Kamen Rider SD - Hashire! Mighty Riders FAQ/Strategy Guide By C. Marsh E-mail: jellysoup at gmail dot com GameFAQs: jelly soup Backloggery: JellySoup Copyright 2010 - 2015 C. Marsh You are currently viewing Version 2.0. This guide was produced as part of the GameFAQs Gameboy/Color Completion Project, which can be found here: http://www.gameboycp.webs.com/ ============================================================================== Table of Contents ============================================================================== 1. Copyright Info 2. Controls 3. General Information 4. Obstacles & Advice 5. Mode Explanation 6. Rider Information If you'd like to jump to a particular section or already know what you're looking for, you can make use of your browsers search function by pushing [Ctrl] + F, then entering the name of the specific item or section you're trying to find. ============================================================================== 1. - Copyright Info ============================================================================== This document may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any website or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other website or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Do not copy or alter this guide, and do not present it as your own. The newest version of this text file can always be found at GameFAQs.com. ============================================================================== 2. - Controls ============================================================================== D-Pad Left/Right - Moves bike left and right. D-Pad Up/Down - Scrolls screen up or down. A Button - Make selections, accelerate bike, deploy shield if the player has one. B Button - Kick Start Button - Make selections. Select Button - N/A ============================================================================== 3. - General Information ============================================================================== This is a racing game, in the same vein as Mach Rider and Spy Hunter. The goal to get from point A to point B as quickly as possible while aslo avoiding or defeating as many obstacles and enemies as possible. The right half of the screen consists of a two meter display, one marked F -> E, the other marked S -> G. The F meter indicates your bikes fuel, which drops a bit every time the player hits an obstacle. When the meter reaches empty (E), it's game over. The S meter measures how much farther it is from the players current position to the goal (G), beginning from the start (S). Naturally, the meter will decrease as the goal line is draws closer and the race is completed after crossing it. For the most part, a direct strategy isn't neccesary to beat the game, outside of 'don't run into stuff'. The AI is rather bland, in that it normally reacts only when the player is in direct attacking range and otherwise displays no further strategy. This guide serves less as an 'walkthrough' and more of a general list of the various things the game will throw at the player and how best to deal with them. ============================================================================== 4. - Obstacles & Advice ============================================================================== -Enemies- Other Bikes The most plentiful enemy. When they come on screen, they generally stay in the same lane until either passed or defeated. There are two variations: -Single - One rider, one bike. Either speed past them or get up close time a kick to knock them off the road. They will sometimes kick back if you take too long and will rarely try to follow you into other lanes. The best course of action is to speed past them when able and kick them when avoiding isn't possible. -Double - Two riders, one bike & sidecar. These ones tend to try and run your Rider off the road slightly less rarely than the singles. Due to the sidecar making them heavier, they can't be kicked off the road. Best to try and speed past them. Shocker Tanks The most moble enemy. They take up a large amount of space, move faster than bikes and can't be kicked off the road. What they normally try to do is get in front of your Rider and drop mines that explode on impact. Once you're directly next to them, they move quickly to try and ram. Both the mines and the ramming cause significant damage. The only real way to deal with the tank is to try and speed around it once it comes on screen. Jets Jets can't actually be run into. As you're racing, the shadows of passing jets will be seen on the road. Sometimes jets will drop bombs on the track, dealing heavy damage. In my experience, they don't do this often, but it's worth trying to dodge the shadows if able. -Obstacles- Oil Slicks Do no damage and have a nasty habit of blending in with jet shadows. They make you lose control of your Rider for a moment and are normally found near or on tight corners. Avoid if possible. Dirt Patches Causes a moments slow down and nothing else. These are normally not an issue unless you're in Grand Prix mode or have just passed an enemy in the same lane. Jump Ramps Causes your Rider to accelerate and jump a large portion of track. Great for getting to the goal faster and skipping past walls of enemies. There are a few times where they will be placed in such a way that being slammed into the side of the track is unavoidable, causing a slow down and slight damage. There are also times in the higher difficulty tracks where the ramps are required to get over large bodies of water. Speed Arrows Provides a sudden burst of speed, about four seconds long. -Power Ups- Fire Ball A little black ball with an F on it. Touching it turns your Rider into an invincible ball of high speed fire for about 20 seconds. In most cases, this can end a race in half the time it would normally take. Sadly, the kick ability is disabled and enemies aren't knocked off the road despite the high speed. It has been suggested that this is an error, as you won't always take damange from these high speed collisions. Shield Ball A little black ball with an S on it. Touching it will give the Rider a shield that can be deployed at any tiem by pressing B. The shield lasts about 20 seconds and makes the Rider invincible to everything but walls, which still cause minor damage. The kick ability is disabled while the shield is up. ============================================================================== 5. - Mode Explanation ============================================================================== Relay Race Pick one of three sets of three Riders. Each Rider has his own track to run, the goal being to get to the end and tag the next Rider in the set. There is no time limit, however if a Rider is defeated, the game will be over. Grand Prix Pick one Rider and then race to the finish against other Riders and Shocker minions. Finishing first place is required or it's game over. 2P Mode Basically a Grand Prix mode for just two players. Contains a sub-mode that removes all NPCs and obstacles. ============================================================================== 6. - Rider Information ============================================================================== Just as a point of interesting information, I thought I'd identify each playable Rider. Starting left to right on the Grand Prix selection screen: Row 1 Kamen Rider 1 Kamen Rider 2 Kamen Rider V3 Kamen Rider Riderman Kamen Rider X Row 2 Kamen Rider Amazon Kamen Rider Stronger Kamen Rider Skyrider Kamen Rider Super-J Kamen Rider ZX ============================================================================== End of Document.