_ __ _ _ _ | |/ / (_) _ __ | |__ _ _ ( ) ___ | ' / | | | '__| | '_ \ | | | | |/ / __| | . \ | | | | | |_) | | |_| | \__ \ |_|\_\ |_| |_| |_.__/ \__, | |___/ |___/ ____ _ _ _ _ _ | __ ) | | ___ ___ | | __ | |__ __ _ | | | | | _ \ | | / _ \ / __| | |/ / | '_ \ / _` | | | | | | |_) | | | | (_) | | (__ | < | |_) | | (_| | | | | | |____/ |_| \___/ \___| |_|\_\ |_.__/ \__,_| |_| |_| _______ ************************** / \ * Release Date: May 1996 * / 0 0 \ * System: Gameboy * / | __ | \ ************************** \__/ \/ \_/ |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| \_______/ |_|_|_| \_/ \_/ O *====* ******************************************************************************** * Written By: KindarSpirit (kindarspirit@yahoo.com) * * Website: Kirby's Rainbow Resort (http://www.classicgaming.com/kirby * * * * Created: 9.21.03 * * Updated: 9.23.03 * * Version: Final * * * * * * This FAQ is free to post on websites, HTMLize.. whatever you want to do with * * it. Just as long as the actual text is not altered in anyway. Thanks! =D * ******************************************************************************** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BLOCKBALL BLOOPER! Did you know? In the instruction booklet that comes with the game, it shows pictures of Waddle Doo and Sir Pengy on Page 17? It lists them as Characters in the game... but kinda strange since those enemies don't even appear in the game! In addition, the Propeller in the picture is shown as being angry - something it never does in the game. Maybe the booklet was rushed to be printed and cut and pasted from other Kirby pics? See a picture of them in the booklet here! http://www.classicgaming.com/kirby/games/blockball/page16and17.gif -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | \ _ / -= (_) =- / \ _\/_ | //o\ _\/_ _ ___ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ | __/o\\ _ =-=-_=-=-_=-=_=-_=_=-_=-_-_=_=-= _=_=-=_,-'|"'""-|-,_ =- _=-=-_=- _=-= _--_ =-= -_=-=_-=_,-" | =- =- =-= =- = - -===- -= -= ." jgs ---------------------------- | C O N T E N T S | ---------------------------- \/ \/ ,O, 1. Story ,OOO, 2. Controls 'oooooOOOOOooooo' 3. Items `OOOOOOOOOOO` 4. Abilities `OOOOOOO` 5. Blocks OOOO'OOOO 6. Enemies OOO' 'OOO 7. Level Guide O' 'O 8. Bosses 9. Bonus Games 10. Secrets and Codes 11. Closing / Thanks **************************************************************************** 1. Story **************************************************************************** From the Kirby's Blockball Instruction Booklet: Welcome to Kirby's Block Ball In this adventure, Kirby takes centre stage in a frenzied, block-clearing free for all! Through the positioning of the paddle, you send a ball into the playing field and clear a variety of blocks, with the goal of establishing a high score! After facing familiar enemies, Kirby must confront his arch-nemesis, King Dedede! It will not be an easy task... Use the four abilities and the Kirby Power Bounce Wisely! Good luck, Kirby! **************************************************************************** 2. Controls **************************************************************************** CONTROLLER FUNCTIONS +Control Pad * Move the paddle * Move the cursor on SELECT FILE and MAP screens. (pages 8 and 9) SELECT * Return to the map screen. Press SELECT while PAUSED to return to the map screen. You may only move to completed stages, however. B BUTTON * Activate an ability (page 7) A BUTTON * Kirby Power Bounce The paddle alters its shape to create the Kirby Power Bounce. The ball becomes much more powerful. * Launching the Ball A moving arrow appears, indicating the direction the ball will travel when launched by pressing the A Button. START * Pause Interrupt game play. **************************************************************************** 3. Items **************************************************************************** Notes: - All items are obtainable only by enemies EXCEPT Replica ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item: Apple Description: Worth 1000 pts Get it from: Get it from most non-item or ability enemies. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item: Candy Description: Worth 1500 pts Get it from: Get it from most non-item or ability enemies. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item: Cake Description: Worth 2000 pts Get it from: Get it from most non-item or ability enemies. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item: Crash Description: When you receive crash by knocking into an enemy, it will erase all blocks normally indestructable. Get it from: Scarfy, Gordo, Kaboomba, Climber Guy, Togezo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item: Changer Description: When you receive changer by knocking into an enemy, it will allow you to choose what ability you'd like. Sweeeet! Get it from: Propeller, Bouncy ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item: Flip Description: When you receive flip by knocking into an enemy, it will change all blocks into their opposite. For example, all blocks requiring one hit, will now need two. Can be good and bad. Get it from: Booler, Blocky, Mumbies, Mr. UFO, Chilly, Wheelie, Whirlwind ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item: Replica Description: When you receive replica by knocking into an enemy, it will change all blocks into their opposite. For example, all blocks requiring one hit, will now need two. Can be good and bad. Get it from: Chucky Found openly in levels - 4-1, 8-1 **************************************************************************** 4. Abilities **************************************************************************** Note: - There are four abilities in total. - Only one enemy in the game carries one of the 4 abilities in the game. - Enemies who carry changers (Bouncy and Propeller) let you choose one of the four abilities of your choice. FOR CLARITY: You can get any ability of your choice from a changer. Bouncy and Propeller hold the only changers in the game. Find them in levels: Bouncy: (9-1, 10-2, 11-1) Propeller: (10-1, 11-2, 11-5, 11-6) In order of appearance: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ability: Spark Description: Spark is the first ability you get to use, and it makes the levels instantly easier. You can go in any direction taking blocks out at full power. Get it from: Sparky, Changer Item Found in: 3-1 Changers: 9-1, 10-1, 10-2, 11-1, 11-2, 11-5, 11-6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ability: Stone Description: Stone is great when you can easily reach the top of the level, as you can slam right down taking everything out. The only direction it goes is down. Get it from: Rocky, Changer Item Found in: 5-1, 5-2, 5-3, 11-4 Changers: 9-1, 10-1, 10-2, 11-1, 11-2, 11-5, 11-6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ability: Needle Description: Fun to use as you can go any direction while using it. It knocks out blocks with ease. Use it as Kirby hits your paddle to have him stick it so you can shoot again! Get it from: Spikey, Changer Item Found in: 7-1, 7-2 Changers: 9-1, 10-1, 10-2, 11-1, 11-2, 11-5, 11-6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ability: Burn Description: This ability is real good against bosses, as you can use it over and over for several hits at once. The only direction it goes is up however. Get it from: Flameye, Changer Item Found in: Flameye 8-1, 8-2 Changers: 9-1, 10-1, 10-2, 11-1, 11-2, 11-5, 11-6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- **************************************************************************** 5. Blocks **************************************************************************** Block: Star Blocks Description: Found in Target Shooting Areas (Found Every 4th level of a stage and 11-3, 11-4, 11-5, 11-6) These star blocks are for you to collect at will for the boss at the end of the stage. The more you have, the more spikes that will be covered with them. Once the star block is hit by an enemy or your own ball, it will disappear. Very useful. Hits: x1 Points: n/a ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block: Switch Blocks Description: (Found in 1-3, 2-2, 3-2, 3-3, 4-2, 4-3, 5-2, 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 7-1, 7-2, 7-3, 8-1, 8-2, 8-3, 9-3, 10-2, 10-3) Small, rectangular blocks with stars on them. These blocks can be useful or damaging to your score (depending on how good you are at the bonus round). Grab the switch block (or if there is two you need to grab both) to start the bonus round. Once you have collected them all, they turn all destructible blocks into through blocks (see below). Hits: x1 Points: 500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block: Through Block Description: When a bonus round is activated by a switch block (above), all destructable blocks are turns into through blocks. Collect them all to get the bonus. Just miss one and all the blocks you've collected (and destroyed) are worth nothing - ouch! Hits: x1 Points: However many collect x500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block: Score Block Description: These blocky boxes with stars on them are worth good points and are either fully visible, or only revealed when you bump into them. Hit the block the 7th time with an ability and get a 1-up! Hits: x7 Points: 5500 (1-UP if hit last time with an ability) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block: White Boxes Description: White boxes that upon hitting once, reveal four smaller pieces. Hits: x5 Points: 400 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block: Grey Boxes Description: Grey Boxes that upon hitting twice, reveal four smaller pieces. Hits: x6 Points: 400 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block: Small Pieces Description: Any color, any hit damage. Hits: x1 (White) x2 (Grey) Points: 50 (White) 150 (Grey) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block: Power Block Description: These dark gray blocks can only be destroyed with Kirby's power bounce ability (hitting A as Kirby hits the paddle). They will just gleam if you heat them otherwise. Hits: x1 Power Bounce only Points: 500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block: Pinball Block Description: They look like smiley suns or flowers. Run into them and they will bounce you in the other direction real fast. Cannot be destroyed. If you use an ability as you touch it, will have no effect on you. Hits: n/a Points: n/a ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block: Ability Block Description: They look like rectangles or tiny boxes with a slot or hole in them slighty. Can only be beaten with an ability. If you don't have an ability, they can make the level harder. Hits: x1 Ability Only Points: 500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block: Warpstar Description: These can take you to bonus stages. The bigger warp stars take you to boss levels. For more info on where to find the the warpstar for bonus levels, check out the level guide later on in this guide. Hits: n/a Points: n/a ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- **************************************************************************** 6. Enemies **************************************************************************** Notes: - All enemies generally take only one hit to defeat unless otherwise noted. In Alphabetical Od ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Birdy Description: A fluttering bird Items: Food Item Where to find: 3-2, 6-1, 9-3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Blipper Description: A flopping fish Items: Food Item Where to find: 2-1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Blocky Description: A walking rock. Hit 3x Items: Flip Where to find: 4-1, 11-1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Booler Description: A ghost that floats around, sticking its tongue out! Items: Flip Where to find: 2-3, 10-1, 11-2, 11-5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Bouncy Description: A cute little bouncy spring with a bow on her head Items: Changer Where to find: 9-1, 10-2, 11-1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Bronto Burt Description: A winged creature with a grumpy expression Items: Food Item Where to find: 1-1, 1-2, 10-3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Broom Hatter Description: A little witch who is always found sweeping Items: Food Item Where to find: 1-3, 5-1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Cappy (Mini) Description: A little mushroom who hides under his cap. Hit x3 Items: Warpstar to Stage 1 Boss Where to find: 1-4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Chilly Description: An Icy Snowman. Hit x2. Items: Flip Where to find: 7-3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Chucky Description: A silly guy with crooked eyes and his tongue hanging out. Hit x4-5 Items: Replica Where to find: 4-3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Climber Guy Description: A strange climbing creature. Hit x2 Items: Crash Where to find: 11-4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Flameye Description: A fiery eyeball Items: Burn Ability Where to find: 8-1, 8-2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Glunk Description: A sea anemone that is full of steam Items: Food Item Where to find: 2-1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Gordo Description: A grumpy spiky ball. Hit 3x Items: Crash Where to find: 6-1, 6-2, 9-2, 11-3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Kabu (Mini) Description: A head that spins around Items: Warpstar to Stage 3 Boss Where to find: 3-4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Kaboola (Mini) Description: A mini hot air balloon Items: Warpstar to Stage 9 Boss Where to find: 9-4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Kaboomba Description: A bomb with a skull on it. Items: Crash Where to find: 8-2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Kracko (Mini) Description: A small little cloudy eye Items: Warpstar to Stage 7 Boss Where to find: 7-4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Mr. Shine (Mini) Description: A not so happy moon. Hit x4-5 Items: Warpstar to Stage 5 Boss Where to find: 5-4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Mr. Frosty (Mini) Description: Awww, a cute Walrus with overalls! Hit x4-5 Items: Warpstar to Stage 6 Boss Where to find: 6-4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Mr. UFO Description: Unidentified Flying Object. Well what else can I say? ;D Items: Flip Where to find: 11-3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Mumbies Description: Creepy eyes with bandages Items: Flip Where to find: 10-2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Poppy Bros. Jr. Description: A cute little elf creature Hit x4-5 Items: Warpstar to Stage 4 Boss Where to find: 4-4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Propellar Description: A smiling propellar Items: Changer Where to find: 10-1, 11-2, 11-5, 11-6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Robot (Mini) *OFFICIAL NAME UNKNOWN* Description: A weird robot head with blobby arms Items: Warpstar to Stage 10 Boss Where to find: 10-4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Rocky Description: A mean looking rock Items: Stone Ability Where to find: 5-1, 5-2, 5-3, 11-4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Scarfy Description: A smily flying creature. Items: Crash Where to find: 6-3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Shelkoo Description: A hermit crab Items: Food Item Where to find: 2-2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Sir Slippy Description: A stately frog Items: Food Item Where to find: 2-2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Sparky Description: A blob that is packed with electrical charge Items: Spark Ability Where to find: 3-1, 3-2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Spikey Description: A cute hedgehog Items: Needle Ability Where to find: 7-1, 7-2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Squishy Description: A squid Items: Warpstar to Stage 2 Boss Where to find: 2-4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Togezo Description: A smiling block with two spikes coming out of his head Items: Crash Where to find: 10-3, 11-6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Waddle Dee Description: A fellow who just hops around merrily Items: Food Item Where to find: 1-1, 4-2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Wheelie Description: A tire ready to burn rubber Items: Flip Where to find: 3-3, 4-3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Whirl Wind Description: A tornado just waiting to happen Items: Flip Where to find: 5-3, 8-3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy: Whispy Woods Jr. (Mini) Description: A little smiling tree. Items: Warpstar to Stage 8 Boss Where to find: 8-4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- **************************************************************************** 7. Level Guide **************************************************************************** While playing, you'll find this information on your screen: Remaining # of balls - At the beginning of each stage, you have four balls in your inventory. If this number reaches zero, the game is over. When a stage is completed, each remaining ball is worth 1000 points. Number of star blocks - This indicates the number of Star Blocks aquired in the stage. Star Blocks cover spikes in the Boss Area only. When a Star Block is hit it disappears. Ability Window - This window displays the status of Kirby's current ability Normal Spark Burn Needle Stone Score - The score in a stage begins at zero, and is tallied here. The first through fourth highest ranking scores in each stage will be saved (see page 18). Gutter - If you hit a spike, the ball is lost Paddle - Move the paddle to bounce the ball back into the playing screen. The paddle becomes bigger when the A Button is pressed. Cursor - Use the cursor to select the direction the ball will be launched. Stage # - The current stage number and round is displayed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Each stage is split into five levels: (Except Level 11) Levels 1-3 = Block Area ----------------------- Here you just hit the blocks, get points to meet the borderline, go to bonus levels, complete bonus rounds and get abilities. Level 4 = Target shooting Area ------------------------------ Here you just try and grab all the star blocks and knock out the Warpstar guardian of the stage. Once you hit the guardian, a warpstar will appear to take you to the boss. Level 5 = Boss Area ------------------- Here you battle the final boss of the stage and advance to the next. Notes: - Kirby's Blockball is really just a game of skill. There are no definite strategies to make you a better player - all I can offer are some tips, what to expect and other tips. - As you are playing the stages, there are three status types of your level on the world map. A circle means you have not played the stage yet, a star means you have completed it and a flag means you have cleared the borderline. - Each stage has a borderline to meet - this is a score set for you to beat in order to complete the stage 100% - Level 11 is only accessible AFTER you get all the other 10 stages' borderlines. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STAGE 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Borderline: 120,000 Bonus Round Warp Star: Level 2 ------------------------------------------------ Level: 1 Enemies: Waddle Dee, Bronto Burt Special Blocks: n/a Abilities: n/a Items: n/a Very straighforward level. Just hit the blocks. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level: 2 Enemies: Bronto Burt Special Blocks: n/a Abilities: Bonus Warpstar Items: n/a Find the warpstar in the very middle gap ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level: 3 Enemies: Broomhatter Special Blocks: Switch block Items: n/a ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level: 4 Enemies: Cappy (Mini) Special Blocks: Star blocks Items: Warpstar Hit Cappy several times to get the warpster to the boss. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Stage 1 Boss: Cappy ------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STAGE 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Borderline: 120,000 Bonus Round Warp Star: Level 2 ------------------------------------------------ Level: 1 Enemies: Blipper (x2), Glunk Special Blocks: n/a Abilities: n/a Items: n/a ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level: 2 Enemies: Sir Slippy, Shelkoo Special Blocks: Switch block Abilities: n/a Items: n/a ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level: 3 Enemies: Booler (x2) Special Blocks: n/a Items: Bonus Warpstar Find the bonus round warpstar to the left of the pinball block. Where the running figure's armpit would be. =) ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level: 4 Enemies: Squishy (Mini) Special Blocks: Star blocks, Pinball Blocks (x4) Items: Warpstar Hit Squishy several times to get the warpster to the boss. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Stage 2 Boss: Squishy ------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STAGE 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Borderline: 125,000 Bonus Round Warp Star: Level 2 ------------------------------------------------ Level: 1 Enemies: Sparky Special Blocks: n/a Abilities: Spark Items: Bonus warpstar Find the warpstar at the very bottom left. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level: 2 Enemies: Sparky, Birdy (x2) Special Blocks: Switch block Abilities: Spark Items: n/a ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level: 3 Enemies: Wheelie Special Blocks: Switch block Items: Flip The first round where you see the flip item from Wheelie ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level: 4 Enemies: Kabu (Mini) Special Blocks: Star blocks Items: Warpstar Hit Kabu several times to get the warpster to the boss. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Stage 3 Boss: Kabu ------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STAGE 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Borderline: 125,000 Bonus Round Warp Star: Level 3 ------------------------------------------------ Level: 1 Enemies: Blocky (x2) Special Blocks: Pinball Block Abilities: n/a Items: Replica, Flip (x2) ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level: 2 Enemies: Waddle Dee (x2) Special Blocks: Switch block, Pinball block (x2) Abilities: n/a Items: n/a ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level: 3 Enemies: Chucky, Wheelie Special Blocks: Switch block Items: Flip, Replica The first round you see replica. Useful. Find the Bonus round warpstar right to the left of the switch block. Yea, that wasn't a very nice place to put it. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level: 4 Enemies: Poppy Bros. Jr. (Mini) Special Blocks: Star blocks Items: Warpstar Hit Poppy several times to get the warpster to the boss. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Stage 4 Boss: Poppy Brother Senior ------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STAGE 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Borderline: 120,000 Bonus Round Warp Star: Level 3 ------------------------------------------------ Level: 1 Enemies: Rocky (x2), Broomhatter Special Blocks: n/a Abilities: Stone Items: n/a First time stone shows up ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level: 2 Enemies: Rocky Special Blocks: Switch block (x2) Abilities: Stone Items: n/a ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level: 3 Enemies: Rocky, Whirlwind Special Blocks: Bonus warpstar Abilities: Stone Items: Flip Find the Bonus round warpstar at the bottom of the screen to the very right. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level: 4 Enemies: Mr. Shine (Mini) Special Blocks: Star blocks Items: Warpstar Hit Mr. Shine several times to get the warpster to the boss. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Stage 5 Boss: Mr. Shine and Mr Bright ------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STAGE 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Borderline: 120,000 Bonus Round Warp Star: Level 3 ------------------------------------------------ Level: 1 Enemies: Gordo, Birdy (x2) Special Blocks: Switch block, Pinball block Abilities: n/a Items: Crash You have to get crash to complete this level ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level: 2 Enemies: Gordo Special Blocks: Switch block Abilities: n/a Items: Crash ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level: 3 Enemies: Scarfy Special Blocks: Bonus warpstar, Pinball Block (x2) Switch Block Abilities: n/a Items: Crash Find the Bonus round warpstar at the middle of the screen to the very right. Several blocks down from the Pinball block to the very right. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level: 4 Enemies: Mr. Frosty (Mini) Special Blocks: Star blocks Items: Warpstar Hit Mr. Frosty several times to get the warpster to the boss. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Stage 6 Boss: Mr. Frosty ------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STAGE 7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Borderline: 125,000 Bonus Round Warp Star: Level 1 ------------------------------------------------ Level: 1 Enemies: Spikey Special Blocks: bonus warpstar, Switch block, Pinball block Abilities: Spike Items: n/a The bonus warpstar is right on top of the pinball block in the very top left. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level: 2 Enemies: Spikey (x2) Special Blocks: Switch block Abilities: Spike Items: n/a ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level: 3 Enemies: Chilly (x2) Special Blocks: Switch block(x2) Abilities: n/a Items: Flip (x2) First time you meet Chilly - but he has no ability in this game. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level: 4 Enemies: Kracko (Mini) Special Blocks: Star blocks Items: Warpstar Hit Kracko several times to get the warpster to the boss. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Stage 7 Boss: Kracko ------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STAGE 8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Borderline: 138,000 Bonus Round Warp Star: Level 3 ------------------------------------------------ Level: 1 Enemies: Flameye Special Blocks: Switch block, Abilities: Burn Items: Replica Another replica item and the first time you meet Flameye. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level: 2 Enemies: Flameye, Kaboomba Special Blocks: Switch block Abilities: Burn Items: Crash Very nice combo of ability and item here. =) ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level: 3 Enemies: Whirlwind Special Blocks: Bonus Warpstar, Switch block(x2) Abilities: n/a Items: Flip The bonus warpstar is harder to get to this time around. It's right on top of the two switch blocks and to the right of Whirlwind. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level: 4 Enemies: Whispy Woods (Mini) Special Blocks: Star blocks Items: Warpstar Hit Whispy Woods several times to get the warpster to the boss. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Stage 8 Boss: Whispy ------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STAGE 9 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Borderline: 120,000 Bonus Round Warp Star: Level 3 ------------------------------------------------ Level: 1 Enemies: Bouncy Special Blocks: Pinball Block (x2) Abilities: Changer (yey!) Items: n/a Grab the changer here from Bouncy to get whatever ability you like the best. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level: 2 Enemies: Gordo Special Blocks: Pinball block (x2) Abilities: n/a Items: Crash ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level: 3 Enemies: Birdy (x2) Special Blocks: Bonus Warpstar, Switch block(x2) Pinball block Abilities: n/a Items: Flip The bonus warpstar is right on top of the pinball block. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level: 4 Enemies: Kaboola (Mini) Special Blocks: Star blocks Items: Warpstar Hit Kaboola several times to get the warpster to the boss. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Stage 9 Boss: Kaboola ------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STAGE 10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Borderline: 120,000 Bonus Round Warp Star: Level 1 ------------------------------------------------ Level: 1 Enemies: Propeller, Booler Special Blocks: Bonus warpstar Abilities: Changer (yey!) Items: n/a Grab the changer here from propeller to get whatever ability you like the best. Find the warpstar in the grap to the right of Propeller. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level: 2 Enemies: Mumbies, Bouncy Special Blocks: Switch Block Abilities: Changer (yey!) Items: Flip (x2) While those Mumbies are creepy, forget about them and grab the changer from Bouncy if you need it. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level: 3 Enemies: Togezo, Bronto Burt Special Blocks: Switch block Abilities: n/a Items: Crash This level is pretty cool. Just get your ball up through the gap in the left and let it take over from there! It should bounce around the curly tail like level and grab the switch block. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level: 4 Enemies: Robot (Mini) *OFFICIAL NAME UNKNOWN* Special Blocks: Star blocks Items: Warpstar Hit Robot several times to get the warpster to the boss. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Stage 10 Boss: Robot *OFFICIAL NAME UNKNOWN* ------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STAGE 11 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can only access Stage 11 if you have beat the borderlines for all the Stages. A bridge will then appear from Stage 10 to the Bonus Game Island and grant you entrace to King Dedede's Castle. Borderline: n/a Bonus Round Warp Star: none =( ------------------------------------------------ Level: 1 Enemies: Blocky, Bouncy Special Blocks: n/a Abilities: Changer Items: Flip ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level: 2 Enemies: Booler (x2), Propeller Special Blocks: n/a Abilities: Changer (yey!) Items: Flip (x2) ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level: 3 Enemies: Gordo, Mr. UFO (x2) Special Blocks: Star block Abilities: n/a Items: Crash, Flip (x2) The only level Mr. UFO appears in. Cute! =) ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level: 4 Enemies: Climber Guy, Rocky Special Blocks: Star blocks Abilies: Stone Items: Crash The only level Climber Guy appears in. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level: 5 Enemies: Booler (x2), Propeller Special Blocks: Star blocks Abilies: Changer Items: Flip (x2) This level for me was tricky. It's hard to get those power blocks in the tight corners. Don't you agree? =/ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Level: 6 Enemies: Togezo, Propeller Special Blocks: , Warpstar Star blocks Abilies: Changer Items: Crash (x2) Last level! Take the Warpstar for the final showdown. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Stage 11 Boss: King Dedede ------------------------------------------------ **************************************************************************** 8. Boss Guide **************************************************************************** In General, the bosses of Blockball for surprisingly easy. All you can really do is go for them! ------------------------------------------- Stage 1 Boss - Cappy ------------------------------------------- Cappy is the first boss, and he's not too hard. He'll hide under his mushroom cap and try attacking your paddles. Just hit him and he'll soon throw off the cap and call on some smaller cappys to shield him. Knock out the small cappys, and knock him out. ------------------------------------------- Stage 2 Boss - Squishy ------------------------------------------- Squishy doesn't have any real threatening attacks, except if he can, he'll catch your ball if you hit him below and try throwing it at the spikes. ------------------------------------------- Stage 3 Boss - Kabu ------------------------------------------- Kabu isn't too hard, it's just his smaller kabus you have to watch out for. You have so long to try and beat him, before six kabus will come, launching themselves in every direction. They will keep re-appearing until you knock this boss out. ------------------------------------------- Stage 4 Boss - Poppy Brother Senior ------------------------------------------- The only disadvantage you have is the platforms blocking your aim from Poppy. Just try to focus on getting it to where the top paddle (and the sides) do most of the work. He'll throw bombs trying to immobilize your paddles, but otherwise his days are numbered. ------------------------------------------- Stage 5 Boss - Mr. Shine and Mr. Bright ------------------------------------------- It starts with Mr. Shine, who you have to try and hit as much as possible (hopefully enough to beat him) or else he will throw stars at all the paddles immobilizing them. Knock him out, to set the stage for Mr. Bright, who will throw fire balls and such. Keep smashing him and he'll finally bust. By this level, you'll probably have the stone ability, which can help your hits be alot more accurate. ------------------------------------------- Stage 6 Boss - Mr. Frosty ------------------------------------------- Mr. Frosty knows what you intend to do, and he is going to be stubborn about letting you win. He'll stand still, but if you hit him while he's doing this, he'll grab your ball and throw it. He'll quickly shuffle to the left and right trying to knock out your paddles, but try and knock him a.s.a.p.... as this is the only time you really can do so. ------------------------------------------- Stage 7 Boss - Kracko ------------------------------------------- His only real threatening attack is his lightning beam, which will immobilize your paddles... it's unavoidable. Just try and keep hitting him and paddling your ball with small paddles. ------------------------------------------- Stage 8 Boss - Whispy Woods ------------------------------------------- Whispy calls on the help of Gordo aide him in this fight. Gordo will drop from his branches and try and stun the paddles, and then Whispy will try and spit out puffs in defense. Using Fireball works excellent. ------------------------------------------- Stage 9 Boss - Kaboola ------------------------------------------- Kaboola's flying ability won't help her here, but cannons make up for it. She'll shoot off cannons in directions, but that's almost about it. Just keep knocking her ------------------------------------------- Stage 10 Boss - Robot *Official Name Unknown* ------------------------------------------- Robot? If anyone knows the name of this boss please e-mail me! This robot is heavily secured with the platforms making your aim hard. Try to have an ability, which can help. He'll try to knock out your paddles, but again, just keep knocking him. ------------------------------------------- Stage 11 Boss - King Dedede ------------------------------------------- To get to King Dedede you must have beaten the border line on every stage. You'll see King Dedede in three forms here: 1) He'll throw bombs 2) Will swallow the ball if shot at him from below 3) He'll shoot rockets at every paddle. Just try to overcome his attacks and finish him off. **************************************************************************** 9. Bonus Games **************************************************************************** When you get a Bonus round warpstar in any of the games, you can go to the bonus round island and choose from 4 cool little games to up your lifes. Find these warpstars in the following levels: 1-2, 2-3, 3-1, 4-3, 5-3 6-3, 7-1, 8-3, 9-3 and 10-1 For more indepth info on how to get these warpstars exactly, check out the level guide. -------------------------------------- Air Hockey -------------------------------------- In Air Hockey, are you up against Mr. UFO. While this isn't too tough of a match. While the ball is in motiobn, try to as close to your opponent as possible and mimick his every move. If you win, some extra lives will be awarded. 1 life per goal, 3 goals maximum. -------------------------------------- Up Down -------------------------------------- This game is the easiest as you can't loose your ball and you'll always win something! Just hit the cards until you match! King Dedede Match = 1-UP Warp Star Match = 2-UP Kirby Match = 3-UP -------------------------------------- Up Cloud -------------------------------------- In this game, you are trying to knock the clouds up to their prize - but you can knock them down and loose your ball too. -------------------------------------- Star Catcher -------------------------------------- Probably the hardest of all the games, Kirby will be in the middle shooting a combo of bombs and stars. Catch the stars with your paddles, but avoid the bombs. It gets fast and you need quite a few stars to get some 1-ups. **************************************************************************** 10. Secrets and Codes **************************************************************************** Secrets (Not really, but it's the only one =) ---------------------------------------------- - After beating all the borderlines and King Dedede, go his castle and press B. Now you have access to the Bonus Games whenever you want. Yey? =/ Codes ------------------------------------------------ Game Shark Codes: (From www.cmgsccc.com) - Infinite Lives 0109C9C1 - Always Play In Through Block Mode With Timer Stuck At 97 010FD6C2 **************************************************************************** 11. Closing / Thanks **************************************************************************** Well, that's about it. I think I've made this guide as complex as one can stand. =) Anything I missed, overlooked or whatever, e-mail me at KindarSpirit@yahoo.com Thanks to: - Everyone at Rainbow Resort (http://www.classicgaming.com/kirby) - YOU for reading this. ;D Bye! `-. .-' : : K--:--:--S : : .-' `-. THE END