper Television Church = = Sunday School Catalog Youth group Bookstore = = Friend Ad Other: ______ = = When did you purchase Joshua? __/__/____ = = What did you like most about Joshua? __________ = = What did you like least about Joshua? _________ = = What suggestions do you have for a Wisdom Tree = = video game? ___________________________________ = = Would you buy another Wisdom Tree video game? = = Yes _____ No _____ = = If not, why? __________________________________ = = What game systems do you own? = = NES(R) Game Boy(R) Super NES(R) IBM/PC(R) = = Macintosh(R) Atari(R) Sega Genesis(tm) = = TurboGrafx(tm) Lynx(tm) Game Gear(tm) = = Other: ________________ = = Name: _________________ = = Phone: (___) ___ - ____ = = Age: ____ = = Address: ______________________________________ = = = = Please check here if you would like to receive = = more information on Wisdom Tree's line of video = = games based on the Bible. __ = = = = Please write us with your comments and = = suggestions. = = Send to: = = = = Wisdom Tree, Inc. = = 2700 E. Imperial Hwy., Bldg. A = = Brea, CA 92621 = ======================================================= = NES, Game Boy, Super NES, IBM/PC, Macintosh, = = Atari, TurboGrafx, GameGear, and Sega Genesis are = = trademarks of their respective companies, and = = Wisdom Tree, Inc. is not related to nor endorsed = = by them. = ======================================================= = 90 DAY LIMITED WARRANTY {Legalese} COMPLIANCE = = WITH FCC REGULATIONS {More legalese} Copyright = = (C) 1993 Wisdom Tree, Inc. Nintendo Entertainment = = System, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Game = = Boy, IBM/PC, and Sega Genesis are trademarks of = = their respective companies, and Wisdom Tree, Inc. = = is not related to nor endorsed by them. = ======================================================= = XIV. Credits = ======================================================= = ~ I credit myself for sending in the majority of = = the information listed above. To contact me, = = email me at archnsox@aol.com. = = ~ Secondly, I must credit those who made this = = game possible, specifically Color Dreams, and = = even more specifically, Wisdom Tree. = = (http://www.christianlink.com/media/wisdom) = = ~ Huge shoutout to Curtis Bright = = (c_brightguy@hotmail.com) for creating a = = Joshua editor, and for your contributions. = = ~ Thanks to J-Rod (Hellerville@aol.com) = = for his contributions. = = ~ Thanks to every site who hosts me, and = = especially those who credit me. = = ~ Thanks to = = http://www.gamersgraveyard.com/repository = = for providing the instruction manual to the = = game. = = ~ Thanks to jhd7@lazerlink.com = = for writing the manual! = = ~ Thanks to the following sites who have hosted = = me: = = http://www.gamefaqs.com = = http://www.gamewinners.com = = http://www.planetnintendo.com = = http://www.gamespot.com = = http://faqs.ign.com = = http://www.cheatshintshackscodes.com = = http://www.infinitecodes.com = = http://www.monstercheats.com = = http://www.pimpcheats.com = = http://www.xboxcheatworld.com = = http://www.cheatalliance.com = = http://gamecube-cheatcodes.com = = http://www.coolcheatsandtips.com = = http://www.myplaystation2cheats.com = = http://www.speedycodes.com = =======================================================